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the vGry larB6 shd ablc compantes that comptlEe<br />

tho outomoblle lnduEtry c&n Bcctlerato<br />

the development of safety devlces. Thi collBborRtlen<br />

euthorlzrd<br />

pftal, however, frAy<br />

by the Indu8try pro-<br />

well have a brakh8<br />

etrect upoh the developmont ol ialety devlct!.<br />

For errmple, Bectlon 102(c) (3) sould authorlte<br />

thc automoblle mEnulecturer! tO<br />

agret to Cffiply voluntarlly Elth Btf,ndardr<br />

propoEed to the<br />

tho goverrnent<br />

Sftretary<br />

ado'pted<br />

or VEBC<br />

dtsnd&dc,<br />

belorr<br />

Thc<br />

dcn8er tn ellowtng thr manulactuferr to<br />

E8ree on mlnlhuh stindards lA that ln prMtlce<br />

th6c st<strong>and</strong>ardt ml8ht well bG rtgsdcd<br />

by the lhdustry d cbrotutf BtRndBrdr, whlcb<br />

ara not to be exceeded. NOr ls lt clff Fhy<br />

lSleohents arG nccsrary ln thl. esa, If.<br />

havin8 pfdp@ed s rtsndafd, cmpBnl!. unllatorally<br />

determlnc thrt publlc oplnlon roqulre8<br />

thst thEy comply wlth or erced th|t<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ud,<br />

