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qulrement8 lor an ltem ot B8fety equtpm8nt.<br />

'I'tre<br />

Btudy mu8t hka lnto gccount reEeerch<br />

&n(l teat dets avallEble lrom auy Bource. Ibr<br />

thls purps6, the CdmmtE8lon may .'collGct,<br />

cafrelete, f,nElya <strong>and</strong> cvdlueto" re8eMch End<br />

t68ts carrled<br />

lnd prtvate.<br />

on by other Egencle8. publld<br />

But ercopt tot luch ,,llbrsytyp6"<br />

restarch, lt lE not ButhorlE4d td carry<br />

dh Eny reseuch Bnd te8tln8 ol ltr OWn, It<br />

hBy contract lor re8of,rch Bnd tcEtlng, but<br />

only ll requestrd to do Bo by 4 rtat6 or<br />

governmental Egency, <strong>and</strong> thon only lt th6<br />

tequsttng Eg€ncy provlds tbe nHsrty<br />

fund8. Ttr6 Comnrlsslon hsy not sccspt prlvate<br />

funds tor cny purpo6e,<br />

On the basls ol lt8 6tudy ot necd, the tntcr-<br />

EtUte flEency must publlah B ttpott. No IGS<br />

thon slxty dBys lBter, lt mUBt hotd one or<br />

more publlc heArlnBs,<br />

FlDally, Alter tlleEs Et6pE orc Completed.<br />

"trIrd<br />

wlth due fegsrd lor Btmd8rds rffotnmcnded<br />

by approprl&to prole&loEel <strong>and</strong> tech-<br />

Dlcnl Ss(ElstloDa <strong>and</strong> agenclea," the Commission<br />

nray lsEue recommended<br />

latlons or codct,<br />

lul66, tegu-<br />

Perty BtstEr ar6 obllgeted td codstder the<br />

rules, regulotlotrE or codea lffiued by tlr6<br />

Comml8olon, but they ar! zot obllBBted to<br />

Eccept thetn, Ono ol the two qlt6rnBtlv6<br />

methodo of sdoptlon rtrlurcg B.tilrhBttve Ection<br />

by the stBt4 le8l6latur6 lor th6 ruI6,<br />

fe8ulstlon or code to tak6 €d6ct. Thc aftond<br />

altrlrn4tlve method IE EdoptloD by gdmtb,lEtrativo<br />

Ectlon o! a pdrty Btste'E motor vphtclG<br />

n8ency- Il 4 StAte Ch@BeB thl8 ElternatlvG,<br />

ItE motor vehlcle a8ency mu6t adoFt tho rule,<br />

re8ulBilon or codc wtthln 6lx honth8. The<br />

trdhtDlEtrative Egency nr*y<br />

"decllns<br />

to<br />

4d{)pt" but only alter publlc lrcarlnB, s Bpsclnc<br />

llndlng that e vartEtton from ths commlsslerr'6<br />

recomendatlon'lfi nfteBufy to<br />

thc pulrllc ts4fety," end s recltsl of tll6 teB-<br />

E(,nE olr wltl(lr tttc tlndln* ls beEcd. Fortyfour<br />

statca orrd tll6.Dlatrtct ef CqlumbtB aro<br />

now metrrbera (t the comp8ct- In trll bUt<br />

E lew of the member Eteta:A the enBbllnc<br />

leBlslrtl()n IlrovldeE thot th6 l€Btrlstufe hUs;<br />

pEsE upon sterl(lBrds propsed by thc VESC,<br />

We m8y onty EueEs trow ldnB the Bdopilon<br />

of m{)tor vehlcle Eelety Et<strong>and</strong>ard8 by tho<br />

VEriC ml8lrt take, Elnce lt hsa never y6t<br />

trdopted one, althouBh Congres Buthorlzed<br />

the formatlon ol lnter8tete comp8cts ln th6<br />

tleld of traflc Eslety by passsBe ol the Be8msr<br />

re6elutiorr ln 1958 <strong>and</strong> tho VBSC ws orBEnleed<br />

ln 1963, Burely, howsver, tl16 Etudy<br />

ol n€ed, trubucAl,lon ot E relrcrt, holdtDg ol<br />

oho ot more hcGlnBs Eftsr Bn tDtGnal ol Bt<br />

lefft Elriy dtryr, coDEtde$tlon ol 8ta[darda<br />

fecammended by epproprt4tG FroleffilonEl<br />

<strong>and</strong> technlRl ffiEoclBtloru <strong>and</strong> agBncler, [nd<br />

