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i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

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38 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />

and signal system controlling the train move­<br />

ments of the entire terminal <strong>org</strong>anization.<br />

The electro-pneumatic switch and signal system<br />

was installed by the Union Switch & Signal Co.<br />

and its extent and importance will be realized<br />

when it is stated that during the Exposition<br />

traffic the number of trains handled per day in<br />

the St. Louis terminal averaged between 500 and<br />

550. aggregating 2.001) to 2,500 cars. This does<br />

not include a portion of the freight service which<br />

passes over the terminal trackage. At the main<br />

terminal station alone the total number of signals<br />

is 284, the number of switches 157 and the number<br />

of bridges 20. In addition there are in the Four­<br />

teenth street. Twenty-third street and Grand avenue<br />

yards probably an equal number of switch<br />

and signal appliances. Under the most severe<br />

service which arose during the exposition this<br />

system of train control operated with perfect<br />

success. The entire installation is a splendid<br />

example of pneumatic engineering and shows the<br />

importance of compressed air in transportation<br />

problems, and its perfect reliability when applied<br />

along approved lines of practice.<br />

<strong>COAL</strong> DEALERS SEEK LEGISLATION.<br />

The Coal Dealers Association of Oklahoma held<br />

their semi-annual meeting at Guthrie on Febuary<br />

1, at which the question of coal legislation was<br />

taken up. A legislative committee composed of<br />

A. M. Debolt, chairman, of Oklahoma City; N. F.<br />

Cheadle and J. B. Fairfield of Guthrie, was se­<br />

lected to formulate and work for the passage of<br />

a measure providing for destination weights for<br />

the retail dealers, or in other words, requiring the<br />

railroad companies to deliver to the coal dealer<br />

the exact amount of coal receipted for at the<br />

mines by the railroads. The retail dealers find<br />

it necessary to ask for some legislation along this<br />

line, from the great amount of shortage each<br />

year, from the coal being stolen from the open<br />

cars. One retail dealer says this shortage<br />

amounts on an average to over 4,000 pounds per<br />

car..<br />

Pittsburgh Coal Directorate Changed.<br />

The annual meeting of the Pittsburgh Coal Co.<br />

was held in Jersey City on February 10. A change<br />

in the directorate was made by the retirement<br />

of John D. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh; Peter M.<br />

Hitchcock, of Cleveland, and N. H. Taylor, of<br />

Erie. Four new directors were elected, one of<br />

them to the vacancy which existed in the board<br />

throughout last year. They are Calvary Morris.<br />

of Cleveland; S. M. Wallace, the treasurer of the<br />

company; Henry B. Rea and Judge Elliott Rodg­<br />

ers, of Pittsburgh.<br />


A Southern college professor has announced that<br />

there is enough coal in the Cumberland plateau<br />

in Tennessee to supply the world for 100,000 years.<br />

This is evidently another insidious plot to "bear"<br />

tne coal market, but if it is merely intended to<br />

soothe those who spend their lives worrying over<br />

the increased consumption of coal, a little of the<br />

dope that produced the idea would insure its<br />

effectiveness.<br />

— o —<br />

Down in Roswell, N. M., geological sharps are<br />

disputing over the identity of an alleged prehistoric<br />

animal found imbedded in a lump of coal.<br />

It resembles a house cat. has black and white fur<br />

and a black tail. There are several hundred thousand<br />

Northern school boys who have never studied<br />

geology but can identify a skunk without any<br />

further description than that given.<br />

— o —<br />

The British press waxed facetious over the mis­<br />

haps of the merchantmen of other nations when<br />

they were caught trying to run the gauntlet at<br />

Port Arthur, but now that British colliers are<br />

being tripped up regularly while trying to put<br />

contraband coal into Vladivostock, their wrath is<br />

aroused. It makes a difference whose ox, etc.<br />

— o —<br />

Mine working rules prohibiting the use of cigarettes<br />

by employes are often ridiculed and those<br />

who make and enforce them are pronounced martinets,<br />

but it was the stub of a cigarette which<br />

caused the recent mine fire at Decatur, 111., in<br />

which six lives were lost, several more endangered<br />

and considerable property destroyed.<br />

— o —<br />

Blizzard weather is universally regarded as the<br />

coal man's harvest time, but few stop to think<br />

that he is frequently obliged to employ four or<br />

five horses to handle a one-horse load. From the<br />

tone of much of the daily comment it is to be inferred<br />

that the extra horses are needed to haul the<br />

profits home.<br />

The readiness with which some people are ad­<br />

vocating a reciprocity agreement with Canada.<br />

regarding the exportation and importation of coal,<br />

is another instance of the willingness of most<br />

people to accept benefits regardless of who should­<br />

ers the expense so long as it is not themselves.<br />

— o —<br />

William A. Thompson, an independent candi­<br />

date for mayor of Reading, Pa., was arrested while<br />

stealing two bags of coal. From politics to prison!<br />

But others have gone and more will go the same<br />


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