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1Wt8 $4LSIEIscEf<br />

who sen'es EE the rank-<br />

lng mamb+t on the Itrterstate flnd Forelgn<br />

Comerce Coftmltt€e reportlng out<br />

thls leclsletion. As a very eminent lawyer<br />

ffid onetime judge. he ls Bbly quellfled<br />

to sulde the destinies of this vera lrnportant<br />

comtnlftee of the House. He is<br />

very thorough Rnd meticulous in his<br />

work, h<strong>and</strong>li:ig soine of the most sensitlvc<br />

lesislallott in the congress hnving<br />

to do with irlterstat€ commcrce. Mcmbrrs<br />

of thls Houc hBve the utmost confldence<br />

in his carefid welghlng of 8ll the<br />

Bfgulnents <strong>and</strong> in his ultimate decisions.<br />

f $urely intend to suptsrt his arnendment<br />

to thls blll tr$ R ntre.ssaty improvetnent<br />

Rnd I do lntend to suppott the biu<br />

on linal passage,<br />

I musi join with those, Mr. chRirm8n'<br />

who heretnfore thi.c aftemoof, lrave made<br />

the Lloint thRt mere passaee of this legislation<br />

will rnakc no deci(tFd dent in lhe<br />

tramc fai:aliLy rat€. As the genlleman<br />

from cali.iorniii IMr. YotrNcER] pointed<br />

out ln his esrlier remark$, we cad force<br />

the aut[moblle manuJacturers to illstsll<br />

seat belts, but we caflnot force the driver<br />

of passenger to buckle the seet b€1L5, <strong>and</strong><br />

the statlstlcs cited bv the Eentleman<br />

Irom Californlb IMr. YoUNGER] are<br />

ample evidence of thls.<br />

The Accident Prevention Divlslon oi<br />

the U.S. Prrbilc Health Servlce has<br />

fl.nrinced the fllmlns of ddver behavlor<br />

for over 300 drivers ln Wa$hington' D.C'<br />

Thes drivers. selected Bt r<strong>and</strong>om. were<br />

fllmed f or 5 minutes of continuous<br />

drivitrB without thetr knowledge, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

