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HAnoHAL.TRArr" ^"oouffLTffiLE sApE?y Acr oF le66<br />

HS"*<br />

ryrruq H.R. tgZZ8, emended, then vacated<br />

FaEsdRe <strong>and</strong> il ligu Fdssed S. Soof, ernencedl;"<br />

mntain House peered lffguoge.<br />

$poneor subieet<br />

.. "lr"jfo nfffio *"l_,ELo<br />

Stdg8et? Comnittee dme,FT"ll regilr(|irE the 19660 19660<br />

$tegg6rB<br />

bsuing of certificete that th. "*:triote<br />

@nforns to fifety st<strong>and</strong>ards if the<br />

issuing permn tnoivs $,". "".i;?;" cerrificate ,l riE<br />

fd}ee, {g€€. ,orxtffflfnc,ommittee<br />

amendment r€gardinB<br />

ot<br />

failuFe<br />

manufaeturer t" turnistinotiti"cati"i<br />

19660<br />

-<br />

o_f any defect in tr motoF vehiele.<br />

(s€e. to8(a), eoo new suusee.-(ii,<br />

stsSEstt committee dnt€<br />

rdr insptrtion "ifffl;J*"to'ng<br />

($ec. l0B(aX2)).<br />

Steg8etB CdmDittee &mendment feletlrg to th6<br />

keeping Df records by ttre manu-fac-_- -<br />

turer snd the inspeciion of them uv<br />

pe|..lons designated by the <strong>Sec</strong>retarv.<br />

trrcvrous Ser. I I ?(b) rewritten as<br />

ut(b).Nnd (.), suca;ili;; ;;i;L<br />

rcnumbered).<br />

$tag8elE committee amendmeht speifying - a<br />

time limit<br />

" -<br />

for ttesecretary io<br />

prrblisb a uniforry q1p1i2, r|rl.n<br />

system for motor vehiel.e'iires. -<br />

(S€c. 20t).<br />

$pringer To have the preBid€ht appoint a-<br />

National Motor vshlele bbfett<br />

Advisory Council, tnstead of ihe<br />

s€cretary of commerce.<br />

(<strong>Sec</strong>. 104(e)),<br />

Offeltl {to provlde for ailminel p€mtfiGil<br />

for n€glgence in eutomobile<br />

monuf{etufes. (See. 109, add new<br />

subeec. (c)).<br />

Mo6s<br />

.fd delete the definition of ,,pressn,<br />

in tiile I. (S€c. r0Z(11)).<br />

Moss To clarify s€ctiod ? of tiile IV<br />

in r€gard td who in a Stati mav<br />

seek informdtion from tt e +ivlm<br />

license register maif,tained by thl<br />

uepartment of Cofimerce (S€c. {01).<br />

ent.v 19660<br />

Graley To provide seat belts frrr school tgggJ<br />

bu$es. (See. l03r add new subsee. (l)).<br />

Ctuirman Committee amendment a,r amended. 19668<br />

Speaker<br />

utt<br />

Committee substitute,<br />

Motion to recommit<br />

t90d0<br />

19860<br />

r9690<br />

r9660<br />

19800 t9660<br />

1s660 119682 1119868_19669<br />

qDivision vote, 80 yeaB to ?? 6ys)<br />

'.(Atter<br />

the Hduse coneludcd<br />

cornideretlon of the bill, as<br />

amended, i{r. StffgB€l:3, under th€<br />

rule, asked for a sepapate vote<br />

on this amendment <strong>and</strong> it was<br />

rejected.by a vote of 16g yeas ro<br />

?05 i6es).<br />

19862<br />

19863 1968$<br />

19663 1S663<br />

19668<br />

19670 196?0<br />

196S4<br />

19667<br />

196?0 rgd?0<br />

DEBATET Peges l96tS-19623<br />

J$E 3il ii$iS;'"','i.t*,i,'ti|;;;,J'j,)*H*i"?i?*iq;#Fj*].i,J$:<br />

House Amendments List<br />


H<br />

Extracted from:<br />

Congressional Record, !gt" Digeet, Houee,<br />

Vol. llZ,DTTl. Auguet IT, 1966<br />

IrTjf l;t:ll;,,T1 i^:-"^".^d :,je<br />

of B?r yeas the House passed H.R.<br />

l j,r"r.1i_l,i"il?":* jn.:-:::,j"li*"'.i,*,i'_l,li,:,,lll?il,1,<br />

Hglt*ff 1,":",,,1_^,"I.,1'_T1";$ffi fi l'":ffi Ir*'#ffi #_,X1:<br />

;:ffi;T", jH:1T.?,lTf fic.acciden;:il*E;ffi<br />

*lTTr,jHg.: ffi ,,T,JI,'"T:1T<br />

Jl1 I occur i,, ",,*l ilffi ;ff hffi;:<br />

lnxt":i*i'l'*,+;,p it' '#lil h-"ffiJlllltea an<br />

ffi :ll?:il,'",::i:fl."j^,:l1ilh;-;,;i.fi ;T#;[T;"i;T,i"H<br />

r#HJ:l:g:,::i:,1#::::: j+,;ilffi Lto"lf lilI*:"ilffiT<br />

f;tt*;I::1.,:_,lf _T",:"1##-i'i;:,fi",,';Tll:-il".#<br />

by a division vote of g0 yeas i;-i7;_;<br />

Adopted amendments:<br />

Which delete the definition of ,,1rcnson,,<br />

in<br />

That<br />

title<br />

cladfy<br />

I.<br />

section Z of tiile IV.<br />

Specifying a time lir<br />

alitv srsrti.- .,,-.^*1|lor .the <strong>Sec</strong>retary to publish<br />

o"Sl:{_ql"ding sysrem<br />

a uniform<br />

ro" -ot* r,iil;;i_r:<br />

*:gi.ql"* eatry for inspection of records.<br />

fff1ffr-":l: ';H,:F:i,l:;;ril* *f ,i"iir,. vehicre courorms ro<br />

:##a,:.li:-"T"^i::*i-,;;;FE;H_"ff;"i:#'l<br />

*"f-:l'"'a:"tj*r:""_.r""d';;;#r"t;frxT:ilH,7<br />

*:'JJ*-"P.ll:,i:.T--1r.i;.d"b;E#"'"1T"1T:<br />

Rejected am*rrdm".ri",<br />

for criminal penalties<br />

#Xr::ili:e<br />

for nestigence in auromobile<br />

To provide seat belts for school buses.<br />

Rejected a recommittal motion.<br />

I5,p'm:J::::l::q:d;:.:e-ed s 8005 was passed<br />

""it"r"lil'Jffl_:'-*"<br />

in<br />

H. Res. sas."th"-;,tp 965, rrn.r^-,-.L:^L rr ,ao-use-passed<br />

language'<br />

the rule<br />

s adop ted es rr ier ".. ::.i::j.l'F<br />

ff ;;t,""r"# T[' il#:::;,<br />

lieu, after being amendedio<br />

was adopted earlier by a voice vote.<br />

House Debate<br />

Pages 19645- 19674

Congressional Record-Houee<br />

August 17, 1966, 19625- f9674<br />



Mr. MADDtItl. Mr, Bp€tker, by dlructlon<br />

of the CM.Blttse on Rulcs. I Cill<br />

up Hou$e Rtsolutlon 96S 8nd ask lor lts<br />

l-ErBedlst€ curslderutlon.<br />

Ttre Clerk teed the reeolutlon, as fol-<br />

Iowa:<br />

E. RB. 066<br />

Rcrcl"ed, That upon thc ado'puon dl tbl!<br />

ffiolutlon lt Ghall be in order to mov6 thai<br />

thG IIol& rerolv6 lkelf lnk) the Comltteo<br />

ol ths Wbole Hous on the Strte of the<br />

Unlon lor the corrElderstlon ol the blll (H.R.<br />

13t18) to provldc lor a coordlnoted natl()nol<br />

slety pros?Bm <strong>and</strong> Htabllshmenn ol Ealcty<br />

atendarda lor motor vehlcles ln inkratate<br />

ffimtrce td reduce fafrc accldonts arld the<br />

d6athr, InrurleE, snd property damagG whlch<br />

ecw ln Eucn Eccldents. Alts Eenclal deb*te,<br />

whlch Ehall be snined to the bul snd<br />

Bhall Ftlttnue not to excecd threo houfr, td<br />

bc Gqually dlvlded Bnd controllcd by th6<br />

ch8lrman <strong>and</strong> t*hhln8 mlnorlty member Oi<br />

th€ Cl}rrmltteG oil lhter8tst€ <strong>and</strong> Forel8n<br />

Ooffiorce. thc blll Ehall t)e rstd lor ffiendmont<br />

under the nvc-mlDut4 rult. It Ehi{ll<br />

bo ln ofder [o conclder tllo cubstltulo trmrndmeDt<br />

rHotnrtrended by the Comltt€e oD Intent8tc<br />

<strong>and</strong> Forel8n Commefct now lh thc<br />

bllt fnd ruoh rubrututr lof tha pufpm of<br />

Em6ndm6nt rhBll be conslderBd under the<br />

flvc-mlnutp lule &a an orlBlnal blll. At the<br />

conclualoh of Errch conslderatlon the Comhlttee<br />

Bhall rlae <strong>and</strong> report the blll to the<br />

Hou6 wltll luch amendments aa may have<br />

lftn adopted, <strong>and</strong> aAy Meml*r may derurnd<br />

B BepatEte vote ln the IIouft on any of the<br />

mendments adopted ln th6 Commltteo ol<br />

tho U/hol6 to th6 blll or cohmltt4o !ub8tltut€.<br />

Tht pretloua questlon rbtll be conBtdtred<br />

u ordeied on the blll <strong>and</strong> amendmGnb<br />

thoroto to flnBl Pffi*8e slthout intervonlnB<br />

hotlon ercepi one motton to rem|Imtt wlth<br />

or $lthout lnstructlonr. Alter the ps$Ege<br />

ol H.R. 132?8. tbe Commlttee on Int8Etab<br />

<strong>and</strong> ForGlEn CoEherce shall be dl*hsBcd<br />

lroh tho lurther mnaldffatlon ol the blll<br />

(S- 3006). <strong>and</strong> lt shsll then be ln order ln<br />

tlb Hou8s to move b Etrlke out atl arter Ult<br />

eD4ctln8 clauae of sld tienste bul <strong>and</strong> ln-<br />

Ert ln lltu thereql the provlElonr @DhlnGd<br />

ln H.R. 13118 u puGd the Hou*.<br />

The APEAIiER. The Eentlemf,n froE<br />

InrllenB ls reco8nlzed for I hour.<br />

Mr. MA.DDEN. Mr. sp€Eker, I Yleld<br />

30 mlnutes to the centleman lrom <strong>Ten</strong>nesee<br />

[Mr. QurLLENl, pendlru whlch I<br />

yleld mysll Euch time ag I mey consume.<br />

Mr. BrEBker, HolH FleBolution 985<br />

provldes for conslderatlon of II.R'. 13228,<br />

I blU to provide for a coordlnated natlonrl<br />

Bsfety progratn <strong>and</strong> estBbllshment<br />

ol Bslety Bt<strong>and</strong>ard8 for motor vehlcles<br />

h lnterstBte commerce. Its enMtment<br />

wlll retluce trEllc Bccldents, deathr, ln-<br />

Jurlee, end property tla,mtSe whlch occut<br />

ln such eEcldeutr, Th6 re8olutlon<br />

provldes Bn open rule wlth 3 hour8 ol<br />

EGncral alebqte, rrrEklna lt ln order to<br />

consldor ttre Eub8tltute E6 ln orlglnrl<br />

blll tor tlrr purpo!6 ol a|n6ndmcnt. Ttc<br />

resdlutlon al8o me'he8 lt ln order to dlscheJse<br />

tbe Comrnlttee on hterrt8t€ end<br />

Eorelan Corlrtnerce lfom lurther con-<br />

718<br />

{lderetlon ol B. 3005, strlEo out all alter<br />

tlre enactln8 cl8use Bnd lrucrt tlre lrnfuBge<br />

ol the House bul.<br />

It h$B been rellsbly oEtlmated th8t<br />

over 30,000 persons wlll dle on orrf hlghway8<br />

ln 1968 snd urue8s e bro8d-scsle<br />

rttach 18 promDtly dlrectrd at thls ptobl€h,<br />

lt Bppesrs JuBt as certaln tlrat somc<br />

100,000 AEretlcsnt wlll dle ia the rerult<br />

ol trefrc Bcclllent ln 191S,<br />

Durlng thc h€iflncs before the leglslatlve<br />

co[|mltt€. lt E'er Folnt6d out thrt<br />

dlrcG 196l TG hETe lst rbout fouf, tlEct<br />

J.E8qy<br />

|tr tfanc<br />

Eenbers<br />

accldents<br />

of the irued tervlcc!<br />

es Ere have ln coEbf,t<br />

In VletDdrr.<br />

In illdltlon<br />

rrilllotrs who<br />

!o the deaths, there Efc<br />

have sufiered $evere <strong>and</strong><br />

Fcmanent lnjurle6,<br />

of la.st yebi'E trBflc<br />

Ttle cct in dollaf8<br />

adcldents hro been<br />

e8timrted Bt S8 blUlon End the cost ld<br />

terms of grlel <strong>and</strong> sufierlng ls lmmeaeursble,<br />

Passehgers ilding In vehlcles movlng<br />

et speeds of 60 End ?0 miles per horu'<br />

or even higher speerl nee

The DurDo8c ol H.R. 13228 ls to reducc<br />

ttzfrc mcldents snd the armmpuSrllg:<br />

deatbs utl lnjuries- In order to echleve<br />

thls end, the lesislsflon: First. provldea<br />

for tJle establbhbent ol lHeral slebr<br />

stendtrda for motor vehicles <strong>and</strong> vehtcle<br />

equlprnent; s€cond, sslety rcsearrh g,nd<br />

deyelopment prograEs are lnstltuted:<br />

snal thlnl, afl etp&nslon of the nBtlonf,l<br />

drlver reglster ls Nuthorlz€d.<br />

Thr secretary ts requlftd to est8bllgh<br />

strhdErds for ftotor vehlcle8 <strong>and</strong> thctf<br />

equlpment. They are to t€ pr8ctlcBble,<br />

tiHng lnto Eccount f,{onofirlc futor$ tnd<br />

technoloslcal Bbliity to schleve tJte deslEd<br />

re5dt. St<strong>and</strong>ards msy be uended<br />

or Evoked es nece3sary by the <strong>Sec</strong>retary,<br />

In dctcmlnlru rt<strong>and</strong>ardE the s€cFGtrty<br />

tr ftqutftd to: Flrst, conslder rclcv8nt<br />

srlcty dats; Eecond. conEult wtth<br />

tbc VchlclG Equlpment glfety CoEEls-<br />

816 <strong>and</strong> Euch Stste of ,.nt€r8trtG f,aer<br />

d4. t he deeml_ 4ece6sanr;, th|fd,<br />

condder whether s Drrpo$ed Etrndard<br />

l$ Effionable, pmctlcable, sd "pptoprlat€;<br />

Bnd, fourth, corBlder the extent<br />

to whtch the propGed stmdErd wlll furtfier<br />

the purposes of the sct. To secure<br />

lDfomation upon whlch to bffie hls<br />

orders the S€cretary ls efirpowered to<br />

conduct re*arch, test|ns, a.nd to m8kc<br />

grant$ to State$ <strong>and</strong> nonproflt in$titutlohs<br />

qualiffed to conduct such work.<br />

The blll requlres the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to lssue<br />

lnlttal Federal satety studartk by January<br />

3f, 1967. New snd revl5ed-if necessary-st<strong>and</strong>uds<br />

are requlred by<br />

January 31, f968.<br />

Any safety regulatlon ls$ued by the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retery is subject to judiciBl revtee,l<br />

under the bill- An adversely allected<br />

per$on may reque8t a court of appgalo,<br />

wlthln 60 deys ot lta lssudnc+, to revlew<br />

the order of the Strl.ettrry, who must<br />

file with the court a record of the proceedlngs<br />

on which he based his orders.<br />

The couft may require edditional evldence<br />

lt materlal. The tlndinss f,nd<br />

order of the <strong>Sec</strong>retary will be sustelned<br />

when supported by substEnttal evldence<br />

on the basis of the entire record; he mfly<br />

elso be required to modify hls findirrgs<br />

<strong>and</strong> order-<br />

The bill prohlblto the manufacture.<br />

Itrrportetion, or sale ol vehicleE whlch<br />

feil to meet Is$ued st<strong>and</strong>8rd,6. T'hesd<br />

provlstons do not trpply to ressle ol used<br />

carE. Ttre blll dms proyide some control<br />

over used car resales. The <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

is Euthorized to make a study of safety<br />

stmdud$ for 6uch verucle8, a^s well E!<br />

lNp€ctlon requlrerdents ln each Etat€,<br />

end to feport hlB flndlncs to Conaresr<br />

withln I year of enactment. Wit.hjD<br />

the next yeBr. sfety st<strong>and</strong>ards are to lre<br />

l5sued mverhg used Ers.<br />

penElties Ere provided for vlolauoE!.<br />

up to $1,000 for each vlolauon; ee#h<br />

vehlcle lnvolved ls I sepdfBte vlol8ilon,<br />

The maxidum clvll penalty for a serles<br />

of vtolEtions i$ $400,000. IflJunctlve rettef<br />

ls also available to the Seretary to stop<br />

a Eerles ol violatlon-$. The <strong>Sec</strong>ret&ry ls<br />

requlred to glve notlce to anyohe Egalrot<br />

whom ad thjuction is contempl;bed <strong>and</strong><br />

ls requlred to give such persoD En opportunlty<br />

for complience. In cs.srs ot<br />

Iilouse Debate<br />

crtminal cont€rnpt lor vlolailorri ol an |l!l-<br />

Junctlve older, trlal by Jury ,.9 avsflsble.<br />

ManuJMturirg ere requlred to k#D<br />

record8, wlrlch the Serretf,ry os.n u$e to<br />

detdmine whettrer such me.Eutedtuterr<br />

ue compl:rln8 rlth stsndsrds. Tr8dc<br />

secreta afe td be prot€cterr. Iloilce must<br />

be glven by a EErrujlacturer ot any defect<br />

relBtlng to sslety; nottce to be gjyen<br />

by certlfled mEil to f,rst retsil purrhaftr<br />

Md defller. A coFy ol such bduce EuS<br />

be foroarded to the gecretsry; ttrG<br />

mEE'ufactu.ter Erust prohptly corrmt tfrc<br />

defect,<br />

The blll establlshei B N8tl,onal Ttltfic<br />

.g8fety Acency, heEdcd by En AdrlllhlstBtor,<br />

6ppqlnted by ttrc prealdent, pcr*<br />

forlutng such dutles u are delegetrrt hln<br />

by the Sccretary, the Bdr[tnlEterln8<br />

th|! ert. The <strong>Sec</strong>rctsry rd.ust reFort<br />

tlre CohgreJ$ by MarCh I ol €eeh y€df.<br />

of<br />

to<br />

Ttre salcty ls dealt wlth ln ittl€ II of<br />

tlrc bUl.<br />

eEdh tlre<br />

A slety lebel ls regulrlrl ftr<br />

glvlng p€rtlnent, ,nformatlotr.<br />

Ahnded^$ aro to lte e6tabtlEhed. under<br />

the auttrorlty gftnted tlre s€cretsry ln<br />

tltlc I. Tbb tltle<br />

"orl.Elr,Bl<br />

equlpment<br />

will requlre that<br />

tires, or deluc<br />

tura," et c4t€ru, mean the sme tlrlnt<br />

lor each menulacturer so thBt the customer<br />

cBn more readlly detetmine<br />

parEtive values.<br />

cortl-<br />

Authorlt*tlons for th€ blll are: Tlut<br />

I4xcept tlre safety---tll nrjlllon for llsul<br />

1967, $17 million for 1968, end S23<br />

milllon for 1969. TtIe sefety authorllatlonB<br />

ere $2,0 milllcn fDr fi$cfll 1967<br />

Bnd $1,{50,000 for each of 1968 rnd 1969-<br />

A NBtlonal Motor Vehtcle Safety Adr'lsory<br />

Councll ls establtshed, con$t$tlng<br />

of flve members from the gener*l public.<br />

flve members from the lndustry, <strong>and</strong><br />

three members of State End locBl government<br />

to f,clr.lse <strong>and</strong> consult wlth thc<br />

Srcretery of Commerce on the msndatory<br />

stRndErds tequlred by the btll.<br />

Eight membero have slgned additionEl<br />

vlews opposlng the present structure of<br />

the Advlsory councll. They polnt out<br />

thet ldst mlnute changes in the btu re-<br />

Satdlng the Council were approved 13 to<br />

l2 to accomrnodtrte the sftretary ol<br />

Commerce by the femoval ot Senate<br />

conflmatlon of AdrrlsotV Council members.<br />

They belleve thet thls removgl<br />

wlll nesate much of the trdependent<br />

thiaklng End Jud8ment on motor vehlcle<br />

salety problems whlch would others'l5€<br />

lre Evellable to the S€cretary.<br />

One member has flled lndi!'lduEl vlew8<br />

Famlnr that thc blll ls no cuft-all: that<br />

accldentg are caused by many lactoru,<br />

cff de$lgn betnE only a small part. Hc<br />

supporl$ the btl] but fears that Fetleral<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards may Bctually tnhlblt the development<br />

oI sfer cBE.<br />

Mr. StEaker, f know ol no objecilon<br />

ttre nrte, <strong>and</strong> f ur8e that lt be e(lopt€d.<br />

to<br />

Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Spe8ke!, f flelcl<br />

such tlme a.s he may Eqtrlre to the Fentleman<br />

fmm Florldn tMr. BErr[EEl.<br />

Mt. BE{NETT- Mr. Smaker. for a<br />

decnde, I heve s.rnsored leglelatlon to<br />

requlre thf,t cert8ln s8fety stenderdB are<br />

tnet fot all motor vehtclE sold ln lnterstate<br />

dtrunette. DuflnE the 89th Con-<br />

Eresc, f hav6 lntrcdueed t$o bUlB, H-R.<br />


{14, <strong>and</strong> E.R. 9303, whlch would establlsh<br />

sslety st<strong>and</strong>Erds fdr certaln nutomoblle<br />

equtpment, 8nd rcqtrir? thts equlpment<br />

to bc tncluded on all Etltdmoblles sold ln<br />

tntetEtstc 6mmeFoe. I Em de€ply concemed<br />

wlth thls pttblem' sE I conslder<br />

tt to be of the Ereatest<br />

portanoe'<br />

nEtlonEl lft'<br />

When pmple ln our country read ln<br />

ilre newsipaprrs thBt almost 50.000 people<br />

hrve dted durlns the lrst yeer ln tEf,c<br />

Bccltlents, they sre bdellv shocked. But'<br />

then they fted Bbout tHcedy every df,y.<br />

TtiBsedy 18 somethlns th8t happtrE to<br />

otherg. But erterv l3 nrlnut43, SomE<br />

man. woman, or chlld ls ktlled lil tr:Bfilc<br />

scctdents. tvery l8 secondg' somebddy<br />

tE tnjwd Eeflously trr sotrlr tvlst€d<br />

sreckege. And Yet tr8fic becomer<br />

heavlet ever!/ dey. Tlteru ere mom dr:lveB.<br />

morc vehtcles, mdre rf,Ile8 ol travel'<br />

e,nd thus ttrorr ch8nces of mcldenta.<br />

And ln eddltlo'n to thc needles$ loE ol<br />

llfc. flrrrnclel 1oa"55 plle up at tJrG rrtc ol<br />

lU,ooO pcr 6ccond, sruund tht clock'<br />

8om€ 6t10,9?e AtrrGrlesnt havc ben<br />

tfllcd ln bll battler 6tnc:i tlrt battle d<br />

Ifxtngton ln u75, lncludhg thE urost rElY<br />

fiDLflsures from vletnem, yet over t.s<br />

frtllion motorlsta have dled In automoblle<br />

rccldents since 18S9, In spltE of these<br />

lacts, however, the Congresg has taken<br />

very llttle attlrmatlve actlon tpward curbhg<br />

the rapldly riEing number <strong>and</strong> co6t of<br />

tutomoblle eccldents. Estsbllshftient ol<br />

msnutaciuring $tgndards tor segt, belts,<br />

alrd the requlrcment<br />

devlces otr vehicleq<br />

Feder&l Goverrrment<br />

ol certaln srfety<br />

purchr$€d by the<br />

was s good beglnnlng,<br />

but llttle more, lrecsu8e another<br />

rrcord was set lE.$t year tor tramc accldeut6<br />

<strong>and</strong> accldents contlnue to bG tho<br />

chlef caus€ of death ln Amerlcans<br />

r !o 3{.<br />

eged<br />

I persnally cannot thlnk oi many<br />

thlngs more trcncflclel to the Natlon's<br />

welfare ihan thls Corurres$ actln8 lBvor-<br />

Bbly on leEislEtloh ded8ned to enal thl,B<br />

horrlble yeArly d$th rate. In l9?5 there<br />

,r*.* orrlV 29 rnllllon llcefls€d drlyers ln<br />

che Unlttd StatEs; todny there Ere 95<br />

miUlon. Yet in I9?5, there wlU b€ 135<br />

milllon Amerlcarrs drlvlng ll? mlUlon<br />

eutomoblle$. In fty home Stste of Florldr<br />

blone, the number of mrs vlll double<br />

In l0 years. The3e lBcts polnt up the<br />

ne€d fof efiectlve leglElotlon to be enrctetl<br />

to curb thl8 modern tragedy of the<br />

trafilc smldent. The trafnc EBlcty leclslBtlon<br />

before the Hou$e todsy qrould do<br />

much td make AfilerlcBn csrs safer-<br />

Whet is psrtlcularly dl8treslng to me<br />

is that Blrnost hBlt of thffie kllled ln r,ccldents<br />

could trBve survlved ln a sale<br />

automobilc. Thls means that we would<br />

$avc 25,000 Amer'lcArls thls year ll thelr<br />

automobll$ were equlpped wlth ceftsln<br />

sbfety feBturs.<br />

sdld:<br />

Presldent Johnson tH<br />

wo cennot mccpt the lntolersblc dEln<br />

on out tlffih Bnd @nomlc rG6ourc6 thft<br />

thEG ectdtnta se mualnS,<br />

714<br />

If wc tal(e ectlon now to hake CilE<br />

themsalves safer the frl8htening number<br />

of deaths <strong>and</strong> lr\iurlg o{turrlng on ouf<br />

hlghways Bnd our streets can be drarilatlcslly<br />

reduced.<br />

It ls lmportdnt ttEt Consress Bct now,<br />

lor every day we Dut ofi cofrIna to grlps<br />

wlth tfils proDlem Bnother 6? Amcrlcaru<br />

wlll ille ln urEEfe md,or vrtrlclea.<br />

Mr. QIJIIJ.EIiI, Mr. ep€rlrsr, I yl6ld t<br />

mtrute! to the gcntleban lrbm Nebmska<br />

tMr. CutrNtl{cll^rl.<br />

Mf. CUNNINGHAJ\iI. Mr, Sp€EKer, I<br />

thlnk I ouaht to 8sy that' I do support<br />

lhts blll, but I dld f,16 the lndlvldual vl€f,rs<br />

whlch I hope th€ Mehrberfi *lll read.<br />

I hop€ tlr8t none ol th6 Memlreru,<br />

whcn ttrls blll ls approved, are golrg to<br />

isu6 any klnd ol st8tdment thflt now we<br />

hrv6 lolved thc rcoltlont prtblem a. t|{<br />

u vehJolot tf6 conocrned<br />

btu tn no wbe rolvee that<br />

bccsus€<br />

problem,<br />

thli<br />

In<br />

frct, lt' h8t vcrt llt'tl6 to do *lth tho<br />

prtyentlon<br />

gtme.<br />

of r.clalcnt ln tJlc nr$ |rr-<br />

It drlal.s prl-uarlly wlth dedan. 1tr6<br />

have no ncure&-thffd ot u8 ntho haw<br />

bffn In ttrrls yrork prote8slonsuy, a! I<br />

heve for tllny yflIlr tnow that there<br />

rre no f,Bures that support rnt oontentlon<br />

thBt the desl8m of t}le sutomoblle lr<br />

thc c$uErF of edcldcnts. 8o because tr€<br />

pass thls r hop€ that the publlo wtll noi<br />

bs lcd to bellevo thet<br />

Drcblem.<br />

wc hnve rolved thlr<br />

Actunlly, the Eot! lEportant billl wo<br />

wlll b€ votina on lE tJr6 one thst collr68<br />

aftDr thl8, u t.|e sch€dulo lb loUowed,<br />

that come8 trom the Combltto€ on Publlc<br />

Works. Thlr bul scts lnto the gutJ<br />

ol ttre problem. ft was orlglntlly ln<br />

our blll but b€caure there we8 a confllct,<br />

I belleve, b€tween ttle euthorlty of tfr6<br />

two oouunlttees, lt ales asreed betEe€fr<br />

th6 resFfftlve chnlrmen, a^s I underftlnd<br />

It, thst the comftltt4€ on ltubllc<br />

would take out th6 EBJor portlon<br />

Wort!<br />

ol t'tts<br />

blll now under @illderatlon.<br />

So we h8ve e merc stieleton hert vlrlch<br />

6et6 up stNdards whlch, e3 I rsy, only<br />

ulbbles &t thl$, lf lt even goes that f8r.<br />

go that the r€auy lmportdnt bltl tlrat<br />

you are golng to be dlacu8sinE l8 the one<br />

th8t wlll cdrn6 oui ot thc CloEmftt4r on<br />

Publlc Work8, whlch ts mhedulcd alro4v<br />

on the csletldtr. That ls the one tJrat<br />

wlll get et this problem to b cslteln decree.<br />

f thousht thBt ought to be rrlstlc<br />

cleflr trs we go ttrough the deba,te.<br />

Ye$, I suFport the leglslEtton, End r do<br />

hope the.t you wlll ree.d tJr6 Elnorlty<br />

vlews thBt f have submlttatl.<br />

Mr. QUU.LEN. Mr. gpc8tsGr, I hevr<br />

no lurther trque8ta for tlmo.<br />

Mr, MADDEN. Mr, Bp€8ket, I ftovc<br />

the prevlous questlon.<br />

The previou$ questlon wro ordeted.<br />

The SPEAIiER, pro t€mlrore (Mr.<br />

Arsrrr).<br />

t'lon.<br />

The questlon la on ttre reaolu-<br />

The resolution wss Efreed to,<br />

A motlon to recorolder ws<br />

tsble.<br />

lald on the<br />



The BPEAI(ER pro temporc. The<br />

Chalr recqgnlze8 the IentlemBn lfdnr<br />

C&llfornl& tMr. Sra|(].<br />

Mr. 9r$8. Mr. Sp€aBer, by dlrcctlon<br />

of the Commltt€e on RUIeB I cau up<br />

Hous€ Rrsolutlon gg{, <strong>and</strong> 8.6L lor lts lmhedlBte<br />

conslderBtlon.<br />

Th6 Clerk'r€fld the resolutlorr, E5 lol-<br />

!ow8:<br />

II. RH. 90*<br />

Ecrolu€d, Ibrt upo|| thG Etlopttotr ot tJrtr<br />

rdolutlotr lt rhrll ba |[ ordar to movr thet<br />

ttr6 IIou& rilolva ltsll tutd th6 Cffilttfi<br />

ot th. Whol. Ilous oD tnr tt|t ol tnc<br />


ttntonlortlrENutdor8tloaorlblrrlll-lH-nOntyrhftdJulolsteteshBVeWrder-<br />

13300) to Emrnd tltlG 13 0! tn" iitrt"J'-dt"tt talten comprehenslve hl8hwBy 8*(ety<br />

cod6 to p!oyld.6 tor ntgnwey.elttl try.h Drograln$ end even thee are hen(U'<br />

Iic- di"iropu."nt, cor'totn hlglwlv<br />

ltttl i*ppra uv gapt <strong>and</strong> def,clences Bnd' ln-<br />

;;;;. ; Datlonal drtvcr resttt r, rnd t<br />

J-.i""t*- f,irindnC. ttrs 8t8t€8 ml'Et<br />

[li*,-y"*:r",lt";"r;f1.fi"^""LH,t i"*Stii<br />

trneo rb tur Dul rnd rlrau *1.tjiYfiff.rjfi<br />

nt*r * n*uno.tnt role tn Bnv lutute pro-<br />

--ili,<br />

rseso r€qulres -r.trsr Grch!$F<br />

.rc.od two hourr, to b. rqurlry qr.vroE,l!!<br />

. ai'l-.:::-i,;;lr.- *r-tr nrnrren f,Dsntrotlcrt<br />

bt ilro cbrlrhrE't;;;;Lld rhcllhaveshtlbs/ByEaletyprogrlnf,p'<br />

hlnorltv msEber ot tno cmmit-t*i o-n hrul prov*o uv t'hc Eecrttary whldh k ln td'<br />

uc workr, tlr? btll rbru u| Fql roI<br />

F,?Pl: ["iOrocc-*ttn unltorrl| st4trdardt to- b6<br />

'iilni<br />

unuri tbc nv.-Etlnut6 rul:. .r. *jlt-l" Dromulaat d by the Eetretarv. Ih.e E*in<br />

ordcr to "o-lO"l .tU..:"-b,!tl*'i,ff."""T irtary "n4t n.'t adt unurtcrsllv In 06beht<br />

recommentled bt thc<br />

:HT,i:_r-.:; vebping theE€ Et<strong>and</strong>ards. The blll apc.-<br />

f,lJl"" H:'H"TX,il"T3'1*,lil"il# "'ffi ;ifiui'*q"i;* thet thu gccrct'rv atteu<br />

br conlldcrGd unocr ttrc nvr-m'iaTta ruto u wort wlth tho 8tatffi' th€lr poUtlcal 8ub'<br />

ii i,iiii"ii uni. rt tnc onctulon of rucr' d"t"to*. othrr Federal depsrtmentt'<br />

-Jniiairiuon<br />

tb6 cohrtltt c rbrll rtrl rnd rna puUttc end prlv&t or5mlzstions' lrr<br />

nFoft tno bul id r'b!<br />

l9l*-,a*t:l:i developlngthesestEndardE'<br />

rirondmertt ar h&y haY? E"_T-".P^T.,-'?X<br />

Tlre- blll requtfes Uret tlre E€cret{ry<br />

"*Tof;;l."JiT"u<br />

.hiil_"p.riG ut" conar*fs bv no lBtdr<br />

lffi<br />

liJ Ti.fi"T fft"xffiu '.l:*n ?' "T#tH':ln;ll"H: H$;I m.ff lut'l'"'-lTh $"d$slt"s<br />

rl*i ir.-uoo.aru b. qEd'ltrt(l E o'd'^Ed. dlsll sub8tsntldly brolden hll rYg"lg<br />

* ,a" OUt ud mendEcnt, tIGrGto to.-And Ol Con5ultsilotr; that he Ehf,ll 3€!t [n:<br />

'H""iffi<br />

H*""ii'Pu'"'#"lxliKfi [lg*f#fi "",;"ff$IJliff""iffi :':;;tfl<br />

lEtrucuosr. Alt+r ibr Fffil<br />

"T*'j i; that, he rhall EubElt hl8 proposed EEnollll"i,i\*""rtl'<br />

t-nll"::l'LTi""iic utrt'rs Brdi to riYlew bv th' Nltlonsl HrshwPv<br />

soszr <strong>and</strong> to soYe to ur.*" oi'"t;ii"il il; Sefetv 'to"t"ow comndttde whlch trr€<br />

en*cfln8 clBu* or eora scn;;-;iri-i"a"n ieei"Gilor, woril

eport to the congregs hls recomnendatlons<br />

for B lormula for futrd apportlonrf,ent<br />

ln future yeBr8. A Btste's hlshway<br />

lunds mey tt€ reduced l0 percent efter<br />

Jenuery t. 1008, It the StEte herr not<br />

Etoved to lnltltute B progrem lor hlghwBy<br />

EBlety under thlE tlt'le.<br />

In developlns the unlform performance<br />

rtenalsrds end crltefla, the Eecreteiy l8<br />

r€qulred to work rtlttr 8t8te offclals bnd<br />

other lntete8tcd publlc 6nd prlvate qrgenlzrtlont.<br />

Other Feder8l aEencle8 EEy<br />

Elso be con8ulted.<br />

The Eecretary ts dlrtct€d to u8e fund!<br />

mfide avEllable lor the purpo8e ln m$klng<br />

grsnts to promote teteerch lh Eafew<br />

to Btete, prlvBt€, or Fbderrl aEencles entl<br />

orronlzetlons. IVpeB of prolecta lor<br />

whlch funde wlll be avallable lnclude:<br />

Plr8t, rer€arch fellowshlps; Eecond, tr8lnlru<br />

of lrlshwril lsfety peftonnel; rnd<br />

thlid dehorrrtrrtlon proJectt.<br />

A NBtlon8l Hlghw8y Etsletv Advhorv<br />

Comhltt€€ b stabltshed ln tlre D€pertment<br />

of Commerce. the El€cretary 18<br />

chatmran; ?0 members, apPolnted bY<br />

t'he Pr€stdent. sre to be selected ae lollows:<br />

6 Govetnors, or [rfyor8 of Ef,Jor<br />

clue6, t pubuc EtlmlnlsSrf,tor8 ln the fleld,<br />

{ from afiected lndustrlff, I auto englneer,<br />

I hlghway englner, I trst0c cnglne€r.<br />

4 re8eBrch eientlsts, <strong>and</strong> I flom<br />

the generel publlc. The Commlttee will<br />

Bdvlse, oonrult wlth, bnd mBke recommendauon8<br />

to the Eecretary, review re-<br />

8€anch pro8tatns, snd revlew prlor to<br />

lggrr,*nce t'tl€ Ferlodnsnce $t8ndBrds f,ird<br />

crlt€ili the 8€ctetery lE requlred to<br />

The APEAKER pru temporr. mthdut<br />

objcctlo,n, the prevlous queltlon lE ordered.<br />

T116 r€Boluflon sas agreed to.<br />

A motlon to recon8ldet ses letd on the<br />

trble.<br />



Mr. EtTAgGmA. Mr. Speeker.I movc<br />

ttrst the Houae rcrolve ltrell lnto thc<br />

Cohmlttee ol tJre Whole Houte on tlre<br />

Btete ol the IInIur lor tJre oorr8ldet8tlon<br />

of the blu (II.R'. 13228) to pmvlde lot<br />

I coofltlnated nstlonBl Eafety<br />

edt6bU8h.<br />

Authorlzstlonr under thla new chapter<br />

ar€;<br />

Flr!t,. For the ettlng up ol Etat€<br />

iltety progr8ms <strong>and</strong> ttle aettlru of<br />

stsndards ol crlterlai 155 Ellllon lor<br />

tlac8l 196?: 180 mlllton tor RBcal 1008;<br />

*80 hlluon lor nscal 1969.<br />

ftmond, For the ptotrbtr ol 8ttnt8 ln<br />

the neldr ol rcrcsroh 8nd trElnthg: ll0<br />

mtluon lor nscel 106?; 120 mllllon lor<br />

flrc8l l06E: 125 mlulon for flrcBl 1009.<br />

Tte hlchwsy trust rund cf,nnot be<br />

used to piovlde lunds tor the progrEm ln<br />

rn f,bount whlch erc€eds I percent ol<br />

tlrc cuffent erclsG t8r on motor vehlcleg<br />

plus rddltlonal a'urount , ell ol whlah ere<br />

rpproprtstcd ttom ttrE gen€rsl lund to<br />

ttrrG bl8hTtf, trult lund lor anch Dur-<br />

DOrCr.<br />

An fnnuEl rtsott to tltc Congr6lt on<br />

Maich I lr requlred.<br />

Ttrere are no rrrlnorlty or salalltlon8l<br />

Ylew8.<br />

I would tltc to comment rt thlr potnt,<br />

te the EentlemBn rrom Clllfomla dld,<br />

ttrat I belleve we art ln t.he rl8ht dlrtct'ton<br />

wtth thlE blll 8nd loohlnc lotward<br />

to havttll st<strong>and</strong>,rr{&€d 8p€Gd Umtts ltt *U<br />

ol our 8tstd8. Thcre I pcrson lGf,vlng 6a6<br />

BtBt6 Bnd dflvln8 on the Int€Etatr 8yttan<br />

csn bc Scrr€d to B Ertsln 8ptrd.<br />

Ttrle ln my oDlnlon wUI promote tr8^f,c<br />

sslcty End rtducc atrldenta. ThlE 1,8<br />

spplloable not only to psdscnger ctr8 but<br />

to tructsr e3 well'<br />

Mr. Bpe0kcr, I know ol no obJectlon<br />

to th6 nrl6, <strong>and</strong> I ursc tbat lt bc Bdopt€d.<br />

Fffervlfls the balance ol my tlme, I hEve<br />

no lurttrcr reque8ts fot tlrne.<br />

Mr, BIE|E, Mr. Bp€Bker, f ur8e adoptlon<br />

of the Esolutlon. I move the prevtou8<br />

questlon.<br />

progrEm<br />

<strong>and</strong> e8tobltshment of rsfety st<strong>and</strong>ard!<br />

tor rDotor yehlcles tn lntcrrtatc commerce<br />

td reduce tr8lnc 0dctal6nts Bnd tbc<br />

dertltr, lnjurtca, ffid prop€rw drnrEsG<br />

$hlctr mcur ln such [ccldehts.<br />

The EPEAKEI3 pno tempoE. Is theru<br />

objectlon to tfie rcquest of the FentlemEn<br />

fm West Vlrelnls?<br />

There wro no objectlon.<br />

Th6 SPEAI(ER pm tc|EFort. ThG<br />

questlon ls on the motlon of,ercd by thc<br />

gentletnen from Weat vlrglnle,<br />

Tlre tnotlon wtr lgrftd to.<br />

Itr THE COIXIIEE d 'gI SHru<br />

AccordlnRly, the Houe reslved lt8cll<br />

lnto the Cmmltt€e of the Whole Hou3e<br />

on the StBtc of the Unlon tor th€ conslderatlon<br />

of the bul H.R. l3l?8. wtth<br />

Mr. DArrDARro ln the chelr.<br />

The Ckrk EEd the tttle ot the blU.<br />

By unEnlmoua consent, the llrst ftidlng<br />

of the blll wra dkp€n8ed wlth,<br />

The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, thc<br />

gentlemen f rom f,Iegt vlrFlnlE tMr.<br />

BTAcdERsl wul bf roeofrltzed lor l|6<br />

hours end the gentlemEn lrom llllnol!<br />

lMr. EpRrNcf,R.l wlll b€ recoanlzed for<br />

I rA hour8,<br />

Tt€ Chalr rucoFnlzea thc BentlertrBn<br />

lrom ltrlest Vlrglnla.<br />

Mr, $TAOgE{t, Mr. Chslrzrrn, I<br />

yleld iny8€lf l0 mlnuter,<br />

Mr. Ctralman End MeEberr of th6<br />

Comnrltter, I mtgbt sarr nr8t th8t thls btU<br />

csme out of our commltt€€ glth s unanlmous<br />

vot6. We hsd l8 dByB of heafln8!<br />

<strong>and</strong> l? dByB of executlve se8alont marklnc<br />

up the blu. I beueve that 6very 8ent€nce<br />

<strong>and</strong> svery sotu Tea gone over very<br />

c*retully.<br />

Tt|e comElttce cams out wlttr I bUI th6<br />

members thou8ht wBB B sood blll fot thl!<br />

l<strong>and</strong> ol outB.<br />

Meny thlhg8 hrye b€€n sald about tho<br />

blll. but rone ol thogc who talt sbflrt lt<br />

do not underst<strong>and</strong> thEt lt ls E peckra6<br />

prograrn- Ttle other pErt comeB out ol<br />

the Pubuc WorEB CoEJmlit€e <strong>and</strong> lollows<br />

thl8 bUl. OrlElnsuy, when lt came to the<br />

Htll. thl8 w85 connEctcd wlth our blll, but<br />

tt wsE dlvlded up by the ParU8mentarlBn'<br />

becsuEe ol the dlilerent Ereas of Jurkdlc'<br />

tlon. REAUy, tDls lE a packaae tr be conrldered<br />

togettrer.<br />

The btll we pre*Et to the Commlttts<br />

toclsy prlmerlly hs to do wlth ttre Banuracture<br />

ol caE End thelr perfoflnr.ooc.<br />

Eomeone hes sslal lt has to do wlth aleslgn.<br />

but we do not wBnt to 8et the de8lsrl<br />

Te w&nt to requltt the <strong>Sec</strong>retary to Edt<br />

p€rf oilrEnce st<strong>and</strong>8r(ls.<br />

f commend the blll to the Commlttee<br />

Bnd to the Memb€rs. becsu8e I belleve lt<br />

ha.$ been carefully worhed upon.<br />

716<br />


I r+ltl ouillne<br />

the bul.<br />

eome ol the provlsloBd ot<br />

I do not pretenil ttrat the blU wul tsk?<br />

cBre or every poeslble prercnt or lutur€<br />

Eelety conslderEtlon, but I alo proually<br />

support lt os a lar_tee,chlng end wellconslderetl<br />

lnltletton ol n new selety<br />

Progrf,E-<br />

I wlll outllno brleflv wh.ut the blll contehr<br />

end how ttre prtvlslona ol thc bUl<br />

Flu b€ edmlnl8trrcd.<br />

I belleve th8t both memb€rt of tlrc<br />

.*<br />

IlfEf;/<br />

-<br />

Iiutes coEhltte€, ln ttrelr explsnBtloE<br />

8sY€ Yery cood stat€ment8 on the blu ltr<br />

ineu rccbmcndltlnn lor the possge ot<br />

tlr6 rule.<br />

Mr. ChelmErL the Codrsltt{f on Inttrst{te<br />

Bhd ForelEn Commerce heJ rF'<br />

port€d H.R. 13228 anU f spealt tn bth8ll<br />

q1 the bUl Es a.rrended. TruB legl,Eleuon<br />

Fxnown ffi Dhe Natlonal Trefrc <strong>and</strong> l\totor<br />

Vehlcle Ssfety Act of 1966. Its purpos<br />

la to reduce tr&frc accldents l,nd<br />

thereby reduce the death$ d,nd lnjurle6<br />

whlch rEult lrom tmtfld amldents. ThlB<br />

wottltl br mmmpllshed by establiEhlna a<br />

new progrs$r ln the Depe,fi,Eenl ol codrmerce.<br />

Under thls le{lsletlon the Eecrettry<br />

of Comlnere must ls6ue <strong>and</strong> enlorce<br />

Federal safety st<strong>and</strong>ff.rd$. I'heJe Bt<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

would dpply Uo the mmufarture ol<br />

Eotor vehlcles Bnd to the mEnufEcture of<br />

ootor vehlcle equlpment. The legl$latlon<br />

[ls r€qulrcs the Sftretery to underlaIe<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eupport sBfety reffaJch aIld deyelopment<br />

<strong>and</strong> it provldee fot the expEn-<br />

Elon of the national drtver regl8tdr.<br />

Thr Comr|rlltse on hrtEfrhtG rhd For-<br />

tun<br />

goalmtr66 hu d6t6rBrtnod td ttr<br />

mmpletr stlslscttorl ttlat the sleughter<br />

on the hl8hw8ys will not lre meterlelly<br />

reduc€rl wlthout the ectlve <strong>and</strong> formnl<br />

prrtlclpitton of the FlederEl Qoverruent.<br />

.I:he Drlnclple of Federal parucipauon<br />

waE endorged by the vst moJorlty of t}Ie<br />

wltnesd€r who Bppeared ln our publlc<br />

hrErkrFr. In the optnlon ot tJ|e commltt€t<br />

the tleed lor leglslatlon In thl!<br />

neld ftay be fficepted ss s faEt.<br />

The <strong>Sec</strong>rctsry, alttr tlroroueh con-<br />

Eultfltlon wlth $tatr, lndustry <strong>and</strong> other<br />

publlc end prlvate Interests wtu have to<br />

Et stsrdards whlch wlll Efitrt every motor<br />

vehlcle mAr)uthctured trnd each ltem<br />

ol motor vehtcle cqulpment thqt l$ manuletured.<br />

Thl$ shoukl. in ure very heBr<br />

future. lead td a m8rked upgrfldlhg of all<br />

of the sfety sptrts of motdr vehlcles<br />

md motor velilcle egulpment. Thl6 part<br />

of the traEc problem-md lt ls but a<br />

port-l5 @vercd hr detell In tltle I ol the<br />

bxl.<br />

In the celendar yEAr ol 1996, we have<br />

dv€ry rerson to bsueve thet 50,000 pertlln8<br />

wUl losd thelr llves ln urls coutry<br />

tr a dlrect r6ult of traflc Mcldent4.<br />

sbme have predlcted that lt ls JuBt Eg<br />

certsln thBt I00,000 wlll be klued ln tratf,c<br />

Bdcldents ln l9?5. I do lrot thlhk lt<br />

neoessflry to recall In detall the Btstl8ucs<br />

mne4rnlng lffi of llfe snd the mlulOng<br />

who hAve be€n lnjured Bhd pemanently<br />

malmed ln Fast yeer$. I Em $ue thst<br />

eEJh Member of the Hou.s€ ls sware ot<br />

the paat Eltutlon.<br />

The challenge now l$ to Echteve lffiprovement.<br />

f belleve thet thl8 cEn be<br />

done by en6ctment of ilrls leglslEuon together<br />

wlth that which tEs been reported<br />

by the Publlc Worts Cffimltte, ff.n.<br />

r3290.<br />

House Debate<br />

Drlvers sre, ol courEe, s fund8mentdl<br />

port ol ihe preblem. No doubt, Ddt acclalcntr<br />

muld bE prevented U tt were not<br />

lor the hurEr) erR)r ol tjte drlver. But<br />

to rtty sby ot thlnhlnS, tlrere ls no merlt<br />

lD merely dlsmlsslng our deploruble tr&lnc<br />

ac+ldent rffird<br />

vlEecrqdk about<br />

*'lih the tlme-honored<br />

the<br />

"nut<br />

b€hlnd the<br />

wherl." Ttrls l8nore3 the necef6lty ol<br />

conslderlng the salety E3pects ol the vehlcle<br />

snd the sfety dsp€cts ol hJBh-<br />

TDyE, tosds Bnd streets on whtch the velrlcle<br />

ls operatlng. AI1 ol these, togetier<br />

vlth the drlver, ned lrnprovement,<br />

The S€cretary wlu be able to Slve h|r<br />

6,tt4ntlon to sll ol thcs sder thfs ffd<br />

th6 related leglslatlon.<br />

I do not pretend tlrat tht8 bul tslei<br />

care of every pftslble prer€nt or luturt<br />

Esfety cou8lder8tlon, but I do proudly<br />

Bupport lt e8 I lBr-rcachltra aDd wellconsldered<br />

prorrBln.<br />

Inltlatlon ol a n€d lalcty<br />

r wlll outltne bileny Bhat the blll mnte,LEa<br />

<strong>and</strong> how ttle provlslons<br />

wlU b€ rdltrlnl8tered.<br />

ol thc blU<br />

Ar I have ststed, lt8 baslc or dentnl<br />

purPos€ lE to teduce accldents <strong>and</strong> there!.<br />

by datJls Encl lnjurlef. ThlE would be<br />

rccompll$hed by efttblhblng E ncw Drograrh<br />

ln the DepartBrent of Coftrterdcl<br />

Flr6t, the tiecret8fy ol Commerce would<br />

b€ ftqulred to lsue <strong>and</strong> enlorce Federsl<br />

sslety EtBndBrda; 6€cond, the|6 st<strong>and</strong>ardt<br />

would Epply to the manuladture Ot<br />

Bll motor verucl68 EDd to the mnuftcturc<br />

ol Bll motor.vahloh rqulpmrbti<br />

thtrd, thr t oritrfy would bc rrqflr6d to<br />

undertake snd rupport, Bafety fet6f,tch<br />

*nd development, <strong>and</strong> fourth, the praent<br />

NatlonBl Drtver R€fil8ter would Elso<br />

b€ exp<strong>and</strong>ed under tlrh leglthtlon md<br />

vlrtuBlly alt drlver8 who hrve hBd ttlelt<br />

llcens8 royoked wlu b€ rcEtst€red.<br />

The Becretary wlll b€ requlred to ksuc<br />

lnltlal 6ttndrrd! belGd on Enorn rtrndards<br />

on or before Januery 31, f90?. On<br />

or bcfort JanuBry 81, 1908, he mut lsue<br />

new <strong>and</strong> revlsed mlety Bta'ndErd8-_€€ctlon<br />

103. He wlll lrave tlle a8slsta$c+ ol<br />

E Natlonel Motor Vehlcle B8lety Advlsofy<br />

Councll. Thls wlll b€ made up ol<br />

melnb€rs ol the pubuc, mernb€r8 ol lrld6gry,<br />

<strong>and</strong> members of Etate or loccl<br />

goyernrnenLc. The StrretBry wlll consu.lt<br />

wlth them belore l8sulllg, BEerrdlng,<br />

or revokhr8 3ta$dardtsffitlon l0{.<br />

The Judlclsl revlew pmvlsloru of tfie<br />

bill $hould afiord prot,ectlon to any lnt€rested<br />

perty lt he wlshs to challengc ordeE<br />

ot the Eecretary. Essentteuy tirc<br />

judiclel fevlew provlrloru Bre thogc ol<br />

tJre Fbod end Drug Act <strong>and</strong> the Admlnlsiretlve<br />

Proceduro AcL-strtton 105.<br />

Ttrere are provl6lon8 ln the btll to p€rrnlt<br />

the nefegsary ttsearch, t€6tlng, development,<br />

Bhd trelnln8 to Bs8lst thg<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>relsry ln cerryln8 out the purTots ol<br />

ihls leglslBtton-sectlon 100.<br />

A number ol ptohlbltlons &re contf,lned<br />

ln the ert whlch Bhould preclude<br />

tht mBnuJEcturlnE or fnportatlon ot<br />

vehlcles <strong>and</strong> vehicle equlpment whlch<br />

do not met FederEl stEnd8rdHection<br />

108. Clvil penaltieF$ectlon 109-srs<br />

proyided for violEtlon8 of the prohlhlt€d<br />

act6. Injunctive relief wlll al5o be avallable<br />

to the Strretarydectlon ll0.<br />

A Nstlonal<br />

l,c eetebllshed<br />

TTanc SaIety A8ency nrlll<br />

<strong>and</strong> heeded by B prcElden*<br />


718<br />

tl8lly appolnted s&ulnl8trstor, Tlrlr<br />

would denn6 an.l ldentlly tho FGdcral<br />

OovernEtent's lnt€rest lrr frrd ftsponElbllty<br />

for trEfrc ssfety.<br />

Tltle I lB EppUcsble to the msnulacture<br />

of all motof vehlcle equlpment Bnd<br />

f,rould he tot8lly nppltcable therelore to<br />

tlte safcty 6t<strong>and</strong>&rds. The commltt€e<br />

Included tn tltle II ol ttle blU, howevef,<br />

ertain speclflc lnlomEtton <strong>and</strong> other<br />

ruqulrements wlth re$pect to them<br />

Btanalards es they Bpply to tlr6.<br />

Tttle I$ authodze8 a Etudy ol erlstl|lg<br />

research <strong>and</strong> test lactlltloc Bhd requlrea<br />

a report to ConBrus.s e$ to whBt tEclltiles<br />

erlst <strong>and</strong> whri, l4cllltle8 sre needed by<br />

Dtremb€r l, l9€?.<br />

fitle IV arhetlds the exlstlng Netlonsl<br />

Drlver R€gl8ter lsw 6nd _u$der thls<br />

amendment vlrtuaUy ell dflver8 who<br />

h&ve had tlrclr Ucerues revoked or sus-<br />

Fnded wlu b€ llstcd.<br />

I hBve brlefly summarized the reasoru<br />

lor ahd the provlalons ot the leglslatlon.<br />

You have the commlttee's report <strong>and</strong><br />

you wlll f,nd B sectlon-by-Eectloh surr-<br />

Eary beglnnlng on page l? tnd s morc<br />

detsfled explenEtlon of the blll b€Elnnlng<br />

on Ddge l{.<br />

The comment's that I heve heBrd <strong>and</strong><br />

rctd on thts legiblEtlon Bre geneHlly<br />

lavorable, Speclflcally under the blll s4<br />

ruportfil, tlr6 Becretary will b€ r€quired<br />

to lf6us rnd cnlorce salety Et<strong>and</strong>8rd.s.<br />

AE lntroduced, tJre S€cretEry Would havc<br />

had dlscrgtlon ud would hay6 l$ued<br />

rtrndsrdr ohly ll rnd whoh hr drtrrlllln<br />

.l f ne;tl lor ruch rlrndrrrle.<br />

Tbe Commlttee on Infer6tetd <strong>and</strong> ForelSn<br />

Commerce Edded a number of provlsions<br />

whlch do not BppeEr ln other<br />

verulon8 ol the propoEdd leglflatlon on<br />

the Bubject ol trafflo Balety <strong>and</strong> which<br />

ste ft)t In the bul reporteal by the ottref<br />

body. Your Btt€ntlon ls dlrect+rl to tho<br />

def,nltlon lEctlon of H.R. 131t8 \rhereln<br />

dl hlotor vchtctBs rlrlveu or drd,wn by<br />

rrtcchanloal polt'r6r <strong>and</strong> lrrmufMtured tor<br />

Ute On the rughways Ere covered. As re-<br />

Dorted by the other body, vehtcles sub-<br />

Jett to pBrt rI ol the Ihterstate Commerce<br />

Act or the Trerlcportstlon of Exploalves<br />

Act. would hEve been excluded.<br />

Thlt would hflve $ut)stantlally tmlted<br />

the Serr€tary'B authorlty to set sefety<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards for the manufd,cture of vehlcles<br />

end, ln Eddttlon, no one hE6<br />

ben able to Btst€ wlth any certalnty just<br />

s'h6t vFl.lcles would hrve bcen excluded.<br />

Ttrc commlttee Blso lncluded Tltle [:<br />

Tlre Salcty, whtch B6t6 forth cert8ln<br />

Ep€clflc requtrements ao to tlres Bnd<br />

BaheB cleer that tlre8 are wlthln tlrE<br />

e,Eblt ol the legtsletlon,<br />

Other tnportant Ediltlons whlch do<br />

not eppesf ln the legislatlon referred to<br />

by the other body, appeer in s€ctlon 104<br />

where a Netlonel Motor vehtcl€ Eafety<br />

Advlsory Councll ls creet{d. ThiB wlU b€<br />

mde up of 13 ftehb€rs drEwn (fom llrdu6tfy.<br />

State trnd.lmEl govertments, Ebal<br />

from the publtc. Ttle gecretery lB requlr€d<br />

to seek the advlce <strong>and</strong> fecsmmendEtion8<br />

of the Councll b€fore e.stsbttshln8r<br />

ralety St<strong>and</strong>Rrds. ThlB assufea not<br />

only E ruethod tor expert consultatlon<br />

but also r mettrod for acttve pEructpatlon<br />

ln the program by State, local, <strong>and</strong><br />

other Fersrl8 lnt€rdsted ln traffc Eet6ty.<br />

In scctlotr fl5, the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry L requhed<br />

to establl.sh In the DepartErent<br />

of CloEtncrce a Nattonal Ttsfra Estety<br />

Agcncy whlch wlll be admlnlstered by<br />

atl Adhlr{Btrator rppolnt€d by tfi€<br />

Presldent. Ttrle Bhould go B long wflIt<br />

tD unlty the now *Ettrred tremc sbfety<br />

re8pon8lblllty. Ttte AdmlntstrBtor wlll<br />

be prtmedly rrfponslble for canying out<br />

thla traEc tafety program.<br />

Tlre* are Eorne of the lmFrovemetrt!<br />

thBt ttre commltt€e<br />

blll wEs Intruduced.<br />

hLs nrade Eince tJr6<br />

Sultsequent to reportlng thc btll ther6<br />

have been Eeverd adverte temerks partlculatly<br />

Es to the lflspectlon provlslone<br />

of the blll <strong>and</strong> the ebEence ol my crlEltnBl<br />

penslty provlslon$.<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>tlon ll2 ButhorlzB the gecruta,rt<br />

to conduct any lnsp€ctlons whlch shf<br />

nec€t8ary to enlorce daldty Etsfld8rdrr<br />

_ Ar to crlrhtnrt pendltles, lt le true ttrlt<br />

tJlC q€at brtt atrd bro.f'c nutd lBwB lual<br />

crtErlnal p€nElty provl8lon8. HoTEtrGf,<br />

lrom enactment to the pre8ent dat€, no<br />

enforcetnent ptmeedlnge have been<br />

brought under thet€ prrvl5loro.<br />

,,MM<br />

;j9<br />

The s6rnm11t€c det€mlned<br />

clvll ptnaltl€s Bnd tnrunctlon<br />

thtrt the<br />

prcvlslon8<br />

of sectlon8 f09 Bhd 110 lrylll b€ sutrctent<br />

to ffi5ure compllBncr<br />

st<strong>and</strong>Erdt.<br />

wlth Federal setety<br />

FlnElly, Mf. Chalfinm,<br />

Etstd many tlmeB thls<br />

trs hs been<br />

leglslatlon ls<br />

Eecond ln lmportmce to the NBilon only<br />

to Vletnam. I am proud of the work<br />

whlch the commtttee has put lnto thls<br />

le8tsletlon snd I commcnd emh rnember<br />

ol the commltt€e. They paructr8trd<br />

both ln the 13 days ol publlc hegrltrse End<br />

In the I7 deys ln whtch wc held executive<br />

seR.sions wlth greBt lntefest Bnd energy.<br />

I feel that we hRve brought a good<br />

blll to the floor, one whlch wlll lesd to<br />

happler days on our rughwEy$, snd I<br />

recornmend <strong>and</strong> esrnestly urge favorEble<br />

Ecflon.<br />

MT. SPRINOER. Mr. qhdffiBrl. I<br />

yleld my8elf such tlme Es I may coroume.<br />

ThG nert T8 wtll lnvolvo every mf,h. womin<br />

Md chlld ln our country- Evtryohe wtll<br />

t[ lh pffon4l J6p4rdy,<br />

StEt€rneni$ ol thls klnd sre u.sed to<br />

lmpress uporr us the ell tffi red horrcffi<br />

of modern wBrfate. Afld we trre lm-<br />

Drftttd. Thb thought oI subjRtlng wholG<br />

femlllos to posstble eftlnctlon ln one lell<br />

sf,toop hoillfles trny thhrklng cltlz€n, He<br />

retolyes to avold such a tu|n of eventa.<br />

But ell the whlle, BwlrllnE Ebout ull<br />

<strong>and</strong> belng fou8ht every dey. lE a f,,&f<br />

whlch cd'n end may mrt down membere nt<br />

our fanrllles or Etrlke sualtlenly <strong>and</strong> devestetlnEly<br />

to wlpe out the fsmtly lta€lt.<br />

Thls ls the war of trufrc sBlety whlch we<br />

have been lofilng to the tune ol 50,000<br />

llves a yeer, It ls a wBr whlch ln terms<br />

of number8 kllled end malmcd mak€.<br />

comb&t serulce lmk llke B hsven of BaIety.<br />

It ls a wu whlch shows no rege,rd<br />

for the rules ol war, lntern&tlonel agreements,<br />

the Red Cro6E, or the age, ser, or<br />

ststua ol ttd vlctlns. It ls I rrBr whlctr<br />

we lttust fl8ht evefy day, every year, bccBuBe<br />

lt hEs no rest anal reha,blute,tlon<br />

8reas, no reaaalgnrnent, no compeaglon-<br />

Bte lf,'ave. When we go to work or to th€<br />

msrket. we are Edtlvely ensaaed ln lt.<br />

When we go on vedBtlon to vlslt the wonders<br />

of our country, our whole fBmlly lr<br />

thrust lnto tt Lq a unlt.<br />

I cf,n reEtertb€f seelng scene8 ln<br />

movles of frontler fsmllles belng wlpcd<br />


out by ho8tlle8. Aft€r the sudden rald<br />

we #e cnmpled, mutllilted bodles ot<br />

wlves <strong>and</strong> chlldftn strem about. One<br />

asks hlmself why the heacl ol e famlly,<br />

knowlng the rLsk, woutd subject ruE tamlly<br />

to the dBn8ers Inherent tn l$otEted<br />

lrontler llvlns. But fof sme reaaon the<br />

same leellng hbs not Elways occurred to<br />

me when my netghbor piles hls famlly,<br />

pIuB B few extres, lnto hls statlon wa8on<br />

<strong>and</strong> drlves otr. Stst 6tics End horrlble<br />

exmples lndlcsta that I Ehould feel the<br />

Barne Bnd should vlsuallze e sudden horrendous<br />

lncldent whtch leBves t&ern all<br />

alesd ot lnjufed. Such ls the posslblUty<br />

whlte llvlng In a hotorlzeal Ese whlch ha^s<br />

not s yet dem<strong>and</strong>ed rslety meagurel<br />

comneneurete wlttr lta dengere.<br />

I dncEroly hope thrt tlc hrrnlrw polDt<br />

of thE Blety vEi l|ltr b|| ben ftf,c.hGal.<br />

BlUt b€lot€ Congrctl trhould ruverrc the<br />

kcnd, Nothlng vlll gulckly md drr-<br />

Eatlcauy solvG tlrc problem. No flaA ol<br />

truc€ can suddenly re8ult ln I c€edcflrE.<br />

Dolns er€rytlrlng ptrslble, we ca$ only<br />

hopc to ree r grudual change. Ttrla lr<br />

cautrd by the extremev mmpler nttlE<br />

ol the thtng8 neederl to be done <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Erldltlonal Bubjccdve clcdcnt BuF,plled<br />

by publlc resctlon <strong>and</strong> hrunsn nature.<br />

CorutltSlonal acuon her taken two<br />

Epprmchet atld two llner of rttrck on<br />

the problemr Involved beceuse o! thesd<br />

compllestloni. E€yeral factors muEt, b€<br />

kept lh ltdltnc€ md rcversl lacts ot llfe<br />

must be teoognlzed In copln8 wlth lhe<br />

Bltuatlon.<br />

Flrst ol EIl, the Federel Clovenunent<br />

cannot b€ tfie end-Bll. We must remernb€t<br />

thgt roads Bre bullt In the Stet€! End<br />

tfte lomlltlac. IdwB &re enlorced there.<br />

CErE Bre drlven there. Hop€fully, they<br />

Bre lrrspect4d there. Ttrerc mEt be reallstlc<br />

balanee between trb$olutc Eafety<br />

8nd freedom to w vehlcleS End the<br />

roadg_<br />

Jt posible, *,e uant flrst, ot Bll to cut<br />

the f,ccldent r{.t€ td B mirilmum-ln<br />

other wortls, k6qp the accldent from<br />

heptlrnln8. Thet ls dotrc by starl,in8<br />

wlth e Eafe car to be uscd on safe hlghweys<br />

by a sate drlver Buialed by adequate<br />

trsfrc mntrol devlces end subject to<br />

prop€r enforcement 0f the lBwE.<br />

Krnwlng the realltles ol llte we BlEo<br />

know th{tt no such utoplB wlll b€ forthcomlng<br />

Bnd thal, sccldents wlll contlnue<br />

tohappen. TtBi belnB the cese, we need<br />

to mlnlmlt€ the dmage to llfe d.ttd limb<br />

whlch T'llI b€ cflusd by thc second col'<br />

lklopthst of the occupant wlth hls<br />

own vehlcle. Obviously, this ls where<br />

new Cf.r stsndgrds flt the picture <strong>and</strong><br />

thls ls primarily whBt H.Ii. I3t28, the<br />

NBtlonal Tnfrc End Motor Vehlcle<br />

Eofety Act ol 19d6, lE mebnt to provtde.<br />

By thls I mffin more adequate st<strong>and</strong>arde<br />

of performance {ot rrew csrs,<br />

As rapirlly ns poslble, ell known s8fety<br />

devlces rnd fertures wlll b€ ltlcorporflted<br />

lnto new automobiles aB they come from<br />

the sssembly lirEs. Then, eB new <strong>and</strong><br />

better sy8tems <strong>and</strong> devlces f,re developed,<br />

elther by the automobile lndustry lt8€lt,<br />

the equlpment rnanuf&cturers, or by regeErch<br />

trnd exlFrident suppofted by<br />

prlvate or government sources, thos devlc{s<br />

wlll become pBrt of the expected<br />

st<strong>and</strong>srd for leter models.<br />

The Federal Government ls a buyer<br />

ol Eutomoblle$ ln large numb€rq. <strong>and</strong> In<br />

House Debate<br />

.r-\<br />

the last U years lt, hEs been looklng very<br />

crltlcelly at its own requlremenLs wlth<br />

a vlew to buylng cars equlpped as Eafely<br />

a$ pre3ent, technolocy wlll permtt. ThEt,<br />

lncldentally, ls a complete Bwlich lrom<br />

the lormer practlce ol buylns the barest<br />

66{sls produced. Even b€fore H.R.<br />

13?28 becomes l&w. tlre General seillc€s<br />

AalmlnlstrBtlon ls upddttnc lta requtrements<br />

further ln order to have ln belng<br />

the lrrst stBndff,rds pos3lble Es hltlEl<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>srds under the new le8lslBtlon. In<br />

thls way such Bt8nd"ards can afiect Butomoblles<br />

dellverod to the publlc<br />

B ye8r ffiner tfien otherrrlee.<br />

et least<br />

But FhBt doc6 the blu llo to E"atc flfl<br />

r*fer for I'ou? rt rllrwte ttrc Sccttt rt<br />

of Coonercr to atnbtlrb drDdsfi lil<br />

new BE whlch wlll mal,e thcm r| sdc<br />

66 posslble corlslstent wlth common$€nlf<br />

<strong>and</strong> the realltles ol ruto rnrnulsEturtnS'<br />

rt ls not the lnt€ntlon to deprtve the publlc<br />

of ceru by hgklns thear lflordlnrt€ly<br />

exp€nslve or outlnwlnE typee <strong>and</strong> modelr'<br />

n tlt lllt€nded to put ln them b€tter rrrd<br />

btttdr ssfety lestures whlch wlll mrlc<br />

them leBs 8Ft to be lnvolved in accident!<br />

<strong>and</strong> less Bpt to lnjure<br />

when they Bre.<br />

occup8nts ll sttd<br />

so Etsndf,rds wlll be mt Bnd th€n<br />

amended End revl8ed ffi knowled8e grdryl'<br />

In the course ot e8tabllshlnEr thc stentluds,<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of Commerce wlll<br />

have Bt hls dlspo88l a aafety Edvl8drt<br />

councll made up of thos€ best &ble to<br />

hclp htm, lncludlng the psple who bulld<br />

cars. tho8e who cr€Bte p8rt3 Bnd €qulp.<br />

ment. Md the Btats <strong>and</strong> lmalltlet.<br />

In H.E,. 13?28 <strong>and</strong> H.R. IoslLthe blU<br />

lntroduccd by me-sll motor vehlcleE,<br />

lncludlng prssengcr cnrs, trucks ol dl<br />

klnds End bu8ea, would be lncluded ln<br />

the stshdarus as rapldly as poB6lble.<br />

Thls ls e dltrerence from the blll p88scd<br />

by the othet My snd a Clsnlflcant onc.<br />

The other blll would exempt ell vehlcl€6<br />

subject t6 reFulfitldn by the fnt€rsist4<br />

Commerce Commlsslon. Here we h&ve<br />

unlformlty In manuf8cturlng, Bnd the<br />

ICc cBn requlre other deylces as lt flndr<br />

nec4ssflry lor truclG snd bu-c+g en8sacd<br />

ln speclflc toles of lnterstatr commercc.<br />

AIso tllfierent Bnd srldltlongl ln the<br />

Hous bllls are the provlslons lor the setttnB<br />

of st<strong>and</strong>Btds for used Brs whlch<br />

make up 80 mllllon of the 93 mllllon vehlcles<br />

on the roads todBy. F\fther ls<br />

the creetlon of a lilBttonEl ltEfrc Satety<br />

Agency wlthln the DepErtment ol Commerce<br />

heBded by s PreslclentlEl appolntee<br />

to unlfy md csffy out the varloug<br />

prograrn$ under thls Bnd other laws Bflectlnc<br />

ssfety.<br />

the overEll problem ol trafnc<br />

Arlcl whet Bbout thffi who adtually<br />

bulld the new cBrFwhBt mu6t they do<br />

under thls blll?<br />

'I'aftlng Lhe st+ps In<br />

sftluence, the nrst thlnB they will do 16<br />

cooDcrate <strong>and</strong> ffilBt the Sffiret$ry of<br />

commerce itr his dellberBtlons Bnd declslons<br />

ebout senslble, prEctlcel safetv<br />

st8nderds. They will not, dornlnate lhis<br />

edtlvlty. but they wlll contribute. Then,<br />

ot couffi, they must atlhere to the stsndards<br />

when mtunlly building productlon<br />

ulodcls, Hsvlnc bullt one, the m6nufaoturer<br />

must plsce B certlncate ln a p€manent<br />

fL$hlon whlch lndlcates thst tlre<br />

vehlcle does ln f8ct measure up to fhe<br />

stsndsrds ln effect when lt was bullt.<br />


k' ffi**<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ardr ftust desl wlth the questloh ot<br />

used cars s well sB new ones. Tlre used<br />

cBf prcvlslona of sectlon 108 wlll en8blc<br />

the Smretary of Commerce 14 proceed<br />

wlthln the existlng fremework of State<br />

Inspectlon lews. <strong>Sec</strong>tlon 108, eE wdtten,<br />

wlll mlilmize Federal preemptlon of N.<br />

questlon trBditlone.lly left to the Stet€s,<br />

yet fflU BUow the thrust of Federal safety<br />

efiorts to bc felt through 90 p€rcenD dI<br />

the vehloles Bmually once the auto<br />

sfety prwtbm l3 set ln motlon.<br />

The lmportrnce of motor vehlcle Inspectlona<br />

cBn be seen ln the experience<br />

of the Etate ot'Iexu, lor examplg, whlch<br />

reports that ptlor to lts lnspectlon pro-<br />

Er6m ln 1951, some l9 percent of Y6hlcles<br />

lnvolved. ln lstal accidents hEd un'<br />

sf,fe conditlons. fn 1963, the perdhta8:e<br />

had be€n nduced to { p€rcent. Vlrclnl*<br />

reportd Eimllsr flndlnSs. Tte vehlcle lDspectloD<br />

provisions ot tltle III, spdued<br />

out ln H.R, 13?00 e^t r€ported by the<br />

Hous6 Publlc WorkE Cohnlttee. are dedlcned<br />

to nlttmrtely Each every vehiclG<br />

on the roBd. The House Qomrnerce Commlttee<br />

h83 addresed ltscE to the tBo<br />

Epeclfc 6reas of safety Bt<strong>and</strong>grds; new<br />

<strong>and</strong> used cars. Just f,s the Con8resg wlll<br />

mBrry E.R. 13?28 <strong>and</strong> tR. 13290 es th6<br />

1960 Tleflc Safety Act, so wlll the lnspectlon<br />

EtBndsrals euthorlzed tn H.R.<br />

13228 s€rl|e as a corollary to the lnspectlorr<br />

provlslons ot H.R. 13290.<br />

Mr. ch8lrms.n, tht Trsnc Sefety Act<br />

ol 1966 deserves the most gerlous conslderetlon<br />

of every Member of the rrouEe<br />

<strong>and</strong> SenEte. Its efiecta wlll be reRected<br />

in the economy of our Nhtlon thfough<br />

savlngs in llfe <strong>and</strong> property damage,<br />

Hopefully, the loss of life <strong>and</strong> prop6rty<br />

wiu be curbed <strong>and</strong> the FederEl s8fety<br />

stendarcls once lssued will be Eyallable to<br />

the motorlns public, lor lr they Ere not,<br />

the motorlng pubuc wlU contlnue to pay<br />

the cost of hlghwry mcldents.<br />

f urge the Congress to approve thlE<br />

legislstlon.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The tlme of the<br />

gentleman from FlorldE has explred.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. MT. Ch&ITman, I<br />

yield the ge;rtleman 2 additional mlnutes.<br />

Mr, Chalrn!&n, wlll the gentleman ylelal<br />

to me?<br />

Mr. RQGERfI of Florldd. I aft sled<br />

to yleld to the LentlemEn from rlllnols.<br />

Mr. SPRINGEFi,. TTre gentleman ha8<br />

made a stetement wlth reference to what<br />

ls happenlng today. As e matter of tact,<br />

ulesg we can reverse thls trend whlch<br />

hm been golns on slnce the end of Worltl<br />

wflr If. insteEd of the 50.000 deethE lrr<br />

1966, by 1974 Bnd 19?5 the l8te wlll be<br />

doubled, pruvided the nmber of eutomobiles<br />

on the hlghwflys lncreases proportionately-<br />

Ttren we will have 100,000<br />

people dylng e&ch year from automobilB<br />

accidents.<br />

f flsk the Fentlemsn lf that ls hlE<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing?<br />

