Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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added that he was also working on a rewrite of a Broadway play, no less than ten novels and a<br />

serial for Street and Smith.<br />

This was the conundrum. In 1949, the year in which Hubbard's 'research' was presumably<br />

approaching fruition, he once again began writing fiction at a prolific rate: 'Gun Boss of<br />

Tumbleweed' and 'Blood on his Spurs' for Thrilling Westerns, 'Gunman' and 'Johnny the Town<br />

Tamer' for Famous Westerns, 'Plague' and 'The Automagic Horse' for Astounding, 'Beyond the Black<br />

Nebula' and 'the Emperor of the Universe' for Startling Stories, and many more.<br />

Not a month passed in 1949 without the name of L. Ron Hubbard appearing on the cover of one of<br />

the pulp magazines. Nevertheless, rumours began to circulate among science-fiction fans in the<br />

summer of 1949 that Ron Hubbard was also writing a book about philosophy and was intending to<br />

unveil an entire new 'science of the mind'. What was most surprising to the fans was that Hubbard<br />

had found the time to produce such a science, for it had long been expected by science fiction<br />

devotees that one of their number would eventually come up with some world-shaking discovery.<br />

Many of the technological developments of the previous twenty years, including the atom bomb, had<br />

been predicted with uncanny accuracy by science-fiction writers and to the fans it was entirely<br />

logical that science fiction should give birth to an important new science.<br />

The rumours were fuelled by the fact that no one had seen Hubbard for months - he had not<br />

attended any of the recent gatherings of the Los Angeles science fiction society, neither had he<br />

made an appearance in any of the magazine offices in New York. It was said he was holed up<br />

somewhere in New Jersey and that John W. Campbell was somehow involved in his plans. But no<br />

one knew exactly where Hubbard was or precisely what he was doing or what the new 'science'<br />

might entail, although everyone was agreed that Hubbard was on to 'something big', whatever it<br />

was.<br />

The first tantalizing details were revealed in an editorial in the December issue of Astounding<br />

Science Fiction. With an implicit sense of history in the making, Campbell announced that an article<br />

was in preparation about a new science called Dianetics. 'Its power is almost unbelievable; it<br />

proves the mind not only can but does rule the body completely; following the sharply defined basic<br />

laws set forth, physical ills such as ulcers, asthma and arthritis can be cured, as can all other<br />

psychosomatic ills . . .' On the facing page, by a curious coincidence, there was a story titled 'A Can<br />

of Vacuum' by L. Ron Hubbard, about a practical joke which results in remarkable scientific<br />

discoveries.<br />

By January 1950, the rumours had reached the ears of Walter Winchell, the syndicated columnist<br />

on the New York Daily Mirror. 'There is something new coming up in April called Dianetics,' he<br />

wrote in his column on 31 January. 'A new science which works with the invariability of physical<br />

science in the field of the human mind. From all indications it will prove to be as revolutionary for<br />

humanity as the first caveman's discovery and utilization of fire.'<br />

In the April issue of Astounding, Campbell announced that the long-awaited article was at last<br />

ready for publication: 'Next month's issue will, I believe, cause one full-scale explosion across the<br />

country. We are carrying a 16,000 word article entitled "Dianetics - An Introduction to a New<br />

Science", by L. Ron Hubbard. It will, I believe, be the first publication of the material. It is, I assure<br />

you in full and absolute sincerity, one of the must important articles ever published. In this article,<br />

reporting on Hubbard's own research into the engineering question of how the human mind<br />

operates, immensely important basic discoveries are related. Among them:<br />

'A technique of psychotherapy has been developed which will cure any insanity not due to organic

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