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gelety ln htghway<br />

'fhe<br />

marklng. sreat<br />

burden of testlnlony wss directed At the<br />

vehicle, but tlle 16g616 shows that a lnlge<br />

lturnbcr of accldent$ al'e the Icsu-l! of ltr-<br />

Bdequate mBrkings otl our hlghwayE.<br />

Orle $urvey ln Icwa lndicat€s tlrat thet'e<br />

was a 63-percent reductioll of accldents<br />

bectrEe of markings {rnd trBfdc glSns on<br />

certaln Etretches of highways, Bnd cert8in<br />

dellneators nlong the roadslde ln<br />

Mlchlgan on two test locEtlons reduced<br />

nlght eccldents by ?8 percent <strong>and</strong> 39 ll€rcenl<br />

r'espectlvely. In VirginlE the reductloll<br />

wAs 5? end 6? percent lu two tests.<br />

F,lght-&gle yleld $lgns reduced Eccldents<br />

by 62 percent ln 9?9 loce.tlonE. we Elso<br />

tlnd that on the rurel roEdc there are<br />

164.8 accident$ per 100 hllllon miles of<br />

trtrvel. on prlluBry road$, the nmb€r<br />

l$ S0.{, but on secondary roadg lt ls I64.8.<br />

IlI other wolds, there is A ? to I rEtlo On<br />

trrcndary road$. fn the other part of<br />

the bill lt ls my underst4ndlnq that there<br />

will be some language whtcir wlll deal<br />

wlth hlghway marklngs. Thls k lfirport8nt,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I hope that tr llttle couoqw<br />

