2012 John Bischof, PhD - Events

2012 John Bischof, PhD - Events

2012 John Bischof, PhD - Events


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ASME <strong>2012</strong> Summer Bioengineering Conference<br />


The biomechanics community has lost a great scientist, mentor, leader and friend this year. We<br />

honor the contributions of our friend and colleague.<br />

Christian Oddou<br />

(1938-2011)<br />

Christian Oddou was Professor of Mechanics at the University Paris 12 at Créteil where he created and a<br />

research laboratory on Biomechanics (Laboratory of Mechanics & Physics) which he directed for many<br />

years. He also served as Dean of the School of Science of Paris 12 University. A great believer in<br />

international cooperation, he was one of the founding members of the World Council for Biomechanics. His<br />

field of research dealt with the biomechanics of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems with<br />

applications to clinical investigations and to the conception of artificial organs. With his collaborators, he<br />

designed new analytical and numerical methods coupled to specific experiments in order to characterize<br />

the mechanical properties of biological systems and tissues. He has thus proposed original methods to<br />

evaluate and reproduce the behavior of soft biological materials, which necessitate a multiscale analysis.<br />

His tensegrity model of the cell is one example of this approach. Recently his research interest were turned<br />

towards the micromechanics of cells with applications to tissue engineering, bone remodeling, skin<br />

reconstruction and repair, design of artificial connective tissue for orthopedics. His research was at the<br />

cross road between multiscale physics and mechanics and orthopedic surgery. Christian had an immense<br />

scientific culture that he shared willingly with his colleagues and students. He always had the good<br />

question at a thesis defense, congress presentation or council meeting. We will remember him as the kind,<br />

enthusiastic and merry colleague that he was.<br />

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