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Uc rceponstblllty, but f chBll6nae that !4 velcomea the opDortu$lty to hetp 1J639<br />

there has been tny mednlngful efiort on -Ebll8h frlr ancl redsonable motor ve-<br />

the trart of the Amerlcan autonotlve lnhlcle stsntlards. I hane lounal ttret the<br />

dwtty to s€ll ssfety es vlgorously trs they Governors of the Elt6t€s welcorrre the op-<br />

hBve sold speed <strong>and</strong> horsepower.<br />

portrmlty to €stabu8h ftlr end rason-<br />

Mr. WATSON. No cloubt I would able dt8ndatds wlth re$p€!ct, to tbe oFerB-<br />

share the fecling of the gentlemen ln thet tloD ol hlghw8y satety pro8 rEbB.<br />

reBard, but at the sarne tlme, elthouAh Ortc provlslon t.Lqt re hsve G6t8bltsheat<br />

we both rdmlt that more could have been ln ttrls lealsltruon eJrd tn ilre leglElauon<br />

done by the industry, we must rccept the tlut tollows (H-R. 132S0) ta the medlrrE<br />

lect thst there have ben safety lmprove- of the Advlsory Comndtt€e. I Bhould uke<br />

mente-the padded dash, the vlsor, ellbl- to polnt out to thl8 Houre ttrat thls 16 one<br />

natlon of the Frotrudlng lnstruments on tlse thst this klnd of coEElttee Eust b€<br />

the panel, power brakes <strong>and</strong> steerlng, msde to work ln En efiectlve lrrflMer.<br />

seat belts, <strong>and</strong> things such as thst- There Tlrere hss been a leellng tlown the strtrt<br />

have been some $4fety lmprovement$ in oy€r the yearb tt$.t arr Edvisry aomnlt,-<br />

the sutomobile. but rdore remalns to be tce provided ln le8islBtlon ls Just some-<br />

done,<br />

thfnC b b€ Eu.fiered wttJr. We sre trylna<br />

I would llke to reneff B st&tement that to provlde ln thlB lGglslhtlon thEt we<br />

f mede earller tbe.t I belleve the pgssege glve these peoplF+he Industry, the<br />

of thls biU will contrlbute siHniflcsntly to Stetes, end the publlc-s volce ln estsbthe<br />

reduction of the Ereat loss of liJe ttrat Ushlng the stentlardB, end then the pubwe<br />

have on the highwEys- But rest s- Itc lntereft wlU b€ helped, rs lt ohould<br />

sured of one thlng, there ls only so much be.<br />

that a govemmental rwency can do in<br />

I would ltke to recdmmend possage of<br />

the matter of hlghwey safety. We stlll<br />

the mot$f velrlcle snd trEfnc.balDty IeEl6hsve<br />

the man behlnd the wheel. The ln-<br />

Iation thet ts before u$ todey, anil e3pedlvtdual<br />

must face up to hls or hsj 1aclelly Bll to the attentlon of hy colsponslbluty<br />

a3 e sefe crlvef, th6t he not leeSues a provislon of thl6 lestflatlon end<br />

only hEs the llle <strong>and</strong> safety of the oc- E provl6ion ln H.R, 13290 thet I feel<br />

cupMts of hls cu, but<br />

ls of<br />

the llfe sJId sEfety para,Eount lmportsnce.<br />

of the occupants of the other vehlcles as<br />

f rm paklru relerenc€ to tlre estabthey<br />

are travellng along the hlghway.<br />

Ushment of tlre lfuttonEl lltshway<br />

I<br />

Safety<br />

a.E optunl6tic a.bout thlE leglslatlon.<br />

Advisory Comlnlttee-H.R. l329f<strong>and</strong><br />

Fmnkly, I belleve thet lt wlll help lm-<br />

the<br />

measurably, but at the<br />

Motor Vehlcle getety Advlsory Comsame<br />

tlme il we<br />

teElly wEnt to get<br />

EltteFll.n'. 13228.<br />

the Job done we must<br />

A$ recormended<br />

encourage stdcter law<br />

ln the hlghwEy sfety<br />

enforcehent, rlgld<br />

blll,<br />

adherence to the lBw. md flfin convlc-<br />

the<br />

tioffi for the reckles <strong>and</strong> for the dnnken<br />

driver, os well m greater emphasls upon<br />

drlver trslnlng ftnd ddver educatlon.<br />

Thes btlls wtll help immerourably, but<br />

ll the AmericEn pubuq wmts to reduce<br />

the earnage on the hlghwaye of Amerlee,<br />

then the hdlvldual rlflver must rerlize<br />

that h6 prlm8rlly lB responstble fof the<br />

50.0{Xl llves thet we ue lGlng yearly;<br />

the 4.5 miuion people who Ere sufiering<br />

lnjurles, <strong>and</strong> the $9 btllion in prop€rty<br />

damase thst we sufier throushout th6<br />

couH of t year.<br />

Mr. GROSfl. Mr. Chalrman, TIII the<br />

gentleman yleld?<br />

Mr. WAfSoN. I yield to the gentlemen<br />

from Io\vB.<br />

Mr. GROSS. wlll lt b€ wlthln the<br />

scope of the Advlsory Councll to alo softethlna<br />

Bbout atrlvlng Fhlle Intoxlcated?<br />

As Drevlout speakers hEve steted trus is<br />

one of the E'oEt contrlbutlotrs to Butomoblle<br />

emldents.<br />

ilfr. WATSON. As lar s the AdvlsorT<br />

Ceucll lE mncemed, they flre to wotk<br />

with the <strong>Sec</strong>ret&ry, the <strong>Sec</strong>retEry hBvlng<br />

the ultimate authorlty, ln the promulgatlon<br />

ol ssfety stBndBrdB for the automobile<br />

itEelf-md not for the operBtlon or<br />

not lor the op€rator. Productlon ls one<br />

psrt ol lt, but the operation l.8 the most<br />

Importsnt lactor.<br />

Mt 8TAOGffi.g. Mr. ChEIr'trEn, I<br />

yleld to the gentleman llom <strong>Ten</strong>a-r tMr.<br />

PrcftLEl whatever tlEe he mlght requjre.<br />


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