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ebout both tlte eccusation8 end the Bly<br />

lnferences that I have heard hnd read<br />

about the wotkers end Eranf,gement of<br />

the autoftobi;e industry. I do not llke<br />

the lnference tirat the industry <strong>and</strong> the<br />

wortsers ere not deeply con$cious of<br />

E6fety. Ahyone who talls you l,his $lmply<br />

has not been ln an autohobile pl8.tit<br />

or is distorting the truth.<br />

In coDclusion, I would simply suggeet<br />

to tny colleaBues that when you leave<br />

the Chamber t0 return to your homes<br />

toniglrt <strong>and</strong> you lasten your seatbelts<br />

Bnd lock your car doors lor by d.oil\g<br />

this y6s wlll probably be doing $ymbollcally<br />

as much for aulo safely as Efly plece<br />

of legislation that csn be wrttten. Certalnly,<br />

this is a far more constructlve<br />

<strong>and</strong> efiectire approsch than all the<br />

soapbox oratory, the etnotionEl appeal$<br />

<strong>and</strong> the search lor *apegoats End con-<br />

Eplracies that have pr€yed upon the<br />

lesltlmate corceln of all Asrerlcans lor<br />

sefety on ouf hlgh\.l ays. I erh personally<br />

satisfled that es a result of the debate ln<br />

<strong>and</strong> out of Congres, the charges rhade<br />

ln recent rnonth.s against the dutomobile<br />

workers <strong>and</strong> industry have been exposed<br />

to the Amerlcan people as gro6s over-<br />

6ljnpllfications.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

yield 3 tninute$ to the sentleman from<br />

New York IMr'. iIALPERN].<br />

Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

would llke to exFress By full enil enthuslmtic<br />

support for th€ proposd Natlonal<br />

Traffic snd Motor Vehicle S8fety Act. of<br />

1966. Slnce the days when I was a memb€r<br />

of the New York Stat€ Eenat+, where<br />

I served for E years E-s chd.hrnan of the<br />

Joint Ifgt$letlve Commiitee on Motor<br />

Vehlcles. I hete edyocat€d a more active<br />

goverrufi€ntsl role ln enmu'aginEl trBllic<br />

safety. f have ln the past introduced<br />

leslsletion similar ln efiect to the trafiic<br />

E8fety bill. Thts bill, along with the<br />

hiehv'ay safety b'll wNch we B'1ll consider<br />

next, represenls the long overdue<br />

f,nd vltelly necesB&ry Federal resrnh$e to<br />

a problefrt e,s old s Our entu'y- we<br />

Ehoulil pas$ lt es weU as lts compehlon<br />

hlchwey sbfety blll, ln ffi stronEt B form<br />

as possible-<br />

Since I900 more then 1.5 mlllion Amerlcans<br />

trEve died ln traftc trcid€nttssub-<br />

Etsntlfllly more than the number oI ca6ualties<br />

ln ell Ameflcsn wars; Certelnly<br />

this ls an astonishlng, almost lncredlble<br />

tr&gedy.<br />

Whet 16 even more importallt, tl)ough,<br />

ls thet the problem of tramc safety-or<br />

FerhaFs better put, the problem of the<br />

lack of trafnc ssfety sderu to be growlng<br />

more <strong>and</strong> more serlouB. In the 1960's<br />

there has btrn e shBrD rlse ln fatalltles<br />

compared to the reletlvGly Bteble Ferlod<br />

of ttlc 1950's when the aillual numb€t<br />

of deaths already ran6ged between the<br />

horrendou flFures of 35,000 Bnd 39,000.<br />

Accolding to the Natlons) salety Councll,<br />

lagt year, In 1965, 49,000 Aherlcaro<br />

were killed in trafnc sccidcntE. Futher.<br />

1-8 miulon were disbled <strong>and</strong> another<br />

1.8 mlulon suflered minor lnjurie$. The<br />

eggregate mst of the nccidents was estimateal<br />

at $8.5 btllton in prcperty alamage,<br />

wege8 lost, medlcal exp€ns€s, end lnsuance<br />

pelmenf,s-<br />

Thffie few brlel Etatl8tlcs 6peak tor<br />

them8€lved. I a.m fllre all of you are<br />

Tamdlar slth their me$$age, Whatever<br />

