Male Drow Rogue 6, Assassin 2 Pathfinder Beta Playtest Edition ...

Male Drow Rogue 6, Assassin 2 Pathfinder Beta Playtest Edition ... Male Drow Rogue 6, Assassin 2 Pathfinder Beta Playtest Edition ...
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ARKAXIS Male Drow Rogue 6, Assassin 2 Pathfinder Beta Playtest Edition Prestige Classes, p.5 CE Medium (5ft 6in) Humanoid (elf) DEFENSES Initiative +4; Senses Darkvision 120ft, Perception +13 Hit Points 45 (8HD; 8d8+8); Armor Class 24, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Deflection, +4 shield) Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +4; Evasion; Spell Resistance 19 Immune to sleep effects, Resistance +6 vs. poison (incl. antitoxin), +2 vs. enchantments; +2 Will saves vs. spells/spelllike abilities; Weakness light-blindness: Exposure to bright light blinds the drow for 1r. Afterward, they are dazzled while in the affected area Speed 30ft; Acrobatics +15, Stealth +15 DEFENSIVE EFFECTS Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Cannot be flanked (unless by a rogue of 11th level). Always active; Shield (Sp) +4 shield bonus to AC; Ongoing 4m; Fox’s Cunning (Potion) (after 2 encounters, reduce Int accordingly including –2 DC to death attack)+4 enhancement bonus to Int; Ongoing 3m; Quickdraw (Ex) Free action to draw a weapon; Always active; Truestrike (Sp) Personal effect; Next single attack roll gains a +20 insight bonus; Ongoing 1r; Antitoxin (Ex) +5 alchemical bonus to Fortitude saves vs. poison; Ongoing 1h; Disguise Self (Hat of Disguise) Personal effect; No spell resistance; Will DC11 to disbelieve if interacted with (touch); Allows you to affect your appearance including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment. Within your gender and race, you can look different without a disguise check. To create a disguise as specific individual or a different gender or race, use the Disguise skill normally: Disguise +26 vs. Perception; Always active; FAVORED ATTACKS Base Attack +5; Combat Maneuver Bonus +6 Spell-Like Abilities Caster Level CL8 or CL4 Common Attack Tactics See Below � Death Attack (Ex), True Strike (Sp) � if invisible, +2 attack +30 melee; 1d4+2 (19/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking: +4d6; and if you have studied the victim for 3r and the victim unaware of you as a threat, death attack: No Spell Resistance; Fort DC20 negates or die; plus superior drow poison: Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious (helpless): Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier); Melee attacks get a +4 bonus. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious, Ongoing 2d4h; � Dagger � if invisible, +2 attack +10 melee; 1d4+2 (19/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking: +4d6; plus superior drow poison: Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious (helpless): Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier); Melee attacks get a +4 bonus. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious, Ongoing 2d4h; � Hand Crossbow, Mwk � x4 poison +10 ranged (piercing); Range 30ft (double range penalties for poison bolts); 1d4 (19/x2) plus superior drow poison: Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious (helpless): Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier); Melee attacks get a +4 bonus. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious, Ongoing 2d4h; � Injector, Mwk; Potion of Poison � +6 melee; 1 + 1 damage (20/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking: +4d6; plus cursed magical poison, lesser: No Spell Resistance; Fort DC16 negates; or 1d6 Con damage; If 1st save is failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC16 negates; or 1d6 Con damage; � Injector, Mwk; Green Slime � +6 melee; 1 + 1 damage (20/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking: +4d6; plus green slime: No Spell Resistance, No Save; 1d3 Con damage per round; The victim must be cut open (1d8 points of damage) and the affected area must be burned for at least 4 points of fire damage (injuring the victim and killing the slime); A remove disease spell will kill the slime without the need for cutting into the victim. � Faerie Fire (Sp) � 1/day Automatic hit vs. area; Range: 720ft; Burst 5ft radius (2 x 2 squares; 4sq); No Save; All creatures and objects glow softly (as a candle; 5ft radius shadowy illumination (2 x 2 squares; 4sq, 20% miss if just using this light to see by), and –1 perception per foot of distance) and do not benefit from concealment caused by darkness, blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. Ongoing 8m (D);


<strong>Male</strong> <strong>Drow</strong> <strong>Rogue</strong> 6, <strong>Assassin</strong> 2<br />

<strong>Pathfinder</strong> <strong>Beta</strong> <strong>Playtest</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> Prestige Classes, p.5<br />

CE Medium (5ft 6in) Humanoid (elf)<br />


Initiative +4; Senses Darkvision 120ft, Perception +13<br />

Hit Points 45 (8HD; 8d8+8);<br />

Armor Class 24, touch 15, flat-footed 20<br />

(+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Deflection, +4 shield)<br />

Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +4; Evasion; Spell Resistance 19<br />

Immune to sleep effects, Resistance +6 vs. poison (incl. antitoxin),<br />

+2 vs. enchantments; +2 Will saves vs. spells/spelllike<br />

abilities;<br />

Weakness light-blindness: Exposure to bright light blinds the drow<br />

for 1r. Afterward, they are dazzled while in the affected area<br />

Speed 30ft; Acrobatics +15, Stealth +15<br />


Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Cannot be flanked (unless by a rogue of<br />

