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lhduitry prolrclrt<br />

$,L$g<br />

world ellhtllatrc<br />

lrqr tlte prejent lCCtlOtr lll(b) the<br />

rcqlllr{tDrl,rt, tlrit mnnqlaetUrers e$tattllBh<br />

al,(l lrtrrlill.tjn riuch rfcotda tuB the StCret,ilfy<br />

hily rplsolilhly rcqulre End also the provlalon<br />

thj,t htflnufacturers shsll permit oti(er8<br />

dcAlSDnLCd b'' thc <strong>Sec</strong>retery to lnEpect spprOprlatc<br />

b(xrrt'i, pirper5, recards flhd decumsnts,<br />

These llr(,!liililnR In the AdnllnlHtratlon trlll<br />

are tnrportilttt meirn8 lor the tjer-rctary to<br />

enauro coBrl)llAnce Utth the Act f,Dd Bhoulcl<br />

not be Ilmlnrrlcd.<br />

td) sFcttoll 113 of the Admlnlstrf,tion ltlll<br />

would reqrrire the <strong>Sec</strong>reLsry to uilllEc t,he<br />

6ervlccs, rcscf,rch, f,nd tesilnB tnc|lliles of<br />

(rther drpilrtmcntB ahd {Ferlclea to the mf,xlnttrrlr<br />

ctt(:nt l)rr(;tlcrblt lil alrder to rvold<br />

duplicf,tlon in facllltles <strong>and</strong> iirrvlces, The<br />

Industry prQplrill w(rrrld f,dd to thlF provlllon<br />

tho rcqulrenrfrlt thtrt t,he <strong>Sec</strong>retary utl-<br />

Ilze the tncllttten of cemDetent JrrlvAtE agen-<br />

Cles t{} llrc mftxlnluh {rttent prnctlcrhte, It<br />

would be undfElrable to llrnlt the flexlbiltty<br />

ol the liectft:rry in tbiE mtrnn{.r, He Ehould<br />

tre lrr* lo tlcc prlvxte facilitlcti to l,he e*tent<br />

he (letermlnes to bc da:atrshle. Moreovcr, ln<br />

thlF (:(ilrL{x:tl{)n we llelleve the AdmlDtBtr8tlotr<br />

blll lih{)Uld cleally stete ttrflt the Becretirry<br />

his p()wer to undcrtnhe re$earch Rnd<br />

devclopmcnl qlf exl)crimenl,al f,UtometrlleB,<br />

In vlcw ol Lltt hlghly concentr^ted sttucture<br />

ol tl)c lrlrlltr:tty thts eddltlon*l BOUrCe Of<br />

rcscarch irrr(j lhoovation would be vSIUEbl€,<br />

te) firct,l{,n l0?tb) [102(l)<br />

(]t the InduFl,ry<br />

btlll would lje rmcnded to require the Sccretary<br />

to l;lve due {x)nFlderFtJon to the crtterln<br />

o! <strong>Sec</strong>tlon 102(h), dlFcuEBed at lenEth tn<br />

pert l2) :rl'(,ve, ln determlulng the etrecttve<br />

dBte lor st:lhdords, Our comments eRrlle!<br />

wlth rerpect to these crtterle apFly here M<br />

well.<br />

(f) The lndustry propffieB to add a new<br />

tecLlon Il{ whlch would provtdc that tn b<br />

4lvll acth)n far infrlngement ol a patent<br />

ol the unlted stAt6a wheie thc dolcndant<br />

estBblishes thnt the lnfrtrlBemeht war ncc$-<br />

6ary for c{trnpllance wlth & lederal motor<br />

vehlcle salety sLRndArd, reltef strsll be COnflned<br />

to a ref,conilble royatLv fqr mehlrlg or<br />

uBtn8 the pitented ltrvehilon, Whue lt appear6<br />

to be lntendtrd thst tlrlr plovlrlon<br />

*pply l() rll petents, "pEt€nts ol the Unttcd<br />

Etrtes Inlght b{: lnterpietcd to mesn Fateht{<br />

owned by the lJDltcd $iEteE Governhebt, ln<br />

whlch ciiie the provislon would hsve very<br />

llmlted efrect. FerhitpE a dlfierent descrlptlon<br />

oI the piltentri cevered Eheuld be choae[.<br />

