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J$f<br />

aro.l6qurt6. rE thh rttuatton h6 vd d<br />

ba prcluded<br />

at<strong>and</strong>Erd,<br />

lrom rdoptlnB the pretcr8ble<br />

T'hG nct eltcct of thtu dlsabtlttld ol thc<br />

propoild prftcdure lr that ln the nMr ol<br />

dcalrlnE to allor thc;tf,ttr to plsy s rolt, tht<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s of the Eccrctary would bq lev.tGly<br />

tttd. lt lA ntgdtiffit thtrt th. prcEebt lndu8try<br />

prop{*al dmA not c8ll lfi rttenBthcnln8<br />

the VHIC End openln8 lt t{ l;d.r&l Futl(tpatlon,<br />

At thr ht4rlD8t oD 8- 3006, *hsn<br />

the tndurtly<br />

tlon proffrm<br />

propoB.d a Jolnt<br />

wlth lrcquent<br />

volunttry m-<br />

con.ultrtlon.<br />

wlth conBrrr, thr 8+cretsy, thc vEgc ffd<br />

other gov$nnut+l af,cnct$, thG lndurtry<br />

rpokcrman. John 8. Bu8il, Vlcc ftG.ldrnt ol<br />

Fqrd Motof coEpany. t6iln6d thst th6 vBo<br />

prefiently hu<br />

"a<br />

vcry.mrll.toll, lErdGqu*ta<br />

ln our oplnlon," (063) rnd "M<br />

lt tdtt todrl,<br />

roslly c8nnot do thlr Job," (1046) Ha lndlcsted<br />

thst thc VtlC hs b+n concernrd<br />

prlmaruy Flth maltort relBttn8 to drl9tr<br />

rBfety, lncludlnB dtlvct llccn!lnE, rr8tttEtlon,<br />

vGhlclo lhtpcctlon, <strong>and</strong> lBw nn-tdoheht.<br />

In rdponi€ to i qilcrtton by Chilrman<br />

MroffumH Ehrthfr<br />

dlrcuscd thG drlBntn8<br />

thr vEEtc hnd cvd<br />

ol f,utmobllt<br />

"tn<br />

r way that mlEht .how 8n Etlylty d lEtGrtt<br />

ln how E car 1r dcrlgncd ltr rll.ty<br />

he Bntwefed,<br />

"To<br />

my knowlcd8c,<br />

not." (cd?) Mr. BUEM ruB8crtad<br />

rffi,"<br />

thay bfva<br />

thrt<br />

"ffi.<br />

ol the bMlc dcrftt. ln vEac hs bflD tt<br />

tn*btllty, lor whltGvGr r6ffin I don't kilil,<br />

tt lnsbtltty to llnse lt<br />

'Tho<br />

Strtt CorDsl*loDlt|,<br />

opctrttoM-" (loftl<br />

'<br />

h. f,tat d,<br />

"lEqucntly<br />

don't hav. moDty rDilttl to ls b<br />

t mecttn8." EcDitor H^tfrt point d out<br />

thEt even wct6 tht ftd.rBl Bovcmfitnt<br />

help f,nanct thG VESC. rlncq maDy thta<br />

to<br />

1.8lrlaturs<br />

only m6.t cvtE othrr yid, tt mltht<br />

b6 thr y.srr b.lolt thtrG would bi mt4h-<br />

InE lunds from muny Etat6 or8El4tldu.<br />

'1116.<br />

( 1u18)<br />

ltrtchcnt! cddtfft rhsply<br />

?tth tho tostlmony ol Mr, Bulu bGlw th.<br />

'<br />

I{our! comnrltt.G<br />

Cotrmercc that:<br />

on Intorltrta ud lotrllD<br />

"TtrG<br />

Vehlclc EqulpE.Et<br />

Eslety Commlslon Ir already authorlrcd to<br />

tFue vehlcle 64ltiy rt8ndardr lor sdoptloD<br />

by thr ltotcr. dnil ffi chdfldc ln ltt prttdt<br />

ttrvdure wult bt r$ulrcd,."<br />

The lndu8try propil*l Tould EIF uahd<br />

&ctlon 106 of thc bUt. whlch suthofls tbr<br />

S€crctsry to c@Fcrrte wlth lcderil i{rEcld.<br />

rtEtc or othcr publlc a8enct6, bulnc'6,<br />

UnlvcEltlar Or othcr lnrtltutloDa h tbr plannln8<br />

or development ol @lety rtendtrdr Md<br />

lhop*tton shd trltln8' hcthodr, to rprcticrlly<br />

relil b thr VEBC s onG ol tbc !t+t6<br />

aFcrcler whlch mlght be con8ulted ind mE-<br />

