Frasier – Seven – 1

Frasier – Seven – 1

Frasier – Seven – 1


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Momma Mia<br />

Father Of The Bride<br />

Radio Wars<br />


season seven part 1

frasier season seven part one small black beetles: the overkill<br />

Café Nervosa. <strong>Frasier</strong> is waiting for his blind date<br />

Momma Mia<br />

FRASIER: This is exactly why I hate fix-ups, she's<br />

not coming.<br />

ROZ: Just give her a few more minutes. Come on, tell<br />

me about the cabin.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, all right. Mom and dad used to take us up<br />

there when we were kids. Niles and I thought it<br />

might be a nice birthday gift for dad if we took him<br />

up there again. Oh this is ridiculous! I'm being<br />

stood up on a blind date - I'm pathetic.<br />

ROZ: You are so insecure. God! Where does that come<br />

from? Jessica will be here.<br />

FRASIER: I thought you said her name was Jennifer.<br />

ROZ: Jennifer goes out with a weather man. She's<br />

way out of your league. Look, let me have your<br />

cell phone. I'll call her and see what's going on.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> is entranced by a woman that has just walked in.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, I'm sorry Roz, the most striking woman<br />

just came in. It's not Jessica. She's with a man. God,<br />

I don't know what it is about her. I can't take my<br />

eyes off of her. Do you suppose they're a couple?<br />

Tell you what, you have to go over there for me and<br />

find out. You owe me. Come on. All right, it's the<br />

table right by the counter. Go on.<br />

Roz gets up, and goes to a woman at another table.<br />

ROZ: Excuse me, I know this is a little weird. But my<br />

friend over there thinks you're really really cute.<br />

And he wants to know if you two are on a date.<br />

FRANCESCA: A date? Oh no, Hank and I are just friends.<br />

ROZ: Oh that's good news. That's really good news… Hi<br />

Hank. I'm Roz Doyle.<br />

The girl <strong>Frasier</strong> likes goes to the counter. <strong>Frasier</strong> gets up.<br />

FRASIER: Excuse me. I suppose you noticed I was<br />

staring at your table and I was just wondering if<br />

that gentleman you're with... is he your husband?<br />

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MIA: Would you like me to introduce you? He just<br />

broke up with someone.<br />

FRASIER: No... I was staring at you. Gosh, I know this<br />

may seem awfully bold of me, I'm not the sort of<br />

man who hits on every woman he sees.<br />

Francesca approaches <strong>Frasier</strong>.<br />

FRANCESCA: Excuse me, hi, you're friend said you<br />

wanted to know if I was single. It's okay, you don't<br />

have to be embarrassed.<br />

MIA: Yes, he does.<br />

FRASIER: There's been a little mistake. You see, I<br />

asked my friend to approach this lovely woman and<br />

she obviously mistook you for the woman I<br />

meant. Well, that's certainly understandable seeing<br />

as you're lovely as well. Well, it's just that at this<br />

moment, well.. Many apologies. (to Mia) Gosh, I'm<br />

sorry, let me start again. I'm <strong>Frasier</strong> Crane.<br />

Jessica arrives and hears this.<br />

JESSICA: Oh, you're <strong>Frasier</strong>. Hi, I'm Jessica - Roz's<br />

friend. Roz thought we might hit it off.<br />

FRASIER: Indeed we might have, you see, if not for<br />

the fact I just met this woman, to whom I'd be to<br />

glad to introduce you, except I don't know what her<br />

name is. You know, Roz can explain all this. She's<br />

sitting over there next to that scalding woman. (to<br />

Mia) Gosh, you know, you must think I'm some sort<br />

of a smooth operator.<br />

MIA: No, not really. I'm Mia. Mia Preston.<br />

FRASIER: The children's book author? Oh my<br />

goodness. "Panda in the Parlor". Oh, wow! I love that<br />

book, I've read it a hundred times.<br />

MIA: I'm impressed. Most of my readers can't even<br />

count that high.<br />

FRASIER: No, I used to read it to my son. You know,<br />

many is the quart of milk we've poured in the back<br />

yard waiting for the Orio Tree to grow. Gosh, you<br />

know I'd love to take you to lunch, sometime.<br />

Coffee? Anything. I'd just like a chance to get you<br />

know you better.<br />

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MIA: Well okay, you're certainly persistent.<br />

FRASIER: Well, as a wise woman once wrote, "No cookie<br />

jar is up too high for a panda who will try and try".<br />

MIA: Now you're scaring me.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apt. Martin enters dressed in oversized rubber waders.<br />

DAPHNE: I see you're wearing your buffet pants.<br />

MARTIN: They're hip-waders. I'm breaking them in for<br />

the weekend. Where's Fras'?<br />

DAPHNE: He's probably off somewhere with that Mia.<br />

MARTIN: Oh yes, it seems to be getting serious, huh?<br />

You know, it's funny, you can always tell. He<br />

starts using French words for no reason.<br />

DAPHNE: Yeah, and that laugh, the giddy one.<br />

MARTIN: I'm nearly done packing. I just gotta get my<br />

fly mast and my tackle box and there's one more<br />

thing...<br />

FRASIER: Yes, well, we're taking off in a few hours so<br />

depeché toi!<br />

MARTIN: Oh yeah, earplugs for the car-ride up.<br />

NILES: Oh but dad, don't forget to pack some sturdy<br />

knee socks. I should get some for myself. You<br />

remember the insect situation at the cabin.<br />

FRASIER: Good Lord, Niles, not this bug phobia of<br />

yours.<br />

NILES: It's not a phobia. The mosquitoes up there are<br />

huge. My first summer I was chased off the end of<br />

the dock by one the size of a pelican!<br />

DAPHNE: So, Dr. Crane, when do we finally get to<br />

meet this new girlfriend of yours?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, Mia, she's on her way over right now<br />

actually, she's going to take me out to buy some<br />

new trousers, you see, this new diet she's got me<br />

on, I've lost my love handles. Just when I needed<br />

them most. Niles, you got those movies.<br />

DAPHNE: Movies?<br />

NILES: Shush. Yes, for dad's birthday we had some old<br />

home movies transferred to video tape.<br />

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FRASIER: Gosh, you know, I haven't seen these in<br />

years. You know, Daphne, it's going to be quite a<br />

hoot this weekend. Are you sure you don't want to<br />

join us?<br />

DAPHNE: Gutting fish, watching home movies and<br />

hosing down your father's pants. It does sound<br />

tempting!<br />

FRASIER: Hi, Mia. Come on in. So, what have you got<br />

there?<br />

MIA: Oh, I baked some fat free goodies for your trip.<br />

Oh, where's the kitchen?<br />

FRASIER: Right this way.<br />

MIA: There's a ton of muffins if anybody wants one.<br />

NILES: Oh, not for me, I have some problems with<br />

allergies.<br />

MIA: Really? Well these are just wheat germ, oat bran<br />

and carob.<br />

NILES: Oh well, throw in a sea scallop, you can phone<br />

the paramedics right now.<br />

Mia and <strong>Frasier</strong> exit to the kitchen.<br />

DAPHNE: She seems nice, doesn't she. You all right?<br />

NILES: I'm sorry, Daphne, it's just that Mia looks<br />

exactly like our mother.<br />

DAPHNE: Mrs. Crane? I've only seen photos mind but<br />

now that you mention it, there is a resemblance.<br />

NILES: It's not just a resemblance. She's the spitting<br />

image, I'm shocked <strong>Frasier</strong> didn't mention it.<br />

FRASIER: So, what do you think of her?<br />

NILES: Well she's wonderful, but <strong>Frasier</strong>... Does she<br />

remind you of anyone?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, you noticed that too?<br />

NILES: Are you kidding? The minute I laid eyes on<br />

her.<br />

DAPHNE: Even I can see it.<br />

FRASIER: Really? Well she does look a bit like Roz, but<br />

she's a totally different person. You know, in fact<br />

our relationship is unlike any I've ever had<br />

before.<br />

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An old rustic cabin with a fireplace and a wooden floorboard.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, wow! Look at that. I don't believe it.<br />

