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out by ho8tlle8. Aft€r the sudden rald<br />

we #e cnmpled, mutllilted bodles ot<br />

wlves <strong>and</strong> chlldftn strem about. One<br />

asks hlmself why the heacl ol e famlly,<br />

knowlng the rLsk, woutd subject ruE tamlly<br />

to the dBn8ers Inherent tn l$otEted<br />

lrontler llvlns. But fof sme reaaon the<br />

same leellng hbs not Elways occurred to<br />

me when my netghbor piles hls famlly,<br />

pIuB B few extres, lnto hls statlon wa8on<br />

<strong>and</strong> drlves otr. Stst 6tics End horrlble<br />

exmples lndlcsta that I Ehould feel the<br />

Barne Bnd should vlsuallze e sudden horrendous<br />

lncldent whtch leBves t&ern all<br />

alesd ot lnjufed. Such ls the posslblUty<br />

whlte llvlng In a hotorlzeal Ese whlch ha^s<br />

not s yet dem<strong>and</strong>ed rslety meagurel<br />

comneneurete wlttr lta dengere.<br />

I dncEroly hope thrt tlc hrrnlrw polDt<br />

of thE Blety vEi l|ltr b|| ben ftf,c.hGal.<br />

BlUt b€lot€ Congrctl trhould ruverrc the<br />

kcnd, Nothlng vlll gulckly md drr-<br />

Eatlcauy solvG tlrc problem. No flaA ol<br />

truc€ can suddenly re8ult ln I c€edcflrE.<br />

Dolns er€rytlrlng ptrslble, we ca$ only<br />

hopc to ree r grudual change. Ttrla lr<br />

cautrd by the extremev mmpler nttlE<br />

ol the thtng8 neederl to be done <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Erldltlonal Bubjccdve clcdcnt BuF,plled<br />

by publlc resctlon <strong>and</strong> hrunsn nature.<br />

CorutltSlonal acuon her taken two<br />

Epprmchet atld two llner of rttrck on<br />

the problemr Involved beceuse o! thesd<br />

compllestloni. E€yeral factors muEt, b€<br />

kept lh ltdltnc€ md rcversl lacts ot llfe<br />

must be teoognlzed In copln8 wlth lhe<br />

Bltuatlon.<br />

Flrst ol EIl, the Federel Clovenunent<br />

cannot b€ tfie end-Bll. We must remernb€t<br />

thgt roads Bre bullt In the Stet€! End<br />

tfte lomlltlac. IdwB &re enlorced there.<br />

CErE Bre drlven there. Hop€fully, they<br />

Bre lrrspect4d there. Ttrerc mEt be reallstlc<br />

balanee between trb$olutc Eafety<br />

8nd freedom to w vehlcleS End the<br />

roadg_<br />

Jt posible, *,e uant flrst, ot Bll to cut<br />

the f,ccldent r{.t€ td B mirilmum-ln<br />

other wortls, k6qp the accldent from<br />

heptlrnln8. Thet ls dotrc by starl,in8<br />

wlth e Eafe car to be uscd on safe hlghweys<br />

by a sate drlver Buialed by adequate<br />

trsfrc mntrol devlces end subject to<br />

prop€r enforcement 0f the lBwE.<br />

Krnwlng the realltles ol llte we BlEo<br />

know th{tt no such utoplB wlll b€ forthcomlng<br />

Bnd thal, sccldents wlll contlnue<br />

tohappen. TtBi belnB the cese, we need<br />

to mlnlmlt€ the dmage to llfe d.ttd limb<br />

whlch T'llI b€ cflusd by thc second col'<br />

lklopthst of the occupant wlth hls<br />

own vehlcle. Obviously, this ls where<br />

new Cf.r stsndgrds flt the picture <strong>and</strong><br />

thls ls primarily whBt H.Ii. I3t28, the<br />

NBtlonal Tnfrc End Motor Vehlcle<br />

Eofety Act ol 19d6, lE mebnt to provtde.<br />

By thls I mffin more adequate st<strong>and</strong>arde<br />

of performance {ot rrew csrs,<br />

As rapirlly ns poslble, ell known s8fety<br />

devlces rnd fertures wlll b€ ltlcorporflted<br />

lnto new automobiles aB they come from<br />

the sssembly lirEs. Then, eB new <strong>and</strong><br />

better sy8tems <strong>and</strong> devlces f,re developed,<br />

elther by the automobile lndustry lt8€lt,<br />

the equlpment rnanuf&cturers, or by regeErch<br />

trnd exlFrident suppofted by<br />

prlvate or government sources, thos devlc{s<br />

wlll become pBrt of the expected<br />

st<strong>and</strong>srd for leter models.<br />

The Federal Government ls a buyer<br />

ol Eutomoblle$ ln large numb€rq. <strong>and</strong> In<br />

House Debate<br />

.r-\<br />

the last U years lt, hEs been looklng very<br />

crltlcelly at its own requlremenLs wlth<br />

a vlew to buylng cars equlpped as Eafely<br />

a$ pre3ent, technolocy wlll permtt. ThEt,<br />

lncldentally, ls a complete Bwlich lrom<br />

the lormer practlce ol buylns the barest<br />

66{sls produced. Even b€fore H.R.<br />

13?28 becomes l&w. tlre General seillc€s<br />

AalmlnlstrBtlon ls upddttnc lta requtrements<br />

further ln order to have ln belng<br />

the lrrst stBndff,rds pos3lble Es hltlEl<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>srds under the new le8lslBtlon. In<br />