Thls pr(rvlElon catr uDnccessErlly dult the<br />

lncentlre for Bny mehber o( the lhduttry or<br />

Eny llrdep<strong>and</strong>ent pnrt mf,nufacturer to pu8h<br />

le8e&rch, The p(sstblltty of E now delcrr66<br />

lrr lnlrlngemeDt ectlohB, wlrlch wul bi pasEd<br />

uFon by E nunrber ol dlflerent courts EEd<br />

nrsy lGtrd to dlverBlh8 corrclualonA at to the<br />

"neceaslty'<br />

for llcensiug, would lncreaae patont<br />

lllISatlon <strong>and</strong>, would Bubttantlslly queltly<br />

the exptrtEtlon lor rtward6 ot prospecttve<br />

PAtent holdors-<br />

ellect Ftth reBpect to a hotdf vehlclG or ttcm<br />

Of motor vttrlcle equlpmeht,6tate st<strong>and</strong>trrd8<br />

Wlth reslEct theleto would be null snd yold.<br />

The lndrlstry Eectton l0g(l) would p!e_<br />

ehpt Etatc st<strong>and</strong>8rds only tf they dlfier from<br />

lederal Ettrhd8tdB, conslstent stth the Epproilch<br />

followed tn the TtrG S^tety Blll.<br />

fitlch En Amendment reems deslreble ahd<br />

SAy he neces$Ary to enalrle the rt4teS tO<br />

lmpoBe Bt<strong>and</strong>Erd6 tor u6ed cars<br />

l'he Bureau ol the BudBet ha3 f,dvlsed thAt<br />

thBrG |! no olrJmtlon to thr aubmls8lon ot<br />

thl8 report (rom th€ at8ndpolnt of the AdmlnlEtratlon'a<br />

progr{m,<br />

\qthcerely,<br />

RAusEy CLARK.<br />

Dcput! Attfrncy Gttniral,<br />

DEPART-MFNI or JvsncE.<br />

Atrrl 6, 1966.<br />

IlqfidfEltlc WARREN a"]. M^cNssoN.<br />

A lLalrnf,n, C(frm'l.tttc On<br />

On the other h8nd, we r*ognl4 thFt ther€<br />

hsy tre Eltustlons lil whlch the advencemetrt<br />

ol AAfety requlr€s th8t E pBtented lnventlon<br />

bo *vallatrle gpnertrlly qrr A reEaonablE royalty<br />

ll*l8. Wc bcllcve th&t tl the <strong>Sec</strong>retuT<br />

thould promrrlgrte B Btf,ndstd thtt feqalret<br />

the uHe ol a devlce for whlch there lA but one<br />

pBteht hold$, he Bhould b+ empowcred End<br />

re.lulred to provlde lor compulsofy llcenslnB<br />

of thet patent on & rea8on&ble royalty batt8<br />

oh the requcst Of Bny prospeCttvt llcEnseo-<br />

Il Eltern*tlvc pet8nttd devlces Brc qvallable,<br />

he Ehollld be authortmd ln hIE dleretlon<br />

(upon hla detemlnatlon that evstl8blllty et<br />

I re#oDable ctrt gl equlpment needed lo!<br />

cornpllence wlth the Eafety gt<strong>and</strong>ard8 go<br />

requlreB) to provlde lor compulsory licen8lng<br />

on I reasonable roynlty hdlc ol each auch<br />

sltrmEtlve patent ()tr th6 rcqueEt of ffiy<br />

pf*pecttve llccnsce-<br />

(B) Under Ep.tloE lot(b) ot tho AdslEtstratlon<br />

bill, tf ledeHl rt*ndtrdr Tffi la<br />

(; tffinnte,<br />

Unitcd Stctes Scflete.<br />

Wrsltingtm, D C.<br />

Dr^B EENATon MAcNvsoH; fn responEe to<br />

youi re{tutf;t for cDmment6 upon the teBtlmony<br />

belorc l,he Commlttee On COmSetCe<br />

on AprII 6, 1066 t)y Mr. John S. BuEs6, Vlce-<br />

Fresldent ol the Ford Motor ComDftDv And<br />

Ch8lrmsll ol tha Automoblle Manufaciurert<br />

tSilfety AdmlnlstrEtlve Commlttee, Ee heve<br />