Nothing's changed.<br />

NILES: (disappointed) Wow! I don't believe it! Look at this!<br />

Nothing's changed!<br />

MARTIN: It's character, Niles. Look at this fireplace.<br />

Your mum and I used to sit in front of the fire here<br />

holding hands. I wonder if that... (pulls up rug) Oh<br />

yeah! It's still here. That graffiti that you scratched<br />

into the floor.<br />

NILES: That's not graffiti, dad, that's a Latin pun.<br />

"Semper Ubi Sub Ubi"--"Always Where Under Where"<br />

(car horns are heard) That'll be <strong>Frasier</strong> and Mia.<br />

MARTIN: Yeah, I was really surprised he brought her<br />

here for the weekend. What's she like, anyway?<br />

NILES: She made quite an impression on me, I'm<br />

curious to see what you'll think. Dad. Would you<br />

hand me that valise, I want to put on some bug<br />

repellent.<br />

FRASIER: (calls outside) Honey, you stay out there as<br />

long as you like. (to Niles) She can't take her eyes<br />

off that sunset. Is everything all set here?<br />

NILES: Yes, I just want to make sure this VCR works<br />

for our little home movies, later. Check.<br />

FRASIER: Splendid. Niles, you know what, we're going<br />

to need some more logs from the wood pile. Come<br />

give me a hand.<br />

MARTIN: Fras', isn't it great to be back here? You know,<br />

I want to thank you guys, this is some gift.<br />

FRASIER: You're welcome dad. Listen, if you're<br />

enjoying this little trip down memory lane, wait<br />

until you see the other blast from the past we<br />

brought up here.<br />

MIA: Martin? Hi. It's Mia. Oh my gosh, <strong>Frasier</strong> did tell<br />

you I was coming, didn't he? It's so beautiful here. I<br />

feel like I'm in heaven.<br />

MARTIN: I'm starting to feel that way myself.<br />

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FRASIER: Well, nice going Niles! … Niles dropped a<br />

huge log right onto my hand when he was startled<br />

by a moth.<br />

NILES: It was not a moth, it was a bat. I could tell<br />

from that eerie high-pitched scream.<br />

FRASIER: That was you! Look, frankly, I wish you'd<br />

start seeing someone about this bug phobia of<br />

yours.<br />

NILES: It is not a phobia. I have a healthy fear of our<br />

natural predators. It's us versus them and frankly<br />

I'm starting to wonder just whose side you're on.<br />

FRASIER: It just amazes me that a good psychiatrist can<br />

be so blind to something so obvious.<br />

MIA: Oh honey, your poor thumb, we should put<br />

something on that.<br />

Mia leads <strong>Frasier</strong> to the kitchen.<br />

MARTIN: God, she looks just like your mother.<br />

NILES: I know and <strong>Frasier</strong> doesn't see it.<br />

MARTIN: You're kidding?<br />

NILES: No, and he has the gall to tell me I'm blind.<br />

He's clearly the one dealing with repressed<br />

material not to mention the obvious Oedipal<br />

issues.<br />

MARTIN: Argle, gargle, gooble, goop. … Now you know<br />

how it feels, what are you talking about?!<br />

NILES: I'm talking about Freud's theory of the "Oedipus<br />

Complex". He believed that every man<br />

subconsciously wants to sleep with his mother and<br />

kill his father. It's modeled on the Greek tragedy of<br />

"Oedipus" who actually did sleep with his mother<br />

and kill his father and when he realized what he'd<br />

done he gouged out both his eyes. The question is:<br />

How do we bring it to <strong>Frasier</strong>'s attention?<br />

MARTIN: We don't!<br />

NILES: Dad, denial of this magnitude is not healthy, it's<br />

for his own good. Okay, it's for my own good.<br />

Come on, after the way he wagged his finger at<br />

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me, you can't expect I'm just going to keep quiet<br />

about this.<br />

MARTIN: Look, the last thing I want on my birthday<br />

weekend is some big long drawn out argument<br />

between you two, all right. Now let's chill this beer<br />

that we brought and put all these weird thoughts<br />

out of our minds.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, sorry. Come on, honey. Let's go see if our<br />

room still has that big creaky old pine bed that mom<br />

and dad used to sleep in. A-ha! Yes. There she is!<br />

MARTIN: Well, I guess a warm one wouldn't kill us.<br />

The Cabin. The four are sat around the dinner table.<br />

MARTIN: Boy, being in this place really takes me<br />

back. Remember that summer I tried to teach you<br />

boys how to fish? You just didn't have the knack so<br />

I went out and I bought these two big trout and<br />

snuck them on the boat.<br />

MIA: Oh, Marty, you're terrible!<br />

MARTIN: Yeah, and then I put the trout on their hooks<br />

and I dropped them over the side while you two<br />

were still arguing about the last Dramamine. I felt<br />

bad about fooling ya', but hell, what's the harm<br />

of a little fantasy if it makes you feel good.<br />

MIA: <strong>Frasier</strong>, you've hardly touched your chicken. Is<br />

something wrong?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, no, it's just that, well, I'm having a little<br />

trouble holding the knife because someone<br />

dropped a log on my thumb.<br />

NILES: Oh, it didn't hurt you that badly, you are such a<br />

baby.<br />

FRASIER: No, you are a baby, running and screaming<br />

because of a little moth.<br />

NILES: I told you it was a bat!<br />

MARTIN: All right boys, that's enough.<br />

MIA: Your father's right. Now <strong>Frasier</strong>, if your hand's<br />

hurting, I'll cut your meat for you.<br />

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FRASIER: Well, all right. You know Niles, not to dwell<br />

on this, but you know, I could give you the number<br />

of a man who specializes in bug phobias. And while<br />

you're at it, I think you should talk to him about<br />

your constant chair dusting, I believe that is<br />

related. Well, I'm sorry, dad, I think a good<br />

psychiatrist should be self-aware.<br />

NILES: So you're saying I lack self-awareness?<br />

MARTIN: Why don't we change the subject? All right,<br />

this is a great meal, Mia.<br />

NILES: It certainly was. <strong>Frasier</strong>, when it comes to<br />

girlfriends, you've certainly struck the MOTHERlode.<br />

FRASIER: You haven't even read her books yet, dad, it's<br />

a delightful series about an adventurous little<br />

panda.<br />

NILES: It sounds worthy of MOTHER Goose!<br />

MARTIN: So, what's coming up next week, Mia?<br />

MIA: I'll have to swear you to secrecy. It looks like<br />

that Panda might just find its way into the attic.<br />

NILES: Yes, MUM's the word.<br />

Martin "accidentally" knocks his wine over Niles.<br />

MARTIN: Sorry, Niles, would you maybe come into the<br />

kitchen and I'll just help you get dried off in there,<br />

all right?<br />

NILES: Yes, oh dear, it looks like these pants may have<br />

to be REPRESSED!<br />

MARTIN: What the hell's the matter with you?<br />

NILES: Oh, I'm sorry dad, you can't expect me to let<br />

him sit there in his booster seat and tell me I lack<br />

self-awareness.<br />

MARTIN: He'll pick up on what you're saying. Do you<br />

want the whole thing to blow up?<br />

NILES: Dad, this level of denial is unhealthy.<br />

MARTIN: We're not in denial! Everything's perfect.<br />

This is the best birthday I've ever had.<br />

Mia and <strong>Frasier</strong> enter. Mia bumps into Martin as she enters.<br />

