Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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sister, according to Ron, was a member of the Gestapo. Ron accused him of being anti-American,<br />

an illegal immigrant and 'definitely fifth column'. 'My interest in this is impersonal,' he added,<br />

'though possibly shaded by the feeling of dislike which he always inspires in me.'<br />

J. Edgar Hoover replied promptly, thanked Ron for the information and promised an investigation.<br />

But when an FBI agent called at Ron's apartment on Riverside Drive, he discovered that Ron had<br />

moved out on 1 June. The agent reported that Ron had told neighbours he was moving to<br />

Washington DC, but as he left no forwarding address, the case was closed.[16]<br />

Ron had not gone to Washington DC but to Washington State, back to The Hilltop and to Polly and<br />

the children. There was perhaps little time for a lengthy family reunion, however, for he was deeply<br />

involved in the planning of his next great adventure - the Alaskan Radio-Experimental Expedition.<br />

He was, of course, the leader and would be carrying with him, for the first time, the flag of the<br />

Explorers Club.<br />

The signal honour of carrying the club flag was jealously guarded and only granted to members<br />

taking part in expeditions with proven serious scientific objectives. Every application was obviously<br />

subjected to rigorous scrutiny by the Flag and Honors Committee, lest the significance of its award<br />

be devalued. Thus Captain Hubbard proposed eminently laudable aims for his Alaskan Radio-<br />

Experimental Expedition, notably to rewrite an important navigation guide - the US Coast Pilot,<br />

Alaska, Part 1 - and to investigate methods of radio position-finding with experimental equipment<br />

and a new system of mathematical computation. In a committee room at the Explorers Club, these<br />

creditable aspirations clearly met with unhesitant approval.<br />

In and around Bremerton, members of the Waterbury family had a rather more prosaic perspective<br />

on the Alaskan Radio-Experimental Expedition, referring to it simply as 'Ron and Polly's trip'. As far<br />

as the family was concerned, Ron was going to take Polly on a cruise up to Alaska. Aunt Marnie<br />

viewed the venture as a wangle entirely typical of her nephew. 'Ron dreamed up the trip as a way of<br />

outfitting the Maggie,' she said. 'His brain was always working and when he was trying to figure out<br />

how he could afford to outfit the boat he wrote letters to all these different manufacturers of<br />

instruments and equipment offering to test them out.'<br />

The letters were written on crisply designed notepaper headed 'ALASKAN RADIO-EXPERIMENTAL<br />

EXPEDITION', with a sub-heading 'Checking data for the US Coast and Geodetic Survey and the US<br />

Navy Hydrographic Office'. The expedition's base was given as Yukon Harbor, Colby, and its<br />

address, inevitably, was the Explorers Club of New York. With such impressive credentials, it was<br />

no surprise that manufacturers responded positively to letters from 'Captain L. Ron Hubbard,<br />

Director AREE '40' asking for equipment to be submitted for scientific testing.

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