The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


80 na’Koth began brokering secrets to the different powers of the drow. Drem was always careful not to show any blatant favouritism in his dealings with the temples and Noble Houses. Though there were no truly great powers among the drow at that time, there were many more powerful than the Seekers, a small band of warriors and spies without even a central base. Drem knew the Seekers could not yet withstand a real enemy. Therefore, he presented a front of objectivity, which still holds today. In the case of dealing with a power Drem felt was antithetical to the best interests of the drow, he would either charge a ridiculous price or claim the information the power wanted was, simply, unavailable. This tactic did not work perfectly, of course, and a number of Noble Houses, temples and other powers of the drow suspected the Seekers were doing exactly what they were doing. However, it worked well enough to prevent anyone from openly declaring war on the Seekers, who grew more and more powerful with the gold their knowledge earned. This new gold was put to good use by the Seekers, who spent it on the construction of a base of operations, a fortified warren built into a solid column of granite in the Underdeep and known among the Seekers as the Hidden Keep. As its name suggests, its location is a closely guarded secret of the Seekers, one of the few they will sell to no one. With the growth in power came growth in numbers, as the Seekers expanded into still more drow settlements and cities, recruiting new agents with dizzying speed. Several times, this practice could have destroyed the Seekers, as organisations that had come to see Drem na’Koth’s Hidden Blades as a threat slipped a spy into the ranks of the Seekers. In all cases so far, however, any spy’s duplicity was discovered before he could do any great harm to the Seekers. Since those incidents, the Seekers have been far more circumspect in who they recruit. After all the millennia that have passed since the Sundering, the Seekers of na’Koth have remained surprisingly true to the original goals of Drem na’Koth - gathering information and knowledge to strengthen the drow upon their return to the surface world. In addition to the Hidden Keep, the Seekers have carefully concealed bases in almost every drow city, a safe house for the use of the Hidden Blades. Culture The culture within the Seekers of na’Koth revolves around secrecy and patience. The goals of the organisation are incredibly long term in scope, focusing on dominion by the drow over the Underdeep and the eventual return of the dark elves to the surface of the world, where they may take their vengeance upon the traitorous elves and the various allies of their hated kin. Over the course of the centuries, naturally, other goals come and go, but the Seekers always keep an eye on the final prize, envisioned by Drem na’Koth in the time of the Sundering as he leaned on his shield in exhaustion and lamented the fate of his people. Some of the Seekers believe their organisation has become too patient, that the time has come for the drow to control the Underdeep and at last make full-scale war upon the surface elves. They believe the Seekers have become so used to the business of gathering information and playing at the Game of Bones that they are now unwilling to embrace