MIA: I know it's early, but I'm exhausted.<br />

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MARTIN: Oh Mia, you go, you hit the sack, thanks for<br />

dinner.<br />

FRASIER: I'll be along in a minute.<br />

NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong>, before you turn in, there's a little<br />

something we need to deal with.<br />

FRASIER: Oh right, dad, your birthday gift. Come on<br />

Niles. It's be fun. Seeing you and me, dad and mom.<br />

NILES: You know, I'm getting more excited by the<br />

second.<br />

MARTIN: Oh right, what is this? Some kind of movie?<br />

FRASIER: That's right. Here we go.<br />

Niles puts the video on.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, my old home movies. I haven't seen<br />

these for twenty years.<br />

FRASIER: Well, happy birthday, dad, now you can watch<br />

them whenever you like. (to Niles) Isn't it just the<br />

reaction you were hoping for?<br />

NILES: One of them.<br />

Hester Crane appears on the television.<br />

FRASIER: Oh dear God! Do you two see what I see? My<br />

God, they could be twins.<br />

MARTIN: Now <strong>Frasier</strong>, take it easy.<br />

FRASIER: You do see it?! How could you miss it? How<br />

could I miss it?<br />

MARTIN: Niles, just calm him down and I'll get him a<br />

drink of water.<br />

NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong>, the important thing is not to blow<br />

this out of proportion. After all... What was that?<br />

A hummingbird?!<br />

FRASIER: What is the matter with me?!<br />

NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong> you didn't do anything wrong, your<br />

feelings for Mia stem from perfectly natural<br />

Oedipal desires.<br />

FRASIER: Yes but Oedipal desires are supposed to<br />

resolve themselves by the age of six.<br />

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Cabin's Bedroom. Mia is on the bed wearing a dressing gown.<br />

FRASIER: Hello? You wanted to see me?<br />

MIA: I hope I wasn't rushing you.<br />

FRASIER: No, no, it is bedtime.<br />

MIA: Are you okay sweetie, you seem a little tense. It<br />

seems like you're in pain. Oh, it's your hand. Well,<br />

I know what the problem is there. I never kissed<br />

your little boo-boo. We don't want these other<br />

fingers to be jealous, do we? <strong>Frasier</strong>, honey, please.<br />

Tell me what's wrong, what's bothering you.<br />

FRASIER: I'm just having a little trouble getting<br />

comfortable.<br />

MIA: Well, was it something I did, something I said<br />

at dinner, what?<br />

FRASIER: Gosh, this is awkward. I just realized that you<br />

bear a striking resemblance to my mother.<br />

MIA: But you just noticed it now? Well, it can't be that<br />

strong a resemblance then, can it? (<strong>Frasier</strong> looks at<br />

her) That strong, huh? Well listen, I hope you can<br />

get over it, because I think we have a pretty great<br />

thing going here. We have loads in common, we<br />

get along great and don't you want to stick around<br />

long enough to see how that naughty Panda gets<br />

out of the attic?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, I do, yes. You're right, just talking about<br />

this makes me feel much better. Oh, God, you're not<br />

my mother, this is ridiculous.<br />

The Cabin. The same night a taxi horn sounds.<br />

FRASIER: Oh well, there's your cab.<br />

MIA: Take care of yourself.<br />

MARTIN: I take it that cab was for Mia.<br />

FRASIER: Yeah, I tried to get past it but I just couldn't. I<br />

won't be getting much sleep tonight.<br />

MARTIN: Well, I'm up too.<br />

NILES: I won't be getting a wink of sleep either the<br />

way those crickets are raging.<br />

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MARTIN: Niles, why don't you get us all a nice big<br />

brandy? Now, don't make too much of this, <strong>Frasier</strong>.<br />

So you picked a woman who looked like your<br />

mother, so what.<br />

FRASIER: Like her would have been fine dad, we're<br />

not talking about a similar hairdo or the same<br />

crooked smile, I was dating a replica.<br />

MARTIN: Now <strong>Frasier</strong>, I know you're going to go crazy<br />

convincing yourself that you've got some big<br />

complex, but couldn't it be simpler than that?<br />

Maybe you just miss your mother, I know I do.<br />

FRASIER: I do think about her a lot.<br />

NILES: We all do.<br />

MARTIN: Hey, I think we've talked about all this enough<br />

for one night. So, it's still my birthday. I want to<br />

watch the rest of my movies.<br />

The first scene is of Niles and <strong>Frasier</strong> fighting.<br />

NILES: Well, there certainly are a lot of us fighting.<br />

FRASIER: You know, dad, I wish there were more<br />

shots with you in it.<br />

MARTIN: No, no, no, I liked being the cameraman. I<br />

got to focus on the things I liked.<br />

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Father Of The Bride<br />

Café Nervosa. <strong>Frasier</strong> is flicking through some magazines.<br />

FRASIER: I'm trying to find the perfect wedding gift for<br />

Daphne and Donny.<br />

ROZ: Oh right. Well, I guess now that they've set a<br />

date, I'll be getting my bridesmaid draft notice.<br />

FRASIER: You know Roz, she might not even ask you.<br />

ROZ: Oh, she'll ask me. They all do. The next thing I<br />

know I'm wearing some revolting puffy sleeved<br />

dress made from the same material that keeps the<br />

space shuttle from burning up on re-entry.<br />

FRASIER: You know, Roz, Daphne might just surprise<br />

you and pick a dress you like.<br />

ROZ: Oh, impossible. They're always ugly; that's why<br />

the bride makes sure she's the prettiest one at the<br />

wedding.<br />

FRASIER: That's awfully cynical.<br />

ROZ: Oh yeah, when was the last time you found<br />

yourself staring at the bridesmaid instead of the<br />

bride?<br />

FRASIER: That would have been at my wedding to<br />

Lilith.<br />

NILES: Hello <strong>Frasier</strong>. <strong>Frasier</strong>, do you remember the<br />

time the Kreasle brothers tied me to their great<br />

dame and lobbed meatballs down their gravel<br />

driveway?<br />

FRASIER: I told you Niles, I would have helped you,<br />

but their sister was holding me down.<br />

NILES: No, my point is... even that experience was<br />

less painful then the date I was just on. She was... a<br />

cat person. She brought her cat on our date. Well,<br />

she had good reason, it was Mr. Waggles' birthday.<br />

Actually his birthday party. Actually, his surprise<br />

birthday party.<br />

FRASIER: I'm sorry, where on earth did you meet this<br />

woman?<br />

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NILES: At "Nordstroms". We both reached for the same<br />

cashmere throw and she said she needed something<br />

to keep her waggles warm. I thought it was a coy<br />

euphemism.<br />

FRASIER: Well, Niles, I certainly understand you being<br />

upset but you know, you've got to keep on looking.<br />

NILES: Well, trust me, with Daphne getting married,<br />

I have no choice but to press on. But I'm going to<br />

change my strategy. Do you recall, the other day at<br />

the health club, Tony Hubner gave me that phone<br />

number?<br />

FRASIER: Dear God, Niles, not a dating service?<br />

NILES: No, it's not a dating service. An "Introduction<br />

Network" for busy professionals. I've given them my<br />

vital statistics, there's an extensive screening<br />

process, they bill me at the end of the month.<br />

FRASIER: Niles, please. They are all money-grabbing<br />

con-artists who prey on the pathetic and the<br />

lonely. God sakes, you sign up with visions of some<br />

PhD, and what do they deliver? A buck toothed<br />

librarian who needs help washing her mother! Are<br />

you really that desperate?<br />

NILES: Half an hour ago, I had my back leg tethered to<br />

Mr. Waggles' fore paw and we came in third in the<br />

five legged race.<br />

FRASIER: You would think they'd let him win on his<br />

birthday.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apt. As <strong>Frasier</strong> enters he hears Daphne on the phone.<br />

