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attached - Cherokee County Schools


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ATLANTA, GA 30326-1380<br />




AT:207968v6<br />

Cross-Reference: Amended and Restated<br />

Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and<br />

Restrictions for River Green recorded in Deed<br />

Book 5861, Page 408, <strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong>,<br />

Georgia Records<br />



made this _____ day of __________________, 2005, by and between CHATHAM-WIELAND,<br />

LLC, a Georgia limited liability company (“Chatham-Wieland”) and CHEROKEE COUNTY<br />

SCHOOL SYSTEM, acting by and through its duly elected Board of Education, and duly<br />

appointed Superintendent of <strong>Schools</strong> (“School”). Chatham-Wieland and the School are<br />

sometimes referred to individually as a “Party”, and collectively as the “Parties”.<br />

Statement of Background<br />

A. Chatham-Wieland is the developer of a mixed-use project in the City of Canton,<br />

<strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Georgia known as “River Green”, and the owner of certain parcels of real<br />

property being more particularly described on Exhibits A-1 and A-2 <strong>attached</strong> hereto and by this<br />

reference incorporated herein (“River Green Parcel A-1” and “River Green Parcel A-2”, and,<br />

collectively, the “River Green Parcels”). River Green Parcel A-1 is or will be developed as<br />

residential units or used as open space. River Green Parcel A-2 is part of the open space now<br />

owned by Chatham-Wieland in Land Lots 88 and 89, to be conveyed to the River Green<br />

Community Association, Inc. (“Association”) as Common Area pursuant to the Amended and<br />

Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for River Green, as recorded in<br />

Deed Book 5861, Page 408, <strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Georgia Records (“Declaration”). Conveyance<br />

of the open space to the Association shall be subject to the ingress and egress easements and


drainage easements reserved by Chatham-Wieland (as Declarant under the Declaration) pursuant<br />

to Sections 11.2 and 11.3 of the Declaration.<br />

B. The School is the owner of that certain parcel of real property adjacent to River<br />

Green Parcels A-1 and A-2, as more particularly described on Exhibit B <strong>attached</strong> hereto and by<br />

this reference incorporated herein (the “School Parcel”). (The River Green Parcels and the<br />

School Parcel are sometimes referred to individually as a “Parcel”, and collectively as the<br />

“Parcels”.)<br />

C. Surface and storm water flow and drainage from River Green Parcel A-1 is<br />

carried to infrastructure located within and adjacent to the northwesterly right-of-way line of<br />

River Bend Way (right-of-way varies), and then through the easement area shown on the<br />

drawing included in Exhibit A-2 into a creek the centerline of which is the dividing line between<br />

River Green Parcel A-2 in Land Lot 89, the School Parcel, and the adjoining . From the creek<br />

basin, surface and storm water flow and drainage from River Green Parcel A-1 and a portion of<br />

the School Parcel is carried through the creek and onto that portion of River Green Parcel A-2<br />

lying within Land Lot 88.<br />

D. Under the terms and conditions set forth herein, the School agrees to grant to<br />

Chatham-Wieland, and Chatham-Wieland desires to obtain from the School, an easement for<br />

surface and storm water flow and drainage from River Green Parcel A-1 onto the School Parcel.<br />

Chatham-Wieland agrees to grant to the School, and the School desires to obtain from<br />

Chatham-Wieland, an easement for surface and storm water drainage and flow from a portion of<br />

the School Parcel onto that portion River Green Parcel A-2 lying within the creek basin, and<br />

further onto that portion of River Green Parcel A-2 located in Land Lot 89.<br />

E. Chatham-Wieland will record a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for<br />

River Green for USACE Section 404 Permit, setting forth the plan for any wetlands affected by<br />

storm water drainage on the River Green Parcels.<br />

Statement of Agreement<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the sum of TEN DOLLARS<br />

($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and adequacy of<br />

which being hereby acknowledged, the Parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows:<br />

1. Recitals and Exhibits. The foregoing Statement of Background and the exhibits<br />

<strong>attached</strong> hereto are an integral part of this Agreement and are incorporated herein by this<br />

reference.<br />

2. Grant of Easements.<br />

(a) The School hereby declares, establishes, creates and grants to Chatham-Wieland,<br />

for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the River Green Parcel A-1, and as a burden upon<br />

the School Parcel, a non-exclusive permanent easement for surface and storm water flow and<br />

drainage from River Green Parcel A-1 upon, over, across and through that portion of the creek<br />

basin lying on the School Parcel (including the 50-foot stream buffer associated with the creek<br />

AT:207968v6 - 2 -


basin), as depicted Exhibit C <strong>attached</strong> hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“River<br />

Green Easement Area”). This easement includes as a material part thereof, an easement to tie<br />

into and use such drainage infrastructure as may exist from time to time upon the School Parcel<br />

within the River Green Easement Area, and the right to construct and maintain drainage<br />

infrastructure as may be necessary for use of the easement pursuant to the grant set forth herein.<br />

