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k' ffi**<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ardr ftust desl wlth the questloh ot<br />

used cars s well sB new ones. Tlre used<br />

cBf prcvlslona of sectlon 108 wlll en8blc<br />

the Smretary of Commerce 14 proceed<br />

wlthln the existlng fremework of State<br />

Inspectlon lews. <strong>Sec</strong>tlon 108, eE wdtten,<br />

wlll mlilmize Federal preemptlon of N.<br />

questlon trBditlone.lly left to the Stet€s,<br />

yet fflU BUow the thrust of Federal safety<br />

efiorts to bc felt through 90 p€rcenD dI<br />

the vehloles Bmually once the auto<br />

sfety prwtbm l3 set ln motlon.<br />

The lmportrnce of motor vehlcle Inspectlona<br />

cBn be seen ln the experience<br />

of the Etate ot'Iexu, lor examplg, whlch<br />

reports that ptlor to lts lnspectlon pro-<br />

Er6m ln 1951, some l9 percent of Y6hlcles<br />

lnvolved. ln lstal accidents hEd un'<br />

sf,fe conditlons. fn 1963, the perdhta8:e<br />

had be€n nduced to { p€rcent. Vlrclnl*<br />

reportd Eimllsr flndlnSs. Tte vehlcle lDspectloD<br />

provisions ot tltle III, spdued<br />

out ln H.R, 13?00 e^t r€ported by the<br />

Hous6 Publlc WorkE Cohnlttee. are dedlcned<br />

to nlttmrtely Each every vehiclG<br />

on the roBd. The House Qomrnerce Commlttee<br />

h83 addresed ltscE to the tBo<br />

Epeclfc 6reas of safety Bt<strong>and</strong>grds; new<br />

<strong>and</strong> used cars. Just f,s the Con8resg wlll<br />

mBrry E.R. 13?28 <strong>and</strong> tR. 13290 es th6<br />

1960 Tleflc Safety Act, so wlll the lnspectlon<br />

EtBndsrals euthorlzed tn H.R.<br />

13228 s€rl|e as a corollary to the lnspectlorr<br />

provlslons ot H.R. 13290.<br />

Mr. ch8lrms.n, tht Trsnc Sefety Act<br />

ol 1966 deserves the most gerlous conslderetlon<br />

of every Member of the rrouEe<br />

<strong>and</strong> SenEte. Its efiecta wlll be reRected<br />

in the economy of our Nhtlon thfough<br />

savlngs in llfe <strong>and</strong> property damage,<br />

Hopefully, the loss of life <strong>and</strong> prop6rty<br />

wiu be curbed <strong>and</strong> the FederEl s8fety<br />

stendarcls once lssued will be Eyallable to<br />

the motorlns public, lor lr they Ere not,<br />

the motorlng pubuc wlU contlnue to pay<br />

the cost of hlghwry mcldents.<br />

f urge the Congress to approve thlE<br />

legislstlon.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The tlme of the<br />

gentleman from FlorldE has explred.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. MT. Ch&ITman, I<br />

yield the ge;rtleman 2 additional mlnutes.<br />

Mr, Chalrn!&n, wlll the gentleman ylelal<br />

to me?<br />

Mr. RQGERfI of Florldd. I aft sled<br />

to yleld to the LentlemEn from rlllnols.<br />

Mr. SPRINGEFi,. TTre gentleman ha8<br />

made a stetement wlth reference to what<br />

ls happenlng today. As e matter of tact,<br />

ulesg we can reverse thls trend whlch<br />

hm been golns on slnce the end of Worltl<br />

wflr If. insteEd of the 50.000 deethE lrr<br />

1966, by 1974 Bnd 19?5 the l8te wlll be<br />

doubled, pruvided the nmber of eutomobiles<br />

on the hlghwflys lncreases proportionately-<br />

Ttren we will have 100,000<br />

people dylng e&ch year from automobilB<br />

accidents.<br />

f flsk the Fentlemsn lf that ls hlE<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing?<br />