11th level). Always active;<br />

Shield (Sp) +4 shield bonus to AC; Ongoing 4m;<br />

Fox’s Cunning (Potion) (after 2 encounters, reduce Int accordingly including<br />

–2 DC to death attack)+4 enhancement bonus to Int; Ongoing<br />

3m;<br />

Quickdraw (Ex) Free action to draw a weapon; Always active;<br />

Truestrike (Sp) Personal effect; Next single attack roll gains a +20 insight<br />

bonus; Ongoing 1r;<br />

Antitoxin (Ex) +5 alchemical bonus to Fortitude saves vs. poison; Ongoing<br />

1h;<br />

Disguise Self (Hat of Disguise) Personal effect; No spell resistance; Will<br />

DC11 to disbelieve if interacted with (touch); Allows you to affect<br />

your appearance including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment.<br />

Within your gender and race, you can look different without<br />

a disguise check. To create a disguise as specific individual or a<br />

different gender or race, use the Disguise skill normally: Disguise<br />

+26 vs. Perception; Always active;<br />


Base Attack +5; Combat Maneuver Bonus +6<br />

Spell-Like Abilities Caster Level CL8 or CL4<br />

Common Attack Tactics See Below<br />

� Death Attack (Ex), True Strike (Sp) � if invisible, +2 attack<br />

+30 melee; 1d4+2 (19/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking:<br />

+4d6; and if you have studied the victim for 3r and the<br />

victim unaware of you as a threat, death attack: No Spell<br />

Resistance; Fort DC20 negates or die; plus superior drow<br />

poison: Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious (helpless): Dexterity<br />

of 0 (–5 modifier); Melee attacks get a +4 bonus. <strong>Rogue</strong>s<br />

can sneak attack helpless targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is<br />

failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious,<br />

Ongoing 2d4h;<br />

� Dagger � if invisible, +2 attack<br />

+10 melee; 1d4+2 (19/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or flanking:<br />

+4d6; plus superior drow poison: Fort DC17 negates; or<br />

unconscious (helpless): Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier); Melee<br />

attacks get a +4 bonus. <strong>Rogue</strong>s can sneak attack helpless<br />

targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is failed, another save after<br />

1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious, Ongoing 2d4h;<br />

� Hand Crossbow, Mwk � x4 poison<br />

+10 ranged (piercing); Range 30ft (double range penalties for<br />

poison bolts); 1d4 (19/x2) plus superior drow poison: Fort<br />

DC17 negates; or unconscious (helpless): Dexterity of 0 (–5<br />

modifier); Melee attacks get a +4 bonus. <strong>Rogue</strong>s can sneak<br />

attack helpless targets. Ongoing 1m; If 1st save is failed, another<br />

save after 1m, Fort DC17 negates; or unconscious, Ongoing<br />

2d4h;<br />

� Injector, Mwk; Potion of Poison �<br />

+6 melee; 1 + 1 damage (20/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or<br />

flanking: +4d6; plus cursed magical poison, lesser: No Spell<br />

Resistance; Fort DC16 negates; or 1d6 Con damage; If 1st<br />

save is failed, another save after 1m, Fort DC16 negates; or<br />

1d6 Con damage;<br />

� Injector, Mwk; Green Slime �<br />

+6 melee; 1 + 1 damage (20/x2) plus sneak attack if surprised or<br />

flanking: +4d6; plus green slime: No Spell Resistance, No<br />

Save; 1d3 Con damage per round; The victim must be cut<br />

open (1d8 points of damage) and the affected area must be<br />

burned for at least 4 points of fire damage (injuring the victim<br />

and killing the slime); A remove disease spell will kill the<br />

slime without the need for cutting into the victim.<br />

� Faerie Fire (Sp) � 1/day<br />

Automatic hit vs. area; Range: 720ft; Burst 5ft radius (2 x 2<br />

squares; 4sq); No Save; All creatures and objects glow softly<br />

(as a candle; 5ft radius shadowy illumination (2 x 2 squares;<br />

4sq, 20% miss if just using this light to see by), and –1 perception<br />

per foot of distance) and do not benefit from concealment<br />

caused by darkness, blur, displacement, invisibility,<br />

or similar effects. Ongoing 8m (D);

� Darkness (Sp) � 1/day<br />

+10 melee touch (automatic hit vs. unattended objects); Range:<br />

object touched (moves with object); Emanation 20ft radius;<br />

No Save; No Spell Resistance; Only creatures with darkvision<br />

or those that bring lighted objects inside the area can<br />

see through the darkness; Ongoing 8m (D);<br />


AC 20; Int 18; Resistances +1 vs. poison; Death Attack Fort DC18;<br />


Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 10<br />

Spell-Like Abilities:<br />

2/Day (CL4) mage hand, shield, true strike<br />

1/Day (CL8) dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire<br />

Feats Ability Focus (death attack), Quickdraw, Skill Focus<br />

(disguise), Weapon Finesse<br />

SQ <strong>Drow</strong> Traits, <strong>Rogue</strong> Talents (minor magic [mage hand], major<br />

magic [true strike], major magic [shield]), Evasion, Improved<br />

Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack (4d6), Trapfinding,<br />