thrcEt.<br />

ffitltrut lt&btltty lE hot a rcrl<br />

S€cond, rfttlon 103(c) would Euthortfi tb6<br />

mnulacturil!<br />

',ln<br />

to wmk Jolntly drlgrtng,<br />

teltlng, rnd produclbg motor vGhlclt d mo.<br />

tor vcblclo equlpmcnt" lor th6 purpo8c ol<br />

devrloplng, Gvf,luatlhg or mhplyth8 stttrl<br />

propfrcd lt<strong>and</strong>sdr, EoEG ol thb iattgtty<br />

ml8ht weU r8lh ErlNr problGEr uDdGt thr<br />

mtltrust letHuch<br />

motff tehlclei to<br />

u JolEt productloD o(<br />

COHply rlth ploFtrrrl<br />

EtEhdErdFlD ?llftt r pEttal mc?g6t ln u<br />

tndurtfy Eh6ady chrrfctettEed by artraEr<br />

conClntlftlOn,<br />

Oh thc other hMd, oth.r actlflty covcrcd<br />

by the provlslon, Auclr M Jotnt t6tlng ol<br />

new aalcty devlcen, would hot trdlhFlly rrld<br />

antltrut problem!. Ttro poltrt lr, hffiilGr,<br />

that ln ED lndurtry ol ro lcw p#tlclpontr,<br />

oBch ol whlch tr B lar86 cofporrtlon rlth<br />

rub.tBntlal rdoufdct, th6 volld nsd ltr col.<br />

l*botatlve Ectton, wcl8hed Bg8lnrt th6 lflrlble<br />

ftdverBe conarqurncct of Buch cothbontlu,<br />

docr not *ment uy<br />

Iroffi ndlnuy rntltrurt<br />

rptrltl prot$Hon<br />

pllnclpld. guch<br />

prlnclplrr ar; not undrily fb-htbttln$ th6y<br />

do not thr6Ete to lmprdc proBTM tn th!<br />

d6vrlopmrnt ol ralc RrE. Thr lrcdry dffttlhG<br />

afroid! ffiplo rl]{m lor contultsuon tmong<br />

thc comp*nl6 lh tnvoklnf th6 govcmmfntd<br />

Frtrel8d- Conlultatlotr vlth thr Antltrut<br />

Dlvt6lon under thr Butlnftr R€vlcw Fe.dure<br />

can aEtute thi lndurtry dl tho 88lcty<br />

trom antltrust prflftUtloh ol any collabontlvc.fiort.<br />

Althou8h thc lndurtry ffiendEGnt Euld<br />

provtde thrt tho Et4tute *ould trot Mkd<br />

lawlul Enythln8 other$Iso lorbtddGn t'y thc<br />

antltrurt law4, Euch lengue8r lr [ot ffi adcquntc<br />

adlo8usd. In a rule ol r.Elon rltuitlon<br />

I court could not h.lp but bG rficctrd<br />

to r('he crtent by the lact that thr tt8tutr<br />

rxpltcltly authffil# ssd encoufaBB c@iErstlon<br />

ln thc productlon of hotor vohlclcs Md<br />

equlpmcht. Elmu8rly, thG Court could [Ot<br />

help but be lmpresed by thr lact thst th6<br />

atAtute euthorlm! End encoungd thc heffi.<br />

ber8 ot the lnduEtty to agrec to comply wlth<br />

thr at<strong>and</strong>srd! they Eo propfllng rvcn brltrc<br />

th6rG ttahdsdt are adoptad. Il. s nry rGll<br />

be the cec, mst ol the Entlirust probled<br />

rBhed by guch collcctlve Ectlon ErG not ol<br />

e ptr rc v$l.ty, thG fact of lcElEletlve outhorlatlon<br />

rnd encouraBement sould undoubtrdly<br />

sfiEt A court'r dlApnltlon ol tho Ettl$uc,<br />

despltG eny expllclt dttclslhGf. At<br />

thtr potnt, tt l| Dot at ill clcu lffi 6tthd<br />

a competltlve or B talcty potnt ol vlcw that<br />

tblE tlDG ol colleboratlvt<br />

or wlAe.<br />

efioft Is ccrcntlal<br />

(4) The lf,dirtqropttota St8r'd'dtilr ol Juttlclol<br />

RcvlEE: Ttrc lnduEtry propoEl would<br />

mBre villoug Emendmenb<br />

ctal r.vlow ol acilon tslren<br />

rEtattng to Judl-<br />

by the Eecrettrry<br />

<strong>and</strong> the prfteduc to b6 fouffird by thc<br />

E6crGtsry. th!!G fficndmentr ue cohtotned<br />

ln propffed srctlou lol(t) Md 10S-<br />

Thr lndustry ptop$hl would fficnd lEtlon<br />

loglB) (s) to ruhtttutG a Etr rt4Ed|fd<br />

'tor<br />

ludtctel revte\i ot dctGrmlhatldiE md6<br />

Fy the <strong>Sec</strong>retery. Under th6 AdhlnlstrEtlon<br />

bul flndlngs of the gecrGttry s to IetE, ll<br />

supported by subBhntlal cvtdence, would<br />

bC concluslve. l'he lnduEtry propffiEl<br />

provldeE thot llndlngB ol th6 8€cretsry wtth<br />

fttpect to qu€tlon8 q! lmt<br />

"Ehall<br />

be EuEtslned<br />

lf based upoD a lalr Cvelu8tton ol the<br />

cntlre record ol the proceedlDgE on whlcb. tho<br />

Eecretiry bsed ht8 order."<br />

thls DoW EtendBtd lor Judlclal revlev tepresentr<br />

an attempt to obiAln B lorm ol trl[l<br />