Mr. ROGER8 ol Florlda. It ls my<br />

understendlng th8t the gentlemen ls<br />

correct In hls proiectlon of these flgures.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. I shou.ld Uke to put<br />

another ststement ln the REcoRD. One<br />

of my stafi thetnbers the othet dd.y Bdded<br />

together, from the redordfl svallable ln<br />

W&shlnston, flgures for 4U of the desthg<br />

whlch have occurred ln wers, lncludlng<br />

the Revolutlon8ry wtr down to snd lncludtng,<br />

I belleve, the flr3t of JuIy in<br />

Vletnam. The number of deaths on the<br />

highway slnce 1901, when the flrst one<br />

occurred. has greatly exceeded the number<br />

ol death$ of aII Amerlcam who h&ve<br />

been killed ln every war for 175 ye4rs.<br />

Mr. RQGERE of Florlda. Yes. I bclleve<br />

these fBct6 Bre shocklns Bnd wB<br />

slrnply do not take the tlme tn let them<br />

slflk ln. Not only ere the deeths Bhocklns,<br />

ag the gentleman has polnted out,<br />

Bnd th6 posslblllty ol Increas€ ln the<br />

desths, but thls ls elso tfue of the lnjurles-<br />

we know that each year 4 mllllon<br />

to 4.5 mtllton pmple are inJured ln eutomoblle<br />

eccldents. Ttre propefty damaFe<br />

ls estlrnat€d et tg buuon a yeEr- we<br />

see that lf thls amount of ileaths <strong>and</strong><br />

lnjurles occured tn Vletnam rlght now,<br />

why, we would h6ve tbls whole Netlon ln<br />

B state ol eniergency.<br />

The CHAIE'MAN. Tlle tlme ol the<br />

dentleman tue erpLed.<br />

Mr. SPRIIICIER. Mt. Chalrman, f<br />

yield the Erentleman r Eddlttonal mlnute.<br />

Mr. chslffian, wlll th€ gentlemen<br />

yleld?<br />

Mf. ROCIERf,l of Florlds. r yteld t'o the<br />

Eentleman.<br />

Mr- SPRIT{GER. Just ln revlcwlns<br />

ttre flaures whlch my etafi Bot up for the<br />

perlod ol June 1966 <strong>and</strong> ttrrough JuIy ,1,<br />

1966-end certelnly no one l3 tryln8 to<br />

juetlly any war, <strong>and</strong> I thlnk sll ol ug<br />

regret any action whlch tEkes AffierlcBn<br />

llveg ln sny wflr-there were fouf tlmea<br />

Bs many deaths as a result of automoblle<br />

accldents ln June End 'l days of July<br />

as there were persdns kllled in VietnEm<br />

in the same perlcd.<br />

Mr. RQGERS of Florlde. The gentlehen<br />

ls entlrely correct.<br />

Mr. STAGGEFiS. Mr. Chelrman, I<br />

yleld such tlrne aB he may deslre to the<br />

gentleman from MRrylhnd IMr. FRTEDEL].<br />

Mr. FBIEDE. Mr. Chalrmm, I m<br />

wholehe&rtedly ln favor of this biU <strong>and</strong><br />

I thlnk tt is a very gmd blll. I do not<br />

say that thls ls a cure-all, bedause no<br />

matter what biU we pas. we cannot forset<br />

that the "nut behind the wheel" wlll<br />

stlll drlve rccklessly <strong>and</strong> ignore all traffc<br />

lsws <strong>and</strong> do everything th4t he $houlal<br />

not do. I want to compllment the chalrmm<br />

of the Interstat€ Bnd Forelgn Commerce<br />

committee md cvery member of<br />

the comitt€e for the lone hours hnd<br />

hsrd work they did to report such B gffid<br />

blu. I em sure when thlB lesble.tlon becomes<br />

fully efffftlve It wlll be B sreet<br />

st€p forusd towud reduclng the sl4ughter<br />

on our highwEys.<br />

Mr. SPRn'[Gffi. Mr. ChalrftBn, I<br />

yleld such tlllle es he may consuEe to<br />

the Hentleman lrom CslllotTlla tMr.<br />

YouNcml.<br />

Mr. YOUNGER, Mr. Chalmm, ttre<br />

flgures ju.st glven about the numbers of<br />

dsths Bnd fBte.lltles createrl by automoblle<br />

axcidents are very alsrfidng, but<br />

that ls one of the dlEcultles about thl8<br />

situEtion. when we tglk ebout the nuE-<br />


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