Trap Sense +2, Death Attack, Poison Use<br />

Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +11, Climb +12, Craft (alchemy) +13,<br />

Craft (trapmaking) +13, Disguise +16 (+26), Diplomacy +11,<br />

Escape Artist +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +13, Perception<br />

+13, Sleight of Hand +15, Stealth +15<br />

Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon, Varisian, Draconic,<br />

Abyssal, Sakvroth<br />

Gear potions of invisibility (2), potion of fox’s cunning (2), superior<br />

drow poison (4), superior drow poison bolts (4), injectors<br />

(4) filled with potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion<br />

of poison (1) and green slime (1); Other Gear +2 studded<br />

leather, +1 dagger, hat of disguise, hand crossbow with 20<br />

bolts, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, antitoxin (3),<br />

disguise kit, mwk, climbers kit, mwk;<br />

Arkaxis attacks in one of several scenarios:<br />

Scenario #1: The friendly crowd<br />

Arkaxis uses his hat to blend in with a crowd (15 or so) of echo<br />

elves and convinces them that a group of angels (the PCs)<br />

have arrived from the “gate” in the sky. This group comes<br />

up to the PCs on the street with exultations of joy; “Praise<br />

be to Calistria! You have come! Tell us, is it boon or bane!<br />

Please, O merciful, tell us!”. Several of them come close to<br />

the PCs without touching them (and being dispelled). One,<br />

of course is real; Arkaxis attempts to choose a wizard or<br />

sorcerer to be his first victim, silently using his truestrike<br />

ability after studying his victim for three rounds. The others<br />

look up and around at the characters, slowly losing interest<br />

and generally becoming more absent minded. If a player,<br />

states they are carefully studying each member of the<br />

troupe, they may notice Arkaxis closely watching one of their<br />

number, as if he remembers them from somewhere (The<br />

characters Sense Motive vs. Arkaxis’ Stealth DCd20+15).<br />

When ready, Arkaxis can move up to 30ft before making his<br />

death attack.<br />

After he attacks, he will drink a potion of invisibility and move<br />

away, fleeing into a nearby building; However, he watches<br />

Injector<br />

Plot & Poison p.104<br />

An injector resembles a<br />

mosquito with a sheath where<br />

its abdomen would be. It’s use is<br />

fairly obvious: Most are sold with a<br />

healing potion already installed. Any<br />

potion vial can be placed in the injector, which<br />

breaks though a special cap when used. Loading the sheath<br />

is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.<br />

A creature can use an injector in hand on itself as a free<br />

action. The injector deals 1 point of damage, then injects<br />

the potion it contains into the creature, causing it to take<br />

effect. An injector can deliver a potion to a willing or helpless<br />

creature as a standard action. Using an injector in this<br />

way does not provoke an attack of opportunity.<br />

It is also possible to use an injector as a weapon, like a<br />

dagger. In this case it is usually fitted with a vial of poison,<br />

which can be any liquid that is delivered by injury or ingestion.<br />

The injector deals 1 point of damage and injects its<br />

poison on the first successful strike. Injectors can be used<br />

many times, but most drow buy and carry several of them,<br />

already fitted with potions.<br />

the party using stealth, and if he determines none of them<br />

can see invisibility, he will come in for another death attack<br />

before his invisibility wears off, this time targeting a rogue or<br />

cleric. If he finds himself in a situation where he is facing<br />

two foes or less, he will attack using “hit and run (and<br />

hide)” tactics using his crossbow until out of poison before<br />

using darkness in an attempt to inject blinded (nondarkvision<br />

capable) foes. Note the Echo demi-plane’s effect<br />

on illumination and light spells.<br />

Scenario #2: Three’s a Crowd<br />

Arkaxis attacks just as the party is beginning combat with either<br />

Babau demons or blast shadows. Again, he will try to either<br />

move up to the party as a single echo elf (“Oh, no! Don’t<br />

talk to them! They are really so, so, rude….”) or, if he has<br />

used that tactic, then simply invisible, also using stealth just<br />

in case there are those in the party that could see him.<br />

The party may attempt to leave an invisible member behind to<br />

watch their backs. Arkaxis is familiar with this tactic and will<br />

be using stealth after any attack, relying on his diplomacy<br />

with the echo elves to find the party if he loses them. He<br />

actively attempts to perceive any invisible followers, hoping<br />

to use faerie fire to expose a lone opponent before attacking<br />

with poison and/or injectors.<br />

Scenario #3: Hey, Let’s rest here<br />

Assuming the party chooses to rest in a residence, Arkaxis will<br />

likely find it after a short time. If he has not attacked before,<br />

he uses a variation on Scenario #1. Otherwise, he will attempt<br />

to enter a building using stealth, and attack as in Scenario<br />

#2. Or if locked, he will break out several of the windows<br />

before choosing one for entry. Most buildings were<br />

constructed with many windows, it is difficult to find one<br />

with less than seven; Only if the PCs ask can they find one<br />

by spending more time (1d4+1 hours) wandering the town.

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