dE lovo ln th€ courB ot Appeals. whtch<br />

would revlew the ordcr8 of the S€crettrry.<br />

Such r6vl6w would bo lDapproprlete snd<br />

rltrcmely burdGnromo on tho Courtg ol Ap-<br />

Frls, whlch<br />

detethlsstlobs<br />

Es accurtomed<br />

ol lact utrrlgt<br />

to rGvlcwln8<br />

a "Eubstanl,tBl<br />

Gvldince" tat, TtlG l&tt r tfft lr tb. oD6<br />

g.nctrlly conralncal ls rtrtutor provldtbg tor<br />

court fGvlew ol dGcldonl or orderr ol r€BulBtory<br />

a{icrrclei. 8.Gr e.g- l6 u.a.c- ll(o)<br />

end 16 U.S.C.8g6(l), rrlrilnE to mC shd<br />

I'PO orders. WG EGG no rcMon vhy tlmllil<br />

lBtr8uage sheuld not br uBed hcro.<br />

ThE lndurtry ptopflEl Would f,lfd sfrcnd<br />

rmtlon 108(a) (3) to provtdr rpscttlc authort-<br />

Btlon to the revlcutnE court b ttAy tho<br />

ord6r ol thE Eccretily lsndln8 flnBl d6tGrmlnlrtlon<br />

of ths revlow pftrEedlngs, Bnd<br />

would h8ks Jurl8dlctloA lh thll rfip4t, S<br />

well trE td lfirg1 61 modlly th6 Bccrehry'a<br />

order, elclu6lve. ThlE fficndment &am8 UndtBlrablo<br />

tn two re8pftts, Irlr8t. thc apftlac<br />

authorl4tlon tO the revlewll)g court tO stAy<br />

thB 8*fetsry'a order lE unn&&Bry, st[E<br />

ruch powGr, Eubj*t to rpproFrtats lhltstlon8,<br />

tr elrcAdy gtven to the tevtewtng court<br />

urd8r EGctlou lo(d) of tn6 A.PA Act {6 U.8.C.<br />

1000(d) )- Wl)lle<br />

utory suthorl4tlou<br />

th6 lndustry Fropsed rtat,<br />

Ir unn6c66aary. lt Elght<br />

Elso have il1e undG8lrable efitrt ot reEovtnE<br />

th6 llmtttrtlons on thc iEwer to gtst stoys<br />

(onislned ln Eectlon l0(d). rlncr thu6 llmlbtloE<br />

aro trot contrlard ln thG proDfred<br />

rtatutoly Emendment, 6le@nd, by m8tlng<br />

thc court'a JUrtEdlctIoD td rtay th6 BeCt6taryt<br />

tAIa<br />

order ercluElv€,<br />

away the power<br />

thls pfdvt8lon Elght<br />

Vhloh tb6 Eecretlry<br />

otlErwlse would heve undol tccilon lo(d)<br />

to pcilsne the ellecuve date ol tcilou t8teD<br />

by htm pcndlaB Judlclsl revlew. It rs pfobebly<br />

doSlrabls thEt the 8sr.t{Fy rststn thl,r<br />

power,<br />

A+cilor 103 (e) (8) wauld E)Eo b6 MeDded<br />

by the lndustry propm8l to provtdG thAt,<br />

".fhe Court shB.ll not EustelD thG otder ol th6<br />

gecrctsry lf hG lctled to @Hply s,tth 4r!/<br />

requlrement lm[x]Bed upon htm by Eecuoa<br />

101." SccUeD 10(e) ot ths ApA Act proyld;r<br />

thAt the revlewlnB cout ahall hold uDlawful<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eet oslde 8{ency scilon whtcb || not ln<br />

"obrtrva[co<br />

ol ptfteduro rGqulrGd by lBw,,'<br />

Ttre lndusrry provt8ton Etght lnyBlld&ta uuoD<br />

ot the SrcrotaFy t8k6n lE tubstsEtfd<br />

compllance nlth thG rpGcltr.d prffirtura but<br />

$lth lome Erlnol deflcl€ncy ndt pltjudtcl4l<br />

to Eny party, phereil th6 proyulon ot ths<br />

A.PA-Act would not- Acstrdtngly, vr oppss<br />

Ell tne trmenqmeub whlch the lndutry propsill<br />

would nal(G to rfiuon 109(f ) (A).<br />

ThG hduotry propoisJ would alm provtdr<br />

tn rectloh 103(1) that thn BocletBry r'rbdl<br />

bse sach auch order upotr a lElr 6vBluriloD<br />

ol tlre eltltE record *hlch lS bGlor0 hlh<br />

purEuurrt to ruch t*tlon 4, <strong>and</strong> ha rhall rot<br />

todh ln ruch dder fl[dlnBr ol tact <strong>and</strong> coDclurlonF<br />

oD Bll reltvant m&tteH."<br />

Thlr MindmcEt |. undcslr8blc. B.ilU!<br />

ol ltl retsrGnce to r reord Ud iDdlnE ol<br />

lact, lt may b. lntsDd€d to r.qurre tba-Eacret$y<br />

tO conduct A lomal Adlrdl&tOttl pr*<br />

condlhE, ln accord8ncd wltb Ecctlon8 ? md I<br />

ot rhG ApA Acr (5 u"a.o. 1006, r0o?), rrthsf<br />

th4b a 7ilIc mdktng pHedlDS. T.lte tulo<br />

mBhlDg prfteGdlDg aFpareDtly It contffiplsted<br />

by thr AdElDtstrauon btu, rtsco tbo<br />

Ercrltuy b authortted to prffiul8Etc rtsDdsdr<br />

ln occordane wltJr ffiilon I ol tbd AFA<br />

VoI.I<br />


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