i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org


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34 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />


Probably twenty localities, scattered over all<br />

parts of the world, claim for some one of their<br />

producing mines the distinction of being "the<br />

greatest gold mine in the world." Perhaps no<br />

where are facts so hard to obtain as in mining<br />

operations. Yet the passing years have a way of<br />

sifting facts from fancies, and the highest authorities<br />

to-day unite in assigning to the great Homestake<br />

mine, at Lead. South Dakota, the first place<br />

among the gold mines of the world. Its monthly<br />

yield of the yellow metal averages in the neighborhood<br />

of $425,000, the value of over 2.000 ounces<br />

of fine gold. This is secured by the treatment of<br />

about 125.000 tons of ore per month.<br />

A singular, and at first thought inexplicable,<br />

fact is that the Homestake, while unquestionably<br />

the world's richest gold producer, is relatively one<br />

of the poorest mines. The average ore values are<br />

only about $3.60 per ton, while mining and treatment<br />

charges, run about $2.40 per ton. The explanation<br />

of the mine's value lies in the enormous<br />

tonnage and in the cheap operative and productive<br />

charges. The secret of low charges lies in<br />

the adoption of the latest methods, the best machinery<br />

and a careful consideration of the small<br />

economies. The handling of immense quantities<br />

of ore by the most refined machine methods has<br />

made this "low grade" property the greatest bonanza<br />

in the world. The success of this great<br />

enterprise is a remarkable example of what modern<br />

productive methods can bring about, and a description<br />

of a part of the equipment will be of<br />

interest. Compressed air has long been recognized<br />

as a powerful factor in economical mine<br />

operation and in the Homestake mine its possi­<br />

One'of the Air Compressor Plants of the Homestake Mine.<br />

bilities have been developed to the utmost.<br />

As is eminently fitting, this greatest mine in<br />

the world has in its power plant the largest air<br />

compressor in the world, and this giant must receive<br />

the first mention in the list of machines<br />

on the Homestake lode. It is located at the Ellison<br />

shaft and is a cross compound condensing<br />

two-stage Corliss machine, built by the Ingersoll-<br />

Sergeant Drill Co. of New York. The high and<br />

low pressure steam cylinders have a diameter of<br />

32 and 60 inches, respectively, the air cylinders<br />

are 52% and 32% inches in diameter, and the<br />

stroke is 72 inches. At the rated speed of 50<br />

R. P. M. the free air capacity is 9,000 cubic feet<br />

per minute, this volume being sufficient, under<br />

average conditions of mine work, to operate 125<br />

rock drills. The steam pressure is about 130<br />

pounds. The exhaust steam is received by a<br />

Wheeler surface condenser, in connection with a<br />

cooling tower. The well known Ingersoll-Sergeant<br />

piston inlet valve is used on both high and<br />

low pressure air cylinders, between which a horizontal<br />

inter-cooler is placed in the air circuit.<br />

The total weight of this huge compressor with its<br />

accessories, is about 300 tons. It is placed beside<br />

the great Ellison hoist, the mountain being<br />

blasted out to make space for the engine room.<br />

The output of this great machine is used exclusively<br />

for [operating machine drills in the<br />

underground workings. It is assisted by two<br />

smaller machines, built by the same maker and<br />

both of the Corliss type, with piston inlet valve.<br />

One of these machines, located at what is known<br />

as the Old Abe shaft, is a duplex machine, with<br />

steam cylinders 24 inches in diameter, air cylin-<br />


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