HTA - Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

HTA - Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset HTA - Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
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Excluded studies: Bartelt R, Sperling JW, Schleck CD, Cofield RH. Shoulder arthroplasty in patients aged fifty-five years or younger with osteoarthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Jan;20(1):123-30. Bryant D, Litchfield R, Sandow M, Gartsman GM, Guyatt G, Kirkley A. A comparison of pain, strength, range of motion, and functional outcomes after hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty in patients with osteoarthritis of the shoulder. A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Sep;87(9):1947-56. Clinton J, Franta AK, Lenters TR, Mounce D, Matsen FA, 3rd. Nonprosthetic glenoid arthroplasty with humeral hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty yield similar self-assessed outcomes in the management of comparable patients with glenohumeral arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2007 Sep-Oct;16(5):534-8. Fama G, Edwards TB, Boulahia A, Kempf JF, Boileau P, Nemoz C, et al. The role of concomitant biceps tenodesis in shoulder arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis: results of a multicentric study. Orthopedics. 2004 Apr;27(4):401-5. Fevang BT, Lie SA, Havelin LI, Skredderstuen A, Furnes O. Risk factors for revision after shoulder arthroplasty: 1,825 shoulder arthroplasties from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. Acta Orthop. 2009 Feb;80(1):83-91. Kasten P, Maier M, Rettig O, Raiss P, Wolf S, Loew M. Proprioception in total, hemi- and reverse shoulder arthroplasty in 3D motion analyses: a prospective study. Int Orthop. 2009 Dec;33(6):1641-7. Ladermann A, Lubbeke A, Melis B, Stern R, Christofilopoulos P, Bacle G, et al. Prevalence of neurologic lesions after total shoulder arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Jul 20;93(14):1288- 93. Lazarus MD, Jensen KL, Southworth C, Matsen FA, 3rd. The radiographic evaluation of keeled and pegged glenoid component insertion. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002 Jul;84-A(7):1174-82. Mather RC, 3rd, Watters TS, Orlando LA, Bolognesi MP, Moorman CT, 3rd. Cost effectiveness analysis of hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Apr;19(3):325-34. Nho SJ, Frank RM, Verma NN, Romeo AA. Incidence of early development of radiolucent lines in keeled polyethylene glenoid components after total shoulder arthroplasty. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2010 Jul;39(7):333-7. Pape G, Raiss P, Aldinger PR, Loew M. [Comparison of short-term results after CUP prosthesis with cemented glenoid components and total shoulder arthroplasty: a matched-pair analysis]. Z Orthop Unfall. 2010 Dec;148(6):674-9. Radnay CS, Setter KJ, Chambers L, Levine WN, Bigliani LU, Ahmad CS. Total shoulder replacement compared with humeral head replacement for the treatment of primary glenohumeral osteoarthritis: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2007 Jul-Aug;16(4):396-402. Singh JA, Sperling JW, Cofield RH. Revision surgery following total shoulder arthroplasty: analysis of 2588 shoulders over three decades (1976 to 2008). J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Nov;93(11):1513-7. Sperling JW, Duncan SF, Cofield RH, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS. Incidence and risk factors for blood transfusion in shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Nov-Dec;14(6):599-601.

Other references: AMSTAR [checklist for systematic reviews] [Internet]. [cited 2012 Mar 8] Available from: atiska%20%c3%b6versikter%20AMSTAR.doc Boselli KJ, Ahmad CS, Levine WN. Treatment of glenohumeral arthrosis. Am J Sports Med. 2010 Dec;38(12):2558-72. Carter MJ, Mikuls TR, Nayak S, Fehringer EV, Michaud K. Impact of total shoulder arthroplasty on generic and shoulder-specific health-related quality-of-life measures: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Sep 5;94(17):e127. [Checklists from SBU regarding randomized controlled trials. [Internet]. [cited 2012 Mar 8] Available from: iserad%20kontrollerad%20pr%c3%b6vning.doc Constant CR, Murley AH. A clinical method of functional assessment of the shoulder. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1987 Jan;(214):160-4. Denard PJ, Wirth MA, Orfaly RM. Management of glenohumeral arthritis in the young adult. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 May 4;93(9):885-92. Ellman H, Hanker G, Bayer M. Repair of the rotator cuff. End-result study of factors influencing reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1986 Oct;68(8):1136-44. Farr JN, Going SB, McKnight PE, Kasle S, Cussler EC, Cornett M. Progressive resistance training improves overall physical activity levels in patients with early osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2010 Mar;90(3):356-66. Gartsman GM, Taverna E. The incidence of glenohumeral joint abnormalities associated with full-thickness, reparable rotator cuff tears. Arthroscopy. 1997 Aug;13(4):450-5. GRADE Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ. 2004 Jun 19;328(7454):1490-4. GRADE Working Group. List of GRADE working group publications and grants [Internet]. [Place unknown]: GRADE Working Group, c2005-2009 [cited 2012 Mar 8]. Available from: Green S, Buchbinder R, Hetrick S. Physiotherapy interventions for shoulder pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(2):CD004258. Marinko LN, Chacko JM, Dalton D, Chacko CC. The effectiveness of therapeutic exercise for painful shoulder conditions: a meta-analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Dec;20(8):1351-9.