wlll take pltrce on the floor relettve to<br />

these me.tters when we dlsu$s th8t porttotr<br />

of the btll, because lt ts mo8t lmportant.<br />

Mr. EPEINGER. Mr. ChalrmEn. r<br />

yleld 5 mlnute$ to the gentlernan from<br />

ohlo IMr. DEvrNEl.<br />

Mr. KOFNEGAY. Mr. Chelmsn, wlll<br />

thc gentlemilh yleld to me?<br />

Mr. DEVINE. I ylekl to the Eentlem4n.<br />

Mr. KORNEGAY. Mr. C.h8lrmEn. f<br />

rlse in support of H.R. 13229. r oomend<br />

my chalrman, tlre gentlemBn from West<br />

Vlrglnis, <strong>and</strong> my colleB8ue8 on the coffimittee<br />

for thelr dedlcat€d efiorts ln wrtt-<br />

Ing thls bill now before us, tlre Nstlonal<br />

TrEfnc snd Motor Vehlcle aafety Act ot<br />

t90s.<br />

I thlnk the blll we Ere debsflng lr e<br />

oltrllt to the ttlemb€r8 of the Comrhtttee<br />

on lnterstate <strong>and</strong> Forelgn Comrnerdc.<br />

Tlle commlttte worked longer 6,nd hsrdcr<br />

orr thls blll than any that hEs ccme before<br />

the cohmlttee since I was prlvuegeal to<br />

sit on thls colrtrnltte. pubuc heRrln8s<br />

werc held over B z-rnonth Feriod- Exterlsive<br />

tcstimony wrH hear.d from s<br />

vBriety end a number of lnt€rested wltnesses.<br />

Seventeen executive sesslons<br />

were held before the blll wES report€d<br />

unanlrnou$ly.<br />

Becau$e of the complexltleE lnvolved<br />

ln the problehs of trafrc <strong>and</strong> vehicle<br />

se.fety, every Espect touchlrrg on the<br />

many problelrrs sere nlcroscoplctlly ex*<br />

amlled. Tlris required E coL9tant process<br />

of revlsing <strong>and</strong> rewdting the orlsnal<br />

blll. T'hrou8h thc wor.k of mdny hundreds<br />

of mau-hours on the lrart of the<br />

committee <strong>and</strong> its stafr, we bring to you a<br />

blll which Is as Bood rs the collccilve<br />

minds of tho commlttee could make lt,<br />

It, tnfty not be l)crfect. but I contcltd it ls f<br />

gi8nt stelr fofwald irr the rlght directlon,<br />

a step that will, in my conEldered opinlon,<br />

go fsr toward atteckln8 the Befety problem.<br />

The problem faclng us ls rmmen6€.<br />

Over 50,000 persons wlll dle on our hlghways<br />

tlrls year as the result of tfafrc<br />

Over SB blllion ln property demsset \r'lll<br />

be sustnlned due to &utomoblle crs6he3.<br />

The legislatlon we Ere conslderlng today<br />

will not, of course, end the csrnage<br />

cornpletely, nor wlll lt mEke the Butomobilet<br />

or ttte hlghways completEly Bafe.<br />

But, lt wlll help.<br />

I sm Froud to h6ve b€€I s member of<br />

the comftlttee thflt rcported tht8 blU to<br />

you lor youf considelatton. I hope thEt<br />

you wlll ehare our l)rlde ln our vote for<br />

Its passage here.<br />

Mr. DEVnIE. Mr. Chslman. tt|e cartEge<br />

ln AEtln, Tex., a cow)16 of weka<br />

aE$, where the so-caUe(l student mounted<br />

the tower snal flreil on the psple below<br />

<strong>and</strong> kllled l5 or 30 lnnocent ctilzena<br />

brought forth B remark from one ot th6<br />

MehtErs of the other body ecro3s th6<br />

CEpttol to the efiect thet people Llll<br />

people; not gunsBnd notautomobues. It<br />

ts the fellow trhlnd the gun, or tn thla<br />

tesl8lgtlon, the wheel.<br />

Thls leBlsletlon wBs bfought rorward<br />

prlmerlly becaw Mr. Neder <strong>and</strong> othets<br />

msde publlc pronouncernents about certaln<br />

alleged facts ln the automoblle Industry.<br />

The record ls cleEr End thero<br />

Bre rlo me&ningful stEtlstlcs thet werd<br />

pfoduced. no stgtlstlcs were brought fqrfih<br />

ftom lny source nor hsve thero ben any<br />

reBu.lts of any studles whlch have been<br />

lne.de wlllch show what lrcrcentage ol<br />

the deEths or Eccldents were ca.u.ced aa<br />

tr dlrect re3ult of defectlvely menufactured<br />

vehlc)es, I thlnk Frobably ltle<br />

most 6tartllng $tEtl6tlcs whlch we heard<br />

E$ a re$ult of the wltne$ses who appeared<br />

before our Cornrnlttee (fi Interstate <strong>and</strong><br />

Forelgn Cortlmerce were thRt the uEa ol<br />

Elcohol wa8 Involved ln at lea.st 50 [r€rcent<br />

ol all tlre eccltlents whlch dld result<br />

In fatelltles. I ws B blt sururlmd to flnd<br />

Amerlcnn Motors, cenerBl Motort,<br />

chrysler, Ford <strong>and</strong> sll ot the reFre$ent&f<br />

tlves of these greBt mrtsrRtions gBye lr^<br />

the flrst week <strong>and</strong> dftided that the fft{<br />

enterprl8e Eystem could no longer solve<br />

the$ problelns <strong>and</strong> that they were turnlng<br />

to the Government not to $olve lt<br />

slone but to do tt on a cooper&tlve bssls.<br />

Thls lF certalnly b twlst. The testlmony<br />

Itfore our commltt€e had En adver8e<br />

e.frect on the economy of the NEtlon, becRu$e<br />

the publlc was slrooked lnto bellevlnH<br />

that these Ereat corporatlon$ weFe<br />

ffi&nufscturlng cRr$ wlthout regard to<br />

sefety. So, many people declded not to<br />

purchasd autofiroblles of the 1966 model<br />

because they were lulled lnfo a fAlse scilse<br />

of securlty h tnuevlns that our great<br />

Federal Govetnhent hsd Fut ils flnBer<br />

on the problem <strong>and</strong> that the manufacturers<br />

would strddenly ln 106? morlels,<br />

begln to rn8nufBcture only Eefe cBrs <strong>and</strong><br />

that no one wou.ld tr hurt or kllled ln<br />

the futurc.<br />

Mr- Chalrman, I Bm not a stranger ln<br />

the f,eld of leglslEtlng wlth regBrd to<br />

eutomoblle safety <strong>and</strong> that sort ol thlng.<br />

Flft€en year6 ago when I Eerued In tho<br />

Ohlo Leslslh.ture, I wa6 one of the cosDonsors<br />

of a salel,y hrstnctlon btll whlch<br />

pffied the houe <strong>and</strong> Dassed tJre $errate<br />

Bnd wB$ vetoed by the Governor but<br />

pEssed over hl6 veto ln the house. I ElBo<br />

sporbored leglslatlofl orderlng a msnde-<br />

I<br />

eccidenLs. M{"ru. thous<strong>and</strong>s of othere wlll<br />

suffer $evere <strong>and</strong> permflhent inJurlB.<br />

tory l0-de.y Jell sentence lar thos€ cohvlcted<br />

of drlvlng mder the Influenoa ot<br />

730 Vol.I

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