Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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'I don't think Dianetics were necessarily successful because the time was right. The time is never<br />

wrong for a cultist movement. People present new ideas which they say are going to change the<br />

world and there are always a certain number of people who believe them. Lenin was the Hubbard<br />

of 1917. Hubbard was the Madame Blavatsky of 1950.'<br />

Hubbard's ability to concentrate on his work was subjected to a severe setback when the American<br />

newspapers of Thursday 12 April arrived in Cuba. Sara had at last blown the whistle and filed a writ<br />

at Los Angeles Superior Court demanding the return of her child. The headlines told the story: 'Cult<br />

Founder Accused of Tot Kidnap', '"Dianetic" Hubbard Accused of Plot to Kidnap Wife', 'Hiding of<br />

Baby Charged to Dianetics Author'. Most newspapers carried a picture of the distraught mother,<br />

smiling broadly.<br />

After digesting this less than welcome news, Hubbard sat down and wrote a letter to Sara. It was<br />

dated 15 April and contained all the pulp writer's flair for fantasy:<br />

'Dear Sara,<br />

I have been in the Cuban military hospital and I am being transferred to the United States next week as a classified<br />

scientist immune from interference of all kinds.<br />

Though I will be hospitalized probably a long time, Alexis is getting excellent care. I see her every day. She is all is<br />

have to live for.<br />

My wits never gave way under all you did and let them do but my body didn't stand up. My right side is paralyzed and<br />

getting more so. I hope my heart lasts. I may live a long time and again I may not. But Dianetics will last 10,000 years<br />

- for the Army and Navy have it now.<br />

My Will is all changed. Alexis will get a fortune unless she goes to you as she would then get nothing. Hope to see<br />

you once more. Goodbye - I love you.<br />

Ron.<br />

The next day, Hubbard marched into the US Embassy in Havana, insisted on seeing the military<br />

attaché and asked for protection from Communists who, he said, were trying to steal his research<br />

material. He appealed, as one officer to another, for help. The attaché, clearly sceptical, murmured<br />

something about 'seeing what he could do' and cabled the FBI in Washington for 'any pertinent<br />

information' about his wild-eyed visitor. Back came the reply that Hubbard had been interviewed on<br />

7 March last and that 'agent conducting interview considered Hubbard to be mental case'.[17]<br />

De Mille had not noticed the paralysis Hubbard mentioned in his moving letter to Sara, nor indeed<br />

was he aware that Hubbard was interned in a military hospital, but he certainly registered a<br />

drooping in his spirits. 'He began to get very nervous again and complained that be wasn't feeling<br />

well. He said he had to move downtown, so we broke our lease and moved into the Packard Hotel,<br />

which faced the park and overlooked the entrance to the harbour and the prison. There he<br />

proceeded to get sick. It was probably an ulcer, but he said it was the result of pain-drug hypnosis<br />

which Sara and Winter had done way back.'<br />

The news from Los Angeles was not calculated to make him feel any better. On 23 April, Sara filed<br />

for divorce, citing 'extreme cruelty, great mental anguish and physical suffering'. Her allegations<br />

were sensational. Apart froth charging Hubbard with bigamy and kidnapping, Sara claimed he had<br />

subjected her to 'systematic torture, including loss of sleep, beatings, and strangulations and<br />

scientific experiments'. Because of his 'crazy misconduct' she was in 'hourly fear of both the life of<br />

herself and of her infant daughter, who she has not seen for two months'.

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