The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


94 Influence Requirement: 0 Power Requirement: See below Cost: Variable Power cost, see below. For every 1,000 Power the aggressor devotes to the assault, he must also expend 500 gp in supplies and bribes. Time: One week Skill DC: None. For every 1,000 Power the aggressor devotes to the assault, he receives a +1 bonus to his Rank check. For every 750 Power the defender has in position at the place of the assault he receives a +1 bonus to his Rank check. An opposed Rank check is made to determine the result of the assault. Success Result: For every five points by which the aggressor beats the defender, the defender suffers a permanent loss of 1,000 Power, up to the maximum Power at the assault site. Failure Result: For every three points by which the defender beats the aggressor, the aggressor suffers a permanent loss of 1,000 Power, up to the maximum Power the aggressor used in the assault. Blackmail Effective use of blackmail is a time-honoured tradition among the drow and one of the only actions through which a combatant in the Sheathed War can gain Influence. A combatant may come upon information suitable for blackmailing a rival through sheer luck, through a Knowledge is Influence action or through an Intelligence Gathering action. The rules for the Blackmail action assume the combatant already has the pertinent knowledge in hand. Through judicious use of this information, the combatant is able to coerce his rival into doing as he directs, thereby increasing his Influence. This lasts as long as the price of exposing the blackmailer is greater than the price of doing as the blackmailer demands, which in a race as long-lived as the drow can be very long indeed. Influence Requirement: 2,000 Power Requirement: None Cost: 500 Influence per level or Hit Die of the target Time: One month Skill DC: Intimidate (DC 20 + 1 per level or Hit Die of the target), opposed by target’s Intimidate skill Success Result: If the aggressor’s skill check result exceeds the defender’s skill check result by less than ten, the aggressor gains a permanent increase of 500 Influence. If the aggressor’s skill check result exceeds the defender’s skill check result by more than ten, the aggressor gains a permanent increase of 1,000 Influence. Failure Result: If the defender’s skill check result exceeds the aggressor’s skill check result by less than ten, the defender refuses to go along with the blackmail demands. If the defender’s skill check result exceeds the aggressor’s skill check result by more than ten, the aggressor’s blackmail material is useless and he is exposed by the defender. The resulting humiliation is expensive, costing the aggressor 500 permanent Influence. Counterintelligence It is sometimes just as important to keep a foe from understanding what you are up to as it is to find out what they are planning. Counterintelligence is a very useful way to keep other drow guessing about your intentions and prevents others from finding out your secrets. Influence Requirement: 5,000 Power Requirement: 1,000 Cost: 500 Influence per rank of the Noble House Time: One month Skill DC: Gather Information (DC 25) Success Result: For every five points by which you exceed the DC of the Gather Information skill check, all aggressors who direct Smear Campaigns, Force Assessments, Frame Ups and Poison Pill actions against you suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to all skill checks related to those actions. Failure Result: You tip your hand while attempting to prevent others from uncovering your plots, making your House or organisation more vulnerable to attack. For every five points by which you fail the DC of the Gather Information skill check, all aggressors who direct Smear Campaigns, Force Assessments, Frame Ups and Poison Pill actions against you enjoy a +1 circumstance bonus related to those actions. Cover Up There are times when a Noble House or other organisation may wish to undertake an action they do not want tied to their reputation. This action covers up all evidence of the action in question, but can burn up resources at an alarming rate if used to conceal large-scale operations. Influence Requirement: The same as the total Influence and Power requirements of the action being covered up. Power Requirement: None Cost: 250 Influence per Rank of the Noble House Time: The same as the action being covered up Skill DC: Diplomacy (DC 25) Success Result: If the action succeeds, all evidence tying the Noble House to the action it wishes to disavow is destroyed. Others may know the action happened, but they will not know who was responsible for it. They may have their suspicions however and can certainly act on them if they so choose. Failure Result: The action is not covered up.