Mr. ROGER8 ol Florlda. It ls my<br />

understendlng th8t the gentlemen ls<br />

correct In hls proiectlon of these flgures.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. I shou.ld Uke to put<br />

another ststement ln the REcoRD. One<br />

of my stafi thetnbers the othet dd.y Bdded<br />

together, from the redordfl svallable ln<br />

W&shlnston, flgures for 4U of the desthg<br />

whlch have occurred ln wers, lncludlng<br />

the Revolutlon8ry wtr down to snd lncludtng,<br />

I belleve, the flr3t of JuIy in<br />

Vletnam. The number of deaths on the<br />

highway slnce 1901, when the flrst one<br />

occurred. has greatly exceeded the number<br />

ol death$ of aII Amerlcam who h&ve<br />

been killed ln every war for 175 ye4rs.<br />

Mr. RQGERE of Florlda. Yes. I bclleve<br />

these fBct6 Bre shocklns Bnd wB<br />

slrnply do not take the tlme tn let them<br />

slflk ln. Not only ere the deeths Bhocklns,<br />

ag the gentleman has polnted out,<br />

Bnd th6 posslblllty ol Increas€ ln the<br />

desths, but thls ls elso tfue of the lnjurles-<br />

we know that each year 4 mllllon<br />

to 4.5 mtllton pmple are inJured ln eutomoblle<br />

eccldents. Ttre propefty damaFe<br />

ls estlrnat€d et tg buuon a yeEr- we<br />

see that lf thls amount of ileaths <strong>and</strong><br />

lnjurles occured tn Vletnam rlght now,<br />

why, we would h6ve tbls whole Netlon ln<br />

B state ol eniergency.<br />

The CHAIE'MAN. Tlle tlme ol the<br />

dentleman tue erpLed.<br />

Mr. SPRIIICIER. Mt. Chalrman, f<br />

yield the Erentleman r Eddlttonal mlnute.<br />

Mr. chslffian, wlll th€ gentlemen<br />

yleld?<br />

Mf. ROCIERf,l of Florlds. r yteld t'o the<br />

Eentleman.<br />

Mr- SPRIT{GER. Just ln revlcwlns<br />

ttre flaures whlch my etafi Bot up for the<br />

perlod ol June 1966 <strong>and</strong> ttrrough JuIy ,1,<br />

1966-end certelnly no one l3 tryln8 to<br />

juetlly any war, <strong>and</strong> I thlnk sll ol ug<br />

regret any action whlch tEkes AffierlcBn<br />

llveg ln sny wflr-there were fouf tlmea<br />

Bs many deaths as a result of automoblle<br />

accldents ln June End 'l days of July<br />

as there were persdns kllled in VietnEm<br />

in the same perlcd.<br />

Mr. RQGERS of Florlde. The gentlehen<br />

ls entlrely correct.<br />

Mr. STAGGEFiS. Mr. Chelrman, I<br />

yleld such tlrne aB he may deslre to the<br />

gentleman from MRrylhnd IMr. FRTEDEL].<br />

Mr. FBIEDE. Mr. Chalrmm, I m<br />

wholehe&rtedly ln favor of this biU <strong>and</strong><br />

I thlnk tt is a very gmd blll. I do not<br />

say that thls ls a cure-all, bedause no<br />

matter what biU we pas. we cannot forset<br />

that the "nut behind the wheel" wlll<br />

stlll drlve rccklessly <strong>and</strong> ignore all traffc<br />

lsws <strong>and</strong> do everything th4t he $houlal<br />

not do. I want to compllment the chalrmm<br />

of the Interstat€ Bnd Forelgn Commerce<br />

committee md cvery member of<br />

the comitt€e for the lone hours hnd<br />

hsrd work they did to report such B gffid<br />

blu. I em sure when thlB lesble.tlon becomes<br />

fully efffftlve It wlll be B sreet<br />

st€p forusd towud reduclng the sl4ughter<br />

on our highwEys.<br />

Mr. SPRn'[Gffi. Mr. ChalrftBn, I<br />

yleld such tlllle es he may consuEe to<br />

the Hentleman lrom CslllotTlla tMr.<br />

YouNcml.<br />

Mr. YOUNGER, Mr. Chalmm, ttre<br />

flgures ju.st glven about the numbers of<br />

dsths Bnd fBte.lltles createrl by automoblle<br />

axcidents are very alsrfidng, but<br />

that ls one of the dlEcultles about thl8<br />

situEtion. when we tglk ebout the nuE-<br />


er of deatha <strong>and</strong> ttren brtls out B blll we<br />

give the id.prer8lon that Bhen the stanalard$<br />

&re set for autooobileE lt wlll ftEt€rlally<br />

realuce the number of accldenLs <strong>and</strong><br />

the number of destbs. One of the dlflculttes<br />

we had ln our heBrings ws the<br />

fact that there are no sttrtistlcs of Eny<br />

velue showlng the p€rcentage ol deeths<br />

arld Butomoblle eccldeflts due to mechanical<br />

failures. Ttle only flEuIeB I hsve<br />

seen recently are those produced by the<br />

Automobile Assocletlon of Mlchlsen.<br />

They traced the flumbor of Bccldents fe-<br />

Bulting in deaths over the Memorial Day<br />

wmkend of thls yedr tqhen therc were 43<br />

deaths ln Michlsan thBt weekend end<br />

also over the Fourth ol July weekend<br />

when there were 28 deaths. Ttrere were<br />

g)me vefy lnterestlng facts wtllch were<br />

brought out as a resu.lt of thelr study.<br />

One ls that not one of the lndlvlduals<br />

kllled wro we8ilng & seat belt or had his<br />

sat belt attached. We have a law todBy<br />

whtch requires seat belis, but there wRs<br />

not one ol the 69 persons kllled ln those<br />

Bccldents thet had hls seat belt on, Some<br />

other lnteresting $tatl$tlcs afe that<br />

alcohol wag lnvolved tn Bt lesst 50 percent<br />

of the latsl affldents on the MemoflBl<br />

Dey tr'eekend snd 4l percerlt ot the<br />

2d deaths whlch fficurred on the Fourth<br />

ol JulY weekend.<br />

Also, Mr. Chalrman, over the holld8y<br />

wef,kencl of the Memlrlsl Day, 2,750,000<br />

motorlsts drcve Bafely Bnd without En<br />

Bcclilent In tb€ Stat€ of Michlsan.<br />

Also, Mr. Chetrmen, over 90 percent<br />

ol those ktlled tn automoblle accldents<br />

were kllled wtttrln 25 miles of thelr homes.<br />

1961? wldcb lnv-et$€lv may prove tltat ttle sar6t<br />

plrft to br, lI one lE drivhs an Eutomoblle,<br />

ls tnyond 25 ttrlls lrom one's<br />

home.<br />

Mr. ChElmBn, one of the advEntages<br />

contained ln thl6 blU wlu be the &crmulatlon<br />

of Btatlstlca es to *het c{usd$ accldents,<br />

whether lt ls ErechBnlcal fall.rle<br />

or prltnarily driver eror.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, ln the Memorial DRy<br />

highwBy deaths ln Michigan there wes<br />

only one &ccideDt e.ttribut{rble to mr'-<br />

:.r.<br />

chefllcal lellure <strong>and</strong> thet was s blowout.<br />

In that ca$e the drlver wa$ going at E<br />

rstr of $peed of ll5 mlles an hour. belng<br />

cha.ttd by a patrolman. The blowout orcurred<br />

&nd the dl'iver welrt ofi the road<br />

anal was killed.<br />

Now, Mr'. Chalmtan, that wss the only<br />

fitechanical failure ln ell of the 4J tlut<br />

sas lrlvestigated.<br />

So, I{r. Chairron, I mention these<br />

thilus to slmply alert the public <strong>and</strong><br />

oursclves to the fact that we should not<br />

be smuF to belicve ttBt tlris biu is goiltF<br />

to fltat€ria,Uy rcduce deatlu due tD accldent.<br />

Mr- ChairmBn. the only thinEr contained<br />

in this bill or its compaliion bill<br />

H.Ft'. 13290 t() help reduce death$ is rhe<br />

ttratt€r of iiSh[er)lng up on the licerlsing<br />

of driver$ $rrd the traifling of drivers es<br />

well as the iropetion of f,ut,omobiles, <strong>and</strong><br />

the removel of the llceroe of drivers after<br />

a fatal accident, for & long period qf<br />

time.<br />

Mr. Chairmen, lf those thlngs are done,<br />

then I b€lieve we can materially reduce<br />

Ilouse Debate<br />

death.$ as E r6ult<br />

dent$.<br />

of autodoblle eccl-<br />

Mr. Chalrman, I doubt very much,<br />

however, tegetdlesri ol all mectEniGl attactments<br />

Bfld reghrdless ol shai the<br />

Erechanlcal attachments ue- or the nrecharilcal<br />

attactments thEt are left ofi the<br />

autdmoblles, we are goiltEr t[ Het E reel<br />

reduction ln the deeth rate due tc automoblle<br />

accldents.<br />

Mr. CtEiman. I am h lavor of tlre<br />

blU. I vot4d lor it ln comittee <strong>and</strong> I<br />

hope $e can change the Eppointment of<br />

the Advlsory Councll to a Pre$ldentlEl<br />

appolntment,<br />

bodyconirmed<br />

by the other<br />

Mr. Chalman, I belleve lt ls wrong<br />

to have the S'ecretary appolnt an Advisory<br />

Council whlch he hlmself ch.rose$.<br />

We had better abolish the Advlrory<br />

Council r&ther th&n t4 have a slf-serul]1s<br />

Advlsory Council.<br />

Mr. Chliman. I sm ln favor of the blll<br />

ahd I hope that it passes.<br />

lrr. IIAEVEY of Michlgan. Mr.<br />

ChBirmsn, uill the gelttl€man ylcld?<br />

Mr. YOUNGER. Ye$; I $haU be Blad<br />

to yield to the gentleman lrom Michlgan.<br />

Mr. HARVE'y of MichiElan.<br />

rnan, I thank the gentleman<br />

forria, fof ylelding.<br />

Mr. Chalr-<br />

from Call-<br />

Mr. ChalmM, f wor:ld lll(e fo poht<br />

otlt to the gentleman from Callfornla<br />

that ln llne wlth the Mlcblsen flsureE<br />

slrich the Fentleman clted Just B few<br />

hinutes earlier, f feel t}Iat the genucman<br />

would be interested ln oilrer flgures<br />

whlch were clt+d ln sn €dltorlhl rruch<br />

apeared ln the Detmlt FrE Press oh Juhe<br />

28, 1s66.<br />

- Ih Uhe wtth what ttre Ecntleman Eald,<br />

tlte D€trott Ft€€ Frre8s Fotnteal out thrt<br />

ElthouEh deaths had Eone up 29 prrcent<br />

ln the pe$t 30 years, neverthele$s in those<br />

stne yeaE thg populatlon has Bone up<br />

by 52 percent; the nuber of licenscd<br />

driverg he$ gone up by 134 percent, End<br />

the numbtr of vehlcles on the rosd h*s<br />

EoDe up by 220 p€rccnt.<br />

Thls nesspaper concluded e3 e ftsult<br />

ot these flgures that despite the fact that<br />

se were losing 50,000 lives a yffir, <strong>and</strong><br />

this is a shocking thins, neverthrless in<br />

!'teu'of the tremendou populat.iotr lflcrrase,<br />

In vicw of the trcmendousi increase<br />

in the number of licensed drivers<strong>and</strong><br />

the nmbcr of vehicles on the road,<br />

tlrat no other conclusirtrr wa$ pos$ible<br />

olher than, No. I, thosr persoro enHEHed<br />

ln tmffc jrafety today have b€cn doing a<br />

miShty firle job. tuId, No. 2, automobile<br />

mirrtulscl,urers themtrlves havc brcn<br />

tuilllrg out somc mishty nrle cars <strong>and</strong><br />

Eomc mighty safe c&rs, or thesc ngtJres<br />

Jut sould not be possible whatsoever.<br />

And irl vleN of what thc centleman<br />

had said, I thoucht hc sould be interested<br />

in the# fi.gures-<br />

Mr. YOUNGER. I thenk the gentletnarr<br />

for his contributlon, <strong>and</strong> I ssy that<br />

it i$ further prool to my mlnd that the<br />

Eutomoblle ltself, mecharucBlly,<br />

deathtrsp.<br />

l$ not a<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The EentlemBrr<br />

Irom Callfomia has consumetl I minutes.<br />


#3,5<br />

Mr. MACI(AY. Mr. Chalrlnen, I rlse<br />

to st)eak ln behau of lhe .qtagsers bill,<br />

H.R, 132S8, end urge lts adoption. I also<br />

urge lrBssage of its cofttranion measute,<br />

the Fallon bill, H.R. 13190. I believe we<br />

oucht to consider why these biu$ are before<br />

us. They are before us btreuse of<br />

tIE f{)rce of American public opinion.<br />

'rhese<br />

safety bills flre before us becruse<br />

there has been an Blaming upturn ln<br />

the fate of deaths thfoughout the Nation-alrout<br />

li Fenent for the flrst 6<br />

months of thls :rear. In my own county<br />

of De l{alb in Georgla, more people have<br />

been killed this year Elready thEn were<br />

kllled last year. T'hese bills sre be(ore<br />

us because publlc opinion belleves thst<br />

we could be dolng more than we trre dolng<br />

now lo reduce the number of accldents.<br />

deBths <strong>and</strong> injurles.<br />

They are belore E bmause the Amerlcan<br />

people now reflllze that the traf0c<br />

environment ls E natlonal environment,<br />

It ls not B locsl, E clty, e county, e Stete<br />

envlroment, or even B reglonal envlronment.<br />

It ls f, nationBl envlroment-<br />

Our problem ls $o Erute now that we<br />

are suffering B nBtional loss whlch heg<br />

elready been polnted out to be in excess<br />

ol 50,000 lives this ymr, 125,000 people<br />

permanently dl38bled, <strong>and</strong> en econoElc<br />

los in exces of $9 bUUofl.<br />

Slnce we are dealing wlth I n8tionEl<br />

problem, there mut ntressEflly be a nationtrl<br />

response. The signiflcance ol<br />

these two biu$ l3 thet they deflne a new<br />

Federnl role. I em very Froud of the<br />

fect thtrt this new Federal role has melrlmous<br />

blparti$m support on our commlttee,<br />

a.nd, I believe. on the other committees<br />

thBt have con.siderecl lt.<br />

whBt ere tlre three elements ln tJlls<br />

new Federal role? Flrst, the deflnltlon<br />

<strong>and</strong> enJorcement of nBtlonBl safety peffomlnce<br />

st8ndards for EII motor vehlcles.<br />

Fifty Stat€ leglslatur€s slmply<br />

cannot set these stendBrd3 wlthout<br />

to the tnduetry.<br />

chaog<br />

Mr. TAYLOR.<br />

gentleman yield?<br />

Mr. Chalrman, wlll th6<br />

U&-I4ACEAL I Yield to the sentleman<br />

Irom North Carouna,<br />

Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. ChBlrman, aloes<br />

the blll slve the $ecretery authorlty to<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ardize opetetton ccntrol equlpment<br />

on difierent kinds of new dutomobiles lf<br />

safety pertormance is nfimted?<br />

Mr. ilL{CKAY. Ym, lt dmc. The<br />

gentleEran from Florlda [Mr. RdcE[B]<br />

p.ss6nted an excellent Eggndment to<br />

provlde Er. advlsory courrcll thEt wlll<br />

bring ln ru the int€rested pErtiH+'tatd<br />

<strong>and</strong> locel ofrclals, A.uto6otlve tndustry<br />

snd equlprnent people-to pdftlclpate ln<br />

the formulatlon of those st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

Mr. TAYI$R. Mr. Chelrmsn, wlll tJire<br />

gentleEEn yteld further?<br />

Mr. MACKAY. I yleld to the tentlemen<br />

from North Carollna.<br />

Mr. TAYIdR. For lnst8nce, I drlve e<br />

crr Bade by C'€neral Motors, My wlfe<br />

drlvee r ca,r made by Ford ldotor co.<br />

The gfarslrllt oE one lB Jut tJre oppostte<br />

ft,om tJre other, It Ls dlfrcdt lor Ee to<br />

drlve her car lD trafrc when qulck, auto-<br />

Ettlc nctlon fu n€€ded. Tlre dlfcrenceE<br />

tn geBr8htftd artd to the hezerde of<br />

drlrtn8 8nd coulC ce.use an accldent- r<br />

am of the oplnlon thet operatlng features<br />

on Dew carg, such ea gEerghlltt,<br />

should be st<strong>and</strong>ridlzsal.<br />

Ditr. MACI(AY, I thank the gentlemEd<br />

irotr North Catoltna. Thst lE E<br />

aood lUustrBtlon ot the type of Eafety<br />

Itszard we are trylng to get at.<br />

At thls tlme I should Uke to PeY EY<br />

r€spectr to Mr. Rslph Nader, who has<br />

probebly gotten acios better then anybo'dy<br />

else In the country thf,t we can<br />

<strong>and</strong> must bulltl eafer cars $rd thEt tt lE<br />

ea$ier to chsnge cers then people, Mr,<br />

Nader hss contrlbuted lrrlghtily to our<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing that we cgr bulld ssler<br />

automoblles. The Netlon ls ln hls debt.<br />

Mr. MOSS. Mr. Chalrfran, wlll tfte<br />

gentleman yl,eld?<br />

Mr. MACI(AY. I &m alBd to yteld to<br />

the sentlerdan trom callfornle.<br />

Mr, MOS8, I should llke to Joln the<br />

sentleman lrr pEylng trlbute to the hlshlv<br />

etrectlve work of Mr. Neder. I belleve hl6<br />

€Eort6 h8ve eEt€d ea B catalyst 8nd contrtbutcd<br />

very constructlvely to brlnelng<br />

to ttre attrntlon oI the AJlrerlc8n publlc<br />

the vcry scrloue problerns we face ln resolvlng<br />

the ercdslve number oI accldehtg.<br />

I bclleve that ttre Amerlcan Assoclatlon<br />

of AutoEotlve Metllctre <strong>and</strong> ttre very<br />

dlsunguLshed TIl8,l Lsrtyers Assocletlon<br />

Ere Bruups of ycry dedlcated ltrdtviduals<br />

who also contrlbuted to the worx of the<br />

commlttee 8nd to brlnglns these strlous<br />

probleBB lflto focu.<br />

Mt. MACKAY. I thant the gentleman<br />

from Callfomla. tecognltlon ls also<br />

due S€n4tor Epeno of New York ffid former<br />

CongressEen l(enneth Robert6 ol<br />

Alabstng for t'helr contributlons.<br />

f beleve we En ee that the ar8ument<br />

has becn won ths,t the tlme hEE errlvcd<br />

when netlonel $arety pertormance stsnderds<br />

Bhould be establlshetl end enforded,<br />

No one ls serlously contendlns thet ln<br />

reGp€ct 0o stenderds tor motor vehlcle<br />

sefety ttrat we can functlon at any level<br />

efiectlvety other tha.n the nEttonal level.<br />

Smond- a new FederEl role ls our pror'lslon<br />

(or comprehenslve research. The<br />

great sc<strong>and</strong>al revealed by our cbmmittee<br />

16 that the coverment has falled to<br />

collect t&e data needed End on which<br />

q'e cB.n bese Judsments as to the c&uses<br />

of deaths, accidents, <strong>and</strong> lnjurles. Cor-<br />

Sress Ehares the blame because we have<br />

hot heretofore e*Dllcltly Esslsned thls<br />

re6ponslblllty to Bny depertment.<br />

we know that one of the flrst results<br />

tr'lll be this: We are golng to begln vigorous<br />

comprehensive resesrctr so that w€<br />

ceh make our counterattack at, the rlsht<br />

pcrnts.<br />

The thlrd Federal role lB tbE provlslon<br />

In thc Fatlon btu for grf,nts In altl to<br />

help the Stetes bulld bett€r trrfrc selety<br />

ptogrhrtrE wlttrln thelr botders anal_bulld<br />

E Ester anal more unllotlo. trafrc envlroment.<br />

TbLs lE an etrort to get the<br />

Stat€s to work togerner tn r- rpay they<br />

have not ttrus IEr,<br />

726 Vol.I

Both bllls provlde fqr r{encle$ rnd rd-<br />

Elnlstrators.<br />

l,sst March ? the Prcddent Esld ln hls<br />

tEra8age on tran8portstlon. that he, by<br />

hecutlve order, srogld qld6y erlrtJns lBw<br />

coordlnate ell Eafety Bctlvltlc8 ln the Dep8rtment<br />

ol Comrderce. Now. 16,000<br />

deaths later, the executlve departsent<br />

htrs not Eoyed. Nottllng lnesnlngful hEs<br />

betn done about $blch we heve euy<br />

knowledge.<br />

I belleve lt ls the duty of thts Congre$s,<br />

therefore, tn see to lt th4t we dsstgn<br />

speclflc responslbtllty, \ilhen re lly on<br />

an alrcrelt we know thBt the PAA Bnd<br />

the FAA Adminlstretdr sre vetchlng<br />

over the totEl envlroment lot the sfety<br />

ol evefy alt treveler- we Eut, by<br />

anslogy. E8algfl respon$tblllty lor en<br />

agency to watch over the totsl treflc<br />

envlrcnEent<br />

ln lt.<br />

<strong>and</strong> conaldEr every clenent<br />

I predlct that unless the Congre8s assigro<br />

expllclt responslblllty to en egency<br />

end admlnlstrator under thls blu. or<br />

under the Department of TYf,roportatlon,<br />

this Rne le8lsls.tlon wlll not tr€ lmplemehted<br />

<strong>and</strong> e*ecuted.<br />

I belleve ttlrt whgt we should do, today<br />

<strong>and</strong> tomorrqw, ls p6rs thest bllls, end<br />

then lollow throuah on ouf rEsponslbll-<br />

Ity, which l.s to make etrectlve leBlsletlve<br />

aslgment ol re8porElblllty td edmlnlster<br />

the$d ttefrc salety me&sures ln the<br />

executlve department.<br />

Therclore, Mr. Chrlman, I support<br />

<strong>and</strong> urge the passEBe of H.R. 13228 Euthored<br />

by cheltman STAGGER5 End en-<br />

tltled<br />

"Nstlonel Trafrc f,nd Motor vehl-<br />

cle Safety Act of 1966." It ls not E p€rfect<br />

blll but lt ls a good btll <strong>and</strong> corstitut6<br />

tv,o-tlrlrds of T'bat many at u<br />

deem to be E ptop€f besls tor B mtlon-<br />

El attack on tratnc rrcldents. The other<br />

thlrd of the progEln ls encompd$scd ln<br />

H.R. 13290 ruthored by ehalrman F^L-<br />

LoN End ef,tltled ''Highway S8fety Act of<br />

1906.' I strongly support thEt measure<br />

alsc.<br />

The StagErers blll provldes for the ertabllshment<br />

end enforcement of E8fety<br />

pfrformEnce Et<strong>and</strong>erds for Ell motor vehlcles,<br />

And lt provldes for an accldent<br />

h.nd lnJury reseerch ancl test faclllty.<br />

It Lrcorporates e tlile on tire sflfety <strong>and</strong><br />

prolldes for the contlnuance of seht b€lt<br />

<strong>and</strong> brake fiuid st<strong>and</strong>ards, lhese lattf<br />

r pro?iriions deal sp€cifically wlth matters<br />

thel will of necessity b€ lncluded in<br />

6.ny llst of safety performance st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

developerl under tltle f. They have bf,en<br />

trexted specially because they are three<br />

crltical factfrs ln automoblle safety<br />

which hAd attrected the attentlon of<br />

Consress bsfore thE blg safety push of<br />

1866 began.<br />

The Fallon blll provldm for B program<br />

of grant$-in-Ald to the $tates <strong>and</strong> lesser<br />

Polltlcdl suballvlBlons to develop a ssfer<br />

Bnd more unlform tralllc envlronment.<br />

Speclfic provlslon ls mEde tor asslst8nce<br />

to St€tes In developlng End lrnFrovtng<br />

hlghwEy sfety progBms through: lmproved<br />

drlver eductrtlon; lmproved pedc8trlan<br />

performBnce; efiectlve record<br />

Eystems of rccldents <strong>and</strong> accldent tnvc6tl8r&tloro<br />

to detemlne tbe prtDEble<br />

House Debate<br />

crues of lccldents, lnlurles, rnd dcAtbri<br />

ulfortrl vctrlcle rtglEtEtlon nnd lEpcctton;<br />

rughray dBlgn end mBlntr'lsnce<br />

End det€ction ud correctlon of blgh<br />

Mcldent lo+ntJoro; Eore urllorE trrfllc<br />

control Sgnr; more rlrlllorE trfEc<br />

codes; End prcv|Jlorl lor brtt€r trilcrgency<br />

s€rvlccE whcn accldenta ocflrr.<br />

Both bllls ftfdgtllre the tr€€d lor t.hc<br />

expliclt $dSnEent ot responglblllty to<br />

an agency rnd lor an Ed-trrlnlEtntor.<br />

Both blUs provlde Bdvlsory counclls to<br />

Bsuft the lnyolv€ment of rpprwrlrtc<br />

ht€re$t$ End lndlvlduBls ln tjle lorEuJBtlon<br />

of sten

We ncnd to pcrsonlfv trafrc safetv ln<br />

/ an idfriltistlatot. wp l)eod irn flrellcy<br />

)4 Bnd an omce recoFnlzed bl.Corrsress <strong>and</strong><br />

lhe Alilarlcan people As lhe commnnd<br />

post ltr ()r.r uar on trnfnc sccldrnts.<br />

llre n(pd to ft'cdt'nlir{r thnt<br />

"hlghx'ay<br />

th4 lr.}rd.c<br />

Rccidents nr.e lrot itrclllslve<br />

en()rr"h <strong>and</strong> thnt ihe qords,.trRmc acclftfnls'flro<br />

Inelllslvil of clcrv loctdf fotd_<br />

wrt(, ln Llre Nfltion.<br />

V/c need lfadfrshll) whlch will dt.rl<br />

wlih the total envir0nrnent fthd all of<br />

the cctnplex fncl,ors tr,lrir:h enter lnto<br />

deitl) orr thF st,rFets T'hd ernDhasls on<br />

sefer cftr$ nnd the second rolllsion hgve<br />

bcon vrlrlAble. Brrt thc AntFrlcnn pco-<br />

I)1. Elc morfl llttt'rfsl,fd lrr mlrsures t,hnt<br />

\'/lll la:f,s{'il (.brncfs of the flirst colllslon-<br />

IIthe Pre$ldent'F excellent rnessRqe on<br />

tr[nsl]ortil,iolt dellvered to thls body on<br />

Mrrch ?, l!)66, he stated that he had set<br />

ln motiolt a ltumber of stt'ns under exlstinq<br />

lftr:<br />

I trm aqslgnlrrE re8ponilblllty lor ceordtntrl.til,{<br />

Federal HtFh*ay S8lety proBTahs tO<br />

thc srarrtnrv dI Commorca. I fim dlrcctlng<br />

tht Sf.rFt^ry ti, pntnhllAh a rnnjor hlEhwnv<br />

unlt wlthln hli Dennrfnlrnt. Thl. urrlt wlll<br />

ultlmntelv lrc trfinsfcrrfd Lr th€ DcpArtmont<br />

ol TrrrlEDortAtlon.<br />

No olte has chBllenced the presldent'E<br />

E<br />

u_<br />

Asscssmrnt of the trAmc problem s belng<br />

second ollly to natlonRl defense yet<br />

no olm cnll fnhly stotc thnt trallc salety<br />

hns bren xiven the klnd of prlorlty <strong>and</strong><br />

&ttehtlon<br />

ls correct,<br />

lt de8ere8 lf thle esrees$ent<br />

Coneres hea the powet to sct 6rld I 6Er<br />

gltld to supfroft lts actlons todEy. Belore<br />

edJournment I trust thnt lt wlll rct to<br />

Sssrrre cmrdlnnted leaderehlp to Edmlhlstcr<br />

the compr€henslve progrEnrs contRlhed<br />

ln the StRscer8 nnil Frllon blllr.<br />

ApproxlmEtFly ?2.500 men. women, erd<br />

chlltlrerr hlrve sufrered vloleht Rnd untimely<br />

death <strong>and</strong> 225,000 Amerldens heve<br />

been disabled slhcc the Sgth Congrcer<br />

,^,*,_<br />

!ryt<br />

convened Jf,nuBry 9, 1965.<br />

The followlng chErt cannot sqnysy the<br />

lmmenslty of the loffi md grlef occurrlnn<br />

ln ench of the E0 $tater but lt showa<br />

.hRt R vlEorous courrteroFenslve lr urgently<br />

necded:<br />

ML-EEEISIIEE- Mr. Chntrman. I<br />

yteld such time ag he may consurne to<br />

the Beutlerltan f rom Minnes{)te I Mr,<br />

NILSEN | .<br />

Mr. NEL$EN. Mr. ChAll'nan. one fett[re<br />

of thi6 lesiEletlon to w]rlc]r I should<br />

like to call ettentiol)--alrd it has beerr<br />

overlooked to sotrre degree-is adequate<br />

t<br />

t<br />

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House Debate 729

gelety ln htghway<br />

'fhe<br />

marklng. sreat<br />

burden of testlnlony wss directed At the<br />

vehicle, but tlle 16g616 shows that a lnlge<br />

lturnbcr of accldent$ al'e the Icsu-l! of ltr-<br />

Bdequate mBrkings otl our hlghwayE.<br />

Orle $urvey ln Icwa lndicat€s tlrat thet'e<br />

was a 63-percent reductioll of accldents<br />

bectrEe of markings {rnd trBfdc glSns on<br />

certaln Etretches of highways, Bnd cert8in<br />

dellneators nlong the roadslde ln<br />

Mlchlgan on two test locEtlons reduced<br />

nlght eccldents by ?8 percent <strong>and</strong> 39 ll€rcenl<br />

r'espectlvely. In VirginlE the reductloll<br />

wAs 5? end 6? percent lu two tests.<br />

F,lght-&gle yleld $lgns reduced Eccldents<br />

by 62 percent ln 9?9 loce.tlonE. we Elso<br />

tlnd that on the rurel roEdc there are<br />

164.8 accident$ per 100 hllllon miles of<br />

trtrvel. on prlluBry road$, the nmb€r<br />

l$ S0.{, but on secondary roadg lt ls I64.8.<br />

IlI other wolds, there is A ? to I rEtlo On<br />

trrcndary road$. fn the other part of<br />

the bill lt ls my underst4ndlnq that there<br />

will be some language whtcir wlll deal<br />

wlth hlghway marklngs. Thls k lfirport8nt,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I hope that tr llttle couoqw<br />

wlll take pltrce on the floor relettve to<br />

these me.tters when we dlsu$s th8t porttotr<br />

of the btll, because lt ts mo8t lmportant.<br />

Mr. EPEINGER. Mr. ChalrmEn. r<br />

yleld 5 mlnute$ to the gentlernan from<br />

ohlo IMr. DEvrNEl.<br />

Mr. KOFNEGAY. Mr. Chelmsn, wlll<br />

thc gentlemilh yleld to me?<br />

Mr. DEVINE. I ylekl to the Eentlem4n.<br />

Mr. KORNEGAY. Mr. C.h8lrmEn. f<br />

rlse in support of H.R. 13229. r oomend<br />

my chalrman, tlre gentlemBn from West<br />

Vlrglnis, <strong>and</strong> my colleB8ue8 on the coffimittee<br />

for thelr dedlcat€d efiorts ln wrtt-<br />

Ing thls bill now before us, tlre Nstlonal<br />

TrEfnc snd Motor Vehlcle aafety Act ot<br />

t90s.<br />

I thlnk the blll we Ere debsflng lr e<br />

oltrllt to the ttlemb€r8 of the Comrhtttee<br />

on lnterstate <strong>and</strong> Forelgn Comrnerdc.<br />

Tlle commlttte worked longer 6,nd hsrdcr<br />

orr thls blll than any that hEs ccme before<br />

the cohmlttee since I was prlvuegeal to<br />

sit on thls colrtrnltte. pubuc heRrln8s<br />

werc held over B z-rnonth Feriod- Exterlsive<br />

tcstimony wrH hear.d from s<br />

vBriety end a number of lnt€rested wltnesses.<br />

Seventeen executive sesslons<br />

were held before the blll wES report€d<br />

unanlrnou$ly.<br />

Becau$e of the complexltleE lnvolved<br />

ln the problehs of trafrc <strong>and</strong> vehicle<br />

se.fety, every Espect touchlrrg on the<br />

many problelrrs sere nlcroscoplctlly ex*<br />

amlled. Tlris required E coL9tant process<br />

of revlsing <strong>and</strong> rewdting the orlsnal<br />

blll. T'hrou8h thc wor.k of mdny hundreds<br />

of mau-hours on the lrart of the<br />

committee <strong>and</strong> its stafr, we bring to you a<br />

blll which Is as Bood rs the collccilve<br />

minds of tho commlttee could make lt,<br />

It, tnfty not be l)crfect. but I contcltd it ls f<br />

gi8nt stelr fofwald irr the rlght directlon,<br />

a step that will, in my conEldered opinlon,<br />

go fsr toward atteckln8 the Befety problem.<br />

The problem faclng us ls rmmen6€.<br />

Over 50,000 persons wlll dle on our hlghways<br />

tlrls year as the result of tfafrc<br />

Over SB blllion ln property demsset \r'lll<br />

be sustnlned due to &utomoblle crs6he3.<br />

The legislatlon we Ere conslderlng today<br />

will not, of course, end the csrnage<br />

cornpletely, nor wlll lt mEke the Butomobilet<br />

or ttte hlghways completEly Bafe.<br />

But, lt wlll help.<br />

I sm Froud to h6ve b€€I s member of<br />

the comftlttee thflt rcported tht8 blU to<br />

you lor youf considelatton. I hope thEt<br />

you wlll ehare our l)rlde ln our vote for<br />

Its passage here.<br />

Mr. DEVnIE. Mr. Chslman. tt|e cartEge<br />

ln AEtln, Tex., a cow)16 of weka<br />

aE$, where the so-caUe(l student mounted<br />

the tower snal flreil on the psple below<br />

<strong>and</strong> kllled l5 or 30 lnnocent ctilzena<br />

brought forth B remark from one ot th6<br />

MehtErs of the other body ecro3s th6<br />

CEpttol to the efiect thet people Llll<br />

people; not gunsBnd notautomobues. It<br />

ts the fellow trhlnd the gun, or tn thla<br />

tesl8lgtlon, the wheel.<br />

Thls leBlsletlon wBs bfought rorward<br />

prlmerlly becaw Mr. Neder <strong>and</strong> othets<br />

msde publlc pronouncernents about certaln<br />

alleged facts ln the automoblle Industry.<br />

The record ls cleEr End thero<br />

Bre rlo me&ningful stEtlstlcs thet werd<br />

pfoduced. no stgtlstlcs were brought fqrfih<br />

ftom lny source nor hsve thero ben any<br />

reBu.lts of any studles whlch have been<br />

lne.de wlllch show what lrcrcentage ol<br />

the deEths or Eccldents were ca.u.ced aa<br />

tr dlrect re3ult of defectlvely menufactured<br />

vehlc)es, I thlnk Frobably ltle<br />

most 6tartllng $tEtl6tlcs whlch we heard<br />

E$ a re$ult of the wltne$ses who appeared<br />

before our Cornrnlttee (fi Interstate <strong>and</strong><br />

Forelgn Cortlmerce were thRt the uEa ol<br />

Elcohol wa8 Involved ln at lea.st 50 [r€rcent<br />

ol all tlre eccltlents whlch dld result<br />

In fatelltles. I ws B blt sururlmd to flnd<br />

Amerlcnn Motors, cenerBl Motort,<br />

chrysler, Ford <strong>and</strong> sll ot the reFre$ent&f<br />

tlves of these greBt mrtsrRtions gBye lr^<br />

the flrst week <strong>and</strong> dftided that the fft{<br />

enterprl8e Eystem could no longer solve<br />

the$ problelns <strong>and</strong> that they were turnlng<br />

to the Government not to $olve lt<br />

slone but to do tt on a cooper&tlve bssls.<br />

Thls lF certalnly b twlst. The testlmony<br />

Itfore our commltt€e had En adver8e<br />

e.frect on the economy of the NEtlon, becRu$e<br />

the publlc was slrooked lnto bellevlnH<br />

that these Ereat corporatlon$ weFe<br />

ffi&nufscturlng cRr$ wlthout regard to<br />

sefety. So, many people declded not to<br />

purchasd autofiroblles of the 1966 model<br />

because they were lulled lnfo a fAlse scilse<br />

of securlty h tnuevlns that our great<br />

Federal Govetnhent hsd Fut ils flnBer<br />

on the problem <strong>and</strong> that the manufacturers<br />

would strddenly ln 106? morlels,<br />

begln to rn8nufBcture only Eefe cBrs <strong>and</strong><br />

that no one wou.ld tr hurt or kllled ln<br />

the futurc.<br />

Mr- Chalrman, I Bm not a stranger ln<br />

the f,eld of leglslEtlng wlth regBrd to<br />

eutomoblle safety <strong>and</strong> that sort ol thlng.<br />

Flft€en year6 ago when I Eerued In tho<br />

Ohlo Leslslh.ture, I wa6 one of the cosDonsors<br />

of a salel,y hrstnctlon btll whlch<br />

pffied the houe <strong>and</strong> Dassed tJre $errate<br />

Bnd wB$ vetoed by the Governor but<br />

pEssed over hl6 veto ln the house. I ElBo<br />

sporbored leglslatlofl orderlng a msnde-<br />

I<br />

eccidenLs. M{"ru. thous<strong>and</strong>s of othere wlll<br />

suffer $evere <strong>and</strong> permflhent inJurlB.<br />

tory l0-de.y Jell sentence lar thos€ cohvlcted<br />

of drlvlng mder the Influenoa ot<br />

730 Vol.I

1ff38 nt*u<br />

nomal<br />

llquor. Thtr. ulroush thG<br />

lctlrlatlve prmess, ws rEductd to<br />

he trub underdrutr<br />

lesrltlrne neftssgnf<br />

qhcnlre trlt ol thc<br />

ln new model protluc-<br />

3 dBys, anrl that l.3 the law ln Ohlo todsy.<br />

I wag alm msponsor ol the polnt systam<br />

tlon an.l mmprehends tiere thlnEs Bre<br />

tremendously importsnt, not only to th6<br />

law ln Ohlo, whlch concems ltsell mtn<br />

movlng trafrc vloletlons. Il you get l3<br />

polnts ln I yeEr. you ere grounded- TTrls<br />

automoblle lndustry but to rll ol our<br />

c4untry. wtEt the <strong>Sec</strong>retary doee urd<br />

what he sys tn these reculetion$ will af-<br />

was deslgned to relnove hEbltual Bnd<br />

accldent-prone drlver8 from the publlc<br />

streets <strong>and</strong> hlghways.<br />

So. Mr. chalrmu. lt seefts to me thEt<br />

elthoush thls, perhap8, mf,y be a $tep ln<br />

the rlght dlrectlon-End I certatnly hope<br />

so, because there ls llt'tle opposltion to<br />

autornobile safety leBisletlorr-we are attacking<br />

probably less thEn I0 percerrt ot<br />

the $erlous problem. But we &re not ln<br />

any mesnlnglul feroe ol the rord att€mptlnB<br />

to do enythhg Ebout the lncapable.<br />

the lncompetent. or the lrre-<br />

$porlsitJle driver.<br />

I am hopeful the Advisory BoBrd<br />

&mendment wlll be Edopted <strong>and</strong> that<br />

this legisiEtive etrort eccompllshe$ results<br />

ln reducing to annual trefnc toll o! netrrly<br />

50.000 persons. With this ln mind,<br />

althouch f do hBve lrome res€rvBtloro<br />

beceuse the primary caus of eccidentr<br />

ls not lncluded, I expect to support the<br />

bill.<br />

Mr. SPRINGm,. Mr. ChBlrmBn, f<br />

yield 5 mlnutas t{ the gentlemEn fro6<br />

Michisan IMr. HARVEY].<br />

Mr. HARVEY of Mlchlgan. Mr.<br />

ChelrTnan, I rlse also ln .suprcrt ol thls<br />

leglslatlon. But I do so wlth conslder-<br />

Eble reluctance,<br />

First of ell, Mr. ChElman, I thlnt lt<br />

ls well that we reellae thEt thH compulsory<br />

stEndErds ln the mBnulacturc<br />

of flutomdblles Bre not b€inE forced upon<br />

the lrldustry; but, ruther, thBt they have<br />

come before our commltte <strong>and</strong> ssld thet<br />

they want the8e Et<strong>and</strong>ards, End that they<br />

te€l they are dedtrEble^<br />

Corequently, Mr. ChelrmBn, the only<br />

fuctlon thEt wffi left to our commtttef<br />

wN that of actuElly draftlnc or wordlnF<br />

the lmzuage to B.uthorlze the s€cretary<br />

to Frrchulgate these st<strong>and</strong>ardsftrt<br />

directly the lives Bnd the eaming8<br />

of I out of every ? Amedcans ln<br />

the 50 Stflt€s of Amerlcs.<br />

In my dtstrict, I am $ure thet not only<br />

one out of se!en but the majorlty of the<br />

pmple ue elf,her dlrectly or lndlrectly<br />

clet)endent upon the auto lndustry. So<br />

It ls very vltel to them.<br />

But, Mr. ChElrm8n, I went to sBy to<br />

the chBlnnan thflt tlris HorH ln supporttng<br />

this lecislation ha.s to b€ mlndfu.l of<br />

the fEct that no mBtt€r '.vhom we hEve<br />

ln the poGition of <strong>Sec</strong>retary, I b+lieve we<br />

lrru$i assurne that this person is going to<br />

ect reasonf,bly <strong>and</strong> thet h6 ls going to<br />

mt wlsely.<br />

Mr. Chaiman. havlng these thinss ln<br />

mlnd <strong>and</strong> ln view of these corEldetations,<br />

I expect to support the leglslBtlon.<br />

MT, SPRINGER. MT. C'lr8.IrufrI. I<br />

yleld 5 mlnute3 to the gentleIlan fron<br />

South C8rolina IMr. Wrrsos].<br />

Mr. WATSON. Mr. chfliman, I t€-<br />

Ileve tfrat thls btll <strong>and</strong> the companlon<br />

plece, H.R. 13290, from the Pubuc Workj<br />

CornElttee wlU actuElhr m8ke a slgnlflcBnt<br />

contrlbtrtton to the reducttor ol<br />

the traglc lffi th8t *e are erDertenclng<br />

dBlly upon the hlghwayE of Amerlca.<br />

But at the sarne t[dre I hope thBt none<br />

of u.s E'lU be so decelved ss to b€lleve thBt<br />

the p'ass8ae ot ttreco bitls will solve the<br />

problem of hJghwry lqss <strong>and</strong> hlshwBy dccldentj.<br />

It wiU not. In fact, I share-:+s<br />

hL5 been erpresed by B nmb€r ol dtf<br />

couesguef,-their concer4 thrt mEybc lt<br />

rnlSht hsve Jut the oppdstte efirct.<br />

Are we, [hrough the psage of thla<br />

btU-<strong>and</strong> f strongly support lt-BohF to<br />

cre+t€ the lEpreBslon ln the mlnd of the<br />

drlver that Ee Ere golng to give hlm an<br />

amldent-prmf nutomoblle? Certalnly<br />

you mn never produce an ffildent-prml<br />

automobile.<br />

Mr. ChalrlnBn, I believe ln thls refpect Of course. the lndusttT mn <strong>and</strong> should<br />

that our committee lebored very long ancl show more concern to ihe developmenf<br />

very diligently. f would celtain.ly congrBtulBte<br />

the chalffia.n of our commlt-<br />

ot salety devlce$ for the automoblle, but<br />

at the same ttrn6 I beUeve my colles8.ueg<br />

tm nnd ell the Inemberg thereof upon<br />

BttffiklnE B very tough asslgnment. But,<br />

nevertheles, I have great reluctance in<br />

end our able chBlrman-{.nal certElnly no<br />

comnlttee hLg worked h8rder, Md certelnly<br />

no chalrm4n ha$ worked harder<br />

supporting thls leslslatton.<br />

Mr, Chalrmen, I mlght sey that f mme<br />

from prlmarlly sn Autornoblle dtstrtct in<br />

the S[ate of Michlgan. f hs.ve s substmtltrl<br />

nmber of uilon workcrs ln my<br />

dlstrlct wlro b€lons to the UAW.. cIO <strong>and</strong><br />

who tttske thelr ll?lng ln the production<br />

of Butomoblle$ end ln the productlon of<br />

Lutomotlve perta.<br />

Mr. Chalrmen, many of these workers<br />

hsve wrtiten to me, es have the automoblle<br />

exesutlve8 themselves. I belleve<br />

some ol thlg concem from thos ln the<br />

autr lndllatty comeE about because of the<br />

very vast allscfttlon that lE tured over<br />

to the Sxretary ln thls pErtlculBr blll.<br />

Mr. ChBlrmen, thls ls somet'hlng thst<br />

f cannot thtnt of Eny wEy to 8et sroud.<br />

We must empo$'er rum fith the suthor-<br />

Ity to get out these partlculBr stEndErd3.<br />

Whether the <strong>Sec</strong>retary tnrly underst<strong>and</strong>r<br />

qrhen we talk ol thc moalel yeaf-whether<br />

thEn he to brln8 out the best rffilble leglslBtion-'but<br />

f Em sure thet all of thefir<br />

will E{Bree thBt, ss the industry tmtlfled<br />

before the corlrldttee, they sald that<br />

mf,ny times tlley hsve trled to put, ln sme<br />

sfety lmovetlong Bnd the publlc reJected<br />

t,hos lnnovatlorE,<br />

we, the publlc, Bre re$ponslble tt the<br />

autof,oblles nre go defectlve or hEve<br />

faihd to provtde N,deque.ta $efety rlevlces.<br />

lve are resporrslble lrt peft. The publlc<br />

has beerr more lnterested ln speed, Mr.<br />

Moss, thsn they have been lfl sflfety.<br />

The Dubllc he.s been hore lnterested in<br />

the strehmllnlns ol the deslgn of m<br />

automoblle thEn lts sfety fehtures.<br />

I{r. MOSA, Mr. Chalrmm, q|lll tJle<br />

gentleman yleld?<br />

Mr. WATSQN. I yleld to the gentlemen<br />

from CBIIlornla.<br />

Mr. MOgEl. Mr. ChalrmEn, I do nof<br />

questlon, ro I ststed ln Ery remilks. pub-<br />

House Debate

Uc rceponstblllty, but f chBll6nae that !4 velcomea the opDortu$lty to hetp 1J639<br />

there has been tny mednlngful efiort on -Ebll8h frlr ancl redsonable motor ve-<br />

the trart of the Amerlcan autonotlve lnhlcle stsntlards. I hane lounal ttret the<br />

dwtty to s€ll ssfety es vlgorously trs they Governors of the Elt6t€s welcorrre the op-<br />

hBve sold speed <strong>and</strong> horsepower.<br />

portrmlty to €stabu8h ftlr end rason-<br />

Mr. WATSON. No cloubt I would able dt8ndatds wlth re$p€!ct, to tbe oFerB-<br />

share the fecling of the gentlemen ln thet tloD ol hlghw8y satety pro8 rEbB.<br />

reBard, but at the sarne tlme, elthouAh Ortc provlslon t.Lqt re hsve G6t8bltsheat<br />

we both rdmlt that more could have been ln ttrls lealsltruon eJrd tn ilre leglElauon<br />

done by the industry, we must rccept the tlut tollows (H-R. 132S0) ta the medlrrE<br />

lect thst there have ben safety lmprove- of the Advlsory Comndtt€e. I Bhould uke<br />

mente-the padded dash, the vlsor, ellbl- to polnt out to thl8 Houre ttrat thls 16 one<br />

natlon of the Frotrudlng lnstruments on tlse thst this klnd of coEElttee Eust b€<br />

the panel, power brakes <strong>and</strong> steerlng, msde to work ln En efiectlve lrrflMer.<br />

seat belts, <strong>and</strong> things such as thst- There Tlrere hss been a leellng tlown the strtrt<br />

have been some $4fety lmprovement$ in oy€r the yearb tt$.t arr Edvisry aomnlt,-<br />

the sutomobile. but rdore remalns to be tce provided ln le8islBtlon ls Just some-<br />

done,<br />

thfnC b b€ Eu.fiered wttJr. We sre trylna<br />

I would llke to reneff B st&tement that to provlde ln thlB lGglslhtlon thEt we<br />

f mede earller tbe.t I belleve the pgssege glve these peoplF+he Industry, the<br />

of thls biU will contrlbute siHniflcsntly to Stetes, end the publlc-s volce ln estsbthe<br />

reduction of the Ereat loss of liJe ttrat Ushlng the stentlardB, end then the pubwe<br />

have on the highwEys- But rest s- Itc lntereft wlU b€ helped, rs lt ohould<br />

sured of one thlng, there ls only so much be.<br />

that a govemmental rwency can do in<br />

I would ltke to recdmmend possage of<br />

the matter of hlghwey safety. We stlll<br />

the mot$f velrlcle snd trEfnc.balDty IeEl6hsve<br />

the man behlnd the wheel. The ln-<br />

Iation thet ts before u$ todey, anil e3pedlvtdual<br />

must face up to hls or hsj 1aclelly Bll to the attentlon of hy colsponslbluty<br />

a3 e sefe crlvef, th6t he not leeSues a provislon of thl6 lestflatlon end<br />

only hEs the llle <strong>and</strong> safety of the oc- E provl6ion ln H.R, 13290 thet I feel<br />

cupMts of hls cu, but<br />

ls of<br />

the llfe sJId sEfety para,Eount lmportsnce.<br />

of the occupants of the other vehlcles as<br />

f rm paklru relerenc€ to tlre estabthey<br />

are travellng along the hlghway.<br />

Ushment of tlre lfuttonEl lltshway<br />

I<br />

Safety<br />

a.E optunl6tic a.bout thlE leglslatlon.<br />

Advisory Comlnlttee-H.R. l329f<strong>and</strong><br />

Fmnkly, I belleve thet lt wlll help lm-<br />

the<br />

measurably, but at the<br />

Motor Vehlcle getety Advlsory Comsame<br />

tlme il we<br />

teElly wEnt to get<br />

EltteFll.n'. 13228.<br />

the Job done we must<br />

A$ recormended<br />

encourage stdcter law<br />

ln the hlghwEy sfety<br />

enforcehent, rlgld<br />

blll,<br />

adherence to the lBw. md flfin convlc-<br />

the<br />

tioffi for the reckles <strong>and</strong> for the dnnken<br />

driver, os well m greater emphasls upon<br />

drlver trslnlng ftnd ddver educatlon.<br />

Thes btlls wtll help immerourably, but<br />

ll the AmericEn pubuq wmts to reduce<br />

the earnage on the hlghwaye of Amerlee,<br />

then the hdlvldual rlflver must rerlize<br />

that h6 prlm8rlly lB responstble fof the<br />

50.0{Xl llves thet we ue lGlng yearly;<br />

the 4.5 miuion people who Ere sufiering<br />

lnjurles, <strong>and</strong> the $9 btllion in prop€rty<br />

damase thst we sufier throushout th6<br />

couH of t year.<br />

Mr. GROSfl. Mr. Chalrman, TIII the<br />

gentleman yleld?<br />

Mr. WAfSoN. I yield to the gentlemen<br />

from Io\vB.<br />

Mr. GROSS. wlll lt b€ wlthln the<br />

scope of the Advlsory Councll to alo softethlna<br />

Bbout atrlvlng Fhlle Intoxlcated?<br />

As Drevlout speakers hEve steted trus is<br />

one of the E'oEt contrlbutlotrs to Butomoblle<br />

emldents.<br />

ilfr. WATSON. As lar s the AdvlsorT<br />

Ceucll lE mncemed, they flre to wotk<br />

with the <strong>Sec</strong>ret&ry, the <strong>Sec</strong>retEry hBvlng<br />

the ultimate authorlty, ln the promulgatlon<br />

ol ssfety stBndBrdB for the automobile<br />

itEelf-md not for the operBtlon or<br />

not lor the op€rator. Productlon ls one<br />

psrt ol lt, but the operation l.8 the most<br />

Importsnt lactor.<br />

Mt 8TAOGffi.g. Mr. ChEIr'trEn, I<br />

yleld to the gentleman llom <strong>Ten</strong>a-r tMr.<br />

PrcftLEl whatever tlEe he mlght requjre.<br />


'<br />

In fty homc 8trte, for uample, rn ellertlve<br />

annual vehlcle lr$pectlon lew hlr<br />

been on the books lor many year6. Ou.r<br />

hkhweys ere reportrclly the brst ot any<br />

Etat€, End our departeent ol publlc<br />

Bslety has lons bceu rrcofinlrdd es D€rhsps<br />

the Eost efiectlve ln the Nrtlon.<br />

I lrral8t thet the ejtsbu$hment of the<br />

Natlonal Elghway Safety conrmlttte <strong>and</strong><br />

the Motor Vehlcle Sstety Advl6ory Codhtttee<br />

wiu me&n a contlnuBtlon ol the<br />

progresslve Stat4 saarE ,n the neld ol<br />

hlghway mfety.<br />

It Beems to Ee th8t lt wou.ld be loElul<br />

8nd Droper to call on ttle stat4 experts,<br />

Such es Col. Homer Garrison, dlrector of<br />

the Texm Depgrtment o{ Publlc Ssfety,<br />

to help formulatc hlghway selety plans.<br />

Not to t8ke proper aclvantage ol the<br />

kno$ledse rnd exprrlehce of such men<br />

rs Colonel Garrl.$on

lW<br />

!q=pgqg&<br />

trfr. clratnnan, r ests<br />

unsnfibout @n8ant to extend tny retnErks<br />

et thls polnt ln the REcoRD d,nd<br />

lnclude extraneou.s rnatter,<br />

The CHAIRMAN. rs there objecilon<br />

to the teque$t of the gentlernan from<br />

MichigEn?<br />

There was no objecflon.<br />

. Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chalrman, r 5upport<br />

thls btll. It ls nn excellent one. It<br />

would providc adequate protectlon to the<br />

Americah pubuc, <strong>and</strong> yet lt would not do<br />

undue vlolence to an lndustry whlch le<br />

Bo llhportant to the dlstrlct thBt I hBve<br />

thb honor to represent.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, I want to a(l(l I bflef<br />

backgroutrd explanetlon Ebout sectlon<br />

116 of the blll whlch I propo$ed d,nd<br />

whlch, as the report stat€s, the comftlttee<br />

adopted out of an abundance of cautlon<br />

to make sure that tf"l arltltrust lEws<br />

wlll not be afiected by thls act.<br />

fn our heErlnEs the automoblle menuf8cturers<br />

requested the lncluslon ln ths<br />

bill of a provision expUcltly recomldhE<br />

the need for m8nulecturers to cooperate<br />

reesonably \r.lthln the frumework of the<br />

antltrust laws for llmlted end speclfl.ed<br />

purposes ln the areas of ffifety <strong>and</strong><br />

st<strong>and</strong>ardg. However, the Department of<br />

Ju$tlce e.dvlsed ln letter$ deted Aprll 6<br />

<strong>and</strong> June 2, f966, whlch I request bo<br />

prlnted at the ehd of these remarks, th8t<br />

such a provlslorr wBs uruteces$sry because<br />

the entitrust lEws do ndt prohlbtt<br />

coopefEtlve efiorts to develop safety devlce6<br />

or to exchenge lnfomatlon concernlng<br />

stbnd8rds where such efiorts<br />

Seem necessEry <strong>and</strong> constructive &nd arG<br />

not accompanied by unduly re$trlctive<br />

colleterel agreements-that ls, such ef-<br />

Iorts Ere to be judSed under the "rule<br />

of reason" hnd do not constltute per se<br />

vloletlons of the entitrwt law-<strong>and</strong>,<br />

also, beceuse under the Noerr doctrlne<br />

the entitrust laws do not pfevent mEnufacturers<br />

from consultlng snd cooperBtlng<br />

for the purposeE of presenilng lndustry<br />

posltlons on stenclsrds to governrnen-<br />

734<br />

hdbllr lDdurEy, TDe uctrdErEtr ln elfect<br />

coEtltutr B Err d.rrtt btll, I[ th6<br />

couEd oi theso @mDtr ft Eh8ll Eats<br />

vsloua cffipafl8ou betvecq thts dfsft B[d<br />

A. 3006 lr th6 lorh orlglnBlly propfred bt<br />

ydu. (Iys ut cometilnB tD B Eeparata<br />

lett* otr proposrd blll g. 3005-) For pur.<br />

IEse! ol fe*dy<br />

so sb.Bll lofer<br />

ldeatticatloh,<br />

to ths latter<br />

tD thc lolloFlnE<br />

sB the<br />

,.AdEtnlttrf,ttoD<br />

blu,, aEd t6 the mendE;Dtr<br />

by thc lnduEtry s ths<br />

"tDdutry<br />

propGcd<br />

propocal,"<br />


Undef thc lndustry prolrcssl the S.cretafy<br />

would be requlred b estebllEh re8illailoaa,<br />

lE Adcordanco Wlth Fectlon { ol the Admtnlstretlve<br />

Froceduro Act, nqklb8 efiectlvs s<br />

E federsl hotot vehlclG s&lety rtEndgtd:<br />

( I ) my motdr veblcle sf,lety at<strong>and</strong>sd thst<br />

h* been trdoptod by the vehlcle Equtpm6nt<br />

Salcty Comnrlsslon ( VESC) , <strong>and</strong><br />

(2) any other motor yeblcl8 selety Bt6nderd,<br />

plovlded (l) hc flBt allows such lf,ltlEl<br />

lltrle (not exccedlng two years llom thc dct6<br />

ol enactEent ol the Act) flB he constdcft<br />

reasoruble lor motot vehlcle manulactEor!<br />

to propce <strong>and</strong> lor th6 \tE.gC to edopt s<br />

p8rtlculqr motor yeblclo stety Etf,aded,<br />

(lt) alter determlDlnB wlth respect to I partlcular<br />

BubJtrt elthf that no staDdard rrlatr<br />

fi thgt extsttDs BtsDdfrda dr compltsncr<br />

therowlth ta tusdequts, h6 then proFEsg<br />

*n approprl&tG Btendard to thc VESC, atrd<br />

(tlt) tbe TfF.SC fatlr td act upon thr requc8t<br />

wlthtn 180 dByr or Buch longer tlme E tha<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retey 6F+cldm tr rct4 by lsutnB E Btald.<br />

afd whtch th! Sccretary deterElnea l,r tDAdequatg<br />

td prot€ct th6 trubllc sgElmt uE6ssEablB<br />

rl8ts ot accldenh m dsth or lDJuy to<br />

persns rerultlu8 therelroE-<br />

Tte 8eletary would he requlrcd to lollow<br />

a Embef dl crlterle oDumfBted la trctlon<br />

10?(h) aDd to lncludr lE SEy order eEt8bllshlng<br />

sslety EtEndilds flDdlDBs of fAct atrd<br />

concluBlona on all televant Eatters, pfsu-<br />

Bbly lncludlng compllsco Flth tho vstoul<br />

crlt.rlB Bet forth. A sbhd*d sould btrome<br />

efiectlyo ho EmnE than 180 dfyd bor lstcr<br />

than two yeffi slt€r thc data oE Fhich tt<br />

waa lsEuod, ctccpt th&t lor good csu6e Ehod<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>r6tary mlght Bptrtly & l*td dat4.<br />

ThB ButoEoblle llleuircturEr! would bo<br />

*uthdlzrd lndlvldu8Uy or collectlvrly to<br />

Iomulate md prolrcoe Flety staDdards ttr<br />

tal ag6ns1g5.<br />

TTre extent of Fermlslble cooperstlve<br />

activitles under tlre antitnlst laws as thug<br />

lnterpreted by the Depsrtment glves $ufflclent<br />

latitude for lndustry coopersflon<br />

tn play a slgnlflcent role ln $afety development.<br />

Accordingly, <strong>and</strong> slnce manufacturers<br />

are eDtitled to rely on thla tnt€rpretation<br />

by the Depertment es to<br />

whst cooperatlve Edtlvitle8 816 pefinlsslble,<br />

there ls no need for llrcludlng ln<br />

r thls blll a provlslon spelllnE out whBt<br />

cooperative actlvltle8 lndustry may engage<br />

ln ln the safety snd stBnderds fleld<br />

under the entltrust lews. I therefore offered,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the committee adopted, sectlon<br />

116, whlch 16 the Eame s.g sectlon l13<br />

of the blu pE68ed by the Scnete, to m8ke<br />

6re thEt nothlng ln thl8 btU cha.nges<br />

the Bntltfust lf,w8 <strong>and</strong> th8t m8nufacturera<br />

cffi rely on the Department'g advlcB<br />

[.g to the mBanlng ol those lBsls.<br />

DrAlftm Or JUsrrE.<br />

t'"tt'<br />

EdnorabL wARRr cl. *orJffi1<br />

Uflltsd gi4ter con6ldlerf,tlon by the VES'C frd the <strong>Sec</strong>retey,<br />

Ttrey would *l8o be authorlzed<br />

"lndlvl{lusUy<br />

or cdlectlvely" to cohply volrlnterlly wlth<br />

such a proposed stsndard untll le8ally btf,dlng<br />

Fder4l or StEtG st&ndardr coverlng th6<br />

she Errblrct matter have beceme efirctlve.<br />

Jolnt cmptratlon L[ d*tgnlng, testlDg, eEd<br />

prducln8 mobr Yehlclc or hotor vehlclO<br />

equipment lor the puFdEe ol complytng wlth<br />

tha at<strong>and</strong>ilds prop*ed by ihefi would al8o bo<br />

authortzed. Ilowever, the Act would provldg<br />

thet nothhB theleln contalned should bG<br />

deehrd to elempt lrou the antttrust l*r8 of<br />

the Untttd StEtes aDy conduct th*t vould<br />

othersls bc unlaqrul under Euch l&Ea.<br />

Wheres the AdErlElrtrBtlol bUl would Ello<br />

authfilEe the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to lormulatd 6taDderd8<br />

to prot€ct thr publlc sgainst q&ldent{<br />

or death. lnjufy, df Fropert! damge teslltlng<br />

therelroE. the tndustry pfopoBel vould<br />

provlde that the authorlty ol the S€cretery<br />

to cEtsbllsh atEbdsdr l| ll$ltrd td protEct-<br />

IDB tb6 publlG EBtlDEt d€sth <strong>and</strong> IErEonaI<br />

tnlry. Hlr Buthorlty to lomuleta stsndudi<br />

d.atgned to protrct thG publtc aBaIDst<br />

property damEgo cfued by lccldents would<br />

bs elhhated,<br />

Undsr tha Admlnt8traildu blll tt rould bc<br />

unlEFlul lor EEy peron b muul#ture ld<br />

BEle.8GU, ottr iof 8*le, or lntroducG or dc-<br />

sffite.<br />

llv.f lor Introductlon lD lntEEtatG coruefce,<br />

Wwhlngtm, D,C, 20510<br />

or tmpet ttto tbe Uulted States euy motot<br />

Dil^l EtFAsr MAoNusF: At you requfft, vthldlG s tt E ot motor veh,clE equlphetrt<br />

tbr Drltrtmebt ol Justtce hereby ofr$s ltr unlss lt lg ltr cdnfomlty wlth at<strong>and</strong>8rda pro-<br />

Comnents on the amondmentr tO tho dratt 4rlbed by tbc EncrGt$lr. HoEevsr, uf,dor<br />

blll m iuto aslety propffied by ih6 autd- the hdutry btll tt Tould ouly b6 il ofrGnE<br />


to<br />

"tnos{trgly q[rt vttlftrlll F.rlm otti<br />

of thesa Ectr. Tti tndustry bfll gould flro<br />

provtdc that rell.r relyln5 ltr 8€od l8lth<br />

on B certlicttr provlded by tbc mEnuJrctuGr<br />

or lEportrr to the efiect that tho vehlclo<br />

or equlpEent Ir bdttrgd to coDtorE to all<br />

Eppllcable r'edcrfl ralety st<strong>and</strong>ffdE shEll not<br />

br lleble uDder thC ACt, Abc praposed lDdustly<br />

blll rould Elro lmpose s $100,000 ltEltstlon<br />

\rpon thr peMlty whlch may b6 lEpGtd<br />

lor<br />

"BDy<br />

related Eerl.B ol vlolatlou'l<br />

ol tho Act.<br />

The lDdustry blll would Elso add a b6v<br />

requlreEeDt thst bofore eny vlolittoE ol tb6<br />

tltle ls reF.rrted by the <strong>Sec</strong>retaty to tb6<br />

Attotney Gencral or aDy Untted Stgtar Attor-<br />

Eey for ln8tltutton ol aD lnJunctloD prtr.rdlhg.<br />

the pffloE &gEtnst wboh tht prftaedtDg<br />

Ir coiltebplatcd rhall b6 glveD notlcr Bnd.<br />

opportuntty to prcEeot hts Ylcvr, Glther<br />

orally or lB wltlDB, wltb !.gard to Bucb<br />

coDternplatrd pffteedlDtr, end, ercept wbctt<br />

knowing aDd *lllful conduct ls lnvolv6d,<br />

Eucb perSon Sball rlso be glveo s rCASDsbla<br />

opportuDlty to take correcttvc Eqsur.r to<br />

achleye compllArlce.<br />

A dlflerent statrdsrd lor Judtclsl levlcr<br />

eould bd Frovlded, Under the Adfilntrtrrtlon<br />

blU flDdtDgs ol the <strong>Sec</strong>rctf,ry sr to fBcti.<br />

ll Bupportad by lubEtsnttal evldeEcc, sould<br />

b. concluslvE- The lndu8tJy plopdtl provldw<br />

that ilndlu8! ol th. <strong>Sec</strong>retsry wttb<br />

resptrt to questlou ol lact<br />

"Bball<br />

br Butalned<br />

ll beed updn a lslr Gyrluatton dl<br />

the entlre rftord ol thr proceedlnS! oE whlcb<br />

the g6crctsy Illllll<br />

Thlctr .bdrkl rot b. tfrEsttrrd<br />

fru MtItrurt, tcrutlDy.<br />

Pouth, arntndErntc relstln8 b JudtctBl<br />

revlGw ol actton tak6n by thG BEret8ry Bnd<br />

thc prtredure to be loll()wed by thc 8+rrtary<br />

frqulrs unna.srlly cumboEur Bnd tlmrconiumlDE<br />

prtreedlng8 thEt cBo hfbpGt<br />

llloctlv6n.lr ol th. EtondBrd!,<br />

tlri<br />

Fltth. the propoaBl wauld &v6rcly Burow<br />

the cnte8ory of Ect3 prohlbttad by th6.t&ruta<br />

And reduct tha p€n8ltle! to b! lEpffed for<br />

vlOlqtlont.<br />

gll'th, lt sould llmtt tho pawor <strong>and</strong> dircretloil<br />

of th6 S€cretary ln E number ol<br />

underlr4bl6 weyr, moat lmpoftdnt ol phtch<br />

wduld bc ellhlnatldn ol htr powff td adopt<br />

Et&ndards to pfotect rg[lnrt propcrty dmageg<br />

ca6ed by sccldent6.<br />

(r ) fhe ncgBlred BclfrEM. to yESCj ThG<br />

tndustry propoarl would fequlrr prtor acuon<br />

by tho VESC bcforr the Sccrstary would b€<br />

pGrmltted ta promulgate Etendardr. Tho<br />

Smrgt$y would b. llmttsd to eatabllshlnE<br />

atetrdard8 prevlou8ly Edopied by thc VE3C;<br />

ot Et<strong>and</strong>ards prevlOUEly recammendcd by tha<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>ret+ry to the VESC upon whtch lt hsd<br />

laued to acti or itAndard! stter I.EESC h{d<br />

cctd by tdopthg f&<strong>and</strong>arala detarDrlD.d by<br />

thq BecrotMy to be lnBdEqtEto. Bclqti h6<br />

woulcl aven b€ permltted to rmommGnd 6<br />

rt$ndard on e Ftrrttculsr aubj4t to thG VESC.<br />

thc Eecretary would be r6qulr6d to allow<br />

Euch lnltlsl tlfi€ (not exc*dln8 two yrar!<br />

lrom thc dAte of enactmerrt ol th6 Act) s<br />

b$ed hlr Order.tl<br />

11r6rG art B nlEb€r of other respcct! lu<br />

he cohrldcred re8aonoblo lor motor vehlclo<br />

flanulBcturerE to pfopse Bnd lor the VESC<br />

to edopt N partlcutar motof vehlclc rsfaty<br />

FbJcb th! tDdustry pldpoEal dlficr! lloE th!<br />

AdElElstratlon blll. Thes6 EtIl bo tELrtr<br />

uF ln the course ol our dl&usloD ol tha<br />

lDdutry bllI.<br />

Etsndard. E.ctlon lO? (d), (c).<br />

Slncr thc Sruet[ry woutd b6 authort4d<br />

to erttrbllsh otlror at<strong>and</strong>trrda on tr pf,!ilrulnr<br />

subJect only lf hc detcrnrlDec[ there were<br />

Ttre EpokesMu lor tht lDdurtry, Jdhtr B.<br />

Bucsr VlcE Prestdett ol Ford Motot Cd6p8ny,<br />

iouBht to Jusrfy tho qltrcudErEt!<br />

EFoEord by ltrdustry ln E BtateBlEt b.for<br />

the lloua. Corulttee oD ltrttBtrtt aDd ForelBB<br />

Coffiercc Ou Aprtl 18, leo!. il follon:<br />

"We<br />

UrgG oDly the odopttot ol tcren&bb<br />

M.DdEeatr deEl8Ded to Eaturr strte Enat tndu8try<br />

partlclpatlon ln thr st8ndard-rrttlEg<br />

prtrCs aEd to asBwc litt BttEdard-EttlDg<br />

prwEduEs <strong>and</strong> crltert4, a lull opportunltt<br />

lor JudlctEl revlew, EDd an edlorc.mEnt sFtar<br />

under whlch ,bosc Fbo #t ln Aood trtt!<br />

<strong>and</strong> wtth due c{re are not punlshed, Fhllc<br />

thr penalty lor others ls Bpproprlate to tho<br />

dr8ree ol blaBe thst can be lalrly cbsr8ed<br />

td the Fersdn prdetdrd Bgslnrt.<br />

'rFlnElly,<br />

whtlr thc uncertalDty ol antltrurt<br />

lnt.rpratatloE tu tbls s6a contlnuH to Bl9a<br />

us concern, we belleva wa cBD EEho pf6tTc[<br />

wlthln th6 lruGwork ol the prcmnt aDtttrut<br />

lam tf tb6 .flnal blu expllcltly rtrognlze8<br />

the need lot maEuJEctuerr to cdlf,Hta<br />

Ieasnably stth onr Enother ln Eres rclrtGd<br />

to thc ltmlt.d purposes of devcloplEg aDd<br />

rvaluatlDg lmprov.d vehlcle HJtty chrmct.rlrtlq,<br />

lomulettnB prdporcd mlntmum<br />

salety perlomatrce Etsndard! lfi sdoptlo[<br />

by the Federal OoyGrDrant <strong>and</strong> th6 ttttr!,<br />

4Ed complytDg vtth thwe tt<strong>and</strong>erd. untU<br />

leBally blndlE8 staDdcrds sr. tEEuad." (H,<br />

In our optEloE, thc tndwtry propard Nllcrr<br />

lloE Bt leffit Ftr bslc shortcoElns!,<br />

Ftrst, by l$p6tnB requlremertr lor wortln8<br />

throu8h the IEC tbt bUl would tD pr#.<br />

ttce delay the lDtrodudtlo! ol nef, sal6ty<br />

dcylce! End l$vq th6 ttslEg on lEtroduefld[<br />

ol new drslcd lrBsly ld thr ha[dr ol tbr<br />

lnduttry,<br />

8troud, lt woutd ftqut; tb6 Btrrctrry<br />

to act lil fficordum Tlth crltGrlr whtch tb<br />

eE6 lrBtsu6 tf6 uuftGrrary AD4 ln dtbtt|<br />

arc ov*ly protrcuyr to tndustrt lEtffrta<br />

<strong>and</strong> lall td tuta rd6qurta acdoult ot tDt<br />

tmportaucd ol lapld, cEployEoDt d n6t<br />

!Blety dGylc6,<br />

ThlRl, thG propo.d Elght grut r! lEpu6d<br />

lEunlty froE tho rtrtltfut lrw l* ?srlour<br />

no txlrtlng Etf,DdrrdA or rxtEttng stsndardE<br />

wcrq lntrdc(luRto. h{r nrlSht wcll be btrred<br />

ff(fiI lrsnlng trny stnDdtrrd ou s gtven aubJect<br />

rrcept E lrADdrfd adoptrd by thG vEBc,<br />

unies hc we.e willtng to tlnd thar th. VESC<br />

6t<strong>and</strong>nrd waa lnadequtrte. Srcilon r0l{dt,<br />

Irr Eupport of lts FropoBed modlflcBildn<br />

ol the Admln[itrattorr blll to requlrc pllor<br />

&lloD by tbe \IF-gC belors ttrf; Srcr;tsry<br />

could pronlrilBtrte Etshd6rdi. thc lildustty<br />

Etbk.rman trrgues tlrat tt lF deslrsble to brtni<br />

both tlr€ Ettrtes <strong>and</strong> tha Eutomoblle tndultrv<br />

lnb thC Etgndf,rd-mBklnE procea8.<br />

Obvlously thc Atate8 snd the Indu8try undoubtcdly<br />

h8ve certsln expertlEc shlch<br />

ihould hot be l8nored- Howrvcr, lt tt not<br />

necGsry to addpt the lndu.tty propfltl to<br />

&ccompljrh thl8 puptr.- Thi ldhtnlrtrttlan<br />

brll ln lt6 pteEent lorm elready provldE<br />

lor statc rnd Indu6tfy pcrilclFAilon tn rcc,<br />

tton 105,<br />

Ttle lndEtry prop$Bl rcqulrs mor. urED<br />

prlot coniultluon by thc Bccrst4ry wlth tho<br />

6bter <strong>and</strong> trdu8try; prlor trttfl by th6<br />

rutomobllc m8nulacturaE <strong>and</strong> th6 ty'l!8o ti<br />

rrqulred belors tho 8@r.trry would br pfifiltifd<br />

to Act.<br />

To epprtrleti thr pfirtbutttaa ltr d6hy In<br />

tb! fomulsllon ol .t<strong>and</strong>ards f,nd tntroductlon<br />

ol ralety drvtmr rhtch thlr ichcmo<br />

would ptrhlt. ,t jr Dcceury to coDllder hil<br />

th. VlfEd opir8t.., Ttr6 Vrhtclc EqulpmGnt<br />

E itGty Compact dmr Dot h ttElt co[t$ln<br />

lhDdordr lor rat.ty equlphcnt. tuthrf, tt<br />

rctn up tht FrrocedurH Rnd machlncry lor<br />

lDtertste cooperatlon ln th6 formulailon ot<br />

.uch rt<strong>and</strong>ardr- Tht compact establl8her<br />

an-lnterqtate s8ency, th6 "VGhtcltr Equtpmcnt<br />

S8fety Commlsslon," conatuilnB dl oho m€mbor<br />

dctlgnated by tsch party st$tr. Tttr<br />

Comhlslon la ompoworeC to r€comh<strong>and</strong><br />

'rrulra,<br />

re8ulstlone Ot code8 ombodyln8 pcrlormancG<br />

r€qulramant! or rattrlcilonr" lor<br />

lteru of motot vehlcle equlpmcnt.<br />

Thc cohpact ouillnts thE rter tor th.<br />

commlslon to tollow ln drvclopthB ttr recffiGndrtlonr.<br />

Ftrrt, tt mut ttudy thc neF<br />

lor ttsblbhlng or chutlnE lFrtoffiancc fa,<br />

House Debqte<br />

735<br />


qulrement8 lor an ltem ot B8fety equtpm8nt.<br />

'I'tre<br />

Btudy mu8t hka lnto gccount reEeerch<br />

&n(l teat dets avallEble lrom auy Bource. Ibr<br />

thls purps6, the CdmmtE8lon may .'collGct,<br />

cafrelete, f,nElya <strong>and</strong> cvdlueto" re8eMch End<br />

t68ts carrled<br />

lnd prtvate.<br />

on by other Egencle8. publld<br />

But ercopt tot luch ,,llbrsytyp6"<br />

restarch, lt lE not ButhorlE4d td carry<br />

dh Eny reseuch Bnd te8tln8 ol ltr OWn, It<br />

hBy contract lor re8of,rch Bnd tcEtlng, but<br />

only ll requestrd to do Bo by 4 rtat6 or<br />

governmental Egency, <strong>and</strong> thon only lt th6<br />

tequsttng Eg€ncy provlds tbe nHsrty<br />

fund8. Ttr6 Comnrlsslon hsy not sccspt prlvate<br />

funds tor cny purpo6e,<br />

On the basls ol lt8 6tudy ot necd, the tntcr-<br />

EtUte flEency must publlah B ttpott. No IGS<br />

thon slxty dBys lBter, lt mUBt hotd one or<br />

more publlc heArlnBs,<br />

FlDally, Alter tlleEs Et6pE orc Completed.<br />

"trIrd<br />

wlth due fegsrd lor Btmd8rds rffotnmcnded<br />

by approprl&to prole&loEel <strong>and</strong> tech-<br />

Dlcnl Ss(ElstloDa <strong>and</strong> agenclea," the Commission<br />

nray lsEue recommended<br />

latlons or codct,<br />

lul66, tegu-<br />

Perty BtstEr ar6 obllgeted td codstder the<br />

rules, regulotlotrE or codea lffiued by tlr6<br />

Comml8olon, but they ar! zot obllBBted to<br />

Eccept thetn, Ono ol the two qlt6rnBtlv6<br />

methodo of sdoptlon rtrlurcg B.tilrhBttve Ection<br />

by the stBt4 le8l6latur6 lor th6 ruI6,<br />

fe8ulstlon or code to tak6 €d6ct. Thc aftond<br />

altrlrn4tlve method IE EdoptloD by gdmtb,lEtrativo<br />

Ectlon o! a pdrty Btste'E motor vphtclG<br />

n8ency- Il 4 StAte Ch@BeB thl8 ElternatlvG,<br />

ItE motor vehlcle a8ency mu6t adoFt tho rule,<br />

re8ulBilon or codc wtthln 6lx honth8. The<br />

trdhtDlEtrative Egency nr*y<br />

"decllns<br />

to<br />

4d{)pt" but only alter publlc lrcarlnB, s Bpsclnc<br />

llndlng that e vartEtton from ths commlsslerr'6<br />

recomendatlon'lfi nfteBufy to<br />

thc pulrllc ts4fety," end s recltsl of tll6 teB-<br />

E(,nE olr wltl(lr tttc tlndln* ls beEcd. Fortyfour<br />

statca orrd tll6.Dlatrtct ef CqlumbtB aro<br />

now metrrbera (t the comp8ct- In trll bUt<br />

E lew of the member Eteta:A the enBbllnc<br />

leBlslrtl()n IlrovldeE thot th6 l€Btrlstufe hUs;<br />

pEsE upon sterl(lBrds propsed by thc VESC,<br />

We m8y onty EueEs trow ldnB the Bdopilon<br />

of m{)tor vehlcle Eelety Et<strong>and</strong>ard8 by tho<br />

VEriC ml8lrt take, Elnce lt hsa never y6t<br />

trdopted one, althouBh Congres Buthorlzed<br />

the formatlon ol lnter8tete comp8cts ln th6<br />

tleld of traflc Eslety by passsBe ol the Be8msr<br />

re6elutiorr ln 1958 <strong>and</strong> tho VBSC ws orBEnleed<br />

ln 1963, Burely, howsver, tl16 Etudy<br />

ol n€ed, trubucAl,lon ot E relrcrt, holdtDg ol<br />

oho ot more hcGlnBs Eftsr Bn tDtGnal ol Bt<br />

lefft Elriy dtryr, coDEtde$tlon ol 8ta[darda<br />

fecammended by epproprt4tG FroleffilonEl<br />

<strong>and</strong> technlRl ffiEoclBtloru <strong>and</strong> agBncler, [nd<br />