the fulfilment of their mission. Thus far however, these voices are in the minority. Seekers have little trust for anyone, even those inside their own ranks, given that attempts to advance in rank sometimes involve assassinations (see Leadership below). Those outside the organisation however, are the true subjects of suspicion. Information is a priceless commodity to the Noble Houses and temples and there have been many attempts (some successful) to kill or capture a member of the Seekers. The agents of the Seekers keep to the shadows and remain hidden, careful never to reveal who they truly are. A drow who identifies himself as a Seeker is almost certainly lying. As a result of the work they do to carry out Drem na’Koth’s vision, Seekers tend to believe they know what is best for the drow and what must be done to achieve it. The dominant alignments among the Seekers are chaotic evil and neutral evil. Leadership The Seekers of na’Koth are a large organisation, the exact workings of which are privy only to a few. It is led by a single drow known as the Seer, who fills the role Drem na’Koth himself played in the Seekers. The title of Seer however, was invented by Drem’s successor Brezthal na’Orrn; Drem himself never took a title. Below the Seer are the Eyes of na’Koth, a group of seven drow responsible for maintaining the Seekers’ huge store of knowledge and directing the activities of the other Seekers. Next rank the Hidden Blades, those Seekers who are tasked with carrying out the orders of the Eyes and of the Seer, be it meeting with a potential client or investigating some strange rumour in the wilds of the Underdeep. Lastly, there are the Ears of na’Koth, paid informants stationed in every city of the drow, whose function it is to learn whatever they can and pass on any information to one of the Hidden Blades. Frequently, contact with a single Hidden Blade is the only contact one of the Ears has with the Seekers and even they rarely know the Blade’s true identity. It is virtually impossible for one of the Ears of na’Koth to ever achieve a higher ranking within the organisation; they are rarely even considered to be truly a part of the Seekers. From time to time, an Ear of na’Koth who has truly distinguished himself in some way may be tested as a Hidden Blade, but it is a rarity. The Hidden Blades are usually recruited carefully from the population of the drow, with special attention given those accomplished thieves and assassins who have not pledged themselves to Mu’Ushket. Additionally, drow of a high social ranking make a prime prospect for recruitment. From the Hidden Blades come the Eyes of na’Koth, a prestigious position only made available when one of the Eyes dies. Likewise, advancement to the position of Seer is only possible for the seven Eyes of na’Koth. As all posts within the organisation, with the exception of the Ears, are held for life, advancement can be agonisingly slow for the ambitious. Assassination is a perfectly acceptable form of advancement among the Seekers, whether moving from Hidden Blade to Eye or even Eye to Seer. The Seekers consider any of their members unable to discover and thwart an assassination attempt to be unworthy members, given that the sole stated purpose of the organisation is the gathering of information. However, most Seekers are indeed worthy of their membership in the order, which makes assassination attempts an extremely risky business, considering the consequences of failure are generally death or enslavement. Failing assassination, a drow holds a post in the Seekers until he resigns it, a very rare occurrence, or until he dies. Place in Drow Society The most common function of the Seekers in drow society is their role as information brokers. To the temples and Noble Houses involved in the Sheathed War (see page 88), the Seekers are an invaluable but hideously expensive resource through which they may be able to discover the deepest secrets of their rivals. In the minds of most drow, that is where the role of the Seekers begins and ends. However, the Seekers have deeper aims, goals the entire organisation is dedicated to fulfilling. To serve those ends, the Seekers sometimes become involved in the Sheathed War on their own, often acting through proxies to aid or hinder one of the other combatants, using the group’s tremendous influence to manipulate events from behind the scenes, always with an eye towards the ultimate fulfilment of Drem na’Koth’s vision. The Cabal To most drow, the Cabal exist only in rumour, a small band of powerful, renegade mages determined to force their rulership upon the entire race of drow. As much of a simplification as that may be, it strikes uncomfortably close to the truth. Background The Cabal is relatively new among the powers of the drow, a group that has only been in existence for a little more than 81

the fulfilment of their mission. Thus far however, these<br />

voices are in the minority.<br />

Seekers have little trust for anyone, even those inside their<br />

own ranks, given that attempts to advance in rank sometimes<br />

involve assassinations (see Leadership below). Those<br />

outside the organisation however, are the true subjects of<br />

suspicion. Information is a priceless commodity to the<br />

Noble Houses and temples and there have been many<br />

attempts (some successful) to kill or capture a member of<br />

the Seekers. <strong>The</strong> agents of the Seekers keep to the shadows<br />

and remain hidden, careful never to reveal who they truly<br />

are. A drow who identifies himself as a Seeker is almost<br />

certainly lying.<br />

As a result of the work they do to carry out Drem na’Koth’s<br />

vision, Seekers tend to believe they know what is best for<br />

the drow and what must be done to achieve it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dominant alignments among the Seekers are chaotic<br />

evil and neutral evil.<br />

Leadership<br />

<strong>The</strong> Seekers of na’Koth are a large organisation, the exact<br />

