Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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enemy. That was followed by confusion and some spinning motion as if the space ship was<br />

disintegrating. He had me go through it again and the effects of the experience subsided a lot.<br />

"Good," he said, "very good." That was it.<br />

'I went up on the deck and felt the fear and terror in my stomach just disappear. I suddenly felt very<br />

able, very competent to tackle anything that came along. Next morning I had to take the ship from<br />

one side of La Goulette harbour to the other for re-fuelling, then pick up a pilot to take us out. I<br />

thought he would come out and help. No way. I saw him open the curtains of his cabin for a<br />

moment, smile to himself a little bit, then close them. I thought, "The old sod isn't even going to give<br />

me a hand."'[3]<br />

A few hours out of La Goulette, on an easterly course towards Sicily, steam began pouring from the<br />

hatches over the engine room. Cabbie Runcie, the ship's chief engineer, who was the only 'wog'<br />

(the Scientologist's name for a non-Scientologist) on board, appeared on the bridge wiping his<br />

hands with an oily rag to announce that a piston ring in the high-pressure cylinder had blown and<br />

that they would have to stop for repairs. Runcie was nearly seventy years old, a bald, toothless,<br />

taciturn, pipe-smoking Scot who preferred to keep his own counsel and Hubbard was both<br />

surprised and irritated by his temerity, particularly as he was a 'wog'. The Commodore ordered<br />

Hana to stay on course at the same speed, whereupon Runcie disappeared down the steps to the<br />

engine room muttering, 'This is madness, this is stupidity.' It was his only recorded comment on<br />

the entire voyage.<br />

Steam was still pouring from the engine hatches when the Avon River dropped anchor off the little<br />

fishing port of Castellammare on the north coast of Sicily. Thoroughly unconcerned by the banging<br />

and swearing from the engine room, Hubbard gathered a small group on the deck and pointed out<br />

their next objective - an old watch tower just visible on a high promontory overlooking the harbour.<br />

He decreed that the search should take place under cover of darkness and at dusk that evening the<br />

search party set out in a rubber dinghy to reconnoitre the watch tower.<br />

They returned several hours later in a state of high excitement, having registered strong readings<br />

on a metal detector in one corner of the watch tower. The following night another expedition was<br />

mounted, this time armed with shovels. The crew of the Avon River waited with nerves on edge, but<br />

there was no brass-bound chest in the bottom of the dinghy when it bumped against the side of the<br />

ship - the rocky foundations of the watch tower had proved too much for shovels. Hubbard, who<br />

appeared quite as disappointed as everyone else, said he did not think it was worth wasting any<br />

more time at the site. He promised to send the Enchanter back at a later date to find the owner of<br />

the land and negotiate its purchase in order to conduct a thorough excavation.<br />

From Sicily, the Avon River sailed across the Straits of Messina to the 'toe' of Italy, anchoring off the<br />

barren, rocky coastline of Calabria, which had been Hubbard's territory when he was a tax collector<br />

at the time of the Roman empire. Not an entirely honest tax collector, however, for he said he had<br />

hidden gold in sacred stone shrines along the coast, figuring that they were less likely to be<br />

vandalized.<br />

Two small boats were put ashore with search parties, but none of the shrines could he found. The<br />

Avon River steamed up and down the coast while look-outs swept the shore with binoculars, but<br />

still to no avail. Hubbard concluded that the coast had been eroded and the shrines washed into<br />

the sea, along with all his hidden gold.<br />

There was, nevertheless, a palpable aura of anticipation building up on board the Avon River for<br />

everyone knew the climax of the mission was still to come - a visit to a secret space station on the

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