flnally folmulatlon ol a ttahd*d pould @D-<br />

Eume E very comld6rabl6 perlod ol ilsf,<br />

Mofebver, Elnco thG propccd Mt would Euthortz6<br />

th6 ButoEobtlc menulactur;ti collectlvely<br />

to propoEo stBndfrdr to th. VISC<br />

ahd the cMpaot rcqulr€E tho VIEO to doD-<br />

Eider stEndAfd8 recommended by<br />

',apprcprt.<br />

8te proleBalonal End trchnlcal ffilatlon!<br />

End afeacleB" b.ror6 acttnB, th6 tutmoblls<br />

manulactuferE weuld bc Eblo to Eru Grtint<br />

to l4fluenca ths tlmlD8 0n lbtfoducttob ol<br />

hew ralaty dsvle!,<br />

The lhduatry proporal wouldl raqulfG tho<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary to sllow auch lnlttal ttho {hot 6rc€edlnB<br />

tWO yearE lrom thc d8t6 Ot rnsthont<br />

ol thlr Act) aE h6 conaldtrr rgsohrblo lor<br />

motor vrhlcle hsDulncturer8 to propsd ud<br />

lor th6 VESC to adopt<br />

vdhlclo salcty it<strong>and</strong>ard.<br />

e Fcrtlculil<br />

Pre8M&bly,<br />

motor<br />

thlt<br />

ruffiE the secr€tary murt allog teHonEbls<br />

tlme lor t,hc prdedute whtch has b+6n outllned<br />

to be carrlGd out, It bEy bo 8ffiG*bat<br />

opttmtsilc to thlnk thst thli pr*edurs coutd<br />

be cRffled out even wlth|l thG two-you<br />

hMlmlm<br />

pfted.<br />

tlme<br />

In any<br />

llhlt<br />

tvent<br />

whlch vould<br />

the Eecrstsy<br />

be lm-<br />

would<br />

have to allow reffinable ttms tor th6 V$8O<br />

to sct on tts owD bclore he would avon bG<br />

pemltted to prdF$g sn Epproprlate Bt8ndd(t<br />

to the VESC for lt8 corEtdelatloD, f, Etep<br />

which woulql t)e a prerequlslte to Fromulgstion<br />

of & lederal st<strong>and</strong>ffd by the Becretsry.<br />

Altlrou8h tlre lndnEtry proptral would pro.<br />

vide that the <strong>Sec</strong>retafy could requeDt tho<br />

VE;O to et upon htE proposal wtihl4 180<br />

day8 or Euch louger ttme ffi he mlght Bpcctfy,<br />

It would eppoBr thBt the VBSC compsct, tho<br />

organlzqtlon'6 leB*lly blndlng c6tEiltutton8l<br />

dftument, would requlre lt to gdhero to tho<br />

tlhe-comumln8 prftcdure shlch hr b€on<br />

outllned abovs, Il the VESC hsd not prevlouEly<br />

rEomrende.l B stendard on the Fartlclilar<br />

subject, It woul(l probably hsv€ to<br />

conduct the entlrg procceclltrg. Even ll lt<br />

had prevlously Etudled thc lnrtlculsr Bub-<br />

Jtct, lt vould, Et E mlnimum, have td publlah<br />

a new or ffierrded report. hold Daw<br />

hearlrrSs after allowlnE {r Elxty-dRy lnterval,<br />

And conalder the Opltrl()tlq ol epproprleto<br />

prDlffilonol trnd technlc4l aEaoclatl{)n4 end<br />

agencleF belore actlnF on the S€crebry l<br />

propoql, It aeems extremely unllkely thet<br />

aucrr I procedure coul(i br cufflecl out vlthln<br />

180 d&y8 or anythlnE opproxlmstlng th.lr<br />

pGrrod ol tlme, ahd the proF#ecl 4chffi6<br />

eppsEra tO ba hot only unnccBs8Bry <strong>and</strong> unde.lr4bl6<br />

but compleL6ty unporkable lf on6<br />

4sume8 that tho <strong>Sec</strong>retary wsuld reque8t<br />

the VESC to aci wltltln the l8o-dsy perled.<br />

Ttle 8.crtt4ry ?ould no doubt b6 iltrd.r<br />

hgvy presure to exerclEe the dlEcretlon<br />

whlch tho tndustry btll would Etve htm to<br />

allry a lolt8er perlod wlthln whlch the r/EiSC<br />

could re8poud io blE propo8al,<br />

In ord.er lor the secretary to oct under th6<br />

lnduEtry propffAl, ltowcver, not only would<br />

It be neceEsary to carry out the6e VEBC procredlng8,<br />

but the <strong>Sec</strong>rctBry would then hsvo<br />

to tlold ah APA srctlon,l proceedln* nu *"1t.<br />

It ls ctrgy te eqvlElon lt requlrtng nvr ye&rr<br />

or more befqrg the 8trretary lE abls to pfo.<br />

mulSEte enlorcenb16 st<strong>and</strong>qlda. wtth th6<br />

automoblle menulacturers thcmselves @ntrollhr8<br />

the tlmtnB to s grest.:xtent,<br />

AlthouBh IiIr, Buga8 Btnted belore thG<br />

Houo Commlttce On InterstEte snd Fortlgfl<br />

Cffisrce that<br />

by the ludustry<br />

the amendments prop*cd<br />

"would<br />

lnvolva no d6ley lh<br />

thE d6vcloprileflt end e8tabll8hmsnt ol nn.<br />

tldnal r*fety gttrndsrda," we belteve lt l,r<br />

obvlouE that thl8 E lar troh the 6se-<br />

Ih hl8 remBrkt upon rtgnlDg hftlffiauon<br />

g?18, ddlffln8 the wtrk ol Mfy 16 s t{r,<br />

tlonel TttrnBpoltotton Week, Pf6aldeEt Johnlon<br />

EtBtcd thst tb6 HtBhssy 8al6ty Act ol<br />

1966 "wlll ostEbrlah s progrffi ol rtrtct Betoty<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>afds lor our automobllc8." "t'h6<br />

alttrmtlv6<br />

to FedcrAl st<strong>and</strong>Fd8." hs nld,<br />

"lr<br />

Uhthlnkeble: 60 dlil{rent Bels ol Et<strong>and</strong>nrdr<br />

lor 60 dtfiGrcnt $t[teE," Tt6 lndutry prs<br />

pnal, whtlr lt would not rftult ln 60 dtfiGEEt<br />

rcti Ol stmd$dr, would pemlt dtfierGncil<br />

ffinB the tltBte8 to drlay lor B vory lotrg<br />

Fcrldd ol ttmc the lhtroducilon ot tGdGrd<br />

IttndatdE.<br />

Of,e Edditlonal re8p8ct ln shlah pdwd<br />

mlBht bc t€I.n lrofi thc EscretBry Bnd trMalcrrcd<br />

tO ths \IEIC under ttro lndurtry FrOpflAl<br />

satrents comment. Tho tndurtry FtopSAl,<br />

ln lectloD 102(d), would fegillfe, rBthcr<br />

tlIM quthorl4, the B&fetdy to sst8bllsh<br />

u r motol Vehlcle Eblety ct<strong>and</strong>8rd my abnd.<br />

ard l$ucd<br />

proprlatr<br />

by thc VEaC whtch he found<br />

md nec#ary to accompllsh<br />

ap-<br />

thc<br />

purps$ ol tho Act, Elnce under that 6ft'<br />

tlon thG Eftrotary Tould be Euthortzed to<br />

fltabllrh oth6r atEndffdE ohly tl my ext8tlng<br />

motot vehlcle salcty Etudard lt lnsdequate,<br />

hc vould probably be bared lrom t8tulng<br />

sy Et<strong>and</strong>ord €rccpt the 8t*ndtrd adoptGd<br />

by th6 vEBo, rntesB ho w6r6 vllllng to if,d<br />

thEt th6 VEBC Bt8ndard wB8 lnEdequate.<br />

Ttrs Socrstrry<br />

othet St8ndard<br />

mt8ht weU beltevo that tn-<br />

ws prelerable to the Btendsd<br />

rrcomm6nd6d by tir6 vF-Bc, d lthough h6<br />

ElBht not ltr prepffed to dstermlhe thst<br />

thd staD-dard recolrm<strong>and</strong>ad by thc VESO<br />

736 Vol.I

J$f<br />

aro.l6qurt6. rE thh rttuatton h6 vd d<br />

ba prcluded<br />

at<strong>and</strong>Erd,<br />

lrom rdoptlnB the pretcr8ble<br />

T'hG nct eltcct of thtu dlsabtlttld ol thc<br />

propoild prftcdure lr that ln the nMr ol<br />

dcalrlnE to allor thc;tf,ttr to plsy s rolt, tht<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s of the Eccrctary would bq lev.tGly<br />

tttd. lt lA ntgdtiffit thtrt th. prcEebt lndu8try<br />

prop{*al dmA not c8ll lfi rttenBthcnln8<br />

the VHIC End openln8 lt t{ l;d.r&l Futl(tpatlon,<br />

At thr ht4rlD8t oD 8- 3006, *hsn<br />

the tndurtly<br />

tlon proffrm<br />

propoB.d a Jolnt<br />

wlth lrcquent<br />

volunttry m-<br />

con.ultrtlon.<br />

wlth conBrrr, thr 8+cretsy, thc vEgc ffd<br />

other gov$nnut+l af,cnct$, thG lndurtry<br />

rpokcrman. John 8. Bu8il, Vlcc ftG.ldrnt ol<br />

Fqrd Motof coEpany. t6iln6d thst th6 vBo<br />

prefiently hu<br />

"a<br />

vcry.mrll.toll, lErdGqu*ta<br />

ln our oplnlon," (063) rnd "M<br />

lt tdtt todrl,<br />

roslly c8nnot do thlr Job," (1046) Ha lndlcsted<br />

thst thc VtlC hs b+n concernrd<br />

prlmaruy Flth maltort relBttn8 to drl9tr<br />

rBfety, lncludlnB dtlvct llccn!lnE, rr8tttEtlon,<br />

vGhlclo lhtpcctlon, <strong>and</strong> lBw nn-tdoheht.<br />

In rdponi€ to i qilcrtton by Chilrman<br />

MroffumH Ehrthfr<br />

dlrcuscd thG drlBntn8<br />

thr vEEtc hnd cvd<br />

ol f,utmobllt<br />

"tn<br />

r way that mlEht .how 8n Etlylty d lEtGrtt<br />

ln how E car 1r dcrlgncd ltr rll.ty<br />

he Bntwefed,<br />

"To<br />

my knowlcd8c,<br />

not." (cd?) Mr. BUEM ruB8crtad<br />

rffi,"<br />

thay bfva<br />

thrt<br />

"ffi.<br />

ol the bMlc dcrftt. ln vEac hs bflD tt<br />

tn*btllty, lor whltGvGr r6ffin I don't kilil,<br />

tt lnsbtltty to llnse lt<br />

'Tho<br />

Strtt CorDsl*loDlt|,<br />

opctrttoM-" (loftl<br />

'<br />

h. f,tat d,<br />

"lEqucntly<br />

don't hav. moDty rDilttl to ls b<br />

t mecttn8." EcDitor H^tfrt point d out<br />

thEt even wct6 tht ftd.rBl Bovcmfitnt<br />

help f,nanct thG VESC. rlncq maDy thta<br />

to<br />

1.8lrlaturs<br />

only m6.t cvtE othrr yid, tt mltht<br />

b6 thr y.srr b.lolt thtrG would bi mt4h-<br />

InE lunds from muny Etat6 or8El4tldu.<br />

'1116.<br />

( 1u18)<br />

ltrtchcnt! cddtfft rhsply<br />

?tth tho tostlmony ol Mr, Bulu bGlw th.<br />

'<br />

I{our! comnrltt.G<br />

Cotrmercc that:<br />

on Intorltrta ud lotrllD<br />

"TtrG<br />

Vehlclc EqulpE.Et<br />

Eslety Commlslon Ir already authorlrcd to<br />

tFue vehlcle 64ltiy rt8ndardr lor sdoptloD<br />

by thr ltotcr. dnil ffi chdfldc ln ltt prttdt<br />

ttrvdure wult bt r$ulrcd,."<br />

The lndu8try propil*l Tould EIF uahd<br />

&ctlon 106 of thc bUt. whlch suthofls tbr<br />

S€crctsry to c@Fcrrte wlth lcderil i{rEcld.<br />

rtEtc or othcr publlc a8enct6, bulnc'6,<br />

UnlvcEltlar Or othcr lnrtltutloDa h tbr plannln8<br />

or development ol @lety rtendtrdr Md<br />

lhop*tton shd trltln8' hcthodr, to rprcticrlly<br />

relil b thr VEBC s onG ol tbc !t+t6<br />

aFcrcler whlch mlght be con8ulted ind mE-<br />

UlEclurerl Ol motor vehlcle! Bnd motor Ythl.<br />

clf, rqulpment s burlnaasGr whtch hlSht b.<br />

consulted The6o uo lo8tc8l pattlct wtth<br />

Ehom tht S.cretary mlght Condlt, <strong>and</strong> hG<br />

vould clenrly have tht pow6r to c@FratG<br />

wlth the8e f,roupr under thc btll Er prciGntly<br />

wrltteo. ThBleforr, Bn mrndmcnt Thtch<br />

would tpeclly these two groups ttr piltlculrr<br />

tttmS unnccc8My.<br />

12\ ThG etlterl[ lol tftd Sdcrcl4ry'r ,{f,tif,.'<br />

A ffiond crltlcal shortcomlnE ln th. lhdurtry<br />

propfrEl ls th8t at leNt some ol thc crlt<br />

rla whlch lt would requlre thc Eacrtt$ry<br />

to lollow ln cstobllrhlnB rhnd*dA sc ovGrly<br />

reltrlctlvE. shllc Others appear to bc unnec-<br />

@uy <strong>and</strong> iln lerve beEt to brEd<br />

lltlBitlan. (Scctlon l0t(h),)<br />

polnilcil<br />

Amorr8 athtf thtnB4, the Srcrrt8ry, ln trdcr<br />

to astatlllsh e attrndard, voulal be requtrcd<br />

to make tlndlDgs ol lBct that lt Ts<br />

"conslstent<br />

stlh the centlnuetlon or adoptloD<br />

by motor vchlclG manulectuler! ol ellclcnt<br />

deslEnlnB, enBlnctrlnB, <strong>and</strong> lnanultrctunng<br />

prktlcer, <strong>and</strong> wlth lnhovatlqn, progrsslve-<br />

. nrss, ond customary model chfnBqa ln thc<br />

Eutomotlvc lndu6hy." (str. f0?(h) (3),)<br />

l.<br />

I<br />

\<br />

t'hu crlarton suBgeetr that thr tntfoducttou<br />

ol Ealety devlces, however uBent tlrr nord<br />

lor tnrm mtBht 14, could nor be aUo*cd to<br />

\<br />

lnterlere wtth the cu8tomary cyclr ot thr<br />

House Debate<br />

Indutty- It appesB t4 bG ro tntclprctcd by I<br />

thc lndurtry. Ttlo Wshlngton Fst on MBy )<br />

l5 reported on lndutry rpokeEm8n to h8y!<br />

rtatcd thAt uhder thlB provliton the auto<br />

mker could not bt .xpect.d to mek? "bil16<br />

chanBer" such s an lmpact.Ebsolbcnt lront<br />

Cnd lqr all modcl! ln E qln8le ye8!. ft6<br />

Blx)k.arnan li r.portcd ta hav6 rHld furthcr<br />

ttrat thG lndutry l! accuotomed to bbEl6<br />

modcl chAn*cr only cvrry 3--l yGEr- ID<br />

Eomr lnrtancs, the ur8cncy ol th6 htcd lor<br />

htw talcty devlcir trfy Jqrilly mm6 dttruptton<br />

of tht plcrcnt cycle. fre balMclng Ol<br />

the ur8lnct ol tbe nee lor hew davlcd<br />

E84tntt *hNtCvCt tlbluptlon may relult tt<br />

B Errhr rpproFrlatcly lelt td thc Aftrct8ry.<br />

Moreovcr, whllc lt mlEht appctrf rc8ensblt<br />

that a "rtEdsd<br />

rhould bc conrlrtcnt rtth<br />

' r ' lnnovatlon l<strong>and</strong>l progriltv6nil," Mf.<br />

BuBff t rtltrGd bclorG tht Sen8tt Co$mcru<br />

Comniltts thrt tho mert Euthorl4iloD ol<br />

thC SGCrrt$y tO lct rt8ndtrd! would lnbrlGr<br />

rlth lEnovatlon ahd progrelslvrn?4, T?|ll<br />

ru88fltr<br />

phr|rGd<br />

tbc tyFE ol lluEeuon th6o<br />

rt<strong>and</strong>trd8 nrlght lnvtt .<br />

brotdlt<br />

'l<br />

_<br />

Ac$rdtn8ly, wc opposc seilon r0r (h) (t)<br />

ln toto.<br />

I Anothd crltiflon. thit ol lccuoE foa(h)<br />

(l). rlro Bpphn to b. E6lghtrd Bgilffit tha<br />

/<br />

(<br />

-<br />

dfltriblllty<br />

t;tEr thrt<br />

of acilon f,nd contft$<br />

EAy brerd uhsffiutad<br />

gGDGrd<br />

chstl6ngr<br />

to thc authorlty of thc Bftr6tsy <strong>and</strong><br />

to th!.trecilecnH. of th6 lt8f,drrdr hi lctr.<br />

Ttrb ptoytrlon rrqulfH that .,th6<br />

b6n?nt to<br />

b. dirlytd by rny . . r lstGty lt<strong>and</strong>sd<br />

thould b. cl?otly w8rant6d lh thc llEht ol<br />

dl, feIeSIt /EttrJ." concilvabty, tn a .t41.<br />

lE NEGr, thr requtremGnt ol 10X(h) (gt<br />

thrt c6u bc comm.nrurttc wlth<br />

.,thG<br />

b4nadt<br />

to bc mhlGvcd '<br />

hf, rab. r.rlou! problril<br />

u to teiludtlon of tht bahtilt oi r8l6ty.<br />

WhUc r. do not nnd ps!ilculsty obrecilof,rbl6<br />

tho crtt+rtl 6et lffith tE tog(h) ({t End<br />

r04(h) (6), th. rbovi prcbl.il prcrcntcd btf<br />

rnr rftlculrtroE ol thur rFftltlc crltGtlt lasd<br />

ur b Frrcfi! th6 tpprmch tf,lon by thr<br />

AdfrlDlrtritloD blll.<br />

Undfi th. Admlnlrtretton<br />

tst rould hsvr ruthorlty<br />

pfoprlrh" FEdonl sl6ty<br />

bill, tht 8rcru-<br />

to dtabllrh<br />

,,sp-<br />

rtsdardr ll ha<br />

drclda thAt rhctc lr i,,ncrO" tor rt<strong>and</strong>H{r<br />

to mhlcvn "rdtquBt4"<br />

notor vrhlclG Blcty<br />

tO protrct thG publtc igelntt ',UnrcMnibl6;'<br />

tnEc rl|h- Thn AdmlntrtBtton<br />

rfilufff s<br />

bill Blrc<br />

"Frlohtrnca"<br />

''FrMtlcibl?,"<br />

lt<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

"Fhtch<br />

E6ti tha<br />

mobi ythlclG s8lcty," &nd.,whlch<br />

whlch lt<br />

ned fot<br />

proylda<br />

obJcctlvG crltcrl! on vhtch the pubuc brt<br />

Ely lh smrtnF motor vehlclc eifctf - (Brc,<br />

l0l(b)). TtlGm crtterlE do hot p$c sny<br />

piobllm ol unconsiltutlonEl dtltgatton ot<br />

outhorlty ind hrv6 the vlrtue ol avotdlng<br />

the potenil*llty ol unduly tytnB the Becr:<br />

tafy'! h<strong>and</strong>r thrt the proposed crlterla bAv!,<br />

It, horcr6r, tr lr concludad tb8r lpmtic crlttrlt<br />

hrt ntcelr8ry they can bE more<br />

prtrtrlt wrltten than thse propned<br />

lndurtry.<br />

Bpprc<br />

by tht<br />

(3 ) ?n. Un6ffi4t?.1 Ertrtrrld ol Af,tltrltt<br />

Imf,!fltty: A thlfd dAng#<br />

t,h! tndurfty propflcd bul lr thrt<br />

polcd by<br />

lt mlAht<br />

wtll creati U unweEntad tmDlted thmu.<br />

nlty trom thr antltrust law!.<br />

Ttle tndustry proIrct$l authorla! <strong>and</strong> eucourn8?t<br />

SUtdmobllt mfhulsctilreF (B) tO<br />

collabor8tc tn fohulEttng rt<strong>and</strong>ardr: (b) to<br />

collaboreto In d.rlf,nlng, tc8tlnE Bnd ploducln8<br />

vehlclcl md cqulphf,nt rclEtthg to lucll<br />

BtsndArdr; [nd (C) to qEree wtth Bch other<br />

to comply wlth st<strong>and</strong>sd4 propffed to tho<br />

\IEE'C or the tl+cretey<br />

arc adopted.<br />

bcforu theBc rtAndsd!<br />

Jn ou lud8mcnt thlr Etftutory ruthorllitlon<br />

&nd etcourEBemeut lr unnKer8Ery Bnd<br />

unFl4e. The mtltrust Iawt do not prcvGnt<br />

the achlevement ol deElrsble FrogreEslveneil<br />

lD the deal8tr <strong>and</strong> hanutscture or aaltty<br />

cqulph.nt <strong>and</strong> vehlcler. Ttrerr l. renstr<br />

to prcdtct thBt, ln lact, cohpctttloa ffioDl<br />


the vGry larB6 shd ablc compantes that comptlEe<br />

tho outomoblle lnduEtry c&n Bcctlerato<br />

the development of safety devlces. Thi collBborRtlen<br />

euthorlzrd<br />

pftal, however, frAy<br />

by the Indu8try pro-<br />

well have a brakh8<br />

etrect upoh the developmont ol ialety devlct!.<br />

For errmple, Bectlon 102(c) (3) sould authorlte<br />

thc automoblle mEnulecturer! tO<br />

agret to Cffiply voluntarlly Elth Btf,ndardr<br />

propoEed to the<br />

tho goverrnent<br />

Sftretary<br />

ado'pted<br />

or VEBC<br />

dtsnd&dc,<br />

belorr<br />

Thc<br />

dcn8er tn ellowtng thr manulactuferr to<br />

E8ree on mlnlhuh stindards lA that ln prMtlce<br />

th6c st<strong>and</strong>ardt ml8ht well bG rtgsdcd<br />

by the lhdustry d cbrotutf BtRndBrdr, whlcb<br />

ara not to be exceeded. NOr ls lt clff Fhy<br />

lSleohents arG nccsrary ln thl. esa, If.<br />

havin8 pfdp@ed s rtsndafd, cmpBnl!. unllatorally<br />

determlnc thrt publlc oplnlon roqulre8<br />

thst thEy comply wlth or erced th|t<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ud,<br />

thrcEt.<br />

ffitltrut lt&btltty lE hot a rcrl<br />

S€cond, rfttlon 103(c) would Euthortfi tb6<br />

mnulacturil!<br />

',ln<br />

to wmk Jolntly drlgrtng,<br />

teltlng, rnd produclbg motor vGhlclt d mo.<br />

tor vcblclo equlpmcnt" lor th6 purpo8c ol<br />

devrloplng, Gvf,luatlhg or mhplyth8 stttrl<br />

propfrcd lt<strong>and</strong>sdr, EoEG ol thb iattgtty<br />

ml8ht weU r8lh ErlNr problGEr uDdGt thr<br />

mtltrust letHuch<br />

motff tehlclei to<br />

u JolEt productloD o(<br />

COHply rlth ploFtrrrl<br />

EtEhdErdFlD ?llftt r pEttal mc?g6t ln u<br />

tndurtfy Eh6ady chrrfctettEed by artraEr<br />

conClntlftlOn,<br />

Oh thc other hMd, oth.r actlflty covcrcd<br />

by the provlslon, Auclr M Jotnt t6tlng ol<br />

new aalcty devlcen, would hot trdlhFlly rrld<br />

antltrut problem!. Ttro poltrt lr, hffiilGr,<br />

that ln ED lndurtry ol ro lcw p#tlclpontr,<br />

oBch ol whlch tr B lar86 cofporrtlon rlth<br />

rub.tBntlal rdoufdct, th6 volld nsd ltr col.<br />

l*botatlve Ectton, wcl8hed Bg8lnrt th6 lflrlble<br />

ftdverBe conarqurncct of Buch cothbontlu,<br />

docr not *ment uy<br />

Iroffi ndlnuy rntltrurt<br />

rptrltl prot$Hon<br />

pllnclpld. guch<br />

prlnclplrr ar; not undrily fb-htbttln$ th6y<br />

do not thr6Ete to lmprdc proBTM tn th!<br />

d6vrlopmrnt ol ralc RrE. Thr lrcdry dffttlhG<br />

afroid! ffiplo rl]{m lor contultsuon tmong<br />

thc comp*nl6 lh tnvoklnf th6 govcmmfntd<br />

Frtrel8d- Conlultatlotr vlth thr Antltrut<br />

Dlvt6lon under thr Butlnftr R€vlcw Fe.dure<br />

can aEtute thi lndurtry dl tho 88lcty<br />

trom antltrust prflftUtloh ol any collabontlvc.fiort.<br />

Althou8h thc lndurtry ffiendEGnt Euld<br />

provtde thrt tho Et4tute *ould trot Mkd<br />

lawlul Enythln8 other$Iso lorbtddGn t'y thc<br />

antltrurt law4, Euch lengue8r lr [ot ffi adcquntc<br />

adlo8usd. In a rule ol r.Elon rltuitlon<br />

I court could not h.lp but bG rficctrd<br />

to r('he crtent by the lact that thr tt8tutr<br />

rxpltcltly authffil# ssd encoufaBB c@iErstlon<br />

ln thc productlon of hotor vohlclcs Md<br />

equlpmcht. Elmu8rly, thG Court could [Ot<br />

help but be lmpresed by thr lact thst th6<br />

atAtute euthorlm! End encoungd thc heffi.<br />

ber8 ot the lnduEtty to agrec to comply wlth<br />

thr at<strong>and</strong>srd! they Eo propfllng rvcn brltrc<br />

th6rG ttahdsdt are adoptad. Il. s nry rGll<br />

be the cec, mst ol the Entlirust probled<br />

rBhed by guch collcctlve Ectlon ErG not ol<br />

e ptr rc v$l.ty, thG fact of lcElEletlve outhorlatlon<br />

rnd encouraBement sould undoubtrdly<br />

sfiEt A court'r dlApnltlon ol tho Ettl$uc,<br />

despltG eny expllclt dttclslhGf. At<br />

thtr potnt, tt l| Dot at ill clcu lffi 6tthd<br />

a competltlve or B talcty potnt ol vlcw that<br />

tblE tlDG ol colleboratlvt<br />

or wlAe.<br />

efioft Is ccrcntlal<br />

(4) The lf,dirtqropttota St8r'd'dtilr ol Juttlclol<br />

RcvlEE: Ttrc lnduEtry propoEl would<br />

mBre villoug Emendmenb<br />

ctal r.vlow ol acilon tslren<br />

rEtattng to Judl-<br />

by the Eecrettrry<br />

<strong>and</strong> the prfteduc to b6 fouffird by thc<br />

E6crGtsry. th!!G fficndmentr ue cohtotned<br />

ln propffed srctlou lol(t) Md 10S-<br />

Thr lndustry ptop$hl would fficnd lEtlon<br />

loglB) (s) to ruhtttutG a Etr rt4Ed|fd<br />

'tor<br />

ludtctel revte\i ot dctGrmlhatldiE md6<br />

Fy the <strong>Sec</strong>retery. Under th6 AdhlnlstrEtlon<br />

bul flndlngs of the gecrGttry s to IetE, ll<br />

supported by subBhntlal cvtdence, would<br />

bC concluslve. l'he lnduEtry propffiEl<br />

provldeE thot llndlngB ol th6 8€cretsry wtth<br />

fttpect to qu€tlon8 q! lmt<br />

"Ehall<br />

be EuEtslned<br />

lf based upoD a lalr Cvelu8tton ol the<br />

cntlre record ol the proceedlDgE on whlcb. tho<br />

Eecretiry bsed ht8 order."<br />

thls DoW EtendBtd lor Judlclal revlev tepresentr<br />

an attempt to obiAln B lorm ol trl[l<br />

dE lovo ln th€ courB ot Appeals. whtch<br />

would revlew the ordcr8 of the S€crettrry.<br />

Such r6vl6w would bo lDapproprlete snd<br />

rltrcmely burdGnromo on tho Courtg ol Ap-<br />

Frls, whlch<br />

detethlsstlobs<br />

Es accurtomed<br />

ol lact utrrlgt<br />

to rGvlcwln8<br />

a "Eubstanl,tBl<br />

Gvldince" tat, TtlG l&tt r tfft lr tb. oD6<br />

g.nctrlly conralncal ls rtrtutor provldtbg tor<br />

court fGvlew ol dGcldonl or orderr ol r€BulBtory<br />

a{icrrclei. 8.Gr e.g- l6 u.a.c- ll(o)<br />

end 16 U.S.C.8g6(l), rrlrilnE to mC shd<br />

I'PO orders. WG EGG no rcMon vhy tlmllil<br />

lBtr8uage sheuld not br uBed hcro.<br />

ThE lndurtry ptopflEl Would f,lfd sfrcnd<br />

rmtlon 108(a) (3) to provtdr rpscttlc authort-<br />

Btlon to the revlcutnE court b ttAy tho<br />

ord6r ol thE Eccretily lsndln8 flnBl d6tGrmlnlrtlon<br />

of ths revlow pftrEedlngs, Bnd<br />

would h8ks Jurl8dlctloA lh thll rfip4t, S<br />

well trE td lfirg1 61 modlly th6 Bccrehry'a<br />

order, elclu6lve. ThlE fficndment &am8 UndtBlrablo<br />

tn two re8pftts, Irlr8t. thc apftlac<br />

authorl4tlon tO the revlewll)g court tO stAy<br />

thB 8*fetsry'a order lE unn&&Bry, st[E<br />

ruch powGr, Eubj*t to rpproFrtats lhltstlon8,<br />

tr elrcAdy gtven to the tevtewtng court<br />

urd8r EGctlou lo(d) of tn6 A.PA Act {6 U.8.C.<br />

1000(d) )- Wl)lle<br />

utory suthorl4tlou<br />

th6 lndustry Fropsed rtat,<br />

Ir unn6c66aary. lt Elght<br />

Elso have il1e undG8lrable efitrt ot reEovtnE<br />

th6 llmtttrtlons on thc iEwer to gtst stoys<br />

(onislned ln Eectlon l0(d). rlncr thu6 llmlbtloE<br />

aro trot contrlard ln thG proDfred<br />

rtatutoly Emendment, 6le@nd, by m8tlng<br />

thc court'a JUrtEdlctIoD td rtay th6 BeCt6taryt<br />

tAIa<br />

order ercluElv€,<br />

away the power<br />

thls pfdvt8lon Elght<br />

Vhloh tb6 Eecretlry<br />

otlErwlse would heve undol tccilon lo(d)<br />

to pcilsne the ellecuve date ol tcilou t8teD<br />

by htm pcndlaB Judlclsl revlew. It rs pfobebly<br />

doSlrabls thEt the 8sr.t{Fy rststn thl,r<br />

power,<br />

A+cilor 103 (e) (8) wauld E)Eo b6 MeDded<br />

by the lndustry propm8l to provtdG thAt,<br />

".fhe Court shB.ll not EustelD thG otder ol th6<br />

gecrctsry lf hG lctled to @Hply s,tth 4r!/<br />

requlrement lm[x]Bed upon htm by Eecuoa<br />

101." SccUeD 10(e) ot ths ApA Act proyld;r<br />

thAt the revlewlnB cout ahall hold uDlawful<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eet oslde 8{ency scilon whtcb || not ln<br />

"obrtrva[co<br />

ol ptfteduro rGqulrGd by lBw,,'<br />

Ttre lndusrry provt8ton Etght lnyBlld&ta uuoD<br />

ot the SrcrotaFy t8k6n lE tubstsEtfd<br />

compllance nlth thG rpGcltr.d prffirtura but<br />

$lth lome Erlnol deflcl€ncy ndt pltjudtcl4l<br />

to Eny party, phereil th6 proyulon ot ths<br />

A.PA-Act would not- Acstrdtngly, vr oppss<br />

Ell tne trmenqmeub whlch the lndutry propsill<br />

would nal(G to rfiuon 109(f ) (A).<br />

ThG hduotry propoisJ would alm provtdr<br />

tn rectloh 103(1) that thn BocletBry r'rbdl<br />

bse sach auch order upotr a lElr 6vBluriloD<br />

ol tlre eltltE record *hlch lS bGlor0 hlh<br />

purEuurrt to ruch t*tlon 4, <strong>and</strong> ha rhall rot<br />

todh ln ruch dder fl[dlnBr ol tact <strong>and</strong> coDclurlonF<br />

oD Bll reltvant m&tteH."<br />

Thlr MindmcEt |. undcslr8blc. B.ilU!<br />

ol ltl retsrGnce to r reord Ud iDdlnE ol<br />

lact, lt may b. lntsDd€d to r.qurre tba-Eacret$y<br />

tO conduct A lomal Adlrdl&tOttl pr*<br />

condlhE, ln accord8ncd wltb Ecctlon8 ? md I<br />

ot rhG ApA Acr (5 u"a.o. 1006, r0o?), rrthsf<br />

th4b a 7ilIc mdktng pHedlDS. T.lte tulo<br />

mBhlDg prfteGdlDg aFpareDtly It contffiplsted<br />

by thr AdElDtstrauon btu, rtsco tbo<br />

Ercrltuy b authortted to prffiul8Etc rtsDdsdr<br />

ln occordane wltJr ffiilon I ol tbd AFA<br />

VoI.I<br />


Act (6 U.8.C. l0O3), shlch priErlbd thr ruIc<br />

rullnS proc€edtnB, w! pEtGr thr flcrlblllty<br />

ot thG AdmtDtstretlob blll ud iuggrt tbrt<br />

th6 slGncy rhould tetstn th6 dlEcrctloD, Frovlded<br />

by Bectlon { ol th6 APA Act, to dctermln6<br />

shethe! to hold toruBl beilhgl Vltb<br />

opportunlty lof croil-eraEln*tlon.<br />

(5) fhe Utrporrdnted, Ndftwing ol Pft<br />

hlbitlof,t: Tho lndu8try proporad aDcndment!<br />

to EectlonE 107, I08, 100 EDd ll0 would<br />

66verely rcEtrtct th€ Actr vhlctr would be<br />

prohtblt d by tht BtAtut6 ud roducn tbo<br />

pcnrlLlsE whlch ttllght br tspflsd lor vlolrtlonE,<br />

In E ltumbtt ol t6epectr therG chanBol<br />

h8y lmpBlt thc eaclcncy ol tb. propmd<br />

leBlslstlon,<br />

(a) Utrder rectlon 107(r)(f) ol tha Arlmlnlstratlon<br />

btll lt would b6 uqlaslu.l lor<br />

Bny plrsaD tO HAnulacturo lor [lG, rdll, Odar<br />

tor [lc, or lntroduc! ot d6ltv.t lor lDtrfilustlon<br />

ln tntGrttat6 CmWercG, or lhport lDtO<br />

the Unlted Btetil any motor Vchlcl. or ltu<br />

ot rnobr v.hlcl. cqulpmGnt unlu t! lt lE<br />

conlormlty *lth ruch atmdqdi s u p!r.<br />

erlbcd by thr g.cr.trry. TlIb nulrl b.<br />

r rtrlcr Jleblllty rt*ndlrd, Ttrr lbdutt? Fo.<br />

posl would only prohlblt "EnowlElly<br />

Ed<br />

wllUully" rGlllnB motor vehlcls6 or rqulpmcnt<br />

IBllldB to mdt f.dersl rtrndsdr, Tbr<br />

8taDdard of llrbltlty would lro thft ot l[tutloDBI<br />

torts-<br />

E6pmtsuy ln Ylet ol thG tAct that tbc<br />

AdmlnlstrEtlorr blll tlo6 not |[ ths vcr.lon<br />

vs hevG itudlGd provldo tor crlBlDBI trsncttonE,<br />

Etr tnt6n0lonal tort rtatrdsrd 6eeru lEr<br />

tft pcffilBlvG, Under the lndutry prolsal<br />

manul8cturcE may not bs lound h vlolttlon<br />

ol thc act althou8h tlrsy Eold vehlclq lfi<br />

Ecll$r dt$Ggard ol whGthor thGy @EpltG'd<br />

wltb lGdcral rtsdsdr.<br />

Unllls B. 3005, ths Bralt6 Fluld rnd Eort<br />

Bclt St<strong>and</strong>ardB leglslation, whlch only prolrlbtt<br />

knowlng Bnd wtUlul ylolatlou, s.<br />

ctlfrllIBl.t{tutG8,<br />

WG hBvo no objectlon to thd c6rtlicatlon<br />

devlce far pr(ttGctlhg aallcrB wbo so uurGd<br />

by the mBnuletuer or lmporter ol cffipltbsce<br />

vlth r*Jcty stsdardr, Atrtton l0?(r)<br />

(8). b(1).<br />

(bt tb6 |[dultry propeBl would Nta6trd<br />

Htton 108(8) to plme E ll0o,0o0 ltBltrtton<br />

oD ths IEIAlty vhlcb could b€ lDpflcd lor<br />

any "reletcd<br />

a€rleE ol vlolBtlotr!' ol thG Acl,<br />

It would ElEo deleto tho provltlon thlt r ytolatton<br />

ot Bectton l0? or rG8ulatloD L.ucd<br />

thertunder EhBll coDstltutr a r6purt! Vtob.<br />

tloD wlth re8pfft to eacb Eotor vGhlcli *<br />

Item ol motor vehlclG Gqulpmrat. Wr E<br />

oppo$d to thGE6 MGtrdsrnt . WbU6 ffir<br />

osGrBll llmtt4tloM uy bo derlreblr ltr f Eleted<br />

rorle8 ot vlol|tlou, i llslt ol ll0tt.(xxt<br />

would f,oem unrEBronAbly loT aBd Tould not<br />

ict ar & .tron8 dctorrEnt. DalGtlOD Ot th6<br />

ptovltlon dtintrg vhst coutltutor r Eps'<br />

nto vlolBtlon ol thc #t would lGrva thtr<br />

mttt.r uDc.rtlln. glnc. tb! d6isltlob tb<br />

th6 adHlDl|tratlon blll rpposr td b. r rrmn&blc<br />

o[8, vG oppflo th6 dGlitlon.<br />

Thc ltrdrtry proposl would elld GllElsta<br />

thG relEurc remedy provldad lD .mtlon llo<br />

(a) , Thtr lr undoubtadly En lrtrHdllrrt<br />

remedy to bo u#d rarely, It Eay b. dsllrblc<br />

to provldc ruch B reEedy, botb to bttr<br />

It avellBble lor if, irtrsordtnuy rltqrtlda<br />

<strong>and</strong> bocauro lt Eoy st I a Fog6ftul datd.<br />

rent to vtolRttoB ot th6 ict, Ilowrvrr. 1l<br />

E{|equBt{ dthr.Dt lr. othorvl& ptovldGd,<br />

we aeG no rtrotrB Bccrl tor th6 prcvlrlou,<br />

(c) A now r*tloD lo?(c) Eould plovld6<br />

ttrt nothlng ls ths rct rh*ll ba cmtruod<br />

to rcqulrc th6 Eacrrtsy to report lot lfitporttloq<br />

ol a clvtl FnElty or lEtltutlon a( h-<br />

,Ectlon prffidln8r mlDor vldlEuoB st tho<br />

&t whencv# tha BEfttery bGltcy6 tbrt tbr<br />

Dubllc lDtGrEt ytU ba rdGqutaly sfrGC ry<br />

& lultBblo Eltt6a boucG or wrtDlDS. flo<br />

detrnlttoE ol shrt ffivld @utltuta r "Ehor<br />

A Ew mctton log(il sould prcvtdc thit<br />

b6tor6 rny vlolstlon ol tbe tltla l8 report4d<br />

by thc Sccret8ry to the Attorn€y Gelleral<br />

or any Unlted StoteE AttorDey lor ln8tltutlon<br />

ol an InJunctlon proceedlng, the perffi<br />

tgalnat whom the p}ftGcdlnB lE contemplat€d<br />

shall bo glven notice End opportuDlty io prc-<br />

86nt hls vliw6, clthcr orally or ta mltlnB,<br />

wlth re8sd to tufh @nteDplaled prft$dlng,<br />

End, erccpt whcrr knowlnS Ed wtlllul<br />

.ohduct tr lnvolved. auch IEnon.bAll rbo<br />

b! glv,in A rGuonablG oppartUblty tO ttIG<br />

cor*tlv6 mGuurcr to achlcvo cohpllBnct,<br />

fill8 woulal l4rmlt a perlod ol dclsy balorG<br />

EA lnJuncilon could bo obtalDFd, Blthou8h<br />

rwtlt ACtton may bo nocMqlr lb tlr! lUttHt<br />

ol publlc Elety,<br />

ThC r€port rubmltt d stth thG lndutrt<br />

drrlt blll ltitct thit thb prcylrloa h s[rtrt.rrt<br />

wlth.cctlan 306 ot thG FGdual Food,<br />

IhuB, Ed co.mGtlc Act (ff f'.a.c, ss6),<br />

HoTav6r, thrt.dtlotr crllr til Botlc. rDd<br />

lriltlnf<br />

"baltrG<br />

rDy vlol8tton r r ' lr rai<br />

r I r<br />

Fortrd<br />

lor lnEtltutlon ol i crinlEl<br />

prs/rdtnA . . .." (hphr[. ruppu.d.)<br />

Tbr oourlr. Dormyif, hlvi con.trucd tbL<br />

prcvldon to b6 lrrappllcBbl6 ln I clvtl octloE<br />

fot tDjunctlon. Th6 rGport drc cltd rd-<br />

vlol|tloD" b ElveD. Thlr proyldol BoD<br />

unnec*sry but rt lt 16 rtrrEGd<br />

.E|Id<br />

vlotlon<br />

0 ol th6 AdmlnlstrEtlvd lt!trcdur6 rtct,<br />

vhlch ofiGrr lhttriltdd pdtlct B rsonrblG<br />

opportutrlty to t*E6 conftilvo sisulB to<br />

our6 a ylolatlon baltrG p!€6cdlDgr cM br<br />

lutttutcd, How?vil, thrt sctlon only appuE<br />

td ptfrGedlnBr ElitlDl tD rrvl$tlonr<br />

md rutpGnrlou ol llc.ur,<br />

WG would generally not ltvor tmpflltton<br />

ol slmtnal pensltlcB lor vlolEtlon ol tho Act,<br />

Wcrt crlhlEBl Alctlont cr6eted. th6 rt*tuta<br />

mlSht hrvG to bG nsrorGd ln th6 rspftta<br />

sa haye notatl, rnd lt vould El8o udoubtrdly<br />

reElvc | !trtoFGr Judlclal coEtrucUon.<br />

Thcro Eould rlE b6 roma dtaculty lD dGt r-<br />

Dinin8 oD wblcb lndlvtdurlr crlmln4l pGn-<br />

Eltler Ehould ba lmpded, und6r thc siltrut<br />

lBwt glElnal suctlonr aro lmposed<br />

upan lndlvlduslE who hEve bcen p#tlcl.<br />

pantr ln coDsplratorl8l actlvtty. Tb. lndlvldu4lr<br />

reqperrrlble for noncompllBsd! Tltb<br />

refety Btaudar&, how6vcr, Sould DOt ba I<br />

readlly tdentlneblc.<br />

(6) Otrrd Llf,ltlng ,tmdrdndlrr j A num.<br />

b+r ol othcr imcndmcnB proptr€d by lodurtry<br />

would ltmlt thc power Bnd dtlcretl$ Od<br />

thc 8#rctsy In Y*touE wayr.<br />

(a) ThG suthortty ot th6 Ser.tary to<br />

etobltEh rt ndards would bG Umtted to Frot<br />

Ctltr8 thC publlc tBatntrt dEAtb And pcrsoAsl<br />

lblury, shncE tho Admlnlrtr&tlon blll would<br />

tl& euthqrlre htm b lormulsh abndsdr b<br />

PrOt+Ct r*alnit Froperty dameBe. $rc Ectlou<br />

3, l0l(a), lot(c)(t) <strong>and</strong> rfl(r), Il<br />

.upport ol thlr ltmlhtton, th6 hduttt<br />

Eguer olly that ibndrr(lE to protftt BBslst<br />

draLh or Ferbn6l lnjury mry ba lncoElrhDt<br />

wlth rtaudard! b protoct fSrlst proporty<br />

.lrmrg6r. Whllo tt tr ttu6 that thde Bosll<br />

EEy bG tncoftlEtcnt ln romc clrcum8tf,llcM.<br />

It lr clru cnough that prlortty Ehould bS<br />

Slvan to protcctton BBalDrt de8lh <strong>and</strong> per-<br />

EELI lbJt|ry ln .uch cs!a. Surely. th6 llct<br />

tbet tbe Aecr.bry r EbUltt tO prqt*t BBBinrt<br />

proparty dsha8eo would bl ltmttftt to rcmc<br />

ert.nt by ths prlollty ta tS tlven b protBtln5<br />

ltt6 rId pcruoE lE no roamn lor denylng<br />

hlm thc powrr to protcct [gslnrt propbrty<br />

dffia3ar blterc thlr c8h bo ucompUshod con.<br />

rhtcnt wtth othGr rlru,<br />

(b) atrrlon lU/(El ot th6 lndurtfy btll<br />

WOUId rcqufn th6 Socrotary b coEply wlth<br />

rar rEmB prtrffiurc ln t{rondlng ot wlthdrawlng<br />

a ar<strong>and</strong>ard il ln drlBlnally trauhl<br />

one, Tlti tlacfttsy *duld i4t hav. to E.<br />

que8t th6 VESC to lau6 iucb En Emendmatt<br />

or wlthdrawel. It smu petlcu.l$ly UndetlBbls<br />

to llElt th6 Etcratsy't lower to<br />

wlthdror r ctBDdard an4 td roqulro rucb<br />

tlhe-coh{umln8 prmecdlEgr, rtnc6 crp6rl.<br />

tncG Eey deEorrEtretc s ttrnd*d to ba lE.<br />

lattoM" rbould tE d.iD.d.<br />

rdiqula or. pr!h$pc. cvGq b$bful.<br />

House Debate

lWH<br />

-<br />

'<br />

lhduitry prolrclrt<br />

$,L$g<br />

world ellhtllatrc<br />

lrqr tlte prejent lCCtlOtr lll(b) the<br />

rcqlllr{tDrl,rt, tlrit mnnqlaetUrers e$tattllBh<br />

al,(l lrtrrlill.tjn riuch rfcotda tuB the StCret,ilfy<br />

hily rplsolilhly rcqulre End also the provlalon<br />

thj,t htflnufacturers shsll permit oti(er8<br />

dcAlSDnLCd b'' thc <strong>Sec</strong>retery to lnEpect spprOprlatc<br />

b(xrrt'i, pirper5, recards flhd decumsnts,<br />

These llr(,!liililnR In the AdnllnlHtratlon trlll<br />

are tnrportilttt meirn8 lor the tjer-rctary to<br />

enauro coBrl)llAnce Utth the Act f,Dd Bhoulcl<br />

not be Ilmlnrrlcd.<br />

td) sFcttoll 113 of the Admlnlstrf,tion ltlll<br />

would reqrrire the <strong>Sec</strong>reLsry to uilllEc t,he<br />

6ervlccs, rcscf,rch, f,nd tesilnB tnc|lliles of<br />

(rther drpilrtmcntB ahd {Ferlclea to the mf,xlnttrrlr<br />

ctt(:nt l)rr(;tlcrblt lil alrder to rvold<br />

duplicf,tlon in facllltles <strong>and</strong> iirrvlces, The<br />

Industry prQplrill w(rrrld f,dd to thlF provlllon<br />

tho rcqulrenrfrlt thtrt t,he <strong>Sec</strong>retary utl-<br />

Ilze the tncllttten of cemDetent JrrlvAtE agen-<br />

Cles t{} llrc mftxlnluh {rttent prnctlcrhte, It<br />

would be undfElrable to llrnlt the flexlbiltty<br />

ol the liectft:rry in tbiE mtrnn{.r, He Ehould<br />

tre lrr* lo tlcc prlvxte facilitlcti to l,he e*tent<br />

he (letermlnes to bc da:atrshle. Moreovcr, ln<br />

thlF (:(ilrL{x:tl{)n we llelleve the AdmlDtBtr8tlotr<br />

blll lih{)Uld cleally stete ttrflt the Becretirry<br />

his p()wer to undcrtnhe re$earch Rnd<br />

devclopmcnl qlf exl)crimenl,al f,UtometrlleB,<br />

In vlcw ol Lltt hlghly concentr^ted sttucture<br />

ol tl)c lrlrlltr:tty thts eddltlon*l BOUrCe Of<br />

rcscarch irrr(j lhoovation would be vSIUEbl€,<br />

te) firct,l{,n l0?tb) [102(l)<br />

(]t the InduFl,ry<br />

btlll would lje rmcnded to require the Sccretary<br />

to l;lve due {x)nFlderFtJon to the crtterln<br />

o! <strong>Sec</strong>tlon 102(h), dlFcuEBed at lenEth tn<br />

pert l2) :rl'(,ve, ln determlulng the etrecttve<br />

dBte lor st:lhdords, Our comments eRrlle!<br />

wlth rerpect to these crtterle apFly here M<br />

well.<br />

(f) The lndustry propffieB to add a new<br />

tecLlon Il{ whlch would provtdc that tn b<br />

4lvll acth)n far infrlngement ol a patent<br />

ol the unlted stAt6a wheie thc dolcndant<br />

estBblishes thnt the lnfrtrlBemeht war ncc$-<br />

6ary for c{trnpllance wlth & lederal motor<br />

vehlcle salety sLRndArd, reltef strsll be COnflned<br />

to a ref,conilble royatLv fqr mehlrlg or<br />

uBtn8 the pitented ltrvehilon, Whue lt appear6<br />

to be lntendtrd thst tlrlr plovlrlon<br />

*pply l() rll petents, "pEt€nts ol the Unttcd<br />

Etrtes Inlght b{: lnterpietcd to mesn Fateht{<br />

owned by the lJDltcd $iEteE Governhebt, ln<br />

whlch ciiie the provislon would hsve very<br />

llmlted efrect. FerhitpE a dlfierent descrlptlon<br />

oI the piltentri cevered Eheuld be choae[.<br />

Thls pr(rvlElon catr uDnccessErlly dult the<br />

lncentlre for Bny mehber o( the lhduttry or<br />

Eny llrdep<strong>and</strong>ent pnrt mf,nufacturer to pu8h<br />

le8e&rch, The p(sstblltty of E now delcrr66<br />

lrr lnlrlngemeDt ectlohB, wlrlch wul bi pasEd<br />

uFon by E nunrber ol dlflerent courts EEd<br />

nrsy lGtrd to dlverBlh8 corrclualonA at to the<br />

"neceaslty'<br />

for llcensiug, would lncreaae patont<br />

lllISatlon <strong>and</strong>, would Bubttantlslly queltly<br />

the exptrtEtlon lor rtward6 ot prospecttve<br />

PAtent holdors-<br />

ellect Ftth reBpect to a hotdf vehlclG or ttcm<br />

Of motor vttrlcle equlpmeht,6tate st<strong>and</strong>trrd8<br />

Wlth reslEct theleto would be null snd yold.<br />

The lndrlstry Eectton l0g(l) would p!e_<br />

ehpt Etatc st<strong>and</strong>8rds only tf they dlfier from<br />

lederal Ettrhd8tdB, conslstent stth the Epproilch<br />

followed tn the TtrG S^tety Blll.<br />

fitlch En Amendment reems deslreble ahd<br />

SAy he neces$Ary to enalrle the rt4teS tO<br />

lmpoBe Bt<strong>and</strong>Erd6 tor u6ed cars<br />

l'he Bureau ol the BudBet ha3 f,dvlsed thAt<br />

thBrG |! no olrJmtlon to thr aubmls8lon ot<br />

thl8 report (rom th€ at8ndpolnt of the AdmlnlEtratlon'a<br />

progr{m,<br />

\qthcerely,<br />

RAusEy CLARK.<br />

Dcput! Attfrncy Gttniral,<br />

DEPART-MFNI or JvsncE.<br />

Atrrl 6, 1966.<br />

IlqfidfEltlc WARREN a"]. M^cNssoN.<br />

A lLalrnf,n, C(frm'l.tttc On<br />

On the other h8nd, we r*ognl4 thFt ther€<br />

hsy tre Eltustlons lil whlch the advencemetrt<br />

ol AAfety requlr€s th8t E pBtented lnventlon<br />

bo *vallatrle gpnertrlly qrr A reEaonablE royalty<br />

ll*l8. Wc bcllcve th&t tl the <strong>Sec</strong>retuT<br />

thould promrrlgrte B Btf,ndstd thtt feqalret<br />

the uHe ol a devlce for whlch there lA but one<br />

pBteht hold$, he Bhould b+ empowcred End<br />

re.lulred to provlde lor compulsofy llcenslnB<br />

of thet patent on & rea8on&ble royalty batt8<br />

oh the requcst Of Bny prospeCttvt llcEnseo-<br />

Il Eltern*tlvc pet8nttd devlces Brc qvallable,<br />

he Ehollld be authortmd ln hIE dleretlon<br />

(upon hla detemlnatlon that evstl8blllty et<br />

I re#oDable ctrt gl equlpment needed lo!<br />

cornpllence wlth the Eafety gt<strong>and</strong>ard8 go<br />

requlreB) to provlde lor compulsory licen8lng<br />

on I reasonable roynlty hdlc ol each auch<br />

sltrmEtlve patent ()tr th6 rcqueEt of ffiy<br />

pf*pecttve llccnsce-<br />

(B) Under Ep.tloE lot(b) ot tho AdslEtstratlon<br />

bill, tf ledeHl rt*ndtrdr Tffi la<br />

(; tffinnte,<br />

Unitcd Stctes Scflete.<br />

Wrsltingtm, D C.<br />

Dr^B EENATon MAcNvsoH; fn responEe to<br />

youi re{tutf;t for cDmment6 upon the teBtlmony<br />

belorc l,he Commlttee On COmSetCe<br />

on AprII 6, 1066 t)y Mr. John S. BuEs6, Vlce-<br />

Fresldent ol the Ford Motor ComDftDv And<br />

Ch8lrmsll ol tha Automoblle Manufaciurert<br />

tSilfety AdmlnlstrEtlve Commlttee, Ee heve<br />

the followlnB prellmlnsy obqetvsttonE.<br />

We hflve not sB yet hrd t,he opportuntty<br />

lor r full conElderatlon ol speclnc le8lBlhttve<br />

proposnl8, or {)( the questloD whethcr, ln the<br />

coDtext of spfclnc leBlalatlen on Jolnt octton,<br />

a hf,qowly dr8ltcd ahtttrust lmmunlty Drovlslon<br />

la etther necessaly or deslrable. -<br />

Iiqwever,<br />

we undcrst<strong>and</strong> Mf. BUgas to have Contended<br />

Eenerally that concern r)ver the appltcatlon<br />

of the BntltruEt l4ws has prcvented<br />

Hhd would prevent Jotht reteErch End other<br />

cmperatlve en(leavors to lorward the Ue Ol<br />

Falety devlccs by membeB ol the automobllE<br />

lndu8try, <strong>and</strong> has Elso preventcd Bnd would<br />

provent the cfchanBe ol lnlormatlon Concernln8<br />

Eppropll8te st<strong>and</strong>eHs ot setety. To<br />

dmurrrcnt IrlB cahcern, Mr. llugas EtBt"d thAt<br />

the autonroblle tilrlustry ls preEently und€r<br />

sntltrutt ltrvestlgf,tlon wlth respcct to e*haust<br />

emlsslon devlceB,<br />

As lor the lnVeFl,l8atlon relerred to by l&,<br />

FluBaR, we notc flrst that lt wRF commencBd<br />

only wtthln the past flftecn mohthB <strong>and</strong><br />

could not have been the bstE lor prevlou8<br />

lndustry lnMtlvlty. More tmportsnily, tbe<br />

chorge8 belng lnveEtlgated by the Antitru6t<br />

DlvlSloh Ere ol c@paratlve efforts to BupFreaB,<br />

not to promot., the UtlltzEildn ol f,uto rmlaalon<br />

dcvlceH potrlble type of abuse Wbtdh<br />

hafdly BtlenBthens th6 cse lor 6 ErEht ol<br />

ahtltrust lmmuhlty,<br />

Hor lA tllefo Rnythln8 pErBUaElvG ln the<br />

Echerrl erEumcnt that tht vaguene88 of the<br />

trntltrutt law8 Freventa thc lomatlon of any<br />

Cooperatlve eltort tO develop EAlety devlces<br />

or to tIChShBe lnlorm8tlon concerntng 6t<strong>and</strong>-<br />

BrdB. TtrG Entttruat laffi do hot prohtbtt<br />

6uch altangement8 phfe<br />

Jolnt efrortB Beem<br />

neceaEBry <strong>and</strong> con8trucilv8 end arc not #-<br />

Compf,hled by undUIy redtr,ctive coll8t€rBl<br />

BErsementa, Iloreov€r. clArlllcatlon Ol the<br />

BppltcBblllty ol the antltfu8t lew8 to onv<br />

parttculsr propoBal hs alwoys becrt reedlly<br />

avallEble by con8ult8tlon wtth the Dcptrrtment<br />

ol Ju3tlco arrd fiubhlEsloh ol a propffial<br />

under the RuBlness ll4vlew hocedure or lor<br />

other revlffi, (AE Bn erample, the msJor<br />

networks End pr.Ar AdSftlatlons requeEted |,lre<br />

Dlvlslon to revlew B pfopffal lor lndustrywlde<br />

coopetatlve cllorts ln the cdmpflEtton<br />

ot reiurhB ln th€ lolthcffilng nailon8l electlenB.<br />

Altef Co$Eultatlon end revlal()n, the<br />

tndustry ws advtBed the Dlvt8ton dld not<br />

lnt.nd to t8lto actlon Undet the antltru8t<br />

ItrvB f,gf,ln8t the arran8emcnt.)<br />

Gehetal Etgument! lor blenkst rt$tutory<br />

tmmuritty frm ihE ihtltruFt l*we for cooperBtlve<br />

e4aleavor6, therelole, do not appo8r<br />

aound. Euch lmunlty Eeeru to bc not only<br />


unnetgeery to deslrablc cmperatlon but<br />

could, tndeed, provlde E br{)Fd urrbrella<br />

ngajlst antlttust" that shelteE suFprrsslon<br />

trrld dclily ltr the development nnd llrcorpore.<br />

tlon of salcty devlce8. Whether dr not th.<br />

lmmunlty would, ln IAct, be abused ln tlrl6<br />

manner, the filct thEt Etrclr pos$lblllty lof<br />

trbuse crl$ts nnd the lfict tlrtrt the exomptlon<br />

would lcdd to uncertelnty aa to ,tr scol{,<br />

would, ln i,he ilbFr:hce {)f l,llc nrott persuxslve<br />

demotrstrAtion ol nece€slty, nlI go to srrBEeit<br />

thRt tlle Lelleral f,rBrrnent,s r(lra[ced tor<br />

fntltrust, lrrrnlunlty lack nrerlt.<br />

Slncerely Jours,<br />

DoN^LD F. TURNER,<br />

,,lss{rtdf,t Attorltc! GcnErsl,<br />

,{?[fitrust Drtlttoil,<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chillrman, I<br />

yleld tc the gFntleman from Michigan<br />

lMr. Crrrugrnmrn I rvhalever tirne he<br />

mlghi require.<br />


I support this legislation.<br />

Mr. Chalrmfln,<br />

All of us have bcen ll$t,ening for the<br />

pEst several months l,o a sierdy stream<br />

o{ wolds which, to mc havc lrad sonre-<br />

"Alice<br />

t lling (,f an<br />

ln Wondel inlld"<br />

sourrd. It seem$ thtrt we have bren toltl<br />

<strong>and</strong> told, acaln <strong>and</strong> agaln, thst somehow<br />

ConHreS$ cen legi$lete safety on Amerlcfl's<br />

highwEys.<br />

We trave been told by many peoplesome<br />

of whom, I suslJect, retrlly do not<br />

know ns nluch about the subject as they<br />

would hBve us belicve ihey drthBt the<br />

cBr manufrcturers have not desiBned<br />

thelr producls l)roperly <strong>and</strong>-io com-<br />

pound this tran$gressloll-the<br />

crrs have<br />

not been pveperly put toEetlrer ln the<br />

automoblle plants.<br />

We hEve been led to belleve ihat 8u<br />

thls can be nxed up by e new lf,w-*e<br />

wtll flr up the cBrE wlth more pBddhs.<br />

more collEpsibility, more squaru inche$<br />

of wiped windshields, eild more of whetever<br />

the secret8ry of Commerce thlnls<br />

up as tlmc moves on. And all tht$ wiil<br />

sEve a grcat, m;ny lives dll our hiEhwflys<br />

Tlrose who have beetr tlyllrc to persuade<br />

u$ that lcsislnltotr alone wlll result<br />

In a dramstic reducllon in hlsh$ey<br />

fRtsllties hEv€ not been faclng the facts,<br />

End 6ome of them sctually hsvc been<br />

trylng to conceal the facts. Let us look<br />

&t some of thcsc lacts that we h&ve been<br />

asked lately to lgnore.<br />

I am sure oll of w ere only too fRmlllEr<br />

wlth the fEct thBt drlver error is by all<br />

odds the real culprlt ln the hlghway<br />

cleath ptoblem. And poor hishway deslgn<br />

l.s Rnother lmportflnt fector. The<br />

vehlcle has its propcr plsce also ln e$seslnc<br />

thls problenr. AU ol us know<br />

that there ere the* many sides to the<br />

problem. so I wlll not labof thcm. I<br />

would only rernllld you thEt wc have<br />

been Bsked y6peatndlv ln recellt monlh$<br />

to lgnore the

ebout both tlte eccusation8 end the Bly<br />

lnferences that I have heard hnd read<br />

about the wotkers end Eranf,gement of<br />

the autoftobi;e industry. I do not llke<br />

the lnference tirat the industry <strong>and</strong> the<br />

wortsers ere not deeply con$cious of<br />

E6fety. Ahyone who talls you l,his $lmply<br />

has not been ln an autohobile pl8.tit<br />

or is distorting the truth.<br />

In coDclusion, I would simply suggeet<br />

to tny colleaBues that when you leave<br />

the Chamber t0 return to your homes<br />

toniglrt <strong>and</strong> you lasten your seatbelts<br />

Bnd lock your car doors lor by d.oil\g<br />

this y6s wlll probably be doing $ymbollcally<br />

as much for aulo safely as Efly plece<br />

of legislation that csn be wrttten. Certalnly,<br />

this is a far more constructlve<br />

<strong>and</strong> efiectire approsch than all the<br />

soapbox oratory, the etnotionEl appeal$<br />

<strong>and</strong> the search lor *apegoats End con-<br />

Eplracies that have pr€yed upon the<br />

lesltlmate corceln of all Asrerlcans lor<br />

sefety on ouf hlgh\.l ays. I erh personally<br />

satisfled that es a result of the debate ln<br />

<strong>and</strong> out of Congres, the charges rhade<br />

ln recent rnonth.s against the dutomobile<br />

workers <strong>and</strong> industry have been exposed<br />

to the Amerlcan people as gro6s over-<br />

6ljnpllfications.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

yield 3 tninute$ to the sentleman from<br />

New York IMr'. iIALPERN].<br />

Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

would llke to exFress By full enil enthuslmtic<br />

support for th€ proposd Natlonal<br />

Traffic snd Motor Vehicle S8fety Act. of<br />

1966. Slnce the days when I was a memb€r<br />

of the New York Stat€ Eenat+, where<br />

I served for E years E-s chd.hrnan of the<br />

Joint Ifgt$letlve Commiitee on Motor<br />

Vehlcles. I hete edyocat€d a more active<br />

goverrufi€ntsl role ln enmu'aginEl trBllic<br />

safety. f have ln the past introduced<br />

leslsletion similar ln efiect to the trafiic<br />

E8fety bill. Thts bill, along with the<br />

hiehv'ay safety b'll wNch we B'1ll consider<br />

next, represenls the long overdue<br />

f,nd vltelly necesB&ry Federal resrnh$e to<br />

a problefrt e,s old s Our entu'y- we<br />

Ehoulil pas$ lt es weU as lts compehlon<br />

hlchwey sbfety blll, ln ffi stronEt B form<br />

as possible-<br />

Since I900 more then 1.5 mlllion Amerlcans<br />

trEve died ln traftc trcid€nttssub-<br />

Etsntlfllly more than the number oI ca6ualties<br />

ln ell Ameflcsn wars; Certelnly<br />

this ls an astonishlng, almost lncredlble<br />

tr&gedy.<br />

Whet 16 even more importallt, tl)ough,<br />

ls thet the problem of tramc safety-or<br />

FerhaFs better put, the problem of the<br />

lack of trafnc ssfety sderu to be growlng<br />

more <strong>and</strong> more serlouB. In the 1960's<br />

there has btrn e shBrD rlse ln fatalltles<br />

compared to the reletlvGly Bteble Ferlod<br />

of ttlc 1950's when the aillual numb€t<br />

of deaths already ran6ged between the<br />

horrendou flFures of 35,000 Bnd 39,000.<br />

Accolding to the Natlons) salety Councll,<br />

lagt year, In 1965, 49,000 Aherlcaro<br />

were killed in trafnc sccidcntE. Futher.<br />

1-8 miulon were disbled <strong>and</strong> another<br />

1.8 mlulon suflered minor lnjurie$. The<br />

eggregate mst of the nccidents was estimateal<br />

at $8.5 btllton in prcperty alamage,<br />

wege8 lost, medlcal exp€ns€s, end lnsuance<br />

pelmenf,s-<br />

Thffie few brlel Etatl8tlcs 6peak tor<br />

them8€lved. I a.m fllre all of you are<br />

Tamdlar slth their me$$age, Whatever<br />

eflofls to promotr tra,fic ae.Iety heve so<br />

fEr been underteken, whether by industry,<br />

nonproflt org&ni?ation, or State or<br />

lftal gorerrutent, thesc efforts have unlorLurtstely<br />

proyed lnadequate. Something<br />

more must be done, ud the Federal<br />

Goverment must, mEke sure thet lt<br />

is done. Oiherr'lse, e.cmrdinE to expert<br />

analysls, the cu-rrent, average of 1,000<br />

hlghwBy datlr$ per week wlll double ln<br />

t}le next decede. It Is not utresonEble<br />

to estlm8te that unlN efiecLive Federal<br />

Sctlol\ ls taken, deaill\ on the NatiLon's<br />

}iEhways may re6+h I00,000 anltue.lly by<br />

l9?5.<br />

There is, of coul'se, ho Blngle cause of<br />

tra.frc rccidenls; <strong>and</strong> so we should not<br />

lodh for Rnv mf,nistic solution t{} the<br />

problem whlch foces u.(. Any effettive<br />

epproach to tJre proble$r \Nill have to be<br />

a hultifaceted one whldh touches upon<br />

Et lelst four prlnclFle ltems: the drlver,<br />

the roa.d. law enJorcement, end tlre cer.<br />

Together, the proposed Highwrry shd<br />

TtEfEc sBlety Acts of 1966 Frovide Just<br />

such Ls multlfBcrt€d EpproEch-<br />

The trsfic $afety bill, H.R. 13228,<br />

sthlch we are nos coroiderlng, fmu.ses<br />

primarily on Just one cr)mpolteltt OI the<br />

trefrc sfety problem-the motor vehlcle<br />

Itself. T'tris blll authorizes Lhe <strong>Sec</strong>retsr"y<br />

of Cornmerce to eslabllsh Federa.l mlnimum<br />

stsndard.$ for mo[or vehicle snd<br />

motor vehlcle eqEipment perfolmance.<br />

It elso authorizes the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry to conduct<br />