DAPHNE: I know, mum, but it is my wedding. I've<br />

given into you on so many things. Couldn't this<br />

one thing go my way? … I just don't like those tiny<br />

corns in my salad. … No, I don't hate you. … Well,<br />

that's just not true. I'm glad you're alive. … All right,<br />

tiny corn it is. I've got to run now, cheery bye. That<br />

was mum, she had a thought about the salad.<br />

FRASIER: Something tells me yesterday's crouton<br />

skirmish wasn't the end of it.<br />

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DAPHNE: I suppose she can be a bit overbearing. But as<br />

she often points out, she is paying for the wedding<br />

and I am her only daughter and giving birth to me<br />

was so painful she did bite through a kitchen<br />

spoon.<br />

FRASIER: Daphne, just don't let you mother guilt you<br />

into having the wedding she wants instead of the<br />

wedding you want.<br />

DAPHNE: Oh, don't worry, mum already promised me I<br />

could have the wedding I want, as soon as I have a<br />

daughter who gets engaged.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, Fras'. You'll love this stuff I got from the<br />

farmer's market. This guy takes the juiciest cut of<br />

filet mignon. Slices it real thin and makes jerky out<br />

of it.<br />

FRASIER: Look, dad I don't... (Martin throws it into his<br />

mouth) Yes, if only I had a nice "powdered Cabonet"<br />

to go with it. Listen, have you given any thought<br />

to Daphne's wedding present?<br />

MARTIN: Now <strong>Frasier</strong>, not everyone likes jerky as much<br />

as you and me.<br />

FRASIER: No, I just want to get her something special,<br />

especially since her mother seems to be taking all<br />

the joy out of it for her.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, well, how about a nice piece of luggage?<br />

You know, a good hard suitcase, like the kind people<br />

used to put stickers on to show everybody where<br />

they've been. Remember your grandad's, his<br />

whole life was on it: Topica, Sioux Falls, Bill Loxy, it<br />

was like a map of the world.<br />

FRASIER: What a loss to us all that he failed to write<br />

his memoirs. I'm thinking of something that would<br />

matter to Daphne. (hiccups) Something that shows<br />

her how we feel. (hiccups) Good Lord, that's a little<br />

spicy, isn't it? You know, maybe we should get<br />

something for her wedding.<br />

MARTIN: Like what?<br />

FRASIER: Well, I don't know, we could offer to pay for<br />

her wedding flowers.<br />

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MARTIN: That's a bit pricey isn't it?<br />

FRASIER: Well don't worry about it dad. You just donate<br />

what you can and I'll pay for the rest. (hiccups) God,<br />

what was in that jerky?<br />

MARTIN: Well you just ate it too fast, next time you<br />

have to savor it a little.<br />

FRASIER: Dad, I'm never going to taste that vile stuff<br />

again. (hiccups) Oh, spoke too soon. Daphne, may I<br />

have a word with you please?<br />

DAPHNE: What is it, Dr. Crane.<br />

FRASIER: Well, it's about you wedding gift. Now, I<br />

know it's not traditionally the role of a friend but we<br />

consider you family, so please don't say no. Dad<br />

and I would be honored to pay for your wedding...<br />

(hiccups)<br />

DAPHNE: Pay for my wedding? How wonderful! I could<br />

never imagine.<br />

MARTIN: What's all the hub-bub?<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane just told me about your incredible<br />

wedding present. You people are heaven sent.<br />

MARTIN: Well, I'm glad you like it. You know what,<br />

we're going to throw in a piece of luggage as well.<br />

DAPHNE: I'm just so overwhelmed.<br />

MARTIN: See, I told you, everybody loves luggage.<br />

FRASIER: Dad, she thinks we're paying for her whole<br />

wedding. I tried to say wedding flowers, but then I<br />

hiccupped.<br />

MARTIN: Well I'm not paying for her wedding.<br />

FRASIER: Of course not, I'm just going to clear this<br />

whole thing up right now before it goes any<br />

further. Daphne…<br />

DAPHNE: You know what this means, don't you? Now<br />

that mum's not paying, she can't make me have it<br />

in England. I can have my wedding how I want it,<br />

where I want it: right here. You've answered my<br />

prayers. Could someone let Donny in?<br />

MARTIN: Well look, Donny's a very traditional guy. He's<br />

not going to let us pay for his wedding.<br />

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FRASIER: Right, you saw how he proposed to her; on<br />

bended knee. He's nothing but a hopeless<br />

romantic.<br />

DONNY: Any idiot knows you've got to pay a hooker in<br />

cash! I'm at a meeting, I'll call you later, bye. I've<br />

got this client, he's in the middle of a divorce, right,<br />

and his wife finds all these charges from this place<br />

called "Executive Match". It turns out to be a call<br />

girl service. When she gets through with him she'll<br />

have his house, his car, she'd have his beach house<br />

too if I hadn't already taken it. Women! Hi honey.<br />

DAPHNE: Hi sweety. Have they told you yet?<br />

DONNY: Told me what?<br />

DAPHNE: You're not going to believe this but Dr. Crane<br />

and his father has offered to pay for our entire<br />

wedding.<br />

DONNY: Is this a joke?<br />

FRASIER: It could be.<br />

DONNY: I mean, it's one thing for us to let your<br />

family pay, they're your parents, it's traditional. But<br />

this is...<br />

FRASIER: Going too far? Being presumptuous?<br />

MARTIN: Yeah, we don't want to step on any toes.<br />

DAPHNE: I didn't think you'd be uncomfortable with<br />

this.<br />

FRASIER: Well, he clearly is, Daphne.<br />

MARTIN: Donny's right! We're not family.<br />

DONNY: Wait, what am I doing? You guys, you're<br />

making this lovely gesture and I'm just insulting<br />

you. I mean if you guys are not family to Daphne,<br />

then who is? Of course you can pay for the wedding.<br />

Thank you.<br />

DAPHNE: I just knew he'd see how much this meant to<br />

you. I'm tearing up again.<br />

DONNY: No, don't start with the water works because<br />

you're going to get me going. What's this? Jerky?<br />

Can I have some of that?<br />

MARTIN: Help yourself.<br />

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DONNY: Made from filet mignon. How much did this<br />

stuff set you back?<br />

FRASIER: You have no idea!<br />

Café Nervosa. Daphne's going through her plans for the wedding.<br />

DAPHNE: Now, as far as the reception goes, I've<br />

narrowed it down to two places. I'm leaning<br />

towards "Captain Jonah's". The view of the water's<br />

lovely. But you have to walk through a whale's<br />

mouth to get inside.<br />

FRASIER: I hesitate to ask how you exit.<br />

DAPHNE: I've got to run. I have a meeting with the DJ.<br />

ROZ: I thought she'd never leave!<br />

FRASIER: Good God, how long have you been there?<br />

ROZ: Since you two walked in and trapped me.<br />

FRASIER: Aren't you taking this a bit too far just<br />

trying to avoid an unflattering dress?<br />

ROZ: Yeah, I thought you'd say that. That's why I've<br />

been carrying around this picture of the last time<br />

I was a bridesmaid.<br />

FRASIER: Good Lord, Roz, you look like you've been<br />

tented for termites.<br />

ROZ: Well, it sounds like she's having fun planning<br />

her wedding.<br />

FRASIER: Yes, well now that she can have things her<br />

way and not her mother's.<br />

ROZ: She's lucky you came along.<br />

FRASIER: Well, yes and no. You know, I sit here and let<br />

her make questionable choices and I say nothing<br />

because I know it's going to cost me less. I'm sorry,<br />

I've got to change my thinking about this whole<br />

thing. What good is my money, if I'm denying her<br />

the best gift I have to offer. My taste and expertise.<br />

Frankly, what Daphne really deserves is the gift of<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>.<br />

