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Both bllls provlde fqr r{encle$ rnd rd-<br />

Elnlstrators.<br />

l,sst March ? the Prcddent Esld ln hls<br />

tEra8age on tran8portstlon. that he, by<br />

hecutlve order, srogld qld6y erlrtJns lBw<br />

coordlnate ell Eafety Bctlvltlc8 ln the Dep8rtment<br />

ol Comrderce. Now. 16,000<br />

deaths later, the executlve departsent<br />

htrs not Eoyed. Nottllng lnesnlngful hEs<br />

betn done about $blch we heve euy<br />

knowledge.<br />

I belleve lt ls the duty of thts Congre$s,<br />

therefore, tn see to lt th4t we dsstgn<br />

speclflc responslbtllty, \ilhen re lly on<br />

an alrcrelt we know thBt the PAA Bnd<br />

the FAA Adminlstretdr sre vetchlng<br />

over the totEl envlroment lot the sfety<br />

ol evefy alt treveler- we Eut, by<br />

anslogy. E8algfl respon$tblllty lor en<br />

agency to watch over the totsl treflc<br />

envlrcnEent<br />

ln lt.<br />

<strong>and</strong> conaldEr every clenent<br />

I predlct that unless the Congre8s assigro<br />

expllclt responslblllty to en egency<br />

end admlnlstrator under thls blu. or<br />

under the Department of TYf,roportatlon,<br />

this Rne le8lsls.tlon wlll not tr€ lmplemehted<br />

<strong>and</strong> e*ecuted.<br />

I belleve ttlrt whgt we should do, today<br />

<strong>and</strong> tomorrqw, ls p6rs thest bllls, end<br />

then lollow throuah on ouf rEsponslbll-<br />

Ity, which l.s to make etrectlve leBlsletlve<br />

aslgment ol re8porElblllty td edmlnlster<br />

the$d ttefrc salety me&sures ln the<br />

executlve department.<br />

Therclore, Mr. Chrlman, I support<br />

<strong>and</strong> urge the passEBe of H.R. 13228 Euthored<br />

by cheltman STAGGER5 End en-<br />

tltled<br />

"Nstlonel Trafrc f,nd Motor vehl-<br />

cle Safety Act of 1966." It ls not E p€rfect<br />

blll but lt ls a good btll <strong>and</strong> corstitut6<br />

tv,o-tlrlrds of T'bat many at u<br />

deem to be E ptop€f besls tor B mtlon-<br />

El attack on tratnc rrcldents. The other<br />

thlrd of the progEln ls encompd$scd ln<br />

H.R. 13290 ruthored by ehalrman F^L-<br />

LoN End ef,tltled ''Highway S8fety Act of<br />

1906.' I strongly support thEt measure<br />

alsc.<br />

The StagErers blll provldes for the ertabllshment<br />

end enforcement of E8fety<br />

pfrformEnce Et<strong>and</strong>erds for Ell motor vehlcles,<br />

And lt provldes for an accldent<br />

h.nd lnJury reseerch ancl test faclllty.<br />

It Lrcorporates e tlile on tire sflfety <strong>and</strong><br />

prolldes for the contlnuance of seht b€lt<br />

<strong>and</strong> brake fiuid st<strong>and</strong>ards, lhese lattf<br />

r pro?iriions deal sp€cifically wlth matters<br />

thel will of necessity b€ lncluded in<br />

6.ny llst of safety performance st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

developerl under tltle f. They have bf,en<br />

trexted specially because they are three<br />

crltical factfrs ln automoblle safety<br />

which hAd attrected the attentlon of<br />

Consress bsfore thE blg safety push of<br />

1866 began.<br />

The Fallon blll provldm for B program<br />

of grant$-in-Ald to the $tates <strong>and</strong> lesser<br />

Polltlcdl suballvlBlons to develop a ssfer<br />

Bnd more unlform tralllc envlronment.<br />

Speclfic provlslon ls mEde tor asslst8nce<br />

to St€tes In developlng End lrnFrovtng<br />

hlghwEy sfety progBms through: lmproved<br />

drlver eductrtlon; lmproved pedc8trlan<br />

performBnce; efiectlve record<br />

Eystems of rccldents <strong>and</strong> accldent tnvc6tl8r&tloro<br />

to detemlne tbe prtDEble<br />

House Debate<br />

crues of lccldents, lnlurles, rnd dcAtbri<br />

ulfortrl vctrlcle rtglEtEtlon nnd lEpcctton;<br />

rughray dBlgn end mBlntr'lsnce<br />

End det€ction ud correctlon of blgh<br />

Mcldent lo+ntJoro; Eore urllorE trrfllc<br />

control Sgnr; more rlrlllorE trfEc<br />

codes; End prcv|Jlorl lor brtt€r trilcrgency<br />

s€rvlccE whcn accldenta ocflrr.<br />

Both bllls ftfdgtllre the tr€€d lor t.hc<br />

expliclt $dSnEent ot responglblllty to<br />

an agency rnd lor an Ed-trrlnlEtntor.<br />

Both blUs provlde Bdvlsory counclls to<br />

Bsuft the lnyolv€ment of rpprwrlrtc<br />

ht€re$t$ End lndlvlduBls ln tjle lorEuJBtlon<br />

of sten

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