8"nd prromote motor vehlcle sfety<br />

research, developm€nt, <strong>and</strong> ttrting. F\rrther,<br />

tfie blll lncorporute$ tire sL&ndbrd<br />

provlsloro similar to tho'se oorrt8.ined ln<br />

the $rnat€-pas6ed Tire Safety Acl,, es<br />

well as in H.R. 14190, L blll I introduc€d<br />

nryself.<br />

H-R. f3228 is an excellent plece of<br />

leSlslatton hs lt Dow st<strong>and</strong>s. It signlflcantly<br />

strengtherls the Senate version of<br />

the trat0c sfety biu by coverins trucks<br />

arrd b$es currently regulEted by the lffttrstate<br />

Commerce Coftmission end by<br />

Buthorizing the establishmeht of FtsderEI<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards for uBed vehicleE wlthln 2<br />

yesrs after enacfuflent of the blu. I be-<br />

Iieve, however, that tt ls unnroesssrlly<br />

weaker tlrBn the genate blll in the erea<br />

of enforcement. It does not lnclude severel<br />

en-forcement <strong>and</strong> lnvestigEtory<br />

tlleasures Bppealing in the Scnate verslon,<br />

such as civil penaltleE for manufacturers<br />

fBiling to notify owners md<br />

dealers of salety defffts, <strong>and</strong> provisions<br />

for on-slt€ inspection of manufacturer's<br />

premises by the <strong>Sec</strong>retaly with penslties<br />

for any noncompliance discovered durlnF<br />

the fuTpections, I bclieve we $hould<br />

carefully coLsidef amendin8 H-R. 132?8<br />

to bring it into conformity wlth the senatc<br />

bill ln these matters.<br />

I would also like to recommend one<br />

further sddition, <strong>and</strong> thi$ i$ a provislon<br />

from snother of my b111s, H.R. f5060,<br />

whtch tt$eu contelns most of the baslc<br />

elehents of the reportrd traf0c safety<br />

btll. This provlslon wou]tl speciflcally<br />

Euthorize the S€cretary of commerce to<br />

cefry out & progrem to alevelop proto'<br />

type safe vehlcles. These specl$l prototype<br />

cars would embody ttle selety<br />

deslgn$ developed a$ a result of the re-<br />

Bearch udertatsen anrl promotcd bv the<br />

$ecretary. I belleve lt would be a great<br />


lSCd<br />

5gto tle NsUon, to tndustry es sell<br />

rr to the generel publlc, tl we could develop<br />

a pradtlcal vehlcle whlch corild<br />

teroe aa a model for motor sBfety.<br />

Before closlng let me congratulatt the<br />

fnterstst€ end Forelgn commerce Cofitmittec<br />

tor the excellent Job they dld tn<br />

presentlng thls so very vltel leglslhtlon<br />

to us.<br />

Thett ls much work that must be done<br />

before our highwsys will really be safe<br />

to drive on. A great deal of re$€arch<br />

rnEt be undertaken. Ssfety $t<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

must be determlned <strong>and</strong> tllen mhde<br />

eflectlve f,Il acros our Nation- Our task<br />

ls enormous. bul the Trafrc <strong>and</strong> Motor<br />

Vehicle Safe[y Act, elong wlth its complement,<br />

thc Hlghway Sajety Act. $iU at<br />

least enable u.s to besh.<br />

There ls no doubt ln my Inind-End<br />

there should be none in atryone clse'F<br />

that the pronlotlon oI tratic altd motor<br />

vetricle sefety b well rvithln ilre provlnce<br />

ol the Federsl Governrtlent. It is denn-<br />

Itely s Federal responsibllity sE a'ell as B<br />

StEie End locBl one. If ever there wa$<br />

an lntrrstate lrrstmrhent, lt ls the motor<br />

vehlcle. It ls the only such mode ot<br />

trarlsport for wruch no FederBl st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

exist. we must end this f,notnaly.<br />

We mui end the cErnEge on out hlchweys.<br />

Mr. STACTGEREI. Mr. ChelrmEn. I<br />

yleld such ilme l$ he mEy consue to<br />

the Bentleman from Okls.tlotrls [Mt.<br />

JaRu^H I .<br />

Mr, JARMAN. Mr. ChBIrmBn, I rsts<br />

unanlfiou con$ent to extend Ey 16,<br />

lharks at thls poht, t$ the REcorD.<br />

The CHAIR"MAI{. IB there objecuon<br />

to the request of thc senueman lrom<br />

Oklahoms?<br />

There wa,s no objectlon.<br />

Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Chalrmafl, I rlse<br />

in support of H.Ft. 13228. as amended.<br />

Mr. ChaltEM. the nefil lot a vl8oroug.<br />

sy$tfmBtlc BttMk on the problem ot<br />

deBth, lhJury, anrl destrucuon on the Nation's<br />

hlEhwEys hss long been recognlzed.<br />

Although a Erest deal of sehsailonaltsE<br />

recently hes b€en dlrected toward the<br />

problem of hlghway safety. our committee<br />

has thoroughly Bnfllyzerl the complex,<br />

itles of a coordtnf,ted nattonal safety progral|l<br />

<strong>and</strong> has emersed with r bill which<br />

clarlfles the lssues End produces B workable<br />

$olutlon to a very comFlex problem.<br />

The btu Frovides for B nBtlonBl Dro-<br />

Eram of hlghway sefety, lacluding ilien-<br />

BlncBtlon of research llrto the causE of<br />

hlghwey eccldents, lmprovement of safety<br />

stEndErds for the hlghway vehlcle <strong>and</strong><br />

the drlver, Bnd for a$slstEnce end encourflgement<br />

to the StEtes to develoD<br />

Progrems of hlghway sEfety.<br />

On6 of the reatures of ttle btU that<br />

mBkes lt rnoEt worktrble ls the asp€ct ot<br />

Etate nertlclpatlon. The blU gtves Fedcral<br />

leadership to th6 drlve for lncrea*d<br />

tBnc ssfety but malntatrr3 the trEdltlonal<br />

cmperattou betwRn Stet€ anel<br />

Federal Euthorittes <strong>and</strong> between publlc<br />

End prlvBte efiorta. Thts esDtrt makes<br />

the b[l intd Bn sdidlnlstratlyely neilble<br />

pro8raur whlch wlll systeEBtlcElltrr mar.shsl<br />

thc Natlon's resources to reduce<br />

trafuc acctdenta, deatlu, lnJurle8, Bnd<br />

damagg'<br />

Mr. Chelrm8n, f aE corvlnced that<br />

the blll belore us todly rcpreenta tho<br />

House Debate<br />

Eost eficcuve apprwch tn he€t|[8 t.bc<br />

challenge ol lncrrss€d tra.f,c selety, snd<br />

urge lt5 Epproval by thlB HoH.<br />

Mr. STAGGEF.g. Mr. CheltEeD, I<br />

yield 5 minutes to the gentlemsn troE<br />

Kentucky I Mr. F^RNSLEYl.<br />

Mf. FARNSLEY. Mr. Chairun <strong>and</strong><br />

mr mlleagues, I wlll addrus myself to<br />

shBt is td me the most itnlmrtmt phas€<br />

of ttlis problem, the hi8hwfly<br />

Yesterday Lhere came to my ot0ce B<br />

notlce from the sffiretary of stat4 of<br />

lhc Commonwealth of Kentucky thBt 30<br />

yeafli ago I rcFistered sith them. for gl,<br />

the FlBrnsley plen for safe hlHhways. I<br />

will not send them another douaf, sd it<br />

is ln the pubUc domdln. This keeps Ere<br />

lrcm hEving a con-nict of interest-<br />

The public roads people do not meEll<br />

eny hErm, but they klll more people ths.n<br />

everybody else put tdge[her.<br />

'fhey<br />

have<br />

absolutrly rro idea of what tt tsJtes tO<br />

get a safe highsay or, ll.they have an<br />

ldea, they do not do it b€cause they sre<br />

so pressed io build Inore fllles.<br />

II we look Et the records, we flnd ttrst<br />

the cities which have lt-stened to the<br />

trEfrc en8llreers hBve accldent flBrrrer<br />

Boing down, down, down.<br />

In Iiuisville for the pst 20 yeErs that<br />

has happened. We did lt by improving<br />

for sefety, 125 of 650 mll$ of strRts,<br />

Ilr the cltls which heve listened to thc<br />

trafrc en8ineers the arcldents go rloFE<br />

<strong>and</strong> down.<br />

The mBjor tools are one-w&y streeta,<br />

one-way highways <strong>and</strong> properly illuslneted<br />

streft$ *nd hi*hways. ef cour$d,<br />

q e need prop€r si.gnelization end prcper<br />

lmes <strong>and</strong> $o fotttr. AII ol theE c8n<br />

help.<br />

The autodoblle merely kEpa B per8ou<br />

from Eetttng hurt after he has had a,tr<br />

sccident. Goo

744<br />

t.|e BeniledEn IroE New York tMr.<br />

RoBrsof,l.<br />

Mr. ROBIfION, Mr. ChalrmBn, I rlse<br />

ln suppdrt of thls legl-slatlon-H.R.<br />

ISzzLwhich I thld.ts ls B lerge step torward,<br />

End fl proper one, tm, in a cempElsfl<br />

ln whlch every Amedmn driver<br />

oucht to enllst-thet ls, a campsign to<br />

reduce trBffic eccldents <strong>and</strong> the death8,<br />

tnjuries,<br />

produce.<br />

<strong>and</strong> property damase they<br />

I should llke to conunend trus commlttee<br />

for lts succes in Setting nearly<br />

d,Il the "bugs" out ol thls btU so th8t lt iB<br />

one thet aU of u$ csn support- But, now<br />

we hBye to move forward-through thja<br />

legi$latlon-to se what can be done to<br />

Bet the "bugs" out of the catlB we drlve<br />

so that they wiu b€ ssfer vehlcles for ou<br />

use <strong>and</strong> for the ue of those who share<br />

the Netlon's hlghways wlth us.<br />

It ls in this lrtter conntrtion that I<br />

hBve notlced. trlth lnterest, l,he provi-<br />

6ion-in H.R. I3228-suthorlzlnc the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary of Comerce to conduct prograIns<br />

of research, testlng, development,<br />

end tmlnlne ntressery to ca.rry out the<br />

htent of the bill. In readlnE the committe€<br />


only. As lEr E3 the purchaser k concemed,<br />

tt only prcvldes for notiScatlon<br />

ol defects. I em efreld thls will leave<br />

tihe consumer stlll a victlm<br />

cpathy whlch chamcterlzed<br />

ot the trs8lc<br />

ouf past ettltude<br />

towErd motor vehlcle 68fety.<br />

It l3 cleer thEt the problem of motor<br />

vehlcle safety, md the lndustry dirfttly<br />

lnvolved, ls beyond the wlllhgness or the<br />

Bbllity of the Ststes to h<strong>and</strong>le alone.<br />

The rlBlng nurrbcr oI letelitles eech yeer<br />

te8ilnes to thelf lallure to deal wtth this<br />

horror. Of course, thls blll dir€cts the<br />

Eecretsry of Cofirmerce td cooperRtr witfi<br />

Etatt <strong>and</strong> local govenuents <strong>and</strong> hdustry<br />

by BpDolntlng theh representslives<br />

to the NEtlonEl Motor Vellicle Saf€ty Advi$ory<br />

Councll---+ectlon 104 (B) -by consultlnB<br />

wlth thelr lgenclcs tn pl6nntJ).s<br />

<strong>and</strong> developing satety st<strong>and</strong>Erds Md<br />

Brethods lor ln$pectlon <strong>and</strong> testinE-$ertlon<br />

lo?-,-<strong>and</strong> by encoure8lng Stste ln-<br />

. sp€ction 6y6teEtts6ectlon 108.<br />

cooF|e ratlon wlll lnsure maximull<br />

Such<br />

partlclpetlon<br />

df the Stat€s ln coplng wlth<br />

t}le urgent<br />

Eatety.<br />

demEnds Of mol,or vehlcle<br />

Mr. Chalrun, hdustry spokesmen<br />

have walled tlret thls l€glsletlon Eill b€<br />

damaglng to both the lndustry End the<br />

nBtlorlal economy. It trus questlon ls to<br />

be Epprsached from the cold economic<br />

ahgle. thcn rcmember thBt the 1865 Senate<br />

hearhgs reve8led th&t ln 196{ out<br />

of a proflt of $1.? blllton, GenerEl Motors<br />

spent only $lYr mtlllon-less tlen I percdnL

1Wt8 $4LSIEIscEf<br />

who sen'es EE the rank-<br />

lng mamb+t on the Itrterstate flnd Forelgn<br />

Comerce Coftmltt€e reportlng out<br />

thls leclsletion. As a very eminent lawyer<br />

ffid onetime judge. he ls Bbly quellfled<br />

to sulde the destinies of this vera lrnportant<br />

comtnlftee of the House. He is<br />

very thorough Rnd meticulous in his<br />

work, h<strong>and</strong>li:ig soine of the most sensitlvc<br />

lesislallott in the congress hnving<br />

to do with irlterstat€ commcrce. Mcmbrrs<br />

of thls Houc hBve the utmost confldence<br />

in his carefid welghlng of 8ll the<br />

Bfgulnents <strong>and</strong> in his ultimate decisions.<br />

f $urely intend to suptsrt his arnendment<br />

to thls blll tr$ R ntre.ssaty improvetnent<br />

Rnd I do lntend to suppott the biu<br />

on linal passage,<br />

I musi join with those, Mr. chRirm8n'<br />

who heretnfore thi.c aftemoof, lrave made<br />

the Lloint thRt mere passaee of this legislation<br />

will rnakc no deci(tFd dent in lhe<br />

tramc fai:aliLy rat€. As the genlleman<br />

from cali.iorniii IMr. YotrNcER] pointed<br />

out ln his esrlier remark$, we cad force<br />

the aut[moblle manuJacturers to illstsll<br />

seat belts, but we caflnot force the driver<br />

of passenger to buckle the seet b€1L5, <strong>and</strong><br />

the statlstlcs cited bv the Eentleman<br />

Irom Californlb IMr. YoUNGER] are<br />

ample evidence of thls.<br />

The Accident Prevention Divlslon oi<br />

the U.S. Prrbilc Health Servlce has<br />

fl.nrinced the fllmlns of ddver behavlor<br />

for over 300 drivers ln Wa$hington' D.C'<br />

Thes drivers. selected Bt r<strong>and</strong>om. were<br />

fllmed f or 5 minutes of continuous<br />

drivitrB without thetr knowledge, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

fllms show thet 9? percent of the drivers<br />

conr.rnltted at lest one error during thls<br />

ttme <strong>and</strong> 38 percelrt were guilty of at<br />

leEst ond vlclatlon.<br />

The average number of error-$ sEs<br />

9.18. As expected, slleedlng was the most<br />

frequent error, noted ln 87 percent of<br />

the cases. Failure to $tey ln one's own<br />

lane wBS noted in 63 Percent of the<br />

cBses.<br />

These tests simFly reemptHslze "vhat<br />

we elready know. The key tu lnost trsffic<br />

safety i6 the drlver himself irnd I think<br />

It would be treglc lf t.llis leglslBtiorr u'ere<br />

to take the spotllght from the role of the<br />

driver <strong>and</strong> place it solely on the road und<br />

the vehlcle.<br />

I camot refraln lrom makinE fientlon,<br />

tm, Mr. chalrfilsn, of the frishtenlng<br />

rate of accidents directly attributable to<br />

drunken drivers or those comumirlg<br />

varylng degrees of alcohollc beverBges'<br />

I've been trying for $everal Inontls to<br />

draft a piece of legislf,tion thst would<br />

get st this p&rticulat problem <strong>and</strong> have<br />

run into all kirds of problems. W:hen I<br />

was over in Sweden thls sprlng' I learned<br />

that atryone picked up for dmiken drivlng<br />

ls automatically lhrown in jail for a<br />

30-day sttnt <strong>and</strong> therc 8re no exceptions<br />

to the rule. I! was itrterestlng to note<br />

whlle altending several soclal functlonE<br />

where al\rotrol wss ctnsumed that at least<br />

one drlver of each automoblle at ihe affatr<br />

totelly Bbstalnecl for that evenlng.<br />

The law ts $trlctly enforced <strong>and</strong> lt ls<br />

psylng cllvidends.<br />

Ou problem stems from the fact tb,et<br />

we have a considerably difierent Constitutton<br />

End to dfsft f, blll th4t does not<br />

treBd upon sn lndlvldual's constltutloml<br />

rlghts to do celtaln things is extremely<br />

difficult, but we hope to come up with t<br />

sterter lrl the near future.<br />

rn concluslon, Mr. Chalrman, the per8ntount<br />

consideration <strong>and</strong> clntrollltrg<br />

fsctrr in autonrot)ile safety i6 the driver,<br />

s,nd it is indeed dimcult to control him<br />

by Federal edict.<br />

TIr. STAGGERS. Mr. ChBITrnEN, I<br />

yield such ti-rne BS he may require to the<br />

gentleman from Mlchlgen [Mr,<br />

DTNoELLI.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chah'man. I want<br />

to thank my chairmen for his kindness<br />

in yielding to rne. Thele sre s nmber<br />

of points I rvdnt til raise with respect to<br />

the corttents of thls legislstion, parucularly,<br />

I hope, dealins wlth questions of<br />

lcad time Nhich is une of vital import$ce<br />

to the industry which is one oI<br />

the princirriil ernployer$ in the dl$trict<br />

that I hilve the honor to represent ln<br />

Congress.<br />

As the rnembership of the coftmittee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> anyone else familiar with the industry<br />

knows, lead ttfle is a lno$t important<br />

lnatter. Modern cBrs are complefi<br />

mechanisms, mede up oI over 14,000 lnt€rrelated<br />

pf,rtE. This complexlty <strong>and</strong><br />

the looling <strong>and</strong> other tequilements for<br />

hlgh volme rnass production ntre$$itate<br />

B substsntial perlod between m initiel<br />

design concept md productlon. Currently<br />

lt takes a, period of 2 yeErs or 60<br />

in the indutry to accompllsh the neces-<br />

$ary de$i8xr, engineerlntr End testttg work<br />

to procure the materials <strong>and</strong> toollng <strong>and</strong><br />

to lsy out the production Une. It al8o<br />

tehes time to Erake chmecs. WhEt<br />

seemg to be a simple ch8nFe to &ccompllsh<br />

ln one part of $tructue may neceBsltstd<br />

B serles of difficult change$ or adjutmentE<br />

in other3, &nd considerable<br />

time can be requlred for that, ranElna<br />

from e few monthJ to rs much Bs 2 YeatE<br />

or ffiore. Because leed tlme ls so tnportant,<br />

lt B one of the factors thEt thc<br />

blll empowers <strong>and</strong> requlres the <strong>Sec</strong>retst'y<br />

to take into accomt ln estdbllsltlng<br />

st<strong>and</strong>hrds. end the S€ctetary has stEted<br />

that he will do so.<br />

Thus the bill in section 103 requlre8<br />

that staJrdards must be practicable antl<br />

thet the <strong>Sec</strong>retary must consider whether<br />

they are reason8ble, practlcable. <strong>and</strong><br />

sppropriate for the partlculaf type ol<br />

vehlcle or eouipment for whlch they Brd<br />

prescribed. Obvlously, & stEndard ls not<br />

practicable or reasonable if lt calxrot<br />

be met by the best efforts of manufactuers<br />

within the constralnts of tlme <strong>and</strong><br />

technolo8y. As the commlttee's repolt<br />

states, "StBhderds, of course, dannot be<br />

*t in B vtruum," <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Sec</strong>retary, in<br />

seiiirl8: studards, ls requircd to glve<br />

con$ideratlon to "aU relevsnt fbctors, lncludlng<br />

technologlcal Ebllity to achlevg<br />

the goAl of a partlcular stanilerd es well<br />

&s consideratiorr of economic fectots."<br />

ArnonB those economlc fectors whlch the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary wiU have to conslder ls the<br />

mBtter of adequatd le&d tlme. As thB<br />

Depattment of commerce advlsed ln a<br />

letter dated Jue 3, 1s66, to the chalrulan:<br />

Tb6 tests of rtuoqablGnega ot cost. fesl.<br />

btuty sEd adequata lcsd tiEe thoutd bO<br />

lncludrd amon8 those lactoB whlch the Sd'<br />

retsy could coDalder h hahlng htt tot8l<br />

ludBmeat.<br />


I wlu apprectate the ehalrmdn'r con,<br />

f,rmatlon of thls anelysls.<br />

Mr. STAGGERfi. In respon$e to the<br />

gentlemm, I will say that sdctlon l0B<br />

requires the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry, ffi you can see, to<br />

este.blish safety s[mdards, <strong>and</strong> says thet<br />

they mEt be praciicable <strong>and</strong> meet the<br />

nfrd for motor lehicle safety <strong>and</strong> be<br />

stated in objcctive term+.<br />

Mr. Chairman, d,s the commlttee report<br />

explAllrs on pa8e 16, this would require<br />

the mrEideratlon o[ all relevant factors,<br />

irrcludins teclrnologlcel ability t.o acNeve<br />

the goal of a particular st<strong>and</strong>ard as well<br />

as con6iderBtidn of monomic factors-<br />

And, NIr. Chairrun, f,$ to Lhe effective<br />

dflte, sectlon 103(c) of the repolted bill<br />

pfovideE thet the Sccretaly may set 4<br />

date earlier or later than the 180-day<br />

nilnimm or l-year maximum, if he fluds<br />

that en earller or lat€r date is in the<br />

public 'fhis<br />

lnterest. public interest is<br />

discussed on page I7 oi the report. It i.s<br />

exDlsined thst the exceptiort must b€<br />

bLsed on a flnding that an earller or<br />

lster erTective dtrte may be flxed if it is<br />

in the publlc lnkrest. This was sdded<br />

by the conunittee to provide the necessary<br />

flexibility for unuBuel situ4tiorrs.<br />

Mr. Chairmf,n, lt ls true as lt shou-ld<br />

be, thst the <strong>Sec</strong>retary hffi the ultimate<br />

tsporsibllity to s€t the ef,eLive date.<br />

However, fuU provi3ion ls mede ltr the blll<br />

Ior full consultation md, obviouly, he<br />

will have to con$ider arnong other trungs<br />

the Ebuity of the rnanufMturers to de€t<br />

ttle df,tes, altd ttle economld lmpsct tlpon<br />

the manufd{turers if effmtlve dates Bru<br />

not set with due regard to their leadtl$e<br />

requrcment$-<br />

I!Ir. DINGE"IJIJ. Mr. ChBilmsn, I certeirily<br />

thsnk the chalmm of the Comnrlitee<br />

on Interstate <strong>and</strong> Foreisn com-<br />

Eerce, the gentleulan from west virginla<br />

tMf. S$ccrnsl, <strong>and</strong> s the chElrman<br />

ha$ so well ststed, it is prtrisly b€caree<br />

of ttris leadtime problem th8t t"tre<br />

comitttr emended the orlglrral bul to<br />

euLhorire the strret3ry to IDeIe tbe<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard efiecttve lhter than I year from<br />

Its issuence lf he fllds that tlris l$ in the<br />

public interest-if, for example, B year ls<br />

ts short for compllance or cordplldlce<br />

can be aclrieved only Bt exorbitsnt co6t<br />

of oiher scvere ftonomic dirrloetion.<br />

The explanst.ion should satisfy any<br />

concern of tbe lndu$try alld the wotkers<br />

who depend upon it for their livelihood,<br />

meny of whdm are constltutents of E.y<br />

dlstrict. It takes no grest knowledge of<br />

the indEtry Ld be aware thet sltuatlons<br />

wiu undoubtedly arise where more than<br />

a year *lll have to be allosed for compllance-where<br />

lt wlll be a physical or<br />

economlc impossibility for all nranufflctu'ers<br />

to comply with e stEndard for flll<br />

ol their vehicles wtthin one year. There<br />

sirnply may noi be enough toolin8 <strong>and</strong><br />

teEhnoloEy to do the job, or the cost of<br />

coupllance on a cfash besis may be so<br />

great as to pflce vehicles out of the mffis<br />

markct. Beceus€ ol these trling limltalion$<br />

<strong>and</strong> cct considerationE, manufscturers<br />

do not make bslc changes In<br />

sJI of their models rrch ye8r. Irutead.<br />

the general industry prEctlce ls for a<br />

menufecturer to meke beslc hodel<br />

changes at lnt€rvBls ol three yeErs or<br />

so for eech ol hts vehicle lines, End to do<br />

so on B stEg8ered annual basis so thgt<br />

House Debate<br />

$$.veer<br />

he -he.t o_nc or more beslc nes<br />

mmfE wnlle IAee-Ilttrng the others Untrl<br />

their turn come$ to be "rolled over" ln<br />

the basic change cycle. Some changes<br />

whlch st<strong>and</strong>ards may requjre cah, oI<br />

c4urse, be most efrclently End economicelly<br />

matle lE Gonnectloh with bsic<br />

model chenges. Others of the ''add-on"<br />

type could reedlly be made at the time<br />

of the annuBl hodel chanse, even when<br />

It l$ only oI the fece-llft variety. It<br />

would Bccordlngly Eeem that. In generBl,<br />

sterld8rds should not be mede effective<br />

earliel' thaD the next moriel year <strong>and</strong> that<br />

the effective d&trs should ordlnarlly<br />

colnclde vith Ennual model changes. at<br />

least in the absence of somc overridin8<br />

coroider&tions. Thst is the practice<br />

which has been followed s'lth the GSA<br />

requlrements <strong>and</strong> tlre exhaust emission<br />

at<strong>and</strong>ard ptogrsm-they Ere timed tO COlncide<br />

wlth the enfiual tnodel changes.<br />

As I underst<strong>and</strong> the bill <strong>and</strong> the chaifnlEn<br />

s rerlarks, the.se problcms <strong>and</strong> practices<br />

of tlte lndustry are Emong tlle<br />

thlnes which the Strretery rlll have to<br />

cororder, f,long with $efety, In decidlng<br />

whEt Et<strong>and</strong>aftls to prescribe <strong>and</strong> when<br />

to meke them efiective, <strong>and</strong> that, dependlne<br />

upon the circurnstehces. they<br />

lhBy influence him to allow ttore than B<br />

year lor compliance.<br />

The report expl8in$ that the requJrement<br />

thEt the <strong>Sec</strong>Fetd.ry corBlder<br />

whether E $tsntlard ls reasohBble, pr8ctlceble,<br />

<strong>and</strong> &pproprlate tor a partlculer<br />

t}'pe ol verucle or equlpment wlll allow<br />

the Strretary<br />

"to<br />

consider the reasonableness<br />

<strong>and</strong> allproprl&teness ot a pertlcrUBr<br />

Bt<strong>and</strong>erd ln lt6 relEtionsilp to tlle<br />

Eeny tlltrerent types or models o{ velrlcles<br />

which are manufactured." Could<br />

thls nrean, for lnstsne, that st<strong>and</strong>Erd.g<br />

tor trucks would not necessarily be the<br />

88ltte as stsndards lor passenger cflrs?<br />

f hhve in mind the example of the GSA<br />

requlroments whtch apply to pessengef<br />

ffirs End some other velrlcleE. but tlo not<br />

apply to certaln heer? trudks ahd Dther<br />

tryes of vehlcles.<br />

Mr. STACGE.B. Well, ctrtslnly, I<br />

brllev€ that ls understoorl.<br />

!trr. DINGELL, And, of cour$e, tbere<br />

would b€ E lro$slbility of dlfferent stend-<br />

Erd$ for one typ€ of passenger vehicle,<br />

6uch as e. convertible, a6 oppo.ied to the<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>ud6 for E stenderd sedan. Ior exmple?<br />

Am I torrect on that point?<br />

Mr. STAGGER.B. Obvlously a difference<br />

ln types of vehicles could requlre<br />

di-flerences in st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

Mr. DINGEL. However. we Ere confrontecl<br />

wlth a proposal whlch do€6 lrnpo6e<br />

the requlrement8 th8t the tlme llmitstlon<br />

be met, but tor gdd ce.u-6e the<br />

tlrne llrdltBtlon may be walved whlctr<br />

E'ould tre the very obvtous ehd dLf0cult<br />

problem wlth whlch the trrBnufMturef8<br />

would be feced wlth regerd to meetlng<br />

the leadtlrne requlrements when este.b*<br />

lished for orderly <strong>and</strong> the reasonable ecorromlchlcles.<br />

productloh of theEe [rotor ve-<br />

AlBo thet t'e hEve establtsherl tfie pettern<br />

q'hereby we could hBve dlfierent<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>ards lor vehilcles whlch are obvlously<br />

alltectdd<br />

Am I coftct?<br />

for a dlfierent typ{ of ure.<br />


748<br />

Mr, BTAGGERS. Yes. f might repeht<br />

for the gentleman's infom&tlofl<br />

that it states very pleinly ln the blll that<br />

if tt il il the public lnterest, snd he so<br />

firlds, theh he r:lust come up ln \\'riting<br />

with what these rehsons ffre.<br />

Mr. MOELLER. Mr. Chelnnan, sill<br />

the Hentlelnen yield?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. I yield to the gentlelllan,<br />

Mr. MOELLER. You stated tha.t there<br />

might be some dlfietences ln the stiuderds<br />

set; ls thls correct?<br />

Suppose, for example, a cet m&nufacturef<br />

makes a small, $o-called fun cRrtherc<br />

is one made ill rny dlstrlct. It is a<br />

little, one-cylinder outfit. Io it seld that<br />

this man must follo$ the same safety<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards that the manu.{ecturer$ of the<br />

large cars such as the General Motort,<br />

Chn'slcr, <strong>and</strong> Ford, follow?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. The Fehtleman Just<br />

heard thc colloquy between ttre chaiffian<br />

<strong>and</strong> nre on the dlfference ln st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

Mr. MOELLER. In other words, thefe<br />

rrould be e distincti0rl?<br />

Mr. DINGE;L. I must say thet thls<br />

Btlll is not gotng to authorize the msnufMturEr<br />

of the one-cylinder car selling<br />

lor $750 to ma.rket an un$afe autornoblle<br />

Bw rnore than it ls colns to authorlze<br />

the menufa4turer of a large, luxury-typ€<br />

motor vehicle selling for S5,000 or $6,000,<br />

to menufmture en unsafe vehicle- But<br />

bccause of the dlfierence ln welcht end<br />

b€cause of tlre dlflerence In speed <strong>and</strong><br />

because oI the dlfierent potertlel use for<br />

that type of vehlcle, I would ffiy that the<br />

safety $t<strong>and</strong>ards would not necessarily<br />

b€ as compretren$lve, or 6$ onercuE, for<br />

Urat type of vehlcle as they Dlght be on<br />

the larser, heevier welght vehicle.<br />

But this ls a mBtter of JudFmeut thet<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary will have to exercise. He<br />

wiu still b€ requifed by this leFislEtlon to<br />

merket a vehlcle ttlEt would be safe under<br />

any teasonable Etmdards or occBsloDs<br />

of use.<br />

The Chairman, the gentleman from<br />

We$t Virginis [Mr, SrroornsJ nlght wtsh<br />

to conuflent on tlrat, belns the chlef oEcer<br />

of the commltte.<br />

Mr. STACi{}BS. Mr. Chairman, I<br />

thlnk the gentleman lrom Mlchlsa.n has<br />

ststed lt very thorouchly.<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Chelrmen.<br />

wlll the sentleman yield?<br />

Mr. DINGELL. I yleld to the gentletnan.<br />

MT. CUNNINGHAM. Mr, ChaIriNEN.<br />

I think the 5lcntlemen from Michigan<br />

brings up a very serlous problem that<br />

may be lnvolved here. He cohes frotfl<br />

en flreB whcre thls pl'oblem wiu pre5ent<br />

Ittrlf.<br />

Mr. DINGEIJJ. I mlsht Bay to the sentleman<br />

that he ls correct. I represent<br />

one of the largest slngle arees of eutomoblle<br />

manufEcture lI1 the country.<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Ch&lrma,n,<br />

f do not tsnow mybody ln the automoblle<br />

lfldustry. I have not been ln cont8ct<br />

with thcm. But I have reaal in<br />

the pa.pers where under this leglslatlorr<br />

there ls going to be e tremendous ptoblem<br />

tnvolved ln thls to-cslled leadtlme.<br />

Mr, DINGELL. If the gentlemen wlll<br />

permlt, I would polnt out that tlle chelr-<br />

Een has already lndicst€d ln the col-<br />

loquy t'ith rne thf,t the lenBuage ln the<br />

blll is directed at essurlng tlret the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

will teke very cafefu.lly lnto con-<br />

$lderation the problems of leadttmF<br />

<strong>and</strong> not ln an utrreasonable or improper<br />

Iashlon. but certalnly to Eee to it that<br />

the lndustry has reasonable opportunlty<br />

to pre$ent thelr vlews, <strong>and</strong> t{ coffply<br />

wifh tbe requirernents ln a namnsble<br />

fashion-<br />

Mr. CUNNINGHAM. I uhderstahd<br />

that. I hear

Lffiffi .Ir.-etrU$qEil- Mv onv lntcf,'<br />

est war to det€rmine, slnce the sentlemm<br />

cotne3 lrom m uea that L$ prlmarlly<br />

concerned, whether he ls $atlsfled.<br />

If he l.$ $atlsfled, rt ts all rlsht wlth<br />

me.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. As lon8 es the bl]I ls<br />

lnt€rpreted reEsonably, I do not believe<br />

I could ssert any objedtlon elther to the<br />

leglslatlon or to tlre manner l$ whlch lt<br />

happens to be carrled out. That, of<br />

: COurSe, w{N the principal purpose OJ my<br />

taklng the floor.<br />

Mr. MoSS. Mr. Chairman. wlll the<br />

gentleman yield?<br />

Mr. DINGELIJ. I yleld to the genUeman<br />

frorn Callfornla.<br />

Mr. MoSS. It ls clearly not the lntent<br />

that, unre&sonable st<strong>and</strong>ards be im-<br />

I)osed.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. The gentleman Ls Eb-<br />

$olutely correct.<br />

Mr. MOSS. It ls not lntended by the<br />

colloqqy tlre gentlemen hs enaaged tn<br />

wlth such linite care th8t we place the<br />

siamp of spprov8l ulrcn a dragging ol<br />

the feet by the indu.stry.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. The gentlemfln ls Bb-<br />

Eolutfly correct on thEt point. I would<br />

not lmk wlth Eny tslndness, nor wouJd<br />

the comlttee, on B drasstrg ol the feet<br />

or my rrscallty ol the't klnd, end I am<br />

$Eti$ned thBt the industry wou.ld not ensoce<br />

ln th8t klnd of practice.<br />

Mr. MOSS. I think the gentlernan ls<br />

ln B8r€ement with the gentleman lrom<br />

Callforrila. I thmk him for yleldlbE.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. I thank the gentleman<br />

Bnd I thErrk the dtstlnFulshed chEllmen<br />

of the commltt€e for allowlng me tJlls<br />

ilme.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Cha.lmen. I<br />

yleld 3 Br.lllutes to the gentleEan {rou<br />

Ohio [Mf. AyREsl.<br />

Mr. AYRES. Mr. ChairusD. f congratulatr<br />

<strong>and</strong> commend the chalrEan ol<br />

the Cornmlttee on InterstBte <strong>and</strong> Forel$l<br />

Colnrnerce, the genileman frotrl<br />

West Vir8inia IMr. Sr/|coERsl. <strong>and</strong> the<br />

tBnking member, the gentleman from<br />

Illlnols IMr. SpftrNcER]-in fact. for that<br />

hstter, the lull commlttee, <strong>and</strong> particularly<br />

the Eembers of the committee. the<br />

gentlem8D, froE New York tMr.<br />

o'Buxl, End the gentlem8n from Call-<br />

Iorrila [Mr. Moss]-for the courtesy<br />

they have shown me in working out 6ome<br />

of the difrcullles in comecilon wlth the<br />

Bo-called tire section of the blu.<br />

Representing a city where we have so<br />

Bany maJor tlre mmuJEctur.ets. I c4n.<br />

Essure tlre Cobmlttee Urat no ilre ln8nuf&cturef<br />

hm ever knowingly made m<br />

urE&fe tlre, <strong>and</strong> wlth the compromiseg<br />

thBt have b€en EEde tn tJrl.s bul. the ure<br />

lnd$try wlll do lta best to coopefat€ lrr<br />

the provlBtona that they will uof,r be reEulEted<br />

under.<br />

But, on the other hsnd, I do not feel<br />

th8t the impreslon should be left thEt<br />

there hs been anythtDg wrong with the<br />

llluuJMturin8 proces$ or ttte type ol<br />

tlre8 thBt heve been mld to the Anerlcan<br />

publlc ln ttre pBst. In rony cases<br />

It wul b6 a llttle difrcult to get the maohlnEry<br />

lnto efect that the blU cBlLE for,<br />

but you wlll fl.Dd tuu coop€ratlon by the<br />

tlre manufa.cturers of this courtry.<br />

Aseln I thEnk the ComElttec for thelr<br />

Datleuce. I thsr* th6m lor llstenlna to<br />

Itrouse Debate<br />

my In6lstence on E{r mrny of ttra proyl-<br />

Blorl.s thst cartre up, Enal I hope that In<br />

the nnal analysl3 the Houjr l$ lts qrlsclour<br />

wlll pas the blu.<br />

Mr. EDMONDSON. M.r. Ch&lftlan,<br />

viu the gentlemdn yleld to me?<br />

Mr. AYRE-B, I yield to the genlteman<br />

trorn OklBhoma.<br />

Mr. EDMONDSON. I thank the gentlemsn<br />

for yieldilg. I wou.ld lfte fo t€ke<br />

thls opporturlty bo join hlm ln the statemerlt<br />

he has Just made regarding the<br />

sL<strong>and</strong>srd of excellerrce thet is mahtelned<br />

in the ttre menulacturinE industry End<br />

the contlnulng effort that is made to insu'e<br />

lhai the product is thoroughly sfe<br />

ln sll regerds. We have one ol the gr6at<br />

tlre rnanulaciuing mmpanles of t,he NBtlon<br />

locEted in tlre dlstrlct whlch I represent<br />

at lllaml, OklB. I hEve b€err<br />

through tlrat plsnt seveHl tiriles, AJ1d<br />

I arn $iiti$fred thst there is no indutry<br />

where the quality of workmanshlp <strong>and</strong><br />

Lhe conlrnuou effort to turn out a superlor<br />

product Ere any higher.<br />

I b€lieve thEt ttre gentlemen's remarkB<br />

about the stsndrrds Ulai er6 malntalned<br />

ln the tire manufacturlng lndEstry Efe<br />

entllely approprlate. I wmt to mmmend<br />

hlm for makln8 the statement,<br />

',thlch he has mBde.<br />

Mr. AYRES. I tharlk the gentlernan,<br />

Mr. SPRt'{GER. Mr. Chalrmen, I<br />

ytelcl $uch Lirqe as he mey corEufte to t.he<br />

genl.lemBn f rom Pemsylvanla tMr.<br />

JoHNsoil I .<br />

IIr. JOHNSQN of Pennsylvenla. Mr.<br />

chBirrnan, I lntend to support thls leet$lstlon.<br />

I hEve loug been lnterested ln<br />

trighwEy safety, preventlon of accidents<br />

on our rodds, encl fflfety detlces on cars.<br />

Before coming to Cotlgfes I ws E<br />

member ol the PeruylvmlE Stste lxgislBture.<br />

<strong>and</strong> ln 1962 wff E member of E<br />

comDlttet of tfte PemsylvanlB Ix8lslature<br />

that vlslted the car manufEcturlng<br />

lndustly ln Detroit. We spent 5 dsys on<br />

thls lnspectlon vlsit. We vi$ited the<br />

Ford, Chevrolet <strong>and</strong> p]ymouth pl8nti,<br />

Bnd the rlseafch laboratortes of all theJ€<br />

flrrns. We were amaued at the huBe<br />

amount of research then belng conducted<br />

by these mEnufa,cturers of cars. &nd thB<br />

many $afety devlccs then perfect€d snd<br />

underway.<br />

We s8w the accomptl.sluents ln wlndshleld<br />

reseerch, seat belts. &utomBilo<br />

door locks, tires, brakes, <strong>and</strong> meny other<br />

lnventlon$ <strong>and</strong> de$igns. Gfadually these<br />

safety factors heve been edded to our<br />

cars- Only B reluctant generEl publlc hag<br />

prevented thelr wldespreBd use. Ttre<br />

pessE8e ol thtB leglslRtlon wlll spur on<br />

safety re$earch <strong>and</strong> glve the EenulEcturerg<br />

B reBson to fully aFply to cars the<br />

mechanlsm necessafy for ssfety,<br />

The $tat4 of pennsylvenla hEs Elwayg<br />

taken the lesd in furthering sBfety not<br />

only on our cRH, but hlshwEys as well.<br />

We [n Pennsylvanla harl the flr$t coftpulsory<br />

car lnspectlon lew, <strong>and</strong> tode.y tn<br />

Pennsylvenla all cars mut bear E Gafety<br />

Btlcker. whlch E|urt be renewed every<br />

6 months. tbls lBc, slone has cut down<br />

on accldenta ln a very bu$y Bnal growlng<br />

StEte with lt8 many natural blghway<br />

hMards becautr of the mountalnou natue<br />

of the $tat€'s terrBln.<br />

A.l.so Penrsylv8nla |3 noP enassed ln<br />

a reef,enrlnEtlon of Ucensed car op€r-<br />


atorc, TtlB exlmlnailon requlrEt I<br />

drlver to take & nffi vlslon ttst <strong>and</strong> undergb<br />

sn el(4mlnatlon by B dffitor for<br />

h$rt dlffiEe, nervoua ili$orders, End<br />

simtltr deftrts. Statlstlc.s show mEny<br />

sccidents mwd by the |Jrc'ompetent<br />

drlver-incompet€nt physlcally, mentally,<br />

snd also uflt<br />

cldent,proneto drlve becau$e ac-<br />

No one knows how meny a,ccidents the<br />

Stst€ of P€ffiylvBniE hs prevented by<br />

wlse rules <strong>and</strong> reguletions golng to<br />

the cudition d.nd sefety of the vehlclc,<br />

end thd fltnes$ of the driver.<br />

The Ststes should put thelr own houses<br />

ln ordef,<br />

laws,<br />

thruush entrctment of ufety<br />

I deplore those who, without personal<br />

knowledge of the fe4ta, condemn the euto<br />

mflnufacturers, when ln truth, on B vt$lt<br />

to the plants of the industry, ohe would<br />

flnd out that safety rescarch is well<br />

underwey, ls extensively conducted, End<br />

the Industry is ready to now apply to new<br />

csrs the beneflt of this re$earch. of<br />

course, the public will have to be ready<br />

to p8y the extra costs of the new cars by<br />

rea-ton of these safety devlces.<br />

Mr. STAGCEE^9. Mf. Chalrm8n. r<br />

yield 2 mlnutm tr the genUeman from<br />

Mass8chusetts lMr. MACDoNALD I.<br />


chalmEn.<br />

First of sU, r would llke to commend<br />

the chelflrdrl lor the wBy ln whlch thes€<br />

hearlngs were helil. on such a con'<br />

troverslal subJect, both sldes were Bble<br />

to slve the testlmony tlrey wanted to.<br />

There is still one questlon that retnBins<br />

In my mlhd, snd I worilal hope<br />

the REcoRD would try td ma.k6 tltlg clear.<br />

It 8es to sctlon I05(a) (l), whlch t8lks<br />

about the controverEy Bbout the vElldlty<br />

of any order gtven by whoever wlll lEtue<br />

the ordet. I esk the che,lrman whettrer<br />

or llot thls would Include d.ny lnallvldusl<br />

who woulcl be Edvefsely affected, snd by<br />

thet I mean enybody who drlves a car,<br />

or B defectivd car <strong>and</strong> hea an eccident,<br />

or hL5 reLson to suppos he wlll have<br />

en eccldent by vlrtue of the fact thEt<br />

the cBr was not pfoperly tuned out,<br />

who would obviouBly ln my judgment be<br />

adver$ely affected. But it does not seedl<br />

cle&r to me ln elther the report or the<br />

bill itself that this ls spelled out. I ask<br />

my chElrmfln, would trny indlvldual have<br />

the rtght to bring such an order for<br />

petitlon ln the U.SvCourt of Appeels?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. In my opinion thet<br />

lf he lE edversely efiectrd, he would hav6.<br />

f quote troEr the report:<br />

The couft8 Benerally hava coEtrucd tblr<br />

tGffi to p.rtt many dlyeBe hdlvlduala BDd<br />

Broup8 <strong>and</strong> ffisoclf,tlo& ol tbdlvtduah to<br />

Mv. Judtclsl levlew ol adminl8tr4ttve BctloE,<br />

Ttre comdlttGG bcltevet lt Tould bs<br />

unFl,Ec at th6 outset ol thl8 ueF aDd tarreachlf,E<br />

tralic ralcty progrem to atteEpt<br />

td dcllncatc morc ptftlsely thaD tbtl thM<br />

IErsoB who wlU havG Et<strong>and</strong>ln8 td Feak JudlclAl<br />

t6vt6w,<br />

Mr. MACDONALD. ID other wordr,<br />

Mr, Chairm8n. thl$ sectlon tloes not<br />

spmlflcally hold that the psple who c4n<br />

meke appeflr8 froB B ruling or who€ver<br />

EIakeE the rule Ere conflned to ttre lndEtry<br />

or to people who manuiectuta<br />

car6, Is that correct?<br />

750<br />

trr. STAGGERS, Thst 18 ErY lnter- lWI<br />

proil -<br />

Mr. MACDONAI-D.<br />

man,<br />

I ther* the chulr'<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Ghalrman, f<br />

yleld Euch tlme as he Ery consume to ttle<br />

gentlemen lrour New York tltfr. Kotlrn'<br />

il^H l.<br />


whlle I Eupport thls legi$lation, tJte Netlonal<br />

Trefrc <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehtcle Safety<br />

Act ot 196S,lt tnust not be mnBldered a$<br />

I pEntrea or cure-all lor the very redl<br />

Droblem oI alrlver deflclencies<br />

we mu$t remember th8t there ls e<br />

drlver behlnd the wheel of any uns*fe<br />

vehlcle. end $ometimes an uroEfe drlver'<br />

There are many c&uses for eccldent$<br />

lnctudins but not limltEd to pmr vlslon<br />

atrd pmr driver tralnlnF.<br />

Among these ceues ls the serlous<br />

probletd of elcoholism.<br />

As J potntctt out ln comrctlon slth<br />

the Introductlon of trlv bul H.R. l{197<br />

in my stBtemext ln the CoNcREsslofl,i'.<br />

[iEcoRD of March 3l at page ?336, alcohollsn.<br />

e.n(l I do not Erean the<br />

"skt(l<br />

row" type, is the fourth most srlous<br />

health probledl in the country, anal lt alEo<br />

takes lts toll in drlvinc accidents.<br />

Another caEe ls auto theft' As we ell<br />

know- <strong>and</strong> a$ I ffit forth ln connection<br />

with the lntroaluction of my blll H.R.<br />

16657 tn my ststement ln the CoNGRtEsroNAL<br />

IlEcoRD of July 38 8t pfige 17550'<br />

Joyricling Juveniles or others who stdel<br />

I oar, Ere obllvtous to the usual drlver<br />

responslbllttles. More should be done to<br />

prevent such theft$ not oDly ln preventlon<br />

ot crimc but also td keep dowd<br />

Eddldent$.<br />

And sd I say thet we mut not, oD.lY<br />

repair the mBchine, we ttust El6o ooncem<br />

our$elves s'lttl the mBn beblnd the<br />

marhtne.<br />

Mr. SPRD{GER. Mr. ChelrmBrr' I<br />

yield such time s he may consu.ue to<br />

the BentleErBn from Eentucky [Mr.<br />

C^RTER].<br />

Mr. CARTER. Mr. ChE|Inrsn, I rlse<br />

ln support of thls btll.<br />

Mr. SPFIINGER. Mr. Chaiman, I<br />

yleld $uch time es he may consume to<br />

thc gentleman from New York [Mr.<br />

HoRroNl.<br />

Mr. HORToN. Mr. chBlrmEn, lt lB<br />

wlth a Sreat sense oI privllege end eDcolllpllshlnent<br />

tfiat I e.nnounce my Eup-<br />

Fort for this measure. Thls blll is the<br />

re$ult of months. <strong>and</strong> for some of us<br />

ye8rs of work toward s meenlngful 6,flt1<br />

efiective Federal trafnc <strong>and</strong> vehlcle<br />

safety progrem- I need not relterEte the<br />

unfortunat€ record of deBth Bnd Injury<br />

that we have lnscrlbed on our Netlon'8<br />

hishways.<br />

I em mnfldent that the progrhtns e8tEbUsheal<br />

under thls blll will go a long<br />

way to$erd puttlng more safety consclous<br />

drlvets &nd more ealely deslgned<br />

tlres <strong>and</strong> vehlcleB on our ttfeets <strong>and</strong><br />

lrlghways.<br />

As one who lfltroduced the Ttre Salety<br />

Act, H.R. 11891, on the nr8t dav of thle<br />

eeslon of coflgre$$, f f,m proutl that the<br />

I|IEJoT provl$lons of thl3 blll hEve been<br />

lncorpdrrted lnto the meesurE now before<br />

uc f,s tttle II. Durlng my tcstlmony<br />


clore the Hous€ Com$rlttee on tnterstat€<br />

<strong>and</strong> Forel8n Commerce, I EBld:<br />

Wlth rvcr mtrc tratic on our htgh 6p+Gd<br />

Inkrut+te El8hwsy Eyrtam Atd Otnir mrlor<br />

!ft€rlal road6, t,.bc !e.d bGftECr morC UtgCnt<br />

by th. hour lor rtAnderdr whtch wilt asurc<br />

cvcry Eotorlat thBt hls ilrs Elll In trct bc<br />

Eate undl.r tJl drlvtDE co[dlttoE.<br />

I hsvr brought the n#d for uro <strong>and</strong><br />

auto 68[ety leglslEuon belore my cohstituents<br />

on many occasions. On March<br />

2, the alsy Presldent Johnson E€nt hls<br />

traftc Eafety mess8ge to Con8ress. I<br />

shared hls rnesge wlth my con$tltuenk<br />

ln the followlnc ststement:<br />

lFroh the one ol CohSresman h^Hr IIotrcN,<br />

Ms.2, 10681<br />

PTEDEffi'a thrrNaFoRTAfioN MEA6! rc<br />

CoNcffi6 6ffin$ HOtrToN BrE ON I'nE<br />

Effi<br />

__I<br />

M pleHd to rrport that ln t{dEy'r<br />

Whlte lloBe Mffigc on TTansportauoh, the<br />

Pre8ldent nFeclflcally thdorsed paft o! my<br />

oml le8lElatlv+ pro8ru. the Tlry SBlety Ac!<br />

ol 196€. My bul sould st4bllsh Fcder8]<br />

rBfety rtaDduds lor tll hotor yehlcle tl!e6<br />

Dld or BhlFped th lDterst8te cqmmirce.<br />

. _<br />

ThG Prestdent'a Me$age reld, ln pert,<br />

"MoBt<br />

thst<br />

tlres 6old to fincrtcsn drlwrs are Droducrd<br />

aDd properly testcd by reputaUte ctmpEDtes.<br />

Hevelthetfta, evldence hLl 6hoFn<br />

that lDcreshg numbcr6 ol lnlerlor tlJq sc<br />

b+lhg sold to unwttttng cubtomers tbrcuRh-<br />

OUt the couDtty. I'be dMBCTB such tlre8 hbld<br />

lor ht8h-sFfed Butilmobil€E EDd thetr trcupant8<br />

lE obvlou." The Whtte llourt cndor8emeDt<br />

lncludE f Fles lor prchpt<br />

Pft#ge of thls le8t8latton,<br />

Itr sddltlon to the tmportut Euppoft ol tlrc<br />

Adhlnlstr8tlon tor the T|f. Safety Act. Ey<br />

btll hb sIBo reetved entbEla8tlc tupFbrt<br />

lrom the Amerlcan AutoEoblle &fttatto!<br />

And tb.e A$erlceh Tllel Iawyers .l8ffilrtloD.<br />

Wtth Bucb wldespresd r&oBrltlon ol thc<br />

Dftd lor tlre selety Et<strong>and</strong>arda, I hoIE th8t I<br />

cln #h reFolt tbe ensctmetrt ot thrs blll<br />

by cdn8re8s.<br />

On Aprll 22, eltrr our $prlng reces. I<br />

rgeln Sowht constltuent Eupport for ilre<br />

Eafety leglslatlon ln the tollowing<br />

lnessage:<br />

lFloD tbe ofice ol CdnBreEDsD<br />

EoRmN I<br />

It.Bt<br />


'fou<br />


Ovr<br />

DKB,g NEwa piftMD ox<br />

I,I'EOC-TV (CBANNT 8) tocHErEa, N-y,,<br />

Ff,D^Y. APBTE ??. lgad<br />

On M&y 8, I tlevoted sn entlre Feetly<br />

column to safety. The follm.lng column<br />

w8s publlshed soon rJter tlte Afierlcan<br />

Ttlal Iawyem Ass4rclatton snd ttle Amerldan<br />

Auiomoblle Assodlatlon &mounc€at<br />

their support lor tr\y ure !f,lety blll:<br />

lFr\E tbo onF ol (job3tshrn hNr<br />

llorroE. Mry g, leddl<br />

Avro 8rtf,rY<br />

If thdc *cre Do wAr lB Vlet Hu or lDiatloh<br />

problcm, alEBt ccrt*lnly ruto Elcty<br />

leElslatlon Eould be the prtnclpsl toplc of<br />

conveEatloE oE C[pltdl lllll. AttU, tbr !ub-<br />

Jst comm8Ddr gFeat stt ntloD u OongTffi<br />

E r#tleo wlth y8rlour propohlE.<br />

In my own eranlnAtlon ol thc problE, I<br />

bBve concludod that thtre are really thr?6<br />

Epect$ t{r lt. Wltbout rtt.mptlh8 to Ft, r<br />

prlorlty, bftsu4 trh l! prcbably cqually<br />

lhpartsDt. the) Brc (l) vthlcle f,nd equlpmcDt<br />

salety rt<strong>and</strong>8rds, (2) blghpay condltlqE,<br />

<strong>and</strong> (31 dnvcr [bDtty,<br />

The irt iso rre under lnttnllvc Con8r6llonal<br />

&rutlny rt the prHnt- unrortu-<br />

D&tely, tm ltttle tnt+rdt ls bclbS rbowD tI<br />

rbe rhtrd.<br />

Eerly ln March, the PrsldeDt proposed HtsbltEhln8<br />

<strong>and</strong> eulorctng Feder8l EtaDdards<br />

lor motor Vchlclo Elety- Tld b Enothef<br />

propGal lor i Csblnct-level Dep8rtm.Dt ol<br />

Ttenalsrt4ttoD, thE Admlhl6trEilon st€d<br />

thBt the nev Sccretery b€ allowed b Snduct<br />

r$eqrch <strong>and</strong> development for ffittln8 Eslety<br />

ttudard!, trElD lErrcnnel t4 belp mhlevc<br />

botor Yehlcle Hfcty, tnd cany OUt tlre f,ft6.<br />

hry lnrp€cilon to Bure sdhefeDce ol FGdcral<br />

rt{nderd6,<br />

Addluon8lly, the FrrrtdcDtl Tt6n6port{.<br />

tloB MesBe to ConEffi 6llcd lor ah.nd-<br />

Eents to tbt tXl8ttnB Fedenl-sld htBhway<br />

proETf,E whlch would Butlrorlze the Trana-<br />

Forbilon s*Etqy tE &td 8tst6 wlth thctr<br />

hl8hw8y slrty proBramB- ThG cln*t alF<br />

proech to thc drlvcr probleh tB lh tbl! Bh6<br />

Ecuon aDCl tel4t4E to a rcBlrbr of thGG<br />

whffi drlvcr prtvllcgtt hEd been EuEpendod<br />

or rerok.d by St+t4E EDd lGalltl$. Thlr<br />

lnlohutlon sauld bc madc alaltablg ta IqwlDlorceEent<br />

rgcDcl6 huch tn ttle my tho<br />

FBI lumlrhE ihBerprlnt ldentltles.<br />

H6aflnBE bc8an wlth the $cDrtc Cohmercc<br />

Corlrltue <strong>and</strong> attfact4d wlde8prBd lDt rEt,<br />

All Eldtt tacHtred, lncludlnfi ttre AutO lDdur.<br />

try! chlcl crltlc, autbor RBlph Nrdcr, Illt<br />

httrnoEy, Fhlle rtroEg, dlv€rted tba tcttrlAtlvc<br />

ltruq lrob hov cs. ctD bc bullt Eot6<br />

Ealely to ruch leu* ot prtvrcy lnvulos.<br />

Tht Eou& ol R.pre6entstlves BlEo ls hold-<br />

Lng b?rrlng ffi Buto r8tety lrglalailorr. Thcs<br />

ESTOB brou8ht torth E EBJor BtrtGmGnt<br />

lrcm thc flmAIerE prcp@tng Ah tnduttry.<br />

Elde volunhry Ecuou progEE to upgradr<br />

TtrBnks, Tom.<br />

ConBrH cahG back lnto Erslotr thtt TGeL.<br />

lolloslrB ltE Eastcr rcces, <strong>and</strong> thc cilehdil<br />

Of leBLlatton ttlU tO be coDEld6red lE<br />

crowdld. MEny Halor ltcru EFAtt debatt<br />

thd declsiqn belore tht Eoth Con8re8s Cfn<br />

tdJourn.<br />

Ttrc ue*sletter thRt bow lE ln the mEll to<br />

dl my 86th DlEtrtct con8tltuest8 wllt htgh-<br />

Itght both wh8t bs b€en done thtr ycsr dnd<br />

Ttut rcMlnr.<br />

Thcre la one ttth that I hoF ttrc Eouse<br />

ol RoprceDtAtl?ea vlll E@n tahe up rDdl<br />

pB, It ts th. T116 8a{ety Act- Atreadv<br />

PEEed unaDthausly by tle 6enate. tbtl<br />

hceu. wul oet nstlonal tlre Etmds(lE tor<br />

the protectton ol au llre buyere,<br />

auto aafity. A Drtrolt rpokffiah mknowled8ed<br />

that bjg lndwfiy<br />

"Eow<br />

bcll.ves" vthlcle<br />

Eafety could bc helF+d by leEt6lsdoD-<br />

However, the ffinulscturero urg.d Congrcs<br />

t() Blve them <strong>and</strong> thc Ehtc8 E volce ln draltlu8<br />

ml.ty BtBndtlrds-<br />

Eeyond thc qu4ilon of Ehlclc slety, tb6<br />

Fresldcnt'r st&8e elrc skGd lor *ilou on<br />

th. Natlonal Tlre Salety Act, I ms vcry<br />

plesed by thlr Whlte lfOuse ondmemcni<br />

dncc I iE A apohsof Ol the btll. Ib receDt<br />

wtths, the AmerlcBn Autdmoblle trsoclatlbn.<br />

thc Rfthertff Automoblle Club, Bnd<br />

thG Amrdcin TltAl ldFyed Aftlatlon hrva<br />

CndOEed my Preposl,<br />

Tom, I 8m proud to be the sponBor od I<br />

tlrc ratcty blll shd heppy to hote thst my<br />

blu Elready hu been cDdoiled by tbi<br />

Rocherter Auto club s wEll Ea thG nailotrd<br />

tttple-^.<br />

_<br />

Auto slety lcglrletton could be one ot th?<br />

blllharks ol thtt ConErH, rDd I ah dolDE<br />

rU po6ltblc to iFced- thc prs"gi oi tfrE<br />

Eortor Ttr6 Eifrty bul u r urJc pirt - of<br />

tblr8tctyFckrg!-<br />

HcaflnBc sre mntlnulDg alto oD tbc blBh-<br />

ny hfety bllls, ahd I exlHt CoqgEe htU<br />

bG yottDg oh these EGBuH bcloE rdjourh-<br />

BGnt- It ls hy hopr th&t our EcttoD wul ba<br />

atrecuye tn rcduclng htBhmy daughtar rnd<br />

t*lll |Icludc Etr drtver triltrlEt.<br />

In rlune' ln en eEort to pfol[ote B Safedrlver<br />

pto8rEm whlch wa8 sponsrrd by<br />

ttre Fochest€r, N.I'., Ealety Councll, I<br />

House Debate

1!1652<br />

@Itil<br />

rb cff,. d<br />

Effirl<br />

tu|rrll Ddf<br />

lErorlr[*a E^EETEE.Erfi d<br />

"ffi 36fl Oomrrere Drffiri il l{E<br />

. Yotx or il Alrr !tb^r, Jun 10, l90l<br />

Th|| || tow@o|lFrrfrrn, Itar goHgr,<br />

trpfitt[! ltrE WuhlElto!.<br />

Clilrly onr d thl| ffilon'r Con8rtrdMt<br />

lFlortttd contliud tc br tBGc sffry, EotI<br />

tbr IIou ol EaPtrratrtttlv6 Ed thc Sciltl<br />

brfi brtr trHtrl tttdlrts tiltlhduy on hot<br />

vi, s a l{LtloE, cr4 turo th6 sortff on thr<br />

Eutsuy rlElDt tidr ot hllbny d$tb *Dd<br />

d6tFuctloL<br />

]tr f h*Yr 6ld many tlE6 bcforc, f rm<br />

nlrl w cE[ trnd wtU bulld aE rr cBrr, rDd<br />

t||t ffia oi th! propo.td FedGrLl st<strong>and</strong>rr{r<br />

nor brlEg coEttdrr.d wul b6 acloptcd. Alsr<br />

I 16l c6rt$la thrt Cohtffi 1r Botag to ovdbrul<br />

hlghw*y piogM td requlE btttd<br />

ffitsldAt. cdEtructldD, tnd haard ollEl[l-<br />

!l(H.<br />

Ilo$iver, thGH lr a thlrd slcEGnt lE slGr<br />

drtvtng <strong>and</strong> thrt h th6 drlr6r htrulf. oft6n,<br />

s ovttldt tlli drlvcr ln our stctv ctudlcr<br />

rhE, tn rallty, br tr ona ot tha ;ratrt thlEftltrt<br />

fECtOE. Fp! GvGn lD thi s{.rt #<br />

tilvrllrt rlohl thc ffit modorr road, lf<br />

l[r drlv.r lt lll-pEpffGd lor hlr r6poBibll-<br />

Ity, h. lr rtul ffurutrI d|rstir,<br />

fE Ylw ol thi nccd ltr f,rart.r ddelnl<br />

tEl[lDl, I'm Btrlnt my cnthurlilttc GndorF.<br />

fflt to thr t{ittolfl 8a(6ty Cou[cll'r Dfl"u<br />

hpEvfficEt PrbgilE. Thtr prograE ||<br />

biltl EpoMrcrl itr dut ila by th6 Rtrhdtdr<br />

gd.ty couilcll, It t| dat8ncrt t6 lbrtruct<br />

llilBrd hdtorbtr tn s-6llGd dcfcqrlfl<br />

drtetnS.<br />

_<br />

Thd Efth;|t.r llrlcty CoutrdU l| l@tlnl<br />

lor ldd groupa to rpoMr ths Gtlht-hou<br />

Euffi. rhlch uurllt H llettr otrt ntght I<br />

naE for fffi couiltdE ruIr, ctvtcr<br />

hlal, cburch, ind dsuu trupr ffi rll<br />

allllblt il rlrcnbR<br />

_ Il yil routd lttt lrlmttffi, coridd.Erd.thlf lGddrdon rh di#?|<br />

arurt eradlt lor tlrGlr crwfirl eud trhruiuve<br />

studt of tfrl|, plffiGrrbt<br />

tLsurc.<br />

The lesLsl&Uo[ on thi fffir. lntroduced<br />

by the dtitlngufrhcd lcntkdr[<br />

frutrl We6t VtrCtnlr $ilr. SrrGorrll, flho<br />

aho provlded thc BblG lcrdcrlhtp Thl6h<br />

Sutiled tt succcssfully throusD wcctr ol<br />

hrerlnge end l? erecutlve *lcloru hdd<br />

by our coffiIl|lttee on Intcrsttte rrill Fo'telgn<br />

Commercc, ls descfvld8 ol ourrq<br />

support. It8 pro!1slonr felsunt to t|t|r<br />

sbfety, the contlnuanc.e ol rcilt bclt |trd<br />

br*ke fluld $t<strong>and</strong>ard6, nttlotrd drlwr<br />

.reghtrotlon, <strong>and</strong> acctdent rnd tntuDt<br />

re6carrh end tert feclllty rll focur<br />

needed rtt€ntlon bn NutoEoDlb rftf<br />

dflvcr Brfety. But molt slEnlllcsnt ot<br />

all ls tttle f of thE btU, wh{ch iuthorlry<br />

t 3-yeEr l$1 nlllton progtrn lor thl<br />

estebllshment of Federsl motor vehloti<br />

Bt<strong>and</strong>*ftli, .8y requlflD8 FEdGnl motor<br />

yehlcle <strong>and</strong>,v.hlcl6 CquipEGnt rdct/<br />

stsndNrd8 to be met lor both hcv.rnd<br />

used vehlcleS, $'e lre tdklnt s Elrnt steb<br />

towud Bubstantlelly reducing ttlfic rGcldents<br />

end th6 dCaths Bnd Injurlcr<br />

rtemmlng lrom such hcrldentr,<br />

In ndy own state ot Erwrfl. trrfiE<br />

deathr for the llrst I monthr ol 1960 €rcecdetl<br />

by 38 percent the nur[bcr o{<br />

deathr lor th6 ldentlcal pcrlod In leGE.<br />

Alt'lroush uverrl Stetee dlorrd s ElElllr<br />

or grceter Dcrtentagp lncrcr6c, I |[<br />

conylnccd that only by hcstu of leffulftlou<br />

ruch ae ihet we art now oon6lderlng<br />

cu thG iFEctar sf pqroml tragedy Ed<br />

Jut Bl<br />

llu Edlrr at tbi property<br />

8d.ty courair oac+<br />

l,o!r on the highwrlrr be stgnii-<br />

It{-t220.<br />

cEnW rGduccd"<br />

Thb l| Congnru tffi EOHil t! llir. ChElrrnm, I urFc unenlhoru lloor<br />

V||bfrltil.<br />

Eupport lor Il"R. l3?2E,<br />

rt || E hopr thrt thtr blll, couplc.t<br />

lf,r. ATACKIEA. Ir[r. gh;trEaD. t<br />

vltfr c*tcrdvc drlver-rsfety c8mpflltll!<br />

yleltl such tlnr |s hc mry consumB to<br />

r,nrl wlth cEo'tt| ftctr as I hrvs under-<br />

ttre gentletdrn froh W€st Vlrslflls tllr.<br />

trfcn to brhl th. tuportencc of trstlc<br />

ErE1,<br />

trtcty b€fora ilrG pubuc. wlll result ttr i Mr. KEE. Mr, Chf,lfmsn, I rlsc ln 6n-<br />

dilrtl,0 ruductlon In ttr6 trsac tollr wG tfir.uiastlc support of H.R, f 3t3t. ThlE ||<br />

hrv6 bacordc !o accurtom6d to rrrdha a good blu. Thl| m8rkr I slcnl0crnt $t D<br />

lDd hcrrtnl sbout.<br />

tor*ard.<br />

_ I thrnb tlrc mcErbfi, of thc tntGrst$r In tblr conhccflon, I bcucv| tbtt tbt<br />

l$d For6t3rr Corrntrc ComEltt . rna .'ttlstlrUulrhcd chtlr4Bnol the Hourr In-<br />

rtr of ttry couGttu?i for th.|r. 4uacilt tcrttf,ta <strong>and</strong> trlortlgn Co,tD.E|crca ComEltt<br />

rort on tlrb lcsfulruon.<br />

tfi rnd tlrc lr6brrs 6l h|| cErilfffr<br />

. ltr, EifAc|OERIt, Mr. chrtErrr I |'lr to b. hlllrlt couuncndcd lor brlrrl-<br />

tldrl ilob tlEr rr lra trirv cmrune to thr lng thlr ctrGrrtsvc mcurut htolu tb<br />

$dtl.mll frou Hevrll .tlE. fdriloi Ilolltatodry.<br />

rrcrl...<br />

In.conctudo[L tt tt EI bopr tDrt rtr<br />

. l&. IIATEI'IYAOA- rft, ChtrE|! r th! tsDe to wta coEr, tblr mnanrc rll<br />

rn h anEorr otr E.n', f$ta th. Hr, p.!| ft6 IIou!. bt r unrnlnou wt+<br />

g(Fd 1trEc lrrd ktor Yd|rdc Errdt .'t thrnt th. ChrlrE|,D .<br />

lft; ilulfl'B. rrf. ebdr!||4 fi || rss<br />

pdllnf to rc|o tlrG nulrbfi of rhrfr<br />

{rE4t !t ttrfrc rcGldlr[tr, l3 || ofRt<br />

Eoll (Mbcilrtcblrit to r!|IIr thrt thfia<br />

!|$ltr r,r! nouaun|i e*h yc|IB htrttsi<br />

D.,ftr tn.fcu* E I pc#aaf.ftq<br />

uitofrf<br />

.kl r|lr<br />

752 VoI.I

-GErG:--ilfr<br />

Drrrtd to rthr rrf cer ilrh||l r<br />

fil r,4t EEDrtdt tnryru "fi;<br />

qf |r'r not oult h|srldr to t.h orlfi.<br />

ffi to dl othcr pcopla riro trr"d tta<br />

hl||r*rfl, In sddtttoD. th. Strtil Eu*<br />

tr rncounted to lDltlrta prwir4 of<br />

ttdr orn -'but on fGdcrrllt cdablbhrd<br />

Etr[dird!-to *ork out roluilonr to hlttrry<br />

End paddtrlan ha4rdr, rnd to rrt<br />

up rfcnclcr lor thc mllfttlon ot rtrtlfucr<br />

lld thc pouctlrg ol unsrfc condltloDr It<br />

b tlto lrqpcrsuvc that moft rdcqurtt<br />

pl?vlslonll be made lor emprgency aerylctr<br />

t'hEn sEcldent| do occur. Thc* lll<br />

flll hdp.<br />

I hive bGen concerned about thcrG<br />

g,foblctls for many yeers In.l I sr[ thl<br />

rponsor ol H.R'. 1i70, whlch would rrqutrr<br />

r oGrtlfcrt ol f,tne83 to bG furilirhad bt<br />

tbt Ernufrcturer lor everT eutomoblh<br />

sld rnd H.F^ 1q905 to Grtrbltrh rh th.<br />

D.Drrtsent of eolrlHcFg! r N8ilond<br />

Tlrfic Srtcty A8cncy.<br />

I rn dcllshtcd thst II.E,. 132?8, whlch<br />

tr hlvr b€fora u! today, Includer tha<br />

dbllfih[l€nt of thc Trtfrd Sntety Atenct<br />

It rt$ tAker the ottt st D tosArd<br />

tL objectlver ol H.R 5?0 by dlrccqnf<br />

tD! Eccretrry ol Conilnefda to c{op.rrti<br />

ln tlrc rettlng of strndar.h tor the lnrpcctlon,<br />

r€gEtrrtlon, ald oF€rrtlon of Eotor<br />

hlcIc..<br />

I urTc Urb HouE to pi!. both tt"R<br />

llllz8 rnd II.R. 13390, whlch nG wlll hrvr<br />

Ddore ur toDotlow.<br />

!{r. OIEBOIIS. Mr. Clrrtrhin. Er|r<br />

IEut{cr oq th. Nrtldn'r hlghrryr nurt<br />

rtoF.<br />

, It l3 tlllr? A.Ecrlcsnt tooE I 8ood, hird<br />

lo* rt thc afldt ltstl8flcr ol hlshrry<br />

frtrlltler ind dcnrnd tn end to th6 horrtHr<br />

homlcldc on our roede, strerts, rnd<br />

Itlcbrry* The lnEtrusrent ol tbat hohlcld.<br />

b thc rutotdobtb. Toatry. DcEoft<br />

b hrrrtng out eutonobllet rt onc rnd t<br />

hdt tthfi thc hunsn blrth retc, Drrflrlly<br />

crplflnhE thr ste|dlly molurtlrls htahr|y<br />

dcrtlr iltr.<br />

ETCrf ll honthr pr pey e strggcrta3<br />

DrfCr r4r our lurt for spccd rnd to fGt<br />

mevhtru tn r hurry. 'I'hb ycrr, It U<br />

crtlErrt d tJrrt Eorr thrn 80,000 ot our<br />

lclbr cltlrrru wut bc tbruptly ertchrd<br />

rrE thli ufe bu tht lrlm fcep.r.<br />

Whllr th. los| lrcE hlghwry rccldcntr<br />

olttou|F c|rlrnot bc count4d rlely la<br />

tbllrr| rnd ccnt!, I tHfif lt rhould br<br />

BEd thrt troq cnr HGT Y6r'r tD 16qtb.r,<br />

lt btltr.fir fr tta tou rG D*y til<br />

rd|rng urd tht G66oE!o rutrrrlry<br />

rot*trd Bltl lt, ltb tr lndcd r d<br />

tr$f of'hlldr.E FGtonFDr. p|rdflb4'<br />

tE! tur tcrur tbrt thrr IfrUO L m;<br />

dHG.f to r ttf on povGrtt oa rbld<br />

!! |rt| crFdr.lrnr arttlt ttout or+dfr<br />

o[bt rEouut,<br />

th* rutomoDllr w|| nr.* !r-<br />

Eorc pcoDli brvc b.rB Eltld.fl<br />

o!<br />

he rrrr.<br />

House Debate<br />

btrhwrw tbrrr h dl tt<br />

gnlt<br />

r'r[<br />

dAtrt iooEDlnarL<br />

fDE too.oeo{artffilr||t|k<br />

E Ellrd h h||trrt rtr.dt<br />

ffi?<br />

tDrr<br />

_ E\llgwe_U over 50,000 of our releilves,<br />

Irlends, <strong>and</strong> hfficlates wlll b€ sensele$sly<br />

losl to us this year, the cxpert$ tell uB<br />

thflt witlrill the sltort span of g years,<br />

&s mnny a$ 100,000 Amerlcnns will mect<br />

arr Untimely end on our ribbons of concrete<br />

ln Arnet'lca's great€st mechalrlcal<br />

boon-the horseless carrlage.,'<br />

I flnd frorn tny study of hlghwny fE_<br />

tBlities, that we have lost four tltnes aB<br />

Inany Arrlcrlctrn scrvlcetnen on the hlghtrny$<br />

of tllis cotllltry trs we hflve lost to<br />

datc llrhtlrrg for freedom ln the rlce paddies<br />

ftnd juDgles of Vietn&m 8.000 lntles<br />

B$ny.<br />

As otle ol the lntroduceri of neilonal<br />

hlghlvny sefety leglslBtlotr, I am ple8Eed<br />

thtri to(lay ue llave Rn oppottunity to do<br />

som{thilrg collstructive sbout highWdy<br />

accldcnls, The ttme for talklng ebout<br />

tho problcm htts long pirssed. The ilme<br />

for nctlon ls ]rere. I wlsh to take thls<br />

opl)otl.uulty to ckprcss my deep appreclE_<br />

tion to the ct)irirhan of ths House Intcrstat€<br />

Rnd Foreign Commerce Commitiee.<br />

the gentlemen from We$t Vir-<br />

#irrla lMr. Sr^ccEtrsl, DDd hls colleagues<br />

on the cohmittee, for the forthrlght <strong>and</strong><br />

progressive $t<strong>and</strong> they have tgken ln<br />

drRf tlnF thls lcsislailon.<br />

The rcsult of lrronths of study. re_<br />

seirclr, treerings, nrld hard work is before<br />

us today in tlte lorm of ilris blll.<br />

The National Trnffic <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety Act of 1966 is E lau(lrntrrk picce<br />

of legislatron. Hrehway trafnc fatalitles<br />

are a national problem, msde evot) Inore<br />

mellAclng duc to Ah exp<strong>and</strong>ed l.edere.l<br />

interstatd hit{hway network end tha Eppereni<br />

craze o! ihe Amerlcan motorist<br />

tor cErs with yet greater horsepower.<br />

I will not go into Ereat det8ll on lhe<br />

provisions of this biu. you hEve all<br />

studied them <strong>and</strong> are famillar wlth what<br />

they would tcCompll$h. But I would<br />

likc to call aitcntion to certEin ltems in<br />

the legislatidrr which I feel are deflhlt€ly<br />

in the national intcrest.<br />

I am pleased thEt thls lccislation will<br />

require marrdfltory establishrnent ol<br />

stErrdBlds for motot vehicles Errd tnotor<br />

vehlcle equipfient. The csr CBtrles<br />

Amerrcans acros State lines wlthh mlnutes.<br />

It i$ an lnstrumeht of interstat€<br />

commelce f,nd its regulBtlon 16 vitBl to<br />

the safety df all who u$e lt.<br />

The St{les can do more in the fleld ol<br />

adrquEte safety inspection. This bill will<br />

encouraBc thi$. This act wlll requirc<br />

autD manufftcturers to Bive notice of defects<br />

to kilown flrst, purchEser$ <strong>and</strong>, ln<br />

sonlc casos. t() $ubtrqueni purchnserg ol<br />

Nutdd. TIrl$ is badly needed since tho<br />

evprage Americ8n motorist purchaslnE a<br />

new car acts in gOod faifh expecilng th8,t<br />

rsr to be sftfe. Hc drlves thet car ln<br />

blitrd faitlr. The lecent. slrocking distlosuros<br />

by Mr. RBlph Ndder of wholesEle<br />

auto defccts hBs done nothilrc to reessure<br />

the motorist, thtrt the cEf he drive8<br />

ls not B chrome,ljlated deathtrd,p.<br />

The establishment in the U.S- Depsrtmenl<br />

of Commerce of a Nstion8l HlghwRy<br />

Salety Ascncy wlll go a lon8 wsy<br />

ioward tlre establlstment of a coordlnated<br />

nfltlonAl progrsm of highway<br />

sEfety. Efrorts to sccomplish thls have<br />

been lBlgely tm frBAmented <strong>and</strong> lnelyectull.<br />


Thls le8lslatlon wtll brlng tlre manufecturers<br />

wlthln the Jurlsdiction of nBtional<br />

highway safety. Well thal, they<br />

should be, for fEulty tires have been<br />

proven td have caused fRr tm many fEtal<br />

accidenls. The biu before us will rcquire<br />

tire mEnufacturors to fumish purchflsers<br />

certain infometion about thelr<br />

ploducts such s identlffcation, plles,<br />

msximum lo[d, End their colnpllance<br />

wlth safety st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

In scldltiotr, the NationEl Trafnc <strong>and</strong><br />

Motor Vchiclc Ssfety Act of 1966 will<br />

greally exp&nd the existing National<br />

Ilrlvers lteglster. It .wlll lnclude the<br />

names of all those anywhere ln thd countrv<br />

who have been denled, lor one reeSon<br />

or htloLlter. B llcense or lrad his license<br />

rcvoked or suspended. It is too etrsy for<br />

tlroj;e who should not have the privilege<br />

oI drlvinc to obtaln a llcense ln &nother<br />

jurisdiction once they hBve been denleal<br />

Lhal privile|.e ln th|ir own.<br />

Thlts legisletiotr doe$ & great deal moE.<br />

It is a logical step lollowirrg other acts<br />

tffken by the conEress of the Unlted<br />

Stale$ to increase the sflfety of Aherlcans<br />

on the lrlghwey.<br />

I strongly support pas$age of the National<br />

Traflic <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehlcle SBtety<br />

Act of 1966. It is needed now,<br />

Mr. SICKLES. Mr. ChBlrmEn. the<br />

Irouse now has under consldetatlon the<br />

Nffttor)a] Traffc <strong>and</strong> Motor Vehlcle<br />

Sefety Act of 1966. Soon lt will be con'<br />

slderlng the Hlghway Safety Act ol 1966.<br />

These me&sure$ are closely lntcrreleted,<br />

<strong>and</strong> whlle they sre separate pleces ol leglsletlon,<br />

we $hould keep In mlhd the ono<br />

rrrhlle conslderlns the other.<br />

The present automoblle sccldent ratc<br />

constltutcs a. crlsl8 ol unprecedented proportlons<br />

conlrontlng the Amerlcen people.<br />

If the present automoblle accltlent<br />

fBtallty rate cof,tlnue8 we wlll hEve ttr..e<br />

deaths of at least one-hEu mlUlon peoplc<br />

erch decaale to Eccount lor- Thls year<br />

alone, 50,000 AmerlcEn$ are expected to<br />

dle as a result of Eutomobile Eccldent8.<br />

C)he out of every 3,600 AmertcEn8 wlll b€<br />

dead slmply because he ventured out on<br />

the road systems ol hl8 country.<br />

Somethlng must be done. Ttrls r<strong>and</strong>om,<br />

but systetnatlc kllllnc muBt cesse.<br />

There are three mEjor phsss of accldent<br />

preventlon. One ls the automobtle,<br />

how it ls made End whether lt ls constructrd<br />

wltlr the preventlon of eccldents<br />

ln mlnd. The second nrea ls the drlver,<br />

whether he lB properly llcens€d End to<br />

lvhflt er(tent hls educBtlon hBs trBlned<br />

hlm to adequately me€t the hazardl of<br />

modem-day clrlvlng. Ttre thlrd area lB<br />

best constructlon arral me.lntenenc€ ol<br />

our hlehways ln terms of safety requlrements,<br />

The TrEfnc tiftlety Act deal$ wlth the<br />

flrst of these problems; the Hlghwsy<br />

Safcty Act wlth the latter two.<br />

The ma1or thrust of the TrEffc gelety<br />

Act--H.R. 13228-ls the estsbltEhment<br />

by the Sccretary of Commerce ol sfety<br />

stmdards for all automoblles. In carrylng<br />

out hls responslbllltles in ttrls area<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retery wlll b€ blded by the Netlonel<br />

