Lesson Plan Template Wilma Unlimited NAME: Emelina Betancourt ...

Lesson Plan Template Wilma Unlimited NAME: Emelina Betancourt ...

Lesson Plan Template Wilma Unlimited NAME: Emelina Betancourt ...


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• Since this will be our first time taking bullet point notes, students will be able to<br />

refer back to the book if necessary.<br />

• Students will be then instructed to review their notes<br />

• They will then be instructed to write a three paragraph summary including an<br />

introduction, body, and conclusion using the following steps:<br />

1. The introduction is the first paragraph and should include the title of the book, the<br />

author, and a general introduction to the story. (2-3 sentences)<br />

2. The body is the middle paragraph and should include the major key points of the<br />

text supported by using examples from the text. (4-8 sentences)<br />

3. The conclusion should include how the story ended and paraphrase the author’s<br />

purpose in writing the story. (2-3 sentences)<br />

• Since this is a summary, I will remind them that their opinions or evaluations of the<br />

book should not be included. I will explain that a summary only retells the story in<br />

a shortened version.<br />

• I will hand out a simplified rubric to each student so they can view how they will be<br />

evaluated<br />

• I will also give students two different examples of how a three paragraph written<br />

summary of a story should be structured. These examples will be printed on a<br />

handout for them to refer to.<br />

Closure: (Time: 30 mins)<br />

I will collect all of the student summaries or comic book strips and compile them into a<br />

book. The students will be able to view this book and see how their classmates’ summaries<br />

are different or similar from their own. They will be able see how sometimes there are<br />

different ways of interpreting stories and how different people highlight different aspects of<br />

the same story.<br />

Reflections: Students: (Time: 30 mins)<br />

I will pass out a survey to see if the students understood the activity, felt comfortable with<br />

what was expected from them, learned how to take bullet point notes on important<br />

information from a story, learned how to structure a written summary, and will ask if they<br />

have any suggestions for this type of activity in the future.<br />

Reflections: Teacher<br />

I will evaluate my work by seeing how well the students understood how to record main<br />

ideas in their notes. I will also see if they understood how to use their notes to help them<br />

write a three-paragraph summary, which included these main ideas.<br />

Edu 275 Effective Teaching<br />


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