ROZ: Suddenly that crock-pot I'm giving them doesn't<br />

sound so bad.<br />

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FRASIER: Oh shut up! Hello Niles. You look like a man<br />

who's been waiting to be asked why he's<br />

grinning.<br />

NILES: Oh, I was just thinking about the other day<br />

when you said how you thought dating services<br />

were all a big con. Well, I just got conned into<br />

meeting the most enchanting woman.<br />

FRASIER: I don't know what to say.<br />

NILES: And I owe it all to "Executive Match".<br />

FRASIER: Now I do. The name of this service is<br />

"Executive Match".<br />

NILES: And you thought these women all beneath me.<br />

FRASIER: Beneath you and countless others. Niles, do<br />

you have any idea...<br />

Sabrina walks in. She looks like the average ditzy blonde.<br />

NILES: She's always on the phone. Whatever it is she<br />

does for a living, she's in great demand.<br />

FRASIER: So you have no idea what line of work<br />

Sabrina's in.<br />

NILES: I'm guessing high-priced lawyer. I heard her<br />

quote her hourly rate on the phone. Believe me,<br />

you don't want to be on the receiving end of that<br />

bill.<br />

FRASIER: Niles, I feel I must warn you...<br />

NILES: Oh please, spare me your condescending<br />

advice. Why can't you simply say you were wrong?<br />

You could learn a thing or two from me, mister<br />

one date and it's over. I am taking it slow with<br />

Sabrina.<br />

FRASIER: You mean, you haven't…?<br />

NILES: Oh please! Are you mad, you don't proposition<br />

a woman like that on the first date. Last night, I<br />

dropped her home after dinner with nothing more<br />

than a courtly kiss on the wrist. Tonight may<br />

proceed to hand-holding. If all goes well, in two<br />

weeks I shall storm the citadel of her womanhood. …<br />

Sabrina. This is <strong>Frasier</strong>.<br />

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SABRINA: Nice to meet you. You really have a great<br />

brother. He's charming and witty and intelligent<br />

and handsome.<br />

NILES: I paid her to say that.<br />

FRASIER: Of course you did!<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apartment. The room is full of things for the wedding.<br />

FRASIER: Finally, the doves have arrived. Lathbert,<br />

thank you so much for coming, lovely flowers, I'll<br />

let you know.<br />

DAPHNE: Was that the florist for my wedding?<br />

FRASIER: In his dreams! God, the man's arrangement<br />

are one big cliché. Look at this, his answers to<br />

everything is baby's breath, baby's breath, baby's<br />

breath.<br />

DAPHNE: Does that woman with the harp have<br />

something to do with my wedding too?<br />

FRASIER: No, Daphne, she's selling them door to door.<br />

Of course it's for your wedding. She's auditioning.<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, I really don't think...<br />

MARTIN: Oh good, Daphne, you're here too. Listen, I<br />

want to show you guys a little something I<br />

thought up for the wedding. (acting as a minister) It is<br />

now the time in the ceremony for the rings. May I<br />

have them please. (Eddie runs in with a little basket<br />

containing two rings) Of course, it's a lot more<br />

effective when he's in his little tux.<br />

FRASIER: Dad, please, it's all just a bit much, isn't it? We<br />

don't want to turn this wedding into a circus.<br />

Now, the dove man.<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, about the doves...<br />

FRASIER: Just picture it, Daphne. Aren't they<br />

something? As you and Donny exit the church one<br />

dozen white birds of peace will be released and<br />

circle above. Of course, we'll use fourteen actually -<br />

the power lines always take out a few.<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, about the doves, well it just seems<br />

a little grand. I mean, what's wrong with throwing<br />

a bit of rice.<br />

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FRASIER: Well, if you want rice, of course, you'll have<br />

rice. Sometimes it seems nothing I do is good<br />

enough.<br />

DAPHNE: No, no, no, I suppose doves will be fine.<br />

MARTIN: <strong>Frasier</strong>, is that reverend Franklin in the<br />

kitchen? You're auditioning our minister for the<br />

wedding?<br />

DAPHNE: Don't you think Donny and I should have a<br />

say in who marries us?<br />

FRASIER: Of course, Daphne, I'm just whittling down<br />

the possibilities. The final choice is yours.<br />

CHEF MARCO: Who's tasting the first course?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, that would be me.<br />

DAPHNE: Who's that? I was planning on serving a<br />

buffet. That way people can mingle, it's more<br />

festive.<br />

FRASIER: We are talking about your wedding, not<br />

brunch with all the fixings at "Billy Bob's Blackjack<br />

Boomtown".<br />

NILES: Hello, <strong>Frasier</strong>, you remember Sabrina. We're<br />

out for an afternoon of bird watching, it's start of<br />

mating season. Just wanted to introduce my new<br />

girlfriend to dad. Dad, this is Sabrina.<br />

SABRINA: Nice to meet you. I should really call my<br />

office, about how long do you think we'll be gone?<br />

NILES: About eight hours.<br />

ROZ: Oh, Daphne, I didn't know you were going to be<br />

here. I just want to drop these off for <strong>Frasier</strong>.<br />

DAPHNE: Roz, I'm glad you dropped by, I need to talk<br />

to you about my wedding. Do you mind if we<br />

speak in the hallway?<br />

ROZ: Actually I don't have much time.<br />

DAPHNE: Well, then I'll get right to it.<br />

DELIVERY: Excuse me, do you know where Dr. Crane<br />

lives?<br />

DAPHNE: Right here, can I help you?<br />

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DELIVERY: I'm dropping off this bridesmaid dress.<br />

DAPHNE: Oh, I'll take that. I'm the bride.<br />

Roz examines the dress and is hardly listening to Daphne.<br />

DAPHNE: What I need to ask you is how do you ever<br />

get Dr. Crane to listen to you... He's driving me<br />

mad. He doesn't listen to anything I say...<br />

ROZ: The woman you ask to be bridesmaid gets to<br />

wear this...<br />

DAPHNE: And the worst part is...<br />

ROZ: Is that silk?<br />

DAPHNE: Well he's just like my mother, controlling<br />

and stubborn. I mean, what am I going to do?<br />

ROZ: Well, Daphne, it's your wedding. Just tell <strong>Frasier</strong><br />

how you feel.<br />

DAPHNE: Yeah, well that's a bit difficult for me. You<br />

see, there was no talking to my mother. Anytime<br />

I sort of tried all I hear is "Just do it my way, you'll<br />

thank me later". Every time she said that I just<br />

wanted to explode.<br />

ROZ: Look, <strong>Frasier</strong>'s a reasonable guy. Just go in there<br />

and be direct.<br />

DAPHNE: You're right, I'm going to and… I was going<br />

to ask you if you wanted to be one of my<br />

bridesmaids?<br />

ROZ: Oh my God, are you serious? This is coming<br />

out of nowhere. I'd love to.<br />

DAPHNE: Don't worry. Once I'm in charge you won't<br />

have to wear this thing Dr. Crane picked out. I<br />

mean, he calls this a bridesmaid dress. The sleeves<br />

aren't even puffy.<br />

MARTIN: So, how long have you guys been seeing<br />

each other?<br />

SABRINA: Let's see. Since we met it's been about<br />

seventeen, no, eighteen hours.<br />

NILES: She actually counts the minutes we've been<br />

together.<br />

FRASIER: Niles, may I see you in the kitchen?<br />

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DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, I need to talk to you.<br />

FRASIER: Not now, Daphne.<br />

NILES: All right, what is it?<br />

FRASIER: Niles, it's about Sabrina. She's a prostitute.<br />

NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong>, I don't like lawyers any more than<br />

you do, but frankly a man whose face is plastered<br />

on every bus in town should be careful what terms<br />

he bandies about.<br />

FRASIER: Niles! "Executive Match" is an escort service.<br />

One of Donny's clients was caught using them.<br />

NILES: I don't believe you.<br />

FRASIER: Niles, does Sabrina laugh at everything you<br />

say, is she fascinated by everything about you, even<br />

your collections?<br />

NILES: Well yes. Actually, I even showed her my<br />

rarely seen collection of eighteenth century<br />

Portuguese bud faces.<br />

FRASIER: And how did she react?<br />

NILES: Well, if you must know, she was rather aroused.<br />

She said she loved a man who collected porcelain<br />

and… Oh my God! I'm dating a whore! They have<br />

my credit card number, I've been running up a<br />

tab! I've got to get her out of here! Sabrina, we<br />

should be going.<br />

MARTIN: What's the hurry? We're having a nice<br />

conversation.<br />

FRASIER: Did I mention he used to be a police officer?<br />

SABRINA: Maybe we should go.<br />

FRANKLIN: Surely you can stay a little while, I haven't<br />

seen Niles in ages. (to Sabrina) You know, I used to<br />

teach him in Sunday school.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, you know Reverend, I can still remember<br />

dropping him off for his first class. It seems like<br />

only yesterday.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, Daphne, I believe I have chosen your<br />

bouquet. It's hand-woven out of pygmy orchids.<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, I really need to talk to you.<br />

