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1ff38 nt*u<br />

nomal<br />

llquor. Thtr. ulroush thG<br />

lctlrlatlve prmess, ws rEductd to<br />

he trub underdrutr<br />

lesrltlrne neftssgnf<br />

qhcnlre trlt ol thc<br />

ln new model protluc-<br />

3 dBys, anrl that l.3 the law ln Ohlo todsy.<br />

I wag alm msponsor ol the polnt systam<br />

tlon an.l mmprehends tiere thlnEs Bre<br />

tremendously importsnt, not only to th6<br />

law ln Ohlo, whlch concems ltsell mtn<br />

movlng trafrc vloletlons. Il you get l3<br />

polnts ln I yeEr. you ere grounded- TTrls<br />

automoblle lndustry but to rll ol our<br />

c4untry. wtEt the <strong>Sec</strong>retary doee urd<br />

what he sys tn these reculetion$ will af-<br />

was deslgned to relnove hEbltual Bnd<br />

accldent-prone drlver8 from the publlc<br />

streets <strong>and</strong> hlghways.<br />

So. Mr. chalrmu. lt seefts to me thEt<br />

elthoush thls, perhap8, mf,y be a $tep ln<br />

the rlght dlrectlon-End I certatnly hope<br />

so, because there ls llt'tle opposltion to<br />

autornobile safety leBisletlorr-we are attacking<br />

probably less thEn I0 percerrt ot<br />

the $erlous problem. But we &re not ln<br />

any mesnlnglul feroe ol the rord att€mptlnB<br />

to do enythhg Ebout the lncapable.<br />

the lncompetent. or the lrre-<br />

$porlsitJle driver.<br />

I am hopeful the Advisory BoBrd<br />

&mendment wlll be Edopted <strong>and</strong> that<br />

this legisiEtive etrort eccompllshe$ results<br />

ln reducing to annual trefnc toll o! netrrly<br />

50.000 persons. With this ln mind,<br />

althouch f do hBve lrome res€rvBtloro<br />

beceuse the primary caus of eccidentr<br />

ls not lncluded, I expect to support the<br />

bill.<br />

Mr. SPRINGm,. Mr. ChBlrmBn, f<br />

yield 5 mlnutas t{ the gentlemEn fro6<br />

Michisan IMr. HARVEY].<br />

Mr. HARVEY of Mlchlgan. Mr.<br />

ChelrTnan, I rlse also ln .suprcrt ol thls<br />

leglslatlon. But I do so wlth conslder-<br />

Eble reluctance,<br />

First of ell, Mr. ChElman, I thlnt lt<br />

ls well that we reellae thEt thH compulsory<br />

stEndErds ln the mBnulacturc<br />

of flutomdblles Bre not b€inE forced upon<br />

the lrldustry; but, ruther, thBt they have<br />

come before our commltte <strong>and</strong> ssld thet<br />

they want the8e Et<strong>and</strong>ards, End that they<br />

te€l they are dedtrEble^<br />

Corequently, Mr. ChelrmBn, the only<br />

fuctlon thEt wffi left to our commtttef<br />

wN that of actuElly draftlnc or wordlnF<br />

the lmzuage to B.uthorlze the s€cretary<br />

to Frrchulgate these st<strong>and</strong>ardsftrt<br />

directly the lives Bnd the eaming8<br />

of I out of every ? Amedcans ln<br />

the 50 Stflt€s of Amerlcs.<br />

In my dtstrict, I am $ure thet not only<br />

one out of se!en but the majorlty of the<br />

pmple ue elf,her dlrectly or lndlrectly<br />

clet)endent upon the auto lndustry. So<br />

It ls very vltel to them.<br />

But, Mr. ChElrm8n, I went to sBy to<br />

the chBlnnan thflt tlris HorH ln supporttng<br />

this lecislation ha.s to b€ mlndfu.l of<br />

the fEct that no mBtt€r '.vhom we hEve<br />

ln the poGition of <strong>Sec</strong>retary, I b+lieve we<br />

lrru$i assurne that this person is going to<br />

ect reasonf,bly <strong>and</strong> thet h6 ls going to<br />

mt wlsely.<br />

Mr. Chaiman. havlng these thinss ln<br />

mlnd <strong>and</strong> ln view of these corEldetations,<br />

I expect to support the leglslBtlon.<br />

MT, SPRINGER. MT. C'lr8.IrufrI. I<br />

yleld 5 mlnute3 to the gentleIlan fron<br />

South C8rolina IMr. Wrrsos].<br />

Mr. WATSON. Mr. chfliman, I t€-<br />

