Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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In Oakland, after the lecture, a very old man came up to Ron - he was about the last person in the<br />

world still alive who knew Freud. His name was Joseph von Urban. He said to Ron: "Don't be<br />

discouraged and don't let your bad press or the criticisms get you down. Freud, too, was maligned<br />

in his day." It made a tremendous impression on Ron.<br />

Last weekend he drove out with me to Malibu and boasted that his wife had packed his bag for him<br />

and told him to spend the weekend with a pretty girl. He spoke of Alexis and he said I was the only<br />

person he knew who would set up a white silk tent for him. His drinking was fantastic, I think it was<br />

whisky. He slept for most of the next day.<br />

I begin to see him as an imperfect character - our romance is dying and the love altered to<br />

something else.<br />

Nov 5: Two weeks ago a long letter from him. Had long phone call from Kansas.<br />

Nov 27: He was tremendously emotionally disturbed. He said he hasn't been able to write a word<br />

and recovery of engram from Sara the day she took sleeping pills revealed a phone call from me<br />

asking for him on business matters. He inferred I told her things about her relationship which<br />

triggered the suicide attempt. Frank Dessler has been out for my scalp telling Ron I am not good<br />

for him. Dessler said to Barbara, "He takes his toys, plays with them, and when he's through<br />

breaks them and throws them out the window."<br />

He is basically a clinical case. Knowing he is paranoid I know that reassurance of love can make<br />

this monster mild as a lamb.<br />

I never told Sara about the affair. He fired me because he thought I had triggered the suicide<br />

attempt. Highlights of my conversation with Ron:<br />

Me: You make a habit of instilling engrams too, don't you. That's fine, that's good behaviour for the<br />

founder of Dianetics.<br />

He: Isn't it exciting for you being a pawn on such a grand chess board. You are playing for the world.<br />

Can you think of anything more exciting?<br />

Me: I don't give a good goddamn about the world. I want a single gratifying human relationship.<br />

He: You couldn't have one. You're an ambitious woman. You crave power. You're a Marie Antoinette,<br />

a Cleopatra, a Lucretia Borgia and therefore you must have a Caesar or an Alexander.<br />

Me: No, I don't need a Caesar, even though Caesar may need me. I know you now, Ron, and at this<br />

moment am closer to you than anyone has ever been.<br />

He: (head hung low) And knowing me you don't care for me any more.<br />

Me: I care for you in a different, new and exciting way. (He put his hands on my shoulders and drew<br />

me to him.)<br />

He: I shouldn't do this. (He kissed me).<br />

Me: You still care for me.

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