Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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a letter, dated 2 May, that she had received from his first wife in Bremerton. Polly had read about the<br />

divorce in the newspapers and felt moved to offer her sympathy. 'Sara, if I can help in any way, I'd<br />

like to,' she wrote. 'You must get Alexis in your custody. Ron is not normal. I had hoped you could<br />

straighten him out. Your charges probably sound fantastic to the average person, but I've been<br />

through it - the beatings, threats on my life, all the sadistic traits which you charge - 12 years of it.'<br />

The newspapers were happy to report this further development in the domestic troubles of the<br />

'mental-movement mogul', as Hubbard was described with laboured alliteration in the LA Times. In<br />

Wichita, State Marshal Arthur W. Wermuth was surprised to read that Hubbard had 'fled to Cuba'<br />

because he had just read of his arrival in Wichita in the Evening Eagle. Wermuth, who happened to<br />

be a well-known local war hero, sent a message to Los Angeles acquainting the authorities with<br />

Hubbard's whereabouts. Next day the newspapers reported that the 'missing mental-movement<br />

mogul' had been 'discovered' in Wichita by the 'legendary one-man army of Bataan'.<br />

Prompted by the news from Wichita, on 14 May Sara's attorney filed another petition asking for<br />

Hubbard's assets in Los Angeles to be placed in receivership. The petition noted that Hubbard had<br />

been found 'hiding' in Wichita 'but that he would probably leave town upon being detected'.<br />

Coincidentally, on the same day Hubbard despatched a seven-page letter to the Department of<br />

Justice in Washington, clearly seeking revenge against Sara. Even for Hubbard, the rambling,<br />

venomous missive was a breathtaking concoction of lies, vituperation and wild allegations<br />

rendered all the more dangerous by the rise of McCarthyism.<br />

Describing himself as 'basically a scientist in the field of atomic and molecular phenomena', he<br />

accused Communists of destroying his half-million dollar business, ruining his health and<br />

withholding material of interest to the US Government. The architect of his misfortune was none<br />

other than 'a woman known as Sara Elizabeth Northrup . . . whom I believed to be my wife, having<br />

married her and then, after some mix-up about a divorce, believed to be my wife in common law'.<br />

Sara, he stressed, was responsible for breaking up the 'American Institute of Advanced Therapy',<br />

an organization he had established in 1949, and the following year she was the primary cause of<br />

all the trouble at the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, along with Art Ceppos, who was<br />

'"formerly" a member of the Communist Party' and Joseph Winter, who 'seemed to have<br />

Communist connections' and was a 'psycho-neurotic' who had been discharged from the US Army<br />

Medical Corps.<br />

Playing the role of fearfully browbeaten husband, he said his 'alleged wife' had caused him to<br />

make out a will leaving her shares in the copyrights and Foundations. Later, when he was asleep<br />

at his home in New Jersey he was 'slugged'. He had unwisely done nothing about it at the time as<br />

he had no witnesses, but his health had been poor thereafter. Arriving in Los Angeles, his wife left<br />

their baby unattended in a car and be was arrested for it - 'I could never understand why.'<br />

Much worse was to come. 'On December 5, while asleep in my apartment on North Rossmore in<br />

Los Angeles, I was again attacked and knocked out. When I woke I debated considerably about<br />

going to the police but was again afraid of publicity for again I did not know who might have done<br />

this. It never occurred to me to suspect that my wife had any part in this.<br />

'I had become so ill by January 1st and was so long overdue in writing my second book that I went<br />

to Palm Springs. I returned from Palm Springs in late February to find my wife apparently ill, in bad<br />

mental condition, and my baby more or less forgotten in a back room of the Los Angeles<br />

Foundation. I instantly took steps, what steps I could, to give my wife help. She seemed to recover.

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