Motor Vehlcle Sa.fety Advlsdry<br />

Councll, to be created by the proposed<br />

leslslatlon, who8e membershlp wtu be<br />

composed ol repre8dntetlves from the<br />

motor vehlcle lnalustry, safety equlpment<br />

754<br />

mBnufecturers, Stete <strong>and</strong> locel governments,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Eenefel publlc. The $ecreta.tT<br />

wlU also hEve the use <strong>and</strong> resourccs<br />

of Federal <strong>and</strong> State reseBrch<br />

rrrogmms flnsnccd by ttrls lef,lslation.<br />

The FcderBl GovernEietrt already has<br />

slenlflcant cxperience in establishitrg<br />

safety stsndtrrds for autoln:)biles- The<br />

General Servlces Adlnlhlstration, which<br />

purchases vehicles for tnost Federal<br />

egencles, already has establlshed safety<br />

stEndards for the vehiclcs it buys. Ttle<br />

secrettrry of Cornrnerce wiu be able to<br />

use these st[ndarrls as a startlng poiilt<br />

for tleveloping the ncw nfltlonal Drogram.<br />

Alrother feeture of the Tramc Safety<br />

Act sets sefety EtBndBrdt lor automoblle<br />

tlres to hrsure that they wlll bc capable<br />

of perforrnlng under the detnatrds that<br />

wlll be placed on ttrcnt, Flrlally, the<br />

leglsletlon establishcs a Natlonal Driver<br />

Regl$ter as rrn rld to more efrectlve enfofcetnent<br />

of bRns aHalnst ulquaUneal<br />

drivers. Anyone who has had hls llccnse<br />

revoked or beerl refu:;ed a license will<br />

heve his nltnle so recorded in tlris regl$ter.<br />

Thl$ will make it ee$ler lor any<br />

Jurlsdlction to check the background of<br />

B driver applylng for a llcense,<br />

The Hlehway Act of I966-H.R.<br />


J9fr54<br />

Smore tbtn double the rrtr of ou pspqletlon<br />

lncreaoe, <strong>and</strong> lt occurred durlnF I<br />


eJd thrt tEproy€sG[ttr csn b. dtdc to l&gcoftmtttee on fnterstete ind Forelgn<br />

the automobile lkelf to reduce th6 Du.nr- ffimmerce on both sldes ol the Blsle for<br />

ber entl severity of trsfrc accident8. thelr great con[rlbutlon to the general<br />

rt ls obvtous-that human emor plays welfBre of the Uhlt€d sta'tes ln brlnslng<br />

a, Eroat role ln the alarmlng Etatlstlcs thIE leglslation to the floor ol the House.<br />

retattng to hlBhw8y de8ths but that does I urge thet we glve H.R. 13228, Es amendnot<br />

a.bgolve conBress lrom it$ r$ponsl- ed, our overt/helmlng support.<br />

bility of $tabllshing sfety sta.ndards at Mr. VANIK. Mr. Chalrmsn, I rlse ln<br />

the manuJEcturer level. A shsrp lnstru- support of ttris leglslBtlon to provtde unlmerrt<br />

with E useful purpose cErr b€ E form stendsrds for autohoblle salety.<br />

deadly weBpon in the hEnds o( s)me in- It ls E tr'i$e st'ep ln the rlght dlrection'<br />

['(Uvldusls, Hufran error does not excuse At some future dete, I hope thEt your<br />

I ug from our responsibility to save llves commlttee wlll make an effort to provlde<br />

I \rhere pos$ible. Other legt$lation mEy for unllorm bufiper level st<strong>and</strong>Erds, Itbe<br />

nmuy Et the State Bnd Netlotlal qrrlrlnB trucke <strong>and</strong> eutomoblles to have<br />

-<br />

Ievel to desl with the humdn lactor on burnlJers of unlform belght from the<br />

ourhlghways. htghwEy level so tJrat the bumpers ol<br />

I e.m pffiticularly pleesed thst the truck8 mtrt bunpers of Eutomoblles.<br />

How Commerce Co|rlEjttee hls when I engBge In turnpike drlvlne, I<br />

strengttrened the fldmlnlstrBtlon blll by<br />

edopting mendmenk whlch makes lt<br />

rd,mdBtory r€.ther thBn dlsretionery lor<br />

drlve In contlnuous feBt ot telesoplnB<br />

beneath hlglr-speed trucks End trallerg<br />

cspable of qulck Etopg wlth BlI brakeg.<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of commerft to set $afety<br />

st8ndud.s for Butomot)Ilffi. Thls wtll fficeleraie<br />

the prmes of est&blishha, approvlng<br />

antl lEplffienthg the resula-<br />

I also hope that your commlttee wlll<br />

take sme actlon ln the nesr luture to<br />

hElt the wr&p-around rcer ll8trt-r which<br />

charact€rlze the Ford Thunderblrd, the<br />

tlons"<br />

I also support the provt$toru requirlng<br />

<strong>and</strong> dlrectlng the <strong>Sec</strong>retBry ol ComeEe<br />

to udertEke a broed scale rmuch, tcttlng,<br />

clevelopln8, Bnd tffilning prDgriln<br />

on Eutd sfety End to obtaln by con-<br />

Dodse Iancer, <strong>and</strong> certstn models bullt<br />

by Bulck. Ttresd cofrpletf wrap-around<br />

llshts may protact the drlver <strong>and</strong> pBS-<br />

sengers ol the Eutomoblle$ on whlch t'trey<br />

Ere ln8telled, but everyone else on the<br />

h.lshltay l$ hypnotlzed.<br />

tract or Federsl Frent exp€rimental<br />

blcl6 a.tid experimentdl €qulpEent.<br />

ve- Mr. Fa,IEDEL.<br />

llke to remlnd<br />

Mr. chBirmBn, I would<br />

my colleagues thEt l0<br />

f coErmend tfie many locBl ofrclala of<br />

Nasssu<br />

years &go I Eponsorcd leslslstton to<br />

qounty End ol other communltlee<br />

tbroughout the Netlon Tho have<br />

creflte B Select colnmittee on<br />

'llaflc<br />

gafety <strong>and</strong> I served on thls committee<br />

brousht the lssue of auto safety to the durlng the 84th Bnd 85th Congre|rer<br />

torefront oI Dublic attentton, to their Mrny recent Ertlcle8 apperrtng lh the<br />

Stste leglstatues, Bnd now to the Con- PfesE lndlcgt{ that the con8resa hB$ pald<br />

gresa. Thla leclslatloE ls certBlnly ln little Bl.tentldn t() the slEughter of more<br />

ke€plflg wlth the constltutlorul rspoNl- tJlan 50'000 l)eople on our $treets <strong>and</strong><br />

blllty placed on the Congres8 to "provlde<br />

blghw8ys eoch vesr but this is not thc<br />

- for the general welfEre." au.*.<br />

F we muBt not compromlse wlth safety. our speci8l comrnlttee conducted ex-<br />

\ ttre emerlcefl dflver $hould hBvo the tensive lnvestlt{stlons l0 ye8r8 ego to<br />

\ safest car ln the world. Nothlng le8$ determine whai could be donc to prevent<br />

I wlll do. The automoblle lnd$try wlll Eccldents <strong>and</strong> we made many recommen-<br />

{- not sufier ecorlomlc h4rd by congnes- datlons to the Congress, $orne of whlch<br />

J slonEl dlrectlon to cause the scttlng of became lnw. I speclflcallv refer to leglssafety<br />

stshderds. The lndusttY told the latlon estEbli$hln8 the NEtlonal Drlver<br />

, comnlttee stld MeEbeE ol Congress Rdslstet <strong>and</strong> laws settlng $efety stEndthst<br />

they Ere reedy to mmufactur€ SBter eld8 lor hydr8.ullc brake fluld <strong>and</strong> Eeat<br />

cars voluntarlly snd thst leFlslstlon PUI belt8.<br />

hEve sn adverEe lmpsct ofl autodoblle Thts bill we are conslderlhE today ls<br />

salel, Nelthet ar8xrlrent ls Yalltl, e6- the cuhnlnatlon of our commlttee's efpeclelly<br />

when *elshed esalnst the pur- lorts to reduce euto accldent$ end save<br />

pose of the leglslEtlon-the savlng ol llves. Of course thls l3 the most comprehman<br />

llves. In addltlon they have had<br />

elnple tlme to act volunterlly-but have<br />

hen$lve leglslatlon to be reported trom<br />

our commlttee slnce it tackle8 the prob-<br />

not done $o.<br />

lem ol the e4fety of the car ltself <strong>and</strong> re-<br />

[n55<br />

II.R. 13228 proyldeg a coordrnfltcd n8- qulres thBt c€rtaln ffifety Etendarda be<br />

tlonat safety proEr8tu end crest€t a N8- met otr new, as well as used cars.<br />

tloBl Motor Vehlcle Salety Advlsow Ml. Chilrmen, lt ls mv llrm convictlon<br />

Councll stth representettv$ of motor thEt we mu6t ehact thls leglslEtlon lnto<br />

vehlcle antl auto equlpment menufac- lEw m thBt Eu dflvetl wlll lcnow thst<br />

tuers, Stat€ snd locsl govennrentg, end th6tr own vchlclG, ar wgll E8 ell other8<br />

the publtc. The le8J8lstlon ls edihessed on the road, meet' mlnlm|rln safety stendto<br />

tJre gerlou metter of deellng wlth tr16 ards' We can no loflser ffiol.tll to l8:trore<br />

problems of rn lndGtry, tlre uE€ ol whogc the fact that more people are belns kllled<br />

Frcduct8 re8ults ln ttre greet convenlence on our streeta Bnd hlghwEys than hEve<br />

ln tre$EFortstton ol our p€oDle <strong>and</strong> car- bden kuled ln ell the ware ln whlch<br />

rylng our sood! lE tntrratEtc commeFoar our country h8s been engaged, It ls<br />

wtdle rt the 6alnc t'lE€ re$ult ln th6 shocklnE to recall thBt lrom l??5 to 1900.<br />

desth ol epptorJnetev 50,000 pcr8oEl8 1,134,055 Amer'lcans lost thelr llves ln<br />

end the lnjury ol dpproxlditely {.S ull- wars; but from 1900 throuBh r965, l,ssr,-<br />

Uon persons ee,ch yesr. 16{ Amerlcans tlied as a result ol Euto-<br />

I commend tht dlsttnBulshed chalr- ftoblle Bccldents. Those who lmt thelr<br />

Ean, the gentleEan lrom,west Vlrglnla, llvs as s result ol wers Erved e, very<br />

Il^ffilr O. grAcctfi.8, snal ttrc memb€E ol<br />

VoI.I<br />


noble purpose. Ttosc who ha,ve dled on<br />

our hlHhwBys died needle88ly, Ttlls only<br />

goes to prove thht thc Brrtomoblle is rnore<br />

deedly than all the weapons of war vhen<br />

not properly hendled. And the6e flB'ure8<br />

do not Inclucle the mllltons of p€r8on6<br />

who hrve b€en Injured ln trartlc accldent$<br />

who ere permenently <strong>and</strong> totelly<br />

dlsebled, thereby becomlng a burden on<br />

thelr fEmllles.<br />

Thls ls a prob.lcm of nBtlonel lmpoltance<br />

End f Em convlrlced thht lt c$h<br />

only be solved by. Federal loglslatlon End<br />

the full coopereilon of all FederEl, gtEte.<br />

End locEl of[ctats. Every clriver ln the<br />

country must also be rnbde to underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the grBve responslbtllty he a88umed lvh€n<br />

he set'e b€hlnd the wheel.<br />

Todey I lntroduced B resolutlon celllng<br />

upon the President to dedlgnete the Bunday<br />

belore Labor Day eech yffir aE "NEtlone.l<br />

Trafrc Accldent Prevmilon Day,"<br />

to remlnd Bll our clttzens of the tou ln<br />

llves md property tEken by trefrc eccldents<br />

<strong>and</strong> urge thelr partic,petton ln B<br />

contltruous cempElgn to preyent trafnc<br />

accidentr. I hope thls mee8ure wlu be<br />

psssd b€fore thts Congro$s adjourrls.<br />

In prodlBlmlnF "NBilon0.l Trsfilc Ac,<br />

cldent Prevention Day" I AIn sufe ure<br />

Presldent would emphaslze that thl8 lE<br />

lrot, Just I dEy for cs,relul drlvlng, but<br />

ls to serue Eg e Drectdelrt for every dsy ln<br />

t"ttr year. We heve chmn ttre Eunday<br />

before Isbor Day becauEe thls long hollday<br />

ws€kend too oltcfl ends ln ..Ctcrnal<br />

rest" for many people. 1n6tefld of fiie day<br />

of rert from lEbor tt, l! dc.ltncd to b€.<br />

Mr. Chalmen, ru I Beld betore, thls<br />

blll wlll noo Frevent B carelesa drlver<br />

from havlng 6n Eccldent but tt 16 one blg<br />

stetl trr what I hopc wiU b€ B conunulna<br />

cempBiFn to Btop slEughter by Buto_<br />

moblle <strong>and</strong> I urge Bll my colleBaus t{<br />

Eupport lt.<br />

Mr. cn BERT. Mr. chatrmBn, I support<br />

the Natlonel TrBfrc Bnd Motor Vehlcles<br />

Safety Act of t900. I com$end<br />

the Commltt€€ on InterstBtr bnd Fbr*<br />

elgn commerce <strong>and</strong> lts dl8tln8nrl8hed<br />

chahman. the genuernan trorn We!t.<br />

Virginle [Mr. 8iloornsl, for Eo complet€ly<br />

nUlng B ne€d thst eltecta ao ttranv<br />

ol us.<br />

The automoblle tB the dbuy cornp8n_<br />

lon of mlUloru ot Amerlcf,h8 who spend<br />

d,E much ume In thdlr c8r ss they do In<br />

thelr homes. The bulldln8 codes ol al-<br />

Itlost every locellty ptotect u In our<br />

home8- It 14 Bbout iltne we lrf,ve a code<br />

to protect us ln our eutomoblles. tdo.<br />

Thls leglslstion hEs been too long tn<br />

comlng, end I hope we Bee B slmlflcBnt<br />

lncreas In the astely of our automob|ler.<br />

I Bm BwBre thrt only a frBctlon<br />

ol rutot|roblli s0old6nt| oilr bG rttrtbut€d<br />

to faulty equlpment-though more<br />

thEn we have hltherto been led to belleve-but<br />

one unnecessary death lB tdo<br />

4sny, <strong>and</strong> the destrucilon ot llfe hBE<br />

been t€rrlble.<br />

So I Em glad we Bre flnally setttng<br />

lelety $tsndBrd6 lor our automoblle<br />

mBnulacturer8. I Egal'J commend tt\e<br />

Committee on InterstEte nnd Foretgrl<br />

Commerce snd lt6 chslrmatr lor rrportlng<br />

out En excellent blll

(3) Upon the flltn8 ol thc petltlon relerred<br />

to ln pire8reph (1) of thts subectlon, th6<br />

Court shall h{ve JHrlBdlctlon to revle* the<br />

Order ln occordrrnce wlth Eecttorr lO of tho<br />

Admtutqtrettve Frocedure Act (6 U,S.C. 1009)<br />

<strong>and</strong> to BrEnt Bpproprl&h<br />

EUCh aectlOn,<br />

rellal Bs provlded ln<br />

(4) Ttre judEment of the court alllrhln8 or<br />

B€ttlng slde, ln whole or ln part, Bny tUCh<br />

arder ol the liccretsry Etrsll be ltnal, Eulllect<br />

to revlew by the supr€m6 Court of the Unlt€d<br />

8taft8 upon certlorul of cortlflc&uott f,B provlded<br />

ln rGcilon 116{ ot ililr t8 ol th6 Unlt.d<br />

Etrt6r Codr.<br />

(6) Ahy rctlofl lnrtltuted under thb rub-<br />

Eectlon ahall survlv€, notwlthttalrdtn8 sDy<br />

chair8e ln thG persn occupylDg tfie otnco ol<br />

Becret8ry dr eny vec&ncy lh Euch once.<br />

{6) Tho romedlff provld€d lor ln ulls !ub-<br />

&cuon Bhall Fo ltr rddlilotr to oDd rot tD<br />

aubsiltuuon for My othGr r6HGdld provtdad<br />

by law,<br />

- (b) A certtflod copy ot thr tran8crlpt ot<br />

tn6 record <strong>and</strong> ptoceGdhEt undsr tht! ttrtlon<br />

rhalt b6 luDfihad by thi Biorut#y td<br />

ehy lntlrortgd pety at hI| r6qu6rt, <strong>and</strong> peymeDt<br />

ol tho cott thcrmr, sDd Ehau ba adfilulbl.<br />

ta EDy cltmlEdl. lrolulon Ol ,mportj,<br />

ot oth6r ptHGdlnl artdng und6r ot tn<br />

re8pect ol th-t8 flile, lrro8pecilve ol whether<br />

proceedlDgf, wlth r6tp6ct to the ord€r h8vo<br />

FrevloqEly beol lnltJBt<br />

under aubaecttoD (A),<br />

d or bocomG llnal<br />

sE, 106, (al The <strong>Sec</strong>ribry ahEII mhduct<br />

Iesei+rch, te6tJn8, dGvelopment, Bhd tfBtnlng<br />

llocc8asry to carry oul ths purpoq6{ oI thll<br />

tll,le, llrcludlng, but not llmlt{d tr<br />

(r) collectln8 dets lroh any Boulco lor<br />

the purpose of determtnlng tho rolauoruhlp<br />

bgbweell hotor Vehtclo qt hotor vslrlcl;<br />

equlprneut pcrformnn{id charactetl8ilc8 [rld<br />

1A) acclderrts involvlr8 motor vehlcleE, <strong>and</strong><br />

(B) tlle occurrsnce ol deeth. Or personBl ln-<br />

JUry re8ultlnB lrorn guch SdcldentA;<br />

(r) procurltg (by rre6otta6ob or oth.r-<br />

Wl6e) erF+rlmcuttrl end other mobr vchlcl$<br />

or nrotor vehlcle equ-lphent lor rere8rch &nd<br />

t6Etlng purlb8es:<br />

(3 ) selltng or oiherylre dlsposrn8 of teEt<br />

molor vehlclfr end rtrotor V€hlcle equlpmeht<br />

6nd relrhbumlng lhe prftecda ot Cuch mle<br />

or {l4lrcaal lnb the current Epplo,Frt8ilon<br />

svallqtllo lor ilre puquo ol c4rrylng out thl8<br />

tltle-<br />

(b) T'he <strong>Sec</strong>retary tE sutllorlrBd to condwt<br />

resorrch, t68tlnE, devetorpment, End tf,Bln.<br />

ln8 E authorl4d td bs Brled out by eub_<br />

8ftllon (a) of thle trouon by hsktnF gr*nt6<br />

lor the c<strong>and</strong>ucf ol auch rffiErch, tArttng,<br />

develqmtnt, <strong>and</strong> trBlninB td Stets!, lbtdra<br />

ahte oBenclm, arrd noDpioflt lnrtltuttonr.<br />

sEc- 107, Tho S6cret8ry lB authorlusd to,<br />

advl8e, affiIEt, strd @ol*r*te *tth, other Fsderal<br />

dep{rtmelt4 <strong>and</strong> a8enctfr, <strong>and</strong> rjtBte End<br />

other lntereEt4d publlc Bnd prtvat€ egomtGr,<br />

In th8 plArrnlng <strong>and</strong> developrnent of-<br />

( 1) mobr vehlcl€ adety Bt<strong>and</strong>ards;<br />

(2) methods lor ln8p€ctlng<br />

determlnc slmpllanc6 wtth<br />

AElcty Bt<strong>and</strong>erdc.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Erilng to<br />

motor vehlclr<br />

SE. lO8. la) No persn BhElt-<br />

(1) nlanultrdure tor a8lc, BeIl, olter lof<br />

6Ale, or lntroducs o! dellver lor lntroducilon<br />

ln lntcrEtate cemmerco, or Import lnto th€<br />

Untbd Stf,ttr, any motof yehlclc or ltffi ol<br />

moLrr vehlcle Equlphef,t mnnusctred on<br />

ol Atter the dat4 arly Bppllc4ble FederEl motor<br />

v€hlcle af,lety stsndard tRke8 efroct under<br />

thlB tltle unlcBE lt lE ln conlorhlty wlth iuch<br />

rtllrrdtrrd except q provlded tn tubafttJon (b)<br />

of thls Bcctk)n;<br />

(?) letl or relu$e eccffi to or copylng ot<br />

trcordE, or fnll to rnake re.I4rta or pruvlde lnlorDratlon,<br />

N requlrod Urrder sectlon ll3<br />

<strong>and</strong> (c) i<br />

(bl<br />

(3) lsu€ s cErtlflcf,td, to the efitrt thst E<br />

motor vehlcle or ltem ol hotor vehlcle equlp-<br />

Bsrrt cenlomrs to sU sppllcabls federal<br />

mokr vehlcle a4lety Bt<strong>and</strong>ffds, lf EUsh IErmn<br />

h tltg derclrc ol alu cse *mwB or h&<br />

ref,mn to know that such certlicat€ ls lalse<br />

or mlsleadlng ln a meterlel rspftt,<br />

(b)(l) F$sCr*Fh (r) ol subaectlon (e)<br />

Ehall tut apply to the cale. the ofie! far aa.ls.<br />

or th6 lntroduttlon or dellv.ry for Introductlon<br />

In Inter8tat4 commeice ol any mot{r<br />

vehlcl€ or motor yshlclG cqulpm€nt after the<br />

llrEt puchtre ol lt tn Eood falth lor purposeg<br />

othtt thm reEdle. In order to ffiEure a contlnulnB<br />

<strong>and</strong> ellfttlve nstlonel treffic Ealety<br />

prcBrm, lt ts the poltcy ol Congre4s to eucoursg€<br />

End strenBthEn the enlorcemtnt o{<br />

Etstr ln8lsctloh ol ucd motdr vehlcl6r.<br />

ThsrolorG to thBt.nd ihE EklctBry thall<br />

mnduct a thorquEh study End lnvfftlEatlon<br />

b dottffilDs thc Adequacy ot motor vehlclG<br />

Eafety stBndsds <strong>and</strong> motor vehlcl€ lnApetlon<br />

rrqulr6m6ntr <strong>and</strong> prmadurft appltcdblc<br />

td uBed motor vehlclc. ln ffh BtatG, ud thi<br />

afftt ot prcgrffi authortrGd by tits tlu6<br />

up6tr Ewh itgrdudE. requlr€menta, <strong>and</strong> prc<br />

c.dru.! lot u*d metnr vohlclea, Etrd relbtt<br />

to fr'n8res s amh s FmctlcBbls but [dt<br />

lBtcr tbsn onG y6s fltff th6 dBtr ol cD4tmaBt<br />

ol thlr tltlG. th6 fGtulti ol luch 8tudy,<br />

Mtl tftorlmcndatlona lor Buch addltlon8l<br />

loglrlatlon E h6 d6e[r4 necesary ft, carry<br />

out ihe purFo.lr el thl. Aot, A. roon r<br />

practlc&blo Alttr tho rubmlsrton ol aUCh la.<br />

port, but no lqter than on6 y6s from tha<br />

datt of EuhnlBlon ol Euch reFdrt. the Strrstarlr,<br />

altar coEulbtlon wlth th6 Qounctl<br />

<strong>and</strong> auch lntefBted publlc -<strong>and</strong> prlvatc aSencl$<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eroupt & )16 dertu advlqsble, Fhf,ll<br />

st*bltsh unlform Federal rctor vchlcl6<br />

ralety rt8ndflrdr appttc4bl6 to ell utdd m{}t(r<br />

vehlcles, Such Et8nderds shall bo €xprc88ed<br />

lD terms ol motor vehtcle BaJ6ty tf,rform-<br />

McE- Ttro S€cr€tary ls authorltsd to Bmend<br />

gr revoke such atendard! puEuant to thlr<br />

Act.<br />

(3) PBrsgraph (l) ol BubsfttJon (a) shBU<br />

Dot spply to any per$on wtto 6tabllshe8 that<br />

h6 dld not know or hev€ retuon tp know ln<br />

th! arerclao ol du6 care tlrat tuch vehlcld<br />

ot ltdh ol hotdr vehlcls e(lulpment lE not<br />

ln cohlorEUty with appuceblG F6deral motor<br />

vehlcla salety ataDdarda, m td Any l*tBon<br />

who, prtot to Frrch nr8t prrrchme, holdi I<br />

certlflcsto lsusd by the m8nulqctutet or<br />

lmporter of such motor vehlcle or motor vehtcls<br />

equlpment, td the efiect that Euch<br />

v6hlcle or equtpment conform8 to ell eppllcablc<br />

F6delal motor vehlcle Eslety Et8nduds,<br />

unles Euch pGrEon kDOWE thAt SUCh yehlclo<br />

ot €qulpment doeE hot ao conlom.<br />

(3) A motor vehlclo or ltem of motor vehl*<br />

cle 6qulpment ofrered lor lrilportatlon ln vlolstlon<br />

ol pare8rsph r(1) o! Aubscctlon (a)<br />

ah8ll bc refured ddml8Bton tnto the Unltad<br />

Bt$t4a under Jolnt re8ulatloD8 l4ued by th€<br />

Sosctary ol the Tre6rnry Bnd tha Sscretsry:<br />

except thBt the <strong>Sec</strong>retsly of the TteBeury Bnd<br />

ths 8€cretary may, by such re8ul8tloB, pro-<br />

VldG tor ButhorlElnB ths lmporhtlon ol tuclt<br />

motor vehlclG or ltem of Hotot vehlcle equlpheDt<br />

lnb the Unlted 8t4te8 upon auclr term!<br />

ancl con.lltlons (lncludln8 th6 lurntEhlrl8 ol<br />

I bond) EB hey Eppear io tlreH approprlat€<br />

tO InEure that env sUCh motor vehlcle or<br />

Item ol motor vehlcle equlpment wul b6<br />

brouBht lnto conlormlty vtth Eny appltcabla<br />

licdaral hotor vehlcte EAIety atsndard prelcrlb.d<br />

under thlF tlilo. or wtll be cxportcd<br />

ot abBndonod to the Unlted 8t8tsr.<br />

({) Ttr6 Bccratsry of the Tte8sury <strong>and</strong> th6<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retBry may, by Jolnt reBuletlona, perhlt<br />

the tempotflry lmportatton ot Ahy motor<br />

vEhlcle or tt€m ol motot vehtclo equipment<br />

Eltcr tho ilrst pulchRrs ol lt ln Bmd lf,lth lor<br />

purpffiB othe! than tessle,<br />

16) Psagfrph (l) ol Eubsectloh (tr) Bhall<br />

not spply ln the cse of I motor vehlcle ot<br />

Item of mol,or yehlcle equlpment tnt€nded<br />

golely lS exfEft, Bnd Eo labelGd Or tag8:ed on<br />

thG vchlcle or ltem ltEr:tf srrd oD the outstds<br />

ol the contatntr, ll eny, shlch l3 etported-<br />

(c) Compltence wlth Bny Fed.ral motor<br />

vehlclc $fety atihdard lsued undet thts<br />

tltl6 dffi not srempt any !6tffi lrom Uy<br />

uEbUlty hder ffiffi lsv.<br />


I*;ffi<br />

-<br />

SEc. l(8.<br />

erFE?-ffilon<br />

(e) Whdrer vlolf,tm iny<br />

iui. or nny rcguierron<br />

prorl'<br />

i*ued<br />

theteunder, shf,ll be Eubject to a clvll pennlty<br />

of not tp erceed St,000 lor eMh Euctr<br />

vlolntlon. such vlaltrilon of e provlsloD ol<br />

Fd.tlon 108 or reslllntlonF lRRued thpreundcr,<br />

xhnll conAtttut6 s rep4r4tn vlalRtlon Elth<br />

rcspect to ench nrotor vchlcle or lkm ol<br />

hotor vehlcle equlpment or wlth rspect to<br />

rnch fnllure or relusfil to allot or Drrform<br />

nn sct rrqurad thctGb!, axcapt tlrAt tbe<br />

nljrlnrufir cllll ]*Drlts<br />

I{OO.OOO for An{ relAtd<br />

sbEll not ixcfrd<br />

sfrler af rlol$tlons,<br />

tbl Any Fuch cllll FEnalty mf,y b. coh,<br />

prcmlled bs the Strrrtilr. ttrt M{)unt ol<br />

Fuch Fex&lti. Eba! fllrslif delaEtln{.d. or<br />

House Debate<br />

lhto cdhlorm8nr wtth spplldbla Fi'dcill<br />

itAndard8: Prorllded, ho@rudr. Thrt thr dl6trlbutor<br />

or deqJer prftedt wlth rruonablG<br />

1l. :---aU-:: 16:T*l ;F-r. :i- CL.EF:. m:sr hsJ<br />

br drductrd from ant srh5 oFinF bJi thr<br />

Unlt+d StBttF td thf pfrson chArged<br />

Sic, ll0. (a) Tho Unltrd Stf,teE dtstrtct<br />

torlrk EhEll havc Jurlsdlctlon, lor Ctute<br />

shown ^nd rubJtct to the provlrlont ol ru16<br />

65 (e) Bnd (bl ol thc Federtrl ftuter ol Clvll<br />

Procedrlrf;. to rf,ttraln vlolf,tlohs ol thlF tltlE<br />

trpoh<br />

Stitct<br />

fEtltlon by thf hlrproprlntE UDlted<br />

et,torney o! th. Attorney OenerRI on<br />

bthalf of the Unlted 8trl,+s whenever<br />

Fracttcnblf,, the.<strong>Sec</strong>rrt8ry rhnll f,lv. notlca<br />

to RnJ" person EEAInfrt whom An sctlon lor<br />

lnJun.tlve rellef lB contempl8td End attord<br />

hlm ^n opportuhtty to prcntht hlr vlcwr,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, axccpt ln the cMe of a knowlnB <strong>and</strong><br />

sltllql vlolatlon. f,hall nfiotd hlm rtaFon&ble<br />

opportunlty to Echtevc compllsncc. Thc<br />

lellrrrr to Elvr ruch notlca trnd Rfrord luch<br />

oplxrrtunlty nh4ll hot prccludc the BrantlnF<br />

oI EFproprlAtG rcllel.<br />

( b) In Rny prtrccdlnB lor crlmlnal contempt<br />

lor vlolAtlon ol f,n lnjunctloh or rG-<br />

6tralhltrB ordcr l!!ued und.r thlt rfttlon,<br />

whlch vlolatlon alaa cohEt,ltuteF E vlolatlon<br />

ol thls tltl€, trlel thall tje by th. court ot,<br />

ulbn dchEnd of the accused, by a Jury.<br />

Sueh trlAl AhAll be conducted tf, dccordtnce<br />

wlth thc prf,ctlc€ Rnd prtr?durq appllcablF<br />

In the ctre ol Froceedlng8 Bubtect to thr<br />

provlslonr of rule 4?(fr) of thf; Federf,l RuleE<br />

ol CrlmlnBl Procedure.<br />

(c) In Bll crlmlnal or lnJunctlon t'rfterdlnEs<br />

ldr the Anlercolnent or to te8trnln !lalatlonH<br />

of thl8 tltlr,Eubpens lor wlthhFeF<br />

who are reqlrlred t4 nttrnd A court ol the<br />

Unltfd StRts tn sny dlstrlct may run tnto<br />

trnv ol,hcr dlstrlft In snv irreh prtreedlnS.<br />

sEC. lll. ltr) If Any nrotor vehlcle or ltcm<br />

Ui motor vel:i lr. eqrllpment 16 dptermlnpd<br />

not to corlorm to appltcotrlc Fedar{t mobr<br />

vehlcle sRlety 6tsndf,rds, o! contf,llls tr delect<br />

whlch relxks b nt{rk}r vchtcle srfetv, trftcr<br />

tlre snle ol FIch vehlcle or ltem ol eqltlpmcnt<br />

by A mRnultrcturer or a dlstrltjutor to<br />

s allstHbrltor or r derler trnd prlor ln thc<br />

Enln ol Buch vehlclc or ltem r)f erlulpment<br />

bY srlch dlstrlb\rtor or deiller i<br />

.<br />

ll I ThF mirrrrrir(:trrrpr or (llAl,rlhlrtor. As<br />

the crFe hxl bf, shlll lnllncdltrtalv repur.<br />

f;hasr! such vehlalc or ltrm ol motdr vehlclt<br />

rqulpment trom stlch dlstrlbutor or denlor<br />

Ft the prlce pntrl by such dlstrJhutor ot dell'<br />

er, IJlrrs rlt trirnFPortjrtl()n chnrgfs lnlolled<br />

ftnrl a rFxhn{blc relmbrtr$rmcllt ol not lcFa<br />

th8n 1 per ccntum per month ol Etrch prlce<br />

prld prortrted from the df,te ol notlce of Euch<br />

honconfom4nce to the (lrite ol repurchLce<br />

by the mnnutacturer or dlstrlblrtort or<br />

(2) In the cue ol nlotor lehlcleF. the<br />

hflnufHcturer or dl8trlbut4r, ffi the cr$a nray<br />

bc, At l)lA owrr expend, Aholl lmmedlRtelv<br />

lrrnllsh the purchnslnR dlEtrtbutor or deAIcr<br />

the rcquired cotlfonnlnR ptrrt or partR or<br />

.qulFmeht lor lhFtillhtton by tlre dlstrltilttor<br />

or dcxlcr on or ln Euch vehlcle Rnd lar the<br />

lnstallRtlon tnvolved thc mf,nutnf,tlrrrr shall<br />

rptrnlrurse such dlFtrlbtltot or dcaler lor the<br />

rca.qonible valuo ol Euch ln8tflllatlof, ptus R<br />

rejrs)nxb)e relmburFelrlent ol not lea8 than<br />

1 per ccntlm per mdnl'h ol tha mrnufac_<br />

ltrier's or dlstrltjutc)r's 6ell'nE ltrlcc prorf,ted<br />

dlllgence wtth tht lDEtillBtlon Blter the rtqutre{l<br />

pBrt, partr or €qulpmrnt aro recelv.d-<br />

( b ) In the event any manuf#twtr or dlltrlbilhr<br />

uhAll rplrrBr b cmFIy dth thc requlremcnh<br />

ol pRrs8Trph. (l) End (21 ol<br />

6ubffitlon ( R ) , th.n tht dlrtrlbutor or d.rler.<br />

E thi ca* hay t[, to wbom luch honconforln8<br />

vehlcle ff Flrrlpment hs btrn<br />

sld m^t- brln8 Eult s*nlnst such manulEturrr<br />

or dlsLrlbubr ln inl' cll8trlct cotrrt ot<br />

the Unlt+d St{t+s In tho dlttrtct In whlch<br />

Fdd m4nutMturer or dlstrlburcr<br />

1!:ou::d oi 5& an rdn: qi:o)t<br />

r6ld€.<br />

Hpftt<br />

or<br />

lo<br />

t:c FollE: :n mntTrrsF, n:d rlt:: rffiler<br />

thn dama8r bt hlm suEtalnrd, ss rrll & All<br />

murt cffit pln4 rphFonsb)o flttorhcy! iffi.<br />

Any sctlon brouEht, pursuAnt LJ ihl. Afttlon<br />

ahBll bo forever bered unles fficncaid<br />

slthln thre ycarr Bft4t t,he cEuse o( Bctton<br />

ahill hav6 accruod.<br />

(c) Th6 value of illch lnatallatlonr rnd<br />

ruch le8enablt<br />

In sub8trtlon<br />

Elmburffieilti e<br />

(a) al t,hls sRtlon<br />

rpcclnrd<br />

rhtrll b.<br />

ilxcd by hutll8l B8rtrment ol the partlE, tr<br />

f&lllnB such AFr..meht. by the court puriu-<br />

[nt tr) the provlBlon! of sub4ctlon (b) Ol<br />

thl8.trttoh.<br />

BEc, 111. (a) ThG EEr.hry<br />

to mnduct ruch IneF+cf,ton s<br />

lt authorlE.d<br />

hty H bRtr-<br />

Ery b cnlorcc Fcder4l vehlcle trstrty ttAndtrdr<br />

fitrbltrhcd undGr thlr iltlc. fl. ihtrll<br />

lurnlrh tbt Attornty Clthpral Rnd, whin ap-<br />

Pmfrrlah, thi E.FFtEry of the Tr€uury iny<br />

lnlometlon obtalned lndlctrttnE noncoffipll.<br />

rnct wlth rrrf;h itarrdArdr for approprlit!<br />

stloh.<br />

(b) Evtry manufnctutct ol fiotor vrhlclcr<br />

<strong>and</strong> motor vehlcle rqulpm?nt AhEll cqtBblllh<br />

<strong>and</strong> milnteln lor E ftatonRblc tlmc ruch<br />

tkotd! n! may b6 rcuonAhly naccEiry to<br />

?nable th6.5ftt€tEry to detemtn. whcthrr<br />

such mrnultciurct hEt Ectid of lt actln8<br />

tn compll8ncc wtth thli tltlc <strong>and</strong> motor vrhlcle<br />

8trfety stahderd! pre8crlbed purEuEht to<br />

thlE tltle <strong>and</strong> FhRll, upon reque6t of 8n<br />

otliccr or ehployee duly deBlgnstcd by thc<br />

Seerctary, make appmprlate rtportt end<br />

pelmlt 6uch olncer or cmployee to lntPect<br />

Bpproprlste bmks. pRpaE, rccordg, <strong>and</strong> dtruhentd.<br />

Fo! tho purp$e! ol thtB tfttlon,<br />

lhe trrnrA rrp{)rl4',<br />

'b(x)kF", 'pxpart', 'rftordi.<br />

end<br />

trom tht dete ol notlce ol urrctl nonconloffiftnce<br />

to the dBtc Euch vehtcle la brouBht<br />

"dtrument4"<br />

thslt br llmlted to<br />

dFslFrr, cnFlnefflnE, (lrrnllt,v rnntrol, Ahlpmcnt<br />

ind fftclvtn8 dRtR thf,t R'e rtl.vaf,t<br />

to detcmlnlnE whcthFr motor yehlelf, rAfcty<br />

lbhd4rds prf;Bcrlbed purauant to thlB tltle<br />

src compllEd wtth trr the producilon ol motor<br />

vihlcleE or ltem8 ol motar vehlcle equlpment<br />

whlch hale been or arc belnB prodrlced<br />

for sele,<br />

(tl Evort hbhulactutet ol motor vehlclra<br />

Bnd motor veblclc oqrrlpment shall Frovtd.<br />

to the <strong>Sec</strong>tetary Eilch perlerhanc. dats <strong>and</strong><br />

other technlcil dFta telRterl t() per-formance<br />

End Eslety eE may bG rrqulred to catfy out<br />

thc purpdtcs of thl8 Act, The fiRretnry lB<br />

authorlr.ed td requlro tbe menuf8ctrrrEr tn<br />

Blve Euch notlllcntton ol auch petlorrnAnce<br />

End t+cbnlcal deta st the tlfie ol ort8tnel<br />

purchsre to the nrtt petion who Purch8Ees E<br />

motor vGhtcle or ltem of equlpmcht tor<br />

purposes othrr thRn resHle, eE hc determlner<br />

npcp6thry to crffy orr the prlrpoEe8 ol lhlA<br />

Act.<br />

{d) All lnlormfitlon teFottpd to or otherwlsc<br />

obtnlnEd bv the <strong>Sec</strong>retery al hl6 repro-<br />

Aantnttve purstlInl, to suhseatlon (b) whlch<br />

lltla,rntntlgn c{JhtirlnF or relf,tp6 to a tlarle F6crei<br />

or othcr mnttcr tefcffffl to ln rectJon<br />

t0O5 ol tlt,le l8 ol the Tlnltod Statis ColE<br />

frhnll be conFldered confldentlnl lor the purpGc<br />

ol th8t BPct,loh, elcept thnt such lnfor'<br />

matlon hsy be dlFc)oBed tq other olflcera or<br />

cmp)ovpEt concerrred wlth ctrrrylng ouf thll<br />

tltlp or whpn ralevnnt tn 8ny pttracdtng un'<br />

dpr thls tltle. NothlnE ln thls seetlon ehnll<br />

ruthorl?e the wlthholdtnE ol Informatlon by

lffi Itld ot trotrbovlnE vlolatlobs) *tr lndlvld.<br />

EIFL"euu or pnvlie8€ Eo operate a motdr<br />

vehlclo.<br />

"$Ec,<br />

t, ODIy Bt the requst of a Stste, fi<br />

a Fedoral depertDeEt or BgGDCy, qbell tho<br />

gesretsry (uibl5h lniorffittloD coDtalued ID<br />

the register e8tBbllshed u[der the flr6t 6trtlqn<br />

o! thlg Act, efld Buch Inlormatlotr shall<br />

bs lurnlshed only to the reqqeEtlng Ferty<br />

aDd only wtth fespect to aD lndlvlduel eppllcent<br />

for a motor vehlcle operctor'E llcenso or<br />

pernul.<br />

"SEc.3.<br />

AA UEed ln thts Act, thc terE<br />

'$tete'lncludes<br />

esch dl the geveral Stfltee,<br />

the Commonwealth ol Fuerto Etco, the Dtsttlct<br />

ol Colurlble, Ouam, the VbBIE IslsndE,<br />

tho Cinal zone, snd AmerlcaD Samo8."<br />

Mr. STAGGERfI (lnt+truptlng the<br />

rea.dlnB). Mr. chalmEn. I ask r.nanlmouf<br />

consent that the cornnritte€<br />

ahendment be consldered as resd.<br />

printed ln lhe REcoRD, <strong>and</strong> open to<br />

trmendnent at any lFint-<br />

The CHAIRMAN. Is t"here objection<br />

bo the request of the gentleman frotn<br />

Virginia?<br />

Trhere waB no objectlon.<br />


Mf. STAGGEIiS. Mr. Chalrmen.<br />

there are several committe amendments<br />

which I should like to offer End h8ve<br />

reed <strong>and</strong> consldered at thlE tlme.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The clerk wlll remrt<br />

the ffrst mmmlttre amendments.<br />

The Clerk read E$ follows;<br />

Amcndment8 ofrgred by Mr, $T^ccEE: On<br />

pBge 39, Une 16, strtke<br />

"lssue<br />

out<br />

& certlfl-<br />

Et€," end insert lD lleu thersl the followlnEi<br />

"fRll<br />

to issue a certlflcate required by<br />

erction I14. ()r l$ue a certlflctrte",<br />

On pege 39, llne ll, strtke the pertod <strong>and</strong><br />

lnsert tD lleu thersf B semlcoloE,<br />

Ot p8go 39, troedl8tely 8lt€r UnE 11.<br />

lnseri th6 lollowtng;<br />

"(4)<br />

l&11 to fl4lEb trotlflHtlon ol sy<br />

defrct N requLrHl by Eectlon Il3.<br />

Mr. STACiGERfi. Mr. Chalman.<br />

these are only perfecting Emendments<br />

whlch we feel should be lns€rted ln the<br />

blll. They make notlncatlon end certlflcstlon<br />

subject to the clvll t€st.<br />

Mr. SPR.INGER. Mr. Chslrma,n, we<br />

have no obJection to the amendments.<br />

The CHAIRMAN.<br />

the Emendments.<br />

The questlon ls on<br />

The emendments were agreed to.<br />

The CHAIFTMAN. The ClerE wlll report<br />

the next commlttee amendment,3.<br />

Ttre Clerk read as follows:<br />

Afterrdmenta ofieted by Mr- 6dAccns: On<br />

poEe :lg, Ilne6 14 8nd r5, Etftkq out "Aa requlred<br />

rEder sectlon lr2(b) sd (c);" ffid<br />

764<br />

lnEert ln lleu ther@l ttre lollowtns:<br />

"or tgll<br />

ol refuso ts ptrmlt entry or lspecttoD, s<br />

requlrcd undor SHtton Il?;"<br />

OD page 46. Etrtkr out llne 15 ffid SU th8t<br />

Iollows down t^IuouBh md tncludlng lltrc 6<br />

on page 4? Bnd tnsert ta lteu tbergot th6<br />

lollowlnB:<br />

"(b) For FwImEeE ol eDJorcrment of tbb<br />

tlile, orficcrE or employe* duty deslgnqt.d,<br />

by the SFseHy. uIrcD preEentlfls hpFropflAte<br />

credeDtl4la arrd B wrltten notlcq to tJr6<br />

omer, op€rator, o! a8ent lD clrs8e, ue Euthorlzcd<br />

( I ) to €ntsr, at rclmmble ilEgl<br />

any fsctory, werehorrae, or Ftf,bllabs.nt ln<br />

whlctr mot4f vehlcle8 or lt?ro ol hotar vablcle<br />

equlpment Ee mmuldtEed, or held ltr<br />

lntroductlon lntd lnter6t4t+ $ffiercs or are<br />

held for sale Elter such latroductlon: end<br />

(3) to lnspcct, at re#onabl€ tlEeE aDd,<br />

wlihln re@Bbls .llElt! Md l[ B r8asnBblo<br />

menDe!, auc.h f#tory, wArchoui, or estBbllShment-<br />

Esch auch lnslEctlon Ehall be<br />

ffieb€Gd aDd coEplgtcd wlth EsdnEblc<br />

promptnfts,<br />

''(c) Every m8Dulacturer ol motor vehlclil<br />

<strong>and</strong> motar vehlcle equtpmeDt shall estsblbh<br />

<strong>and</strong> melDtatn such recqrds. hskc AUCb 16portE.<br />

EDd prorlde such lDiomatton u tha<br />

Sl*retqry Ul{y reEEotrirbly requlre to enBbl6<br />

hlm tO deternrlile whebher Fuclr manulacturer<br />

h.t ected or l8 actlDg lD coDpllance<br />

wlth tbls tltle <strong>and</strong> hotor velrlcle EEfety<br />

st<strong>and</strong>erds plescllbed pursueDt to thls tltl6<br />

ond shrll, upon requ$t ol en officer or emplo,'ee<br />

duly deslBnRted by the $ecretary, per-<br />

Inlt such oflcer or {lnrployce to lnspect approprlate<br />

b(Dk6, papers, rtrords, <strong>and</strong> document€<br />

relevant to determlnlng wtrether Buch maoufktuler<br />

hBE eCttd of lB BCilng lIt COmpllAnC6<br />

wlth thts tttle ffid motof vehtcte s*(€ty 6tabdsrdB<br />

prtrcribed pursuant tO thlB tttle."<br />

Od pilge {?. llDe 7, atrlke out "(c) " <strong>and</strong> lnsert'ld)"<br />

On page 47, ure 17, Etrlke out "(d).' end<br />

ln*rt<br />

'(e) '<br />

On prge 47. llne IE, rft€r<br />

"(b)"<br />

tnsert "or<br />

{c)<br />

Mr. SPRINGE5I. Mf. Chdimen. i.s the<br />

chairmarr of the conmittee going to<br />

ftdke En explBnatlon of ttre$e amendmcnts?<br />

Mr. $TAGGm"S. Mr, Ch&irm8n, f<br />

infended to sy that thls Ianguage ls ccntained<br />

in the btll whlch pffised the other<br />

body. We belleve perhaps lt will<br />

strengthen the bill to soEre degree. F'or<br />

thal reason we h&ve asked for lt to be<br />

insert€d.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. chalrmBn, lt ls<br />

my underst<strong>and</strong>lng-&nd I thtnk I have<br />

read lt before, but I wEnt to be sure thst<br />

this ls what vre are tslktng about-tllls<br />

is the SenBt€ lanBua8e completely End<br />

no more. Is thBt correct?<br />

Mr. STAGCE^S. Idenilca.l,<br />

IVII. SPRINGE. lile have no objectlofl<br />

to tt.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The question ls on<br />

the cottrmittee amendments.<br />

The commlttee adendments were<br />

agrF,td to.<br />

The CHAfRMAN. The Clerk wlU<br />

read the next commttt+e srnendfient.<br />

The ClerE resd Bs foflows:<br />

Amendments otered by M!. ETAGE3: C)D<br />

page 56, llDe 23, alt€r "Ehall'r lDSert a (]rj,l]ry<br />

Md thQ f()lloFltr8: "through BtsDdsrdA Stabu8hed<br />

uDder iltle I of thts Act,".<br />

On page 56, llue 1, strlke out "Such" ard<br />

ell that tollow doffi tbrough ths pGrlod otr<br />

UEe 3 ol p6{e E? ard, tEert l[ lteu tb.ermli<br />

"such orddr shsll sp4lly th6 dBto such Bystem<br />

l8 td ta]ie efltrt whtch shall not br<br />

Eoone! tha[ 180 .lcy8 or ltrter thm I yBr lrcH<br />

the dBte Buch order lB lsucd."<br />

The amendmente were agreecl to.<br />


Mr. SPEINGER. Mr. ChalfmBn. f<br />

olfer an mendmsnt,<br />

The Clerl( read as followg;<br />

A$endhedt ofiered by Mr. gPEsoB: 04<br />

paSe 34, llng 1{, Etrlko out "gtrret8ry,"<br />

ffial<br />

lD*rt I[ Ileu thereol the lollowln8:<br />

"Fre8ldent<br />

vlth thc advlce ud cohBebt ol thr<br />

SsEBtp-"-<br />

Mr. SPRII{GER. trtr. Chalrman,. |lt<br />

r.lew of thls being, f thlnk, onty one ol<br />

two smendltents, I would llk6 to Bsk<br />

umlmou consent that I be allowed to<br />

proceed for 3 addltlonsl mlnutes.<br />

The CH.{IRMAN. Ia there obje(rtlon<br />

to the request of the gentleilan from<br />

Illihols?<br />

T'here wa"B no objestlon.<br />


Mr. SPRINGER. Mf. Chalffitn, thls<br />

hEs to do wlth the Advlsory Co'lncll. We<br />

leel thst the formEtlon of the Advlmry<br />

Councll was one of the reEl importflnt<br />

parts or thl8 leslslatlon, Thls councll<br />

ls composed of 13 members, oI which one<br />

is the chRirman. Now, At the beginnin8<br />

the origil)El legislition hf,d tire provlslon<br />

as I want it ln lt. MBy I sey thls<br />

ls a rBiher urlque sltufltlon. The 8entlemBn<br />

from Floridtr fMr. RocERsl offered<br />

the flrst flnrendrnent <strong>and</strong> we<br />

sdopted it- UDder that alnendment the<br />

biu then read thf,t lt, the Corlncil. uould<br />

be appolrrted by the President \4ith the<br />

advice End cor$€nt of the SenatP- Now,<br />

wlthln a very lew dBys Blter ihls thE<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retery of Comnlerce strenuously ob-<br />

'by<br />

Jected to the language the President<br />

with the edvlce <strong>and</strong> con$ent of the<br />

Senate.'<br />

Now. if I were the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of Commerce,<br />

f mlstrt wsnt lt that wBy, The<br />

Advisory Comcil as we set it uP sPpointed<br />

by the Presidetrt with the a.lvice<br />

<strong>and</strong> consent of the $enate ls fl<br />

pretty lndependent body, because lt recelves<br />

the finel approv$l of the Senate-<br />

It wRS our feelinB that a body as importBnt<br />

as this. which is Boing to make<br />

up st<strong>and</strong>ards lor Urls country ln consultatlon<br />

with the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry of Conrmerce,<br />

ought not to be mder the lm'<br />

mediate dominetloh of tre <strong>Sec</strong>retary. So<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry beBan to exert pressure on<br />

everybody, including me, td $ee lI he<br />

coulcl get this chaneed back from the<br />

way that the gentlernan from Florlda,<br />

[Mr. RocEBS] has put it lnto the blu<br />

flnslly. ThRt Bmendment csried ln the<br />

committee 13 to 12. Thirteen for meking<br />

the change io slve ell ol the rxls'er to the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary wlth no hearlngs on the ap*<br />

Folntment of the member$ of the Advlsry<br />

Courcil- I arn sure lf the <strong>Sec</strong>retarT<br />

of conrmerce had not lnt€frened,<br />

thls btll wou.ld have remBined cxEctly<br />

as lt wm, It ws only becBuse of the<br />

presure of the <strong>Sec</strong>retary ol Commerce<br />

thet the change was nlAde.<br />

Wtry is thls not ln the pubuc Interest?<br />

I thtnk ttrat ls pretty important to know.<br />

Under the lan8uage Row ln the bill, the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>ret8ry of Commefce can aprnlnt<br />

tho$e 13 Feople thls Bftemmn snd they<br />

go to 'aork totnorrow morninE snd the<br />

flrst tlme Bnybody woulal know Ebout<br />

It Ls when those men were on the Job, or<br />

you reEd about lt ln the newspaper.<br />

There ls no lntervenlng tlme fot trnybody<br />

to make any obJectlon. You would<br />

not<br />

were.<br />

even know who the cantlidatee<br />

Mr. Chf,lfman, thls Couricll ol 13 p€ople<br />

l$ golng td gdvlr€ the s€cretary on<br />

f,utDmobUe salety st<strong>and</strong>Btd8 for 93 rnll-<br />

Ilon EutoEoblles of whlch there wlll<br />

roughly b€ 160 mtlllon people drivtng.<br />

Mr. Ch&lffian, lJ there ls uythJng<br />

that ceJr afitrt every home ln ttrls country<br />

mort, I do not know whf,t lt la.<br />

Now, Mr. Chalrmm, the amdfldJlent<br />

whlch I have otered would strlke out<br />

"Strret8rtrril<br />

Bnd lnsert<br />

"Presldent<br />

wlth<br />

the advlce <strong>and</strong> sn*nt of t,he genete-"<br />

Mr. ChBlrEsn, why rB tt lmport*nt to<br />

put ttds provlslon h here? In the flrst<br />

place, everTone ol thes 13 memb€B<br />

Ehould b€ pubucly exposed by a heErlns<br />

ln the Senete. I do not meBn held up to<br />

House Debate<br />

lg|1.T1lF: of_courtcnot. TtIhEtIEe6n E lW<br />

thrt shen tJte Presidcnt nomirutes tJleEr.<br />

witllln 30 deys they will come dosfi to<br />

the Senat€ for conflrmation md there<br />

q'1U be E hesrlng on emh one ol these 13<br />

people.<br />

Mr. Ch8lrrnan, there Ehould be questioro<br />

put to each ol these e,pDolnt€es Es<br />

to thelr qua[ncatlons.<br />

Therefore, Mr. Chairman, you would<br />

have an opFrrtudty tD exe$lhe those<br />

people. If they are not quallfl€d, then<br />

they should not b€ accepted In the public<br />

interesL-lf thelr record lndicat€s ln the<br />

past that tttey were not cEpable ol Bctlrrg<br />

lrr tlre Dubllc intere$t.<br />

Mr. Chairmen. there is a, s,econd reason<br />

why we wEnt€d the Councll to be relatively<br />

ildependent. ftr other sords, Mr.<br />

Chelrman, they shotrld tre st<strong>and</strong>lng up<br />

for the public lnterest md they Ehould<br />

not be under the domlnation 6l ttre<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retsry. f know that Memlrers on both<br />

sides of the alsle were for the Advisory<br />

Council but said that the Advisory Comcll<br />

ought to be maktng its recommendEtioh$<br />

in q-riting $o that there sould b€ no<br />

dotlbt i,hat the Council wss ecting iI the<br />

public interest-<br />

In other words, Mr. Chdlfinan, we<br />

have uladc it lmpos$ible for the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry<br />

to mnsult s'ith two or tJrrer of theffi<br />

psple <strong>and</strong> put these stalldards into<br />

operetion tomorrov <strong>and</strong> my that they<br />

had b€en consulted.<br />

Mr- Chelrman, we made lt Eanalatory<br />

ttrst the Seretsry had to consult wlth<br />

the Advisory council,<br />

Mr. Chairtrtan, this ls t.Ite rea$on why<br />

thls Councll should b€ lndependcnt.<br />

The members of the Comlttee msy<br />

well eay that the Pre$ident end the s€cretary<br />

6re probablv artlng 1agsuls1.<br />

Pethaps, they are. PerhE'ps, the Presldent<br />

ls gotrg to mske the BDpolntments<br />

th8t the Eecretary wants to have Eude.<br />

But the lmporLsnt thlnc is that wben<br />

ttrese temmended appolntment8 get to<br />

the Senate, you Blll have a rlght to questlon<br />

these men tndidalually.<br />

Mr. Chelrman, thls lg a very slmple<br />

ernend-nent. f heve tried to explaln lt<br />

ln laruruge whlch evet'yone cm mderstmd.<br />

I believe lt ls lltlport&nt to seperBte<br />

tJds Advi.sory Councll trom brtna<br />

ur)def the lErqedtEte lrlstructlons of the<br />

$ecretary, <strong>and</strong> that ls the reEson for the<br />

mendment.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, ln ttre commlttee tt lost<br />

by only e vot€ of 13 to 12. Tlrr$ wlll glve<br />

to the meldber$ of Ure CoEmittre Bn ldeE<br />

Es to how cloce the vote w&s, <strong>and</strong> roy J<br />

8ay that the vot€ wEs blpartlssn.<br />

Mr. STAGGER-S. Mr. Cb8irman, I rL$e<br />

ln oppositlon to the Ehendment-<br />

Mr. ChalrfirBn, I Ehall not take the full<br />

5 minutes, I JNt want to cau upoh the<br />

author of the mendment, beca.use he ls<br />

the one vyho sponsored it, the genilemsn<br />

Iroft Florlda t Mr. RocERsl.<br />

Mr. ROGER^S of Flor.idr. Mr. Chslrhran,<br />

f thank the chRit.nttrr) of the Committe<br />

on Interstate end Commet ce for<br />

yitldir)s to me at this ttme,<br />

Mr. ChBlrman, I likewlse rls€ ln opposition<br />

to the Emendment.<br />

Actuelly, as hes bt€n expl8lned, *'hen<br />

I flrst ofiered thls amendment, I rlld have<br />

the Advisory Safety Councll aFFdlnt€d<br />


y the Presldent snd lts members to be<br />

conflrmeal by the SenEte.<br />

Wtthout any pressure, if I mBy say to<br />

the Eentlehen from Illinols, but simply<br />

aa a resrl]t Df d|^qttl$slons I had with rep-<br />

goes through the proeess of recomendation<br />

by the l,rcslde[t, plus the advlce<br />

End con$ent of the SenBt€, that trus<br />

council lnileecl will have nationEl prestlce,<br />

end we wlll get the best posslble<br />

resentatives of the Department of Comrlerce,<br />

I changed my mlnd Bs to the edvlsabillty<br />

of havln8 the President appolnt<br />

members on this Councll.<br />

Bear ln mind thls; Whether you have<br />

It by the Hethod suggested by the gen-<br />

the coundil. The Colnmerce Dcpartment tleman frotn llllnols, or whether you<br />

tried to polnt out to me wtrtt it felt were<br />

the deflclencie.s in,the amendment as lt<br />

wlll leave lt es lt ls presently ln the blll.<br />

you are not dlmlnishine one lota the<br />

ms flrst ofiered. f Bgreed with the Department<br />

<strong>and</strong> offered afl ameltdlnent to<br />

change the provision from having the<br />

Euthority or the power of the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

of Comhetce.<br />

Ttre gentleman from Florlda knows full<br />

President appoint thc Councll to having well that the flnal authorlty ls vested<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retery apFint the fnembtrs.<br />

First of all, the pur!)o$e of this Coun-<br />

ln the <strong>Sec</strong>retary.<br />

more meanlngful<br />

But I belleve it wlU be<br />

to heve thls Advisory<br />

cil ls to a.alvlse the Effretrry. It i$ not t,o<br />

edvise the Preslalent. It is not to advlse<br />

Cduncll<br />

Es my<br />

eppointed by the sEme method<br />

frlend from Florlda originally<br />

the cabinet. It ls to edvLse the <strong>Sec</strong>re- susgest€d.<br />

tary of Commerce, on trying to set, st<strong>and</strong>- I latl thus far to Bee the aleflclerlcles<br />

Brals.<br />

Where do u,e place the responslblllty<br />

ln thls blU for the setting of st<strong>and</strong>ard$?<br />

We do not place it in the Presidrnt-we<br />

plece it ln the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of conmerce,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lt ls hls full responsibilit]* It ls only<br />

riEht that he shottld dptloint this Hroup<br />

to help advise him. Thet ls aU it is. He<br />

does not havc to fficept their adviceor<br />

he may accept their Edvice lf he 60<br />

desires- It is slmnly an advisory mmmlttee<br />

Ior the SeEretRry.<br />

Fufthermore, I think re are protected<br />

under the terms o[ oflice in that we tuve<br />

that suddenly manlfested theftselves betwen<br />

the orlglnal pfopcsal <strong>and</strong> the ltrstmlnut.e<br />

succestion wtdch Just passed by<br />

the skin of lts t€eth with a 13-to-12 vote.<br />

I would urge the commlttee to adopt<br />

the Emendment, of the gentlemen ffom<br />

Illinols. It wlll eive us a strongrer blll.<br />

It Elll not diminlsh the authority of the<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>retary of Commerce at aU. f believe<br />

It wlll edd lmtneasurebly to the pre5tigs<br />

of thi$ Advi6ory Council as they try to<br />

wrestle wlth thls trefirendously tnportant<br />

problem c'lttl which we a.re confronteal.<br />

certaln set terrns, Bnd lndependence<br />

enouglt for &ny Edvisory comEllttee- we<br />

glve them stt terru that the rnelnbers<br />

will serue. We have precedent for thnt.<br />

That is the same way lt is tlone in the<br />

Public Health Service, the Surgeon Generel<br />

Bppoints the fldvisory commlttee to<br />

edvlse rum. In the Depaltment of Defen*<br />

we have the 6a.me sort of setup-<br />

Ttre adr.1sory commlttees there Ere e.Fpointed<br />

by the <strong>Sec</strong>retery, end not by the<br />

President.<br />

I thlnk thet an overall view of the purpose<br />

of the Safety Advisory Cduxcll 8s<br />

st out In the propo6ed bill td Edvlse the<br />

secretary, who tras the full responsibiltty,<br />

is exactly ffi the commlttee $hould be<br />

appointEal <strong>and</strong> set up.<br />

I would uge very vigorouslr- the defeat<br />

o{ the amendment ffi profnsed by the<br />

gentleman from lllinols.<br />

Mr. WATBON. Mr. Chelman, I move<br />

to stdke the last word.<br />

Mr. Chaiman, my friend frorn !'loflda<br />

knows full weu the trigh esteem that I<br />

h&ve fof hlrn, ftnd certainly I for one<br />

wauld nevet lmpugn his motives.<br />

But f well recall, Es I am gure tlhe<br />

other members of the committe wiu<br />

rmall, the Der5ueslveness End the eloquence<br />

of t'he gentleman from Florida<br />

when he flrst propo$ed this Aalvlsory<br />

Council. It was hls lcleE tlral, lt be eppolnted<br />

by the Presldent, vrlth the edr'lc€<br />

Bfld con$ent of the Senate. He dld en<br />

Mr. ROGERS of florlda. Mr. Chelrhsn,<br />

wlll the gentlem&n yletd?<br />

Mr. WATSON. I yield to my friend,<br />

the gentleman from Florida.<br />

Mr. ROGERS of Florids. I thank my<br />

frlend, the gentleman from South Caro-<br />

Ilna. I would sy ttEt tt was not Just<br />

at the la$t day. Of course, the substltute<br />

was put ln the lsst day, but there were<br />

discu.sslons before that.<br />

Mr. WATSON. I anl sure the geniletrran<br />

knows there was later dlscusslon<br />

aftrr your oriHinal proposal.<br />

Mr. ROGER-S of Fldrlde. Yes.<br />

Mr. WATSON. And then lt was voted<br />

down on that occaslon. It wes tlenled.<br />

Mr. ROGEFTS of Florlda. Yes.<br />

Mr. WATSQN. And lt wBs narrowly<br />

pessed on the lest day.<br />

Mf. ROGEFi,S of Florida. A-ll I wanted<br />

to say was Urat at that tlfte I hsd made<br />

the chhnse. But, no mEtt€r, the frct,<br />

thRt I nr$t proposed it, a$ you say, I alld<br />

have the Presldent aprrolnt them.<br />

In further considerBtion of that questlon<br />

I felt it would not be wise. ff we<br />

would give this council the ri8ht to set<br />

the stmdards them.selves <strong>and</strong> thc rcsponsibiltty<br />

to do that, lJren f would<br />

egree with the gentle.man thet lt should<br />

be a pre$identially a.ppolflted body.<br />

Irosever, in a sltuation where we s'lll<br />

have Edven the a,uthority to <strong>and</strong> will hold<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>fetary responsiblc, surely lt is<br />

only proper that thc advisory body<br />

excellcnt .iob. He convinced us on lt.<br />

rt w6s not untll the last day the.t they<br />

ceme beck wlth the idea thst the Council<br />

must be appolated by the <strong>Sec</strong>retarT.<br />

should be appointed<br />

.WATSONby<br />

him.<br />

Mr.<br />

I refuse to yteld further.<br />

If I miEht make this sta.tement In<br />

reply, I m gure the gentlemsn lrom<br />

Now, Iet me sEy sthy I can supFort tho<br />

Ernendmeflt, of the gentleman from 11-<br />

Ilrols. We hBve e seflous problem con-<br />

Florid& wlll nsree wlth rhe thBt En fldvisort/<br />

council appoint€d by t.he Presldent<br />

with the advlce End consent of the<br />

frontlng us. I want thl6 Advi6ory Couholl<br />

to h8ve Es much prestlge End rrrpect<br />

aB pos8lble, I flmly belleve thet lf lt<br />

Sendte wou-ld certBjnly be Inore of e.<br />

prestige councll thrin one whlch ,s Eppolnted<br />

by the <strong>Sec</strong>retary of Coumerce.<br />

766 Vol,I

,j@, Imff"vc tt tr ilorl ln ttre publlc tntirred<br />

that we have thls partlcular proc€dure<br />

followed, E3 tndeed wLr the one whtch<br />

. you suggest€d lnltlslly. Neltlrer mettrod<br />

of Eppolntment would not dlmlnlslr tjlc<br />

authorlty ol the <strong>Sec</strong>rete,ry of Commerce.<br />

flrd#d, I believe we would $trenAthen hjs<br />

hmd E$ he tries to wresile with thls tremendougly<br />

lrttportant problem.<br />

Actually we Bre having much Bdo ebout<br />

nothlna. I hop€ rny colleaBue$ over on<br />

the other slde vill go along wlth us <strong>and</strong><br />

Ehow your confldenc€ lll the Presldent ol<br />

the Urlited States md the Een*te on thts<br />

uu.tter.<br />

The CHAfRMAN. The qucstion is on<br />

the amendment ofrered by the genilemBn<br />

f rom Illlnois I Mr. SFRTNoEBI.<br />

The questlon wEi tsken; Bnd the<br />

Chalrman brtng tn doubt, the Corurnltt€e<br />

dlvided, <strong>and</strong> [here werrayes 49, noes 66.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. ghalrmsn. I<br />

dem&nd tellers-<br />

Tellers were ordered. md the ChairtnM<br />

appolrrted as tellers Mr. SpRfrcER<br />

trnd Mr. RdtoERS of Floridtr.<br />

The CoEmlttee BEEin rUvtded, End the<br />

tellerg reported thflt there werB-ayes,<br />

80; ne8, ??.<br />

8o the mendErent ws agreed to.<br />

Al:EMUtm Otu Er xr, o,sE! ot<br />

UBAHVffi<br />

Mr. o'NErr,r. of MMhUs€tt€. Mr.<br />

ghalrman, I ofier an a.trrerldnrent.<br />

The Clerk read as follows:<br />

AEcndscnt olTercd by Mr. O'NEEL df Mar.<br />

t#hwetta: OU page 43, alt6r llDo 3, on ItD.<br />

{, f naw ffiilon 109(c ) to lolloP retlon<br />

r0o(b):<br />

"cEHe<br />


"SE-<br />

100(c). Aly pcmn who boelDsly<br />

Ed wultully ylolit6 aDy provtslon ot sEu6<br />

lO8, or aDy rctulaHon lsuFd tbrr;UDdet,<br />

- Eholt u[En coavlcttoD be flrred Dot mors thu<br />

150,0fi) or lEprlehed uot Eor6 thrE tro<br />

YsH, qr both."<br />

Mr. O'NEU.L ol Mas8achu8rttr. Mr.<br />

ChBlffiBn, I, too. wf,nt to congratulBtc<br />

tho chalrttru nnd ttre mmmlttee lor<br />

hsvlng hearlngs <strong>and</strong> reportln8 ttri8 lesls-<br />

4. letlon. But f Bko went to meke refer-<br />

/<br />

ence to a tello* by the nam6 ol Ralph<br />

I NEder who U8hted s bomb uder thc<br />

\_ neonle ot Amerlca, <strong>and</strong> he deeewes B<br />

EEat amomt of crtdlt. I know thst I<br />

Ecelved probably l0O lctt€rs froE my<br />

con$tltuenclt Ytltlr roBard to automobtld<br />

Balety; there ls no queotlon tbat Rstph<br />

Nader wBa rc8porlslble. I want to congrEtujatc<br />

the commltt# lor brtnglng out<br />

thls blll. On the whole, I beltevc lt Ls e<br />

Eood bul. But, ol coursc, from m5r<br />

amendhent you may lnfer that I do not<br />

belleve the blll goes fEr enough, L€t Ea<br />

rEd to you ln pert from an edltorl8l thst<br />

EppearEd ln the Wa-Bhlngton Fct th6<br />

other mornlna:<br />

AtroftUhg to th. c;ffieH fuEjttdr<br />

rrlDrt Sccuou r0O s5d 110 ol th6 but. th.<br />

clvll p€Df,lttu And tDrucuou provt tou,<br />

"rbould Cotutttut .ulielcat GDJorCehCUt<br />

autborlty to uw6 tuU adhcrcaco to Ftd-<br />

6nl Edrty rtudrrdt," Ttr.tr Ir bot the cs.-<br />

It b ludlcrour t{ ttrlD! tbat tbG Strretary ol<br />

OoEE.rc?. rrBcd oDltr rlth tho threfi ot<br />

ItrJuf,cuol, could loH E uvllUrg auto<br />

Nulcctusr to t6 tb6 llEa yttlout M<br />

lhFo8slblc MouDt of [ttgsttoE, Thc nubcEhlp<br />

ot thc HoE€ hil En obltgailaD to<br />

.brngthru tho btll or tho imr; <strong>and</strong> th.<br />

House Debdte<br />

A.thl$JrtHttoE, ihtoh to f,*tly @tsr|!fll<br />

thc Ses4ta btll, Ehoutd lend tt! support t6<br />

thlr rfrort.<br />

My amendhent |! * slmple one, root€d<br />

ln rolevmt hlstory end leglslatlon deallns<br />

wlth other areas of the publlc safety.<br />

The mendment slmply provlde$ ilrat<br />

any person who knowlngly <strong>and</strong> wlllfully<br />

vloletes thls Bct be subject to crlmlnsl<br />

penaltles. It ls incohcelvBble to me how<br />

there can b€ any vaud objections to such<br />

a provlElon ln En act thst deels wlth the<br />

safety ol milllons on the hlBhwEys ol<br />

our country. Why should the euto lndustry<br />

be placed ln s prlvtleged posttlon<br />

here, when a host o( othef indutries<br />

over whom salety legl5latlon has beerr<br />

enacted eft subjffted to crtnln8l p€naltle$<br />

upon convlctlon for knowlnsly Bnd<br />

wllfully vlelatlns thc l8w?<br />

'Io B$k thc<br />

que$tion Is t4 answer tt. A rlouble st8ndard{ne<br />

for ilrdlvldubls <strong>and</strong> other industries<br />

End one fot the sutomoilve lndu.stry-ls<br />

u{ut Bnd U.nnecessBry. Irt<br />

fl few ex8mples do lof ftrEr\y.<br />

T'he Congress hes passed laws deellng<br />

wtth salety <strong>and</strong> stBnd8rcl$ setilng that<br />

hBvG Drovlded for crlrrilnsl prnaltles ln<br />

the Erut of household refrlgerEtors, labeltnA<br />

of helerdou sub8tsnces, brgk6<br />

flutd$, s€Bt belts, motor c8rrlers under<br />

the Interstatc Commofce Corunlaslon,<br />

Bircraft-+onc€mlng alruorthlnega certtflcEtrs,<br />

lnterference wlth nar.lg8tton,<br />

exploslves Bnd s lorth+team bollers on<br />

vessels, coel mlnes, <strong>and</strong> food, drugs End<br />

cosmetlcs. Even tho br6'ke fluld snd seBt<br />

belt leelslrtlon, whlch was lnlilet€d by<br />

the Hou$e ht€rstate end Forel8n Commerc+<br />

Corunltt€e, provtded lor cdmlnal<br />

nncs <strong>and</strong> lrhprlsment. f recsll no ob-<br />

Jectloh at thEt Um6 to thee crlmtl8l<br />

provlalona; they were draft€d lnto th6<br />

leslalatlon fmur the very b€glnnlng by<br />

comBlttec Etafi, Yet. bV the pE$ent<br />

Ect belorc us, the$ two laws wlll bc rep€aled<br />

ffid lncorporated into the present<br />

act a purpo5tr. I{nowlr.g rnd willftrl vro,<br />

lEtlon of the sat b€It <strong>and</strong> brEke fluld<br />

act8 nov would lncur a crlr3llnal penaltlr;<br />

Phen thls Ect l.s pesed. such vlolauon<br />

would only incur a clvll penalty, Doce<br />

thls meBn thst the publlc aatety ls not<br />

lr1 need of the most egectlvg detenent<br />

lroE now on? HBvs th€ frlghtenlng<br />

tllsclotues <strong>and</strong> newa ln tectnt Eonth!<br />

Bbout e,utomobllo salety provtded rny<br />

b8.sls fot a weakenlng ot tho det€n"nt<br />

lmpact that flows trom a otrong enforsc-<br />

[|ent sectlon? I thln-k not.<br />

The CHAIR'MAN. Ttre ttme o! ttr6<br />

Eentlemsn frod Mffsachusetts hes expl|ed.<br />

Mr. O'HEILL of Mrcachusette. Mr.<br />

Clralman, I Esh unanlnous consent to<br />

prtr€ed lor an BddlilonEl 5 nrlnutd8.<br />

The CHAIITMAN. Is there objectton<br />

to the request ol tfre gentleman lrom<br />

Massshutrtta?<br />

Mr. DINQETJ/. Mr. Chalman, rF.<br />

sening the rtsht to obJect, f hoD6 tfi6<br />

gmtleman from Massachuettl wtll not<br />

objtrt il sme othor Member nqks fqr<br />

Bddltionsl tlEe.<br />

Mr. O'NEILL of MesssEhusetts. Oh. I<br />

never objest.<br />

Mr. DINOEUI, Mr. Chstrman, I wltb.<br />

dEw Ey reservatlon.

l-<br />

\''<br />

I<br />

The CHAIRIIIAN. Is ttrere objectlon<br />

to the requeEt ol the gentleman ftoE<br />

MasdthuBetts?<br />

There we3 no objectlon.<br />

Mr. O'NEILL ol Mes$f,chus€tts, Mr.<br />

ChaimEn. the Congress has aleclded<br />

rna.ny timeg before ihEt the rnain deterrent<br />

[o illegel beh4vtor by cor?oratlons<br />

le the deterrent that ls d.imed to pierce<br />

the corporate vell <strong>and</strong> Ettach to the cu-lpable<br />

indivldual. Thet deterrent is the<br />

crlrnjnal provision. The Congre8s has<br />

app[ed thls deterrent to tltega] behavlor<br />

far removed from hazards tJ14t csn result<br />

in the death or injury of lnnocent<br />

people. For exanple, vlolstlons lnvolving<br />

economlc matters, such a,s Entitrust,<br />

secuitle$ $elllng or lncome tax hBve long<br />

established crlfirlnal p€ndltles appllcable<br />

to tlrem. These sonornlc hctlvltles<br />

involve stnsll <strong>and</strong> large busines orgenizations.<br />

If there sre crl-trllnal provl-<br />

$ions in these acts thEt dffil prLEary<br />

s.lth monetflry matters: why shoultt<br />

there not be crimllral provlslotr thBt<br />

alesl with mEtters of human llfe, fln.l<br />

cover lsrge b$ines org8nlzBtlon.s Sltuated<br />

ln thls comtry axd ln foreiEn coun*<br />

trles that come wltrun th& art? why<br />

should B negli8ent driyei te erPo8ed to<br />

crlmlnal nne or lEprlsorfient, Es ls<br />

pres€ntly the ces€, snd a knowllut End<br />

wllllu] manufsctuer be er(eEpted lrom<br />

ruch judgEent?<br />

Ttre inclrelon o! crlnrlnal provl$lons ln<br />

thls act tndicLs no one. ft dffi sav that<br />

anyone who knodnsly End wlluully vlolatEs<br />

thls dtt, thBt could re6ult ln serioua<br />

hBrm or deeth, wiII be brought wlthln the<br />

rr:le of the drll[lnal ltrw. It gerueE notic€<br />

io all concemed that, sglbty L3 srloua<br />

butlne$B f,nd thst thffi rtsponslble must<br />

exert close care End sruthv ovef thelr<br />

decislorr.g 4nd superviBton. Ttru. ro ls<br />

true of all efiecttve tleterents, the cblel<br />

impMt of I crlmlnal provislon wlll be<br />

preventlve. It wlll lurther the cllmBte<br />

of ri8orou care thBt mu.tt lleroEde ttre<br />

Butomof,tve hdrrstry for the prctecUon of<br />

our Drople. The 8dminlstBtlon ol thls<br />

mt to Mhleve the maxtlru.$ sefety wlU<br />

not be esy. It wlll be even Eor6 dfncult<br />

ll t,|e <strong>Sec</strong>ret8rT hs lnsdequste entorcement<br />

tools. one thlng la certaln. The<br />

ElectEtsry bearr a hesw Hponslblllty<br />

End tJre publlc wlll ef,p€ct hjm to besr lt<br />

TEll. Tb permlt tlrlE btU to Fd$s without<br />

enlorc€ment provtElona sulted flnd netessarT<br />

to hle task wlll hYtte the delsys<br />

<strong>and</strong> ttr6 rtshy-wEshy re8dstory p€rfoMce<br />

thBt hs Huaed Eo much publlc<br />

dl8llluslon$ent wlth the proce$s€a ol<br />

Grveffirue[t. llreft k nothlng tilote calculat€d<br />

to erode publlc Fnfldetrce lfi<br />

Goveroent thEn congress glvlng a department<br />

hewy rmponslbtltty wlthout<br />

comerolHte ruttrorlty. Wc m ratElng<br />

the publlc's expdctatlons lor greater<br />

6afety; let ua move forusrd Ba we have.<br />

In the pst, to provlde B more Bolld b$e<br />

lor thetr fulflUment.<br />

Mr. STAGCERS. Mr. Chalrman, I<br />

rl.$e ll1 oppositlon to the Bmendment.<br />

Mr. ghalrEeJl r,Dd MeE.b€rs ol thc<br />

Corilrdlttee, I ho96 I do not take tbe S<br />

Ednute8 sll,ott€d to me, but nrst I would<br />

1116 to Bay that the adrtlnlsttatlon when<br />

they sent up thls bUl dld not esk for<br />

crll3rlhal penaltleo. When the Depdtt-<br />

E!4!,of JuEtlce wes esled lor 8 recorlrtenalatlon<br />

on Ulla tlley dld aot aEts lor<br />

crlmlnel F€naltle8. The Ju8tlce Departdrent<br />

rald ttrrt thcy dld not, lBvor lt. Ii<br />

lB ln t,}le Rlcor,D es lt wu jlven ln ttre<br />

other trcAy. I Eould |Ike to tDow w]ro<br />

th€ aentlcnf,n would clngle out to cbarTe<br />

wlth * crlne. You carulot put i corporatlon<br />

fn JBII. Arrr you golrur to trke<br />

one ol the men dovrr oD the llne, tlre<br />

foreman, or qrhlch one? The Department<br />

of Jutlce ssld that the blll would<br />

haye to b€ DBrroweal lI crLELE4l lr€naltle8<br />

are lncluded.<br />

Mr. O'NEIITIJ of Messachu8Ett8. Wtll<br />

the Eehtlenrril yleld?<br />

Mr. ATAGGER.B. Yed. I yleld to the<br />

gentlemEn.<br />

Mr. O'NELL ol Massachusetts. All I<br />

Tant tD Eay lE tbls: The record ol the<br />

sutomoblle lndu$try ls thl8: They hf,ve<br />

cut coffiers. They hsve cut, cotner8<br />

when the safety of the AmerlcEn publlc<br />

has ben tn que$tlon- They htrve flt<br />

mrners ln order td Beve money. I thlnts<br />

those who mBEe dffiislons to cut cornefs<br />

on matters of safety should pay the<br />

p€nalty.<br />

Mr. ATAGGERS. Who are you golng<br />

to put ln Jatl?<br />

Mr, Q'NEILIT of MB6sBchHtts. The<br />

88me &s any other act, you lEve on the<br />

bmks wlth reglrd td publlc u{ety.<br />

Mr. STAGGm,$. No one could tr€<br />

readlly ldentlfiab)e.<br />

Mr. O'NElJtrr of Ma$$achuEetts, Just<br />

Ilke every other act wlth regerd to pubuc<br />

Bafety.<br />

Mr, BTAG'GERS. But you do not'<br />

lEnow who you are golrg to put ln Jall,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it would have to be deterrnlned.<br />