Excluded studies:<br />

Bartelt R, Sperling JW, Schleck CD, Cofield RH. Shoulder arthroplasty in patients aged fifty-five<br />

years or younger with osteoarthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Jan;20(1):123-30.<br />

Bryant D, Litchfield R, Sandow M, Gartsman GM, Guyatt G, Kirkley A. A comparison of pain,<br />

strength, range of motion, and functional outcomes after hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder<br />

arthroplasty in patients with osteoarthritis of the shoulder. A systematic review and meta-analysis. J<br />

Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Sep;87(9):1947-56.<br />

Clinton J, Franta AK, Lenters TR, Mounce D, Matsen FA, 3rd. Nonprosthetic glenoid arthroplasty<br />

with humeral hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty yield similar self-assessed outcomes in<br />

the management of comparable patients with glenohumeral arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2007<br />

Sep-Oct;16(5):534-8.<br />

Fama G, Edwards TB, Boulahia A, Kempf JF, Boileau P, Nemoz C, et al. The role of concomitant<br />

biceps tenodesis in shoulder arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis: results of a multicentric study.<br />

Orthopedics. 2004 Apr;27(4):401-5.<br />

Fevang BT, Lie SA, Havelin LI, Skredderstuen A, Furnes O. Risk factors for revision after shoulder<br />

arthroplasty: 1,825 shoulder arthroplasties from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. Acta Orthop.<br />

2009 Feb;80(1):83-91.<br />

Kasten P, Maier M, Rettig O, Raiss P, Wolf S, Loew M. Proprioception in total, hemi- and reverse<br />

shoulder arthroplasty in 3D motion analyses: a prospective study. Int Orthop. 2009 Dec;33(6):1641-7.<br />

Ladermann A, Lubbeke A, Melis B, Stern R, Christofilopoulos P, Bacle G, et al. Prevalence of<br />

neurologic lesions after total shoulder arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Jul 20;93(14):1288-<br />

93.<br />

Lazarus MD, Jensen KL, Southworth C, Matsen FA, 3rd. The radiographic evaluation of keeled and<br />

pegged glenoid component insertion. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002 Jul;84-A(7):1174-82.<br />

Mather RC, 3rd, Watters TS, Orlando LA, Bolognesi MP, Moorman CT, 3rd. Cost effectiveness<br />

analysis of hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010<br />

Apr;19(3):325-34.<br />

Nho SJ, Frank RM, Verma NN, Romeo AA. Incidence of early development of radiolucent lines in<br />

keeled polyethylene glenoid components after total shoulder arthroplasty. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead<br />

NJ). 2010 Jul;39(7):333-7.<br />

Pape G, Raiss P, Aldinger PR, Loew M. [Comparison of short-term results after CUP prosthesis with<br />

cemented glenoid components and total shoulder arthroplasty: a matched-pair analysis]. Z Orthop<br />

Unfall. 2010 Dec;148(6):674-9.<br />

Radnay CS, Setter KJ, Chambers L, Levine WN, Bigliani LU, Ahmad CS. Total shoulder replacement<br />

compared with humeral head replacement for the treatment of primary glenohumeral osteoarthritis: a<br />

systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2007 Jul-Aug;16(4):396-402.<br />

Singh JA, Sperling JW, Cofield RH. Revision surgery following total shoulder arthroplasty: analysis<br />

of 2588 shoulders over three decades (1976 to 2008). J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Nov;93(11):1513-7.<br />

Sperling JW, Duncan SF, Cofield RH, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS. Incidence and risk factors for blood<br />

transfusion in shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2005 Nov-Dec;14(6):599-601.

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