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We ncnd to pcrsonlfv trafrc safetv ln<br />

/ an idfriltistlatot. wp l)eod irn flrellcy<br />

)4 Bnd an omce recoFnlzed bl.Corrsress <strong>and</strong><br />

lhe Alilarlcan people As lhe commnnd<br />

post ltr ()r.r uar on trnfnc sccldrnts.<br />

llre n(pd to ft'cdt'nlir{r thnt<br />

"hlghx'ay<br />

th4 lr.}rd.c<br />

Rccidents nr.e lrot itrclllslve<br />

en()rr"h <strong>and</strong> thnt ihe qords,.trRmc acclftfnls'flro<br />

Inelllslvil of clcrv loctdf fotd_<br />

wrt(, ln Llre Nfltion.<br />

V/c need lfadfrshll) whlch will dt.rl<br />

wlih the total envir0nrnent fthd all of<br />

the cctnplex fncl,ors tr,lrir:h enter lnto<br />

deitl) orr thF st,rFets T'hd ernDhasls on<br />

sefer cftr$ nnd the second rolllsion hgve<br />

bcon vrlrlAble. Brrt thc AntFrlcnn pco-<br />

I)1. Elc morfl llttt'rfsl,fd lrr mlrsures t,hnt<br />

\'/lll la:f,s{'il (.brncfs of the flirst colllslon-<br />

IIthe Pre$ldent'F excellent rnessRqe on<br />

tr[nsl]ortil,iolt dellvered to thls body on<br />

Mrrch ?, l!)66, he stated that he had set<br />

ln motiolt a ltumber of stt'ns under exlstinq<br />

lftr:<br />

I trm aqslgnlrrE re8ponilblllty lor ceordtntrl.til,{<br />

Federal HtFh*ay S8lety proBTahs tO<br />

thc srarrtnrv dI Commorca. I fim dlrcctlng<br />

tht Sf.rFt^ry ti, pntnhllAh a rnnjor hlEhwnv<br />

unlt wlthln hli Dennrfnlrnt. Thl. urrlt wlll<br />

ultlmntelv lrc trfinsfcrrfd Lr th€ DcpArtmont<br />

ol TrrrlEDortAtlon.<br />

No olte has chBllenced the presldent'E<br />

E<br />

u_<br />

Asscssmrnt of the trAmc problem s belng<br />

second ollly to natlonRl defense yet<br />

no olm cnll fnhly stotc thnt trallc salety<br />

hns bren xiven the klnd of prlorlty <strong>and</strong><br />

&ttehtlon<br />

ls correct,<br />

lt de8ere8 lf thle esrees$ent<br />

Coneres hea the powet to sct 6rld I 6Er<br />

gltld to supfroft lts actlons todEy. Belore<br />

edJournment I trust thnt lt wlll rct to<br />

Sssrrre cmrdlnnted leaderehlp to Edmlhlstcr<br />

the compr€henslve progrEnrs contRlhed<br />

ln the StRscer8 nnil Frllon blllr.<br />

ApproxlmEtFly ?2.500 men. women, erd<br />

chlltlrerr hlrve sufrered vloleht Rnd untimely<br />

death <strong>and</strong> 225,000 Amerldens heve<br />

been disabled slhcc the Sgth Congrcer<br />

,^,*,_<br />

!ryt<br />

convened Jf,nuBry 9, 1965.<br />

The followlng chErt cannot sqnysy the<br />

lmmenslty of the loffi md grlef occurrlnn<br />

ln ench of the E0 $tater but lt showa<br />

.hRt R vlEorous courrteroFenslve lr urgently<br />

necded:<br />

ML-EEEISIIEE- Mr. Chntrman. I<br />

yteld such time ag he may consurne to<br />

the Beutlerltan f rom Minnes{)te I Mr,<br />

NILSEN | .<br />

Mr. NEL$EN. Mr. ChAll'nan. one fett[re<br />

of thi6 lesiEletlon to w]rlc]r I should<br />

like to call ettentiol)--alrd it has beerr<br />

overlooked to sotrre degree-is adequate<br />

t<br />

t<br />

t<br />

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B<br />

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