workings of which are privy only to a few. It is led by a<br />

single drow known as the Seer, who fills the role Drem<br />

na’Koth himself played in the Seekers. <strong>The</strong> title of Seer<br />

however, was invented by Drem’s successor Brezthal<br />

na’Orrn; Drem himself never took a title.<br />

Below the Seer are the Eyes of na’Koth, a group of seven<br />

drow responsible for maintaining the Seekers’ huge store of<br />

knowledge and directing the activities of the other Seekers.<br />

Next rank the Hidden Blades, those Seekers who are tasked<br />

with carrying out the orders of the Eyes and of the Seer,<br />

be it meeting with a potential client or investigating some<br />

strange rumour in the wilds of the Underdeep. Lastly, there<br />

are the Ears of na’Koth, paid informants stationed in every<br />

city of the drow, whose function it is to learn whatever<br />

they can and pass on any information to one of the Hidden<br />

Blades. Frequently, contact with a single Hidden Blade is<br />

the only contact one of the Ears has with the Seekers and<br />

even they rarely know the Blade’s true identity.<br />

It is virtually impossible for one of the Ears of na’Koth<br />

to ever achieve a higher ranking within the organisation;<br />

they are rarely even considered to be truly a part of the<br />

Seekers. From time to time, an Ear of na’Koth who has<br />

truly distinguished himself in some way may be tested as<br />

a Hidden Blade, but it is a rarity. <strong>The</strong> Hidden Blades are<br />

usually recruited carefully from the population of the drow,<br />

with special attention given those accomplished thieves and<br />

assassins who have not pledged themselves to Mu’Ushket.<br />

Additionally, drow of a high social ranking make a prime<br />

prospect for recruitment.<br />

From the Hidden Blades come the Eyes of na’Koth, a<br />

prestigious position only made available when one of the<br />

Eyes dies. Likewise, advancement to the position of Seer<br />

is only possible for the seven Eyes of na’Koth. As all posts<br />

within the organisation, with the exception of the Ears, are<br />

held for life, advancement can be agonisingly slow for the<br />

ambitious.<br />

Assassination is a perfectly acceptable form of advancement<br />

among the Seekers, whether moving from Hidden Blade to<br />

Eye or even Eye to Seer. <strong>The</strong> Seekers consider any of their<br />

members unable to discover and thwart an assassination<br />

attempt to be unworthy members, given that the sole<br />

stated purpose of the organisation is the gathering of<br />

information. However, most Seekers are indeed worthy of<br />

their membership in the order, which makes assassination<br />

attempts an extremely risky business, considering the<br />

consequences of failure are generally death or enslavement.<br />

Failing assassination, a drow holds a post in the Seekers<br />

until he resigns it, a very rare occurrence, or until he dies.<br />

Place in <strong>Drow</strong> Society<br />

<strong>The</strong> most common function of the Seekers in drow society<br />

is their role as information brokers. To the temples and<br />

Noble Houses involved in the Sheathed War (see page<br />

88), the Seekers are an invaluable but hideously expensive<br />

resource through which they may be able to discover the<br />

deepest secrets of their rivals. In the minds of most drow,<br />

that is where the role of the Seekers begins and ends.<br />

However, the Seekers have deeper aims, goals the entire<br />

organisation is dedicated to fulfilling. To serve those ends,<br />

the Seekers sometimes become involved in the Sheathed<br />

War on their own, often acting through proxies to aid or<br />

hinder one of the other combatants, using the group’s<br />

tremendous influence to manipulate events from behind the<br />

scenes, always with an eye towards the ultimate fulfilment<br />

of Drem na’Koth’s vision.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cabal<br />

To most drow, the Cabal exist only in rumour, a small<br />

band of powerful, renegade mages determined to force<br />

their rulership upon the entire race of drow. As much of<br />

a simplification as that may be, it strikes uncomfortably<br />

close to the truth.<br />

Background<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cabal is relatively new among the powers of the drow,<br />

a group that has only been in existence for a little more than<br />


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