Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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working as an auditor at Saint Hill for nearly three years. Virginia was never entirely sure why she<br />

had been honoured with an invitation to join the project, unless it was because she came from a<br />

sailing family and knew a little about ships and knots. 'At that time the sea project was just a few of<br />

us who would get together in the garage and learn how to tie knots and read a pilot. I bought a little<br />

sailing boat and sailed it at weekends, but that was about it. Ron always worked way down the line<br />

- he knew what he intended to do, but he never laid it out for us.<br />

'After he had gone I was given a sealed envelope with his initials on. Inside were my orders. I had<br />

to go to Hull, get the Enchanter ready for sea and sail her to Gibraltar for a refit. Ron gave me a list<br />

of things he wanted from Saint Hill, mainly personal possessions and clothes, which I was to bring<br />

with me. I left for Hull next day.'<br />

Scientologists were in the habit of following Ron's orders unhesitatingly, no matter how difficult the<br />

task, or how ill-equipped they were to carry them out. Virginia Downsborough held a masters<br />

degree in education and had run a child development department in a New York school before<br />

coming to Saint Hill; nevertheless she set out for Hull without a second thought. 'A lot of things<br />

needed to be done before the Enchanter was ready to sail,' she recalled, 'so I lived on the Avon<br />

River, which was moored alongside and was absolutely filthy, for a couple of weeks while the work<br />

was being carried out.'<br />

The Enchanter sailed in the New Year with a hired skipper and a novice crew of four Scientologists,<br />

including Downsborough. In the light of forthcoming Sea Org voyages, it was a comparatively<br />

uneventful trip, apart from losing most of the fuel at sea somewhere off the coast of Portugal. After<br />

putting in briefly at Oporto, the Enchanter arrived safely in Gibraltar, only to discover there was no<br />

room in the ways. A message arrived from a Hubbard aide in Tangier saying that Ron was ill and<br />

they were to continue to Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands.<br />

'We got the Enchanter on the ways in Las Palmas,' said Downsborough, 'and we had not been<br />

there very long before Ron turned up. Bill Robertson - another Scientologist - and myself went to the<br />

post office to post some letters and discovered a telegram there from Ron saying that he was<br />

arriving in Las Palmas almost at that minute and wanted to be met. We jumped into a taxi and got<br />

to the airport just in time to pick him up as he was coming through Customs. We found him a hotel<br />

in Las Palmas and next day I went back to see if he was all right, because he did not seem to be<br />

too well.<br />

'When I went in to his room there were drugs of all kinds everywhere. He seemed to be taking<br />

about sixty thousand different pills. I was appalled, particularly after listening to all his tirades<br />

against drugs and the medical profession. There was something very wrong with him, but I didn't<br />

know what it was except that he was in a state of deep depression; he told me he didn't have any<br />

more gains and he wanted to die. That's what he said: "I want to die."'<br />

It was important for Hubbard to be discovered in this dramatically debilitated condition at this time,<br />

for it would soon be announced to fellow Scientologists that he had completed 'a research<br />

accomplishment of immense magnitude' described, somewhat inscrutably, as the 'Wall of Fire'.<br />

This was the OT3 (Operating Thetan Section Three) material, in which were contained 'the secrets<br />

of a disaster which resulted in the decay of life as we know it in this sector of the galaxy'.[3]<br />

Hubbard, it was said, was the 'first person in millions of years' to map a precise route through the<br />

'Wall of Fire'. Having done so, his OT power had been increased to such an extent that he was at<br />

grave risk of accidental injury to his body; indeed, he had broken his back, a knee and an arm<br />

during the course of his research.

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