fllms show thet 9? percent of the drivers<br />

conr.rnltted at lest one error during thls<br />

ttme <strong>and</strong> 38 percelrt were guilty of at<br />

leEst ond vlclatlon.<br />

The average number of error-$ sEs<br />

9.18. As expected, slleedlng was the most<br />

frequent error, noted ln 87 percent of<br />

the cases. Failure to $tey ln one's own<br />

lane wBS noted in 63 Percent of the<br />

cBses.<br />

These tests simFly reemptHslze "vhat<br />

we elready know. The key tu lnost trsffic<br />

safety i6 the drlver himself irnd I think<br />

It would be treglc lf t.llis leglslBtiorr u'ere<br />

to take the spotllght from the role of the<br />

driver <strong>and</strong> place it solely on the road und<br />

the vehlcle.<br />

I camot refraln lrom makinE fientlon,<br />

tm, Mr. chalrfilsn, of the frishtenlng<br />

rate of accidents directly attributable to<br />

drunken drivers or those comumirlg<br />

varylng degrees of alcohollc beverBges'<br />

I've been trying for $everal Inontls to<br />

draft a piece of legislf,tion thst would<br />

get st this p&rticulat problem <strong>and</strong> have<br />

run into all kirds of problems. W:hen I<br />

was over in Sweden thls sprlng' I learned<br />

that atryone picked up for dmiken drivlng<br />

ls automatically lhrown in jail for a<br />

30-day sttnt <strong>and</strong> therc 8re no exceptions<br />

to the rule. I! was itrterestlng to note<br />

whlle altending several soclal functlonE<br />

where al\rotrol wss ctnsumed that at least<br />

one drlver of each automoblle at ihe affatr<br />

totelly Bbstalnecl for that evenlng.<br />

The law ts $trlctly enforced <strong>and</strong> lt ls<br />

psylng cllvidends.<br />

Ou problem stems from the fact tb,et<br />

we have a considerably difierent Constitutton<br />

End to dfsft f, blll th4t does not<br />

treBd upon sn lndlvldual's constltutloml<br />

rlghts to do celtaln things is extremely<br />

difficult, but we hope to come up with t<br />

sterter lrl the near future.<br />

rn concluslon, Mr. Chalrman, the per8ntount<br />

consideration <strong>and</strong> clntrollltrg<br />

fsctrr in autonrot)ile safety i6 the driver,<br />

s,nd it is indeed dimcult to control him<br />

by Federal edict.<br />

TIr. STAGGERS. Mr. ChBITrnEN, I<br />

yield such ti-rne BS he may require to the<br />

gentleman from Mlchlgen [Mr,<br />

DTNoELLI.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chah'man. I want<br />

to thank my chairmen for his kindness<br />

in yielding to rne. Thele sre s nmber<br />

of points I rvdnt til raise with respect to<br />

the corttents of thls legislstion, parucularly,<br />

I hope, dealins wlth questions of<br />

lcad time Nhich is une of vital import$ce<br />

to the industry which is one oI<br />

the princirriil ernployer$ in the dl$trict<br />

that I hilve the honor to represent ln<br />

Congress.<br />

As the rnembership of the coftmittee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> anyone else familiar with the industry<br />

knows, lead ttfle is a lno$t important<br />

lnatter. Modern cBrs are complefi<br />

mechanisms, mede up oI over 14,000 lnt€rrelated<br />

pf,rtE. This complexlty <strong>and</strong><br />

the looling <strong>and</strong> other tequilements for<br />

hlgh volme rnass production ntre$$itate<br />

B substsntial perlod between m initiel<br />

design concept md productlon. Currently<br />

lt takes a, period of 2 yeErs or 60<br />

in the indutry to accompllsh the neces-<br />

$ary de$i8xr, engineerlntr End testttg work<br />

to procure the materials <strong>and</strong> toollng <strong>and</strong><br />

to lsy out the production Une. It al8o<br />

tehes time to Erake chmecs. WhEt<br />

seemg to be a simple ch8nFe to &ccompllsh<br />

ln one part of $tructue may neceBsltstd<br />

B serles of difficult change$ or adjutmentE<br />

in other3, &nd considerable<br />

time can be requlred for that, ranElna<br />

from e few monthJ to rs much Bs 2 YeatE<br />

or ffiore. Because leed tlme ls so tnportant,<br />

lt B one of the factors thEt thc<br />

blll empowers <strong>and</strong> requlres the <strong>Sec</strong>retst'y<br />

to take into accomt ln estdbllsltlng<br />

st<strong>and</strong>hrds. end the S€ctetary has stEted<br />

that he will do so.<br />

Thus the bill in section 103 requlre8<br />

that staJrdards must be practicable antl<br />

thet the <strong>Sec</strong>retary must consider whether<br />

they are reason8ble, practlcable. <strong>and</strong><br />

sppropriate for the partlculaf type ol<br />

vehlcle or eouipment for whlch they Brd<br />

prescribed. Obvlously, & stEndard ls not<br />

practicable or reasonable if lt calxrot<br />

be met by the best efforts of manufactuers<br />

within the constralnts of tlme <strong>and</strong><br />

technolo8y. As the commlttee's repolt<br />

states, "StBhderds, of course, dannot be<br />

*t in B vtruum," <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Sec</strong>retary, in<br />

seiiirl8: studards, ls requircd to glve<br />

con$ideratlon to "aU relevsnt fbctors, lncludlng<br />

technologlcal Ebllity to achlevg<br />

the goAl of a partlcular stanilerd es well<br />

&s consideratiorr of economic fectots."<br />

ArnonB those economlc fectors whlch the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary wiU have to conslder ls the<br />

mBtter of adequatd le&d tlme. As thB<br />

Depattment of commerce advlsed ln a<br />

letter dated Jue 3, 1s66, to the chalrulan:<br />

Tb6 tests of rtuoqablGnega ot cost. fesl.<br />

btuty sEd adequata lcsd tiEe thoutd bO<br />

lncludrd amon8 those lactoB whlch the Sd'<br />

retsy could coDalder h hahlng htt tot8l<br />

ludBmeat.<br />


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