UlEclurerl Ol motor vehlcle! Bnd motor Ythl.<br />

clf, rqulpment s burlnaasGr whtch hlSht b.<br />

consulted The6o uo lo8tc8l pattlct wtth<br />

Ehom tht S.cretary mlght Condlt, <strong>and</strong> hG<br />

vould clenrly have tht pow6r to c@FratG<br />

wlth the8e f,roupr under thc btll Er prciGntly<br />

wrltteo. ThBleforr, Bn mrndmcnt Thtch<br />

would tpeclly these two groups ttr piltlculrr<br />

tttmS unnccc8My.<br />

12\ ThG etlterl[ lol tftd Sdcrcl4ry'r ,{f,tif,.'<br />

A ffiond crltlcal shortcomlnE ln th. lhdurtry<br />

propfrEl ls th8t at leNt some ol thc crlt<br />

rla whlch lt would requlre thc Eacrtt$ry<br />

to lollow ln cstobllrhlnB rhnd*dA sc ovGrly<br />

reltrlctlvE. shllc Others appear to bc unnec-<br />

@uy <strong>and</strong> iln lerve beEt to brEd<br />

lltlBitlan. (Scctlon l0t(h),)<br />

polnilcil<br />

Amorr8 athtf thtnB4, the Srcrrt8ry, ln trdcr<br />

to astatlllsh e attrndard, voulal be requtrcd<br />

to make tlndlDgs ol lBct that lt Ts<br />

"conslstent<br />

stlh the centlnuetlon or adoptloD<br />

by motor vchlclG manulectuler! ol ellclcnt<br />

deslEnlnB, enBlnctrlnB, <strong>and</strong> lnanultrctunng<br />

prktlcer, <strong>and</strong> wlth lnhovatlqn, progrsslve-<br />

. nrss, ond customary model chfnBqa ln thc<br />

Eutomotlvc lndu6hy." (str. f0?(h) (3),)<br />

l.<br />

I<br />

\<br />

t'hu crlarton suBgeetr that thr tntfoducttou<br />

ol Ealety devlces, however uBent tlrr nord<br />

lor tnrm mtBht 14, could nor be aUo*cd to<br />

\<br />

lnterlere wtth the cu8tomary cyclr ot thr<br />

House Debate<br />

Indutty- It appesB t4 bG ro tntclprctcd by I<br />

thc lndurtry. Ttlo Wshlngton Fst on MBy )<br />

l5 reported on lndutry rpokeEm8n to h8y!<br />

rtatcd thAt uhder thlB provliton the auto<br />

mker could not bt .xpect.d to mek? "bil16<br />

chanBer" such s an lmpact.Ebsolbcnt lront<br />

Cnd lqr all modcl! ln E qln8le ye8!. ft6<br />

Blx)k.arnan li r.portcd ta hav6 rHld furthcr<br />

ttrat thG lndutry l! accuotomed to bbEl6<br />

modcl chAn*cr only cvrry 3--l yGEr- ID<br />

Eomr lnrtancs, the ur8cncy ol th6 htcd lor<br />

htw talcty devlcir trfy Jqrilly mm6 dttruptton<br />

of tht plcrcnt cycle. fre balMclng Ol<br />

the ur8lnct ol tbe nee lor hew davlcd<br />

E84tntt *hNtCvCt tlbluptlon may relult tt<br />

B Errhr rpproFrlatcly lelt td thc Aftrct8ry.<br />

Moreovcr, whllc lt mlEht appctrf rc8ensblt<br />

that a "rtEdsd<br />

rhould bc conrlrtcnt rtth<br />

' r ' lnnovatlon l<strong>and</strong>l progriltv6nil," Mf.<br />

BuBff t rtltrGd bclorG tht Sen8tt Co$mcru<br />

Comniltts thrt tho mert Euthorl4iloD ol<br />

thC SGCrrt$y tO lct rt8ndtrd! would lnbrlGr<br />

rlth lEnovatlon ahd progrelslvrn?4, T?|ll<br />

ru88fltr<br />

phr|rGd<br />

tbc tyFE ol lluEeuon th6o<br />

rt<strong>and</strong>trd8 nrlght lnvtt .<br />

brotdlt<br />

'l<br />

_<br />

Ac$rdtn8ly, wc opposc seilon r0r (h) (t)<br />

ln toto.<br />

I Anothd crltiflon. thit ol lccuoE foa(h)<br />

(l). rlro Bpphn to b. E6lghtrd Bgilffit tha<br />

/<br />

(<br />

-<br />

dfltriblllty<br />

t;tEr thrt<br />

of acilon f,nd contft$<br />

EAy brerd uhsffiutad<br />