If, by Chatham-Wieland tying into the drainage infrastructure on the School Parcel, the size or<br />

capacity of the drainage infrastructure installed by the School must be increased, then<br />

Chatham-Wieland shall bear all costs for the required increase in the size or capacity of the<br />

drainage infrastructure.<br />

(b) Chatham-Wieland hereby declares, establishes, creates and grants to the School,<br />

for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the School Parcel and as a burden upon River Green<br />

Parcel A-2, a non-exclusive permanent easement for surface and storm water flow and drainage<br />

from that portion of the School Parcel draining into that portion of the creek basin owned by<br />

Chatham-Wieland (including without limitation the surface and storm water drainage originating<br />

from River Green Parcel A-1) upon, over, across and through those portions of River Green<br />

Parcel A-2 as described on Exhibit C (“School Easement Area”). This easement includes as a<br />

material part thereof, an easement to tie into and use such drainage infrastructure as may exist<br />

from time to time upon River Green Parcel A-2. If, by the School tying into the drainage<br />

infrastructure on River Green Parcel A-2, the size or capacity of the drainage infrastructure<br />

installed by Chatham-Wieland must be increased, then the School shall bear all costs for<br />

required increase in the size or capacity of the drainage infrastructure. Use of the School<br />

Easement Area shall be in keeping with the USACE Declaration.<br />

(c) The School Easement Area and the River Green Easement Area are sometimes<br />

individually referred to as an “Easement Area”, and collectively as “Easement Areas”.<br />

3. Construction.<br />

(a) Prior to any construction on an Easement Area to permit use of the easements, the<br />

grantee of the easement shall provide to the grantor of the easement a copy of the plans for<br />

construction of the drainage infrastructure in the Easement Area. The plans of each Party shall<br />

be subject to the approval of the other Party, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or<br />

delayed. The grantee of the easement shall perform all construction in a good and workmanlike<br />

manner, and shall exercise due diligence in completing construction. During construction, the<br />

grantee of the easement shall coordinate entry onto the Parcel of the other Party, and shall avoid<br />

disruption of the use of the Parcel by the owner of that Parcel. Each Party shall be responsible<br />

for its own costs of construction.<br />

(b) After construction, the Party performing the construction agrees to restore the<br />

construction area and Easement Area so that the areas thereby affected will be left in good and<br />

sightly condition. The Party performing the construction further agrees to repair and replace as<br />

necessary any improvements damaged by the installation of drainage infrastructure, including repaving<br />

or re-landscaping, as necessary to restore the construction area.<br />

4. Maintenance. Any required maintenance of drainage infrastructure shall be<br />

performed by the Party benefitting from the easements to which the drainage infrastructure is<br />

AT:207968v6 - 3 -


appurtenant. Maintenance responsibilities shall include repair and such capital improvements as<br />

are necessary for containment of surface and storm water flow and drainage within the Easement<br />

Areas.<br />

5. Relocation. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the owner of a Parcel on<br />

which an Easement Area is located shall have the right to relocate the Easement Area or drainage<br />

infrastructure within the Easement Area at any time upon thirty (30) days’ notice to the Party<br />

benefitted by the Easement. The cost of any relocation initiated by the owner of a Parcel on<br />

which an Easement Area is located shall be borne by the owner of the Parcel. Upon relocation of<br />

an Easement Area, this Agreement shall be amended to release the old Easement Area, and to<br />

describe the new Easement Area. Each Party agrees to execute and deliver any such amendment<br />

within ten (10) days of notice by the other Party.<br />

6. Development. Each Party hereby reserves unto itself, all rights of ownership to<br />

that Party’s Parcel not inconsistent herewith, including without limitation, the right to improve<br />

its Parcel as it deems appropriate.<br />

7. Dedication.<br />

(a) The easements and associated maintenance responsibilities granted in this<br />

Agreement shall automatically terminate, without the necessity of further documentation, with<br />

respect to any portion of an Easement Area that is accepted for dedication by a governmental or<br />

quasi-governmental authority, as and when any portion of the Easement Area is accepted for<br />

dedication, so long as the dedication does not unreasonably reduce or otherwise materially and<br />

adversely affect the rights of the benefitted Party to use the Easement Area for the purposes<br />

described herein. Each Party agrees upon request of any Party to execute and deliver a<br />

termination of this easement upon dedication.<br />

(b) Each grantee of an easement hereunder acknowledges that the grant of the<br />

easement herein shall in no way constitute or create in the grantee of the easement any right to<br />

oppose, consent to or participate in any decision on the part of the grantor of the easement to<br />

dedicate any portion of the grantor’s Easement Area to an appropriate governmental or<br />

quasi-governmental authority. To the extent the grantee of an easement hereunder may have any<br />

right, whether express or implied, to consent to dedication by the owner of the Easement Parcel,<br />

the grantee of the easement hereby waives all such rights, so long as the dedication does not<br />

materially reduce grantee’s rights to use the Easement Area for the purposes described herein.<br />

