Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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The Commodore's first message was shout back what they are shouting at us - "Get out CIA". Then<br />

a message to get everyone away from the side. I pulled a messenger in yelling her head off and the<br />

rock meant for her hit me - I heard the bone go. I ran down to the medical office and got myself<br />

bandaged. I put butterfly clips on [Fred] Hare's father's head and bandaids. Finally we got the<br />

engine started and we got out the bay area and stayed there to wait for the crew and supplies.<br />

Then we had a storm. We had a raft we used to bring supplies ashore. As the raft went up they'd<br />

throw in supplies - we lost two cows and a pig. Throwing boxes of eggs in, up and down. She had<br />

gone out with the raft alongside. It would bring out produce.<br />

TAPE 2<br />

MONEY. Gold had just done something - dropped horribly at some time - a report came out from<br />

Switzerland, they were going to change the tax laws in some way that would affect Scientology<br />

reserves and his money. He went crazy, screaming and yelling. I ran upstairs. "Do you know what<br />

they're doing? We're going to lose everything. Everything's gone! Gone! Gone!" He was screaming<br />

at the top of his voice. The ship was in the Bahamas at this time. I said, "Good, let's move it." He<br />

said, "What?" I said, "Move it. Where can we move it? I don't know, Liechtenstein?" Three hours<br />

later he called up and said, "You're going to Zurich, then Liechtenstein." He had his plan figured<br />

out, "We've got them now!", gleeful. Tony had been talking to me about moving his money to<br />

Liechtenstein (he'd bought the gold with an inheritance from his mother). He asked who I wanted to<br />

take. I said Michael Douglas. I was told to take the first plane. Mary Sue wanted Fred Hare to go too.<br />

Michael and Fred and I all went to Switzerland with handwritten orders from LRH. We were to take<br />

cash, dollars, Swiss francs, marks - take the physical money and move it to Liechtenstein. We were<br />

to go to a bank in Zurich and move the money. When we got there we had a problem - we had<br />

forgotten which it was. Liechtenstein solved the problem - they accepted a cheque. They took brand<br />

new Swiss francs and dollars. We went into a bank vault in Liechtenstein and saw a pile of money.<br />

This was in Vaduz. We were shown the piles of money. We didn't see it in Zurich. We took all the<br />

serial numbers in Liechtenstein, first and last from each bundle. There was a stack four feet high<br />

and 3-4 wide. Big denominations, 100 dollar bills, francs and marks. We were so far out on so<br />

many things, incapable of being surprised. I was beyond surprise. We had overreached bounds of<br />

ridiculousness with his broken arm, we were way beyond common sense. Three of us went in and<br />

there were a lot of bank people sitting there taking down numbers, making sure they had the right<br />

amount. That money was sealed, it was our money. We were there about a week and a half. We<br />

had some wonderful meals, we had seen that pile of dough. As far as I was concerned, I was<br />

working for a bunch of loonies, and I liked a lot of them.<br />

Some of the money was under Hubbard's name, I saw his bundle. Another bundle was under the<br />

Church. The Church's was bigger but his was big too. When we saw the money everyone's eyes<br />

widened. We were told it was highly confidential. When we got back to the ship we saw him<br />

immediately. He wanted us to describe how big the piles were. The list of currency numbers was<br />

given to Mary Sue. He was very pleased, he thought he had outdone the Swiss. She was still in<br />

Nassau when got back.<br />

A couple of weeks later he told me he was going to sell the ship and go ashore. I was Financial<br />

Planning chairman for the ship. The chief engineer wanted a new engine and someone else<br />

wanted to bring a printing press aboard. I said no - I knew it was not going to be used much longer.<br />

We all got off the ship and flew to Orlando with LRH. I don't know what passport he used. We<br />

moved to a high rise apartment building in Daytona for 3 months, overlooking the sea. The routine

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