i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org


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THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 33<br />

TEXT OF DELAYED WAGE AGREEMENT IN in no case shall entry miners be allowed more cars<br />

THE ZANESVILLE-COSHOCTON DIS­ per day than room miners, and at least once each<br />


two weeks the turn shall be made uniform for the<br />

time previously worked. If, however, the regular<br />

Adjusted and fixed by and between the Ohio turn will not allow cars enough to drive the en­<br />

state officials of the United Mine Workers of tries as fast as desired, the operators shall increase<br />

America and the operators of the district composed<br />

of Muskingum and that part of Perry county<br />

the number of miners in each entry so that by<br />

giving to each the regular turn the entries shall<br />

known as the Crooksville district and the low coal be driven as fast as two miners coulcl drfve them<br />

fields on the B. & 0. railroad North of Shawnee, at full work. If, however, the room men decline<br />

by their duly authorized representatives, at Zanes­ to take their place in the entries when requested<br />

ville, O., on September 9, 1904, based upon the to do so by the operators, then the entry men<br />

general scale adopted at the joint interstate con­ shall have no free turns until the entries are<br />

vention held in the city of Indianapolis, Ind., driven the required length; nothing in the fore­<br />

March 21, 1904.<br />

going to prevent fast turns.<br />

It is hereby covenanted and agreed that during 7. The checking off for the United Mine Work­<br />

the ensuing scale term, i. e.. from April 1, 1904, ers' <strong>org</strong>anization shall remain in force and be<br />

to March 31, 1906, the prices and rules in the dis­ observed; same to be checked off by per cent, of<br />

trict above named shall be as follows:<br />

earnings. This is to include all dues and assess­<br />

1. Eight hours shall constitute a day's work ments for the <strong>org</strong>anization.<br />

and all mines may operate six days per week. An 8. Machine men are required to cut coal level<br />

eight-hour day means eight hours' work in the and close to bottom and in no case shall thickness<br />

mine at usual working places for all classes of of bottom exceed 4 inches, except where first au­<br />

inside day labor. This shall be exclusive of the thorized by mine superintendent or mine boss, and<br />

time required in reaching such working places in all machine men leaving more bottom than the<br />

the morning and departing from same at night. amount specified without this authority must lift<br />

Regarding drivers, they shall take their mules to the same, or it will be lifted at their expense.<br />

and from the stables, and the time required in so All bottom not exceeding 4 inches shall be lifted<br />

doing shall not include any part of the day's labor, by miner, and all unsalable coal and impurities<br />

their work beginning when they reach the change removed therefrom and thrown back, except under<br />

at which they receive empty cars, but in no case extraordinary conditions. Where mine boss and<br />

shall the driver's time be docked while he is wait­ miner or mine boss and mine committee agree<br />

ing for such cars at the point named.<br />

that this bottom is extraordinarily sulphurous or<br />

2. Operators are to have water out of working impure, the miner shall receive extra compensa­<br />

places at starting time or pay miner fair price for tion, to be agreed to by miner or mine committee<br />

so doing, price to be fixed by miner and mine boss; and mine boss, or the bottom shall be taken care<br />

if they fail to agree, to be settled by mine com­ of by the company. Where it is necessary to leave<br />

mittee and mine boss. When water is bailed in a greater thickness owing to the impurities, the<br />

barrels by miner, 5 cents per barrel shall be paid. same shall be taken care of by the company.<br />

3. In cases of bone coal and slate coming down In case of sprags being left by machine man, he<br />

unavoidably in working places, it shall be removed shall be notified by loader, and if he refuses to re­<br />

by the operator, or the miner shall be paid at move the same, the loader shall remove the sprag<br />

rate of inside day labor for so doing when first and be allowed 50 cents for so doing, said amount<br />

authorized by mine boss. This rule not to apply to be deducted from the machine runner. Where<br />

in cases where it is determined that the bone coal any machine runner leaves six or more sprags in<br />

or slate comes down through carelessness or negli­ any one pay. he shall be removed from machine<br />

gence of miner.<br />

and his services disposed of as deemed best by fhe<br />

4. The price to be paid for clay veins, rolls in superintendent of the mine.<br />

bottom or horsebacks shall be determined between 9. The company shall provide shields for cover­<br />

loader or miner and mine boss. If they fail to ing cutter head of machines. The machine man<br />

agree price to be settled by mine committee and shall be required to remove the bits from the chain<br />

mine boss.<br />

or cutter head, or place shield over cutter head,<br />

5. The check off on account of pick sharpening to make the machine safe to be moved. Any ma­<br />

at all mines where the company does the sharpenchine man failing to carry out this rule may be<br />

ing shall be \y2 cents on each dollar of gross earn­ removed from machine without question.<br />

ings earned by miner.<br />

10. No stoppage shall take place at any mine<br />

6. There shall be no free turns allowed to either on account of any grievance until the matter has<br />

rooms or entries. The entries shall be driven as been presented to the mine boss and superintend­<br />

fast as operators desire or conditions permit, but ent, and an opportunity for adjustment permitted;

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