475 Gift Basket Ideas - Quick and easy supper ideas

475 Gift Basket Ideas - Quick and easy supper ideas

475 Gift Basket Ideas - Quick and easy supper ideas


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Sunkist Gels [c<strong>and</strong>y] - for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up<br />

Post-it notes - just because you can't live without 'em!<br />

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Crochet Survival Kit<br />

When in doubt or when problems arise, reach for your survival kit.<br />

It contains:<br />

A LOLLIPOP.....to help you lick your stitch problems<br />

A RUBBERBAND.....in case you run out of yarn <strong>and</strong> you just have to crochet<br />

A PAPER CLIP.....to use as a crochet hook in an emergency<br />

A CARAMEL.....so you won't starve when you can't take time away from crochet to eat<br />

A PIN.....to help you pinpoint pattern problems<br />

A PIECE OF YARN.....to help you tie up loose ends<br />

A PENNY....so that you have enough "cents" to realize what a valuable asset you are to other Crocheters!<br />

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Cruise Survival Kit<br />

Smarties, Lifesavers, Gummy Worms, Goldfish Crackers, <strong>and</strong> a popsicle stick<br />

You ask, "What is it?"<br />

It's SEASICK PILLS for your tummy's ills.<br />

And LIFE SAVERS to keep you a float in case you fall off the boat.<br />

If you want to fish, please don't wait the GUMMY WORM'S AND THE GOLDFISH are your bait.<br />

Last but not least, one thing more -a PADDLE, to help you row to shore.<br />

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Dancer's Survival Kit<br />

Sunscreen to protect you from burning<br />

Solarcane to take away your burning<br />

Chapstick to protect your beautiful lips<br />

B<strong>and</strong> aids to comfort your boo boo's<br />

Ben gay to comfort your tired mussels<br />

Throat losenger to comfort your tired throat Power bar to get you through practice<br />

Deodorant to keep you smelling oh so pretty<br />

Scrunches so we can see your beautiful face<br />

Tape to keep it all together<br />

Smiley sticker to remind you to smile smile smile<br />

STAR to remind you that you are<br />

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