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FRASIER: Well, of course, Daphne. First let's sample the<br />

Porchini mushroom. They're exquisite.<br />

DAPHNE: But I don't like mushrooms!<br />

FRASIER: You only think you don't, you haven't tried<br />

these. Try this for me, you'll thank me later.<br />

DAPHNE: You'll thank me later?! I've heard that my<br />

whole life, well, no more! I'm doing my wedding my<br />

way. And if that means I want rice instead of dove<br />

and a DJ instead of a harp, then that's what I'll<br />

have. I don't want your advice, I don't want your<br />

money and I don't want your mushrooms. I'm in<br />

charge of this wedding now. And what kind of a<br />

git walks down the aisle carrying something of<br />

pygmy orchids!<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apartment. Later that day.<br />

FRASIER: She's fine. We had a nice talk.<br />

MARTIN: Well that's good. Wedding still on track?<br />

FRASIER: Absolutely.<br />

MARTIN: You just got a little carried away, that's all.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, I guess so, yeah. You know, it suddenly<br />

occurred to me when I was talking to Daphne that I<br />

never really got the wedding of my dreams either.<br />

Oh sure, you know, my first one was a little<br />

clandestine, we dashed off at the city hall. I could<br />

have hardly imagined a wedding more lacking in<br />

ceremony until my second wedding, which was<br />

lacking a bride. Then came Lilith, if I knew then<br />

what I know now, I would have walked down the<br />

aisle with the ice sculpture and had her stand by<br />

the buffet table to keep the shrimp cold.<br />

MARTIN: Oh, so you've had a few bad weddings.<br />

FRASIER: I guess I was just taking my last best shot at<br />

the wedding I shall never have for myself. Let's face<br />

it, dad: I'm no spring chicken. Do you really see<br />

me getting married again?<br />

MARTIN: Well, I guess if Niles can meet a great gal like<br />

Sabrina, then there's hope for all of us.<br />

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Radio Wars<br />

It is quarter past six in the morning. The phone rings.<br />

CARLOS: Dr. Crane? Dr. Kaufmann of the national<br />

psychotherapy institute. Oh my gosh, it's six fifteen<br />

in the morning, your time. I hope I didn't wake you.<br />

FRASIER: No, I was up. Where did you say you were<br />

calling from?<br />

CARLOS: The national psychotherapy institute In Saddle<br />

River, New Jersey.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> is actually receiving a prank call from KACL's new<br />

team "Carlos And The Chicken".<br />

FRASIER: Oh yes of course. What can I do for you?<br />

CARLOS: Oh, for Pete's sake. No-one called you? You<br />

won our radio therapist of the year award.<br />

Congratulations.<br />

FRASIER: Well, thank you. Of course, the work itself is<br />

honor enough.<br />

CARLOS: Thank you! And I'm sorry about the mix-up.<br />

The problem is we're going to need some pictures of<br />

you so we can get started on the statue… For our<br />

hall of thinkers. (aside) Ange, he never got the<br />

packet!<br />

FRASIER: Is there anything I can do?<br />

CARLOS: Well, it's a little late now, but maybe if you<br />

describe your body we could get started on the<br />

preliminary carving. The sculptor's right here.<br />

Fortunately we got the Gustov Brumhalt.<br />

FRASIER: Oh my.<br />

CHICKEN: Dr. Crane, please, ja?<br />

FRASIER: Yes, this is Dr. Crane speaking. Herr<br />

Brumhalt, may I say, it's quite an honor.<br />

CHICKEN: Ja, Ja, Ja. We have your face, very handsome,<br />

but I need you to describe your body.<br />

FRASIER: Yes of course. Six foot one, medium build,<br />

broad shoulders, sublimely proportioned.<br />

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CHICKEN: Ja, das ist gut, Ja. But before I order my<br />

marble I need you to describe your, how do I say<br />

this, where you sit? Ja?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, my posterior, yeah well, that's a little<br />

sensitive, isn't it?<br />

CHICKEN: Oh, you don't want to tell me, I understand,<br />

it's a big one. Ange, order the big marble, please.<br />

FRASIER: Please put Dr. Kaufmann back on.<br />

CHICKEN: No, I have a better idea. Why don't you send<br />

us a picture of your... hindquarters and send it into<br />

KACL's new morning team "The Carlos And The<br />

Chicken"! Squawk, squawk.<br />

Daphne enters from her room.<br />

FRASIER: Morning! You won't believe what just<br />

happened to me! I was the victim of a radio prank.<br />

DAPHNE: Oh, how terrible.<br />

FRASIER: Yes, it's a sad day when getting a man to<br />

describe his own behind passes as humor. You<br />

heard the whole thing, didn't you!<br />

DAPHNE: Ja! I'm sorry Dr. Crane, but they can be<br />

funny.<br />

FRASIER: Oh that's all right, Daphne. "Carlos and the<br />

Chicken" are the sort of performers who keep<br />

popping up on the radio these days. So called<br />

humorists who rely on cruel pranks and scatological<br />

references. Well, I suppose that's the sort of thing<br />

that passes for entertainment these days. You<br />

know, perhaps it's just a generational thing.<br />

MARTIN: They got you good! The chicken was on fire,<br />

what a great bit. <strong>Frasier</strong>, can you get me a tape of<br />

the show?<br />

FRASIER: What on earth for?<br />

MARTIN: How often do you get to hear your son on the<br />

radio?!<br />

FRASIER: I'm on the radio every day!<br />

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Café Nervosa. <strong>Frasier</strong> meets Roz at a table.<br />

FRASIER: Hello Roz, I suppose you heard about my<br />

unscheduled appearance on KACL's new morning<br />

show.<br />

ROZ: No, what happened?<br />

FRASIER: Well, the less said about it the better.<br />

ROZ: Come on <strong>Frasier</strong>, why don't you pull up a couple<br />

of chairs and tell me about it?<br />

FRASIER: Was everyone in Seattle listening at six in the<br />

morning?<br />

ROZ: They did it at six. I heard the replay at eight.<br />

WAITRESS: I heard it at nine fifteen.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, I thought the entire thing was rude and<br />

childish.<br />

ROZ: Well, you're just mad because you fell for it.<br />

Come on, <strong>Frasier</strong>, "Hall of Thinkers"?<br />

FRASIER: Well, it's not such a bad idea. In a society<br />

where we glorify our athletes and rock musicians, I<br />

thought maybe we should... Well, it was early.<br />

ROZ: Hey, that's them over there with Kenny. Wow!<br />

The chicken's a lot cuter than he is on his billboard.<br />

FRASIER: Do you know, I think I might just go over<br />

there and introduce myself.<br />

ROZ: I don't know what you're thinking but don't.<br />

FRASIER: I'm just going to go over there and let them<br />

know that what they did today was completely<br />

unacceptable.<br />

ROZ: <strong>Frasier</strong>, I know guys like this. Once they know<br />

they can rattle you, they never stop. Just take your<br />

lungs and laugh it off.<br />

FRASIER: I'm perfectly capable of laughing it off, I<br />

just want to let them know that I don't appreciate<br />

being made the punch-line at my own station. I'm<br />

going to go over there and tell them from now on, I<br />

don't want to be part of their shenanigans.<br />

ROZ: Oh God, please don't say shenanigans!<br />

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FRASIER: Hello Kenny. I believe introductions are in<br />

