Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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The <strong>Bare</strong>-<strong>Faced</strong> <strong>Messiah</strong> Interviews<br />

Interview with Ken Urquhart,<br />

Mclean, Virginia, Apr/May 86<br />

Ken Urquhart was a young musician when he joined Scientology - not an unusual background -<br />

and soon moved up into the "OT élite", L. Ron Hubbard's Sea Org. His loyalty and discretion were<br />

rewarded by a promotion to the impressive-sounding post of "LRH Personal Communicator" -<br />

effectively, Ron's eyes and ears aboard the Sea Org's fleet of three ships. Over the next few years<br />

he was in closer contact with Hubbard than almost anybody else - he claims to have devised the<br />

infamous Rehabilitation Project Force, though Hubbard soon established this as a punishment<br />

régime - and saw some most peculiar things. Fortunately for posterity, he was interviewed in 1986<br />

by the British writer and journalist Russell Miller for the unauthorised biography of L. Ron Hubbard,<br />

<strong>Bare</strong>-<strong>Faced</strong> <strong>Messiah</strong>. The following is the transcript of that interview.<br />

TAPE 1:<br />

I was born in 1938 in Wales, my family was Scottish. My father had been very active in a<br />

theosophical society in South Wales. A friend of my father wrote to me to say he had paid for me to<br />

take a Dianetic course over a weekend in London. I was studying music at Trinity College.<br />

I was very impressed and thought what they were doing was very, very valuable. I thought the<br />

cobwebs had been swept out of my mind. I gave up my studies and started working for church in<br />

'64.<br />

I first saw LRH at a meeting across from the London org at 37 Fitzroy St, at Mahatma Ghandi Hall<br />

on the corner of Fitzroy Square. He was giving a talk. I was outside when he arrived and was<br />

tremendously impressed. I was surprised at the intensity of his beingness. He was walking up the<br />

steps with Mary Sue, smiled very cordially, and said Hello. But he left an impression of<br />

overwhelming power. He was wearing a brown felt hat and a brown raincoat. He spoke on the<br />

subject of Help. I was still under his spell. It was crowded. with a very strong outflow from him. Later<br />

on I perceived that as you approached his body you entered his space, you were very much aware<br />

of being in his space, the space around his body that was his. This was in '59 or '60. He gave a<br />

couple more lectures at the Empire Hall further down Tottenham Court Rd.<br />

By the early '60s I was auditing and visiting Saint Hill at weekends. I was still dabbling in music. I<br />

wasn't making enough to make ends meet so I would take jobs waiting at the table in restaurants.<br />

In '64 I was told the butler [at Saint Hill] had been fired, he had been caught stealing a camera, and<br />

he [Ron] asked me if I would help out. I would have done anything I could for Ron. I went down to St<br />

Hill, was interviewed by Ron's secretary, Irene Thrupp, then was introduced to Ron for the first time<br />

and was accepted. I arrived a week or two later and found myself having to cook as well because<br />

they didn't have a cook for a week. Eventually I was responsible for everything to do with the house.<br />

He and Mary Sue worked mostly into the night, they'd go to bed very late, in the early hours of the<br />

morning. They would get up in the early afternoon. He would call down to the kitchen, I would be<br />

there. We had cooks come and go so generally speaking I was on my own. I cooked breakfast for<br />

the childrem at 8 and lunch at 12.30 and some time in the afternoon cook his breakfast and serve it<br />

At 5.30 a meal for the children in the afternoon, at 6.30 cook dinner for him and Mary Sue.

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