gGDGrd<br />

chstl6ngr<br />

to thc authorlty of thc Bftr6tsy <strong>and</strong><br />

to th!.trecilecnH. of th6 lt8f,drrdr hi lctr.<br />

Ttrb ptoytrlon rrqulfH that .,th6<br />

b6n?nt to<br />

b. dirlytd by rny . . r lstGty lt<strong>and</strong>sd<br />

thould b. cl?otly w8rant6d lh thc llEht ol<br />

dl, feIeSIt /EttrJ." concilvabty, tn a .t41.<br />

lE NEGr, thr requtremGnt ol 10X(h) (gt<br />

thrt c6u bc comm.nrurttc wlth<br />

.,thG<br />

b4nadt<br />

to bc mhlGvcd '<br />

hf, rab. r.rlou! problril<br />

u to teiludtlon of tht bahtilt oi r8l6ty.<br />

WhUc r. do not nnd ps!ilculsty obrecilof,rbl6<br />

tho crtt+rtl 6et lffith tE tog(h) ({t End<br />

r04(h) (6), th. rbovi prcbl.il prcrcntcd btf<br />

rnr rftlculrtroE ol thur rFftltlc crltGtlt lasd<br />

ur b Frrcfi! th6 tpprmch tf,lon by thr<br />

AdfrlDlrtritloD blll.<br />

Undfi th. Admlnlrtretton<br />

tst rould hsvr ruthorlty<br />

pfoprlrh" FEdonl sl6ty<br />

bill, tht 8rcru-<br />

to dtabllrh<br />

,,sp-<br />

rtsdardr ll ha<br />

drclda thAt rhctc lr i,,ncrO" tor rt<strong>and</strong>H{r<br />

to mhlcvn "rdtquBt4"<br />

notor vrhlclG Blcty<br />

tO protrct thG publtc igelntt ',UnrcMnibl6;'<br />

tnEc rl|h- Thn AdmlntrtBtton<br />

rfilufff s<br />

bill Blrc<br />

"Frlohtrnca"<br />

''FrMtlcibl?,"<br />

lt<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

"Fhtch<br />

E6ti tha<br />

mobi ythlclG s8lcty," &nd.,whlch<br />

whlch lt<br />

ned fot<br />

proylda<br />

obJcctlvG crltcrl! on vhtch the pubuc brt<br />

Ely lh smrtnF motor vehlclc eifctf - (Brc,<br />

l0l(b)). TtlGm crtterlE do hot p$c sny<br />

piobllm ol unconsiltutlonEl dtltgatton ot<br />

outhorlty ind hrv6 the vlrtue ol avotdlng<br />

the potenil*llty ol unduly tytnB the Becr:<br />

tafy'! h<strong>and</strong>r thrt the proposed crlterla bAv!,<br />

It, horcr6r, tr lr concludad tb8r lpmtic crlttrlt<br />

hrt ntcelr8ry they can bE more<br />

prtrtrlt wrltten than thse propned<br />

lndurtry.<br />

Bpprc<br />

by tht<br />

(3 ) ?n. Un6ffi4t?.1 Ertrtrrld ol Af,tltrltt<br />

Imf,!fltty: A thlfd dAng#<br />

t,h! tndurfty propflcd bul lr thrt<br />

polcd by<br />

lt mlAht<br />

wtll creati U unweEntad tmDlted thmu.<br />

nlty trom thr antltrust law!.<br />

Ttle tndustry proIrct$l authorla! <strong>and</strong> eucourn8?t<br />

SUtdmobllt mfhulsctilreF (B) tO<br />

collabor8tc tn fohulEttng rt<strong>and</strong>ardr: (b) to<br />

collaboreto In d.rlf,nlng, tc8tlnE Bnd ploducln8<br />

vehlclcl md cqulphf,nt rclEtthg to lucll<br />

BtsndArdr; [nd (C) to qEree wtth Bch other<br />

to comply wlth st<strong>and</strong>sd4 propffed to tho<br />

\IEE'C or the tl+cretey<br />

arc adopted.<br />

bcforu theBc rtAndsd!<br />

Jn ou lud8mcnt thlr Etftutory ruthorllitlon<br />

&nd etcourEBemeut lr unnKer8Ery Bnd<br />

unFl4e. The mtltrust Iawt do not prcvGnt<br />

the achlevement ol deElrsble FrogreEslveneil<br />

lD the deal8tr <strong>and</strong> hanutscture or aaltty<br />

cqulph.nt <strong>and</strong> vehlcler. Ttrerr l. renstr<br />

to prcdtct thBt, ln lact, cohpctttloa ffioDl<br />


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