As a condition to the grant of the easement in this Agreement, the grantee of each easement<br />

agrees to cooperate with grantor of each easement and any governmental authority in the<br />

dedication of an Easement Area. Each grantee agrees to join in the dedication at the request of<br />

the grantor of an easement, so long as the dedication does not materially reduce the rights of the<br />

grantee of the easement to use the Easement Area for the purposes described herein.<br />

(c) This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parcels and the owners of the<br />

Parcels. Nothing contained in this Easement Agreement shall be deemed to be a gift or<br />

dedication of any portion of an Easement Area to the general public or for any public purpose<br />

whatsoever, the intention of the parties being to limit this Agreement to the purposes expressed<br />

herein.<br />

AT:207968v6 - 4 -


8. Indemnification. Each Party hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the<br />

other Party from and against any and all costs, fees (including reasonable legal fees), expenses,<br />

damages, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or damages resulting from or relating to the<br />

indemnifying Party’s availing itself of the easements granted same herein.<br />

9. Miscellaneous.<br />

(a) Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding<br />

upon and shall inure to the benefit of each Party hereto, and their respective heirs, executors,<br />

administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns as owner of a Parcel, and shall be<br />

deemed to benefit and burden and run with the title of the pertinent Parcel. The terms and<br />

provisions of this Agreement shall be covenants running with the land. The grant of the<br />

easements in this Agreement are independent of any covenant or contractual agreement<br />

undertaken by the Parties to this Agreement, and a breach by either Party of any covenant or<br />

contractual agreement hereunder shall not cause a forfeiture or reversion of the easement granted<br />

in this Agreement.<br />

(b) Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and<br />

enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia.<br />

(c) Captions and Headings. All captions and headings are solely for reference<br />

purposes only and shall not be used to interpret or otherwise alter the text of this Agreement.<br />

(d) Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the sole and entire agreement of the<br />

Parties hereto with respect to matters contemplated hereunder, and no representation,<br />

inducement, promise or agreement, verbal or written, between the Parties and not incorporated<br />

herein shall be of any force or effect. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be in writing and<br />

executed by the Parties hereto.<br />

(e) Severability. If any provision of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, or the<br />

application thereof to any Party or circumstances shall to any extent be held invalid, inoperative<br />

or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement, or the<br />

application of such provision or portion thereof to any other Parties or circumstances, shall not<br />

be affected thereby; it shall not be deemed that any such invalid provision affects the<br />

consideration for this Agreement; and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and<br />

enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.<br />

(f) Waiver. No failure of either Party to exercise any power given to a Party<br />

hereunder to insist upon strict compliance by the other Party of its obligations hereunder, and no<br />

custom or practice at variance with the terms hereof shall constitute a waiver of the right to<br />

demand exact compliance with the terms hereof.<br />

(g) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts, each of<br />

which shall be an original, and all of which shall constitute but one instrument.<br />


AT:207968v6 - 5 -


Counterpart Signature Page<br />

for<br />


between<br />

CHATHAM-WIELAND, LLC, as Chatham-Wieland<br />

and<br />


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly<br />

executed under seal and delivered on the day and year first above written.<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered in the<br />

presence of :<br />

________________________________<br />

Unofficial Witness<br />

________________________________<br />

Notary Public<br />

My Commission Expires:<br />

(Notary Seal)<br />

AT:207968v6 Signature Page<br />


CHATHAM-WIELAND, LLC, a Georgia<br />

limited liability company<br />

By: Chatham Holdings Corporation, a<br />

Georgia corporation, its Manager<br />

By: ___________________________<br />

Name: J. David Chatham<br />

Title: President<br />

(Corporate Seal)


Counterpart Signature Page<br />

for<br />


between<br />

CHATHAM-WIELAND, LLC, as Chatham-Wieland<br />

and<br />


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly<br />

executed under seal and delivered on the day and year first above written.<br />

Signed, sealed and delivered in the<br />

presence of :<br />

________________________________<br />

Unofficial Witness<br />

________________________________<br />

Notary Public<br />

My Commission Expires:<br />

(Notary Seal)<br />

SCHOOL:<br />

AT:207968v6 Signature Page<br />


By: <strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board of Education<br />

By: _______________________________<br />

Name: Dr. Frank R. Petruzielo<br />

Title: Superintendent of <strong>Schools</strong>


EXHIBIT A-1<br />

River Green Parcel A-1<br />

Residential Portion<br />

All that parcel or tract of land lying and being in land lots 89, 90, 91 & 92 of the 14th District,<br />

