i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org


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30 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />

man absenting himself from work one day without<br />

previously obtaining permission to do so from<br />

the superintendent or bank boss, or who has no<br />

valid or reasonable excuse for absenting himself<br />

without permission, shall forfeit his position or<br />

working place.<br />

Section 12. Any miner loading an unusual<br />

amount of slate, sulphur or other impurities shall<br />

be fined fifty cents for the first offense, seventyfive<br />

cents for the second offense, and shall be subject<br />

to discharge for the third offense in any one<br />

month. The weighmaster and checkweighman<br />

shall be the judges of such unusual amounts, and<br />

the fines, when collected, shall be paid to the district<br />

office, and in no case shall be remitted.<br />

Section 13. The checkweighman shall have a<br />

number to run his account, and shall be allowed<br />

to cut each miner for his own wages, and for all<br />

dues and assessments of the U. M. W. of A., provided<br />

that in the case of dues and assessments<br />

each employe shall give a written order authorizing<br />

the employer to make such cuts. The checkweighman<br />

must, not later than the third day of<br />

each month, turn into the company's office an<br />

account showing the amount of dues and assessments<br />

to be stopped from each man for the previous<br />

month, so that on the following pay day<br />

the company may remit the amount of dues and<br />

assessments as per said statement belonging to<br />

the district, to the district treasurer, and the<br />

amount belonging to the local, as per said statement<br />

to the local financial secretary. Similar cuts<br />

for day men shall be collected on the same conditions<br />

through the office. Men voluntarily leaving<br />

the employment of a company when owing that<br />

company shall not be entitled to their clearance<br />

cards until they have made an arrangement with<br />

the company for the future payment of their<br />

debts by giving them a sixty-day note for the<br />

amount of the debt with authority to notify the<br />

company for whom they are going to work that<br />

they desire their wages cut $4.00 per month until<br />

the note is paid in full, and the checkweighman<br />

or secretaries of local unions shall not issue<br />

clearance cards until they have ascertained from<br />

the company whether or not the man applying for<br />

a card is in debt, and until the aforesaid note has<br />

been given.<br />

Section 14. No mass meeting shall be held during<br />

working hours, on or off the company's premises,<br />

when the mine is running, and any one<br />

calling a meeting shall be subject to discharge.<br />

No committee shall visit any employe at his<br />

working place, except in company with the bank<br />

boss, to settle a grievance; and any employe caught<br />

out of his working place during working hours,<br />

except for satisfactory reasons, is liable to have<br />

his turn stopped, at the option of the bank boss.<br />

Section 15. All labor shall be paid for by the<br />

hour, or quarters of hours, and eight hours shall<br />

constitute a day's labor, so far as mine laborers<br />

and miners are concerned; but the eight hours<br />

shall not affect the engineers, firemen, pumpers,<br />

outside teamsters, night-watchmen, blacksmiths,<br />

special repair work, or such men as are now paid<br />

by the month.<br />

An eight-hour day means eight hours' work in<br />

the mines at usual worKing places for all classes<br />

of day labor and miners, and any miner late, without<br />

reasonable excuse, shall forfeit his turn for<br />

the day. This shall be exclusive of the time required<br />

in reaching working places and departing<br />

from same at night.<br />

Drivers shall take their mules to and from the<br />

stable, and the time in so doing shall not include<br />

any part of the day's work, their work beginning<br />

when they reach the change at which they receive<br />

the empty cars; but in no case shall a driver's<br />

time be docked while he is waiting for such cars<br />

at point named.<br />

It is distinctly understood that the time of<br />

starting the run each day depends on the arrival<br />

of railroad cars, and that the eight hours shall<br />

be counted from the time of starting, provided the<br />

run begins within two hours from the regular<br />

starting time.<br />

Miners and day men shall respond promptly to<br />

the starting time, and no shooting shall be done<br />

until nine hours after starting the run, or before<br />

the usual hour, without the permission of the<br />

bank boss, who shall furthermore direct how the<br />

shooting is to be done, and no man can be allowed<br />

to shoot out of turn, subject to the penalties of<br />

Section 18 as hereinafter provided.<br />

The following scale of wages shall be paid for<br />

inside work:<br />

Per day.<br />

Tracklayers $2.10<br />

Tracklayers' helpers 1.91<br />

Trappers 65<br />

Bottom cagers 1.91<br />

Drivers gathering with one mule 1.91<br />

Drivers gathering with two mules 2.08<br />

Drivers with more than two mules on entries 2.08<br />

Riders 1.91<br />

Water haulers 1.91<br />

Timbermen 2.10<br />

Pipemen 2.02<br />

All other inside day labor 1.91<br />

The minimum outside scale of wages for work<br />

about the mine shall be 1.52<br />

In the event of an operator electing, or having<br />

elected to pay for any class of labor a higher wage<br />

than the scale set forth in this agreement, he shall<br />

at any time have the right to reduce the same to<br />

the scale price; but it is distinctly understood<br />

that he is under no obligation to pay any wage<br />

other than fixed by this agreement.

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