Ileve tfrat thls btll <strong>and</strong> the companlon<br />

plece, H.R. 13290, from the Pubuc Workj<br />

CornElttee wlU actuElhr m8ke a slgnlflcBnt<br />

contrlbtrtton to the reducttor ol<br />

the traglc lffi th8t *e are erDertenclng<br />

dBlly upon the hlghwayE of Amerlca.<br />

But at the sarne t[dre I hope thBt none<br />

of u.s E'lU be so decelved ss to b€lleve thBt<br />

the p'ass8ae ot ttreco bitls will solve the<br />

problem of hJghwry lqss <strong>and</strong> hlshwBy dccldentj.<br />

It wiU not. In fact, I share-:+s<br />

hL5 been erpresed by B nmb€r ol dtf<br />

couesguef,-their concer4 thrt mEybc lt<br />

rnlSht hsve Jut the oppdstte efirct.<br />

Are we, [hrough the psage of thla<br />

btU-<strong>and</strong> f strongly support lt-BohF to<br />

cre+t€ the lEpreBslon ln the mlnd of the<br />

drlver that Ee Ere golng to give hlm an<br />

amldent-prmf nutomoblle? Certalnly<br />

you mn never produce an ffildent-prml<br />

automobile.<br />

Mr. ChalrlnBn, I believe ln thls refpect Of course. the lndusttT mn <strong>and</strong> should<br />

that our committee lebored very long ancl show more concern to ihe developmenf<br />

very diligently. f would celtain.ly congrBtulBte<br />

the chalffia.n of our commlt-<br />

ot salety devlce$ for the automoblle, but<br />

at the same ttrn6 I beUeve my colles8.ueg<br />

tm nnd ell the Inemberg thereof upon<br />

BttffiklnE B very tough asslgnment. But,<br />

nevertheles, I have great reluctance in<br />

end our able chBlrman-{.nal certElnly no<br />

comnlttee hLg worked h8rder, Md certelnly<br />

no chalrm4n ha$ worked harder<br />

supporting thls leslslatton.<br />

Mr, Chalrmen, I mlght sey that f mme<br />

from prlmarlly sn Autornoblle dtstrtct in<br />

the S[ate of Michlgan. f hs.ve s substmtltrl<br />

nmber of uilon workcrs ln my<br />

dlstrlct wlro b€lons to the UAW.. cIO <strong>and</strong><br />

who tttske thelr ll?lng ln the production<br />

of Butomoblle$ end ln the productlon of<br />

Lutomotlve perta.<br />

Mr. Chalrmen, many of these workers<br />

hsve wrtiten to me, es have the automoblle<br />

exesutlve8 themselves. I belleve<br />

some ol thlg concem from thos ln the<br />

autr lndllatty comeE about because of the<br />

very vast allscfttlon that lE tured over<br />

to the Sxretary ln thls pErtlculBr blll.<br />

Mr. ChBlrmen, thls ls somet'hlng thst<br />

f cannot thtnt of Eny wEy to 8et sroud.<br />

We must empo$'er rum fith the suthor-<br />

Ity to get out these partlculBr stEndErd3.<br />

Whether the <strong>Sec</strong>retary tnrly underst<strong>and</strong>r<br />

qrhen we talk ol thc moalel yeaf-whether<br />

thEn he to brln8 out the best rffilble leglslBtion-'but<br />

f Em sure thet all of thefir<br />

will E{Bree thBt, ss the industry tmtlfled<br />

before the corlrldttee, they sald that<br />

mf,ny times tlley hsve trled to put, ln sme<br />

sfety lmovetlong Bnd the publlc reJected<br />

t,hos lnnovatlorE,<br />

we, the publlc, Bre re$ponslble tt the<br />

autof,oblles nre go defectlve or hEve<br />

faihd to provtde N,deque.ta $efety rlevlces.<br />

lve are resporrslble lrt peft. The publlc<br />

has beerr more lnterested ln speed, Mr.<br />

Moss, thsn they have been lfl sflfety.<br />

The Dubllc he.s been hore lnterested in<br />

the strehmllnlns ol the deslgn of m<br />

automoblle thEn lts sfety fehtures.<br />

I{r. MOSA, Mr. Chalrmm, q|lll tJle<br />

gentleman yleld?<br />

Mr. WATSQN. I yleld to the gentlemen<br />

from CBIIlornla.<br />

Mr. MOgEl. Mr. ChalrmEn, I do nof<br />

questlon, ro I ststed ln Ery remilks. pub-<br />

House Debate

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