thls way such Bt8nd"ards can afiect Butomoblles<br />

dellverod to the publlc<br />

B ye8r ffiner tfien otherrrlee.<br />

et least<br />

But FhBt doc6 the blu llo to E"atc flfl<br />

r*fer for I'ou? rt rllrwte ttrc Sccttt rt<br />

of Coonercr to atnbtlrb drDdsfi lil<br />

new BE whlch wlll mal,e thcm r| sdc<br />

66 posslble corlslstent wlth common$€nlf<br />

<strong>and</strong> the realltles ol ruto rnrnulsEturtnS'<br />

rt ls not the lnt€ntlon to deprtve the publlc<br />

of ceru by hgklns thear lflordlnrt€ly<br />

exp€nslve or outlnwlnE typee <strong>and</strong> modelr'<br />

n tlt lllt€nded to put ln them b€tter rrrd<br />

btttdr ssfety lestures whlch wlll mrlc<br />

them leBs 8Ft to be lnvolved in accident!<br />

<strong>and</strong> less Bpt to lnjure<br />

when they Bre.<br />

occup8nts ll sttd<br />

so Etsndf,rds wlll be mt Bnd th€n<br />

amended End revl8ed ffi knowled8e grdryl'<br />

In the course ot e8tabllshlnEr thc stentluds,<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of Commerce wlll<br />

have Bt hls dlspo88l a aafety Edvl8drt<br />

councll made up of thos€ best &ble to<br />

hclp htm, lncludlng the psple who bulld<br />

cars. tho8e who cr€Bte p8rt3 Bnd €qulp.<br />

ment. Md the Btats <strong>and</strong> lmalltlet.<br />

In H.E,. 13?28 <strong>and</strong> H.R. IoslLthe blU<br />

lntroduccd by me-sll motor vehlcleE,<br />

lncludlng prssengcr cnrs, trucks ol dl<br />

klnds End bu8ea, would be lncluded ln<br />

the stshdarus as rapldly as poB6lble.<br />

Thls ls e dltrerence from the blll p88scd<br />

by the othet My snd a Clsnlflcant onc.<br />

The other blll would exempt ell vehlcl€6<br />

subject t6 reFulfitldn by the fnt€rsist4<br />

Commerce Commlsslon. Here we h&ve<br />

unlformlty In manuf8cturlng, Bnd the<br />

ICc cBn requlre other deylces as lt flndr<br />

nec4ssflry lor truclG snd bu-c+g en8sacd<br />

ln speclflc toles of lnterstatr commercc.<br />

AIso tllfierent Bnd srldltlongl ln the<br />

Hous bllls are the provlslons lor the setttnB<br />

of st<strong>and</strong>Btds for used Brs whlch<br />

make up 80 mllllon of the 93 mllllon vehlcles<br />

on the roads todBy. F\fther ls<br />

the creetlon of a lilBttonEl ltEfrc Satety<br />

Agency wlthln the DepErtment ol Commerce<br />

heBded by s PreslclentlEl appolntee<br />

to unlfy md csffy out the varloug<br />

prograrn$ under thls Bnd other laws Bflectlnc<br />

ssfety.<br />

the overEll problem ol trafnc<br />

Arlcl whet Bbout thffi who adtually<br />

bulld the new cBrFwhBt mu6t they do<br />

under thls blll?<br />

'I'aftlng Lhe st+ps In<br />

sftluence, the nrst thlnB they will do 16<br />

cooDcrate <strong>and</strong> ffilBt the Sffiret$ry of<br />

commerce itr his dellberBtlons Bnd declslons<br />

ebout senslble, prEctlcel safetv<br />

st8nderds. They will not, dornlnate lhis<br />

edtlvlty. but they wlll contribute. Then,<br />

ot couffi, they must atlhere to the stsndards<br />

when mtunlly building productlon<br />

ulodcls, Hsvlnc bullt one, the m6nufaoturer<br />

must plsce B certlncate ln a p€manent<br />

fL$hlon whlch lndlcates thst tlre<br />

vehlcle does ln f8ct measure up to fhe<br />

stsndsrds ln effect when lt was bullt.<br />


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