Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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Shortly after ten o'clock that evening a brief signal was received 'Lt Lafayette Ron Hubbard, D-v (S),<br />

USNR 113392, is this date detached from duty.'<br />

On 4 October, the USS Algol sailed for Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall Islands, from where she<br />

would take part in the invasion of Luzon in the Philippines and the landings on Okinawa, earning<br />

two battle stars. Her erstwhile Navigating Officer, meanwhile, was on a four-month course in<br />

'Military Government' at the Naval Training School, Princeton, prompting him to claim ever after that<br />

he finished his education at the venerable Ivy League university of the same name.<br />

While he was at Princeton, Ron was invited to join a group of science-fiction writers who met every<br />

weekend at Robert Heinlein's apartment in Philadelphia to discuss possible ways of countering<br />

the Kamikaze menace in the Pacific. They were semi-official, brainstorming sessions that Heinlein<br />

had been asked to organize by the Navy, in the faint hope of coming up with a defence against<br />

young Japanese pilots on suicide missions. 'I had been ordered to round up science fiction writers<br />

for this crash project,' Heinlein recalled, 'the wildest brains I could find.'[16]<br />

Heinlein's apartment was only three hundred yards from Broad Street Station in downtown<br />

Philadelphia and the group gathered on Saturday afternoons, arriving on Pennsylvania Railroad<br />

trains which ran every half hour into Broad Street. 'On Saturday nights there would be two or three in<br />

my bed,' said Heinlein, 'a couple on the couch and the rest on the living-room floor. If there was still<br />

overflow, I sent them a block down the street to a friend with more floor space if not beds.'<br />

Heinlein tried to avoid asking Ron to walk down the street as Ron had said that both his feet had<br />

been broken when his last ship was bombed. 'Ron had had a busy war - sunk four times and<br />

wounded again and again,' Heinlein explained sympathetically.<br />

Sunday morning was set aside for the working session, after which everyone sat around swapping<br />

stories and jokes. Ron often got out his guitar and entertained them in a rich baritone voice with<br />

songs like 'Fifteen Men on a Dead Man's Chest' and 'I Learned about Women from Her'. He could<br />

also reduce the assembled company to helpless laughter with his repertoire of fast-moving<br />

burlesque skits in which he played all the roles.<br />

On Saturday 2 December, Jack Williamson, then a Sergeant in the US Army, hosted a dinner in<br />

Philadelphia for fellow science-fiction writers and their wives. He was to be sent overseas in a<br />

couple of days and this was his farewell party. Among those present were the Heinleins, the de<br />

Camps, the Asimovs and L. Ron Hubbard. 'The star of the evening', Isaac Asimov recalled, 'was<br />

Ron Hubbard. Heinlein, de Camp and I were each prima donna-ish and each liked to hog the<br />

conversation - ordinarily. On this occasion, however, we all sat as quietly as pussycats and listened<br />

to Hubbard. He told tales with perfect aplomb and in complete paragraphs.'[17]<br />

The host was less impressed. 'Hubbard was just back from the Aleutians then,' said Williamson,<br />

'hinting of desperate action aboard a Navy destroyer, adventures he couldn't say much about<br />

because of military security.<br />

'I recall his eyes, the wary, light-blue eyes that I somehow associate with the gunmen of the old<br />

West, watching me sharply as he talked as if to see how much I believed. Not much.'[18]<br />

Heinlein's group never came up with any ideas about how to prevent US Navy losses from<br />

Kamikaze pilots, but it did not matter much because the war was drawing to a close and Japan<br />

was running out of aircraft and pilots to fly them. The last big Kamikaze strike was launched in<br />

January 1945 against the US fleet (including Ron's old ship, the USS Algol) taking part in the<br />

invasion of Luzon. That same month Ron was transferred to the Naval Civil Affairs Staging Area in

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