MA4052 — Exercise Sheet 2: Final Homework Questions

MA4052 — Exercise Sheet 2: Final Homework Questions

MA4052 — Exercise Sheet 2: Final Homework Questions


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12/12/12<br />

<strong>MA4052</strong> <strong>—</strong> <strong>Exercise</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> 2: <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Homework</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><br />

1. Give an example of an operator T on a Hilbert space for which �T � �= r(T ), the<br />

spectral radius of T<br />

2. (a) Let H be a complex Hilbert space. Show that each T ∈ B(H) can be written<br />

as T = T1 + iT2 for a unique choice of self-adjoint operators Ti ∈ B(H).<br />

(b) Let T ∈ B(H). Show that T is normal if and only if T1 and T2 from (a)<br />

commute.<br />

(c) Let H = C 2 , with usual inner product, and define T ∈ B(H) by setting T x =<br />

(x1 + ix2, x1 − ix2). Find T ∗ , and show that T ∗ T = T T ∗ = 2I. Find T1 and T2<br />

from (a).<br />

3. Let H be a Hilbert space, and R, S, T ∈ B(H).<br />

(a) Show that for any α, β ∈ C with |α| = |β| we have that αR + βR ∗ is normal.<br />

(b) Let S and T be normal operators satisfying ST ∗ = T ∗ S. Show that S ∗ T = T S ∗ ,<br />

and that S + T and ST are normal.<br />

4. Let H be a Hilbert space. A linear functional φ ∈ B(H) ∗ is called positive if φ(T ) � 0<br />

whenever T ∈ B(H)+. A linear functional φ ∈ B(H) ∗ is called a state if it is positive<br />

and φ(I) = 1.<br />

(i) Show that S(H), the set of states, is a convex subset of B(H) ∗ , closed with<br />

respect to the usual norm on B(H) ∗ .<br />

(ii) Show that for each x ∈ H, the map ωx : B(H) → C given ωx(T ) = 〈x, T x〉<br />

defines a positive linear functional. For which x is ωx a state?<br />

5. Equip C n with its usual inner product structure: 〈z, w〉 = � n<br />

i=1 ziwi, and denote the<br />

resulting norm by �z� = � 〈z, z〉, leaving off the usual subscript. The operators in<br />

T ∈ B(C n ) are naturally identified with matrices in Mn(C) by T ←→ [T i j ], where T i j =<br />

〈ei, T ej〉 for the usual (orthonormal) basis {ei} n i=1 of C n . This question investigates<br />

three norms on B(C n ), one of which is the standard operator norm:<br />

�T �∞ := sup{�T x� : x ∈ C n , �x� � 1}.<br />

Here we add the subscript ∞ to distinguish this norm from the other two introduced<br />

below.<br />

(a) Recall that the trace on Mn(C) is define by<br />

tr(A) =<br />

n�<br />

A i i.<br />

Show that tr is a linear functional on Mn(C) and that tr(AB) = tr(BA) for all<br />

A, B ∈ Mn(C n ).<br />

(b) Show that the following defines an inner product on B(C n ):<br />

i=1<br />

〈S, T 〉 = tr(S ∗ T ),

where S and T are identified with their matrices with respect to the usual orthonormal<br />

basis of C n .<br />

Denote the resulting norm on B(C n ) as follows:<br />

(c) Define the following:<br />

�T �2 := � 〈T, T 〉.<br />

�T �1 := tr(|T |), T ∈ B(C n ),<br />

where |T | denotes the positive part of T . By carrying out the following steps, show<br />

that this defines a norm on B(C n ).<br />

(i) If S � 0, then S is self-adjoint, hence is diagonalisable. Show that �S�1 is<br />

the sum of the eigenvalues of S, and hence that �S�1 = 0 if and only if S = 0.<br />

Hence show that for a general T ∈ B(C n ), �T �1 � 0, with equality if and<br />

only if T = 0.<br />

(ii) Show that �λT �1 = |λ|�T �1 for all T ∈ B(C n ) and λ ∈ C.<br />

(iii) Show that for any R, T ∈ B(C n ) with T � 0 we have<br />

0 � R ∗ T R � �T �∞R ∗ R.<br />

(iv) Show that for all S, T ∈ B(C n ) we have<br />

| tr(ST )| � �S�∞�T �1.<br />

Hint: write ST = SU|T | 1/2 |T | 1/2 and use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.<br />

