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i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org

i STEAM COAL - Clpdigital.org


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30 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />

United States Consul E. H. Plumacher, Maracaibo,<br />

reports that the government of Venezuela<br />

has decided to give no titles to coal mines in the<br />

future, but to exploit all such mines under its<br />

own supervision and ownership. If there is any<br />

government in the world that is carrying the idea<br />

of government ownership to extremes it is that of<br />

Venezuela. It has taken unto itself recently<br />

asphalt, guano and some half dozen other things<br />

and is still continuing to reach out. Unfortunately<br />

its methods of absorption and conservation do not<br />

always come up to the modern idea of common<br />

honesty.<br />

— o —<br />

It is suggested, in view of the earnest efforts<br />

being made in Philadelphia to obtain government<br />

appropriation for deepening the Delaware from<br />

its present 30-foot channel to 35 feet, that the<br />

congressmen from Eastern Pennsylvania combine<br />

with those of the Western end of the state in a<br />

strong and determined effort to get the much<br />

desired and needed depth in both the Delaware<br />

and the Ohio. In union there is strength but it<br />

is not to be f<strong>org</strong>otten that combined attacks sometimes<br />

result in the annihilation of one force.<br />

while the other is successful and reaps all the<br />

benefits of the united efforts.<br />

—o—<br />

The fact that there will be no wage conference<br />

or joint interstate agreement between mine workers<br />

and operators next spring and a whole year is<br />

ahead, free from the contentions and arguments<br />

between miners and their employers, should give<br />

reasonable assurance of an unusually long era of<br />

peace to the trade. Its results may determine<br />

the wisdom of biennial agreements in the future<br />

instead of annual settlements.<br />

— o —<br />

The one feature of coal mining that was really<br />

lacking in the fine exhibits seen at the St. Louis<br />

Fair was the historic and ever-present mine mule.<br />

The masses of people who saw the beautiful models<br />

of mines, tipples and mine villages went away<br />

without the first inkling of this very conspicuous<br />

character in coal mining.<br />

—o—<br />

Two thousand coal heavers in Vienna. Austria,<br />

have struck for a 13-hour work day and a weekly<br />

wage of $5 flat. Here is food for thought for<br />

those who are eternally expressing their dissatisfaction<br />

at American conditions and wages and who<br />

cite the easy and contented life the foreign workman<br />

leads.<br />

—o—<br />

Recent developments in the coke regions, where<br />

thousands of ovens were forced to suspend opera­<br />

tions for lack of water, show a new element in the<br />

difficulties of coke making that might in a large<br />

measure be overcome, since the operators are now<br />

fully aware of its presence.<br />

—o—<br />

The coal man at Lowell, Mass., who shows that<br />

his failure was due to the fact that he sold coal<br />

to the poor during the strike two years ago, might<br />

recoup his fortunes by making a tour of the country<br />

and charging an admission fee.<br />

— o —<br />

Japan is buying Welsh coal now. The correspondence<br />

between buyer and seller must be a<br />

philological curiosity.<br />


The exports of fuel from Great Britain for the<br />

ten months ending October 31 were as follows, in<br />

long tons:<br />

1903. 1904. Increase.<br />

Coal 37,595.109 38,559,640 I. 964,531<br />

Coke 567.736 611.782 I. 44,046<br />

Briquettes 802,494 1,059,992 I. 257,498<br />

Totals 38.965,339 40,231,414 1.1,266,075<br />

In addition to the above exports 14,394,308 tons<br />

of coal were sent abroad for the use of steamships<br />

engaged in the foreign trade.<br />

A Mammoth Coal Storage Plant.<br />

President Baer of the Philadelphia & Reading<br />

Coal & Iron Co., has awarded to the Link Belt<br />

Engineering Co., of Peekskill, N. Y., the contract<br />

for the construction of the largest eoal storage<br />

plant in the world. The plant, which will have<br />

a capacity of more than half a million tons of<br />

coal, will be located at Abrams, on the main line<br />

of the Reading Railway, near Bridgeport, Pa., and<br />

will have railroad frontage of' fully a mile. The<br />

plant will consist of eight piles, with a capacity<br />

of 60,000 tons each. It will have a guaranteed<br />

receiving capacity of 14.000 tons in ten hours,<br />

and a discharging capacity of 10,000 tons in the<br />

same time.<br />

Receiver Asked For Coal Company.<br />

A petition in involuntary bankruptcy has been<br />

filed against Eli M. Upton and Thomas R. Levis<br />

of Rochester, N. Y., individually and as co-partners<br />

in the firm of E. M. Upton & Co. and E. M. Upton<br />

Coal Co. It is alleged Eli M. Upton executed a<br />

general assignment to Alvi T. Baldwin of about<br />

$300,000 worth of property belonging to the copartnership.

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