order.<br />

KENNY: Oh, right, this is The Chicken and Carlos.<br />

CARLOS: We're actually called "Carlos and the<br />

Chicken".<br />

FRASIER: Yes well, nice to meet you boys. About this<br />

morning...<br />

KENNY: Wo, Wo, Wo, I don't want to see any feathers<br />

flying here. Just kidding.<br />

CARLOS: Dr. Crane, I hope we didn't go too far. We<br />

love your show.<br />

FRASIER: Really, you're listeners?<br />

CARLOS: Oh, yeah we're big fans and you know the last<br />

thing we want to do is step on your toes.<br />

FRASIER: Well you know, you do tread a fine line with<br />

your style of comedy but, perhaps you can be<br />

excused for stomping on it rather exuberantly on<br />

your first day. Just keep in mind in the future<br />

that this station does have a certain pecking order.<br />

(laughs)<br />

CARLOS: We totally get it, Dr. Crane, it felt wrong<br />

when we did it.<br />

CHICKEN: We sure did, you're not upset or anything?<br />

FRASIER: Oh no. No harm, no foul.<br />

CHICKEN: It's great meeting you, Dr. Crane.<br />

FRASIER: Likewise, boys. Hey, call me <strong>Frasier</strong>, but<br />

don't call me at home.<br />

ROZ: Is it over? I couldn't look.<br />

FRASIER: God sakes Roz, have a little faith in me,<br />

after all I do reason with people for a living. It's<br />

all settled. You know, they're good kids really, quite<br />

sensible actually.<br />

ROZ: Yeah, if you go for beer-belching frat boy<br />

types, which I do, was the chicken wearing a<br />

wedding ring?<br />

FRASIER: You know, I really did over-react this<br />

morning. After all, it was kinda cute, I suppose.<br />

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(laughs) "Hall of Thinkers". Never let it be said that<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> Crane is the kind of man who is incapable of<br />

laughing at himself.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apartment. Martin is on the phone to his friend.<br />

MARTIN: No kidding. He's flying you to Las Vegas for<br />

the fight? That's a great son you've got there,<br />

Duke.<br />

NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong>, I thought you might like to join me. I'm<br />

going down to Abigail's to have my crepe pans<br />

reseasoned.<br />

FRASIER: Gosh, I'd love to Niles, but I've just drawn a<br />

nice herbal bath.<br />

MARTIN: No, it's Daphne, she's watching PBS. Okay, I'll<br />

talk to you later, Duke. Does the whole world have<br />

to know what goes on in this house?<br />

FRASIER: Help yourself to some coffee, Niles.<br />

DAPHNE: Dr. Crane, how do you know it's time to have<br />

your crepe pans reseasoned, anyway?<br />

NILES: It can be confusing. But this may help;<br />

"Saucepans in summer, crepe pans in fall, when<br />

winter's upon us, there's food for us all."<br />

The phone sounds.<br />

MARTIN: Whoever it is, I'm not home, I'm not here!<br />

CHICKEN: (with accent) Is Dr. Crane there?<br />

NILES: No, actually he's taking a bath.<br />

CHICKEN: Who's this?<br />

NILES: This is his brother, Niles.<br />

CHICKEN: Okay, well this is the building<br />

superintendent. I'm in the bathroom just below<br />

his and I think the pipes are getting corroded. Is<br />

your brother putting anything unusual in his bath?<br />

NILES: I'm not exactly sure what he puts in. Better let<br />

me ask him.<br />

MARTIN: I smell a bit.<br />

DAPHNE: Put the radio on.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> is enjoying his bath singing "I'm in the Mood for Love".<br />

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NILES: <strong>Frasier</strong>, what do you put in your bath water? …<br />

It's your super. There's something corroding the<br />

pipes in the unit below you, he thinks it may be<br />

something in your tub.<br />

FRASIER: (to phone) Hello, yes, I'm sure it's not my fault<br />

but if you insist, I use... jasmin, lavender, rose hips<br />

and a little Tehesian Vanilla.<br />

CHICKEN: It sounds okay. Boy, with a bath like that I<br />

bet the ladies sure go for you though, huh?<br />

FRASIER: Yes well, love does enter through the nose.<br />

CHICKEN: Hey, you know, the neighbors down here<br />

have been complaining about a little sound bleedthrough.<br />

I think we got a bad tile, I sure would like<br />

to check it. I heard you sing into the phone<br />

earlier, you think you could do it again.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> begins singing "I'm in the Mood for Love" again.<br />

CHICKEN: Yeah, that's great. I definitely heard some<br />

bleed through. You know, I could isolate the tile if<br />

you could just walk around a little bit, or maybe<br />

you know, if you could stomp around, that would<br />

be great. But if it's too much trouble I could send<br />

my assistant, Jimmy, up to stomp around.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, no, please. You just leave Jimmy where<br />

he is. I certainly don't need an audience while I'm<br />

singing in the bath tub.<br />

CHICKEN: I really appreciate this, we'll get it all<br />

cleared up in a jiffy. Thanks a lot, Dr. Crane.<br />

FRASIER: Just wait a second and I'll tell you when I'm<br />

ready. (gets out of the bath) I'm ready. Here goes.<br />

CHICKEN: Oh my God! The whole ceiling's falling down.<br />

FRASIER: Oh good Lord. Niles, be careful, the whole<br />

ceiling is caving in.<br />

CHICKEN: Hey listen, I think we found out what the<br />

problem is. It's that humungous ass of yours!<br />

CARLOS: Listeners, "Carlos and the Chicken" are<br />

offering one thousand pounds for the best picture of<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> Crane's humungous ass for our website.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, dear God.<br />

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NILES: Now, now, it won't get you down for long.<br />

You've always had a thick skin. Unless that<br />

Tehesian Vanilla softened you up a bit.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong>'s Apt. <strong>Frasier</strong> bursts in. A camera flashes outside.<br />

FRASIER: Leave me alone! For God's sake, have some<br />

respect.<br />

MARTIN: Was that Mrs. Curdsmen?<br />

FRASIER: She dropped her medication in the hallway,<br />

as I stooped to pick it up. Out came her camera like<br />

an assassin's blade. Well, if she wants to control<br />

those blood clots, she'll cough up that film!<br />

MARTIN: You're really getting riled up.<br />

FRASIER: I certainly am.<br />

MARTIN: Come on, they're just pranks. Back in the<br />

force, we used to do stuff like this all the time. Fill a<br />

guy's hat with shaving cream or nail a guy's shoes to<br />

the floor. Sometimes we get a guy dead drunk and<br />

leave him in a draw in the morgue.<br />

FRASIER: You know, dad, I might have been able to<br />

laugh it off if all of Seattle hadn't started stalking<br />

me with cameras!<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> looks through the spy-hole in the door, pulls a surprised<br />

Niles inside, and slams the door again.<br />

NILES: Why didn't you hold the elevator? Didn't you<br />

hear me shouting?<br />

FRASIER: That was you? I'm sorry, Niles, I was afraid<br />

you might be trying to get a picture of my butt!<br />

NILES: How exciting to be present at the birth of a<br />

new phobia.<br />

FRASIER: I'm talking about Carlos and the Chicken.<br />

NILES: Oh, yes, their little contest. I can't believe<br />

anyone's taking that seriously.<br />

FRASIER: Oh, well, they won't be for much longer.<br />

I've decided it's time to fight back. I was up to all<br />

hours last night crafting my response to those two<br />

idiots. I believe I have arrived at a masterful<br />

rebuttal.<br />

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MARTIN: I'm not sure you want to call it your<br />

reBUTTal.<br />

NILES: I see your "Bartletts" is out. You're not pulling<br />

any punches!<br />

FRASIER: Hardly. I go in swinging with Le Roché Va<br />

Coe; "If we had no faults of our own, we would not<br />

take so much pleasure in noticing those of<br />

others".<br />

NILES: Ouch!<br />

FRASIER: And when I've knocked them reeling, I go<br />

in with a jab of Dorothy Parker; "Wit has truth in<br />

it, wise-cracking is merely callous thenix with<br />

words".<br />

NILES: Pow!<br />

FRASIER: And when they're bloody and against the<br />

ropes, I go in with the kill; Twain, Wilde, Twain,<br />

Twain, Mencken.<br />

NILES: It's not a fight, it's an execution!<br />

MARTIN: You know <strong>Frasier</strong>, if you go and read that on<br />

the air you're going to set yourself up for a year of<br />

abuse. You know, this kind of thing is probably<br />

the reason why these guys started picking on you<br />

in the first place.<br />

FRASIER: Dad, what exactly are you saying? That I<br />

somehow managed to bring all this misery on<br />

myself?<br />

MARTIN: No, I'm not saying that, well, have you ever<br />

wondered why these bullies have always kind of<br />

zeroed in on you two?<br />

NILES: No, we don't wonder why, we know the reason.<br />

Jealousy!<br />

MARTIN: Okay, so there's a little bit of that too but you<br />

know you kinda give people the impression that<br />

you're above them.<br />

FRASIER: Pish-tosh!<br />

NILES: Poppycock!<br />

FRASIER: Oh, Daphne, do you think we're snobby,<br />

superior and condescending?<br />

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DAPHNE: That's it! I'm getting my door soundproofed.<br />