(v) Show that for all S, T ∈ B(C n ) we have<br />

�S + T �1 � �S�1 + �T �1.<br />

Hint: write S + T = W |S + T | for some partial isometry W . Explain why<br />

W ∗ (S + T ) = |S + T |. Why must we have �W ∗ �∞ � 1?<br />

(d) For each T ∈ B(C n ) define a map ϕT : B(C n ) → C by<br />

ϕT (S) = tr(ST ).<br />

Show that ϕT is a linear functional on B(Cn ), and that if we consider ϕT as an<br />

element of � B(Cn �∗ ), � · �∞ then<br />

�ϕT � = �T �1.<br />

Hence show that the map T ↦→ ϕT gives a linear, isometric isomorphism between<br />

� � n<br />

B(C , � · �1 and<br />

� � n ∗.<br />

B(C ), � · �∞<br />

<strong>Final</strong>ly, show that ψ ∈ � B(C n ), � · �∞<br />

� ∗ is a state if and only if ψ = ϕT for some<br />

T ∈ B(C n ) such that T � 0 and tr(T ) = 1.

When H is an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, � �∗ B(H), � · �∞ is isometrically<br />

isomorphic to the space of trace-class operators on H, which is an ideal in B(H)<br />

consisting of those operators for which a sensible definition of trace can be given.<br />

Note that in the finite-dimensional case, tr(I) = dim H, so for infinite-dimensional<br />

H the identity operator will not be trace-class. The positive trace-class operators of<br />

trace one (called density matrices) then correspond to states on B(H), which are of<br />

great interest in quantum mechanics. The states in part (ii) of question 4 are known<br />

as vector states, but there are many other mixed states. It can be shown, however,<br />

that S(H), the set of all states, is the smallest closed convex set that contains all the<br />

vector states, so the vector states in some sense generates S(H).<br />

For the commutative counterpart, if X = C0(R; C), the space of C-values, bounded,<br />

continuous functions on R that vanish at infinity ( lim<br />

x→±∞ g(x) = 0), and if f ∈ L1 (R; C)<br />

satisfies<br />

�<br />

f(x) � 0 for a.a. x ∈ R, f(x) dx = 1<br />

then the following defines a state on X:<br />

�<br />

ϕf(g) =<br />

R<br />

R<br />

g(x)f(x) dx,<br />

in the sense that if g � 0 then ϕf(g) � 0, and ϕf(1) = 1, where 1 is considered both<br />

as a number and as a constant function on R.<br />

The classification of all bounded linear functionals on X is the subject of another<br />

version of the Riesz Representation Theorem; the function f above is an example of<br />

a probability density function, but not all states on X arise this way. For example, if<br />

we pick any subset {x1, . . . , xn} ⊂ R and λ1, . . . , λn ∈ [0, ∞) with � n<br />

i=1 λi = 1, then<br />

ϕ(g) =<br />

n�<br />

λig(xi)<br />

i=1<br />

is also a state on X, but there is no f ∈ L1 (R) such that ϕ = ϕf.<br />

Noncommutative versions of classical mathematical theories (e.g. quantum probability,<br />

noncommutative geometry, quantum groups) take a classical theory, encode<br />

it as a commutative algebra, then throw away the commutativity. For probability<br />

theory, the basic set-up is a probability space (Ω, F, P), where Ω is the sample space,<br />

F a σ-algebra of subsets, and P a probability measure. The algebra L∞ (Ω) consists<br />

of random variables, and we have a state on L∞ (Ω) defined by<br />

�<br />

E[X] = X dP.<br />

A particular example involves defining a probability measure on R using probability<br />

density functions as above. But note that events, i.e. subsets A ∈ F, are associated<br />

to the random variable 1A, where<br />

1A(ω) =<br />

Ω<br />

�<br />

1 if ω ∈ A,<br />

0 if ω /∈ A.<br />

Note also f ∈ L ∞ (Ω) satisfies f 2 = f if and only if f = 1A for some A ∈ F,<br />

with P(A) = E[1A]. That is, events are projections in the algebra L ∞ (Ω), and the

probability of an event can be computed using the state. So probability theory is<br />

encoded by an algebra A with a state ω. If we drop commutativity, then we can, for<br />

example, consider (B(H), ωx) as a probability space, where elements of B(H) now<br />

are the random variables, with the (orthogonal) projections corresponding to events!<br />

But there are now plenty of questions to answer, for example given projections P and<br />

Q, how do we define the event that P and Q both occur?

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