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Congressional Record-Houee<br />

August 17, 1966, 19625- f9674<br />



Mr. MADDtItl. Mr, Bp€tker, by dlructlon<br />

of the CM.Blttse on Rulcs. I Cill<br />

up Hou$e Rtsolutlon 96S 8nd ask lor lts<br />

l-ErBedlst€ curslderutlon.<br />

Ttre Clerk teed the reeolutlon, as fol-<br />

Iowa:<br />

E. RB. 066<br />

Rcrcl"ed, That upon thc ado'puon dl tbl!<br />

ffiolutlon lt Ghall be in order to mov6 thai<br />

thG IIol& rerolv6 lkelf lnk) the Comltteo<br />

ol ths Wbole Hous on the Strte of the<br />

Unlon lor the corrElderstlon ol the blll (H.R.<br />

13t18) to provldc lor a coordlnoted natl()nol<br />

slety pros?Bm <strong>and</strong> Htabllshmenn ol Ealcty<br />

atendarda lor motor vehlcles ln inkratate<br />

ffimtrce td reduce fafrc accldonts arld the<br />

d6athr, InrurleE, snd property damagG whlch<br />

ecw ln Eucn Eccldents. Alts Eenclal deb*te,<br />

whlch Ehall be snined to the bul snd<br />

Bhall Ftlttnue not to excecd threo houfr, td<br />

bc Gqually dlvlded Bnd controllcd by th6<br />

ch8lrman <strong>and</strong> t*hhln8 mlnorlty member Oi<br />

th€ Cl}rrmltteG oil lhter8tst€ <strong>and</strong> Forel8n<br />

Ooffiorce. thc blll Ehall t)e rstd lor ffiendmont<br />

under the nvc-mlDut4 rult. It Ehi{ll<br />

bo ln ofder [o conclder tllo cubstltulo trmrndmeDt<br />

rHotnrtrended by the Comltt€e oD Intent8tc<br />

<strong>and</strong> Forel8n Commefct now lh thc<br />

bllt fnd ruoh rubrututr lof tha pufpm of<br />

Em6ndm6nt rhBll be conslderBd under the<br />

flvc-mlnutp lule &a an orlBlnal blll. At the<br />

conclualoh of Errch conslderatlon the Comhlttee<br />

Bhall rlae <strong>and</strong> report the blll to the<br />

Hou6 wltll luch amendments aa may have<br />

lftn adopted, <strong>and</strong> aAy Meml*r may derurnd<br />

B BepatEte vote ln the IIouft on any of the<br />

mendments adopted ln th6 Commltteo ol<br />

tho U/hol6 to th6 blll or cohmltt4o !ub8tltut€.<br />

Tht pretloua questlon rbtll be conBtdtred<br />

u ordeied on the blll <strong>and</strong> amendmGnb<br />

thoroto to flnBl Pffi*8e slthout intervonlnB<br />

hotlon ercepi one motton to rem|Imtt wlth<br />

or $lthout lnstructlonr. Alter the ps$Ege<br />

ol H.R. 132?8. tbe Commlttee on Int8Etab<br />

<strong>and</strong> ForGlEn CoEherce shall be dl*hsBcd<br />

lroh tho lurther mnaldffatlon ol the blll<br />

(S- 3006). <strong>and</strong> lt shsll then be ln order ln<br />

tlb Hou8s to move b Etrlke out atl arter Ult<br />

eD4ctln8 clauae of sld tienste bul <strong>and</strong> ln-<br />

Ert ln lltu thereql the provlElonr @DhlnGd<br />

ln H.R. 13118 u puGd the Hou*.<br />

The APEAIiER. The Eentlemf,n froE<br />

InrllenB ls reco8nlzed for I hour.<br />

Mr. MA.DDEN. Mr. sp€Eker, I Yleld<br />

30 mlnutes to the centleman lrom <strong>Ten</strong>nesee<br />

[Mr. QurLLENl, pendlru whlch I<br />

yleld mysll Euch time ag I mey consume.<br />

Mr. BrEBker, HolH FleBolution 985<br />

provldes for conslderatlon of II.R'. 13228,<br />

I blU to provide for a coordlnated natlonrl<br />

Bsfety progratn <strong>and</strong> estBbllshment<br />

ol Bslety Bt<strong>and</strong>ard8 for motor vehlcles<br />

h lnterstBte commerce. Its enMtment<br />

wlll retluce trEllc Bccldents, deathr, ln-<br />

Jurlee, end property tla,mtSe whlch occut<br />

ln such eEcldeutr, Th6 re8olutlon<br />

provldes Bn open rule wlth 3 hour8 ol<br />

EGncral alebqte, rrrEklna lt ln order to<br />

consldor ttre Eub8tltute E6 ln orlglnrl<br />

blll tor tlrr purpo!6 ol a|n6ndmcnt. Ttc<br />

resdlutlon al8o me'he8 lt ln order to dlscheJse<br />

tbe Comrnlttee on hterrt8t€ end<br />

Eorelan Corlrtnerce lfom lurther con-<br />

718<br />

{lderetlon ol B. 3005, strlEo out all alter<br />

tlre enactln8 cl8use Bnd lrucrt tlre lrnfuBge<br />

ol the House bul.<br />

It h$B been rellsbly oEtlmated th8t<br />

over 30,000 persons wlll dle on orrf hlghway8<br />

ln 1968 snd urue8s e bro8d-scsle<br />

rttach 18 promDtly dlrectrd at thls ptobl€h,<br />

lt Bppesrs JuBt as certaln tlrat somc<br />

100,000 AEretlcsnt wlll dle ia the rerult<br />

ol trefrc Bcclllent ln 191S,<br />

Durlng thc h€iflncs before the leglslatlve<br />

co[|mltt€. lt E'er Folnt6d out thrt<br />

dlrcG 196l TG hETe lst rbout fouf, tlEct<br />

J.E8qy<br />

|tr tfanc<br />

Eenbers<br />

accldents<br />

of the irued tervlcc!<br />

es Ere have ln coEbf,t<br />

In VletDdrr.<br />

In illdltlon<br />

rrilllotrs who<br />

!o the deaths, there Efc<br />

have sufiered $evere <strong>and</strong><br />

Fcmanent lnjurle6,<br />

of la.st yebi'E trBflc<br />

Ttle cct in dollaf8<br />

adcldents hro been<br />

e8timrted Bt S8 blUlon End the cost ld<br />

terms of grlel <strong>and</strong> sufierlng ls lmmeaeursble,<br />

Passehgers ilding In vehlcles movlng<br />

et speeds of 60 End ?0 miles per horu'<br />

or even higher speerl nee

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