2nd Section, <strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong> Georgia and being more particularly described as follows:<br />

BEGINNING at an iron pin set at the intersection of the northeasterly right-of-way of<br />

Ga. Hwy. 20 (Variable right-of-way) and the southeasterly right-of-way of River Bend Way<br />

(Variable right-of-way); thence along the southeasterly right-of-way of River Bend Way along a<br />

curve to the right having a radius of 103.26 feet an arc distance of 47.39 feet to a point (said<br />

curve being subtended by a chord and chord bearing of North 36 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds<br />

West a distance of 46.98 feet); thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 50.00 feet an<br />

arc distance of 23.84 feet to a point (said curve being subtended by a chord and chord distance of<br />

North 09 degrees 47 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 23.61 feet); thence North 03 degrees<br />

51 minutes 35 seconds East a distance of 32.38 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right<br />

having a radius of 214.81 feet an arc distance of 54.97 feet to a point (said curve being subtended<br />

by a chord and chord distance of North 14 degrees 16 minutes 14 seconds East degrees a<br />

distance of 54.82 feet); thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 265.21 feet an arc<br />

distance of 141.33 feet to a point (said curve being subtended by a chord and chord distance of<br />

North 45 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 139.67 feet); thence North 61 degrees<br />

03 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 291.02 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left<br />

having a radius of 535.00 feet an arc distance of 193.79 feet to a nail set (said curve being<br />

subtended by a chord and chord distance of North 50 degrees 40 minutes 34 seconds East a<br />

distance of 192.73 feet); thence leaving said right-of-way South 50 degrees 26 minutes<br />

39 seconds East a distance of 152.92 feet to an iron pin set on the north line of land lot 91;<br />

thence along said land lot line South 88 degrees 00 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 313.90<br />

feet to an iron pin set on the southwesterly right-of-way of Brooks Drive (30-foot right-of-way);<br />

thence along said right-of-way South 10 degrees 19 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 29.41<br />

feet to a point; thence South 25 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 32.55 feet to a<br />

point; thence South 33 degrees 58 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 111.30 feet to a point;<br />

thence South 30° degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 164.44 feet to a point; thence<br />

South 25 degrees 18 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 129.09 feet to a point; thence South<br />

18 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 75.14 feet to a point; thence South<br />

13 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 139.54 feet to a point; thence South<br />

15 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 38.44 feet to an iron pin set; thence leaving<br />

said right-of-way North 67 degrees 37 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 35.35 feet to an<br />

iron pin set; thence South 14 degrees 29 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 240.54 feet to an<br />

iron pin set on the northeasterly right-of-way of Ga. Hwy. 20; thence along said right-of-way<br />

North 65 degrees 29 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 212.38 feet to a right-of-way marker<br />

found; thence South 24 degrees 26 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 19.91 feet to a<br />

right-of-way marker found; thence North 65 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of<br />

160.00 feet to a right-of-way marker found; thence North 22 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds East<br />

a distance of 4.97 feet to a bent right-of-way marker found; thence North 65 degrees 25 minutes<br />

AT:207968v6 Exhibit A-1<br />

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53 seconds West a distance of 24.82 feet to a right-of-way marker found; thence South<br />

24 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 15.02 feet to an iron pin set; thence North<br />

65 degrees 27 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 190.28 feet to a right-of-way marker found;<br />

thence North 24 degrees 43 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 25.00 feet to a right-of-way<br />

marker found; thence North 65 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 324.91 feet to<br />

a right-of-way marker found; thence South 24 degrees 29 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of<br />

25.01 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 65 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of<br />

296.56 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract containing 15.54 acres.<br />

AT:207968v6 Exhibit A-1<br />

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Open Space<br />

AT:207968v6 Exhibit A-1<br />

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EXHIBIT A-2<br />

River Green Parcel A-2<br />

River Green Parcel A-2 includes any real property and fixtures, and the rights<br />

appurtenant thereto, now or hereafter owned by Chatham-Wieland, LLC, or as submitted to the<br />

Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for River Green<br />

recorded in Deed Book 5861, Page 408, <strong>Cherokee</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Georgia Records (“Declaration”), as<br />

part of the Properties (as therein defined) under the Declaration, including Common Area (as<br />

defined in the Declaration). River Green Parcel A-2 specifically includes any drainage<br />

infrastructure, or drainage easements located or established in any reservation by deed from<br />

Chatham-Wieland, LLC, the Declaration, or on any recorded plat for River Green into which<br />

surface and storm water from the School Parcel may flow by natural means, or pursuant to the<br />

plans approved by the Parties to this Agreement.<br />

AT:207968v6 Exhibit A-2



School Parcel<br />


AT:207968v6 Exhibit B



Easement Areas<br />

AT:207968v6 Exhibit C

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