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trfr. clratnnan, r ests<br />

unsnfibout @n8ant to extend tny retnErks<br />

et thls polnt ln the REcoRD d,nd<br />

lnclude extraneou.s rnatter,<br />

The CHAIRMAN. rs there objecilon<br />

to the teque$t of the gentlernan from<br />

MichigEn?<br />

There was no objecflon.<br />

. Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chalrman, r 5upport<br />

thls btll. It ls nn excellent one. It<br />

would providc adequate protectlon to the<br />

Americah pubuc, <strong>and</strong> yet lt would not do<br />

undue vlolence to an lndustry whlch le<br />

Bo llhportant to the dlstrlct thBt I hBve<br />

thb honor to represent.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, I want to a(l(l I bflef<br />

backgroutrd explanetlon Ebout sectlon<br />

116 of the blll whlch I propo$ed d,nd<br />

whlch, as the report stat€s, the comftlttee<br />

adopted out of an abundance of cautlon<br />

to make sure that tf"l arltltrust lEws<br />

wlll not be afiected by thls act.<br />

fn our heErlnEs the automoblle menuf8cturers<br />

requested the lncluslon ln ths<br />

bill of a provision expUcltly recomldhE<br />

the need for m8nulecturers to cooperate<br />

reesonably \r.lthln the frumework of the<br />

antltrust laws for llmlted end speclfl.ed<br />

purposes ln the areas of ffifety <strong>and</strong><br />

st<strong>and</strong>ardg. However, the Department of<br />

Ju$tlce e.dvlsed ln letter$ deted Aprll 6<br />

<strong>and</strong> June 2, f966, whlch I request bo<br />

prlnted at the ehd of these remarks, th8t<br />

such a provlslorr wBs uruteces$sry because<br />

the entitrust lEws do ndt prohlbtt<br />

coopefEtlve efiorts to develop safety devlce6<br />

or to exchenge lnfomatlon concernlng<br />

stbnd8rds where such efiorts<br />

Seem necessEry <strong>and</strong> constructive &nd arG<br />

not accompanied by unduly re$trlctive<br />

colleterel agreements-that ls, such ef-<br />

Iorts Ere to be judSed under the "rule<br />

of reason" hnd do not constltute per se<br />

vloletlons of the entitrwt law-<strong>and</strong>,<br />

also, beceuse under the Noerr doctrlne<br />

the entitrust laws do not pfevent mEnufacturers<br />

from consultlng snd cooperBtlng<br />

for the purposeE of presenilng lndustry<br />

posltlons on stenclsrds to governrnen-<br />

734<br />

hdbllr lDdurEy, TDe uctrdErEtr ln elfect<br />

coEtltutr B Err d.rrtt btll, I[ th6<br />

couEd oi theso @mDtr ft Eh8ll Eats<br />

vsloua cffipafl8ou betvecq thts dfsft B[d<br />

A. 3006 lr th6 lorh orlglnBlly propfred bt<br />

ydu. (Iys ut cometilnB tD B Eeparata<br />

lett* otr proposrd blll g. 3005-) For pur.<br />

IEse! ol fe*dy<br />

so sb.Bll lofer<br />

ldeatticatloh,<br />

to ths latter<br />

tD thc lolloFlnE<br />

sB the<br />

,.AdEtnlttrf,ttoD<br />

blu,, aEd t6 the mendE;Dtr<br />

by thc lnduEtry s ths<br />

"tDdutry<br />

propGcd<br />

propocal,"<br />


Undef thc lndustry prolrcssl the S.cretafy<br />

would be requlred b estebllEh re8illailoaa,<br />

lE Adcordanco Wlth Fectlon { ol the Admtnlstretlve<br />

Froceduro Act, nqklb8 efiectlvs s<br />

E federsl hotot vehlclG s&lety rtEndgtd:<br />

( I ) my motdr veblcle sf,lety at<strong>and</strong>sd thst<br />

h* been trdoptod by the vehlcle Equtpm6nt<br />

Salcty Comnrlsslon ( VESC) , <strong>and</strong><br />

(2) any other motor yeblcl8 selety Bt6nderd,<br />

plovlded (l) hc flBt allows such lf,ltlEl<br />

lltrle (not exccedlng two years llom thc dct6<br />

ol enactEent ol the Act) flB he constdcft<br />

reasoruble lor motot vehlcle manulactEor!<br />

to propce <strong>and</strong> lor th6 \tE.gC to edopt s<br />

p8rtlculqr motor yeblclo stety Etf,aded,<br />

(lt) alter determlDlnB wlth respect to I partlcular<br />

BubJtrt elthf that no staDdard rrlatr<br />

fi thgt extsttDs BtsDdfrda dr compltsncr<br />

therowlth ta tusdequts, h6 then proFEsg<br />

*n approprl&tG Btendard to thc VESC, atrd<br />

(tlt) tbe TfF.SC fatlr td act upon thr requc8t<br />

wlthtn 180 dByr or Buch longer tlme E tha<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retey 6F+cldm tr rct4 by lsutnB E Btald.<br />

