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5gto tle NsUon, to tndustry es sell<br />

rr to the generel publlc, tl we could develop<br />

a pradtlcal vehlcle whlch corild<br />

teroe aa a model for motor sBfety.<br />

Before closlng let me congratulatt the<br />

fnterstst€ end Forelgn commerce Cofitmittec<br />

tor the excellent Job they dld tn<br />

presentlng thls so very vltel leglslhtlon<br />

to us.<br />

Thett ls much work that must be done<br />

before our highwsys will really be safe<br />

to drive on. A great deal of re$€arch<br />

rnEt be undertaken. Ssfety $t<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

must be determlned <strong>and</strong> tllen mhde<br />

eflectlve f,Il acros our Nation- Our task<br />

ls enormous. bul the Trafrc <strong>and</strong> Motor<br />

Vehicle Safe[y Act, elong wlth its complement,<br />

thc Hlghway Sajety Act. $iU at<br />

least enable u.s to besh.<br />

There ls no doubt ln my Inind-End<br />

there should be none in atryone clse'F<br />

that the pronlotlon oI tratic altd motor<br />

vetricle sefety b well rvithln ilre provlnce<br />

ol the Federsl Governrtlent. It is denn-<br />

Itely s Federal responsibllity sE a'ell as B<br />

StEie End locBl one. If ever there wa$<br />

an lntrrstate lrrstmrhent, lt ls the motor<br />

vehlcle. It ls the only such mode ot<br />

trarlsport for wruch no FederBl st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

exist. we must end this f,notnaly.<br />

We mui end the cErnEge on out hlchweys.<br />

Mr. STACTGEREI. Mr. ChelrmEn. I<br />

yleld such ilme l$ he mEy consue to<br />

the Bentleman from Okls.tlotrls [Mt.<br />

JaRu^H I .<br />

Mr, JARMAN. Mr. ChBIrmBn, I rsts<br />

unanlfiou con$ent to extend Ey 16,<br />

lharks at thls poht, t$ the REcorD.<br />

The CHAIR"MAI{. IB there objecuon<br />

to the request of thc senueman lrom<br />

Oklahoms?<br />

There wa,s no objectlon.<br />

Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Chalrmafl, I rlse<br />

in support of H.Ft. 13228. as amended.<br />

Mr. ChaltEM. the nefil lot a vl8oroug.<br />

sy$tfmBtlc BttMk on the problem ot<br />

deBth, lhJury, anrl destrucuon on the Nation's<br />

hlEhwEys hss long been recognlzed.<br />

Although a Erest deal of sehsailonaltsE<br />

recently hes b€en dlrected toward the<br />

problem of hlghway safety. our committee<br />

has thoroughly Bnfllyzerl the complex,<br />

itles of a coordtnf,ted nattonal safety progral|l<br />

<strong>and</strong> has emersed with r bill which<br />

clarlfles the lssues End produces B workable<br />

$olutlon to a very comFlex problem.<br />

The btu Frovides for B nBtlonBl Dro-<br />

Eram of hlghway sefety, lacluding ilien-<br />

BlncBtlon of research llrto the causE of<br />

hlghwey eccldents, lmprovement of safety<br />

stEndErds for the hlghway vehlcle <strong>and</strong><br />

the drlver, Bnd for a$slstEnce end encourflgement<br />

to the StEtes to develoD<br />

Progrems of hlghway sEfety.<br />

On6 of the reatures of ttle btU that<br />

mBkes lt rnoEt worktrble ls the asp€ct ot<br />

Etate nertlclpatlon. The blU gtves Fedcral<br />

leadership to th6 drlve for lncrea*d<br />

tBnc ssfety but malntatrr3 the trEdltlonal<br />

cmperattou betwRn Stet€ anel<br />

Federal Euthorittes <strong>and</strong> between publlc<br />

End prlvBte efiorta. Thts esDtrt makes<br />

the b[l intd Bn sdidlnlstratlyely neilble<br />

pro8raur whlch wlll systeEBtlcElltrr mar.shsl<br />

thc Natlon's resources to reduce<br />

trafuc acctdenta, deatlu, lnJurle8, Bnd<br />

damagg'<br />

Mr. Chelrm8n, f aE corvlnced that<br />

the blll belore us todly rcpreenta tho<br />

House Debate<br />

Eost eficcuve apprwch tn he€t|[8 t.bc<br />

challenge ol lncrrss€d tra.f,c selety, snd<br />

urge lt5 Epproval by thlB HoH.<br />

Mr. STAGGEF.g. Mr. CheltEeD, I<br />

yield 5 minutes to the gentlemsn troE<br />

Kentucky I Mr. F^RNSLEYl.<br />

Mf. FARNSLEY. Mr. Chairun <strong>and</strong><br />

mr mlleagues, I wlll addrus myself to<br />

shBt is td me the most itnlmrtmt phas€<br />

of ttlis problem, the hi8hwfly<br />

Yesterday Lhere came to my ot0ce B<br />

notlce from the sffiretary of stat4 of<br />

lhc Commonwealth of Kentucky thBt 30<br />

yeafli ago I rcFistered sith them. for gl,<br />

the FlBrnsley plen for safe hlHhways. I<br />

will not send them another douaf, sd it<br />

is ln the pubUc domdln. This keeps Ere<br />

lrcm hEving a con-nict of interest-<br />

The public roads people do not meEll<br />

eny hErm, but they klll more people ths.n<br />

everybody else put tdge[her.<br />

'fhey<br />

have<br />

absolutrly rro idea of what tt tsJtes tO<br />

get a safe highsay or, ll.they have an<br />

ldea, they do not do it b€cause they sre<br />

so pressed io build Inore fllles.<br />

II we look Et the records, we flnd ttrst<br />

the cities which have lt-stened to the<br />

trEfrc en8llreers hBve accldent flBrrrer<br />

Boing down, down, down.<br />

In Iiuisville for the pst 20 yeErs that<br />

has happened. We did lt by improving<br />

for sefety, 125 of 650 mll$ of strRts,<br />

Ilr the cltls which heve listened to thc<br />

trafrc en8ineers the arcldents go rloFE<br />

<strong>and</strong> down.<br />

The mBjor tools are one-w&y streeta,<br />

one-way highways <strong>and</strong> properly illuslneted<br />

streft$ *nd hi*hways. ef cour$d,<br />

q e need prop€r si.gnelization end prcper<br />

lmes <strong>and</strong> $o fotttr. AII ol theE c8n<br />

help.<br />

The autodoblle merely kEpa B per8ou<br />

from Eetttng hurt after he has had a,tr<br />

sccident. Goo

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