MARTIN: See what I mean? People think you're stuffy.<br />

You know with your opera parties, and your wine<br />

parties and your seasoned crepe pans.<br />

FRASIER: In my defense, Niles is the only one who<br />

seasons his crepe pans.<br />

NILES: Which is the precisely why I've had the same<br />

set since the ninth grade, thank you very much!<br />

MARTIN: My point is, you guys could never resist<br />

putting on airs. Even when you were in junior<br />

high, you used to love that TV program... "The<br />

Avengers". You used to run all over the<br />

neighborhood pretending you were that guy with<br />

the umbrella… Steve.<br />

FRASIER: Steed! There were worse role models. Steed<br />

was dapper and witty. When anyone tried to give<br />

him grief, he gave them a sound thrashing with<br />

the umbrella.<br />

MARTIN: Well, that's great, admire him if you want. But<br />

did you have to run through the neighborhood in<br />

bowler hats? You were just begging to get beat up.<br />

FRASIER: Come to think of it, it was rather a rough<br />

summer that year, wasn't it?<br />

NILES: I remember getting a chin strap, so the<br />

bowler wouldn't fall off when I ran.<br />

MARTIN: And all that did was make you look like<br />

Elizabeth Taylor in "National Velvet". My point is, if<br />

you go down to the station and read that over the air<br />

then you might as well go down there in a great big<br />

bowler hat. I mean, people are never going to let you<br />

forget it.<br />

DAPHNE: You know, it's funny hearing you talk about<br />

"The Avengers". My first Halloween in America, I<br />

went to a party dressed as Mrs. Peel. Head to toe in<br />

that skin tight black leather catsuit. Come to think<br />

of it, I still have it somewhere, and Halloween's<br />

coming up.<br />

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MARTIN: Yeah, catsuit. (to Eddie) Better not let this guy<br />

hear you talking about that, he'll go nuts.<br />

NILES: I would not! (sees Eddie) be surprised if he did!<br />

FRASIER: Excuse me. (answers) Hello. Why, Roz, yes just<br />

calm down. No, I'm not listening. Hang on a second.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> turns on the radio. "Carlos and the Chicken" have put<br />

together a tape which sounds like Roz and <strong>Frasier</strong> having sex.<br />

CARLOS: I think we're going to have to throw a bucket<br />

of water on these two.<br />

CHICKEN: Roz and <strong>Frasier</strong> stopped around for a quick<br />

hello, next thing you know, they're getting it on<br />

in the booth!<br />

FRASIER: Do we have time to squeeze in one more?<br />

ROZ: Plenty of time, <strong>Frasier</strong>. Two more minutes.<br />

CARLOS: For a man carrying around a good fifty extra<br />

pounds of ass, <strong>Frasier</strong> Crane has got unbelievable<br />

stamina. <strong>Frasier</strong>, where do you get your energy?<br />

FRASIER: Lavender, rose hips and a little Tehesian<br />

Vanilla.<br />

CARLOS: Oh my God, they're changing positions. I've<br />

never seen that one before.<br />

FRASIER: Love does enter through the nose.<br />

<strong>Frasier</strong> turns it off.<br />

FRASIER: I'm going down there. Dad, don't try to talk<br />

me out of this, I'm going to teach those two a<br />

lesson, they'll not soon forget. Where's my<br />

umbrella?<br />

MARTIN: Oh, no, not that again, not the umbrella, I'm<br />

begging you.<br />

FRASIER: It's raining!<br />

KACL Radio Station. <strong>Frasier</strong> storms in.<br />

FRASIER: Roz, what are you doing here?<br />

ROZ: Getting revenge, that's what! These guys are<br />

going down. Did you hear the disgusting, vile<br />

things they said about me?<br />

FRASIER: Just the part about us having sex.<br />

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ROZ: Exactly! And now they've got a photo contest<br />

about me, now, too.<br />

FRASIER: Roz, a thousand dollars for a shot of your<br />

behind? Sorry.<br />

ROZ: No, it's fifty bucks and a six pack. There were<br />

seven winners before I even left the house. <strong>Frasier</strong>,<br />

what shall we do? Slash their tyres, crack their<br />

windshields?<br />

FRASIER: I was thinking of a more direct approach.<br />

ROZ: I'm down with that too. Next commercial, I'll get<br />

the chicken, you take the big guy.<br />

FRASIER: No, no, that's not it and you know it, Roz.<br />

ROZ: I knew you'd say that. Fine, I'll take the big guy.<br />

FRASIER: No, Roz. Listen to yourself, you're lusting for<br />

blood like a barbarian. I have a more civilized<br />

approach in mind. I have composed a speech!<br />

ROZ: A speech? Well, unless you plan to roll it up and<br />

cram it down their throats, what good is that<br />

gonna do?<br />

FRASIER: Just watch me.<br />

ROZ: No, <strong>Frasier</strong>, they're never going to stop making<br />

fun of you.<br />

FRASIER: Roz, I don't care. I just figured out<br />

something, maybe you can't stop bullies from<br />

attacking you, but the only way they win is if they<br />

change who you are and I'll tell you something, let<br />

them do their worst.<br />

CARLOS: Holy Cow, look who just walked into the<br />

booth, <strong>Frasier</strong> Crane, the automatic sex pilot.<br />

CHICKEN: What's up, love-doctor?<br />

FRASIER: Oh, I think you two know what's up. There's<br />

only so much I can take, there's only so much<br />

anyone can take from a juvenile comic and his<br />

straight man. I believe it was La Roché Va Coe who<br />

first said...<br />

CHICKEN: Listen to me, I'll take my straight man over<br />

your sex starved producer any day, my friend.<br />

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CARLOS: Hey, wait a second, I'm not your straight man.<br />

If anything, I'm the funny one.<br />

CHICKEN: Let's not start with this again, okay?<br />

CARLOS: You're the one who just started it, on the air!<br />

You always do this.<br />

CHICKEN: Hey Carlos, the therapist said not to use the<br />

word always.<br />

CARLOS: I just wish you could say I was as funny as<br />

you are.<br />

CHICKEN: Now, I wish I could say that too but who does<br />

all the funny voices?<br />

CARLOS: If I'm so unfunny, how come I get all the solo<br />

gigs?<br />

CHICKEN: Oh, now I'm laughing, ha-ha!<br />

CARLOS: Don't believe me? Ask our agent!<br />

CHICKEN: You talked to Zacri behind my back.<br />

FRASIER: You know if I could just get a word in...<br />

CARLOS: I'm going.<br />

CHICKEN: Go ahead, be my guest.<br />

CARLOS: Great, because I don't need you and I don't<br />

need "Carlos and the Chicken".<br />

CHICKEN: Oh, really? Well, best of luck, funny boy!<br />

CARLOS: Same to you, Dwayne!<br />

CHICKEN: Hey, that's not cool.<br />

FRASIER: Chicken! I believe it was La Roché Va Coe,<br />

the great French thinker...<br />

CHICKEN: I know, I went to grad school too. And it's<br />

pronounced (different) La Roché Va Coe.<br />

FRASIER: That's it! Nobody challenges my<br />

pronunciation!<br />

KENNY: Chicken! (to <strong>Frasier</strong>) Did you have to be so<br />

vicious? We got dead air, take over!<br />

FRASIER: Yes, right. This is Dr. <strong>Frasier</strong> Crane, I'll be<br />

filling in for the next hour of the morning zoo with<br />

my own particular brand of zany antics.<br />

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