afd whtch th! Sccretary deterElnea l,r tDAdequatg<br />

td prot€ct th6 trubllc sgElmt uE6ssEablB<br />

rl8ts ot accldenh m dsth or lDJuy to<br />

persns rerultlu8 therelroE-<br />

Tte 8eletary would he requlrcd to lollow<br />

a Embef dl crlterle oDumfBted la trctlon<br />

10?(h) aDd to lncludr lE SEy order eEt8bllshlng<br />

sslety EtEndilds flDdlDBs of fAct atrd<br />

concluBlona on all televant Eatters, pfsu-<br />

Bbly lncludlng compllsco Flth tho vstoul<br />

crlt.rlB Bet forth. A sbhd*d sould btrome<br />

efiectlyo ho EmnE than 180 dfyd bor lstcr<br />

than two yeffi slt€r thc data oE Fhich tt<br />

waa lsEuod, ctccpt th&t lor good csu6e Ehod<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>r6tary mlght Bptrtly & l*td dat4.<br />

ThB ButoEoblle llleuircturEr! would bo<br />

*uthdlzrd lndlvldu8Uy or collectlvrly to<br />

Iomulate md prolrcoe Flety staDdards ttr<br />

tal ag6ns1g5.<br />

TTre extent of Fermlslble cooperstlve<br />

activitles under tlre antitnlst laws as thug<br />

lnterpreted by the Depsrtment glves $ufflclent<br />

latitude for lndustry coopersflon<br />

tn play a slgnlflcent role ln $afety development.<br />

Accordingly, <strong>and</strong> slnce manufacturers<br />

are eDtitled to rely on thla tnt€rpretation<br />

by the Depertment es to<br />

whst cooperatlve Edtlvitle8 816 pefinlsslble,<br />

there ls no need for llrcludlng ln<br />

r thls blll a provlslon spelllnE out whBt<br />

cooperative actlvltle8 lndustry may engage<br />

ln ln the safety snd stBnderds fleld<br />

under the entltrust lews. I therefore offered,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the committee adopted, sectlon<br />

116, whlch 16 the Eame s.g sectlon l13<br />

of the blu pE68ed by the Scnete, to m8ke<br />

6re thEt nothlng ln thl8 btU cha.nges<br />

the Bntltfust lf,w8 <strong>and</strong> th8t m8nufacturera<br />

cffi rely on the Department'g advlcB<br />

[.g to the mBanlng ol those lBsls.<br />

DrAlftm Or JUsrrE.<br />

t'"tt'<br />

EdnorabL wARRr cl. *orJffi1<br />

Uflltsd gi4ter con6ldlerf,tlon by the VES'C frd the <strong>Sec</strong>retey,<br />

Ttrey would *l8o be authorlzed<br />

"lndlvl{lusUy<br />

or cdlectlvely" to cohply volrlnterlly wlth<br />

such a proposed stsndard untll le8ally btf,dlng<br />

Fder4l or StEtG st&ndardr coverlng th6<br />

she Errblrct matter have beceme efirctlve.<br />

Jolnt cmptratlon L[ d*tgnlng, testlDg, eEd<br />

prducln8 mobr Yehlclc or hotor vehlclO<br />

equipment lor the puFdEe ol complytng wlth<br />

tha at<strong>and</strong>ilds prop*ed by ihefi would al8o bo<br />

authortzed. Ilowever, the Act would provldg<br />

thet nothhB theleln contalned should bG<br />

deehrd to elempt lrou the antttrust l*r8 of<br />

the Untttd StEtes aDy conduct th*t vould<br />

othersls bc unlaqrul under Euch l&Ea.<br />

Wheres the AdErlElrtrBtlol bUl would Ello<br />

authfilEe the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to lormulatd 6taDderd8<br />

to prot€ct thr publlc sgainst q&ldent{<br />

or death. lnjufy, df Fropert! damge teslltlng<br />

therelroE. the tndustry pfopoBel vould<br />

provlde that the authorlty ol the S€cretery<br />

to cEtsbllsh atEbdsdr l| ll$ltrd td protEct-<br />

IDB tb6 publlG EBtlDEt d€sth <strong>and</strong> IErEonaI<br />

tnlry. Hlr Buthorlty to lomuleta stsndudi<br />

d.atgned to protrct thG publtc aBaIDst<br />

property damEgo cfued by lccldents would<br />

bs elhhated,<br />

Undsr tha Admlnt8traildu blll tt rould bc<br />

unlEFlul lor EEy peron b muul#ture ld<br />

BEle.8GU, ottr iof 8*le, or lntroducG or dc-<br />

sffite.<br />

llv.f lor Introductlon lD lntEEtatG coruefce,<br />

Wwhlngtm, D,C, 20510<br />

or tmpet ttto tbe Uulted States euy motot<br />

Dil^l EtFAsr MAoNusF: At you requfft, vthldlG s tt E ot motor veh,clE equlphetrt<br />

tbr Drltrtmebt ol Justtce hereby ofr$s ltr unlss lt lg ltr cdnfomlty wlth at<strong>and</strong>8rda pro-<br />

Comnents on the amondmentr tO tho dratt 4rlbed by tbc EncrGt$lr. HoEevsr, uf,dor<br />

blll m iuto aslety propffied by ih6 autd- the hdutry btll tt Tould ouly b6 il ofrGnE<br />


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