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i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

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problem. The consolidation of the Pittsburgh<br />

coal properties, however, was the one factor<br />

needed to conserve the beneficent influences<br />

wrought upon the labor phase of the coal industry<br />

by the adoption of the first joint interstate agreement."<br />

President Robbins has for many years been the<br />

leader of the coal operators in their interstate<br />

meetings and conventions, and in the joint conventions<br />

of operators and miners which annually<br />

work out and agree upon the wage scale and conditions<br />

under which 175,000 miners dig and ship<br />

the bituminous coal output of Western Pennsylvania,<br />

Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. His views, therefore,<br />

on what constitutes right relations between<br />

capital and labor are on record. I would like,<br />

however, as an aid to the consideration of our<br />

subject this evening to quote from a speech made<br />

by Mr. Robbins at a meeting of the National Civic<br />

Federation in Chicago in October, 1903.<br />

(Mr. Robbins' address on this occasion was<br />

published in full in THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN,<br />

and is therefore omitted).<br />

When I came to Pittsburgh in the fall of 1899<br />

at the <strong>org</strong>anization of the Pittsburgh Coal Co., I<br />

was deeply impressed with the thought that the<br />

formation of the large corporation presented a<br />

great opportunity to firing about better relations<br />

between employer and employe than those which<br />

existed under the old competitive order so graphically<br />

described by Mr. Hamilton. Of course, all<br />

of the officers of the company, like myself, were<br />

busy men during those first months of the <strong>org</strong>anization,<br />

and, looking back at this time, I can hardly<br />

understand how it happened that within a year<br />

after the formation of the company, and amid all<br />

the strenuous work of consolidating the affairs of<br />

more than sixty corporations and partnerships in<br />

an orderly and systematic way into the departments<br />

of one corporation, we should have found<br />

time to take up and consider an employes' welfare<br />

scheme, yet we did, and I think it should be set<br />

down to our credit. Of course, there was the<br />

business, as well as the altruistic standpoint,<br />

from which this question had to be approached,<br />

and the plan (first worked out and submitted by<br />

myself) was carefully designed to bind the employer<br />

and employe with the golden cord of self<br />

,interest. Our plan was simplicity itself, proposing<br />

to make employers, as well as employes,<br />

of as many of the latter class as could be brought<br />

to save money and invest it in the company's<br />

securities. The benefits, to the employes, of an<br />

<strong>org</strong>anization to take their savings, 50 cents<br />

semi-monthly or upwards, and handle them in a<br />

way to secure for them the maximum of earnings<br />

consistent with absolute security for the principal,<br />

and to do this free of charge, are very direct and<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 27<br />

apparent, while on the other hand, the benefits<br />

to stockholders of a corporation resulting from a<br />

movement which places stockholders in the mines<br />

and shops, on the railroad and docks, and which<br />

introduces the leaven of sobriety, thrift and conservatism<br />

into the lump so often given over to<br />

drunkenness, improvidence and radicalism, while<br />

indirect, are also very real and substantial.<br />

The stock purchase plan, which has never been<br />

modified or changed, was presented to the employes<br />

of the company in a booklet published<br />

November 15. 1900, from which I will read.<br />

(The matter contained in the booklet referred<br />

to has already been published in THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE<br />

BULLETIN and is therefore omitted).<br />

The flrst series of stock purchase contracts hecame<br />

effective on December 1, 1900, from which<br />

time forward there has been a new series of contracts<br />

effective on the first day of each succeeding<br />

month. Up to and including January 1, this year,<br />

therefore, there had been fifty series of contracts,<br />

and net earnings represented by dividends paid on<br />

the stock carried in the association's treasury,<br />

over interest charges, amounted in all to $129,-<br />

240.20, of which $79,232.74 was distributed to the<br />

purchasers in the series 1 to 9 inclusive. There<br />

were, in these first nine series, 234 employes who<br />

became owners of 2,460 shares of the company's<br />

stock. The net average cost of this stock to the<br />

purchaser was $41.36 per share. It is estimated<br />

that one series of the contracts will mature each<br />

month and that until such time as the association<br />

shall have to pay a considerably larger price per<br />

share for the stock which it purchases on the<br />

market than the average price of the shares now<br />

in the treasury, the cost to the purchasers will<br />

not be greatly increased, although it is very likely<br />

that the average for the first nine series of contracts<br />

marks the least possible cost of the stock<br />

to the employes. This, of course, is due to the<br />

fact that the association purchased a considerable<br />

quantity of stock at the low prices prevalent a<br />

year ago, when the market value of all securities<br />

was greatly reduced.<br />

There are at this time about 2,400 purchasers of<br />

preferred stock through the association making<br />

monthly payments on 19,000 shares of Pittsburgh<br />

Coal Co. preferred stock. Not the least of the<br />

benefits to the employes who have acquired stock<br />

of the company in this way. and the benefit that<br />

will be lasting in results, is that it has led and<br />

wil lead many to form the habit of saving, which<br />

otherwise probably they would not have done. 1<br />

recall that at a recent meeting of our mine superintendents,<br />

two men, well advanced in years, made<br />

substantially the same statement—"I have worked<br />

hard all my life and for many years I have made<br />

what might be called good wages, but the certi-

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