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i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

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Vol. XII. PITTSBURGH, PA., MAY 15, 1905. No. 12.<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN:<br />


Copyrighted by THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE COMPANY, 1U04<br />

A. R. HAMILTON, Proprietor and Publisher,<br />

II. J. STRAUB, Managing Editor.<br />

SUBSCRIPTION - - - - $2 00 A YEAR.<br />

Correspondence and communications upon all matters<br />

relating to coal or coal production are invited.<br />

All communications and remittances to<br />

THK <strong>COAL</strong> THADK COMPANY.<br />


Long Distance Telephone 2D0 Grant.<br />

[Entered at the Post Office at Pittsburgh, Pa., as<br />

Second Class Mail Matter.]<br />

THE tour of inspection being made by the<br />

rivers and harbors committee ot congress, from<br />

the source to the mouth of the Ohio, should and<br />

probably will be the last requirement of the kind<br />

needed to bring this long-wanted improvement<br />

into existence. The trip was not planned to<br />

show the great necessity for making this splen­<br />

did water highway available at all times; that<br />

would be an insult to the intelligence of the<br />

most obtuse of national legislators. The object<br />

is to convince the members of the committee of<br />

the extreme urgency of this necessity, of the<br />

extreme danger to the country at large from<br />

further delay and of the fact that no other<br />

economic question before congress possesses half<br />

the vital and national importance of that of a<br />

permanently open roadway from Pittsburg to the<br />

gulf of Mexico. With an annual tonnage already<br />

the largest in the world, under conditions fraught<br />

with heavy expense and a constant danger to life<br />

and property not exceeded under any transporta­<br />

tion system on the globe, the maximum carrying<br />

capacity of the Ohio has been reached. To do<br />

more under present conditions is practically im­<br />

possible, but with the desired expenditure for<br />

improvements the possibilities are almost limit­<br />

less. Without improvements there can be no ex­<br />

pansion for the greatest freight-producing center<br />

on the globe. Without expansion decay must<br />

inevitably set in and that speedily. Already the<br />

Southern states are heavy sufferers on amount<br />

of the lack of regular transportation facilities<br />

on the upper Ohio. Pittsburg business interesis<br />

and particularly those identified with coal hav.><br />

been sufferers for years. These interests have<br />

a great duty to perform and they have reached<br />

the limit of capacity. The opening of the Panama<br />

canal will vastly increase their destined task.<br />

Unless they are aole to meet the added require­<br />

ments progress must stop and retrogression set<br />

in. Unless they alone are equal to the occasion<br />

it cannot be met. Retrogression in a district so<br />

vast and so important industrially, means na­<br />

tional industrial retrogression in any circum­<br />

stances and particularly under the prevailing<br />

conditions. Setting aside the questions of the<br />

local prosperity of the Pittsburgh district and<br />

the Ohio valley, and the pressing needs of the<br />

Mississippi valley, which can be adequately met<br />

in no other way, the Ohio must be made a con­<br />

tinuously open water way, as a measure of na­<br />

tional defense, and that with the utmost speed.<br />

* m *<br />

i THE PiTTsiiuituH <strong>COAL</strong> Co. has started in earnest<br />

to meet specifications for deliveries on its new 25-<br />

year contract with the United States Steel Cor­<br />

poration. The effecting of this contract and the<br />

appreciation of the valuable coal owned by the<br />

Pittsburgh Coal Co. is evidently a factor in pur­<br />

chases of large blocks of the company's stock by<br />

bankers in Amsterdam and others in Holland and

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