the followlnB prellmlnsy obqetvsttonE.<br />

We hflve not sB yet hrd t,he opportuntty<br />

lor r full conElderatlon ol speclnc le8lBlhttve<br />

proposnl8, or {)( the questloD whethcr, ln the<br />

coDtext of spfclnc leBlalatlen on Jolnt octton,<br />

a hf,qowly dr8ltcd ahtttrust lmmunlty Drovlslon<br />

la etther necessaly or deslrable. -<br />

Iiqwever,<br />

we undcrst<strong>and</strong> Mf. BUgas to have Contended<br />

Eenerally that concern r)ver the appltcatlon<br />

of the BntltruEt l4ws has prcvented<br />

Hhd would prevent Jotht reteErch End other<br />

cmperatlve en(leavors to lorward the Ue Ol<br />

Falety devlccs by membeB ol the automobllE<br />

lndu8try, <strong>and</strong> has Elso preventcd Bnd would<br />

provent the cfchanBe ol lnlormatlon Concernln8<br />

Eppropll8te st<strong>and</strong>eHs ot setety. To<br />

dmurrrcnt IrlB cahcern, Mr. llugas EtBt"d thAt<br />

the autonroblle tilrlustry ls preEently und€r<br />

sntltrutt ltrvestlgf,tlon wlth respcct to e*haust<br />

emlsslon devlceB,<br />

As lor the lnVeFl,l8atlon relerred to by l&,<br />

FluBaR, we notc flrst that lt wRF commencBd<br />

only wtthln the past flftecn mohthB <strong>and</strong><br />

could not have been the bstE lor prevlou8<br />

lndustry lnMtlvlty. More tmportsnily, tbe<br />

chorge8 belng lnveEtlgated by the Antitru6t<br />

DlvlSloh Ere ol c@paratlve efforts to BupFreaB,<br />

not to promot., the UtlltzEildn ol f,uto rmlaalon<br />

dcvlceH potrlble type of abuse Wbtdh<br />

hafdly BtlenBthens th6 cse lor 6 ErEht ol<br />

ahtltrust lmmuhlty,<br />

Hor lA tllefo Rnythln8 pErBUaElvG ln the<br />

Echerrl erEumcnt that tht vaguene88 of the<br />

trntltrutt law8 Freventa thc lomatlon of any<br />

Cooperatlve eltort tO develop EAlety devlces<br />

or to tIChShBe lnlorm8tlon concerntng 6t<strong>and</strong>-<br />

BrdB. TtrG Entttruat laffi do hot prohtbtt<br />

6uch altangement8 phfe<br />

Jolnt efrortB Beem<br />

neceaEBry <strong>and</strong> con8trucilv8 end arc not #-<br />

Compf,hled by undUIy redtr,ctive coll8t€rBl<br />

BErsementa, Iloreov€r. clArlllcatlon Ol the<br />

BppltcBblllty ol the antltfu8t lew8 to onv<br />

parttculsr propoBal hs alwoys becrt reedlly<br />

avallEble by con8ult8tlon wtth the Dcptrrtment<br />

ol Ju3tlco arrd fiubhlEsloh ol a propffial<br />

under the RuBlness ll4vlew hocedure or lor<br />

other revlffi, (AE Bn erample, the msJor<br />

networks End pr.Ar AdSftlatlons requeEted |,lre<br />

Dlvlslon to revlew B pfopffal lor lndustrywlde<br />

coopetatlve cllorts ln the cdmpflEtton<br />

ot reiurhB ln th€ lolthcffilng nailon8l electlenB.<br />

Altef Co$Eultatlon end revlal()n, the<br />

tndustry ws advtBed the Dlvt8ton dld not<br />

lnt.nd to t8lto actlon Undet the antltru8t<br />

ItrvB f,gf,ln8t the arran8emcnt.)<br />

Gehetal Etgument! lor blenkst rt$tutory<br />

tmmuritty frm ihE ihtltruFt l*we for cooperBtlve<br />

e4aleavor6, therelole, do not appo8r<br />

aound. Euch lmunlty Eeeru to bc not only<br />


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