Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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complete pain in the ass. It was like having a sick, crotchety grandfather. You never knew what he<br />

was going to be like when you went in there.'[5]<br />

'He didn't get out of that red velvet chair for three months,' said Doreen Smith. 'He'd sleep for about<br />

forty-five minutes at a time, then be awake for hours, screaming and shouting. It was impossible to<br />

get him comfortable. None of us got any sleep. I was better with a cushion, someone else was<br />

better with a footstool, someone else with cotton padding, so every time he woke up we all had to<br />

be in there, fussing around him while he was screaming at us that we were all "stupid fucking<br />

shitheads" . . . he was out of control and even the toughies were in tears at times. The red chair to<br />

us became a symbol of the worst a human being can be - all we wanted to do was chop it up in<br />

little pieces and throw it overboard.'[6]<br />

While Hubbard was still fuming in his red velvet chair, still ascribing sinister motives to every<br />

mishap and imagined slight, he issued an edict that would introduce another Orwellian feature to<br />

life on board the Apollo. Convinced that his orders were not being carried out with sufficient<br />

diligence, he established a new disciplinary unit called the Rehabilitation Project Force. Anyone<br />

found to have a CI (a 'counter-intention' to his orders or wishes) was to be assigned to the RPF,<br />

along with all trouble-makers and back-sliders. 'I was shocked when I heard about it,' said Hana<br />

Eltringham. 'To me it was like setting up a penal colony within our midst.'<br />

Since it was only necessary to incur the Commodore's disfavour to be assigned to the RPF, its<br />

numbers swelled rapidly. RPF inmates wore black boiler suits, were segregated from the rest of<br />

the crew and slept in an unventilated cargo hold on filthy mattresses that were due to be thrown out<br />

before the Commodore decided they would be suitable for his new unit. Seven hours' sleep were<br />

permitted, but there was no leisure time during the day and discipline was harsh. Meal breaks<br />

were brief and the RPF was obliged to eat whatever food was left from the crew meal.<br />

'Things took a real downhill turn around that time,' said Gerry Armstrong, who was then the ship's<br />

port captain. 'He became much more paranoid and belligerent. He was convinced there were evil<br />

people on board with hidden evil intentions and he wanted to get them all in the RPF. The RPF was<br />

used as an incredible daily threat over everyone. If he could smell something cooking from the<br />

vents, whoever was the current vents engineer would be assigned to the RPF. If the cook burned<br />

his food - RPF. If a messenger complained about someone - RPF.<br />

'His actions definitely became more bizarre after the motor-cycle accident. You could hear him<br />

throughout the ship screaming, shouting, ranting and raving day after day. He was always claiming<br />

that the cooks were trying to poison him and he began to smell odours everywhere. His clothes<br />

had to be washed in pure water thirteen times, using thirteen different buckets of clean water to<br />

rinse a shirt so he wouldn't smell detergent on it.<br />

'At that time no one would have dared to think that the emperor had no clothes. He controlled our<br />

thoughts to such an extent that you couldn't think of leaving without thinking there was something<br />

wrong with you.'[7]<br />

To the relief of the entire crew, the Commodore was more or less recovered from his accident by<br />

the time of his sixty-third birthday in March 1974 and the ship resumed its aimless wandering, this<br />

time on a triangular course between Portugal, Madeira and the Canaries. But a subtle and bizarre<br />

change had taken place in the pecking order on board: after the Commodore and his wife, the most<br />

powerful people on the ship were now little girls dressed in hot pants and halter tops - the new<br />

uniform of the Commodore's faithful band of messengers.

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