eflofls to promotr tra,fic ae.Iety heve so<br />

fEr been underteken, whether by industry,<br />

nonproflt org&ni?ation, or State or<br />

lftal gorerrutent, thesc efforts have unlorLurtstely<br />

proyed lnadequate. Something<br />

more must be done, ud the Federal<br />

Goverment must, mEke sure thet lt<br />

is done. Oiherr'lse, e.cmrdinE to expert<br />

analysls, the cu-rrent, average of 1,000<br />

hlghwBy datlr$ per week wlll double ln<br />

t}le next decede. It Is not utresonEble<br />

to estlm8te that unlN efiecLive Federal<br />

Sctlol\ ls taken, deaill\ on the NatiLon's<br />

}iEhways may re6+h I00,000 anltue.lly by<br />

l9?5.<br />

There is, of coul'se, ho Blngle cause of<br />

tra.frc rccidenls; <strong>and</strong> so we should not<br />

lodh for Rnv mf,nistic solution t{} the<br />

problem whlch foces u.(. Any effettive<br />

epproach to tJre proble$r \Nill have to be<br />

a hultifaceted one whldh touches upon<br />

Et lelst four prlnclFle ltems: the drlver,<br />

the roa.d. law enJorcement, end tlre cer.<br />

Together, the proposed Highwrry shd<br />

TtEfEc sBlety Acts of 1966 Frovide Just<br />

such Ls multlfBcrt€d EpproEch-<br />

The trsfic $afety bill, H.R. 13228,<br />

sthlch we are nos coroiderlng, fmu.ses<br />

primarily on Just one cr)mpolteltt OI the<br />

trefrc sfety problem-the motor vehlcle<br />

Itself. T'tris blll authorizes Lhe <strong>Sec</strong>retsr"y<br />

of Cornmerce to eslabllsh Federa.l mlnimum<br />

stsndard.$ for mo[or vehicle snd<br />

motor vehlcle eqEipment perfolmance.<br />

It elso authorizes the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to conduct<br />

8"nd prromote motor vehlcle sfety<br />

research, developm€nt, <strong>and</strong> ttrting. F\rrther,<br />

tfie blll lncorporute$ tire sL&ndbrd<br />

provlsloro similar to tho'se oorrt8.ined ln<br />

the $rnat€-pas6ed Tire Safety Acl,, es<br />

well as in H.R. 14190, L blll I introduc€d<br />

nryself.<br />

H-R. f3228 is an excellent plece of<br />

leSlslatton hs lt Dow st<strong>and</strong>s. It signlflcantly<br />

strengtherls the Senate version of<br />

the trat0c sfety biu by coverins trucks<br />

arrd b$es currently regulEted by the lffttrstate<br />

Commerce Coftmission end by<br />

Buthorizing the establishmeht of FtsderEI<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards for uBed vehicleE wlthln 2<br />

yesrs after enacfuflent of the blu. I be-<br />

Iieve, however, that tt ls unnroesssrlly<br />

weaker tlrBn the genate blll in the erea<br />

of enforcement. It does not lnclude severel<br />

en-forcement <strong>and</strong> lnvestigEtory<br />

tlleasures Bppealing in the Scnate verslon,<br />

such as civil penaltleE for manufacturers<br />

fBiling to notify owners md<br />

dealers of salety defffts, <strong>and</strong> provisions<br />

for on-slt€ inspection of manufacturer's<br />

premises by the <strong>Sec</strong>retaly with penslties<br />

for any noncompliance discovered durlnF<br />

the fuTpections, I bclieve we $hould<br />

carefully coLsidef amendin8 H-R. 132?8<br />

to bring it into conformity wlth the senatc<br />

bill ln these matters.<br />

I would also like to recommend one<br />

further sddition, <strong>and</strong> thi$ i$ a provislon<br />

from snother of my b111s, H.R. f5060,<br />

whtch tt$eu contelns most of the baslc<br />

elehents of the reportrd traf0c safety<br />

btll. This provlslon wou]tl speciflcally<br />

Euthorize the S€cretary of commerce to<br />

cefry out & progrem to alevelop proto'<br />

type safe vehlcles. These specl$l prototype<br />

cars would embody ttle selety<br />

deslgn$ developed a$ a result of the re-<br />

Bearch udertatsen anrl promotcd bv the<br />

$ecretary. I belleve lt would be a great<br />


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