Divine Petition Seeking the favour of the divine is a longstanding drow tradition. The cost and the benefit of this Action is largely dependent upon the power of the specific church in the specific drow culture. The costs and benefits listed below represent a range of possibilities, from a mostly secular society in which the gods are casually worshipped to a theocratic society in which the church is life. It is the responsibility of the Games Master to determine the appropriate cost and benefit of the Divine Petition Action in a specific drow city. Influence Requirement: From 5,000 to 20,000 Power Requirement: None Cost: 2,000 to 10,000 Influence; 500 to 5,000 gp Time: One month Skill DC: Bluff (DC 30) Success Result: The clergy agrees to provide you with divine sanction, inflicting a circumstance penalty of from –2 to –6 on all rivals who interfere with your actions during the next phase. Those you directly target suffer a penalty of from –1 to –4 to all skill checks made while defending against your actions. Failure Result: Your petition fails to sway the clergy, who instead decide to condemn your actions. You suffer a –1 or –2 penalty to all Skill checks made while defending against the actions of other Houses. Special: The Divine Petition Action can be countered by a rival seeking his own Divine Petition from another church. Extortion Extortion is a favourite game amongst smaller combatants in the Sheathed War, who delight in tweaking the noses of their peers. By threatening the livelihood and health of business owners, thugs from these combatants extract bribes from the proprietors. Though it is rare for extortion rackets to exist long in one area due to the risk of attracting armed response from a local Noble House, even sporadic flareups of this type can be damaging to a House’s finances. Influence Requirement: 1,000 Power Requirement: 2,000 Cost: 500 gp + 200 gp per targeted area; 500 Power per targeted area Time: One month Skill DC: Intimidate (DC 20). This is opposed by the target’s Sense Motive skill. Success Result: For every point by which the aggressor’s skill check exceeds the skill check of the defender, the aggressor receives five percent of the targeted area’s income for the month. This reduces the amount of income received by the defender in control of the target area by the same amount. Failure Result: The defender receives a +2 circumstance bonus to any defensive action it takes in response to this action, and a +5 circumstance bonus if its skill check result exceeds the skill check result of the aggressor by ten or more. Force Assessment Before charging into an area, it is wise to know what you are likely to face when you get there. This manoeuvre is most often used prior to an assault action, to judge the potential danger in an area. This is also very useful if you are attempting to discover what enemy agents are up to in one of your own areas, or an area you intend to take for your own. Influence Requirement: 3,000 Power Requirement: Variable Cost: 1,000 gp per target area; 200 Influence per target area Time: One week Skill DC: Gather Information (DC 20) Success Result: The acting Noble House learns of the type and number of troops and agents in a given area, as well as their approximate strength (average level of all agents and troops in the area). If the result of this skill check exceeds the DC by ten or more, the plans for those troops are also discovered. This allows the spies to know what the forces will be doing during the next week. Failure Result: The acting Noble House learns nothing about the disposition of troops in the area. If the skill check total fails by ten or more, then the acting House believes there are more or less troops in the area than are actually present. Frame Up Drow law enforcement tends to be terribly corrupt. In areas where the cult of Nazrakoth holds a dominant role, it is slightly less so, but the priests of the Eternal Judge know very well they cannot match the power of the Noble Houses and thus tend to turn a blind eye to the doings of the nobles. In areas without a significant presence of the church of Nazrakoth, law enforcement is usually handled privately by one or more Noble Houses, in which case 95