Thls would tske a long t'LEe. We bave<br />

ch'll penrltles whlch coEe to elEht tl.E€€<br />

tfte propo8ed crlmlBl rnalflE. Tell<br />

me, do you biow of Eny efety EtEndards<br />

Btatutt ln tlrts lmd where we trave<br />

both ctvll Bnal crtnrtrBl p€naltles? You<br />

ca,nnot Dolnt to one. I wurld sy rlm<br />

tbat the BenBt€ debstrd rlta at qulte<br />

ro|rle lmgth. They oa,Ee up wltir a yotf<br />

oI 62 to 14 asslilrt lt.<br />

Mr. O!{HLL of Msssachusett'8. You<br />

esked me to nEme otE. Wlll t'he gentlemsn<br />

ylelal fufiher?<br />

Mr. BTAG,Gffia. I yteld.<br />

Mr. O'NEII,L of Ma.GstrhrHtts. I{ow<br />

Bbout your pre*ent peneltier wlth resard<br />

to seat belts?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. No, tbey do not.<br />

They do not heve a.ny dvtl p6nalfles<br />

whatsever.<br />

I can Bnswer ttrat vmy qulckly, becEuae<br />

I wEa fur the comalttd€. Ym csbnot<br />

coEe up vlth one,<br />

Mr. ghstrmsn, I would llke to sEy to<br />

you now thBt the IIAA whlch ro the<br />

drll.Des ot thls courrtry do not tHve any<br />

crlmlnal pensltleE ln thelrs md they c+n<br />

take as many Es 150 or ltore on one Elrcraft,<br />

antl I would add ttEt one ls certslnly<br />

lnterestrd when one gets on m<br />

elrplane as to whettrer he 16 Bolla to be<br />

tafe or not.<br />

Mr. Clralrnar, tlrer€ a,re My other<br />

fertorE whlch are tnvolved. However,<br />

we have crlfirlnsl, but flot clvll per8ltles<br />

ln the sffit belt End btEke f,ulal lEwE. We<br />

rep€aled thero ln tfits trcc$r8€ wc bclleve<br />

ln clvll pnaltter whlch we feel a,re far<br />

mor€ efecuvc snd uruch er^Blcr to r,ppv.<br />

olEl_rr,l0_poft lL<br />

768 Voi,L I<br />


litr. Ct$li!ss,n, I belleve t$15 Eqrtndment<br />

thould be wted dowil ovcrrheLBlngly,<br />

There are a lot of p€ople who would<br />

lhe lo mrle thls a Prnltlve m€Esure.<br />

Eowevcr, Ee Ere trylng to make thls an<br />

efiectlve zreaflrre. I do not belleve the<br />

lht€nt of thl.b blU l3 to pun.l6h p€ople.<br />

ft b to sve llves aDd reduce lnjuleE.<br />

We h,Bve lnJunctlve procealure$ ln thls<br />

beesufe, <strong>and</strong> many other ptoccdures<br />

thet cen b€ brought to besr. Fot thet<br />

teNon I belleve the e,Eendment should<br />

be voted down.<br />

Mr. DINGE L. Mf. Ch4tman,I hove<br />

to Btrlke out ttre l+st word. <strong>and</strong> I d$4 ln<br />

opposltlon to tfte Earendment.<br />

Mr. chsllman, lt should b€ polntdd out<br />

very clearly flrst of aII thBt the functlon<br />

of thl$ emendErent ls to ffiw tlre eflett<br />

,<br />

of thls statute. It |s well knom to<br />

students of tJle law that crhilnal ststute$<br />

are very namwly mn8tnred. Thl$<br />

ls one of the ttssons thBt thc oommltttt<br />

ln lts wisdom dld not lru€rt crltrrlnEt<br />

IEnaltles.<br />

Ftrthemore, the gentlfltgn's e$endment<br />

worrld requlre th8t the vlolAtloh of<br />

"knowlngly<br />

thl-$ Etstuta be mmmltted<br />

<strong>and</strong> wllllrilly." Ttris lmpoffi an dmost<br />

lEposglble burden of prool on eny prc-<br />

€cutlon.<br />

Thls ls one of the Eo|8t dlfrcult things<br />

ln Jurlsprudence lo prtve. I would polnt<br />

out a.s s lomer &sslstmt pnosecutor lt I$<br />

olt+nttmes weU Dlsh lmposlble to prcve.<br />

l4t us look lurther at thls EEtter. we<br />

,<br />

rE told by the gmd EentlemBfl trom<br />

M8s$sEhu$etts, who ls qy dear frlentl,<br />

that thls leclslatlon lE not rtmng<br />

cnoush. A lmk Bt the blll, et, what the<br />

oommlttee<br />

proves tltls:<br />

he$ brousht to the floor, dls-<br />

Flrst of all, for any vloletlotE ol thls<br />

atatut€, or for markethg m unsafe vehlcle,<br />

or for f8llure to exerclse adequtt<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>Errb ol care in the manuJsrtue of<br />

verucle.s, t^he bj.ll prolddcs tor al] civll<br />

Fnaltles aEroDtlrg t'o $f ,000 p+r vehlcle<br />

or t1,000 per tlre, or 11,000 p€r pdrt ot E<br />

vehlcle whlch ls unsafe-up to a t'ottrl of<br />

i400,000, certelnly a most vlgorou8 penalty<br />

Blflost to the polnt ol belns conflscatory,<br />

<strong>Sec</strong>ond, we have prffierued evety dngle<br />

Gor|unoh-Iew reftedy that exlst-r eg8lnst<br />

a manutedturer lor tJre beneflt of B motor<br />

vehlcle puJch&Ber. This meens that eu<br />

of the wemnties <strong>and</strong> all of the other de-<br />

,<br />

vles of ffiImon law whlch are afiorded<br />

to the puch&ser, reDain ln the buyer,<br />

ahd they can br exercised ag&inst the<br />

hBnulsaturut.<br />

rqstly, we heve emressly authorlzed<br />

use in the murtt of the trtderal Govem-<br />

.<br />

Erent the full poweE of equlty to enlorce<br />

t}le btu at ttre request of ttle <strong>Sec</strong>retsry.<br />

Thlg means that where there ls elther<br />

productlon of or the threat ol proaluctlon<br />

of sn ffisfe motor vehlcle the <strong>Sec</strong>rtery<br />

tnay go to s murt of equltv End<br />

hey enjoln prcductlon ol the automobfle,<br />

or mBy B€ek such othef reliel es ls necessary<br />

to proiect the AuretlcaD D€ople<br />

lrom bBvlng an msfe motor vehlcle<br />

plsx€d updn the trlghmys.<br />

ThIs power coultl include cmJEatlve<br />

lhjuncttons, to requtre the manufBchlttr<br />

to t{,Ee oorrtrtlve actlon. rt 6uld lnclude<br />

prcblbltdry lnJuctloDa to prcvmt ur-<br />

House Debate<br />

lste rdotor vehlcler from sohl8 on tne<br />

roads. It could lnclude Judlclally levelcd<br />

penEltl€d for vloletloEa ol court or.<br />

ders, much IBrEer than the f{00,000 clvll<br />

p.n8lty Eutfiorlz€d h the blll It could<br />

lrElude crtfllnsl contempt sctlon, W<br />

shlch vtolatlon of a court order *ould<br />

ple,cr the vlolator ln Jsll lor s loDg<br />

as the oourt cho#. It muld lrulude clvll<br />

cont€mpt, whtch would man pltrln8<br />

the lndlvlduel under restrlctloro oi the<br />

court untll Euch tlhe Ls he had purged<br />

hlnuelf ol the cont€mpt <strong>and</strong> until he hf,d<br />

cdmplled<br />

@ut.<br />

B'lth the requlrements ol the<br />

In Eddltlon, lt would Efiord the 16dbtlty<br />

to the court And a.llow, wheit<br />

Eo nffie&t8ry, the levl'lns of clvll peneltle6<br />

by the courk up to $1,000 p€r vehlclc<br />

or pBrt up td $400,000. as were tr6oe8sary<br />

to Bsure the pfotectlon of ttr;<br />

A.merlcan p€ople en(l to punlsh t,lle<br />

manufsdture of mafe motor vehlclE<br />

ind pErt3.<br />

I would polnt out thst the Bvengc<br />

cdvU p€n8lty assert€d by the commltt€e<br />

ln lleu of a flne muld so up to I total<br />

of $400.000. I would point out ttlat the<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard of prool whlch must be bome<br />

uder the comElttre blll ls much dlflerent<br />

End much better, lf you ere lnt€rested<br />

tn er)forcemeht, btraus€ s clvll<br />

Fdnslty ls leveled by the courts urcn 6<br />

flndlng Bupport€d by only a falr prepondemce<br />

ol the evidence. It teke6 much<br />

le6$ to E|Jstaln t}te cese of the Govern-<br />

Eent. In a crlmlnEl proscuflon the<br />

Fedenl Government mu.3t o19vg $gyond<br />

s ressonable doubt. a much besvler burden<br />

of proof.<br />

Ttre chtrlrman oI the cornnltte<br />

polnted out somethlng that should not<br />

lt€ lost upon tlrls Houae. who ls Fohg<br />

to b€ charged vtth a crlmlnal !'tol&tlo4<br />

under thls Etatute lI lt ls smended the<br />

way the gentlehan from Massachu.s€tt3<br />

would have lt emcnded? Is lt golna to<br />

De the presldent ol the corporatlon ? AE<br />

we rolnlr to be able to sy thet he wlll-<br />

Iully <strong>and</strong> knowhrly dlal tlris? The anwer<br />

Ls mLst probsbly not. 16 lt go|rrB<br />

to b€ leveled E{ainst f,ny pttductlon oEclEl<br />

or engineer of the compeny? It Ls sohs<br />

to b€ leveled EgBlnst e Droductlon llne<br />

e&ployee of the mnpmy? Indefil, lt<br />

could b€, under the lenFuese of the Eentleman<br />

from Ma$sEchusttts, leveled<br />

E8lalnst eny percon qtho hBpp€tr to be<br />

ln the employ ol the mmpany, from the<br />

hlehe$ ofnclal to the lowest pfld Janltorial<br />

or custndial employee, lncluding<br />

$weelxE a$ *eU as those vho work upon<br />

the m*mbly llnes.<br />

It ls well known ttrEt the stEndErd ol<br />

proot reqlrired*that Ls. thEt B person<br />

knowlngly nnd wlllfu1ly vlolBted the<br />

Iaw-would lmlEse such B burden on tJre<br />

Federfll qovernment tjlat lt lE hlghly<br />

rloubtfu-l tJrEt Eny pros€cution oI thlE<br />

klnd would evsr b€ sucmsfully errled<br />

ouf,.<br />

Mr. MoSS. Mr. chalman, I rlse In<br />

support of the emendmeht.<br />

Mf. STAC'GERS. Mr. chelrmm, vlll<br />

ttle Eentletrlen ylelal?<br />

Mr. MQSS. I Toultl be very Plssetl<br />

to yleld to my dlEtlnculshed chalrftEE-<br />

Mr. ATAOGERS. I wonder ll Ec<br />

could !8t 8 tlme ltdlt on tblr tlEbstG. I<br />


l@ wona* fi a ltntt of g mlnutes or to<br />

mlnuter from now could b€ Eet.<br />

Mr. MO€IS. Il thLe debEtc on the sub-<br />

Je|ct of ttme ls SotnS to contlnue, I do<br />

not, yleld further untu I am Blven coEr-<br />

Fensetlh8 tlm6.<br />

Mr. STAc(lmfl. Could 9'6 s8y 5<br />

mlnuts efter 5 debd,te on the Ementl-<br />

E'ent End all Emendments thereto wlll<br />

be concluded?<br />

Mf.SPRINGffi. Mt.ChElrErsn-<br />

Mr, MOS€I. I refu8c to yleld further<br />

ulles I am afforded eddltlonal tlEre to<br />

glve me my fuu 5 minutes.<br />

The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman<br />

lrom CBllIornIB hEB refused to yleld<br />

further.<br />

Mr. MOSS, Ivtr. Chalrmen ond gen-<br />

Uemen. I fintl myselt ln the 6eme<br />

dllernrns a6 the distingulshed gentleman<br />

from Me$sschusetts. f cannot ulderstEnd<br />

why there is such vlgorous opposltlon<br />

to provldtng E crlmlnrl penalty for<br />

wilUully <strong>and</strong> knowlngly vlol8tlru the<br />

pmr.lsions of thls Bct. We ere not talk-<br />

Urg of repe8ling the EdministrEtive or<br />

clvll p€naltles that are provlded. R€member<br />

that ln this act we are not deellns<br />

only wlth the larce eutomoblle menufectuers<br />

or assemblers- We are deeltrg<br />

with many people who are real fly-bynlsht<br />

&rtlstFacces6ory Bhops.<br />

We had testlmony Jut I few years a8o<br />

tn the commlttee, <strong>and</strong> we flffi,lly hed to<br />

report out, 6 btu flxtn8 stendards for<br />

breke flulds, tr€caue ws founal people<br />

wero Enowlngly &nd wlUfully selling ln<br />

lnterstete coilrmeroe, brake fluldg that<br />

wouJd break down under norm8l op€r-<br />

Stlng temp€ratue. Yes, we Elso provlded<br />

criminEl penaltle$ for t€at belts whlch<br />

fsUecl to meet sny reEsonBble tests ol<br />

strensth.<br />

I*t u not kld ourselvee tlrat we e,re<br />

dealing wlth thl$ very cdmpldx Indutry,<br />

oomposed only oI totBuy r€rporolb.le indlvldualE.<br />

Ttre fecord is tm complete<br />

wlttr lnstanc€B to dlsprove thet tfteory.<br />

No damage ls done by adtllng tlrls second<br />

em to the ar8ensl to deal Ftth those<br />

who wlllftilly <strong>and</strong> knowln8ly vlolste-lt<br />

deals slth the matter of those who Impoft,<br />

tho# who offer ln lnterstat€ corn-<br />

Inerc6, end not JuEt nffiessarlly the very<br />

few manufeEturers of Euto[robtles. IJ6t<br />

rn stop corolderlng thls loClglstlon obly<br />

ln context wlttr the Eore respotrBlble s€Ement.<br />

REmemb€r, tlrete Ere many $ho<br />

are not ln that cetcgory.<br />

I UrBe the sdoptlon ol the amendment.<br />

Mr. HATVEY ol Mlchtsru. lv[r.<br />

ChakElBn, I move to Etrlke th6 r€qulslt€<br />

nuber of wordg.<br />

Mr. Ch8lffiEtl, I rl$ ln opposltlon to<br />

tbc e,Eend.E6nt. Mr. ChE|IIIM, no one<br />

hBr6 he^8 complalned thEt the present<br />

p6ualtl6s lu thll blU Ere by Eny Eeana<br />

lnBd6quatr. It hs been Bttrtert that we<br />

BIrouId idal eaother Bm. Eut let m6 fldt<br />

thLe: IB the poslblc flne ot 9400,000 Eot<br />

enouah ot a ctvtl ps6lty?<br />

I can thlnI of B Bood Eal\y auto lndu3tde+-sfter<br />

eU, tbey arr not all F\ord,<br />

<strong>and</strong> they ere not all General Motor8;<br />

there ue a Eood. many small oDea a,8<br />

well, who make trucks <strong>and</strong> pflrte*tor<br />

whom the f400,000 flne would b€ illsastrous<br />

<strong>and</strong> llhmedlstely put th?rq ,.u<br />

banhuptcy, Is not the power of ln-<br />

Jurrctl'oll+ thd poper ot re8tr.slJrt that<br />

Eo€B $/lth lnJunctloh enough? It he4<br />

been sald that, no, trstead we Bhould<br />

add Bnother sun. I.€t me say thla, th8t<br />

we sre not adding anothgr gu. Irotead<br />

we ere dolng Just as the gentleman frm<br />

Mlchlgan [Mr. DNcELL], who proceeded<br />

me, s8,1d, \rre flre narrowlng<br />

6tructloft<br />

thg con-<br />

Let Ee read to you from a letter from<br />

the Deputy Attomey ceneral ln thls regErd,<br />

to the ctralrman of the comnrlttee<br />

ln the other bo{y. He sald;<br />

Wo wduld not SencElly favor lHporltlo[<br />

ol crtEhil<br />

pen[lttes lor vlolatton of the et-<br />

Wcra crlmlnsl 8$ctlonr created, the st8tutd<br />

mt8ht h4v6 to b6 narrowed ln tha te8pectr<br />

wo h8ve noted, aDd lt would undoubtcdly<br />

Helve E Dorrower JudlClEl COEtructlon,<br />

' Ttris ls the polnt lhe centlemsn from<br />

MlchigEn made so effectlvely a mlnute<br />

Bgo. My polnt to you l$ that bv dolng<br />

whBt this qmendment suggests, lnsteEd<br />

of adding mother Bun, we ere ln efrect<br />

mEklng E wesker bill, b€c8use wg are<br />

maktnE B provi$ion th8t is Eolng to be<br />

corlstrued more ns.rrowly <strong>and</strong> ls golng to<br />

afiect a mor6 limltetl number ol people.<br />

The provlslon es lt ls dreft€d st the p.e*ent<br />

time ls s broader bill sncl will afitrt<br />

more people end wlll brlng Ebout more<br />

ln the fleld of oafety end conrpulsory<br />

st<strong>and</strong>arde.<br />

I polnt out, 83 I sald esrller, thb 15<br />

a new fleld of legtsllum fof the Congress.<br />

For more then 30 years ttre aut'o lnalustry<br />

hes been turnlng out vehlclea end, by<br />

aU ststlstlc8, safe vehlcles,<br />

ThlB IE 8 trernendoEly lmportsnt lndu3try<br />

not only ln the State of MlchJsan,<br />

whlch I heppen to represent but across<br />

Afterlce. It ls tremendously lhportsnt<br />

[o our economy,<br />

One out ol seven AEerlcana tllrectly<br />

sBlns hls Ilvellhootl froE thls p8rtlcru8r<br />

industfy. In the dlstrlct I represent<br />

rrrore than E hEjorlty rte dlrectly or<br />

lndtrectly Ef,ectcd by lt.<br />

ThIa Congrrss shoultl ln lts wlfiIom Eo<br />

slow ln ttrls regard <strong>and</strong> should not junp<br />

lnto somethlng hastlly, when we do not<br />

tsnow whEt we Ere dolng <strong>and</strong> alo not even<br />

know the man ln the plEnt whoEl w6 wlll<br />

level crlmlnBl penaltles agalnst,<br />

We are not ileBuns q,,lth thuEs <strong>and</strong><br />

hoodlums. we are deallrl8 Tlth a Icsponstble<br />

lndu5try. I &[r proud of them,<br />

both the Eutomobll6 exeoutlve <strong>and</strong> ttr€<br />

ulan on the llne Essembllng verucle8 of<br />

maklng parte.<br />

WhBt thlr amentllrlent polrld do tt<br />

dlsrupt a major Industry. It would melp<br />

ttre executlve eft4ld to makc d,ectslofis.<br />

It would mBk6 th6 worksr altald to do<br />

hls Job.<br />

I $holehesrtedly oppofie the Emenalment.<br />

Mt. O'NEILL of Maesrohusetts. Mr.<br />

Chalmen, I move to strlkE th€ rrqulsltE<br />

nmbcr ol wordg.<br />

Th6 CHAIR^ilIAN. The gentleE.Bn<br />

from MEB$0,chu$etta elreadgr hac been<br />

Ilqognlred rrnder ttle 6-mlnut6 ml6, anal<br />

lB not entttled to fuftlrer feoo8nltlont<br />

Ttre questlon la ou thc amcndncnt ollered<br />

by the Elentleman lro[r Massachu*<br />

setts tMr, Ot{E!,I,].<br />

Ttre questlon wa.s takgn; <strong>and</strong> on a dlvlslon<br />

(dem<strong>and</strong>ed W Mr. O'NEftr ol Mss-<br />

770 Vol.I

$dtrusett8) therc rtlF5'yct lS, Iroc!<br />

l?0.<br />

So the ammdment was rejected.<br />

a.EhxENT Oro tr If rQ$<br />

Mr, MOSEi. Mr. Chalrmm, I otr6r<br />

tn amendment.<br />

ThG Clerk ffEd e6lollows:<br />

AEc[dErtDt oierEd bt ML Mos: Ob FaCt<br />

go itrltr out llDc! 2l aEd 3t End rihuEbar<br />

rue?Gdlug psEgnph! sd uY rc(6lcEH<br />

t!ilGto c@rdh.glY.<br />

Ml. MOSS. Mr. gtrst$en End MeErbers<br />

o! the commlttde, I do not belleve<br />

thft Bmenalment l3 cohtroverstsl. I heve<br />

cususs€d lt wtth the dlstlngulshed runk-<br />

Ing memb€r of the mlnorlty ffid c'ith the<br />

chalmEn of the comrdttee. It would<br />

strlke ttre deflnltlon ol "perBon" as mntatned<br />

ln thts proposed st&tute, End<br />

therelore fall back on tltle I <strong>and</strong> the defl'<br />

iltlon of "person," broadenln8! lt, Md I<br />

feel lIt a cotrtructlve manner.<br />

I utge edoptlon of the amendment.<br />

Mr. STAGOERS. Mr. ChElrman, we<br />

Eacept the atnendment on thls $lde'<br />

Mr. SPRINCER. Mr. ChtrlrmBn' may<br />

I ask whether thls ls the amendment<br />

whlch we dtscussed Pfevtously?<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. Yes, it ls.<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. we heve nq obJectlon.<br />

The CHAIRMAN' The que$tlon lB on<br />

the Emendment offered by t'tre gentlehafl<br />

tron Crllfornj8.<br />

The o.d,endrnent wffi egreed to.<br />


Mr. MOSEI. Mr. chalruan, I ofler an<br />

aEendrdeflt.<br />

The Clerk read s follow8i<br />

AEeDddcEt oEered bY Mr' Mos: OD P'86<br />

59, ttn. l, Eltor "Etat6" tucrt<br />

"4 poLttldl<br />

aubdlvlBtol tharsol".<br />

Mr. MOg& Mr. chBlffian, agaln I tlo<br />

not beilevb trus ls controvetslal. rt maker<br />

It qultt ctear thEt B dlstrtct Ettorney ol<br />

a city prosecutor corlld seek lnfotmailon<br />

lrom the drlvers llens€ feglstry ffielntatned<br />

by the Depertment o( CoEf,erc€'<br />

The pre$ent lBngua{te lg rether conJused'<br />

It strtes "Et the request ol e StBtc." It<br />

det not' say who ln the State mEtseE the<br />

reque$t. It ls not cleBr Bt Bll whether a<br />

(Ustrlct ettorney, B cdunty or, Bs f sy, B<br />

clty prGecutor muld lorward 0, requffit<br />

anh h*ve lt responded to. r have dlscused<br />

thl! also wlth the distlngulshed<br />

gentlemen lrom Illlnol8 <strong>and</strong> wlth the<br />

chalrmen of the mnrmlttee' md I beueve<br />

It ls sls noncontroveralBl'<br />

Mr. SPRINGm'<br />

hare no objectlon.<br />

Mr. ChElrmeJr' we<br />

Mr. BTAGGffiS. nrc hBYe no obj€ctlon<br />

to lt.<br />

The CrIATFiMAN' The quesuon lE oD<br />

the amendment ofiered tltrt the gentlctrlrb.<br />

lrom c&tlfomle tMr. Motsl.<br />

Ttre e,mendment war agreetl to'<br />

Mr. HERI,ONA. Mr. Chelmeu, t<br />

Eove to strlLe ttre lest word.<br />

Mr. ChElrtrlaD' I tate thls UEE l|| order<br />

to dstse en lnqulry ol the dlstlB-<br />

IrutEhed chBlilan ol ttle cdm.Etttec' On<br />

pace 29 of the blll' on tine 18, under the<br />

ienttfUonr. B motor vehlclc ls def,ned ff<br />

rrreB$lna "8ny veruclc drlven or drawn by<br />

mechr,nical power ruu-factured irl-<br />

Earlly tor uae on tJts publlc 66recta'<br />

House Debate<br />

JEf, qd eroept' Brr;v vehlcle<br />

{rhyayt.<br />

EEnt4d exclustvely on a rBll o'r rslls-"<br />

Do I uJlderstMd thst this pearo ttre<br />

provlslotr oI thl.s lsw do not Bpply to otr<br />

Hgnsey velticles or vehlcles such u Indianapolis<br />

rSce cErE whlch are toeed to<br />

End trom the rre tratk or modlf,ed stock<br />

csr$ whlch a.re geared ln Errch I way thEt<br />

ttrey cerrnot be rued on ttle hlghwBys?<br />

Ur. ETAGGERS, That l.s mrrect. MY<br />

lD.terpret8tlon<br />

to ttrem,<br />

would be lt does not Epply<br />

Mr. RIVER.9 of Eouth Carollna. Mr.<br />

chalmm. I tbove to Etdke the l8st word.<br />

Mr. chEirmEn. I tske trus time to Bsk<br />

ol the distlngulBhed chBlmBn or the<br />

raoHns mtnorlty meulber where ln thls<br />

blll ttre publtc ls FuEhrrt€ed guBlity control.<br />

The m8nu{84tuer carulot EuErant€<br />

qu8lity control, b+c+use ll he ln$lsts<br />

on t}Ie repres€ntEtlve of the lebor unlon<br />

to perform quallty control, they could<br />

selk off the Job. That Ls not the fBult<br />

of the ronwMturer. AII of u$ know<br />

ttrat there are mdny caEe6 ln our osn<br />

erperlence where there Ere obvlous defffits<br />

ln our cer8 which we buy whlch<br />

ere not the f eult ol the rnanufsEtuer hut<br />

ttle negllgence o! 6ome employee. Does<br />

thls bUl give the manufectu.rer &n opportmlty<br />

to guafantee to the uing publlc<br />

tlst there 9lU b€ quellty control Es p0.rt<br />

<strong>and</strong> percel of t&ls law? You cennot<br />

l.Brput€ sll ot tJ:.effi faulk to the mEnulBcturer<br />

erclElvely.<br />

Mr. IGEBS. Mr. Chdffi8n, r'ilI the<br />

Eentlettren yleld lor B quertlon?<br />

Mr. RTVERS of Souttr Caro]lra. I Bm<br />

Esking one f,Et.<br />

Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. ChalrEffi, wfll<br />

the BentlemEn yleld?<br />

Mr.<br />

ylelil.<br />

RJVE-S ol South CsJollns. I<br />

Mr. STAGGffiS. I would say to ttre<br />

gentleman that thls lB a EBIeW blx qnd<br />

not a qualtty control blll. A]though,<br />

qu&Ilty has to come lnto Eafef,y. we Ere<br />

llslstlrg that evetythlDg b€ doDe to rdEke<br />

the Gr Eefe.<br />

Mr. RMS of South Caroune. But<br />

you do not Sdve the menuJacturer an<br />

opporturjty fa guamtee thai hi$ employees<br />

wlll glve the u.6in8 pubuc B product<br />

shlch ls sete from obvlou8 defects on<br />

the part of the employes.<br />

Mr. STAGGER^Si. We have a ptovlBlon<br />

In here thEt every cu turned out lltust<br />

tE ertifled x ln conformance wltJt<br />

safety $t<strong>and</strong>f,rds befue lt goes to the f,t8t<br />

buyer.<br />

Mr. IiWER*S or South Carollne. U<br />

you knes Bnythlng Ebout the eutomoblle<br />

butnes,<br />

done.<br />

you wou-ld know t}ls cannot b€<br />

Mr. ETAGGERS. We heve lt ln the<br />

bru.<br />

Mr. R.IVmE of Elouth Caroltna. I<br />

knon', but you slll find out. You ougtrt<br />

to give the mmufectuer some ctedlt, for<br />

Eomethlng, end you are not dolng lt h<br />

thls btU.<br />

Now f wordd llke to |lrqulre of the<br />

tenktns mlnoflty member at to tlre saine<br />

thlns. IB ttre mffruraciurer 8{ven tny<br />

opporturdty to cotrlpel hl$ employ#s to<br />

Fuarantce thst thelr product 16 not<br />

freueht vlth negllgence?<br />

MJ. EPRINGER, I iS DOt sUfE t.hEI<br />

I underst<strong>and</strong> the Bentled8n'8 questior,<br />

I heve no brlel for the manufs4turerE.<br />

1ffi5<br />


I 6h8ll b€ hBppy to s"ns$er the Eentledra.n's<br />

que$tlon lJ I Etrr sure I understmd<br />

lt.<br />

Mr. RIVER*E of South Cerollna.<br />

I dd<br />

not think that your blU protects the<br />

Eing publlc lnsofar 6s elrlployes ere<br />

cdncerned. If you glve eU the punishment<br />

to the rnenu.faEturerB<br />

the employeet<strong>and</strong><br />

none to<br />

Mr. SPF,INGE,. Weu, mey I EeY thEt<br />

ttrere ls e responslbility oD the pert of<br />

tJre company, Ell the wsy down the line.<br />

Now, you miFht h8ve ail elnplolree<br />

down here who mlght tum out B defective<br />

pltre of equlpment or a defectlve<br />

eutomoblle uder the lenguage which we<br />

put ln tlrls biU, but the mdpeny, collectlvely,<br />

Is llBble. We do not exempt &ny<br />

employe€ EpeclflcElly.<br />

Mr. RIVER.S of South carolina.<br />

well,<br />

tey, a manufscturef lnsisied upon a p€lforlnaflce<br />

on the Eteerlng wheel whlch<br />

lhey compelled the employees to perfotm<br />

a.nd they refued tn do lt<br />

Is there any redress on the part ol the<br />

Pulrlic?<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chairmen. lf the<br />

gentlemm will yield f urtlter, alo I under-<br />

6tend tliat lf he ordered an emllloyee to<br />

carry out a Edfety functlon which he tle-<br />

Iteves wlll make his product sefe, snd<br />

there ls e refusal on the part of the employee,<br />

there ls no Punl""luent?<br />

Mr. FtwmS of South CefollrrE. well,<br />

they walk ofl the job. Ttre EbntlemEn<br />

hbs heard of that, hs he noi?<br />

MI, SPR,INGffi, Ye$.<br />

Mr. RfVffis of South Cerollna. And<br />

they do lt every day.<br />

Mr. SFF.INGER. Yes, <strong>and</strong> you cen<br />

flfle them.<br />

Mr. RfVER.S oI gouth Carollne. However.<br />

where hEs E menulacturer<br />

redres?<br />

got any<br />

Mr. SPEINGER. Mr. Chslmen, lf tfie<br />

Bentlemen will yield further, the only<br />

redress he woultl have q'or:ld t,e to flre<br />

Bn employee for negllgence, Bnd lf he<br />

dld not follow the safety st<strong>and</strong>ards mt<br />

up by ttre company, tt ls my underst<strong>and</strong>llg,<br />

uder altnct eny compmy rules or<br />

under sny unlon tules, that you heve a<br />

rlght to flre therh.<br />

772<br />

quajlty product becsus€ they drlve thera<br />

theruelves.<br />

Mr. RIVER^S of Eouth Catollna. I wlII<br />

Eay that that hes not b€en my exp€rlenc€.<br />

I rf'.3h they could heve been trlede to<br />

drlve eome of the csr6 I hlve owned.<br />

fr'HDXEM OI.EID bT ilN. SEE<br />

Mr. SRALEY. Ml'. ghElrbnfl, I ofler<br />

nn e.uendment,<br />

Ttrs Clerk r€etl Es fttllows:<br />

AstDdscnt otrered by Mr, cffi: OE<br />

poge 3{, att€r llne II, lffirt tbe loUosln8 Dffi<br />

Eubffitlon :<br />

"(t) Ar ffin eB pr#tl€blE slt4r the data<br />

ol eu*tfient ol tttrB tttle, the B+cret4ry rh8ll<br />

establlrh trbderal Eotdr vcblcli Blety sbndsds<br />

requlrtng that eYGry mottr geblcle uEd<br />

or to ts utd 8E a rch6lbu thBU be<br />

Gqutpped at eadh p@D8tr eet lffitlou Ylth<br />

E aeat l*It,"<br />

Mr. SR.ALEY. Mr. Cbslffim, I EtrbU<br />

only tske e lew rnlnutet on thls a,[re.Dd*<br />

Eent-<br />

Mr. chatrrren, I teel thst thls I'ruendment<br />

ls s juEtlfiEble one.<br />

Mr. Chelflflen, there has b€en Eucb<br />

erapert testfunony Bnd statlsuc.s whlch<br />

tr8ve bten oflered to prove thst seat belta<br />

have been E tBctor |l1 Esfety ln prlvete<br />

vehlcle.s, ln GovernEent vehldles, End ln<br />

aIJr other vehlclc.<br />

I thlnE lt ls fmllsh for u.s to wrlte<br />

B plece of leglslatlon provldlng for mtlonel<br />

Be.fety <strong>and</strong> not protect the welfere<br />

ol ou chilalien who, irl my oplnlon, are<br />

ou most ldpotteJrt, <strong>and</strong> vEluble s8Beta.<br />

We h8ve rgqulred uleny sfety feetures<br />

on Edhoolbuses, <strong>and</strong> I feel ttrat lt<br />

ls proper snd fltting to reqr:Ire ln thls<br />

leglslEtlon that &hmlbuses be equlpped<br />

e$d requl]'eal to be €qulpped wlth 8€Bt<br />

belts.<br />

Mr. DINGELL. Mr. CheimEn, lf,lll<br />

Mr. RIUEF,S of South CerollnE. You<br />

flre them aIId watch them Ue uP the<br />

whole process. Everybody ln tJle coutry<br />

knows thIB End everytrccly ln thls<br />

HolH knows thlc.<br />


wlll the Bentleman yleld?<br />

the gentlem&n yleld?<br />

Mr. CRALEY,<br />

lEn,<br />

I yleld to the sentle-<br />

Mr. DINGET.T,. Mr. Chairmm, do€6<br />

ttre gentlemal's emendtrent requlre Ell<br />

of these schoolbuses ta be equipped wlth<br />

seet belt6, or<br />

Mr. RrVER^S of South CeroIhE. I<br />

yteld to the gentleman from MichlEan.<br />

Mr. CEDER,Bffi,G, I tblnk lt would<br />

b€ e mtstake to lnfer thst the employees<br />

of the Butohoblle mEnufecturere would<br />

ln any way try to turn out a product that<br />

wEs hot s8.fe End up to the Et<strong>and</strong>Erals ttlBt<br />

the comp&ny requlres.<br />

Mr. ChBlrmEn, ln the flr$t pld,ce' these<br />

employeet drlve these car$ therelves.<br />

Ttrelr own safety ls at stake.<br />

I{r. ChalmBn, I belleve that the euto*<br />

moblle msnuf0ctur€r Bnd the rcspon'<br />

sible p€ople who rcpresent these eEployees<br />

reooEinlft thet lt r$ ln thelr best<br />

rntirest to tm aut a qulltv Ftoduot.<br />

TheE art probably alway8 route thln88<br />

thst ca$ happen. But, bY eJrd lErge,<br />

ttrese employeee eft So|l1B to tum out a<br />

jut newly EanuJactured<br />

schoolbues?<br />

Mr. CRALEIr. The Emendment rEqulres<br />

tbat every motor vehicle used or<br />

to be useal ffi a schoolbu5 be equipped<br />

wtth ttre seat belts. ThiE would applv<br />

td not orUy new ones, but to thoBe Echoolbuses<br />

already ln ue.<br />

Mr. DINGEI,L. Mny I ffik the SeEtlenm,<br />

ttren, beceuse I ffi #e thBt the<br />

tnt€rstate colnmerce powers of the Federal<br />

Govement under the Constltutlon<br />

wor:Id afiord S"pproprlat'e Euthorlty lot<br />

tlealins wlth the questlorr of these vehlcles<br />

thet sre to be sold ln lnterstate<br />

corilnerce h the futue, but I rrould<br />

llke to know under whbt power car the<br />

gon.greB6 constitutionElly leglElete tJIe<br />

use oI Eeat belts on sll schoolbuses, lncludlng<br />

those whtch ere not sold or oper-<br />

Eted ln |Ilterstate cotrrrhefce?<br />

Mr, gfiAI-EY. I would Etate to tha<br />

gentleEBn th8t I am not m attomey,<br />

End I flould heve to bow to the gentlemm<br />

on that, question. My fetllng le<br />

that tJ the leglslEtlon lE pessetl lt wlll<br />

be requlred, end woul(l be ha.nalatory<br />

that ln ordet tor ttrese Eotor vehlcle.s<br />

to operEt€, ttnt they would have to have<br />

6€at b€Its.<br />


Iffi rr^<br />

thlnt<br />

p+{qFqlthst<br />

lf the<br />

Mr- cbatrman. r<br />

gentleE8n wets to<br />

chmge hls Bmendment to sl'y thrt lt<br />

*ould Bpply to motor vehlcls sold lrr<br />

lnter$tst€ comerce forservlce es sthmlbus€s,<br />

snd they $hould b€ tullv equlpfEd<br />

wlth seat belts. thBt would b€ orn thmg.<br />

I thlnk lt would be mrotit,utlonal <strong>and</strong><br />

I personally would support the Blnend-<br />

'<br />

ment- But I cenllot support the Bmendment<br />

when we go back Bnd deBl much<br />

more broadly than I leel $e shorlld' BIld<br />

the flmendment raises thb puticular<br />

problem, but here without th8t provlso<br />

ln it there nrlght very well be a broatl<br />

constltutlonEl question thst I, a6 s Bttotnev.<br />

cannot etrswer.<br />

Mr. CRAIEY. Mr. ChElrEAn. I<br />

vould lebve thEt to the opllllon o! the<br />

couftii. My flmendment would requlre<br />

this sfety fedture, <strong>and</strong> I wlll lei lt stBncl<br />

at that.<br />

'<br />

Mr. coLMffi. Mr.<br />

ghalrman' I Est<br />

unanlmous con$€nt to extend my remarks<br />

at thts rnlnt ln tJle flrcou Bnd<br />

spe&k 0ut ol order.<br />

Ttre CIIAIRJIIAN. Il there objmtlon<br />

to the request ol tJre gentleman from<br />

Mlsslslppl?<br />

Ttrere wgs no oblecHon.<br />

Mr. COIMER. Mr. chf,lnnan I move<br />

to Btrlke the iequlslt4 nmber ol words-<br />

Mr. Chalmsn' nrst I dffilre to Bpolo-<br />

81ze tn the Members of the Hous{ for digfe$$ing<br />

from tfi,ls |rnportsrli disuslon<br />

of m important blll: But since I do not<br />

tsl(e lhe flmr very oIten, I thlrt]& I bm<br />

Justlfled ln dolna so no$ <strong>and</strong> speEllna<br />

out of order.<br />

TodBY we are witnffilng a Pf,rt of the<br />

oversll Comul$t conEplmcy trl lhls<br />

country right here on Capitol Hill 1n the<br />

caucus room of the Oltl House Ofrce<br />

BuUdins where the Committee on Un-<br />

Amerlcan Actldtles ls EtteftplinF to conduct<br />

a heBflng on comuJrlBt p4rticipatlon<br />

tn en efiort to thmrt tlre w6r efforts<br />

or lh.ls courtrY ln VletM. Ttte dlsoraler,<br />

the turmoll end the riotlng wlrlch<br />

hss occmed ln the coDldttee rmill toalay<br />

ls nothlns Bhort of a demorlstratlon<br />

ol ihe corrmuhlst conspirEcy to destroy<br />

our Goverment.<br />

T'hese pcople operbte<br />

l"n evelT fleld whefe they can Fu'sh Lhelr<br />

wEy rn.<br />

O( Irdrtlcular tnterest to me' the people<br />

of Mlsslssippl, 8nd I am sure to thls<br />

Iroue ls the conduct of the wltnesses<br />

Bubpensrd by the comElttee <strong>and</strong> thelr<br />

ettorneys ln ttlese hffirings iodry-<br />

We hBve jut learned not only thEt B<br />

nr.Untnr of the Wltne$ses were ,qelzed by<br />

policf, md marshals snl plE€d in Jau.<br />

but, elso one ol thelr Btt4rneys, Arthur<br />

Elnoy, wal Blso lncarceBttd for hls dlsorderly<br />

conduct En(l efiorts to dlsrupt the<br />

ortterly protedure of tIrE comlttee.<br />

Anal who lr tlrlt toe'!. Arthur Elnoy?<br />

Mr. chslrmsn' on February 16 last<br />

y€ar I advls€d the Ifouse that Arthu<br />

tlnoy <strong>and</strong> wllltarn lt lcur$tler' both<br />

Iilew York clty lEvTeB, tosether wlth<br />

Benjumln E. Smlth, Morton Stavls' <strong>and</strong><br />

'WtluM<br />

L. IIlasE wem llsttd 83 sttdmeys<br />

for the mntdstant8 ln the movement by<br />

the MlslslPpl Fteedom Democrattc<br />

Party4n ofshoot oI sNCC-to unFeat<br />

the Mtistsslppl delegatlon ln the House'<br />

And. I further advls€d the IIolH that<br />

thls movement ws a part <strong>and</strong> pertlcle of<br />

House Debate<br />

thc Coujulunlat coropfuEctf. h thrt<br />

steleEent I further potnt€d oNrt th8t of<br />

the 159 lawyeB listed ln the brlel ol the<br />

cont'estantj, l4 tre ldentifled Cohrllu*<br />

nlsts, a tot8l ol 63 or over one-thhd have<br />

some ktnd oI Comunlst or ConmunlEt<br />

front record-<br />

Mr. chBlrron- I ctterl ttle rrurd ol<br />

Arthur Kitroy Md I rcarl It now ro follows<br />

;<br />

Artbur ElDoy, NcF York Clty: tdtmber ol<br />

Nattonal IrtltycE Gulld, Ytco preEldent tn<br />

186{: mubir ol ermutlYc mlMttte lor<br />

th6 AEerlcan Student ItDlOn Shtcb hs b.en<br />

clted s Comuotlt by ier lnvesttBathB<br />

comltteE; atbrEty lor Co@uDlEt-cqDtblled<br />

Unltrd Electrlcal. REdto & MachtBG<br />

WorkeH UnloD: BttorDey lol Etbcl 8Ed Jullur<br />

Rffnberg, erdut4d Epl6; atrcmcy ffi<br />

Steve N€lson, the lnttEftlonal Collmlsltl<br />

leeder: memtrer ot laE flm whlch rffelved<br />

psymenta lrcH verlous CommuntFt 8rcupt<br />

lncludlus lh6 ColIBtttee lor Jwttc6 lor<br />

Mtrton Sobcu, Md tbs Lsbor Yout!<br />

Ii8guc. coNcREIoN^L REos. voltls lll'<br />

pst 2, pa8e 1950,<br />

I further read the reference io Wll-<br />

Il8ro M. I{unstler ss lollows:<br />

willfM M. Eub8tls, N.E York CttY: h*-<br />

tured EFEsrar at tally slrcDsared by CoE_<br />

Eulst-lrcDt Btoup, CltHu CoEslttm lfi<br />

CoDEtltuttoDil Llb€ftld; hg aptF$cd on<br />

DtatforE wltb ldentluad CoEsunish CMI<br />

braclerr. pruuk WllklDmn. eDd HEhry WLnsbD:<br />

counsel fqr Sduth#E CoElerencc Edu-<br />

Fttobsl llubd, OoNcRBToHM RaEE, vol-<br />

UEG I ll, pstt i. Pagc 1950.<br />

rncldentallv, I polnt out thBt the wlllle[r<br />

L. Hlggs clted, noF ol WLchiriaton,<br />

D.C.. was tllsbaned on a morsls chafge<br />

tn MlssisstPPl.<br />

A8aln, Mr. ChalrErsn, I point+d mt<br />

tlrat these sme Iswyero wer€ the Bttorneys<br />

who ett€mpt€d to enJolh the CoEmlttfr<br />

on Un-Amerlc&n Actlvltles froE<br />

holdlrE thes hearlng$. AJt€r KlmY<br />

wrs arrested. this sattle WiulM<br />

L- HISEB<br />

ls now along Flth the sffie WiUtffi M.<br />

I(unsiler ln the stt€mpt to allsrupt the<br />

orderly procedure ol a codlnlttde ol thls<br />

congres <strong>and</strong> were a.mong thos other<br />

lBweE who wnlked out ol the comfirlttce<br />

today ln ah attespt to show thelr<br />

contrmpt for the comnilbtee.<br />

Mr. Ctlalffim, ln vlew ol the Pre3suro<br />

Froups thet' bombarded the Member8 of<br />

thls Hou$e to uroeBt the duly elffitEd<br />

Memb€rs ol the House from Missislppl,<br />

I thou.ght tt rntsht be well to re{resh tlle<br />

ruemory of the membershlp End to Bgeln<br />

Dotnt out End emph8slze thls Communist<br />

coroplreEy to destrcY our cherlshed<br />

Amerlc8n lortrl ol governEeDt.<br />

Mr. BURTQN of CallJomla. Mt.<br />

ChElmEn. wlll the sentlemaD yteld?<br />

Mr. COLME8.<br />

mrn frmCgllfornla.<br />

I yteld to ttle sentle-<br />

Mr. BIIRTaN of Celllornla. f a'4<br />

Eu.re the getrtletns$ would not Uke thc<br />

REcoru to leEve the lmpreslon lor any<br />

of the resden ol the FtEcoru tlrat the<br />

15{ Bttomeys to whom the gentleEsD<br />

refer-a greBt number ol whom art<br />

from sBn Ranclf,dr|JrcludlnE Bttorneys<br />

fron me ol our leedrng lrrv<br />

fl.r<br />

Mr. COLIIIER.<br />

teprft€ntatloE.<br />

Yes; you hsd E cood<br />

Mr. BURTO}{ ol Cellfomle. f eu<br />

sure that tJle gentlensD le not trylng<br />

drrectly or lndlruuy to lmpusn elther<br />

';t<br />

'r[<br />

{<br />


tlle motlYaHoE or ttrc person<br />

or thede Bftomey', *n. *"fiu-"tl.HlHi #*H*";ir$JH$-*o#"i,#,ii.ti,.itfi 1effi7<br />

thern, Esny of th8 Eost rlbtlngulEtr€d sui be lncreurt. We can bu[tf ]iousrs<br />

feUow mmbeE ol the bar, end f would thet wlu not bum but who ca'r Etrord<br />

llBe to haye th€ RtcoRb m6t clear on theEr?<br />

Urst r'olDt, _ The edmtnlBtreflon estod for ruthortty<br />

Mr. COI,Mm,. I 8et the EentletrlBn's to controt deslgn but the oom.mlttee, G<br />

lsrpucEtlon. lt,8 ndEdon, deleted ttrls from ttre blll.<br />

I!Ir. BURTON of Cslilornir-. I would Tttey wtU be b*ck BStln wtth tht. reque6t.<br />

further litse to 6tqte thBt nelther the Watt <strong>and</strong> 6ee.<br />

ref,I or Blleged conduct ol r cllent en U ttre Itsderal Government t6 to dtrlde<br />

properly be imput€d to hls attomey. what is mfe snd whEt ls unsefe when<br />

May f po$e t,Itls qustion *<br />

S..*".- wiU they 6ay you csnnot butld mnvertl-<br />

Clemar: The genllema!, r would hoqe, 61ss ena niritop oonve''4bles becaLrae<br />

would lully under$t<strong>and</strong> the grest dift- 116y fell to ofier as much prot4ctlon as<br />

culty anyone mentioned on the floor ol sedans when turned ou"iGi, acctdent?<br />

thls Hous€ l$ confrcnt€d wlth+peaklnB, Or when wlll certeln colors be ouilEwed<br />

aa the ge[tlemBn doed, under the cloak bec8u$e they Ere hErder to 6# under<br />

of coru{resslonal immunity.<br />

'fhe certaln conditlons?<br />

CHAIEMAN. The tlme of the Wlrere Bnd on whst bgsls aloe$ the Es_<br />

8entleftffi from Misslsippl hs explrerl. sunrption mme trom tfrai tfre Oor"*_<br />

Mr. qI'NNINGHAM. Mr. Chdraan,<br />

I menl h8-s or csn ger per8onnet who know<br />

move to strltse tlrc requlslt€ nunb€r ot rnore about buildfng *"i th*, those ln<br />

words<br />

lndustry? lfrut, every 6pare part be<br />

._ I deslre to speak bdeny td_tbc flbJect 6anulaitured to e Goverirmenf stentt_<br />

th$t l3 belorc us. Ttle EentJeflan suE- ard before tt cm be soldf<br />

gestrd Bn aEendrunt aelUnq wtt! Is the Govemment to dupllcate the re_<br />

mfety beltr ln school bur€8, et.cet€ra-<br />

! search end development f;cillfles of inhave<br />

ben studylng t^tr[t subject fol 3 dustry? are.intheenO,prlcestobesub_<br />

yerrs. Eltller thls yesf I lDtrotluced a stdlzed wlth hirlden iriUiiOr"* r" tfre<br />

blu to do thrt, We dl$used_lt.ln<br />

-og fom of grants for resesrch, t€st, <strong>and</strong> deoohmlttee.<br />

But fie leel, BDd I tblnk lt velopment, the co$t of whlch must or<br />

ts E ltrt, that the Int€rststE CoEmerce filI not be recovered in the uie price oi<br />

ComElsslon hns authortty to provlde the csr?<br />

sefety devlffi on dny veblcle uBder ttretr Many rq91s qqa"flons cen be ffilsed but<br />

Jurladlstlon, rnd thdt lncludes hany lt ls safe to siry ttrat ttl, ntU ,fses "i<br />

schoolbu$, tnteEtstt btLrs, Bnal so falls on whether or not common$ense lE<br />

lorth. Ttley have already Ermounced employed tn lts admlnlstrutton. io te<br />

trat they plm, rlelleve, to so atleed <strong>and</strong> surc, more mmmonsense will be requlred<br />

requlre that. Wtth that lnlorm8uofl than has been u$ed lrn the geeutniaUon<br />

Irom tlre ICC, we dld not tefro lt up Act,forexEEple,todgte.<br />

Bpeclf,csuy ln thls le8lslstlon. I hBve Elweys b€en Eulded by the rule<br />

Mr. S|TAGGERS. Mr. Ch.al.trra,tr, rlII of .'when<br />

't<br />

lrr doubt^-don't." m ln<br />

the gentlemM yleld? doubt today. The mffi Uehlnd thewheei<br />

Mr. SUNI\IINGHAI{. I yteld to the is the greetert safety fEctor of all.<br />

Sentlemsn lroE West Vlrglnlr. tlre CHAIR'MAN. The ehslr recog_<br />

Mr. STAGGER.B. f undefttsDd the nizes th€ Eenileman froffi North CBro_<br />

Sentlemm dld not wlthdraw the BrneDil- llm I Mr. HENDER$oNI.<br />

ment, md tt l,s otill b€lore the Hou*. I (By unBntnous consent, Mr. GiosB<br />

ryree trgree wlth wlttt the gentleman lroE Nebraska ylelded hl$ time to Mr. Hrmrnmw.)<br />

that we 816 glvlna t&6 gecrete,ry the Mr. EENDERSON. Mr. Chatm Chalman, I<br />

rl8lht Ellt to Fut put the8€ thed€ ln 8fld Bnd to to Droceed. thenk thsnk i.hp the qanfiFmqn ge.nfieman rhh frl'm fowa. ?^Fd<br />

T'he CHAIRMAN. Ttre queatlon l,! on I woultl lif,e to m*e s a bflef stsl ststement<br />

!*jqtgg,lt!fe1$-uv_tne rylueman to the rroure eno po*e ; i;;;ti"; 6;h;<br />

from Peruylvanla [Mr. CroK],<br />

chalffia.n or to a memb€r of tbe com-<br />

T'tre amcndment we8 rcJ€ctrtl.<br />

mlttee.<br />

Mr. STAGGEREI. Mr. ChBlrEEn, I esk Mr. 6lhgiffia.n, the blll before us today<br />

unanlnoua oonsent thlt ill d€bete on th€ casstrs 6 new egency <strong>and</strong> a new fmctlori.<br />

btil t€rmlntto in lE mtnute. r hgve lmked ttrrouih thJrimri ecmm_<br />

The CEAIRMAI{. Ir ttrere obJc{flon panylns irri Uirr, enA r ca;ot h;a-;rry<br />

!9<br />

tng rrgues! ol th6 aenilens$ fronr ierei.enie-to ihe mmpuance wlth publti<br />

WeBt Vlf8lrllB? raw 801. I would potlt, oui to trrJm;:<br />

Ttrere w'a no objecilon.<br />

.. hltte ttBt this law, ortelnaflnc frcm<br />

The ghBlr recognlzes tlre gentlenEn the Manpower Subcommtttee itret f fiavJ<br />

lrcfr Inulalans tMf. w^acorf,thl, the nonor to charr, requlres the extru-<br />

Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr. Chdrman, uvedepartmenttotumfuhwlthltsreport<br />

tlLts bul lc lraught wttJr danger <strong>and</strong> aE to the mrmlttet6 ot Collgres the man-<br />

8lc! tt establl8hes_ a danggrcu! prece- power trnpucatiorla of leglslsilon prodent.<br />

f shall vot€ for lt wlt.| reluctsnce posed by ttle execuflve, that wou.ld reahd<br />

teaf tor f am learfi{ tbe ttay wfn qulre new fuctto[s of create new<br />

mme when we ylU rEEret thl| tctl,orl Egencles-<br />

It do'eE Inctees tfrc suthorlw ol the f Em most hop€fut that, the chelrmen<br />

Federal Govemment oyer prlvEh entrt- or sme member of the conilnlfrtr can<br />

prft€ md lt docc wcakrn the frue entzr- trfom the committ€e et thts flme how<br />

prlsc rystcrl|. Fbr thlc FEa.*ttr f havc msny new lrederal eBployers thls new<br />

trtuble undeftt8ndlng sht thc automo- agency udll rcqulre sntt give u mme ldca<br />

tire lndurtry w8ntt tllfu le8i|slrdon. Eut of the psyroU or manlrower mst ll ttre<br />

they s8y tlrey do tor t^trc rerson lt wlu blu 1r erradted.<br />

prcduce saler car8 Te ffe told. Inded I yteld to the dlsfinsutshed ctrdmeu<br />

I hopG thef are rkht e,nd I r,m wrrnE, Irom we[t Vlrthlr loi r rtply.<br />


Mr. STAGGER^S. I mlsht uy t'o the<br />

gcntleEu th8t tbe l8ensy wes Edded ln<br />

executlve 8€slon Bnd Flthout mn5ultatlon<br />

wlth the execlrtlve departrnent, 80<br />

we do not heve the nmber.<br />

Mi. IIENDEFI.SQN. MAY I E.6K the<br />

turther qu6tlon; Do€a the corhhlttte<br />

h*ve ln lts flle arv lnloflnatlon for the<br />

EeErbeE of tbe 6[Edttee 8s to ttle marpover<br />

tDst of tfie new agency?<br />

Mr. STAG'GEES. T?re cost ol the new<br />

agency? No. I do not Flleve ttrst trc<br />

cost would be tm much more<br />

Mr. HENDER$ON. I would uf,e to<br />

put the chalrEan of thls commtttee Bnd<br />

other coBmttt€e chatrmen ob. notlce<br />

Bge.ln, th8t Publlc law 801 ls an act ol<br />

Cbngres whlch should be complled wlth.<br />

J recognlze that the chalrman ln t}lls<br />

lnst8nce mskes the flolnt that the Dew<br />

dgency w8s created by the cofrlnlttde,<br />

rnd was not B recommendltion oI the<br />

extrutlve, but I believe by the enactment<br />

of Publlc Law 801, Congres hdlcated<br />

that lt wants this lnforrnation on hend<br />

|]r every commltttr es lt conslders E bill.<br />

We Bre going to do our bcst to 6te that<br />

Public Lsw 801 ls cotnplietl with.<br />

Mr. GROSS,<br />

SentleEa.n Yield?<br />

Mr. Chairtneh, wlll the<br />

Mr. HFjI{DEF.SON.<br />

I aE ElEd to Ylelrl<br />

to the centleman fbom lowa.<br />

Mr. ciRoSS. I btlieve this is a<br />

Etrange Eituationi when no rnebber of<br />

the cotnrnitte+ can tell u$ what tttls blll<br />

will crot ln tems of EddltionEl mEnpower.<br />

There ls not one, but two egencls<br />

art b€lng creetrd unaler the tefltrs<br />

oI thl.s bill.<br />

As the sentleman lrom North Carolhe<br />

has well pointed out, thls comfilttet na6<br />

codpletely lgnored Public Idw 801'<br />

which is mBndBtory wlth fespect to the<br />

creatlon of a nes agency or the expBh-<br />

Elon of Bn old agency. I Bm flrrprlsedf<br />

Bm shocked to learrr we ca,u Eet no<br />

flFures, not even 8n e$timstE. ol the<br />

mEnpower cost of thls ]egislatlon.<br />

Mr. STAGGER.S. Mr. Chelrm.en, wlil<br />

the gentleman yield?<br />

Mr. IIBIDm,SON. r yleld to the<br />

tentlemEn from West VtrginiB.<br />

Mr. SIAGGm,S. I mlght Hy thBt<br />

Epeclflc monetsrv euthorlzEtioLq aE ln<br />

the bill before us. The bill setE forth the<br />

authortted s,pproprlatlo$$ ln dollsr<br />

erDouts.<br />

Mr. ciRoSE. Il the frentlerhen wlll<br />

ylelcl, Gn the ErentlemEn tell me how<br />

rtreny aaldltional employees thero qtlll<br />

b€?<br />

Mr. STAGCERS. I do not know. but<br />

we have $€t up the Eonetsry llnlt <strong>and</strong> lt<br />

mmot go beyond tttat. We can glve<br />

you E breEkdown of the totals. Does the<br />

gentlemBn want me to say whet they<br />

Bre ?<br />

Mr. GROSS. TtlBt 18 8cEruly an 6rlswer<br />

to the Questlon. ttbltc Iaw Eol<br />

roguires the lnforfi etlon-<br />

The CII-aIRMAN. The ChBh r€cognlzes<br />

the gentleman from Nebruskh [Mr.<br />


Mr. CUNNII{GHAM. Mr. chelrrDBtl'<br />

BE I sald b€fore today, I lavor thls blll,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I shaD vote lor tt, but lt ls not the<br />