flnally folmulatlon ol a ttahd*d pould @D-<br />

Eume E very comld6rabl6 perlod ol ilsf,<br />

Mofebver, Elnco thG propccd Mt would Euthortz6<br />

th6 ButoEobtlc menulactur;ti collectlvely<br />

to propoEo stBndfrdr to th. VISC<br />

ahd the cMpaot rcqulr€E tho VIEO to doD-<br />

Eider stEndAfd8 recommended by<br />

',apprcprt.<br />

8te proleBalonal End trchnlcal ffilatlon!<br />

End afeacleB" b.ror6 acttnB, th6 tutmoblls<br />

manulactuferE weuld bc Eblo to Eru Grtint<br />

to l4fluenca ths tlmlD8 0n lbtfoducttob ol<br />

hew ralaty dsvle!,<br />

The lhduatry proporal wouldl raqulfG tho<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary to sllow auch lnlttal ttho {hot 6rc€edlnB<br />

tWO yearE lrom thc d8t6 Ot rnsthont<br />

ol thlr Act) aE h6 conaldtrr rgsohrblo lor<br />

motor vrhlcle hsDulncturer8 to propsd ud<br />

lor th6 VESC to adopt<br />

vdhlclo salcty it<strong>and</strong>ard.<br />

e Fcrtlculil<br />

Pre8M&bly,<br />

motor<br />

thlt<br />

ruffiE the secr€tary murt allog teHonEbls<br />

tlme lor t,hc prdedute whtch has b+6n outllned<br />

to be carrlGd out, It bEy bo 8ffiG*bat<br />

opttmtsilc to thlnk thst thli pr*edurs coutd<br />

be cRffled out even wlth|l thG two-you<br />

hMlmlm<br />

pfted.<br />

tlme<br />

In any<br />

llhlt<br />

tvent<br />

whlch vould<br />

the Eecrstsy<br />

be lm-<br />

would<br />

have to allow reffinable ttms tor th6 V$8O<br />

to sct on tts owD bclore he would avon bG<br />

pemltted to prdF$g sn Epproprlate Bt8ndd(t<br />

to the VESC for lt8 corEtdelatloD, f, Etep<br />

which woulql t)e a prerequlslte to Fromulgstion<br />

of & lederal st<strong>and</strong>ffd by the Becretsry.<br />

Altlrou8h tlre lndnEtry proptral would pro.<br />

vide that the <strong>Sec</strong>retafy could requeDt tho<br />

VE;O to et upon htE proposal wtihl4 180<br />

day8 or Euch louger ttme ffi he mlght Bpcctfy,<br />

It would eppoBr thBt the VBSC compsct, tho<br />

organlzqtlon'6 leB*lly blndlng c6tEiltutton8l<br />

dftument, would requlre lt to gdhero to tho<br />

tlhe-comumln8 prftcdure shlch hr b€on<br />

outllned abovs, Il the VESC hsd not prevlouEly<br />

rEomrende.l B stendard on the Fartlclilar<br />

subject, It woul(l probably hsv€ to<br />

conduct the entlrg procceclltrg. Even ll lt<br />

had prevlously Etudled thc lnrtlculsr Bub-<br />

Jtct, lt vould, Et E mlnimum, have td publlah<br />

a new or ffierrded report. hold Daw<br />

hearlrrSs after allowlnE {r Elxty-dRy lnterval,<br />

And conalder the Opltrl()tlq ol epproprleto<br />

prDlffilonol trnd technlc4l aEaoclatl{)n4 end<br />

agencleF belore actlnF on the S€crebry l<br />

propoql, It aeems extremely unllkely thet<br />

aucrr I procedure coul(i br cufflecl out vlthln<br />

180 d&y8 or anythlnE opproxlmstlng th.lr<br />

pGrrod ol tlme, ahd the proF#ecl 4chffi6<br />

eppsEra tO ba hot only unnccBs8Bry <strong>and</strong> unde.lr4bl6<br />

but compleL6ty unporkable lf on6<br />

4sume8 that tho <strong>Sec</strong>retary wsuld reque8t<br />

the VESC to aci wltltln the l8o-dsy perled.<br />