Divine Petition<br />

Seeking the favour of the divine is a longstanding drow<br />

tradition. <strong>The</strong> cost and the benefit of this Action is<br />

largely dependent upon the power of the specific church<br />

in the specific drow culture. <strong>The</strong> costs and benefits listed<br />

below represent a range of possibilities, from a mostly<br />

secular society in which the gods are casually worshipped<br />

to a theocratic society in which the church is life. It is<br />

the responsibility of the Games Master to determine the<br />

appropriate cost and benefit of the Divine Petition Action<br />

in a specific drow city.<br />

Influence Requirement: From 5,000 to 20,000<br />

Power Requirement: None<br />

Cost: 2,000 to 10,000 Influence; 500 to 5,000 gp<br />

Time: One month<br />

Skill DC: Bluff (DC 30)<br />

Success Result: <strong>The</strong> clergy agrees to provide you with<br />

divine sanction, inflicting a circumstance penalty of from<br />

–2 to –6 on all rivals who interfere with your actions during<br />

the next phase. Those you directly target<br />

suffer a penalty of from –1 to –4 to all<br />

skill checks made while defending<br />

against your actions.<br />

Failure Result: Your petition<br />

fails to sway the clergy, who<br />

instead decide to condemn your<br />

actions. You suffer a –1 or –2<br />

penalty to all Skill checks made<br />

while defending against the<br />

actions of other Houses.<br />

Special: <strong>The</strong> Divine Petition<br />

Action can be countered by a rival<br />

seeking his own Divine Petition from<br />

another church.<br />

Extortion<br />

Extortion is a favourite game amongst smaller combatants<br />

in the Sheathed War, who delight in tweaking the noses<br />

of their peers. By threatening the livelihood and health of<br />

business owners, thugs from these combatants extract bribes<br />

from the proprietors. Though it is rare for extortion rackets<br />

to exist long in one area due to the risk of attracting armed<br />

response from a local Noble House, even sporadic flareups<br />

of this type can be damaging to a House’s finances.<br />

Influence Requirement: 1,000<br />

Power Requirement: 2,000<br />

Cost: 500 gp + 200 gp per targeted area; 500 Power per<br />

targeted area<br />

Time: One month<br />

Skill DC: Intimidate (DC 20). This is opposed by the<br />

target’s Sense Motive skill.<br />

Success Result: For every point by which the aggressor’s<br />

skill check exceeds the skill check of the defender, the<br />

aggressor receives five percent of the targeted area’s<br />

income for the month. This reduces the amount of income<br />

received by the defender in control of the target area by the<br />

same amount.<br />

Failure Result: <strong>The</strong> defender receives a +2 circumstance<br />

bonus to any defensive action it takes in response to this<br />

action, and a +5 circumstance bonus if its skill check result<br />

exceeds the skill check result of the aggressor by ten or<br />

more.<br />

Force Assessment<br />

Before charging into an area, it is wise to know what you<br />

are likely to face when you get there. This manoeuvre<br />

is most often used prior to an assault action, to judge the<br />

potential danger in an area. This is also very useful if you<br />

are attempting to discover what enemy agents are up to in<br />

one of your own areas, or an area you intend to take for<br />

your own.<br />

Influence Requirement: 3,000<br />

Power Requirement: Variable<br />

Cost: 1,000 gp per target area; 200 Influence per<br />

target area<br />

Time: One week<br />

Skill DC: Gather Information (DC 20)<br />

Success Result: <strong>The</strong> acting Noble House learns of the<br />

type and number of troops and agents in a given area,<br />

as well as their approximate strength (average level<br />

of all agents and troops in the area). If the result of this<br />

skill check exceeds the DC by ten or more, the plans for<br />

those troops are also discovered. This allows the spies to<br />

know what the forces will be doing during the next week.<br />

Failure Result: <strong>The</strong> acting Noble House learns nothing<br />

about the disposition of troops in the area. If the skill check<br />

total fails by ten or more, then the acting House believes<br />

there are more or less troops in the area than are actually<br />

present.<br />

Frame Up<br />

<strong>Drow</strong> law enforcement tends to be terribly corrupt. In<br />

areas where the cult of Nazrakoth holds a dominant role,<br />

it is slightly less so, but the priests of the Eternal Judge<br />

know very well they cannot match the power of the Noble<br />

Houses and thus tend to turn a blind eye to the doings of<br />

the nobles. In areas without a significant presence of the<br />

church of Nazrakoth, law enforcement is usually handled<br />

privately by one or more Noble Houses, in which case<br />


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