Bolutton to thtE problem. It puts the<br />

emphesls where lt does not b€lons.<br />

I woulal be hopeful t,tnt thG Mct[ber6<br />

would poy [rsrttclrlrr rtt€atlon to the blll<br />

House Dehate<br />

whlch p+rheps wtll come up es tl,le nert<br />

order of bu.Slness before the Horrsc ot<br />

Representstlves, s blll out ol tne Pubuc<br />

wdrks oommltt€e, whlch re8lly ha8 Ercrt<br />

pffilblutleB tor dolna sohettrlnE abrt<br />

preventlng the atctdent^$, the dmttrs, <strong>and</strong><br />

tlre lnJurles on our hlShTaYEf<br />

would not wflnt Er\vone to tirlnk thlt<br />

b[] tE golng to rolve Erv problenr' becau$e<br />

there are no ststlstlc whatsd€vcr<br />

whlch lrdlcat€ that tre clesl8n dl the<br />

automoblle ls e ltctor h tlre lErge nmb€r<br />

of deEths 8nd l$Jurles on the hlghways<br />

today.<br />

The CHAIRMAIiI. The chslr tecoEnlzes<br />

the gentlemBn from MlctrlsBn (Mr.<br />

Drrcrlrl.<br />


Blmply for the purpose of polntlns out to<br />

my colleegues thet thls commlttee lus<br />

exercised Ereat vlsdom tn reportln8 to<br />

tJlt$ Congress one of the best plec4s ol<br />

leslslBtlon I btlleve we have ever had the<br />

prlvllege of conslderlng wlthtn tJlet<br />

coHmlttee, <strong>and</strong> I susptrt *'lthln anY<br />

commlttee of tlle Congress. It doe.$ fLtll<br />

equlty <strong>and</strong> justlce to the publlc lnterest'<br />

providing for Bdequat€ sRfety End $afety<br />

stendard$ for the Americsn motorrng<br />

pubuc <strong>and</strong> the Amerlcsn people.<br />

More lEportantly, lt wul (lo this ln<br />

ilctl e wBy Es to not unduly Jeopardize<br />

the legltlmate lntercst8 ol t.he huto<br />

EenufBcturers.<br />

I wou.ld p(lint out to ttle gentleFsfl<br />

frcm IowB End Blso to mY Sood lrlend<br />

from North CaroUaa tMr. HEr+bERsoxJ,<br />

who spoke In tt|e well not long ago' thBt<br />

thls coBEltte€ has Edheftd very cse'<br />

tuuy t'o hstt€tE end cGst estlmete5 ePproved<br />

wltJtln t,he bud8et 8nd tlre Bureau<br />

of the Budget tor the c4st of tllls Bgeflcy<br />

End the cost of carrylng out tbls lesls'<br />

letion.<br />

I would sls polnt out that, Bs a firefib€r<br />

of the committee, I hEve not the<br />

Ellsht€st l$tenuon, I sy to tfte Sentleman<br />

ftom Iows <strong>and</strong> als to the other<br />

gentlemBn on hls feet at thlE tlhe' ot<br />

belng bound bv some previous legl8letlon<br />

ln tly constder8tlon of le81$lation whlch<br />

happen3 to be b€fore me. I would point<br />

out to tlre gentlemen thet tJle Itrlnutc<br />

thls consres permits ltself to be encru.$ted<br />

by anclent <strong>and</strong> hoary st&tul.e$' or<br />

by otler $tEtut€s whlch may or lney Dot<br />

have relevancy, lt wlll ceese to b€ the<br />

Breflt delib€ratlve body needed by ttle<br />

Deople of ttds l<strong>and</strong>.<br />


wlII the gentlemsn Yteld?<br />

Mr, DINGELL. I WiII bE hBPPY tO<br />

yleld tn ju8t a moment, but I wduld polnt<br />

out to Ey Bood frlend I expmt thgt the<br />

depErtments downtown ,n EtEfillg to<br />

carry out the functlons requlred by ttlls<br />

legislEtion wlll exercibe greBt, prudence.<br />

It ts the expectstlon of tlrL6 coFmlttee<br />

f,nd every member on lt that tfiese mEtt€rs<br />

wul be conducted wlth EreBt csrr<br />

md clrcmspectlon.<br />

How I yteld to t.he EentJeEm lrctl<br />

North CErolinB-<br />


trsft tJte Eentlemf,n lor Yleld|lg. I<br />

rould llke to polnt oub ttrat flrbllc L.F<br />

801 requlre3 ttrle ertrutlve depsrtEent to<br />

n-port to tlre Cor4lres, 8ff1 I hop€ t'lrat<br />

the gentleEiE vlll Joln ut In trulEtlng<br />

775<br />

l<br />

r i<br />


Iffi tlrt the e)r6cutlv6 depertEent conply<br />

Efr laffi endAted by the Congres.<br />

TtrG CEAIR,IVIAN. ' The Chalr retoa-<br />

DlE6d the gentleEan froD CalllorEla<br />

lMr. Mossl for 2 dlnutes.<br />

Mr. MOSS. Mr. ChBirman <strong>and</strong> ladl6!<br />

md 6rentlmen of the Cotdmlttee, I tsts6<br />

thlE tlme because much mentlon bes<br />

been made here todBy of persoro resFnn'<br />

slble for ttre legislatlon now be(ore u.<br />

I wbnt to take cognlzBnce ol tlre very<br />

signif,cant <strong>and</strong> constructive role played<br />

by c former Member of thls HouBe,<br />

former Representstlve Kermeth Roberts<br />

of Alabame, who was the true ploneer in<br />

the Colrmerce Commltt€ ln flrst undertaklng<br />

the extenslve heartngs <strong>and</strong> lnitlBtiha<br />

the studieE whlch hsve led to en<br />

lncreasing focus of publlc Ett€ntlon on<br />

the serlous problem of cBrna.ge on our<br />

htghwEys. He cm tBke credlt quite<br />

prot)erly for leglstailOn enaxt€d to populsrize<br />

snd to.require the use of the se8t<br />

belt. IIe can t8ke grest credlt for the<br />

pEdded dash <strong>and</strong> he can tBke credit for<br />

other $igtriflcant forward step$ not Elysys<br />

embrtr4ed with enthusi8+u by the<br />

automotive lndustry.<br />

T'he CHAIRMAN. The Chair recocnizes<br />

the gentleman from west vlrFinla<br />

lMr. grAcoErrsl to close ttle debate.<br />

Mr. BTAGGER,EI. Mr. Chalrm4n, I<br />

wou.ld ]lke to heve tfie sttentlon ol thd<br />

two gentlemen stlg questloned the cost<br />

of thE. It ls embodletl In the blll. The<br />

cost of thls tltle ls efirtbdled here. <strong>and</strong><br />

It teus you v6ry plalnl$ what It ls end<br />

it wlll not excced thet. It ls S5l frllUon<br />

over s B-yeBr Deflod.<br />

I do not hEve tllrre now td yleld<br />

becaus€ I went to get one or two other<br />

polntr flcro$3. It ls very clear <strong>and</strong> it<br />

ssys that thls ls the cffit ol thls tltle ot<br />

the btll. ThIs ls only one pert of tfre<br />

sfety fatures thst we Ere trylng to dssqp6.<br />

ThlB tLtse3 care of the veltlcle.<br />

Also. we must conslder the driver <strong>and</strong><br />

the hlshwBys. Thffe s"lll be taken up<br />

ln the flert bilI. They &re very lmportant.<br />

'We have done the very best we cen to<br />

brtne to the Hou$e a gmal bill. we h8ve<br />

made it the stbn8est <strong>and</strong> best biu that<br />

thts commltt€e could po$slbly endorse.<br />

Mr. Chalrman, 6gEln I want to congratr:Io.te<br />

md commend all ol the members<br />

oi the committee for thetr help,<br />

because I know of no slngle objectton<br />

whlch hffi been brought up ln eny w&y<br />

to mghe thls a sood blll whlch tgs not<br />

ben embodied ln the btll. We do thtnI<br />

It ls a aood blll <strong>and</strong> m[Irnend lt to the<br />

Hous€.<br />

Tlre CHAIRMAI{. Tlre questlon 16 on<br />

the commltter aErendment ss arnendd.<br />

TTtc coffiIttee smendment as ammded<br />

we3 Bgte€d td.<br />

Th6 CHAInMAN. Under tr|e rule, the<br />

comJ$lttee rtses.<br />

Accordlncly, the Commlttc6 rofe; dnd<br />

the SpeBker h8ving reEufled tlre chatr,<br />

Mr. DADD^Bro, Chalrmetr ol the Comnltt€+<br />

of the Wholr House on the gtate<br />

o( the Unlon, report€d thRt thst col[-<br />

Elttco he,ytn8 had under constderatlon<br />

th6 bill (H.ft, 133s8) to pror4ale tor a<br />

coortl|ll8ted n8ttor8l safew pro8raE rnd<br />

Injurle!, Bntl pttperty dmage whlch<br />

Eotor velrlcler tn tnteistste cornf,erci<br />

to rEduc€ t'raI0c E4+ldEEt€ srid the de8ttla<br />

lnJuite3, Nrd prcfrty damage whlclr<br />

occur ln such eccldents, purEuant to<br />

IIotre Resolutlon 9€$, he reportcd thc<br />

blU bock to ttre HouBe wlth flrndry<br />

amend-dr€flta Edopted by the CobElttee<br />

ol tJle lyhole.<br />

The #EA.KEI[I. Under the nile, the<br />

pltvlou'$ questlou Is ordered.<br />

Is I gcpBratd yote deEAnded on Eny<br />

smendnent?<br />

Mf. $TAqGmS. Ycs, Mr. SFe&ker.<br />

f 8sk for B sepBtEte vote on the Sprlfl8:er<br />

uendment.<br />

The SFEA.EER. Ia I sepuate vote<br />

dem<strong>and</strong>ed on any other amcndment?<br />

If not, the Chslr Elll put them eD EroE,<br />

Ttre amend.Eents were sBreed ts.<br />

The SFEAEER. Tlre Clerk wlll report<br />

the alrlendment on whJch a seperat€ vote<br />

hm been d€m<strong>and</strong>ed.<br />

The Clerk reEd as follofls:<br />

Fage 34, llae 1{, strlke out "Strretsrlr" Ed<br />

lnsert lD lleu thereol tbe followlng: 'I+e61.<br />

detrt Ftib thG Bd$ts trEd conseirt ol tbr<br />

Senat6",<br />

The SPEAI(m. TTle questlon lE on the<br />

mendmeilt.<br />

Ttre questlon wss taken: Bnd orr B dlvlr<br />

slon (dem<strong>and</strong>ed by Mr. SFRE{cEft) there<br />

werF*ayes 7S, noes 98.<br />

Mr. SFE'INclm. I!fr. Chslrrhsn. t<br />

objmt to the vote ou tlre gromd th8t<br />

a quorum ls not pre6€nt Md EEke the<br />

polnt of order thBt e quonrm ls not<br />

pres€nt.<br />

The SPEAEm. E'rddeDtly a quonun<br />

is not present.<br />

The Doorkerlr€r wlll close the (loor3,<br />

the SergeRnt at Arrrs wlll notlfy absent<br />

Members, <strong>and</strong> the Clert wlll csll the roll.<br />

The questlon wEB tsken; an(l there<br />

werb-yeff 168, nays 205, not votlng 59,<br />

aa follow8;<br />

lEoU No. t18l<br />

YEAA_I68<br />

Abbttt Cmley J8EU<br />

Ad4r Corbett JohnsD.Pr.<br />

Andcrsn, lll- Orucr Jong<br />

tr&Grt, cuEntnEhu Jons. Lo.<br />

ceor8. W. cffilD Jonw, t{.C.<br />

Andrew, Curtb Kelth<br />

N. Dsk, Dme RorbaBay<br />

AFnds DEvtr, Wlt, Kunket<br />

A8hlrrook Derwlnskl l(uFlems<br />

AEhEoro Devine LElrd<br />

Ayrcs DlcklnsD LBhge[<br />

Bater ble Lsttq<br />

BattlB DoFdy LcDEon<br />

Belchet Doffitn8 LllrsoEb<br />

BeU DuDcaE, fcM. McCloRf<br />

Boft? DFyu Mccullrb<br />

Bettr Edwsd!. "dE- McDd.<br />

Boltol Ellwofth Maccre8o!<br />

BOW Erlenborn Mollllard<br />

Bray Flno Mfd<br />

Brftt FountrlD McrtlD. H.bl,<br />

BrmEidd Frcll!8huysDMsthlM<br />

Brcwu, cle- F\rlton, Pi. May<br />

enco J., Jr. roqs Mtchcl<br />

Broyhul. tl.o. dathh8r MtElbrU<br />

BFyhtrI, Vi, Oettyr Ml4<br />

Buchin8n omeu Mmr<br />

Buleffi Otw Mofr<br />

I'Fns, !tlr, GFv.t MorbE<br />

cubGll Oubs Moaher<br />

oihtll ouro.y Nclscn<br />

cEtr HE*Gtr. crUf. O'I(ohttl<br />

Cw Hrll O'N6t,('a<br />

Oederbtrt E*llftt FatffiU<br />

CbMbGrlilq IIdFsE P.llt<br />

Cl&nry ELnSB, Idi,bo Plcklr<br />

ClctI'E, Hedy ,. Flrnlt<br />

DonE. HEEhr Pofi<br />

elrw@n, Itrl ErrYGy, bd, P@l<br />

Clovolsd qwry, ldlcb- Pqcbrts<br />

Colller Eahd.ED Quti<br />

Cdlhrr Eorton QUUIG!<br />

oonsbla Et'@or Rttd, Ill,<br />

coltr EutcbfEsr Reld, fi.t<br />

776 Vol.I

kllGl<br />

rurnekr<br />

n^bodil lrtf<br />

Eobfir<br />

noblF!<br />

norcn. Ta<br />

nouaotul<br />

Rum8leld<br />

gitt.rleH<br />

EEubttr<br />

Adtb. Cdlt<br />

Biilh, H.Y.<br />

8stth, Vr,<br />

EDrlDEcr<br />

gtdord<br />

Btdblr<br />

Stanton<br />

'fal$tt<br />

WrEPd'r<br />

wdkGr. l{' l.Ga<br />

Watllar<br />

wahn<br />

whrllGt<br />

whtE, Tba<br />

Wblt nd<br />

Wldlrll<br />

whu. Eob<br />

S&ylqr ToYlof WrrSbt<br />

SchneMlt TcaBu., CdIl. WYatt<br />

Schwelkd ThorEen, Wla WYdIG<br />

S€lden<br />

ghilfir<br />

ncE<br />

Utt<br />

NAYS-406<br />

AberD6thlt<br />

il;;-iaaium<br />

;tl-bfi<br />

e.ama<br />

TeDtr.<br />

hluldo<br />

Aahle9<br />

*om-ntt<br />

sr'ndrtn<br />

BekPort[<br />

Bennelt<br />

ltlnshs<br />

Bler-ntE<br />

BoEr<br />

E"ii-a<br />

BrsrleEil<br />

Brmt!<br />

tsulks<br />

sffi;u, Cdlf.<br />

Btm;. !-<br />

ciruu<br />

eret<br />

Or!188 OE$a tll' -<br />

oauEi o 116, Mlcb.<br />

Grtfitb ol4n' Mont'<br />

HdeY olsrlr. lllqo'<br />

HEtlffi O Nelll. Mas.<br />

HAnlet OttrDBS<br />

Hsffi PstEM<br />

II&Dsn' loEr Pait.n<br />

HeuE, wah- Pertcu<br />

HttbiffiY Fhtlbtn<br />

Eayl FlEe<br />

llechlGt P0B8o<br />

Helsio*l Prlce<br />

Hlrlon8 Furcell<br />

Hlcu kn<br />

Hallfretd RendEll<br />

l{ollBtrd Redllq<br />

Hux ReBnlcE<br />

Huuart6 Reus<br />

ltuot Rhodet. Fr'<br />

Icbord Rtren. I C.<br />

lrfin Rotuo<br />

Jacobo FdBcE' colo'<br />

Cbcti<br />

ClErh<br />

diio.or*<br />

E;i;t"<br />

Euoii<br />

Dsddsrlo<br />

Ddlclr<br />

Dawsu<br />

de ls Offi<br />

ftlin.y<br />

DGnbD<br />

DtDr.U<br />

Iton;hm<br />

Jenntd8rt RoECil, Fli-<br />

JoelsD Ro|s<br />

iohtwD, csltr' 666qY, I{-T.<br />

Johnsn, OklN- Rdn.Y. PL<br />

Jones,,lll*. RaEruthd<br />

KarFteE Roud<br />

EEil<br />

RoyboI<br />

Keo<br />

Rym<br />

I(eUY<br />

BtOcdU<br />

Eeagh St. OnAa<br />

EinE, cEl|f. Echeucl<br />

ElDs, TJIr'b Scbtsler<br />

f{lrssn ElchmtdhNr;<br />

Doru<br />

Dow<br />

Dulsld<br />

Dyd<br />

EdhondEn<br />

EdwEda Crltl,<br />

EYerett<br />

Eisln!.tclr<br />

FEllon<br />

tluczY411<br />

Ereh<br />

LeEEett<br />

ltn8. Md.<br />

Idvn<br />

McCutbJ<br />

Mcltoweu<br />

McFaIl<br />

McGntb<br />

S.crert<br />

thlDlet<br />

8lcklil<br />

Ettd<br />

St|t<br />

glmt<br />

Sstth. IoE<br />

EtS*8Gb<br />

At4rd<br />

I'8rb8t4ln McvlcIer AtdttdB<br />

FerBlcy MacdoDold, StubbrGiald<br />

Fdsffi Msche! Eulltru<br />

FueeU<br />

FrlAbM<br />

Mebt<br />

MEH6<br />

B*asE6t<br />

TaiBla, traa<br />

Fl4her<br />

Hd<br />

FoBArtt/<br />

Foley<br />

Ford.<br />

wtulE D.<br />

FfuT<br />

Irledcl<br />

Fdbb,Ilffi.<br />

(}rllafhr<br />

olrro<br />

otbbsu<br />

Ollbcft<br />

Ollllcsn<br />

OoDals<br />

Grubfltl<br />

Grsy<br />

Maddon<br />

Mahoa<br />

MsEunrtl<br />

Matthewr<br />

Meeds<br />

Milldr<br />

MTIIE<br />

Mlnld<br />

MoeUrr<br />

MoDrflM<br />

M@rbdd<br />

Mqs<br />

Mulhr<br />

Mutphy, IU.<br />

Mwhy, N.Y.<br />

Nstahq<br />

N.d<br />

TeEar<br />

moEs<br />

TboB9rcn,T.&<br />

Todd<br />

TrlEblt<br />

haD.t<br />

UddI<br />

IIllEu<br />

Vsn Ddruq<br />

VaDlt<br />

vlEorltd<br />

vlYlu<br />

wddli<br />

WatB<br />

WeltDir<br />

Whlttrn<br />

woE<br />

OrFn,<br />

cEn,<br />

O!rt.<br />

Pr.<br />

lftr<br />

O'Brt.tr<br />

Ystd<br />

TOU!{<br />


Afidr.vf EdwlrdS,14.. Mirtlu, M4<br />

clsnn tv*4, Colo. MIDI<br />

BflDS Flndrcy MofSM<br />

Burrett FIYII Modl<br />

Bolllng fqttl, OtHId R. trlodp!<br />

Bmm, Cdll. darElta MuFlt<br />

Burbs, IItr! Fl{E, Or- FapFr<br />

crllssrt| EattlEt For.u<br />

CMNI Fab+rt 4d .<br />

C€llcr Hqssd Rlv.n, AIULI<br />

Cohelrn E$tlqalc RoDcdlo<br />

conyN tln5. 1g.1'. RffiEkof,E<br />

Oohtn ladnE A@tt<br />

Dritr, Or. lpnA, Ir, Eshrt<br />

Ihnt McEslB Etcttb.u<br />

Dtan ilcMltttl ft@E*ti'f, t'<br />

Ihneu, OlJ|, .lilrtltl, dr lloll<br />

House Debate<br />

ftrF<br />

wdhff, Mr4.<br />

whlt , Id$o<br />

So t.t|e smcndment wts rejected.<br />

The clerk illnounced the followlflS<br />

palro:<br />

On thlE votti<br />

Mr. YounSGr tor, rttl ur. Dant rSilDrt.<br />

Untll lurther notlca:<br />

wilu@<br />

wlllE '!Pllroo,<br />

Yeuarcr<br />

zrblstl<br />

ttbsls E.<br />

Mr. Hdbcrt<br />

Ftts,<br />

fitn Mt, uEtln ol M$*lru-<br />

Mr. Odfffi ith Mr, EIDB ol H.t Yo!I'<br />

Mr, Oemratt *lth Mr, Fltrdlsy.<br />

Mr, Cellar wlh Mr. TupFer.<br />

Mr-<br />

Utch,<br />

R.lyen ol Afsb rtth llr. Buton ol<br />

Mr. MoHE wlth Mr, McEfen,<br />

Mr. I\torrlrcn tlth Mr. Msrtln ol Alabama,<br />

Mr Murrsy stJr Mr. OIrnD A$drewc,<br />

Mr. Htr*An ol Oeor8le wlth Mr CBllaway.<br />

IUr. Flynt wlth [tr wElksr (d Mtstslppl.<br />

trIr ZaDldkt wlth Mr. oelald R. Ford.<br />

I\tr. Powell wlttl ME Mlak.<br />

Mr. Durccn ot Oregon sth ldr. Evsr.<br />

IiIr, ErOwrr ol cElrlomla wlth Mr, cotrytB,<br />

Mr. Crmeron wltb Mt, Dt88l.<br />

Mr. Willlhm6 Plth Mr. Tuten.<br />

Mr. McMlllu wtth Mr. Iang dl l4ul6lant,<br />

Mr, B$rlil8 slth Nlr. Hossd.<br />

IIf . &ffett with Mr Feppcr<br />

I!tr. Lldssrdr ol IFqtltallE wlth Mr. Bcott.<br />

Mr FirErrkow8kl wlth M!. Mort4n,<br />

Mr. Honcello *lth Mr. l.Mdrum<br />

I!tr. Stephetra Wtttr Mr. F,€e!.<br />

lrlr. Wtllt6 Ftrh Mr, whltr ol ldaho.<br />

trlf . thornpsll<br />

rnmeler<br />

ol How Jersey wlLh Mr, KM-<br />

M!. Cohelen wllh Mr, HEwklE.<br />

Mr, DA\'l! ol Otor8l& wttb Mr. Senn6t.<br />

Mr. Charlcr H. Wtlson wltb Mf, Toll-<br />

Mr. P.A,BfIMAI{ chansed hL$ vot'6 ltDt[<br />

,,,.rOr', .,yee.,'<br />

14<br />

The reault ol tbo votr ws Hrnoullood<br />

ta Bbovc rccorded,<br />

The door$ wgrt qp€ned.<br />

The SPEAIiF,R. Ttre questlon la on<br />

the mrnmltt€e substltutt.<br />

Th6 conrurltt€e subsutut4 wEs agred to.<br />

Ttle BPEAI(ER, Tho questlon 1r on<br />

the erurossmont Bnd ttrUrd rBsdlng ol tre<br />

bul.<br />

The bul was order€d to be encrcs€d<br />

End resd a tlrlrd tlme nrrd wle rcfld th8<br />

tlrlrd tlme.<br />

XffIOff S ECOIIE<br />

Mr. UTT. Mr. Bpcrt€r, I of,cr a rrotlon<br />

to rcconilnlt.<br />

The SPEAI{ER. I! tJle gentlcmffi opptr€d<br />

to the blll?<br />

Mr. IffT. I am, Mr. gpeeter,<br />

Ttre EPEAIIER. Thc Cl,8rts rtlll ropori<br />

tfre motlon to retomlnlt.<br />

The glcrk rrad er lollows:<br />

lL.- It'T movGr to rEollDlt thc blll RE,<br />

13138 to tb6 coEslttd on lDrntab Md<br />

Forclgl CotrEerco,<br />

Mr. ETAG0R{I. Mr. Bpeetcr,I movo<br />

tlrc prevlorur que8uon otr th6 motlon to<br />

lrcommlt'<br />

Ttle prev1ou6 questlon wa3 ordcred.<br />

Ttre rnotlon to raomslt *t. rlactdd.<br />

Tte SPEAEffi,. Th6 quesuon l.r on<br />

the psssa8e of thG bUI.<br />

Mr. BPEIilGER', Mr, gpcr,h6r,on tb8t<br />

I dcmsnd tl.c yc|| r$d nryr.<br />

Tlrc ycds <strong>and</strong> nryt f|rrl! ordcrcil.<br />

lffi<br />


Abbrrt<br />

AbGrnothy<br />

Adar!<br />

.Ad{d<br />

Addabbo<br />

dberi<br />

AnderrcD, Ill.<br />

AldcrFn.<br />

ToDq.<br />

bdrewI<br />

Cleorg€ W,<br />

Andrewa,<br />

N. Dsk,<br />

AnnunElo<br />

Arend!<br />

AEhbrcoL<br />

Alhley<br />

HrEoru<br />

tuplnill<br />

Ayres<br />

Bendstra<br />

BaEa<br />

Esttlrr<br />

Beckwortb<br />

Belcber<br />

AeJl<br />

Benhett<br />

BerrY<br />

Bttt4<br />

BlnEhu<br />

Bl0tDtk<br />

BoBBg<br />

Boletrd<br />

Ralton<br />

&rw<br />

EredemE<br />

Bray<br />

Brcct<br />

BrookI<br />

Blmqfleld<br />

DrcwD, Clurencs<br />

J,. Jf.<br />

Broyhlu, N.c,<br />

Broyhul, va.<br />

BuchanM<br />

Burko<br />

Rurlsmn<br />

Eurton, Odll.<br />

Byrn6, IlE,<br />

BYrrleE, WI8<br />

CabeU<br />

CEhlll<br />

cellsn<br />

Carey<br />

Cstcr<br />

cB*y<br />

Cederbsr8<br />

Clrahbuldn<br />

Cbell<br />

ClEcy<br />

cltuL<br />

OlrtEE,<br />

Don H-<br />

ClawmE, D.l<br />

Clevelud<br />

OlFYqqF!<br />

Ooll16r<br />

ColDer<br />

{hdbla<br />

CoDto<br />

OFley<br />

Oqrbstt<br />

CnlGy<br />

CrMcr<br />

CulYcr<br />

CunnlngbrE<br />

Curun<br />

Gtrttr<br />

D|ddfflo<br />

DNgu6<br />

Dinlcl.<br />

DlYl., W||.<br />

DITME<br />

d..lrort4<br />

DolseY<br />

ItsbtoE<br />

It Nmtl<br />

Dcvtnr<br />

DhBcn<br />

ItolG<br />

DoDobu6<br />

Dom<br />

DoY<br />

frof,dy<br />

Itdnlnt<br />

778<br />

The questlon w&s teken; snd there<br />

$6rryeis 3?1, nays 0, answered "preaent"<br />

I, not. votlng 60, Bs follows:<br />

llloll No. eZBj<br />

YEAE_3?1<br />

Dul8kl Eartb<br />

Duncsn, <strong>Ten</strong>n, Ilee<br />

Dwer Kelth<br />

frysl Kelly<br />

EdEoAdSn X,{gh<br />

Edwsrda,Ae. HluE.Caltf,<br />

Edwsrds, Oalll, Kln;, urah<br />

Ellsworu Klrwall<br />

urlcrborD Kluczynokl<br />

Evrratt Korr,r*sy<br />

Evlna, Tetrq. Krcbs<br />

FBllon KuDkel<br />

Farb6telA KuptermEtr<br />

i srnsley Lnlrd<br />

FornuB LtrnEen<br />

Iras,rrll Lf,ttA<br />

l'elghaA Lfc{ett<br />

Finq<br />

Fl:;her<br />

Irlo0d<br />

FogBrtY<br />

Irolcy<br />

l\)rd,<br />

l,(:ilnorr<br />

LtDsconrb<br />

LorrA. Md.<br />

ldvr<br />

M(:Csrthy<br />

M(:CIury<br />

Wllll$qD,<br />

F\turt$irr<br />

FraEqr<br />

Fr.linFhuyeil<br />

^tfLtrrlIoch<br />

McDEde<br />

Mcnowell<br />

McEFen<br />

Frledel McFall<br />

Fulton, Fa. Mccr$tb<br />

Fulrob, TeDE, McMiusrr<br />

Fuqtu! Mcvtcker<br />

OsllrEher M,rrd0neld<br />

OathlDga MacGregqf<br />

Oettye Msclreu<br />

GtslEo trIsckey<br />

Glbborls M+|kte<br />

Ollbert Msddeu<br />

Ollllgun Mtrhon<br />

Gonkaler Mililltard<br />

Coodell Mlfsh<br />

Clrabow8kl ({sriltr,Nebt,<br />

GrRy Msl lrlss<br />

Gre{rn,OreE. M{t6uaa8a<br />

tlreeA, PB, Mfttthow8<br />

CtrelEa May<br />

Orld,:r Meeds<br />

Orlfftht Mlchll<br />

Orcd Mtlla!<br />

Clrover MIIIA<br />

Oubsr Mltrlsh<br />

Curnay Mlsh0ll<br />

HagoD, CElll.<br />

Haloy<br />

MIre<br />

Moriler<br />

HAll MonBEM<br />

Hdtgck Mrxlre<br />

H0lperrl Mslrhfld<br />

HaEUta4 MorE<br />

Hanlcy Morton<br />

Esnno Metber<br />

Han*n, Jd0ho Mqs<br />

Hensen, IoFE Multat<br />

Hs$en. Wd, Murphy, nl.<br />

,rardy Murphy, N,I'.<br />

Hardu NEtcher<br />

Ilsvey,IDd, Nedzr<br />

Harvey, Mtch. NelsD<br />

lIahaEAY<br />

NIx<br />

Hays oBdan<br />

Eshler O'H4re,Ill.<br />

Helshu o HsE. Mlcb.<br />

Eebderen O'KonBkt<br />

EGrlona Olsen, MoDt.<br />

Elckr olsrr, Mlnn.<br />

Eollnr'ld O Heil. Gs.<br />

Eollend O'HelIl. Ms.<br />

Ilortotr Ottldgsr<br />

IIouGr Petr48n<br />

Ilull Pstem<br />

Hun8qt6 Patte4<br />

Eqot PElly<br />

Hutchlnea Ptrktff<br />

Ichord Phllbltr<br />

Itwln FlsLld<br />

Jkbr Ftko<br />

JsEEn 4'lEl6<br />

JlhnlrrBt P*ao<br />

Joclsn Fot<br />

JOhnerr, Oalll. Fml<br />

Joh4en. OHL Frlca<br />

Jqh&E, P& Fucth{Ll<br />

Jons Purc6ll<br />

itohGt, lli. Qul.<br />

JonsE, Mo. QulUoE<br />

JoDr., l{,O. ti'mt<br />

lEsrbn R<strong>and</strong>ill<br />

RdUn ScMcebell ThonJlson, Te*.<br />

Reld, Dl. Schwclker Ttlomrcn, W|'.<br />

Hcld, N-t, Sccrest Todd<br />

Rctrol grldeU 'IL lBble<br />

Rqltrecl(6 tthlDlcy tuck<br />

Ra6nlck Shrlver Tlhiley<br />

Iieu6E Slckleo Ud4ll<br />

Rbode8, Arlu. Slkes UIIman<br />

RhodeE. Pe. BiEk Vsn Deerltn<br />

ElveE, B.O, EkubltE Vanlk<br />

RobertE SlEck Vlgorltq<br />

Rsbrqon , Srnllh. Crllf, VlvlEn<br />

RdlDo SmlLh, IowB Wdr:rlonner<br />

Ro[crs, Colo. Snrlth, N.y. wEtdlo<br />

li,Oscrd,I'Ia- 8Etth. Vr, Wtrlker, N. Mex.<br />

Itofi{rru,1cx. tsDrlrHct wtrtklru<br />

RQntrrr Sttrllord WtrUillt<br />

Ro{rucy, N.Y. Bt:{Flers Wott8<br />

Ro()r(y. Po. Bti{lbaw Weltner<br />

R{rudcbd strrrtoD whalley<br />

Rou$h Stced Whlte, Tcx.<br />

R{rybrrl tstlhttotr Whlt{:nor<br />

I(ilrr,Hfeld Stilbblcntld Wlllttqn<br />

HyRn gulliv$u Wldlrll<br />

SsLlcrtreld Swectrcy Woltr<br />

St Gcrtraln<br />

5t. LlDd6<br />

Ejrylor<br />

S,jhNL(r<br />

lltlcott<br />

'luylor<br />

'Iriuluc,<br />

Cslll.<br />

'Icilltuc,<br />

Icx.<br />

Wflsht<br />

wyrtt<br />

Wydler<br />

Yirtr,g<br />

Schl8ler<br />

Echmldhau&t<br />

tEr*cr<br />

'fhoruas<br />

YounB<br />

NAYS___0<br />


TItt<br />


&dr6wr, flynt Rlver8, Alasks<br />

Cllurru Ford, Oersld R. Ro[cElto<br />

Barln* GBrmatz Ro#nthst<br />

BBrr(:tt Hi6st!,G8, Iloi[r,Bkokskl<br />

RoIIlng Hrwklns Bcqtt<br />

ItIow4, Callf. Hcbert Sorriler<br />

Irurkn. Utah llow$rd gt{iDheng<br />

Ciul0way Kesteilmeler Tlroht$n, N,J.<br />

CalneroD KiLg. N Y. Toll<br />

C(llr'r Lsndrlm lupper<br />

cohelon bilg, LB, Trrrcn<br />

Cahyer8 MBrtlu, 416, Wolker. Mls.<br />

Corrnf,n MBrtln, Mm, Whlt4, Idatro<br />

DaviE, Ce. MlnL WtUtg@<br />

D.nt M0rgBtr Wllllg<br />

DlcklDmn Marrl4 Wllsn, Elob<br />

lllrfcr Morrl.arl WrtHr[,<br />

DuncLn,Or.t, Murrsy ChlrlHE,<br />

Edwards. LE. pepper Younger<br />

Evss, Cqlo. I,owsll Zobltrkl<br />

Fltldlsy Itrca<br />

So the bill wa.s passed,<br />

Ttre clerk annoutced the follo'i'lnE<br />

pslrE:<br />

On thl$ vote:<br />

l!r, YouBGr lor, rlth Mr, IJtt BBaIMt.<br />

Until lurther notlce:<br />

Mr- IIEbert<br />

retb.<br />

with M!, ll4ftttr ot !4a&achu-<br />

Mr, IlffGnthsl wlth Mr, KlnB ot Nsw york.<br />

Mr, MOrgAn wlth Mr- Gefstd Ii, Iiord.<br />

k, Charle8 II. Wllen *tth Mt, Eob Wllstr.<br />

k, Roncallo wlth MJ, Burton ol Ut*b,<br />

Mr, E'fftoDkow8kt wtth Mr. Fxdl6y.<br />

Mr, Tut6n glth Mr. DrcktDmn.<br />

Iit- ThffiIEoa<br />

Tupp6r.<br />

ot N6w Jetcey vlth Mr.<br />

Mr. IIag&D<br />

ADdtots.<br />

ol Gffigls stth Mr. 6leu<br />

Mr- Islynt Flth Mr, Csllswav.<br />

Mr, nee! Ftth Mr, Walkor ;t Mlsststlrpl.<br />

Mr. Morrtmh wtth Mr- MeruD ol AlBbama.<br />

Mr- HowBrd Ttth Mr, lr4offlE,<br />

ME, MInt<br />

Mr, Ccll6t<br />

rltb<br />

tltb.<br />

lfr. Convers.<br />

Mr- gowktnr,<br />

Mr, Fffi6tl wlth Mr, Brown ot Cflllornlr.<br />

Mr. Bslng Btth Mr- A@tt.<br />

lfrr, Barrctt wtth llr. Evru ot Colo$do.<br />

Ml, Z*blftkt wttt Mr, Gtrrutr.<br />

l4r. D6nt Fltlr Mr. tstenheter.<br />

Mr. Cormn fith Mr. Rlver8 ol Alsk8.<br />

Mf, Davts ot Goor8lo wtth Mr, B6u6t.<br />

Mr, Cohel8n wlth Mr, Dtggs.<br />

Mr. Wblta ot Idsho wtth Mr- CaEGFa.<br />

Mr. Edvtrds ol ldutatan4 wlth Mr. F'eppn,<br />

Mr. Stephril wlth Mr. IdhB ot liutrtrs.<br />

ldr. lrndrud wlth Mr. MrEoy.<br />


19670<br />

'<br />

&lIlLTth ur. Eurh<br />

E'. DuHr ot Orrgotr wtttr lltr. ltu.<br />

Mr. Ifff. Mr. Sperker, I havc r Urt<br />

palr wtth thB gentlem8n from Calltor.lrlr<br />

lMr. Youncrnl. Il he hed bern prtscnt<br />

he wuld have voted<br />

..yce."<br />

''nay."<br />

I votrd<br />

I wlthdraw my vote Bnd votG<br />

"presenb."<br />

The result of the vote wa^B announcad<br />

a$ above recorded.<br />

A motlon to reconslder ws lald on thc<br />

tBblc.<br />

Tte SPETI(ER. Pursuant td the provlslon3<br />

of [fo$e R€solutlon 965. the<br />

commlttee on Interstste flnd Forel8n<br />

Comtderce ls dlscharsed from ihe further<br />

conslderatlon of the blll S. 3005.<br />

Ttle Clerk reEd the tltle ol the blll.<br />

House Debaw<br />

'(7)<br />

!r|d<br />

Eotfi<br />

DrI*<br />

lD ti.<br />

vEblclt<br />

nru Ey F.E!<br />

EIr rnd dtitrtbutlotr<br />

or Edtot vchldt<br />

vho L chol<br />

trrt<br />

qulpdr6Et<br />

prtrully<br />

puchua<br />

to prrhscn wbo lD ltr tod lrltt<br />

aDy ruch vrblcl6 or rqulpEEnt lG<br />

pruFrs ot-b.t thBn<br />

"(t)'AtAta'lhcludcr<br />

rulc.<br />

oach ol thc EGvGHI<br />

Statar, th? Dlrtflct of Collmbts, rhG Commonwoaltb<br />

oi Pucrb ttl@, GuM, tic Vlrgtq<br />

I!l&Ddt, tha cuel zonc, <strong>and</strong> rtscrlcut<br />

3aEB<br />

" (g) 'Itrtrrrtat.<br />

mmm.rct' Etc*ffi ddm-<br />

Eorc. b6tftE sy placc ln r Ststc Md ry<br />

place ln atrotbGr gtr , or bctEecn plEH tq<br />

th6 ffi6 gtAt6 throu8h mothcr silb,<br />

"(10)'Strrebry'<br />

heaDr BRrtt$ry ol OtfrmttcG,<br />

"(rl)'D?t*t'<br />

Includer Buy dclcct ln p.rforBanco,<br />

coMtructloD, coE[Ebcntr, or Eat+rlfl!<br />

tu Eotor 9Ghlclc. or Eotor vthlcli<br />

XffiOH O''EE B' XI. FA6S<br />

squrphtnt.<br />

"(rt)'I]utt<br />

d Stat6 dlsttlct courts' EcrDl<br />

Mr. STAOGER.EI, Mr. Sp€Bker, f of- the Fedtral dlEtllct couts ol the Unttcd<br />

Iel B motlon.<br />

Stats <strong>and</strong> the Untbd StAt*E (:orlrtt ol tbe<br />

-<br />

.<br />

The clerk reBd Es follows;<br />

Motlon olterrd by Mr. St^trns: Siilka out<br />

all elter the enactlnE clcuc of S.3005. to<br />

provldc fot a cmrdln8ted netloBl EslEty<br />

progBm sd cahbllahment ol selety st8ndatdl<br />

lor motor rehlcles ln lnt.Etdb cffimtrct<br />

td reduce eccldentr lnvolvlng motor<br />

yehlclcr <strong>and</strong> to reduce thc deatbs <strong>and</strong> ln-<br />

JUrIF ftcunln8 ln rueh Eccld.ntS, And lns.ft<br />

ln ll.u thcrFf the provtstom ol thc blu !LE-<br />

133?8, u Fs€d, ss lollowi:<br />

"Thet<br />

ConBress hereby dtrlarcr f,hrt thG<br />

purFtro ol thlt ACt tr t6 rcdue tr$Ec Bccldlnt!<br />

<strong>and</strong> death! aDd lnrurtB to F+r8on. rcsultlnE<br />

llom tral[C Mctdeuta. T'hereloE.<br />

Con8rccd det€rulns that lt 16 ntrestry to<br />

art&bllrh Bobr veltlcle E8lety EtBDdEdr lor<br />

motor vehlcler <strong>and</strong> equpmcnt th tnt+r4tst6<br />

colrmerca: to undertEke End support nrc6-<br />

Eary salety r6Gucb eud dtvelopmcht; cnd td<br />

Grpald thc uatlonsl drlycr rogl8tar,<br />

"ttru<br />

t-Idror EErcG affi FIHDAH<br />

"grcl0l,<br />

Itlr Act may bo clted s thr'Nitlollel<br />

lts.t'c rDd Motor Vrhlclc Ef,tety ri.ct dl<br />

1068 .<br />

"gE.<br />

tot. Ar usd Itr tb|| ttuF<br />

'(l) 'Moter<br />

rchlclo salityr srH tbc Dar.<br />

lorEfict ol hotor vehlcles or Eotor vthlcla<br />

squlpEoDt lD EuCh E muner tb8t th6 publtc<br />

lo prct4cted aBtlrt uhreson8blc rlll al ecldeEts<br />

ecurdh8 u a rdult ol tht eoEtruc_<br />

tlon ar perloEsncG ot mot6r vchlcld &nd lr<br />

als prot#ted EBtrIEt ur?8enabli t16t of<br />

destb, or tDjury to p6t8ou ln tho evrEt Eccldenb<br />

do ftcut, dd l[cludd DoDopcrailobal<br />

ufcty ol such vGhlclir,<br />

"(2) 'Motor<br />

vcbldlo srtsty rt*Edffdr,<br />

slfil a blDIEuE BtEdud lof Eotor y.hldlr<br />

trEdoEr$ncc. Or Edtdr v.hlcl6 aqulp.<br />

E6Ilt lhrlorEuc6, Fhlch tr preuc&bla,<br />

ghlch met{ thn trrGd lor Eotor viblcln<br />

rrrloty End vblch prcVlds obrEuyr Crttarti.<br />

"(3)'Motdr<br />

vchlcl6'HCE uy vGhtcl.<br />

drlven or dnE by hEhMlcrl I'wGr EluufBcturEd<br />

prtEarfly tor M otr thr pubuc<br />

.trrttr, madt, sd ht8hwayr, 6lccpt |lty yo_<br />

hldl6 opcrBted erclurlvGly ou r rrU or iUl|,<br />

"<br />

(+) 'Motor<br />

Ythlch Gqulpncnt' EG&il<br />

tEy rFt.E. pgt o! ffiF[aht ol r Eotor<br />

?.hlclo s &tE D.rtf tuuJsctffit tr qgt<br />

dmUE pEt or coEpancnt muuletur+d il<br />

Eld ld lcplsccEeDt ar lE[fryGEont Of tucb<br />

ryrtaE Drrt, or comDoDaut s s u tcdt -<br />

Hlrr df rddliloB to thr Mtdr vrhlcL,<br />

"(61'Mmul&tufi'<br />

Eru ut Fffin tn-<br />

EBBd tE th. Eeufq4h[|Dl fr rsbtlDg<br />

ad taotn yohtcli or Eottr shldft cqulF<br />

mrt, lncludt[g uy p.ffiE tEDtrtiDS rbdtdr<br />

vrh{clfl tr btor y.hlcl. .qrilIEEt l* F<br />

rI..<br />

"(t)'I}trtrtbutdr,<br />

ro ut paffi<br />

prt4Adly ensrgGd ,r tli tli <strong>and</strong> dlttrtbutlotr<br />

ol Eotor vGhtclt 6 bte yahlcli<br />

equlp4ilt lG rudt<br />

Coffiont?q]th ol Fuerto Rl@, Guam, thc<br />

VlrglD ltlAudr, th6 CAuEI ZoDe, aDd Astrlcan<br />

SaEor.<br />

"(13)'Vrhtclc<br />

EqulpmeDt sstety coEhlsslon'<br />

me8s thc Coffilslob BstabltEhcd<br />

PUEUAnt tO the lotqt resoluilon ol tht coE.<br />

gres r;l&ilng to htghf,Ey tfrtic satety, ap.<br />

Frov€d Auguft 2n, rg58 (zil Stat. 6851. or u<br />

tt mAy be hcrcEltcr r€rcutttuhd by l4v,<br />

"44,<br />

103, (a) Ttre Sesetsy shall 6teb-<br />

Itsh by ordcr appft)prlatG Fed*al motor vF<br />

hlclo lalcty st<strong>and</strong>ards. Eeh such FEd.ral<br />

Eotor vchlclc slety rtsEdard $hBll bn Ftr*ttc8blc,<br />

shall mftt th. nccd for Doto! v.htclc<br />

6aftty, <strong>and</strong> shall be EtatEd ln obJstlve temr^<br />

" (b) Tbo AdE-lnhtratlv6 htrGdEo A4t<br />

rhall bpFly ta Ell ordcE Bteb)lrblD8, McndlD8,<br />

or rGvoklDg a F.dcrf,l Eotof vchlcl6<br />

SAlety Et{ndsd under thli tltl.-<br />

"(c)<br />

EAch ddcr eBtabllshln8 B ftdErl<br />

motor vrblcl. raJ.ty EtaEdud EbsU spsclly<br />

the drt4 ruch shdard lE to tttr ?tftt *blch<br />

Ehdl qot bc strncr thBn on. hundrtd ud<br />

et8hry dayr or latGr thffi o[n yes lr1E thi<br />

d*t€ such order lr l4utd, Elcd thc 8ccr.tafy<br />

trnatr that ar eslla d latcr etftttvr<br />

drta lt lE tic publtc lnterertq rEd puburhEr<br />

bb rffiEr td ilcb trDdtnB,<br />

"(d)<br />

WhGECvcr a Fedcral Eotor rchlcla<br />

rrlrty rtrEdrr{ HtsbUBbEd udrr tbb tttlG<br />

tr ln etrcct. Do Btrt6 Ot p6uucol gubdtnetoa<br />

ol r gtqtc ihdl bAvd f,ty EutboHty etthE<br />

to Etabllrh, r to mEtlDut tq etreot, Ey<br />

lalcty ttaDdud aFpllcable to tb6 Eu6 s-<br />

F+ct ol Eotd vahlcls ancl hotor vcblclt<br />

.qulPhcbt F.domuce whtch lr Dot ld.DU-<br />

CAI td thc Fedelal rtMd&rd- NothtAE ln<br />

thlr Htlon rbcll tE coEttued to prevcEt<br />

thc Fcdcr8l OovcrIE.Dt or tie ggvetuoDt<br />

ol Ey St+td fi polltlcsl BubdlylEloD ttrcrF(<br />

fr@ BtsbllrblDg a r$Iety fEqultcmrtrt applleblc<br />

to ruttr vGblcl6 6 Eotil vchtcl6<br />

HlulpEeDt prcCued fol ltr own uB ll mCS<br />

rcqulreEcnt lEps6 a htgbef rtAhdud d<br />

p+rloffiaqcG tbiu tlrrt requlrsd to coEply<br />

lglth t.hr othrrstrG fppllcebtc Iredernl rtedc<br />

Fd,<br />

" ( 6 ) Th6 Eftrttet hly by order Imcrd<br />

df Evokr Ey Frdcrel motG vehlcla Elatlt<br />

rtaEdfid atrbllrhtd under thtr trtlotr.<br />

Such drdtr drll rp.clty t.h6 d6t6 ffi stlci<br />

sucb |&DdltEnt or rryaEriloE E to tr,li<br />

etrEt vhtcb .bNU not tl mnu tbE ort<br />

hudfrd snd il$ty dryr or tat€r th8u od<br />

y6q trffi thr drti t[c mdct lr tsued, unlil<br />

thr Affitdt nEdr thrt ru trll.r n lrtd<br />

cdfttlvr data |,| lr thc pubuc tntcrcrt. ud<br />

publl|hd hl| ffiEr tor ruch iDdlEg.<br />

"(f)<br />

Ib FffirbtEg rtultrif| uEdtr tEr<br />

rffitloq ttloq ttr. €lffi.t at thilf-<br />

"(l)<br />

ffiddd rlffit 4vrllrbl. Eot* rF<br />

hl6lr nt6tt d&trr tuluallaE tro rfiutr d<br />

rGfih, d6v6lopEcnt. tdtt[E md .vdu;<br />

tle Btlvltiln mDducrid pffiuDt td tbli<br />


(r) cffilt ?|ttr 6. V.hi6li tqItrPErDt<br />

Aitrty o{rEr-bb, rDd mcb otb* EtltG tr<br />

lnt Etsta t{GEclt (|!cludln8 I4UIEHVT<br />

cmEltt4g) rt hG d#mr apprsPrbt ;<br />

"(3)<br />

$Mrdrt rthsthtr my rucb prdFplcd<br />

rt*Ddsd 1r rrrublc, prrctl6bl6 Ed aPprcprtEt€<br />

ltr th6 pH{tlcultr tyPt ctr mdtr<br />

yehlclc ot lt#t ol mot6 vehlclr e'qulphent<br />

Itr Ehlch lt !s prercrlbed; $fld<br />

" ({) $Btder u6 .rt6Dt b whlch sucb<br />

atsDd4rdr wtll matrlbut€ t4 cffiytn$ out<br />

tb,e Fwp# ot thb Act-<br />

"(E) IE prffirtbtnB Flety reguhtlor 6Y.<br />

erlnB motfr vehlcl.t rubj*t to pert II ol tho<br />

IDffiteto C@mefe Adt, s s6ndcd (49<br />

U.si.C, 3Ol et Eeq-), or tho TlanEport8uon ol<br />

*plo8tves Act, sa amended ( f B U.5 C $f -<br />

-88.<br />

106. (r) (l) rD a csa 6f sctual cont--F*ny<br />

* "o" yEirdrly -rtEcr<br />

of EDy d([Gr<br />

*ctloD 103, my IErsn Tho vill Dc rdvrmly<br />

rtfttEd by auch drder PheE lt U rtr#tlvo<br />

ruy Et EDy tlme prtor to tbG drttctb day<br />

fttet Euch ordet lr lBued ilG r petltloa wltb<br />

tho Ubltad Etstas 6u!t of BppeElE ltr th6<br />

clrcult vbcEtl ftcb FEon tBldd il btr<br />

bts prlnclp8l plBce ol bu|lbs, lor E ,udlclal<br />

rcvler of Euch ordcr, A @py ol the petltlon<br />

.h8ll b+ lorthwltb traDedtted by the crerk<br />

ol the @urt to tb.e Aetitgry fr oth,rr o6.c€r<br />

dcdfSinated by brb tor th8t purPo8e The<br />

EcEctary thereupoD rbsll fl16 lD thc coffi<br />

the rford ol tht prftfidlnBr on thlcb t'tls<br />

SftEtary bsrd hl6 order, 68 ptovtd?d lD<br />

rftttoD 211t ol tttle 28 ol tfte Udtad Btat{E<br />

1ffi7!<br />

ttitsl - the Int€rEtata Conmercc Corolslon<br />

shall not adopt or contlnue ln ef,trt f,ny<br />

salety leBuletloD Phlqh dtfish llom a motror<br />

veblcle ssfety stMdard tEsed by the <strong>Sec</strong>retnry<br />

under thtr tttl€, except ttl8t nothtng lD<br />

thta subEcctlon sh8ll b€ deemed to Frohlblt<br />

the Intershte Commerce (l)Innrlstlon lrom<br />

Oods,<br />

"(1)<br />

If tht pctltlonc! apFUB to the court<br />

Itr leevc to sdducc EddltlonBl evldcucG, <strong>and</strong><br />

lhowa to the EttElactlor dl thc 6ut tbqt<br />

luch eddttlon&l eyldeDce la ffitarlBl Md<br />

tt[t thse were rEoDable 8toubdB for the<br />

tstlue to adduce Euch eyldeDct lD tb6 pro-<br />

presllbln8 for RIry tnotor vehlcle operated<br />

by fl cffiter subjNt b regulatioD under<br />

elther or both ol Euch Acts, e seleLy re8ulatlon<br />

whlch impoEea I hl8her Et<strong>and</strong>crd ot<br />

tredlDg bcltre the Ssret$ry, thc @ut may<br />

order auch addlttodEl eYlden@ (E[d caldeDce<br />

lD rebuti8l therml) to tX tt^tln belore tbt<br />

sefietflry, sd ts be BdducGd upor the b.tr-<br />

perform{nce FUbaequant to lta EBnulMtilre lEg, ln 6uch EIME &Ed upon Eucb telB<br />

ths th8t lequlred to comply wlth tJro f,ppltEble<br />

Federal Et<strong>and</strong>4rd dt thG tlEe of<br />

mEnur#iurc.<br />

"(h)<br />

The s$retst BhEll ldue thltral Feileml<br />

hotor vchlcle raJety st8Dderda baled<br />

upoD erl8tlD8 pultllc mlety Et$hdErdr oE or<br />

before Jmrrsry 31, 196?, OE or b6lorc Jmffiy<br />

3r, lges, th€ Eeretsy shell l6auc new<br />

end revlsed Federal ffiotor veblclO .r.iety<br />

EtsndBrds qnder thlt tltl.-<br />

"SE- 1d{- (e) There 13 h€teby stabltshed,<br />

E NEtloBl Motor Vehlcl6 Sslsty AdYlrcry<br />

Counctl Thlch shsll b. compo8ed of thlrtacn<br />

hehb.E eFpotaEd by the <strong>Sec</strong>tebty, onc ol<br />

whm shsll be dslBtatld ChslrEm. !{em'<br />

bera of the Advlsry Coucll Eball bG ip-<br />

Folnt4d lroE amon8 peFone outStd6 thc<br />

i'ederal coyernment an.t the meEbcn thlll<br />

be rcprsehtstlvt ol tDdutry, Sttrta Obd lHl<br />

goverrheDtr, cnd the publlc' Ttrco ol tho<br />

meBbcE Eh8ll bo rEpruntrtlvd of tbls<br />

enSEStd tD th€ EMulactur6 ol Eotor vehlcl.a,<br />

two absll be repr.Eenbtlvs ol tbffi<br />

eDgEBed tn thc huuJmtue of motot v6trlclc<br />

equlphrnt, thrE sbsll be reprFenBtlvd of<br />

Sirta snA lftal govefrhenta' 8Dd flvG aball<br />

be ttlrrcffihtlY6 ol the ScneEl publlc,<br />

Seyen meEber! of tht Oouncll Bhell @DAtltutd<br />

B quorlE- tho EeEber! ot thc Coucll<br />

Ehell bc eppotnted lor Et.ru ol fou yean'<br />

ercept tbat thr* ol thc hGEbEt flFt Fppoln-t€d<br />

shall hold odce lor t*o ycu' flv6<br />

Ehell bold oflce for tlut yGBE, a[d trvG<br />

Bhall hold ofl{ce ror lour yeEE, <strong>and</strong> alry EeEbtt<br />

sPpotnttd -t; to flII * v$ncy scslsE<br />

prlor thc explratloD ol tbc tGE to thtch<br />

blr prrd#ffir vil Eppolutrd lhall lt [ppolnt€d<br />

oDly lof thc rGmalDdBt ol ouch tar'<br />

Auy vmency tD thc CouEcU Ehall be flUed ln<br />

th; s€sc ErnDGr ln wblch the ort8lb*l up<strong>and</strong><br />

@Ddltlons a6 to th€ court hay ffim<br />

Iropor- Tbe Sdretary Eey modlfy ht8 flDdlDgE<br />

ffi to the lect8, or h6.he Dcs flDdtngB, by<br />

re#dn of the sddltlohEl cvldence ao taten,<br />

<strong>and</strong> he etEll flle Euch modlfled o! [ew tud'<br />

lDgB, aDd hla recomendatlo4, lf ADy, ror uc<br />

hodlllcstlon tr *tttn8 slde ol hla orlglMl<br />

ord.r, Flth th6 rGtwD ol Euch sddltloD8l<br />

eYldence.<br />

"(3)<br />

Upon the iltbs ol thc prtltton ref.rrGd<br />

to ln parsgraph (1) ol thlB subdmtloD,<br />

thc @ut rhall brye JurlEdlcuob td reYlew<br />

tb.e ords ln *cddsce wltb sstton 10 ol<br />

tbc AdslslBtrsttft Prftrdlw ,f,ct (6 Il-B.cl0O0)<br />

snd to Brant epproprlEtE rellel E pro-<br />

Ylded lD Euch estloD.<br />

"({)<br />

The Jud8Eent of thd coutt aarElDg<br />

or gGttlnB slde, ln Phole oI lD p8rt, Ey Euch<br />

ordcr ol thG g.cretsry sbaU be flh81, tubjtrt<br />

to revtew by the Supreme court ol the UDltrd<br />

Stst6 upoD certlor8rl or certlflcatlon E prevlded<br />

1B EtrtloD l?6{ ol tlUe 38 ol the I]DIt4d<br />

EtEteE Code-<br />

"(5)<br />

Any stLoh ttretltut4d uEdu thtB 8ubacctlon<br />

Bhatl Ewlvg, DotFltbttaDdln8 aDy<br />

cbsge lD the IEmn trcupyln8: the ofrce ol<br />

8+cret$ry or MY TsDcY h Euch o[ce.<br />

"(6)<br />

lts rGMdlB proYlded lor ln tblB<br />

aubHtlon rbAll bc lu addltloB b sd Dot h<br />

aubatltutloD ltr My ot.hB rsBcdl$ Fffivld€d<br />

by lBF.<br />

"(b)<br />

A cGrtlfl.ed co'py ol the tneflpt ol<br />

tbe rffid aud prdedl!8E uDd6 thls Htlotr<br />

shBll bs furDlshed by the Strrstary to sy<br />

lntercst4il pf,rty at bl8 requcst, ud payEtDt<br />

ol thG csts theteol. sDd shaU be sdElslble<br />

th Bby filElaal, crclulou of lrdpottS, d<br />

other procacdlE8 aflElDg udcr m lD rsltc{f<br />

ol tbls tltls, lre8prctlye oi thctJld t[ft€GdtDgE<br />

wlth r6pet td the ordrr bavt pEr'louly<br />

IblEtscut Til rrdr.<br />

'(b)<br />

Tbc sacEt[t $dl dt th6 rdvlct<br />

md rrcofficDdetloil ol ttlE AdYirory Oouncll<br />

before rBtabllahln8. uendlnE, or rcvokfng<br />

uy rutG vchtcl6 stcbt atsrdlrd wdtr<br />

b*D lDltlBttd or bccome flnal uDder 8ubruilon<br />

(s).<br />

"sE-<br />

106- (B) Tte<br />

tblr Act-<br />

"(cl<br />

Memben ol the H8ttotrd uotm Vc'<br />

blclo 88!oty AdYIery Counctl Eay bG dmpcutGd<br />

ei e rata Eot to erceed lltD 1rcr<br />

at.E {tnctudtn8 frv?l ttEo) shctr 6nFBa{<br />

Itr thc etusl dutfH of tha Advtrory Cducu'<br />

Such hlEbtrr, wbll| rnt lffi tb6lt hoEd<br />

# ngul"t pl*i of burrna, nr b. ruf,'d<br />

tnvei crporc* hcludlnt pcr dll$ h ll'u<br />

ol rubrl,ri+m ff authortad bt Gtto[ 6 ol<br />

th6 AdElDlttErtrY. Ert*H Act ol 19{6 (D<br />

u8.o.7$b-'), ttr pGffiil ln tbr crovdMcrt<br />

EHlc6 6EPioYGd UtdtrttmUY' Ib Egoi<br />

udcr tbll-E-tloE lbrll Eot rudf EEbtil<br />

of trt ACvtErI CouEGll EPloys or ol[clrb<br />

ot tbc Ildltart Btrtd lot uy Prlil'<br />

gecretEy aball conduct<br />

reEffirch, teatLtrg, deiEltphobt. fnd tratilug<br />

hec@ry ts c*sy oui, the purpor6 ol l,bl8<br />

tttle, lncludtD8, but Dot llErlt€d tr<br />

"(1)<br />

coUmtlnB data lroh sDy aouM for<br />

the purpce ol deternilDt!8 tbe rclatloDrblp<br />

tEtveeh Eot{)r yehtcle Or Erotof Y6hlCL<br />

equtpmegt ltsilorue ebsrrctcrlatlg sd<br />

(A) ffildcnts lnvolvlng Eotor v6hlcls, Md<br />

(B) th. ffclmence ol death, or lf,ruDal ln-<br />

Ju!y rsultjng lrch auch ecld.nbi<br />

"<br />

(2 ) pruUlEg (by DeBoilaf,ton or ou.rvte)<br />

erperlEcntsl snd other tfiotor 96blcl*<br />

or hotor V6hlCl6 .qulpEent lor t$ffih Ual<br />

HilDg<br />

"(3)<br />

PUftHS;<br />

rGltlDE or othcr*l|o dUpfrtES of talt<br />

Dotor eclilcl* Md Eottr vnhlsl. rqrilItuGDt<br />

rhd rlEbu4lbt tJr6 IEE .dt o|l tuoh B16<br />

tr dlrIfll t$to tla flHEt rFPrcPrbflu<br />

780<br />


Mlhblc ltr th6 purpflr ol ErtltrB ffit tbJ|<br />

tltlc.<br />

"(b)<br />

Thc Eccrctrry ts lutbdrlrGd tD conduct<br />

trB+arch, tstlDg, d6veloFEeDt, Nd<br />

tr8lDlDg s sutlrortzHt td b. mrlid out by<br />

rub{dtloh (s) ol ihrs BfttloD by utln8<br />

grantr lor tht cohduct of Euch rffarch. t€tlhg,<br />

deYclopmGDt, rhd thlnlbg b 8t!t+t,<br />

Intcrbta<br />

uotu.<br />

"gE,<br />

t{tucls, rDd<br />

lO7. Thc Sdffi$y<br />

nonprcit lufltu-<br />

tr tuthdrlEd to<br />

ldvl,rc, Blst, 4bd Cffipentc Ftth. othtt ||ed-<br />

6El delnftBent4 rEd ttencls, ahd Sht6 fntl<br />

oth+r lEierestcd publlc <strong>and</strong> pflvate EEenclC!,<br />

h tho plannlng <strong>and</strong> development of-<br />

"(1)<br />

Eotor vchlcle i$tety stEndBrd!;<br />

"(3)<br />

m€thods lor lsF{rtln8 Eod tsrtDg to<br />

deterblbe @Epllane stth hotor y.btcle<br />

Elety EtMd8rda.<br />

"6k,<br />

I08. (a) No F+Ma shsll-<br />

" ( I ) GDulMtue lor EAle, tEll. otrer for<br />

aalc, or lnttoduce or delleGr tor tntroduciloo<br />

ln lEteEt4h cohmerce, Ot lmport lDb the<br />

Unlted States, ey Eotor veblcle or ltem ol<br />

Eobr vehlcle equlpEeDt BMuiacturcd ob<br />

Ol 8lter the dah arl!'apPllc8ble Feder8l<br />

rutor vchlclc r8lety st<strong>and</strong>sd talft atftt<br />

rrsdcr tblr tltlG ublcs lt lf, ID coDtordtlty<br />

Tltb such Et<strong>and</strong>ud ar(*pt s pravlded ln<br />

.ub€ectloD (b) Ol thlt EctloD:<br />

"(e)<br />

lau or rGlE 8tras to or copytDg ol<br />

rrcorda. or f*tl to mLe rrport$ or prortdc<br />

lhlol.MtloD, or lill or rctu to tserrrlt entry<br />

or lEpfttloh, s rcqulred udEr r4ilon I l2i<br />

"(3)<br />

16ll b lrsuG I ertlicfta rcqutred by<br />

mtloD 11+, or lsue i ertlflcBte to the .firct<br />

thst a motor yehlclc €rtsluta lrrucrt bt th6 Euultrturtr tr lEportar<br />

ol ruch<br />

clo .qulpE.Dt,<br />

Eotsr ?chlclt or hotor rihl-<br />

td thr ctrct tA4t ruch<br />

or IEE of nrotot vehlcle<br />

rqulpmeDt cohloffi to 8ll rppllcsbl. FtdErBl<br />

hotor veblclF sal?ty tt4ndafdr, ll such p€rsf,<br />

ln the ererclae ol duG sE IDoEf or hs<br />

resoD to knoF tbst lucb ertlflett l! trlle<br />

or ElalesdlnE ltr r rutarlal re6pect:<br />

"(4)<br />

t8ll to furnllb Doflicailon ot sny<br />

delect s requlrrd by retloD lt3.<br />

"(b)(r)<br />

FBrBgrEpb (f) ol rubrerloa (a)<br />

rhall hot apply to thr Blc, thG ofcr lor sale.<br />

br ths tntroductlou or d6llvcry lor lutro'ductlon<br />

ln lbtirtat€ @rDEtrc6 o! aDy motor<br />

Y.hlcl6 or hobr vehlcle iqulpht$t Blt ! thc<br />

lEt purcbge ol lt lD Bood lElth lor purpfld<br />

other than re$le- I! ordcr to uurt i con-<br />

UDulng rDCl clltctlve nattoDal tr4frc sJety<br />

prq8rEm, lt l! thc poltcy ol coDBTeEr to eD-<br />

&umge <strong>and</strong> rboD8tbcn Ebt lEJorcaDabt ol<br />

8tat6 tUp#tlOE of utcd EOtOr yehlcl.a.<br />

Therelore to tbrt cbd tbG Eftretary lbBll<br />

@Dduct a thorough rtudy <strong>and</strong> lDv.atl8atloD<br />

to detetulbc tho Bdtquacy ol Eotor yehlclt<br />

ElGty rtrndrrdr Nd Eobr ecblclc t$pEtloD<br />

rcqulEmrDtr abd ptfteduft6 sppllcablc<br />

to ued Eotor vcblcld lD mh Statc. aDd thc<br />

ttEt ol proBr'ff autborlcid by tHu tltle<br />

uIsD Euch FtmdBrdB, rcqulreEeata, <strong>and</strong> procGdur.a<br />

lo! uGd Eotor Tchlcl.!, <strong>and</strong> rcport<br />

ta ConArw u ffi u lrrctlffible but not<br />

later thsn onG y6r rltar the date ol oDrct-<br />

Ernt ol thlr tiltlc, thc Hulta ol such rtudy,<br />

tud racotubchdBttou tor luch sddltlonal<br />

l6ElxlstloD M hG deE! [ReBaly b carry<br />

out the purpoEs of tbl{ Act, rir ffiD ag<br />

prsctlcable rJt.r tbr rubElsloD ol.uch rettrt,<br />

but ho lAtcr thBn olte yeqr lrom tbc<br />

dit6 of submhdoD ol rucb report, th. Eetctsry,<br />

altcr Fuult$tloD Ftth the couDctl ^Dd<br />

ruc.h lDtcEEtGd pubuq dd prlv4tn nf,lnclet<br />

Ed Etoups E bc d*d rdrla8bl.. Dhrll nBtEbltoh<br />

UUlfOffi ftdcBl Eoior tEhtCIt 4l6ty<br />

ItaadBrd! aFpllBble to ill u&d hotor vthlclu-<br />

Euch rtsdard8 rbaU bo crprcscd lE<br />

trtil ol Eobr y.blcl. Blcty lErlomscc.<br />

Tba BtrEtrry li tutborkcd to uGDd or rewl6<br />

ruch lt<strong>and</strong>ard. pMuant to tblr Act-<br />

"{l)<br />

PrI88Hph (l) ol tubsectlon (f) rball<br />

EOt rpFlt te EDy IEffb vbD HtsbIlBbE tbat<br />

h6 dld Dot lloE or hrYG rcun td klow lD<br />

liba crcrclac ol duc ffit tbrt ruch vchlcle ot<br />

ttaH ol Erotor v;hlch cqulFE.trt lr Eot lD<br />

oorlffilty fith rpPllcablt Ftdtrrl motor<br />

tablclr Blaty .trtdrtdr, or to uy IEndu<br />

;ho, prlof to dcb nEt lrucbre. holdr r<br />

yGhlclt<br />

u lqulpment dbtors to Ell appltc8ble ltd-<br />

Gral Eob! ycbtclc islety rt$hdstln, uElH<br />

ruch l*rlon krow tbat Nc.b yGhlclG tr<br />

GqrllphcDt der bot rc @DJoh-<br />

"(81<br />

A Eobr v.blclr or ttGm ol Eoto! villcl€<br />

cqu,tpEcDt oficred lor lsFdtrtlon ln<br />

vlolstloD ol psigEpb (f ) ol mbaacuou (8)<br />

rhaU bo rcluGd rdmlrrlon hto tbc ltDlt d<br />

Btst r ud.r lotnt rcEulefloB<br />

Eccretrry ot l,h. Trruury Ed<br />

lsuGd by tJrG<br />

th6 8ftlctsfy;<br />

crcept that tbe Socretsy ol thc Ttesury<br />

ud thc <strong>Sec</strong>rrt+ry tuy, by ruch reBulatlotul<br />

prcvldr lor authorldE8 t.h! lhportattoD ol<br />

ruch motor vcblcl? o! ltGEr ol hotor vcblclG<br />

lqulprcnt lDto tbc gnttrd Btat€6 upon 3uc!<br />

trrru End @Ddltlou (lDcludlB8 tlc fuulrh.<br />

tng of a bondl s Eey rFpe&r to th,rB ipproprl8te<br />

to lEure thet aDy auch Eotor vcllcl6<br />

or tt4h ot hotor vthlcle equlpmeot wtll ba<br />

brought tDto coDJorElty wlth any appllcablG<br />

lGdefEl Eotor yehlcle Eatety atsDdud prr-<br />

.crlbcd uhder ttlts tltle, or rlll be erlFrted d<br />

ababdoned to th€ unlhd ststeE<br />

'(4)<br />

Tbc Eacretsry ol the Tteesury Eud<br />

tlto <strong>Sec</strong>retary Eay, by Jotnt regulsttou, perslt<br />

ure temporsry tEportstlon ol BDy motor<br />

gehtcle or lftm ol qrotor vchlclc equlpheEt<br />

rlter the flrAt purchffi of lt lD Bood falth lor<br />

purlruea other thrD rassle.<br />

"(6)<br />

Farugrapb (l) otBub8trtloD (s) .h0.U<br />

Ddt epply In the case ol i' botor vehlcle O!<br />

It€m ol mobr vcblclc iqulpEeDt tntrDdcd<br />

rol.ly tor erport, EDd s Isbclcd or tsggcd. OE<br />

the v€h.lcl; or tt E ttrcll sDd oa tbG outaldi<br />

of the cdatalhs, ll aDy. whlch tr rrlDriatl.<br />

"(c)<br />

CoEpuEcc sltb my Federal Eotor<br />

vehlcle Ealety rtsnd$d lEucd uDder tblB tltl6<br />

de8 uot erempt rDy p.r8oD lrcs auy Uabtl-<br />

Ity under coffion lBr.<br />

"8ft,<br />

l0O- (a) Wloevor vtolEta uy FtvlrloD<br />

6l rftttoD IO8. or Bny re8ulrtloD lBuGd<br />

f.herEuDdGr, rhall tt iubtect to B clvll Flrlty<br />

ol rot to rrerd 11,000 lor e$b such ylolttlon.<br />

Bqcb ylolrtlon ol r provbloE ot EdtioE<br />

108, of rr8llatloE lsued thrrGundGr, rball<br />

€tutltute a Bepsrt ytolatlo! Flth rdF*t<br />

to cEch Eotor Ycblcle or lteE ol Eotor vGblcl6<br />

Gqulltheht or Flth rclpect to cfcb lrllura<br />

or relEEl to allor or pcrlom BD et rcqulrod<br />

therGby, crc.pt that tie Esrlerr cteu DEE.<br />

alty BhaU Uot crcftd l{00,000 tor ffiy rel8toq<br />

*fles ol YlolatloB.<br />

-(b)<br />

Art rucb clvll FEBlty ruy be @m-<br />

Frromlfed by tbc <strong>Sec</strong>ffiy. Itlc MouDt ol<br />

ruch peDtlty, Thrh dDelly dctarmlEGd, or tJ16<br />

Eount a8reed upotr l[ €EproEle, EBy tE<br />

deduct+d lfoE aDt tw owlD8 by tbG ttEltad<br />

Etate8 to tbe l*ruon chargrcl.<br />

"88lrd-<br />

(a) Tbe UDltcd atf,ti dbtflCt<br />

6urtE 6hau hayc JurlEdtctloD, ld eu$<br />

!hoF[ aEd rubj*t to the provbtonr of rul6<br />

65 (a) rhd (b) ol tbc FcderBl Rulcs of Clvtl<br />

Prtrcdute. to r*lnlD vlolatlotu ol uils fltlo<br />

upon lEtltloD by tbe spproprlEtc Uhtted<br />

Etater f,ttDEcy ot tbe Attorncy gcDcrsl ou<br />

lEhsll ol the UDltad Ststes, WbeDever practlcable,<br />

the <strong>Sec</strong>retqy lbsll gtve Datlce to EDy<br />

lhr8oD aEAlDst WhOtD AD actlon fo! lDlUnCtlv6<br />

rtllel ls conbEplatd snd rlrord hlm aD opportuDlty<br />

to Pt#nt hl8 ytEw!, <strong>and</strong>, crcept<br />

tn the ck ol r kuoFlDE aDd Fllllul vloleuoD,<br />

rhall alrord bth rlsanFble opportuEtty<br />

td Hhlcvc cohpllB4ce. Tbe lalltuc to Blv.<br />

ruch Dotlct <strong>and</strong> &ford FUCh opportuDtty tbsll<br />

not prccludG tht gEbtlns of appropflstc re-<br />

It.l.<br />

"(b) In ADy ptredtDg lor crlElnsl c@t4Ept<br />

lor vlol8tloD of tn lnjuDctloD or E-<br />

Itrqliln8 order lsued ubder thlJl s.ctloh,<br />

whlch vlolstlou alBo coufltutt8 a vtohuoE<br />

ot ulb tltlc, trt8l lball t[ by tbe court otr,<br />

upoa dGBEDd ol thc accusrd, by a Juy.<br />

Euch trtrl thsll bc cdductGd ln rccordaDc.<br />

rtth tbG Frctlcc ud prtrcdurc rppuBbl.<br />

Itr tb. u ot prdldltrBr rubJet to thc pr<br />

Ylllou ot ru.l6 {l(b} ol tha Fadffil Rulil ol<br />

cHEIEI Procarlut<br />

House Debate<br />

781<br />

d<br />

,,{<br />

.l<br />

i<br />

,<br />

I<br />


lffin<br />

"ac)<br />

rrt Blr cdnlnrt dt lnjuncflon prftccd'<br />

-<br />

uilr* tn6 oElorcemcDt or to rgralh vlohtrd-il<br />

ol tblr tttl6, ilbpcurr lor wltEffi who<br />

s6 r6qulrd to Bttctrd a court ol thi IIbItcd<br />

gtst6 ttr *Dy dt8trlct m8y ruu lnto atry othrt<br />

dbtrlct tn mY 81tch Proceedln8.<br />

"SE.<br />

111. (a) Il any hotor Yehlcl. or ltGE<br />

of dotor Yehlclo equlpment ts deteElncd<br />

not to codfom to lppucsblo F€derEl mot6}<br />

vehlclG sf,fety StaDdarda, or contgln! a delect<br />

whlcb relstec to hotdr Yehlclr rEfety, altor<br />

the sElr ol such vehtcle or lttE ol equlpmeDt<br />

by * m8nulecturer or n dletrtbutdt to a dt!tributor<br />

or h dcalet End prlor ti tho Eal6 ol<br />

6uch veblcle of ltcm of oqulpmGDt by sucb<br />

dl8trlbutdr ol dealer:<br />

"(1) 'fhe<br />

manul8cturet or dl8ttlbutot, 4<br />

tbo cs6 Eay be, Ebau tEEedlately rcprchgr<br />

8ucb. vehtcle or lteE df Eotof vchlcl6<br />

equlphent lrom Auch dlstrtbutdr or dealtr<br />

Et the prlce Isld by Aucb dl8lrtbutdr. m<br />

dealer, plu8 Bfl traDsportatlofl charBes lEvolved<br />

ind a re$otrabls relmbur8emeEt ol<br />

not leFs thsn I pelcentum per month of Eucll<br />

Drtce o8ld Drorated from the dat€ ol not'lc'<br />

Lt "uch nonconlormf,hce to thB dato ol re_<br />

purchtrd by ths maDulftturef or dlBttlbutdri<br />

ot<br />

" (1) In ths lrffi oi satDr vehlcls, th6<br />

msnur#tuer or dl8trlbutot, s th€ cae may<br />

be, at hlE oE expen#, th&U lffiedletely<br />

luDlsh tho plNhsalnB dlstrlbutor or dsal?r<br />

ths fcqulred cdnlorEltrg lttrt or- pfft<br />

. or<br />

lor tDtroductroE lDto lntcEt4ta @EEGru<br />

or orc hald lil sdr altcl Euch lntroductloE;<br />

Mrt (I) to tDrpdt' st rtsongblc ttm6 Ed<br />

-r*trh rumublc tlElt! sd lE r ruodNblr<br />

roEct, Such ietdfy, ErshdusG, (r 6tabllrhruDt.<br />

Eftb. Euch ltrapEtlo[ thall bo<br />

@ndeEcrd Md complrtrd vlth reuoDablc<br />

promPtnffi.<br />

' "(c)<br />

S"ery Eanulrcturu ol motor Yehlcld<br />

&Dd dobr voblcle equtltmcnt sb*U sbbUsb<br />

Md EslDtflu auch records, mak6 ru6h rotbrta.<br />

sDd pMldo such lDJorm8tion il thc<br />

ilrcremry may Eaonably requlrB td enablo<br />

blE to drt€mldo whethF Buch EEnUJ#tuef<br />

hq Bcted of lE 4ctlD8 ln EEpuauct<br />

wtth th18 tltle Md motot vGblclr sfrty<br />

st<strong>and</strong>Eda pffirlbEd puHusDt to tltlr fltlc<br />

snd ehall, upoD reque6t ol m otllcer or employe<br />

duly d$tBn*t4d by the g+crBry' pcr<br />

urlt Aucb. oflcet or oEploys to tEp#t ap-<br />

Drcpdato bdkt, pepen5, rtcord8, dd d$u-<br />

'ments<br />

rglsvMt to.lehrElnlng whetb.er Euch<br />

manulmtwr hs Mted or l! actlng lE wm*<br />

DllBf,cs Mth thls tltle end mobr Yehtcl'<br />

iefety atmdarde pr€cribed plEuBnt t4 tbla<br />

iltlG.<br />

" (d) Evcr9 huuletwer of Eotor Ychtcl;E<br />

ffid motor Yehlclo equtPmeDt EhEll<br />

prwldo to ths<br />

equtpm;Dt for tDstauatloB by the dtstltbuttr<br />

o aiater on or ln 6uch Yehlcle md for t'116<br />

tEtsllEtloB lnvolYed the Esulstuer thall<br />

telEbur6 sucb dlstrtbutor of d6eler ld t'ho<br />

re$onBbls valuc of sucb tn6tallstton plw B<br />

reMffiblo relf,buftemeDt of not lffi thm 1<br />

rr cntu pel honth ol the mMulRctu'tr's<br />

Lr dietrtbutq's EeIltnE prl6 prorBted lroE<br />

the dsta ol Dotlco ol Euch noDconlormuce tp<br />

tht dBta 6uch vehlclo lr brcuBht lnto coh'<br />

loffid E'lth &pptlcflbl' Federal stedf,rdr:<br />

h@litei4 hMM, ThEt th. dlshlbutor or<br />

deBler pts*dt {ltb naonsblc dlu8en4<br />

wltlr tho lrut*llatton alter the requtrGd pst'<br />

PArta - or equtPmeEt ile relYed.<br />

' (b) ID tho eYent MY m$ufactuer d<br />

orstrtbuts sball telu* to @mply *lth tno<br />

requlrmenta of pd8SraptE (f ) Md (2) of<br />

-<br />

aoi*tton (4), theE the dlEtrlbutor or dc*l6r'<br />

E thc cBEe m4Y bo, to whoE Buch DoncmftrEIDR<br />

vehtcla or equtpment bs bcen Eold<br />

Esv brtng $ult a8hlst Euch franufrcturer or<br />

dt8irlbuttr ltr dy dlstrtct @Et ol thG IIEIt€d<br />

ststo! ln the dtstrtct tn whtch Hld EBnUJMtlNl<br />

of dlstrtbutof re6ldes' tr It foud, or hu<br />

dtr EgEnt, *.lthout re6pHt to the mout iE<br />

mntrcveroy, ud sball rrcover th6 duEgG by<br />

hlh Eu8tsrned' s wcll B sll €Et cdtr plu<br />

ffiD8ble Ettorneys' fHs. AnY Ectlon<br />

brought pusumt to thlr Etrtlon shBU bc<br />

lorevir bmed unles coffien€d EtthlE<br />

tJrru Yffi Elter thr celm of etldu rball<br />

hrrl tacrusd.<br />

"(c)<br />

Th. Yalud of such ltrtsllatloB Md<br />

eucb iowsbte relmbusemuts I Ep*li6d<br />

lE rulB#tloD (e) ol thls Eectton rtrall bo flred<br />

by hutuBl BBrsEent ol tbe psUH, or f8lltrg<br />

tucb Egr*m.Dt. by tho couJt Plmuut to tht<br />

D$VtElou ol Bubtetld (b) ol thlr cecttm.<br />

'SE.<br />

112- (sI Tbs E+cEtsy tE authortz6d<br />

td @Dduct 6uch lEIHtloE lr ruY bo n#<br />

aw to eDJore Fcdtral leblclG F tty thd'<br />

rrda etabllrbed undar tbrr tltlc' IIe Ebru<br />

lwDlf,h thr Att,ffisy Ge#FAl a'Dd' wtren op'<br />

DrcDrtata, thb ELcrtf,ry ol th6 Trruuy uy<br />

inlometton obtdlErd .lndlBtlng tronc@pllr4d<br />

slth f,uch ltstlud!. for sDproprlut<br />

#tlotr.<br />

.,(bl Fof purpor6 ol dilffiEt d txl|<br />

'odccn<br />

utti.<br />

of tEployH dury<br />

d<br />

-dBl8st<br />

bv tb6 ItEetsry, upoE prHantFg 8+IF<br />

Dtrta credeEtJd8 {Id r filttttr trotl6 E<br />

'tba<br />

wn.r, o;nrrtc, or agGDt E "!lrs9' t-ct<br />

ruttroilued (1) ta riuif. lt rflosblt f,ffi'<br />

*y r*toty' irronou' tr 6trbllsb@[t lI<br />

vtfctr mts vthlcld or ltau or ffi. Yt"<br />

hlcto 6qdPment Ee Esuteturtd' dr laq<br />

gfttstsy auch perfr)dmce<br />

dFts <strong>and</strong> otbei t&bnlsl dab relBt+d to porlomEbcg<br />

aDd B*lety s Eey bc requtred -b<br />

€rrJr out tha purlote ol tht8 Act' Tho<br />

Sffretafy lr authort4d to requ-lte tlle msufMtscr<br />

td dvc such Dotlf,letton ol Euch<br />

dertffice Dd tshrilcsl dFta 8t the HEo<br />

ol odgfngl ltrNhtue t4 th6 flBt pergoD wbs<br />

purcbeu aEotor velllcle or tteE ot equlpment<br />

tor purpfls otbgr ths tEEle, M bo<br />

detGrtnes necrdll to cEry out ths plr<br />

pdd ol tJilt Act.<br />

"(6)<br />

AII lDJometlo[ report4d to of ot'her-<br />

Fls€ obtstDed by the <strong>Sec</strong>retsry d hta leprosef,tatlv6<br />

plrumt to 6ub6ectldn (b) or (c)<br />

whtch tnGffittot coDtalu or rclBtd to I<br />

trado Eecrtt or otbGr mEtter releded to lE<br />

$ectlon 1906 o{ tltle l8 d ttle UDlted Bbh<br />

Code, thall bo coEsldered coD-fldentlal lor tho<br />

Duffio ol that sdtlon, cxept tb*t 8uctr<br />

inrdrutron EBy bo drdtGed to otb'r ool-<br />

€E or #ploy*E mncemed wttb aarrlnn8<br />

mt thlr tltle or vb.en rEtwst tD a'iy pF<br />

c*dtDB uEd.r tJrlt fltls, Nothlb8 tD thl!<br />

EdtloD- thsU rutiortB thr sltbboldlB8 ol<br />

lntrottofl bY ths fLcret*rY G uY ofld<br />

oicrotovm oiuu Uft sDtEi. IFE thc duly<br />

sutho-rtzfu ddEElttets oJ tb6 Con8tE .<br />

'38,<br />

113- (B) EvrrY ffiul#tf,rer of hr<br />

tor ventcler shall lunlah notlfl€tlon ol My<br />

d6fwt ltr sy Eotor YehtclG s bot{r Yehlclg<br />

rculDEGEt prsducGd by Euch ttlsuJa'twa<br />

-irtcl n* aeterohel, tn Eood l8ttb, rel8ter<br />

t{ motdr Yeblalg sglety, to thc PwchMt<br />

(whero ksom to thr ffiuJ*turr) ol auch<br />

motor vGhlcls d motd veblclG rqulpfrcnl'<br />

wttbl[ [ r&Elble tts. f,ltar lucb ruDulffiturn<br />

tril d,tffivsr6d such dGl*t.<br />

"(b) T'lle noullcstlon requlr6d. by subiettoD<br />

' (B) thall tE mcompltshcd.-<br />

'rri tv certttrdd Edl to thr ltHt pucfraiei<br />

(not lncludlBE sy ded* ol Eucb<br />

manufeitu*1 ol ttrs idotor vehlclc o! hottr<br />

vthlcle equlp;acrt cortsttrlE8 Bucb I defwt'<br />

md tn enY eublequont Purcb#r to gElE<br />

lls bffi #uetcn-6d dnt *Mrtrty o[ tut-h<br />

Eotdf vGhlclo of mota vGhlclc rqulPm6Dt;<br />

sd<br />

.111 5y ortli€d Edl tr othE dott truadr't-t'oui<br />

mau- io tho dElcr 6 dcslcd d<br />

iuch -"dtr.r""i"q.ip-dut'w<br />

mnulmturgt to wh&[ Nch dtd<br />

i<br />

dcltvertd-<br />

"(c)<br />

Thr iotticattm. rcqutrert by tubrdtlon<br />

ial rbrll cantail s cl6r d#tlptrot tr<br />

Jg"n'ctr*t. -ti*n"<br />

a[ rrslurttol o't tha r'tt to<br />

i*f.tv rruodably frlatrd to ruclr dF<br />

-ttrtrm.on;<br />

f;i, ara r<br />

;f thr dffdd to Dr<br />

tII68 to repslr dcb dcf#t:<br />

. ,'(.tl Efcrt hiau.fsturlr of Eqld[ vts<br />

bfdb BhEIl rrift||Il to. th6 <strong>Sec</strong>ret5rt<br />

sroetly I tru6 rud rcpimltsttvr copy C<br />

iay ftiUm, bull6tb, n itt6 vrlttah 6EErl-<br />

782<br />


trleflou td tbr drilH ot lucb Eilu.trctuer<br />

il puctrrren Ed uffi ol iucb @u_<br />

fetwra pEduct rcSEdlng tli tdrt6bE<br />

of coFtctlon ol uy dtfftt lI motor ychtelH<br />

or lt hl Of Eotot ychlcl. rqutPmtEt U dc-<br />

Ilyerid by ruch unul:Actu*. Il thr gerotary<br />

detefrlDcr thct Buch drf*t 16 i hfcty<br />

delect ht thall rivlew Fltb th6 ruUlrCtUfrr<br />

the dctlan<br />

*compll8h<br />

t&.kED Md Fropsed to bo bken tO<br />

etrectlv. Dotticsuofl ot puchilcB<br />

aDd utcru, Il th6 MtloD taktE sd prop@ed<br />

to b. tsttn by the mEDulkturE Flth<br />

resprct to a s8Jcty deltrt tr lnBdequtr to<br />

Mffhpll$h eftrtlyr notlicat on of pMhufl<br />

ud u.E, th6 <strong>Sec</strong>retsy rhgll Ordet tho<br />

Emufrcturcr to tEtre such furtb?r stswe!<br />

na ere retron8blo<br />

pllab Eucb notlca<br />

aDd ntresary to ffiOE-<br />

aDd, ll th6 m8Duletufer<br />

de8 not comply prffiptly Flth such order.<br />

s tUjunctton to comIEl smpltEuco mqy bo<br />

su8ht ln 8trardMco wltb th6 prcvktou dt<br />

tfttlon lto(e) -<br />

'fh6<br />

SftrGtsy m8y determlDG<br />

aJttr Buch revlcw Eh.tha|f publtcatton<br />

by him ol th6 Infofratlon mnhlntd Lr Buch<br />

notlcer, bulletlnt, comunlcatloDa relsttng<br />

to B FBlety delEt filI<br />

substaDtlAl Addttloncl<br />

result lD.fftttDg i<br />

nlmtE! ol conetlona,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ll the <strong>Sec</strong>retary so detcmlne8, h6<br />

shaD dlaclfte td the publtc s lhucb ol th6<br />

lEforh8tlon cont{lned ln sucb EOilCt! Or<br />

otbcr lnfmstton obtflthed uudcr rfttloE<br />

ll?(a) u he snsldeB ntreEssy tor such<br />

FrurIEc, Tb6 SftrttarT ahEll Dot dbd66<br />

Eny tEfonfl*iloh whleh @nt$lnE or lelstfi to<br />

E tmdc E€crot Ot other matte! retered to lE<br />

A*tloD lgod of tltle 18 of thr IJnIt€d Stat6<br />

Codo UEIe$ he det.mlnes that such dtrcltrulo<br />

It nftffiAry lor such<br />

"grf.<br />

FrurpffstI{.<br />

Ev.ry hsnulactufet or dlrtrtbutor<br />

Ot a hohr vehtclc or rotor yehlcle<br />

equlpmtnt Bhall lurnr8h to th. dlst{lb-<br />

Utor or dEAlet tt the tlme ol dellvery 6l<br />

such Yehlclr Or equtpment by stlch mUUl#twr<br />

or dlrtrlbutor thr crltltlcatto[ t}lft<br />

efth Euch vCblClO or ttem Ol SOttr yehtel6<br />

equtphdnt coDjotu to all Etrpllcabli ltedeBl<br />

hotor "ehldlo aafcty rt<strong>and</strong>8rdr. In tbe cae<br />

ol an lt€E of Eotof vebtcli rqulpEent Nch<br />

Ccrtl6d*ti6n hay be tn the lom ot E label d<br />

tdF ou luch lt+h or on th6 outEldc of r SEtatner<br />

tu wbtc_h tucb lt E lr deuyerrd, D<br />

th. ese o! E Botor VCblClo rucb crrtlicAtlol<br />

thBll bo ln th6 foru dl r lab.l ot tcg pcr,<br />

Eancnilt aEred to ruct hotor erblcir,-<br />

"sEi<br />

116, 1t6 8$r.tsry BhqU csrry out<br />

th. prcr|llfir dl tht6 Aft tbrou8b s }{ailoul<br />

Tt8dc Sstrty Agebsy (b$rlna(tcr rcterrd<br />

to u th?<br />

"AA;ncy"),<br />

Fhtch h6 6hall Utrb-<br />

Itrh tu thg DrpartE6nt ol Cdmmercr- Tt6<br />

ABebct lball b6 h6Aded by I ltrllc SEtGty<br />

Adstnlitrstor who rhsU bd sppotDtd by<br />

th6 FrEtdcnt, by rnd wttb th6 tdytco sDd<br />

coB&Bt ol thG Seust6. EDd !ha[ b6 6Dpctr-<br />

$trd at tho Et6 prctcrtbed fdf tryGt V d<br />

th6 FL.dcEl Erftuttvc galary Schcdulr crtrbltEbr{<br />

by th6 FrdcHl Er#uflv. SrlrT Act<br />

ol lge{. Th€ AdBtqlrtBtot lhrll ba r dtf_<br />

zeil of-th" Enlted ststd, Bbd lhalt ba rIr.<br />

pollt6d ytth duo regerd tor htr dtEE td<br />

dlrcbrrTr cttrclently thc pdsEr! End thr dutlH<br />

deletrt { to blh punurDt to thU Act, Th.<br />

AdhlntrtEtdr 6hrU hrva !o prcuDlrry tnt$r<br />

elt ltr or m aby ttftt tD or bondt of rtry<br />

r[trrpfl.i6 hyolvrd lE ( 1) ffiufMturtE8<br />

Eotor vthlcld tr hotor vGhlclo CqutpEGDt,<br />

or (3) coutructlnF btghsF, nor sall b6<br />

m8aSo lD aDy othcr bulDtil, vlntloD. or<br />

lHtloyttcbt. Tbr AdElnlrtntor 6h8ll parforE<br />

rucb duttd E m acI+artirl t+ ttm ly<br />

th6 accfttrt-<br />

"AE.<br />

116. Hottrilrf obtrt[Gil hrEn rbrlt<br />

b6 d#mGd to crcEpt lffi thr EUtnEt lsf,<br />

dl tho llblt d Strtd uy FEduct th.t huld<br />

otlarglt| ba udrrtul uDdd mcb IrE, tr to<br />

pftblblt rda tb. utlkuft tan oi thd<br />

Ilbltd Atrti E 6E.tuct ttrt wld lr<br />

llvful uldtr frcL hir,<br />

'8fr.<br />

-<br />

r17. (r) Thri'Act<br />

to psfl{tr ttrt Dylllrulla<br />

.bil!I.d<br />

'AE<br />

act<br />

bEtr !ur4 Erd *<br />

.trrpp.d lD coobacr lG t.l. tr rhdttr yF<br />

House Deban<br />

IldErhlll ErGt ertoln specllmtlom pb 19(i73<br />


ipproyrd Srpt4ilber 6. 1962 (?6 st&t- 43?;<br />

Pubuc I{E 8?*637). rDd tbc Act cbtltlcd<br />

'An Act to pbvldG tbrt klt bcltr sld or<br />

Ebtppd tn lnLnhtc coEEcM lor u6 ln<br />

Eotor v.hlclc! lbaLl Eet Ccrt8h Blcty<br />

rtBndsdr'. rpprcvcd DGc6Ebrr 18, r06il (??<br />

{ibt.3dr; Pubuc I4w 88*lol), si bcrebt<br />

repeBled-<br />

" (b ) Wh6vcr, Irrtor to t$6 datr of rnact-<br />

EeDt ol ihlr rfftloD. knofrnBly Ed FtUtuuy<br />

trtollt+s sy psvtsloE ol laT rcpcalrd<br />

by lub4cttoE (al of tbla Htlon, s.hall bc<br />

puDl8hcd lD rccordaDc6 wlth tbe prpvlEloil<br />

ol luch Iowa s ln etrEt oD tbe d8te Euch<br />

YlolEtIoD #u€d.<br />

"(c) AU rtrDdsrdr lsurd udGr rutbortty<br />

ol tbc lawr rcpc8lcd by rubHttou (E) ot<br />

thlE EciloE vblch are lE ?tftt rt thr flmr<br />

thl! rfttloD tatr6 ctect, lhall coatlDue lD<br />

ctrEt u lf thcy h8rl beD rtrrcttv€ly lsuld<br />

Eder 8trtloD 103 Etll MeDded or revohed<br />

by thc EwretAFy, or B durt ol cohpcteut<br />

JufiEdlctlou by operBtlon ol las.<br />

"(d) Any pr@eedtDg rel&tlDg to Ey prr<br />

ylEloE ol lew repe8led by 8ub*ctlon (8) ot<br />

tblr.ccdon whlch lA IEDdlng at tih. tlBc<br />

tht! Ectlon takes efiect rhBU bt coDunued<br />

by th; S€crehry s tl tbl8 EectloD had not<br />

been aDtrted, sd orders lFtued lh iny 6ucb<br />

prcc!.dlng ahsll contlDur lD ef.ct u ll tbcy<br />

hEd been efrectlvely lBucd Udtt tfftloD<br />

103 untll smended or reyokrd by tle BGcrrhry<br />

ln accorducG wlth tb-l8 tltlc, ar by operetloD<br />

ol law.<br />

''(e) The reptelE made by lub€ectton (a)<br />

ol tblx Bectlon ahnll Dot etrect eny sult,<br />

BdUon, or other Fr(Eee lEg laFtully cofr-<br />

Benced Dnor to the dEte tblr rEtloD tsl'u<br />

etect, aDd all ruch rulb, mtioE, EDd prcceedln8E,<br />

shaU b€ contlDued, prEcedlDgt<br />

theretb had, eppeal8 thereltr taken. aod JudB'<br />

belltE tbereln reDdered. h the Esme bBoher<br />

sd Fttb the affie ef#t as lt tbl6 tectlon<br />

had not bccn enactdd. No rult, acttoE, d<br />

oth.r prftedlDB la*.fully com.Dc;d by or<br />

aSathst any a8ency or ofrcer ol thc unltad<br />

Stat.6 lD relaUoD t0 ilre dlEcharge Ol o6ctal<br />

dutle8 undEr aly proflaloD ol law r.ptal?d<br />

by Subtdtlon (E) ol tbl8.ectloD .h8ll abat<br />

by rcasD ol Eucb relEal, bui tbc court,<br />

upoD hotlon or Eupplemental FetlUoD i.lcd<br />

et EDy tlme Fttb.ln It montlrs alter tbc dat6<br />

of CneCthent ol tblE aectloD BhowlnE thG<br />

ntreslty lor thc aurvlval of 6uch ault, actlo!,<br />

or otbcr prft4edln8 to abtBln e Ettlement (rl<br />

tbe queBtloD8 lnyolvcd, Eey allow ib6 ffi6<br />

b be matntslDcd.<br />

"SEc. ll8. The <strong>Sec</strong>retary, ln elerct8ln8 thc<br />

Euthorlty uder thl8 tltlc,6hall uilltzc the<br />

EervlceE, rtEcBrch Bnd t€stlDE fecllltles ol<br />

other Fedelal dcpartHeutt tnd asebcle8 to<br />

tte had@@ stent pmctlcable ltr ordcr<br />

to avotd dupucatton.<br />

"sE.<br />

llg, Tbe Eecretiry lB authodzed to<br />

lsur, arGnd, Ed rcvoke tuch rul6 End te8ul*tlon8<br />

BB he deeru Drcesary to carry out<br />

thlE tltle,<br />

"SEc. rXo. (f,) Ttrr S+crehry rhell prepate<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eqbmlt td the PrHldent lor tBn8Erlttel<br />

to thr Cbngrcs on MErch I ol Hch year A<br />

cohFrihenEive report on the adrrlalatratlon<br />

ol thl8 Act fo! the pr$edlng calrndar yc&r.<br />

Euch reFdrt Ehall tnclude but not bG rertrlct.d<br />

b (1) a thorough .hilrttcal coEpllEilob<br />

ol th6 rcqldent6 ud lhjurle8 FcurnDB<br />

ln ruch year; (3) a llst ol FrdGBl Botor<br />

vehlcle Erfety ttBudafd8 prEcHbed or ln<br />

efirct ln Euch y4r: (8) the d.Errq of obgervance<br />

of appllcable ftderal motor vcblcle<br />

Et<strong>and</strong>ardr; ({ ) a summ8ry ol all curmt<br />

reBearch Frdf,k <strong>and</strong> cobtdck to8ether dth<br />

B d$crlptloD ol tbe probleu to bc conrldcrGd<br />

by Eqcb SrBbtd Ef,d dontrMt ; (5) an<br />

e[slyd8 <strong>and</strong> Gyrluatlo[, IncludlDg rclcvEt<br />

poUcy recoHEcDdstlor, of rssr$b acttvrtle8<br />

coEplrtad md tftbDologtcal DrogTcB<br />

Erl.yfd d|Ir|rl ecb tff; md (0) tbr E-<br />

783<br />

c<br />

$<br />

I<br />

':<br />

;<br />

,<br />

:.<br />

tl<br />

il<br />

,<br />

i<br />

l<br />

1<br />


trht to vhtch t#hnlcsl lDlorEatloa vd allB- wtth tnduky atrd ths FGdffel Tradc Comaehlnated<br />

to tllg sclGntlflc corlmulty lud blaBlon to the hsxlmu cxtent practleblg<br />

corl$cr-orlented lblomf,tlon ws EAdo t! Gnorta to cllElmtr dffiptlve sd dDJuevatlable<br />

tp the botoHhg pubIc.<br />

"(b)<br />

Ttre rcpoft rqulred by subtectlou<br />

lDg tlre<br />

ues,<br />

DMehcletule ffid ruketlDE pr8c-<br />

(s) of tblE EctloD<br />

ot]reDd8uoru lot<br />

ahell contstD Sucb rrc-<br />

AddliloD8l lGglElatlon E<br />

,,TnLE E*ACCDEM AND NJnr<br />

AND ru6T rlcEny<br />

us$rcq<br />

l!:*TJ,!:H^J-!i*1"_":Eif,,:"it"ff"T"""-fff<br />

"*",f;i "',li;Jil,""fg-H"": f"L*r"";"",j:<br />

ImproveEeit ol tIBAc Blc<br />

Etreilgthen<br />

trpn,<br />

tbe Biilonal t.on""LriTori<br />

Y$tlBa.tlon <strong>and</strong>.Btudy of the neec lor I fetl-<br />

lty or l4tltttes to coDduct reEffir(ill' dcvelop-<br />

- "sEc. rar. (r) rtse t, ""tbgy_"q_g * ;l,T:;.X"ff#,i:'J*;"*tieT",:fi',t" L:Tt"o,tt*l:<br />

apFroprlated lor the purpe "1.:llTl"f$l<br />

i.ii, -*^i"-rvl'i,-"ir,orrzed by lew, <strong>and</strong> reeqih.<br />

thE provElon6 ol tn& tttlr, other thaD thH . ' ,<br />

tstlnR relatln8 t4 the<br />

Elared ro rJre !6Jery, Dor ro er"*d ;i;-pffr,frfr -d^"i^".Ypit*:-::d<br />

tor n&Bl y€ar<br />

"r<br />

re67.<br />

trdtrhlnerv u'ed on<br />

t12.m0,0o0 #'#;i"#; :it-q ,asrtcultual<br />

196E, End s23.00o,ooo r." tn" nrli ilii't'#;,<br />

yqYlv-"irltr-,mnntctlon Elth the Balbt*-<br />

<strong>and</strong> runds epproprrat€d *o", tiii i,iilr'oiitr ill}i:rt"l'tl,Xlyi !:";:";*f}X;;ili?,Tj:<br />

