Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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the partnership could purchase its first yacht in the east; it was agreed that Ron and Sara would<br />

then either sail it back to California for re-sale, or transport it overland, whichever proved to be<br />

cheaper.<br />

It seemed a perfectly simple and sensible business arrangement, although Parsons presumably<br />

did not know that on 1 April Ron had written to the Chief of Naval Personnel requesting permission<br />

to leave the United States to visit South America and China.[24] However, not many weeks passed<br />

before Parsons began to worry, for he heard not a word from either Ron or Sara. He realized, with<br />

mounting frustration, that they had gone off with $10,000 of his money and he had little idea of<br />

where they might be. He confessed his concern to Louis Culling, another member of the OTO<br />

lodge, and swore he was going to get his money back and dissolve the partnership.<br />

The next day Ron telephoned from Florida, reversing the charges. Culling was at South Orange<br />

Grove when the call came through and he was amazed to find that Parsons was completely<br />

dominated by Hubbard. After what had been said the previous day, Culling expected Parsons to be<br />

cool towards his wayward partner at the very least. But Parsons made no mention of his disquiet,<br />

did not complain about being kept in the dark and said nothing about dissolving the partnership.<br />

He was soon laughing happily into the telephone as if he had not a care in the world and the<br />

conversation ended with Parsons saying, 'I hope we shall always be partners, Ron.'<br />

Greatly disturbed, Culling took it upon himself to make some inquiries and on 12 May he wrote to<br />

Karl Germer: 'As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this<br />

Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three.<br />

As far as I can ascertain, Brother John has put in all of his money . . . Meanwhile, Ron and Betty<br />

have bought a boat for themselves in Miami for about $10,000 and are living the life of Riley, while<br />

Brother John is living at rock bottom, and I mean rock bottom. It appears that originally they never<br />

secretly intended to bring this boat around to the California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack,<br />

but rather to have a good time on it on the east coast . . .'[25]<br />

Germer naturally informed Crowley, who replied by cable on 22 May: 'Suspect Ron playing<br />

confidence trick. Jack evidently weak fool. Obvious victim prowling swindlers.' In a letter seven days<br />

later, Crowley wrote, 'It seems to me on the information of our brethren in California that Parsons<br />

has got an illumination in which he has lost all his personal independence. From our brother's<br />

account he has given away both his girl and his money. Apparently it is the ordinary confidence<br />

trick.'[26]<br />

While Crowley and fellow members of the OTO were already in agreement that Brother Parsons<br />

had been conned, Brother Parsons was painfully arriving at a similar conclusion and at the<br />

beginning of June he packed a case and caught a train East, determined to track down the errant<br />

lovers and get his money back.<br />

In Miami, Parsons discovered to his astonishment that Allied Enterprises had already purchased<br />

three boats - two auxiliary schooners, the Harpoon and the Blue Water II, and a yacht, the Diane. It<br />

seemed that Ron had raised mortgages totalling more than $12,000 to buy the schooners.<br />

Parsons traced the Harpoon to Howard Bond's Yacht Harbor on the County Causeway, but there<br />

was no sign of either Ron or Sara. The Blue Water was found at the American Ship Building<br />

Company docks on the Miami river; again, there was no one on board.<br />

One evening a few days later, Parsons received a telephone call from the harbour. The Harpoon,<br />

he was told, had set sail at five o'clock that afternoon, with Ron and Sara on board apparently intent

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