Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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ed-faced man boomed, 'Mr Hubbard is an explorer himself.' Amos Jessup, who was standing<br />

directly behind Hubbard, marvelled at his composure.<br />

Rare picture of the 'mystery ship', the Royal Scotman, in which the<br />

commodore sailed the Mediterranean. (Granada Television Ltd)<br />

The improbable sailors boarded a coach waiting outside the airport and were driven straight to<br />

Southampton Docks, to the berth occupied by the Royal Scotsman. 'Everyone climbed out and<br />

stared up at this huge ship,' Jessup recalled. 'I was startled and amazed by the size of it. It was<br />

three stories high and 357 feet long. I was assigned to be the bos'n. I didn't know all I should have<br />

known about bos'ning and I was rather shocked at the magnitude of what I'd been handed.<br />

'After we got on board, LRH called everyone together and had us sit on the staircase between A<br />

deck and B deck. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and said, "This may look like a big and<br />

overwhelming thing, but don't let it scare you. I've handled ships bigger than this. She handles like<br />

a dream, drives like a Cadillac with big twin screws. There's nothing to it." We were already a cando<br />

kind of group, but everyone felt a bit better after that.'<br />

Over the next few days, there was constant activity at the Royal Scotsman's berth. Every few hours a<br />

truck would arrive from Saint Hill loaded with filing cabinets which were humped on board. Taxis<br />

disgorged eager Saint Hill volunteers, clutching their bags and the 'billion-year contract' which<br />

Hubbard had recently introduced as a condition of service in the Sea Org. Mary Sue and the<br />

children arrived and took over the upper-deck accommodation which had been reserved for the<br />

Hubbard family.

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