Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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Chapter 13<br />

Apostle of the Main Chance<br />

'A historic milestone in the personal life of L. Ron Hubbard and in the history of Dianetics and<br />

Scientology was passed in February 1954, with the founding of the first Church of Scientology. This<br />

was in keeping with the religious nature of the tenets dating from the earliest days of research. It<br />

was obvious that he had been exploring religious territory right along.' (Mission Into Time, 1973)<br />

• • • • •<br />

Hubbard had been quietly planning the conversion of Scientology into a religion for more than<br />

twelve months, ever since his return from Europe in the autumn of 1953. It made sense financially,<br />

for there were substantial tax concessions available to churches, and it made sense pragmatically,<br />

for he was convinced that as a religion Scientology would be less vulnerable to attack by the<br />

enemies he was convinced were constantly trying to encircle him.<br />

Furthermore, religion was booming in post-war America. All the churches were increasing their<br />

membership, there was a new interest in revivalism, epitomized by Billy Graham's spectacular<br />

crusades, and even theologians were fostering the concept of the church as integral to<br />

contemporary culture, reflected in the popularity of songs like 'I Believe' and epic films like The Ten<br />

Commandments. Politicians, too, spoke of 'piety on the Potomac' and President-elect Dwight D.<br />

Eisenhower declared in late 1952: 'Our government makes no sense unless it is founded on a<br />

deeply felt religious faith - and I don't care what it is!' In 1954 Congress boosted the new piety by<br />

adding the phrase 'under God' to the pledge of allegiance.<br />

Hubbard was quick to recognize there was a religious bandwagon rolling and equally quick to leap<br />

nimbly aboard. In December 1953, he incorporated three new churches - the Church of American<br />

Science, the Church of Scientology and the Church of Spiritual Engineering - in Camden, New<br />

Jersey. On 18 February 1954, the Church of Scientology of California was incorporated. Its objects,<br />

inter alia, were to 'accept and adopt the aims, purposes, principles and creed of the Church of<br />

American Science, as founded by L. Ron Hubbard'. Another Church of Scientology was<br />

incorporated in Washington DC and throughout 1954 Hubbard urged franchise holders around the<br />

United States to convert their operations into independent churches. Executives of the Hubbard<br />

Association of Scientologists International henceforth described themselves as 'ministers', and<br />

some of the more flamboyant even took to wearing clerical collars and pre-fixing their names with<br />

'Reverend'.<br />

At the beginning of 1955, Hubbard moved his headquarters from Phoenix to Washington DC,<br />

declaring his belief that the church's constitutional rights were safer under the jurisdiction of<br />

Federal, rather than State, courts. Travelling with him to Washington was a veritable family<br />

entourage, including his heavily pregnant wife and their two small children, his son Nibs and his<br />

wife, Henrietta, also pregnant. On Sunday, 13 February, Mary Sue gave birth to a daughter, Mary<br />

Suzette Rochelle Hubbard, her third child in rather less than three years of marriage.<br />

The Hubbards moved into a two-storey house in the leafy Maryland suburb of Silver Spring, just<br />

outside the Washington DC metropolitan area, and it was from there that Ron resumed his<br />

correspondence with the Communist Activities Division of the FBI. On 11 July 1955, he wrote a<br />

maundering three-page letter, about Communists and wicked accountants conspiring with

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