Ehell remalD avBll8ble untll cxpcnded.<br />

'<br />

""A-""*""o.r.q.+i!'il:ii-'rpr'-:iffi<br />

;i,:**'if, ."#-;h't",1',L"ln-?Eff<br />

vl8loDa ol thi8 tltle telated to tL<br />

gress Dot Jster th*n Deembcr 31' 196?' aucb<br />

utle rr, noi to.xceed 12.900.000;;;;;i;;<br />

196?. <strong>and</strong> tl,450,ooo pfr fisal<br />

::-:":::'::: rop()rt shall lDclude but Dot be umlted to (1)<br />

lsol yess<br />

en lllventory ot af,EtlDg cepebtutteH' equlp-<br />

1968 End 1969,<br />

"sec, l2z. The prcl'tsloE<br />

*"".1'<strong>and</strong> facllltleA' etther publlcly or-prl-<br />

ol this tirle to<br />

v4tely "tl$. "t- opernted' whtch could be<br />

ctrilflcatlon or motr)r venrctm r;id il;;s';<br />

H',ilxt-f,Tfdl:<br />

H:%Hlt'#'"""THt*l*it*kf nr;:ffi gHi]1"'""1i'"!:'ii.'"ti.ff ii!H'#<br />

tuail! r'ined under ffiilon ros oi"il';1il'r": ili"l;slf,jllilf,jfi:"::t"ti,l"1if"]'J,'"?*<br />


"6Ec, ,01. In all staDdards lor pneuEatlc<br />

for any recomheUded la(lltty or faciliileE, (3)<br />

prellmln8ry plans. EPeclficHtl(tLc, <strong>and</strong> dragtlrs<br />

establtahed uDder tltle I of t!i8 Act, th6<br />

Etrretary Ehill requlrt thst tlres nbjrct<br />

Llrtrcto be pemansDtly md coDsplcuougly<br />

l8beled Flth Buch Hfely lnforhEilon s h;<br />

dctermine8 to be nHesarv to csry out the<br />

purpo*$ of tbl6 Act- Such lEbelirg 6hau<br />

lDgs for Euch recommeDded fBcIUty or tMtlttteB<br />

(tncludlngmaJorreserrc)r' develoFmeit,<br />

aDd te8tlDg equlphent), EDd (4) the e6il-<br />

Eatad mst of thc recomendHl Blte6, lscil-<br />

lttes, <strong>and</strong> equlpEeilt.<br />

"SEc.<br />

303. I'here lA heleby suthortzed to be<br />

lncludF<br />

"(1)<br />

sultEbl€ ldehttflcdtlob df ths manu-<br />

BppRlpristed<br />

luvcstl8atlon,<br />

uot to exctrd $3,000,000 lor the<br />

Etudy, BEd lepdrt euthorlzed<br />

l#tuct, tr In the cse of a reheaded tlre by thls tltle- Any fuds Eo apploPriated thf,ll<br />

aulteble tdenttfl€tlon ol the retreeder, E-<br />

lS the tlle @Dtabc E brmd ffi Otllef<br />

than the DAme ol thc maEuJrctuer<br />

T 15193<br />

cse lt Ehall alBo contAln B code rurk Thlch<br />

would pEr'lt the Elrtr or "t.u frI" tiI"ll<br />

tiry the mf,hurtrrurer therrcr ;iil;;chMr<br />

upon bls rcquest.<br />

remain Evatl8ble untll expended.<br />

iTELE rV_NATToNAL DRMB ruqr$p8<br />

.,sEc. ,[01. '--' The Act enut]ed.An Act rd pro.<br />

. .-i- :l-<br />

Dcportment ol oom-<br />

11:-r-"I-"5$^"51.1n-the<br />

Ehall be ltsted the namc' ot<br />

tT!,",tt,IllJ:h<br />

certaln Ferts'tls who htrvp had thelr uotor<br />

.,(2) the mmF*rtron sr trre materr8r "*. JiyJti":ffi1:T,X<br />

jf,1?X"Xo'"t1X1*r:%e;fit<br />

In thc ply ol th6 tlre.<br />

..-';irl'ai;<br />

octuJ n.-uer or plreE rD tu"<br />

f;;sr"!1$"3.oote)'<br />

ls lterebv omeDded to resd<br />

uc<br />

.,({) the hsrdmu permrssrbre rmd ror tr" ,-ff*ot :l'" -ff.1""1T,""<br />

T ,T*r*J:?*rHH}t ff;<br />

ilre-<br />

,.(s) B rEcltal t].at trre<br />

to lrtm bv a 3tet4'<br />

ilre coEloBa t" ::t^,1tt*l;t-d.",ll,report€d<br />

Federal DlDlhffi "tr" p".ror^"u-#.-.#"fi<br />

Frbdlvlslon thereof ir6 {n lDdlYld-<br />

:-l^Pllll"sl<br />

arda, excGpt tbar rn ri e u' or *, "i ti<br />

li:l;-!"d: ;,:l,"il,llff ffi l J'Jn:H:i.=.:lli"%ff t;<br />

:ru",ITI'T#JJ"-XT!T*::IJJ|",J:1,","3%T<br />

F. l"::.ll'l""tl."gg;*i..:i"j."""1'::tf"'""i<br />

retreaders who comply *lttl 6uch "Tl9.nld";<br />

The Srcretsy nray requlre tbat_.addltlohal<br />

Earetr rersr+d tntorm&tion o"<br />

the puchaser of a tlre g,t the tl *uf:tffifl<br />

the ure,<br />

* *'<br />

,-o-o*""foc uf"f"ilooE ) sn tndlvldual,E llcese<br />

o" *..',;;";l6ly'at uri"ffe*i to omrate a Botor venlcle,<br />

trre requrEt of a state, a<br />

polltlcal Eubdlvlstob therrcf. or a Federil da-<br />

,,sE(: 'oz rn Bt'ndard' Btabrr:hrd =g:: XlJfl""Llfl1,fig;l;J;fl,l'Hilirff-"lil'"ii,,,'tl:<br />

ffile I of thlE Act the $€retuy shall- rcquke<br />

airliiiJ ,i"'ili the flrFt EecrloD or thlE Ac!,<br />

that GAch moto! Tebltle bf, equppcd by<br />

-tll aru ructt tniometton etr8lt be rED!8hsd dly<br />

manulactruer d by thc p*"hryI_il::*_t_<br />

_t-t to it" "equestG psty Bnd only wlth r$p€ct<br />

uc tlm6 ol the flEt purchse thereol in<br />

ET-d to ;;l;ai;io*r"uirpudroii"io'-oloi ,rlr"r"<br />

lelth ftr other<br />

rHle, u'lth<br />

_pufpq.l-<br />

.ttrah<br />

oi*""aoE -',;;sE;. Gire oi p"ro,ft.<br />

tlres whlcl. me€t the hsxlml$ perrdslble<br />

g.-lF Eed ln tbls Act, the t rm<br />

I@d 6t*ndsdE vbon Euch vehlcte k, fu-lly ,S*i;joJfra"]u "och of tlre 6evel4t Ststes, rn6<br />

El"':""t'1.S"-1_#_qilH"1"fiF1:#ff<br />

:S,"tnnln:'A*:",*i""ru";$:"?',:'ff :<br />

&ble aEouht ol lu88rFc,<br />

CuEl zone. <strong>and</strong> Ahen€E g@o8-' .'<br />

"6Ec- 803. Ia ordGr to BlEt tbe ffiEer<br />

to rFtre a[ lnlormed cholce ln t]r€ puchtue The SFEAI(ER. The questlon ls on<br />

o! motor vehlcle Ur#, wtthtf, tso yesB slts the motlon Of the gentlelnm from WeSt<br />

the eDachent ol thl6 tltle. the <strong>Sec</strong>Ftsy tr{E{6t6 ' ---J1'-::<br />

Bhsll, ttrough at<strong>and</strong>sdE stablEhed uder<br />

--. -- .<br />

flue I ol tht8 Act, prtscrlbe oil"t**, "ltt The motion.wa8 asreed td'<br />

p"trrirt rn thc Fedeiel negrstei, a unitorm The Senat€ blll was ofdered to be ft8'd<br />

qu*ltty gaaing 8y$tem lor Eatpr veblcle A thtrd tlme, WA.s re8d the thlrd t'lltle'<br />

tlrrs. Such dder rhBll 8p€ctiy tlre dat€ such ard DEssed, Bnd tr motlon tO feconsldef<br />

*T<br />

lHT"l"{*f":t"'-t1-s,#li'fl1'*rllH ffi'il lli#Til (H.R. ,szz') was<br />

rs trdcd. t'ho -socrctrry rh&ll Els coopffit€ leld on the table.<br />


Extracted from<br />

Congressional Record, Daily Digest, Senate<br />

Vol. ll2, D808, August 25, 1966<br />

Correction*Auto Safety: In the Daily Digest of August 24, 1966,<br />

on page D800, the Ddgest inadvertently listed the House as insisting<br />

on its amendments to S. 3305. Actually, the House insisted on<br />

its amendments to S. 3005, to establish motor vehicle safety<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards; agreed to a conference with the Senate; <strong>and</strong> appointed<br />

as conferees Representatives Staggers, Friedel, Macdonald, Mos$,<br />

Dingell, Rogers of Florida, Springer, Younger, <strong>and</strong> Devine.<br />

Congressional Reeord- House<br />

August 24, 1966, 20372-7,0378<br />


Mr. ETAG'Gffi8, Mr. 8pallE. I r*<br />

unsnlmou conrGnt to t Lr ftffi tta<br />

Eperler's tsbh UrQ blll (8. 800[) !o F+<br />

vlde lor a coordtnst d net'lond rrlcf<br />

progr:Bm ind tstsbluhment ol rrftt<br />

Btrnd!fitr lor hotor vrhlclG! ln lnta-<br />

^^-^ ltstc drru[Grror to rt(lucc mddmta fn-<br />

W- J!,lfiLmotor vehlcls <strong>and</strong> to r€ducc the<br />

iFtfe <strong>and</strong> lniurte8 occurtlng ln such nccldf,ntd.<br />

tocether wlth Houae amend-<br />

House Debate<br />

Pages 20X72-20I73<br />

thent8 thereto, rnd ln8trt on tJre House<br />

l[rendments <strong>and</strong> etrer to the conlerencc<br />

ftquestcd by thc Senate.<br />


Extracted from<br />

Congressional Record, Daily Digest, House<br />

Vol. ll2, D833, August 31, 1966<br />

Traffic Safety Act: By a record vote of 365 yeas the House agreed<br />

to the conference report on S. 3005, the National Traffic <strong>and</strong> Motor<br />

Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, thus returning the legislation to the<br />

Senate.<br />

Congressional Record- House<br />

August 31, 1966, 21342, 21348-2l$54<br />


vEHrcLE SAFEIY AcT oF lso<br />

' Mr. STAGGEBS. Mf. Spsaksr, I cdl up tDr<br />

ffifE€re Eport oE thc bill (g. 30oB) to pm.<br />

virle for e mrdlutrd mtidul ialoty pro8lu<br />

md stablishnent of safaty stsdildr fc<br />

mtor vehicla itr intorEt8ta mEEffi to E.<br />

due eeideuta involving mdttr vahhlfl ud to<br />

rsdue the dutha <strong>and</strong> injwie ocuntng itr<br />

flch rcCidont8,641 6sl anrnimur 6Htrt<br />

tbrt thG rtrt6m6nt of tlre managm on tb prrt<br />

of tls How ba md in liru of tbe roptrt.<br />

ThB ClErk md the title of thr bill.<br />

The SPEAKER prc t€Epoft. I. tbms objctron<br />

to the rsquet of th€ EBntl6b[r<br />

Virginh?<br />

Thero ws uo objmtionffth<br />

Wit<br />

The Clsrk Hd th€ Etrt€ffitrt.<br />

{For mnferene report <strong>and</strong> |trtmt, E<br />

prcrudinga of the Hous of Aug. 8O, lS€6.1<br />

- 21348 E BpEArrrl pro tropitt rtrr*<br />

Err-I' Tlrc TGDIIGEII fru WGrt Ylr-<br />

$nlr txr. Er|lerr|l b rcoogrls.{ for l.<br />

hdtrr.<br />

. If- STACI{I|iR! f&. 8Dc.Irfri I'<br />

drtcd rb:u tbb l.drlruon ilD. DilEr<br />

tb.Eouil ou Aufu$ f?, tD. codrn$ffr:<br />

q, ItrtEstrta |5A !6rt|t CoEEGt.lf.<br />

|itcg all|f4 orrr tlr DFoDqldI+,<br />

||Lfl6 lDa rqgt .f r rnod. *r - -r<br />

2l3d9<br />

.Ibft|}lilh.tb hrrfrrrt<br />

firf EI'roEb Er' lt&'''Iltf<br />

d* trltrw*d | ffiftrc rt|lttr-rErr|Edcw:lrf,lf,fr4r<br />

<strong>and</strong>tuntvE+mtrqplr$l<br />

Dr|r f,ild.fl1 rDrrl ft.tl=tEr<br />

EHffi r||ltr r IrrEE llr fld[cat ltr<br />

morrurfc ilr hrrr ru rffi<br />

House Debate<br />

Pasee 21342, 21348-2f 354<br />

il|'hr firftrn,t*r|<br />

c..f!d rllh Ehfi Eofinflflfi, thf<br />

sroFdfht nodn |ltb nu<br />

rftr !* tt| Sfln ff lbr dGt, t<br />

b.brt I ro|ill E rgrt to ftltF<br />

tth rtr6 cl tb I Elr&.<br />

I E Ddt l&r to ffi4 her<br />

sl tbr to fo tbrolt ttr r.flotdlb<br />

Etdffi ruftl.r m tt E |[<br />

dttbLt+filfthtb.drwI}<br />

Ddt |Dd tDc drt-d d |!rDr!rt<br />

Eor.'irE, to cDbrtrr E ffirloflh<br />

tht tb. Eotr* rr. YGr dll b<br />

ItL ffitrrffi, I ror|n tftr !o firh d<br />

r tar d tb. Ertrr l|tDat|lt S,Itr<br />

rbld rur dl$Ef rd th aaflai<br />

rtl6b rr| hlfr r| to tbr hf*trd<br />

frrfir,<br />

Eltr$rilffiro<br />

1!r Eorru dGib$6 firrfi iI r*l-<br />

6|.+ lBlrrdtlf hlrb d hfl. Ilb<br />

ddDltlil fD tD EGqta udo rr|<br />

l!fir r*tstlrr rdl ru btdlrGtd r|<br />

Ft lElil|hf hrroLr .'td htil, th.<br />

E D{ilt tE tlrG Ard$c tdd.<br />

rumffi<br />

b tbr Eour vcrdm, the nnrab rru<br />

lhrlolffit |Eorlfr. |rr E rdrtort<br />

rrtb:r tttn daffEfft rE l tD.t rrt<br />

dr bril.br b mn tbrl tb A.6rt<br />

'|rrlft. lto rn D{tr ta th Eanlr<br />

trcGffi.<br />

E @<br />

It llous Droyftlid tor tbe &vrlop<br />

b.Etolu|Gd-ar.t drDd|rdl It BErta<br />

tftdm fintrtDad DO ffilrribt<br />

DSUd.<br />

dmr ltc hr[|arr| foE tbc thrt! r.cptcd<br />

tb. EouE vcN{ffi.<br />

frM<br />

It6 EouF wrdm omtrbrd r *p'<br />

rEtG rDd s.d.!c tltl6 .[rtrtfil to tirG<br />

trfctt d.D.lrrft, ltr aanrte rrrdm<br />

br& Do E ilrtl,E o( tLil rltb.qh n r-<br />

787<br />

d ,f<br />

,i<br />

j<br />

; .!<br />

.d<br />

l<br />

i<br />

.1 c<br />

ri<br />


Fngcr Gir e'rr.l BtsHorr rryur tlra hid<br />

D€crr d€alt dtJr ln a sGForatE bUl, Thc<br />

lr$na86rB lor ttrlc Eanst6 accGDr4d thc<br />

Hour€ Y€rdon.<br />

6EIOF Ur ffit<br />

Ttro Hou# verdon contelfir a pruvldon<br />

Thlch specdflcslly provldBs thst coEpllffice<br />

wltlr Federal motor vehlclc nfetv<br />

rtrndrrdr alocs not cx;rrtpt any p€rton<br />

Itom rny lsbtllty under colDmon law,<br />

TtrG Eenet€ y6r8lon hEd no oompareblr<br />

provldon. Thc mmrgerr for thc Benets<br />

ecc{rptcd the rlouae verslon.<br />

ttfloH& ffic ffi lotHct<br />

Ih6 Eoulc vsrelon ourtelns provlrloru<br />

GreBtlnS r l{*tlonel TilI[c Eotety Aacncyr<br />

snd t,Equlrlna thc BDpotnbcnt ol en<br />

Adnlnktrator for 'lrrt A||eDct by thG<br />

Prtddcnt. ttG E€nrtc vcrdon hrd no<br />

compersblo provlrloru. Th6 Estrsgsr?<br />

tor th6 Ecnatc eccspted tJlE Eou!. y6rdon.<br />

Ilfrr& ffiol Er$crrffilffir<br />

svlr<br />

Ttro Eouc YGrdon ltqulrc8 rpFolntment<br />

of rn AdYbory CoMcll to h Errlr<br />

rur of rrpraentrtlvq oa tholc lndudild<br />

cotrem€d, Btrt+ |Dd lood fovt[!E6t+<br />

ffid ttrc 5cnetal publlc. Tha ScDrte trfrlon<br />

hi Do offiSiflDlc Drovlrlon. Tho<br />

lirnrfcrr lof thG BG|rrt+, tlth E<br />

nodna*tlon+ ssntrtl tbG hchldol ol<br />

l|rAdvtrfrI Cbur|Gll.<br />

Yorr orn rtdw E ftr thL btrt l<br />

||TEETE lDrt tb ErDrABl tfr tb.<br />

Eourn rGrt rtilr to ulntrb fr Dfld6<br />

ol tbc Hd||G |r hbr bDtrtr,lt rffitr<br />

Ot Fuft, r conlctroor tt(rulr.r Slrc rill<br />

trlG, but h my nGdrrr ol tbt! cmtctr frcc,<br />

thc oEly lt d of rny dttrfic|n6 ibctt<br />

thr nrngrfl lc tb6Eol||G.4iDtcd t.lt6<br />

8c$rt r6fllG lr lD |GGHon loc(c) rilcb<br />

Fovftlr htoturdur, uFr, DEocdr.t,<br />

Drt Bt , rnd ottrcr dewfofmmtr rbfoh<br />

rtlult lrtri rttGrfth rhlch lr suDDortd<br />

b|y Fb.lfirl fir$lr rill D. ErdG ftdly &d<br />

lully rvr|lrble to thG tsncrd pulllc.<br />

I rrnt to counmal tbG EaEbGrr ol<br />

tfrc conlcnnca |s $cU ir ttrrG EGDb.n<br />

of tbG Edrra ComdcroG CoMtttac. Ir<br />

r elrlt ol bclplulncea tlrw hrw mnrclcnttoudy<br />

a'6ghrtl Gycry DFopo.rl<br />

il.lch Dlsht r.kr etEnsth to tb. btu.<br />

Thc Ard rcsult t! t truc teconcllletlo$ of<br />

s lona lrrt ol ldle$, Eatry ol th.|E dutudly<br />

rnt*onlttlc. fr't tfil.B dctcrrdnrtJon<br />

to ftid rn rocGptrblc roluttod, I<br />

thafit tDcE It hrr bcn r long anal<br />

rrduour tob, but te rre proud ol our<br />

Tork.<br />

f bellwc t]rat rrnder any trlr c?alurtlon,<br />

onc would hhve t Gon8lal;r thtr conlcrencc<br />

r| hlStlly sucoss8lul ftoE th$<br />

Dotnt ol vlely ol th8 Houle Erfrbcr*tD.<br />

I Etron8ly urT|c that the lloudt r8tt€ to<br />

th; confetcnc€ rcport.<br />

Fouovlng th; pftccd6nt' oil ttr6 cerrtlemen<br />

*to hrn

ltr. FfgEl. fr bc rDDotntcd bY tlrs<br />

Pltrldent. It lr s coEDlttac ol mno<br />

mnetderuble 6t$ndltr8, lnal I thlnk thrt<br />

fi !nG. It G€m! to ne thrt rc ought<br />

to hrv6 r dcinlte nuEbtt bcrG' Itls<br />

Gduld bG r Erjorltv of tlrltc or lour. It<br />

lay8 "r mrto,ilty ol wblch" lDd tlrGlclore<br />

you could hrve rny nudb€r. Tlrlr l6sv€t<br />

It ElBhtt rlde op€n, lt em to Ee, llr'<br />

Bpesler,<br />

lf,r, gTAc,oERa. ccrtrlnlY wc Gould<br />

hrvc r Euch lat86r Sroup thBn tlrrec.<br />

Mr. PICE E. But lt docr rot lrJ tlrrt'<br />

Mr. RoQEBB of norldr. fft. Epoafcr.<br />

wlu the Sentlemrn yleld?<br />

Mr. ETACIGERa. I sh8ll be 8l8d td<br />

Yleld to thc Eentler|an.<br />

Mr. RO(}ERE of noddr. Acturtly,<br />

rhet se hrvc r*ld hcre 1! thrt tbGrG vlu<br />

ttc I muncll tppolnt al W thc Bocrctrry.<br />

Wc hrve hot rct I rpecLOc nrynbtr, but<br />

rt: have nld that the Ef,rortty Etrgt bc<br />

publld hernb.n. Ttrls dEs letvc Ln ttrc<br />

dLlcretlon of the Eccrctrry rr to rhcttrer<br />

It rhrll br r lt-E.D, r lD-tnrlr, or r U6drn<br />

coEranlttaa, trut rhrt vc hiv6 lndltEd<br />

uDon li t.lrc ll4t tb|t thc brJotlty<br />

d[U bc Dubllc Eenbcrr" We beve rug-<br />

8.st d ln tht lcglelrHon t.Lc othcr lrcr.<br />

fruu rblch thc rppoLEtsent| vUl o@G,<br />

.d thc trntldrn<br />

foru rc Drrl rt<br />

rlll Dotlct,<br />

up tb. b{r|]t<br />

ftr6te-<br />

ol the<br />

coEEtrdoD but ldt lt to thc dllorGuon<br />

ol tb. A.crrtqt dffi lt B rD dvlrort<br />

lij:lg]l .$EEIU. Wr brvc not rF[tht thrt<br />

rt EUC bi lr. It Ert b. thit h. Egf<br />

wrnt to put rulonr lDdurtF DCo|rld oE<br />

thfu oourlrrll Er Ert wrnt to put rbdG<br />

eutodrnbllr dillEr oE lt, bccru!6 tJr;y<br />

do have fil |trteftrt |[ lt. He msy wsnt<br />

to put r uscd-eBr derler on tt. Irowcver,<br />

lf hc putr thesc Deople on, then h6<br />

must put r llke bumbcr ot publlo E6E.,<br />

bets on lt Bo thet there wiU b€ r, Bs-<br />

Jorlty ot publlc EeEber&<br />

Itr. PISEIJE. The se.E6 rrSusetlt<br />

could be mEdc wtttr reBpcct to the hlgblray<br />

E8lety measue tn Ehtch thqt 8st<br />

le Eembors, On the brd! of tJlL hEgurge,<br />

you DrobBbly would have Bt lGest<br />

flvg mehbcre<br />

Mr.Rec}ERBol Flortdr. yer.<br />

Mr. PICIS,E. I thlnk lt would b. thd<br />

lntent of thtr Consress tJrrt yoq vlll havo<br />

Itrore than flvc meEtbers, becrulc thIB ls<br />

BuDFotrd to cut acms8 the boerd ln r<br />

broadfleld. FlvelsalltnltgHon. Would<br />

you not ss,y thst lt wr$ your lntent to<br />

hEve Bt lerst l5 me.frb4lts?<br />

Mr. R'OOER'f| of Flortda. I tilnt rt<br />

wa8 the lnt€nt of th6 CongrGd6 that Fc<br />

have more thM flve, b€c$usc s6 bav6<br />

llsted mme people thet certalrrly owht<br />

to be consldered lor Eeruber8blp, but B6<br />

hlve not tlcd ilre b<strong>and</strong>3 ot thr gccrtttry<br />

s to how Elany he should hsve on lL It<br />

l3 certelnly the lntent that tt bc r rer,-<br />

Eonf,ble ElembcrshlD to acrompllEh anal<br />

matse uD a Dmper.Edvlsory comslbt€G.<br />

That ls the latent of the whole Advtsory<br />

Corucll. It iE to EaB6 lt I rta€tul ttrri<br />

tor t.he Sfcretsry ln 6etu$C st<strong>and</strong>trat$.<br />

Mr. PICKLE. I wlll say to thc gentleEAn<br />

thEt thls seeng to nre to bo r<br />

Slarlbg wealmes h thc rEport In thrt<br />

you do not 8p€fuy thc nuEber ol th6<br />

lalvlsort ooTmttt€€,<br />

,whlc1 18 ssretlrlnl<br />

Itrndemental.<br />

I!tr. BO(}ES of Florlda. U tha gentletnm<br />

wlil p€flblt mc to say !o, I w'.U<br />

Ilouse Debate<br />

dlsigrr. Tlth httrr very dellnlteb, bc.<br />

ceust lf we were to s8y th8t ther€ Ehould<br />

bo onllr 13, s we orlclnfrly Intended, then<br />

you wlll heve group8 conlng In tlret wmt<br />

to be menHoned &nd rEpresefltcd Bnd<br />

pefb8pE should bc, \[rbt we hav8 dono<br />

ls to tske I roL$onEble cours, lratlnl<br />

peopld who ought to be conslderod lor<br />

membershlp, <strong>and</strong>. lervlnS Et tlr6 dlscrotlon<br />

ol the Eecretary the rlsht to erp<strong>and</strong><br />

on lt.<br />

Mr. PICI{LE. ft seetrrs to mc thBt tlrc<br />

gentlemtrn 15 mek|lrC atl Arunrnent whlch<br />

ts Jut thc opposlte of thc polnt he ts trylng<br />

to Ef,h.c. If you put a Eptr|flc llmttf,tloD<br />

on lt, then h6 Flll eppolnt that<br />

many end no mott.<br />

Mf. ROGERfI ol Florlal|. It m8y ba<br />

tbat thc S6cretsry le€lr he vl,Irts cdrtali,<br />

on6 on It, entl wc do not Fttlt tO dO<br />

anythln8 thet rrlll reEtrlct htB. Er Eli<br />

wmt r nmb€r'ol rutomobllt Elen on<br />

It <strong>and</strong> mne u.s€d-csr ptrpb on tt fird<br />

mm6 truck equlpment murulrctutera<br />

'We do not kDor y6t wbo wlll bt lUlpiul<br />

to hln Ln thls sdvlsory crllrdttr, Ibr!<br />

dl,orr blm tbc ltexlblllty ol dolng wbrt-<br />

GyEr rr b.cct!8ry snd spprcDrtrtc lor r[<br />

rdYl5ory coE6lttG6.<br />

l{r. PISELF* ff,r. EFE|trf. I thlDt<br />

.thL b r deflclcncr sDd lt outht to h<br />

ds!.blt V atetcd fr to thr nuDbr tbrt<br />

6[pgl{ [6 6s t]rlr Advl$ry COUEEIL<br />



Mr. STAO'oERS. Mr. SpeEtcr, r yleld<br />

guch tll'l6 eE he Eray coruume to the gantleman<br />

fi96 IllJEo|! tMr. SFiutcErl.<br />

Mf. SPRINOER. Mr. Sptater, thcn<br />

verc lou.f rubdtantlvc dltrefencH bctvc€n<br />

L\6 EcEatG verslon ol ruto Erf66r<br />

EDd t.llft rhlch Ea, consldcrEd by our<br />

commlttc. rnd ptrs8cd by thlr l{our6. Ol<br />

tho[e four dlllerrncrl thrcc FGr6 ec*<br />

cepted rhrcat enttr6ly lntact bv ttrc gsaste<br />

codcrcel,<br />

' 'rho drrt of tba86 rEs tbe lncotporatloD<br />

l[ th ruto lfl€W blll of prcvlston|<br />

d€altn$ vlth Urt rstctt rnd Urcludlns r<br />

urllora grdtrarylt m. Whfb lt lr trut<br />

tDrt B. 36Ce dcdt wtth thc prEblcEr d<br />

ttr8 lrtott rJrrl h ggncri.l terdr csTtred<br />

tho rr,Ea gmuDrl ra tb6 gour6 rssnrt-<br />

|bant4 lt ru th mnylodor of 'our coE-<br />

Eltter, |r coEilrudl by th,r body, ttrt<br />

uE nrrfr lcslr|luon b€Ionsed proD.rv<br />

|. irrt rbd !tt!d oa uto rdaF. lPr<br />

fdt.rrm rDd rUtr 60, tlbt tba flrc Erfctil<br />

DrDvblmr of E.B, ll8lt iGFc rilrtlsu-<br />

IirV yill Errddd r,nd wottbt oil rdoptloE"<br />

rnd I rE hrppt to rcport thrt tbct<br />

wcFG rcc.Dtd.<br />

Ttr rccoual dtftronce ol conrequcncs<br />

ln tbe IIoUE btU wia that strtton whlch<br />

crcst+d r Ttrfic Ealciy ABency tn th6<br />

DepartBent oi Coffierce or ttrt ltcpffit-<br />

Eent ol Tta$sportatlon u ttra cH mey<br />

br. It Eo€mr hlably d6dt8ble to conrtntilt6<br />

|[ o[re plac. und,Br s hl8h-loyrl<br />

idB|[lEtrBtor sll dt thcs6 adtlvltles dertlns<br />

Eltlr rutoEobue snd trat[G s8lety.<br />

ThI! DrovtrloE wu rcoeptrblo to ill ilf<br />

t.l.a mnfcna, ud wc lel thrt tt greatly<br />

BtEngth?b! tht conlennct Yeralon<br />

Thlch, ll rr4cpt 4 rill sbort'ly bctdE6<br />

lsw.<br />

Is my Fer$nrl optr{on th6 thlrd iltfference<br />

corotltut€d the BEstett chrnac<br />


drd6 by irrh Eo|!r tn thQ rub|t.'nttvG<br />

Druvldon of B. 81t06' rt bid Dc€n mv<br />

omvtctlon troE th. be8liltlnf, r$d tho<br />

cotrvlctlon llE8wfua of mmy ot tbr ucnbct!<br />

of tba IntErrbt arrd Fordg! comficr$G<br />

coEJt|lttG. thrt lt *i| our duty<br />

to mrtc iour prwldon for u!.d{rf<br />

Etltrdlirab,<br />

teen ttrroush tbG Gvdrtull l.uutlcmctrtatlon<br />

anrl mlorcGmcnt of u$d-crr ltridsrd!<br />

Burt bc lctoBDllshcd rt thc Stat<br />

end locrl levsl 8nd under t.lrc ptwldotri<br />

of t.he btll edrtmtln|r tItE tbG Publlc<br />

Wortr Conmlttce. lt nevgrtlrslest vu'<br />

not only {teill$filc bttt lonsr*tlve ilut s<br />

Drovlston bc ftfilr lor tfio lmForiltlon of<br />

nlnlmun ttsDdrrfi for t.hosC t0 muUotl<br />

crr! untrmclrGd bt tbc otbGt ptovldoru<br />

of tbb blIL It could not bc lcft to clriilc€<br />

or tpcculedon thrt tttbrr lcllklittofir<br />

Elght b€ rdcqurtc.<br />

trlor t'lrcr. lr|sfl .tur Eourc bltr rtqulned<br />

t'h€ Sc(ilGtilt to crG8to |nd lm-<br />

Po6G |trfflrt{r lorured rutoDoblle! rtt6r<br />

ccrtdn prullslnery E stch s$il rtudl68<br />

rcrro completad. Ttc confercoe egrettl<br />

to rccept txlr portlon of thr EorIlE b|ll<br />

e,Dd |Ir my sp|rrloE tb$ rlonc ?olild m[hG<br />

tlre onlcronct vcldou rortlv ot eaoeDt-<br />

BnE by thls body.<br />

Tte otber Esrot dlficrgtrca lnvolvas<br />

the Adyisory Councll whlch trs worked<br />

out ln t'h6 Coffieru CoEEltt,€€ Md i'cceptdd<br />

w ttre rrouse. No rlEllnr plovl'<br />

don hrrl beon oouldcred by the other<br />

body. I kDov thrt tha Menbcri of thl!<br />

Eours rrt fultt rreru tnrt I id"ocstcd<br />

rn Advrrort CouncU spDolnt€d i'y tho<br />

Prcaldent ot tDc Unltrqd statas Ttth tb€<br />

rdvlcE aDrl oouDlcl of tlrc El€nEtc,<br />

Ths Eouro dld not EEC trt to etcept mY<br />

tlcoEEmdrtlon ln thl| riSrrd. It ild'<br />

horever, ptovldr sn AdvlsorT counctl<br />

rrhlch rn ltr msln provlslonr reJ ldequ&tE<br />

lrrd hlshlv uletul Ths Advkort<br />

coundl prcvl.l€d Lu tbc conlsrcnc8 rcport<br />

|! not that I tould wrnt lt to be'<br />

It Ieeves GtrtlEly tm Euch to the dbct$tton<br />

of thc EccrGtrry |r to lta triEeuP<br />

Bnd ttr funotloDr. f dd not feel, hdwcver,<br />

tbat leal8lruon rr fmDortrnt rrrd l8r'<br />

ru|dhln8 |i tl|r Nrthrrl Th'Eo rnd<br />

I|fibtof YGhlcL llilGtt Act rbould D.<br />

JcoprftlEtll b.ceu!. o(tl rubtlva rillnrre<br />

ol tDbonc fahur<br />

'Ib<br />

oD'Do|6 lt E cruil ol thlr oD. rGr,tncar.sgliild-tr<br />

t ilrrtrYtdG to tlc courrtry'<br />

9f351 r lm tonrru tbrt the EGcrGt$t oil c@or<br />

rDG adr'Gtrrt ol ltrD4ortr'<br />

tldr. |. tDa crs Ert bG, tlu r6rd tilft'<br />

tulv tbc bGrrlnl| |rE otbct lGf,lrlrtlv'r<br />

b||tort rnl ?|If D*t tty.tt ctrGt to<br />

crtrto u AdTlrqt Gannoll vhlcb lr<br />

|trdr||, tndcDGDdcrrt, tEtttlc, lnd tntlt<br />

co[r$ructlvi to t.lrc purladcr ol Udr rdt.<br />

Wltb thl| illfht rcrcr"rtlon r[d tbtr<br />

rd|nonttlon f amdolrG rrrrl luDFort th!<br />

t6GGptttrcG of r.hlr coillulnc€ lcDort.<br />

Itr. FooERB ol llfilrh' xr. Epcrtrr'<br />

rlll tbc 3cntlcEur ylcld on thrt r|r, IFHU{CE I tbln} tlc lctrtlrr<br />

|!rn lrod Floildr wr.t qult€ lndrt flt oD<br />

tblr rh.D rG brd tt up ln our commlttcG.<br />

It l! o[|c of thc bctttr lcfirrcs td tlrc bllt,<br />

bGourc thls do€s not dvr dtlcrottoh to<br />

tb6 8€Gretery td conrult but tt t8 Ean'<br />

alrtory. Ee rtm ehoild rccclve rny rc'<br />

Dort lrcm thc coutrcfl +.hrt they nEh to<br />

m&tsB lrr ordcr thrt hc m*y heve tJre slvl!€<br />

ot thrt cdunrdl.<br />

!tr. OROS8. ltr. Eperker, Tfll thc<br />

&ntlfirrn yteld?<br />

l[r. EFRIHOm, Ye8. I flcrd to tho<br />

frntlGman.<br />

Ift. GROBS. E$ruer thfu rft rbooD<br />

thc gantlcErn froE Tirrr tlIr. PrGEJt,<br />

rnrdG e vGrt tood pofnt thet tlrcrc oirght<br />

to Drve been r lln,ltatlon od tlrc numbcr<br />

of dcEbcr! on tb€ Advhory Gounoll. I'<br />

for onG, tb flll?ruGd Nrd ail8[DDolntcd<br />

thit thc cotrf€rres crme bicl Tltlr a rt-<br />

Dort thrt ptovldB en urrltmlttd nuEber<br />

rnd rnal wltlrout wltfrout sny anY lD€clforttotr lp€cltrofu sB to shoiil<br />

tbey ttry b6. It mey Ery bc l0 t0 pout'lctl c$t'-<br />

otri otrr rDDolnt rppolnted d to thrr CGoulG|l.<br />

Wbo<br />

hrmr?<br />

lf,r, APR.INOER. l1lsy I tay In rnrscr<br />

to tb6 Sentlemen thf,t r rf, lust tr dtr-<br />

|ppolntrrl a8 he ls, we tE.l JuBt onc rltEtnrtlv8<br />

oilered to the confercEcc lroE<br />

ttrrc other body, md thrt TeB no Euncll<br />

at rll, We elther hrd to hrYG thls klnd<br />

of oounctl orno touncdt at, nlt.<br />

And thrt weg tho ouv ilt rnatlvG<br />

irhlch Te, prescntd to tt. The rcmn<br />

ttrrrt Ts tddt lt In t.tlls form lB only b€cau86<br />

Tt DcUcvGd tlrst I Ealcty Councll<br />

*ea rrGoGlsrv, lnd lf wG *cfe 8('trg to<br />

htrvc tbk thtns lurctlon properly we<br />

atmply lud to have f, Eorlcem about lt.<br />

May I 8e,y ln turther r,8plv to trc dL8ttnsulrhed<br />

gentleuen from Iowr t&at<br />

Gvcn under tbe otlrer plrn ttrrt evefl It<br />

t.lrtry dcslred to alo !o, wc clnuot }ecp<br />

hl.m from do|Irg that, Thls |! tlrc rca-<br />

Bon r wahte.l tlrlt counoll rD'polnt4d W<br />

the PreEldent <strong>and</strong> conf,tfiEd by ttrrc<br />

flcnetc, bccsuro we would have rn opportunlty<br />

ovGt here to do roEtthlnc<br />

ebout lt. Iilow;ycr, ttrrlr *er rdopt d ln<br />

our oommlttee urd wc sant to do thl8.<br />

Mr. Spcttrr, hBy I Esy tlrat Te cs'EC<br />

back u'lth tlr€ best comDromlEe riblch wc<br />

could obt8h, md tlrbt ls tJrc reqsdn ttrlB<br />

lc *rtttcn ln thls fors,<br />

Mr. EDertctr. I r,E Jtut r8 unltiD'Py<br />

rbout lt rr t.trG JGntlcmrlr frc@ Iorr<br />

tlIr, Orci8r, but l.r|ntrd to GrD,lrlD to<br />

xr. EB[roB" I 'ratl.l to tDc !d[tlmn<br />

frmwtt Vlr#dr tctt F|!.<br />

IoE dt$trdB b tb qutEm-<br />

5, 8TAOOE8, l|r. EDtrr'r' t<br />

nilr|rf &c to ry to t&G f.dtbr! frffi<br />

Tilrr tbrt tha lrD||rt|fG of t& lcFfft<br />

lr td th ilEGGt tbrt thc rohtblP<br />

rhouf.l b. G.EnflGd d r Errr[bfi d Dc.<br />

trgr u rad le, c rmr nrth ln Dc*<br />

trffi. A fi[ntGf o( otts r XdD6fl<br />

tbourht tlrt |! il{ff to lGt tbG bttr out,<br />

polnt'? rc doultl rgtrir to thb !8tttc,<br />

Mr. SERINQE. Ycd. I yleld to the ltr. Scrfcr, tb6 tosd<br />

'trtDFffit|F<br />

tGnu!ftrtr.<br />

tlYc" DcrDr tro. T6 hrtr t.dtEad<br />

xr. R{roEa ot lrtofldr. I tould lltc |lnflDr TGPFGTlttGrl |rrd tbrt ?ould Hil<br />

to Jdn vlth thc 8€utlcmrlr lrcm Ilunoh ir. Wo rould ulG lfi t h REIID to<br />

ln mt,h|Ds tt, vrrt cIG*t tbrt wr GGtt*lnly brE tro. wr.[Eurd thG nrfiDar D.'<br />

d,-t r8rcc Md lndrt d tbrt thts b s drh- trirb lt rrd n, r$ll tDrt rftnil.l D. E<br />

drtory provltton tlttt bG mud contult ufld.flt|adry, |l tbc Econ*ur dotEot<br />

Tttn t.b|| dvbotY cflDc|l b€loru hG d$t rdd lo tb.; ffiht tlth rtl6t Dil to<br />

lmrc rny rt*ndrrdr lt dl.<br />

790<br />


E lfurdE'tilthhril.ilth<br />

rblEh I b.ll.{r rr rrll rcHal,<br />

f|r. pICqrE ltr. Bpc|tnr, I tbrrtf<br />

tJ$ |rau.diD lrfr WGrt ylrg|ilr ltr<br />

Dl|ffiE.ntr. ADd, rr tht| dro tDc fet-<br />

|lrf rDd lDtadt ot tbc EcltlGmrn fttrrc-<br />

Fnttrs tDG Ehorlty?<br />

. Mr. aEBIHOER Docr tfrc aGnuarn<br />

lrom llr*|. EG|^D t[|ofrr r.t ur& ctoprobl!+<br />

li G6oGrtd?<br />

Mr. FIGE&" f Ecr,u lnefrr |r thG<br />

prrcttral DuEbcr tlrrt thc EGcEtart<br />

rhould rDPolnt rhould bc rmewbrru li<br />

tI6 nctrbtsorbood ol 16?<br />

Mf. APRINOER, Thrt b Gotrrct; I<br />

tHIt fn tDc nclchborbood of ft to i?,<br />

rill I thlDf lt Etsht, br le. I tblnl' th;<br />

luJrlGtlon droufd bc put ln bctt to thr<br />

Itr6ct tbrt, you rhauld not hlvo norr<br />

rhrh t? or Lu tb&D e.<br />

ldr. EISEIJE. ilr. BDGI'LGI- U ur6<br />

SmtJGnr n tlU t'l6ld turttrcr, ll'thr mn-<br />

Uemur rul tud thc lflrg-.gc, lt li clrar-<br />

V oDfir to lntaprrtrtlon s to ?hctbcr<br />

Hause Debate<br />

rilb f.h rrilrfi mttu,trr billlrnt d<br />

i.hc lrct tbrt b. El[t rfdlEt ffir lDrl<br />

ftr6 publlc Eult b. ln tD6 Ertorlbl<br />

b'ut I tosld tblrt T routd D. thr lGrd<br />

hrt I tblnt lt rsqld rull bc fn tbG D.[shborhood<br />

of fti ngurc ol I to l[.<br />

Mr. Epc|tcr. f fsr thlnHng tbrt tD6<br />

Acc|rtary, rrUl tl|e llntla!162 ?htdh 'le<br />

hartl lrr hirl do not rcr how lt oould<br />

bc ldr thrn nhc stth tle yrrlou! Grta-<br />

Sollcr lnydvtd{4 tfrc publtc rurt br<br />

ln the Erjorlwgut I fould thlrt Bhc<br />

would ttt tlc lGrcnt. Eo?GvGr, I rould<br />

furtlr6r tlllrtsrhrt tbr numbGr rould rUU<br />

bo tn t.hc n lshborhmd ol t to fi.<br />

llr, OEOS8. But, ilr, Ap..tGr, lf thc<br />

Ientlrffn<br />

ylll yleld tl|rthcf, they could<br />

bc pau lf00 r aby: ti tDrt coffit?<br />

Mr. SmIl|OE. Ttrt t! ooEGct.<br />

lrr. prctIJE. ilr. BDdfr, illl tb<br />

gcntleErn ll'rld?<br />

_ Mr. BPRINGE. I yt8ld to thc acrtlcmrlr<br />

lrffi Tb*rs.<br />

illr. pIgtLE.<br />

It eholld br lou or<br />

l{r. gpc.trr,<br />

st*. I b€UGyG tbarG<br />

I |.t fd<br />

thts<br />

tDoulil bc r rrprlentrtlvc grouD.<br />

flmc for tlrr nrtlorc ol propouniflnl<br />

Ard,<br />

ll tlre gentlcEsn to t;1e ohetrqu<br />

thltlt! ln tratr<br />

ol<br />

of lS,<br />

or le, er the ctrslrurn dme, I rlll noi<br />

oficr botloD to ncfrntt t.Lc bul.<br />

l|r. APRINCIER. t f}rtnl t&r genue_<br />

Ern hil Erd6 r t6d contrtbutton. At<br />

I!r't tbc EGcr*trty le golru to Ead ttl"<br />

Rrctlo rbout rbrt nufih+r rG tblnk tt<br />

ought to bG snd I thlnk tbet lr rhout<br />

rt{ht.<br />

Mr. pIgKLE. I ttrank the genuemm.<br />

Mt. BTAGGERET. Mr- glr6r^ts6r, I<br />

yleld 5 Elnutas to the cenileErD ftoE<br />

Crlllomlr tMr. MoEsI.<br />

Mr. MO84l, Mr, Ep€aker, ttrk ls r<br />

very sllrrlflcant plece of leglslf,tlon. I<br />

thlnk thst the f,nsl prEduct brcusht<br />

brrr tor oonstrtentlon tod.ry drould Iey<br />

to IlEt. rt|y elleg8uonr or c.brrres tbrt<br />

qe Houlc lrboEd le8r yl8oFousb/ or wtth<br />

lclr amd ldtfr tJrrn tlre otha to

tween l3 <strong>and</strong> 19, End thst would be my<br />

under8tenaung, lf the <strong>Sec</strong>retbry does not<br />

add to these members wlth reference to<br />

the flgure of somewhere in bctween, wlth<br />

whlch I belleve we are workln8.<br />

Mr. PICEI,E. Mr. Sp€Bker, I thenk<br />

the gentleman from West Virglnls lor<br />

hls coments. Antl, Is thi.3 al6o the fdellng<br />

anal lntent of tlre gentleman reprecentine<br />

the mlnorlty?<br />

Mr. $PRINGER. Does the gentleman<br />

from Texag uean lroofBr as thils compromlse<br />

is concerned?<br />

Mr. PICHLE. I mean lnsofar Bs the<br />

practicsl nutrrber that the <strong>Sec</strong>retary<br />

Bhoulal appolnt shoultl b€ somewhcre in<br />

tl'le nelghborhood of l5?<br />

Mr. SPRINGEE. That ls correch f<br />

thtnk ln the nelshborhood of l3 to u,<br />

en(l I think tt mlsht b€ rs. I thtnE the<br />

restrlctlon Bhould b€ put ln here to the<br />

efiect that you shoulil not have ulore<br />

thatl l? ot les$ thM 9.<br />

Mr, PrCrdIJE. Mr. Speaker. lf the<br />

gentleman Etill ylelal further, lf the 8entlemffi<br />

wiU reed the l&nBusge, lt ls clear-<br />

ly opefl to lnterpfetatton Es to wlrether<br />

:<br />

lt sFould be four or 8lx. r beueve there<br />

should be a representBtlve Srroup. And,<br />

lf the gentlemBn thin*s ln t4ruE of 13,<br />

or 19, Bs the chairdan do€s, I wlll not<br />

ofler motlon to recommlt the blll'<br />

Mr. SPRINGER. I thlnk the geutletnBn<br />

he$ ErEde & good contrlbutlon. At<br />

lest the <strong>Sec</strong>retary ls eotng to read the<br />

REcoRD about what nwber tfie thlnk it<br />

ought<br />

r-i8ht.<br />

to be <strong>and</strong> I think that 18 Bbout<br />

Mr. PICIILE. I thenk the EenuemEfl'<br />

Mr. STAGGEES. Mr' SPeEker, I<br />

yleltl 5 mlnutcs to the genLleman f rom<br />

Califomls IMr, MoEs].<br />

Mr. MOSS. Mr. Speaker, thls ls n<br />

verv significant pitre of le8islation- I<br />

think that the flnBl Droduct brought<br />

here for conslderatlon toalay Ehould l8y<br />

to test any ellegations or chErges that<br />

thP House lsborecl les l'lgorously or with<br />

less good falth than the other bodv.<br />

'rhroughout<br />

the heailng8 on thls lesi6'<br />

latlon <strong>and</strong> the len8thy proce$s ol firerk'<br />

up, I believe tha.l, every member of the<br />

committee<br />

t'he public<br />

representtd in tds Judgment<br />

interest <strong>and</strong> the Int€rest of<br />

his dtstrlct-anil that l5 the Eppropriate<br />

role to fulflu.<br />

21352<br />

I thlnh ttret there wes Bt aU tlmes h<br />

the conference an overrldlng oonoern on<br />

the pErt ot every member ol ttre Gohference<br />

from both Houses on both sldes<br />

of the slsle to tmprove <strong>and</strong> stren8then<br />

the leElslsuo4 Ur grCPr that lt better<br />

rrmt ttu Durooa€! of thn Anerlcgn<br />

llloEru8 DUDIC.<br />

We wero utndful ol tJro ECDIIUVG naturd<br />

ol r very l.Eportdnt beslo lndusttt'<br />

r beUcy6 I llDn baldnce ws{ shleved lrr<br />

ttrrEt contercncs comElttt€-<br />

WG hrd I oon6lder6ble<br />

cttsglon over the numbers<br />

amount ol dle-<br />

ol persouE who<br />

should constitute an edvlsorv oomrrllt'<br />

tee. Thls sas a vcry dlf,cult Eubject lor<br />

the coErmlttee, wlth the other body lrot<br />

lavorllr8 eny le,lnd ol !n advlEotlJ comrstttte,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I beUeve the b8lflnce here<br />

agaln mhleved l8 very huch h tne pub-<br />

Uc lnterest.<br />

cleBrly, they do not want thc gecretary<br />

to appolnt a boaty so lerge as to be un'<br />

wleldy<br />

sntatlve.<br />

or so smsll a$ to be unreprt-<br />

I would llk6 to trtse thl8 tlhe to p8y<br />

partlculf,r trlbute to the chelr'man of the<br />

Comrfllttee<br />

codmerce<br />

on Interstete<br />

who pr$lded<br />

snd Forel8n<br />

over very<br />

lengthy heulnss <strong>and</strong> over dlfilcult Inerkup<br />

seslons, with felrneee <strong>and</strong> wlth flrmness<br />

snd rrlth I hlgh degree of obJecttvlty.<br />

J am verT proud to h8v6 Berved<br />

wtth hln ln the commltt€o srrd on thc<br />

conJerence.<br />

lc glven ln<br />

I hope tho s{Ele alulgenoc<br />

the admlnlstratlon ol tlrc<br />

leglslEtlorr H wffi Elven ln tJre wrttlng<br />

up. I hope the Strretrry ln undBrtaklna<br />

thlE new <strong>and</strong> elgilJlcant responslb[lty<br />

wlll rttempt to rtrrult the voty beot<br />

qusJlfled per8omel poslble bccausE thc<br />

Job demantlano lcs.<br />

If lt works, u *e hee lt does, In *<br />

lew yetls F€ should b6 abl6 to pornt<br />

to Elgnlflc8nt decrrea€r tn tlre oemago<br />

on Alil€,flca'B hlghwayFthe<br />

toU tE pa,y ea ttrc reilIt<br />

vcry blgh<br />

ot s lsdk ol<br />

Bsfety, Ertshly confeslng slso th6 l|a|l<br />

ol hrtmm fltncu, on mu$r occrslont, to<br />

slve tlre ty?e ol operstlon to r velllclc<br />

tllat Ehould bc rilYm.<br />

Mr. ROOERSolFlortill, Mr. gr€rter,<br />

eil tho sentleman ylBklt<br />

Mr. MO88. I wtu bc very hrppy to<br />

yleld to th€ Eenttoman.<br />

Mr. ROCIERE olFlorldi. Mr. gp6E.ker,<br />

fwinteal td concur Flth th6 g6ntleEsn h<br />

hl.s Etstcttrcnt Bbout tlr6 cotrduct of thr<br />

hea,rlnse End on the €ficcuHye sesdon!<br />

by thc chstrEnn, rt w s tryln8 ttEt<br />

throu8l 3 monthr, rnd ln trh iuffit lrtt<br />

msnncr ln h<strong>and</strong>llng theE. I b€lleye most<br />

tr{edbclt lecl tn$ cyerybddy hs! an opportunlty<br />

to rtrtc hl! vtrr8. I thlnl ro<br />

cu bc rll proud of ilrc r,e8db.<br />

f do w8ut to erB oDe or two qucttlmt,<br />

iJtd I rtaEt to Er'ts6 tDI! vcry clGnFrnd<br />

I wul arts tbc chdmrn<br />

tlrmaD wul ytcld lurthGr?<br />

|f tbG lGD.<br />

ldr, MOg8, I rdElrl to ths ccDfl@td<br />

tor thrt pqrpca.<br />

r[r. RooEa<br />

stentle,r{r tha<br />

ol Flortdr. h<br />

Esttfll'| rhdt,<br />

stdEr<br />

.r h6<br />

de6E! r|nrloprlrte, Gouailt rttl ttr Yc.<br />

blcl,! Equlfalt ErfGE CcEldo4 rnd<br />

ruch othcr gtrtr or l[t rut$. rlGDrild,<br />

lEclurlll8 l,cd8btlv. ooumltte*<br />

lft. gtAGOERa- re. freefr:r. vll<br />

tlr6 cGntlcrbir ylcld?<br />

Mr. MOES. I yteld to tfb Gbrlmrr|,<br />

re. EifACOffiA, ltnt b tlr htrBt<br />

bf. tha ooooltdcr on Dotl drLr ol tbc<br />

&l!le lti 8GcN,6brt lhrtr coDrult || bf<br />

d€{m! sdylrsbld.<br />

lF. EOCUng otl+:orldr, Ar b. dcrdr<br />

i4vbahlr,<br />

MT.ETAOOERS. Ycr,<br />

rtr, RoClffiE ot llorldl I ttrr8r* tla<br />

Bmtleman.<br />

Mr. grAGOER^8. l&, Glpcr,ter,I EoYG<br />

th6 prevlou! queBuon on tlrg co|1l6rGnct<br />

Eport.<br />

Th6 prilloud questlon wrs ordcrtd.<br />

Th6 aPEAIEER pro t€mporo (lilr.<br />

'I'h6<br />

St8n). que8tlon ls on egre€lr$ to<br />

the confeftnce report.<br />

'Itle questlon wu teken; Bnd thc<br />

Spef,her pro tchlrore erurounced thrt<br />

the "sy6't aDDeBred td hsv6 lt.<br />

Mr. SPRINOER. Mr. spe6xer, I ob-<br />

Ject to thd vote on tJlo cround ttrst t<br />

quorum la not<br />

pqlnt ol order<br />

precnt.<br />

present snd mrEE<br />

thEt a quorum b<br />

t&c<br />

hot<br />

ThE BPEATEER pro tempora. EYldEnt'<br />

Iy a quoflrrn ls not pre8ent.<br />

Vol- I

Thc flootkeeFtt $1ll ctoEc tht doorr'<br />

tDe Sdrceatrt at AImr wl.ll notlfy rbrEdt<br />

Membcrs. end the Qlerk wlll cgll ttra roll.<br />

Thc que8tlon wr8 tEk.n; <strong>and</strong> thct€<br />

weryera 365, nayr 0, not votlng 07.<br />

N.8 follow!:<br />

lEotl Ho. 16?l<br />

Abbttl<br />

AbcrEstht<br />

.Adrlr<br />

,Ad|d<br />

Addibb<br />

^Ibdt<br />

ArdrffiB, rL<br />

ArdcMEr<br />

TeD!,<br />

frdrvi'<br />

Offi!W,<br />

Andrn,<br />

OlrEI<br />

ADdrra<br />

!(, Itrt,<br />

AnEuD.dd<br />

lstdt<br />

arhbMt<br />

,rhlct<br />

trptDdt<br />

1lru<br />

LEdrhr<br />

8ffitt<br />

trt+r<br />

li6trtrtl<br />

BGlchd<br />

Effi6tt<br />

E rrt<br />

E ttr<br />

Blbrlia<br />

EfrtDft<br />

EolEi<br />

Boltrb8<br />

Eolbn<br />

bor<br />

EErl6r<br />

Ert<br />

&o.t<br />

EHtr<br />

Erffinild<br />

&o'rtr, cdll.<br />

Fon,clltctril<br />

J.. tt<br />

&orblll, lro.<br />

lrotH[. Ya<br />

BubrDu<br />

turr<br />

Er[lmE<br />

BurtoD. fiIll.<br />

ltE ,r'a<br />

tthcalh<br />

OrD.tl<br />

OrJI|U<br />

clauu<br />

OlEm<br />

GiE<br />

clrt;<br />

Crf .<br />

F<br />

Olutr<br />

OTryE<br />

([ruffi.<br />

Ilot d.<br />

at tqDrl<br />

Isttfl<br />

Ls<br />

Lil*t<br />

haEoD<br />

l.|I|@b<br />

ldu.Il<br />

Iptr, ral.<br />

Iar<br />

faEO*tbt<br />

Lccloft<br />

ilocullfits<br />

l|cjhdi<br />

tlcDomll<br />

llcFsll<br />

Lroiltb<br />

Lcvlctol<br />

lltcorcSor<br />

uekiy<br />

ftkla<br />

MsddGI<br />

l(rhon<br />

LdUtNd<br />

IEb<br />

MFttn, M[,<br />

l|ErttE" tfib8.<br />

ilatbts<br />

MrEuwt<br />

ItsttheE<br />

l43t<br />

l4esdr<br />

Mtcrrcl<br />

House Debete<br />

YEAA-Sd6<br />

ClaYllrtill<br />

ftuld<br />

Oood.U<br />

or*botrll<br />

cobc<br />

Cosbh<br />

ooEta<br />

oont6<br />

c@l!t<br />

Cqtbctt<br />

c|:|4r<br />

C'ulE<br />

Ourtl!<br />

c1f$r<br />

Itrdrtrrlo<br />

Itqur<br />

orrt<br />

otr6D, oEf.<br />

orG6D.rra.<br />

('rd8a<br />

oddr<br />

(rrlEtbr<br />

oil<br />

OFil<br />

Oub.c<br />

oE t<br />

Era6r, c.ltl.<br />

lhlct<br />

DTSICI'<br />

Itrvb. Wh<br />

Ilr'EE<br />

ECII<br />

fidDGE<br />

EutltoE<br />

d.L(hr<br />

DifEql<br />

BDlry<br />

EiDs<br />

ttGt<br />

ItrEtoE<br />

ErflE&ttla<br />

E*fi4lcn<br />

I'fiTULI<br />

Dcvl[c<br />

BSE<br />

Edtr<br />

ItlteU<br />

Ifof-<br />

Erf,.d.<br />

Erru.<br />

blt.<br />

EEIL<br />

DoddE<br />

D@<br />

ftrtlrnt<br />

Erf,tbl<br />

Dor tlry.<br />

Itowdt lt*bld<br />

DorDlDt<br />

Dudr<br />

Ei||tilH<br />

g6dam<br />

DwcrL Orf.<br />

ItE6[.tte<br />

Drru<br />

Dtd<br />

l(lsildto!<br />

ldhfillllr<br />

Ed$r{a odtt.<br />

ldnrfi,f*<br />

Illrffh<br />

EdlottJl<br />

EtcE<br />

llollldd<br />

Eollrqd<br />

Erffit<br />

Eotsil<br />

Euu<br />

Au.E|rn<br />

Euot<br />

Dl6bE<br />

trcloro,<br />

FYfttt<br />

Eutchtffil<br />

Ichod<br />

lrrtlr<br />

Frllfi<br />

lrubdadr<br />

hEr<br />

trHll<br />

Pgrru<br />

ltqurt<br />

Flrs<br />

llo.d<br />

!trftoB<br />

.trlqn<br />

&Ednar<br />

JflIE<br />

Joh$!.clut<br />

JoblEq<br />

Jobleh<br />

Jofl<br />

ol'|r<br />

lltEt<br />

Itbd.tt<br />

hktr<br />

tford.C|frLl,<br />

frr4<br />

PUI|ED,<br />

tcutrb<br />

hr*<br />

lrru!|bEE<br />

tufto$ h.<br />

ttNqu<br />

Jonr, Al*<br />

,on* Io.<br />

JoE* ll.O.<br />

Erdta<br />

ErrtL<br />

tstludr<br />

ET<br />

E.ttl<br />

E.ilt<br />

EIDG O.[r'<br />

tr4tuh.b<br />

Arrlt!|r<br />

ffittil<br />

Ot|rD..<br />

Orbbc[<br />

Odtrr<br />

qoErldlm"l6rif,<br />

ol$s,xle<br />

O'Xrd, Oa<br />

ru<br />

frffi<br />

FittaI<br />

F.ilt<br />

FCFFI<br />

fGrHDa<br />

FNbTE<br />

Prckl.<br />

Flk'<br />

Pm51<br />

PoI<br />

hI<br />

FoE.U<br />

Frtc6<br />

Fuctrtl<br />

Purcrll<br />

Qul.<br />

Quuu<br />

Eaca<br />

nsndill<br />

tedU!<br />

F.rd, ilI.<br />

R4ld. H.t.<br />

Rellel<br />

Rerw<br />

Rhodd, Mr.<br />

frdr4 Pa-<br />

Rlvc6. Alstr<br />

IlrtF<br />

IlIuEryD.[<br />

Effiqrt<br />

tEtd<br />

luDt.d<br />

Lrrll<br />

thlDr-t<br />

Ebrl'E<br />

at.tr<br />

a||t<br />

AtublE<br />

BEtth, Cd|l.<br />

Adth, rofi<br />

AElth, i-t.<br />

8mtrh, vr<br />

Apdnt#<br />

Statord<br />

autIer<br />

Stdblr<br />

EtEbs<br />

Ahrd<br />

8t.ph.r<br />

EtnnbE<br />

EtubblctGld<br />

EulllvM<br />

EweDGy<br />

TNlCOtt<br />

TsYlo!<br />

tcs8ut, Tat,<br />

TanEr<br />

Tbo6reD. H.J.<br />

TboBFen. T.r,<br />

Thomeon, WlE,<br />

rodd<br />

TrlEbl.<br />

Tuct<br />

T,rnn.t<br />

traulE A,qbcila TuDDrr<br />

Eb Bqbllon gdrU<br />

Irbtd A,Odlno UtrS<br />

IrDrbdl ltoscru Flr llElt<br />

e- ito-mq VlEortE<br />

huc! mncdlo vlf,rD<br />

bDEE ffiDcv'lf Y. wi8SoDsr<br />

uG- ffincy,Fa Wllfla<br />

ii;.b.rd H.nttrl Wrlt6r, lf' Mir'<br />

-;;; hhDroEll wrtllE<br />

idr;l- Rpudcburtl litEhn<br />

Lff Roub wlE<br />

ffi* ff,Ll'dora Slill:'"."<br />

Iil ltyu wbltlnf<br />

rriritcr arttcricld EFrttiE<br />

ilffiY'"'"' 3l%'#* Elfld*"<br />

T*I;- HHJ:I<br />

"":l'-#o"ii*'illiil EI5.<br />

$F<br />

oBtd Echtdlc !16<br />

O!|nDI. E cilt losa<br />

O.Esr Lrc!- AlldB roulat<br />

L^lF{t<br />

fior voTE[gJt<br />

tsffi<br />

E dDa<br />

Ertila<br />

Et$<br />

Bqtua, ut b<br />

cilrrrt<br />

ClcrtEIf,<br />

cobrE<br />

Ctrfrt<br />

Ourrnlb|E<br />

Ihil. O..<br />

Dlclllen<br />

DlrEl<br />

HE,TlT<br />

llElrt<br />

lhr<br />

ttdd<br />

rutd[Ir@<br />

(r!{b*<br />

hru<br />

orurts<br />

EaE,OG<br />

Erll*t<br />

ErueWSIL<br />

H6b.rt<br />

EstDE<br />

f,qt<br />

Ebe F.L<br />

tnb.<br />

I4bffi<br />

xfr.D<br />

IIdUillE<br />

rl|&do[rkl<br />

I{rcbGA<br />

ltrETIE /lra<br />

EEI<br />

ltrffild<br />

iliiHf,ot{.tll,lt4<br />

otuEit<br />

HEf<br />

rus<br />

ruhEL<br />

IrD.lcl<br />

Elfitra td<br />

R4E+qob.<br />

Edd6|Te<br />

BIIlor<br />

t@tt<br />

Ec!4d<br />

&Bd<br />

Elacl<br />

Tctfrj., Crllt,<br />

ttou<br />

Toll<br />

Tutd|<br />

vtt<br />

vsftillln<br />

lFrllir,illf<br />

S$',l;*t.*<br />

Ellllrd<br />

WlUb<br />

WusE<br />

CbEliE<br />

ErblGE<br />

Ao t'hr<br />

|aftcd to.<br />

Ttrs clert<br />

@nteftDoQ fcD'ort tlr<br />

rnnounccd tht louoslrg<br />

Ddr!r<br />

&. E{b6rt tltl Er. EdleL<br />

E, O't{!ul ql D{t|ebuttr iltts<br />

ll4 ot Hit YsL<br />

re. Erol! fith l&, BEla<br />

l&. I|DEN ttt! lF Lrrth ol Alrbe<br />

l&, tlEtt rttr E, ItlcltsL<br />

r&.<br />

E.zrblsllrttbE ltrtt|[<br />

r&. OilJ||E tttb' le, EdL<br />

h.<br />

bE<br />

Drrtr od or+rt+ rttt l&' c.t|ffilEF<br />

E drrdErtthl&.xcha!.<br />

It lrLdrr rrtb rdr. OldrH.<br />

E tlttlr ntb F. Eryln'<br />

I_fE<br />

rtt S. at rs d 6tit6\<br />

Xrf. MrDt tttD ltat. Utt<br />

!(r, grctlcr rtth Ml, wElka ol fIddDDi.<br />

!{t, vodBon wtth }lr. RolDEIf<br />

tr(t- CllvenBer Flth Mr. BurtoE ot Utib.<br />

}ft, Murpht ol rllholt wlth Mr' Crllrtat.<br />

llr. EnBerr {)! CJlorido nlth Mr, tlortoL<br />

llr<br />

ll+<br />

RePs aLt)r 1Ir. Oi!ln!:ier,<br />

HilriFa ol .,\'nstrlngtoa wtth Mf,<br />

Ftsbertf.<br />

Resnlck Fith:Ul. C,rIlJgher.<br />

:ff. Rty.rr of South crlrollns wlth l&.<br />

Wtite lf Id:LhO.<br />

I,Ir. lf,n Dfeilln with illr, Weltner.<br />

llr. 51lck *trh ltr. T'rll<br />

I'Ir. Kiebs *::h trl!. DieBs.<br />

ttr. f r:m:rrr:'lr ttr. Criley.<br />

IIr lv:rs If Trlncr+!e. FIth llr- Farrulct,<br />

1lr. :,Iirdon:::C sith IIl, lr(IIlllxn'<br />

IIr. L:lndnun lvith ltr. I\tJcheq.<br />

f rr. P,){er$ tf t'rrrs $ith f,Ir, wllll|,<br />

llre. I]1omN $ith [Jr, Frrid(.<br />

trtr- nllton rl rcil[essee wlth llr, Ttitcn,<br />

The result of the votc lras Rnnollnced<br />

as RIEvc tecorclr-d.<br />

The dmrs q it e opened'<br />

A :rotlon to r'ccoDsider srs lald on<br />

tlre:ible.<br />

793<br />


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