Ttle 8.crtt4ry ?ould no doubt b6 iltrd.r<br />

hgvy presure to exerclEe the dlEcretlon<br />

whlch tho tndustry btll would Etve htm to<br />

allry a lolt8er perlod wlthln whlch the r/EiSC<br />

could re8poud io blE propo8al,<br />

In ord.er lor the secretary to oct under th6<br />

lnduEtry propffAl, ltowcver, not only would<br />

It be neceEsary to carry out the6e VEBC procredlng8,<br />

but the <strong>Sec</strong>rctBry would then hsvo<br />

to tlold ah APA srctlon,l proceedln* nu *"1t.<br />

It ls ctrgy te eqvlElon lt requlrtng nvr ye&rr<br />

or more befqrg the 8trretary lE abls to pfo.<br />

mulSEte enlorcenb16 st<strong>and</strong>qlda. wtth th6<br />

automoblle menulacturers thcmselves @ntrollhr8<br />

the tlmtnB to s grest.:xtent,<br />

AlthouBh IiIr, Buga8 Btnted belore thG<br />

Houo Commlttce On InterstEte snd Fortlgfl<br />

Cffisrce that<br />

by the ludustry<br />

the amendments prop*cd<br />

"would<br />

lnvolva no d6ley lh<br />

thE d6vcloprileflt end e8tabll8hmsnt ol nn.<br />

tldnal r*fety gttrndsrda," we belteve lt l,r<br />

obvlouE that thl8 E lar troh the 6se-<br />

Ih hl8 remBrkt upon rtgnlDg hftlffiauon<br />

g?18, ddlffln8 the wtrk ol Mfy 16 s t{r,<br />

tlonel TttrnBpoltotton Week, Pf6aldeEt Johnlon<br />

EtBtcd thst tb6 HtBhssy 8al6ty Act ol<br />

1966 "wlll ostEbrlah s progrffi ol rtrtct Betoty<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>afds lor our automobllc8." "t'h6<br />

alttrmtlv6<br />

to FedcrAl st<strong>and</strong>Fd8." hs nld,<br />

"lr<br />

Uhthlnkeble: 60 dlil{rent Bels ol Et<strong>and</strong>nrdr<br />

lor 60 dtfiGrcnt $t[teE," Tt6 lndutry prs<br />

pnal, whtlr lt would not rftult ln 60 dtfiGEEt<br />

rcti Ol stmd$dr, would pemlt dtfierGncil<br />

ffinB the tltBte8 to drlay lor B vory lotrg<br />

Fcrldd ol ttmc the lhtroducilon ot tGdGrd<br />

IttndatdE.<br />

Of,e Edditlonal re8p8ct ln shlah pdwd<br />

mlBht bc t€I.n lrofi thc EscretBry Bnd trMalcrrcd<br />

tO ths \IEIC under ttro lndurtry FrOpflAl<br />

satrents comment. Tho tndurtry FtopSAl,<br />

ln lectloD 102(d), would fegillfe, rBthcr<br />

tlIM quthorl4, the B&fetdy to sst8bllsh<br />

u r motol Vehlcle Eblety ct<strong>and</strong>8rd my abnd.<br />

ard l$ucd<br />

proprlatr<br />

by thc VEaC whtch he found<br />

md nec#ary to accompllsh<br />

ap-<br />

thc<br />

purps$ ol tho Act, Elnce under that 6ft'<br />

tlon thG Eftrotary Tould be Euthortzed to<br />

fltabllrh oth6r atEndffdE ohly tl my ext8tlng<br />

motot vehlcle salcty Etudard lt lnsdequate,<br />

hc vould probably be bared lrom t8tulng<br />

sy Et<strong>and</strong>ord €rccpt the 8t*ndtrd adoptGd<br />

by th6 vEBo, rntesB ho w6r6 vllllng to if,d<br />

thEt th6 VEBC Bt8ndard wB8 lnEdequate.<br />

Ttrs Socrstrry<br />

othet St8ndard<br />

mt8ht weU beltevo that tn-<br />

ws prelerable to the Btendsd<br />

rrcomm6nd6d by tir6 vF-Bc, d lthough h6<br />

ElBht not ltr prepffed to dstermlhe thst<br />

thd staD-dard recolrm<strong>and</strong>ad by thc VESO<br />

736 Vol.I

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