The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


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Belishtim (<strong>The</strong> Dark Seducer)<br />

Symbol: A heart impaled on a black blade. This symbol<br />

ranges from delicately-crafted gold, ruby and onyx in the<br />

greater halls of worship to a simple oval with a line through<br />

it among the poorest drow.<br />

Alignment: Chaotic Evil<br />

Governs: Ambition, desire, lust<br />

Domains: Air, Chaos, Trickery<br />

Favoured Weapons: Darts, rapier<br />

Requirements for Priesthood: A character must have a<br />

minimum Charisma scor e of 15 to be accepted as a priest<br />

or priestess of Belishtim.<br />

Background<br />

Belishtim lurks in the heart of every drow. She is the Dark<br />

Seducer, the whisper in the ear that drives the baser desires<br />

of the dark elves. She is always regarded as a<br />

feminine deity, yet she has nothing to do with<br />

reproduction (that aspect falls to either the<br />

Dark Mother or Polshoath). She is, however,<br />

given full credit for spurring on the urges that<br />

lead to reproduction, except within the church<br />

of the Dark Mother, which gives no credence to<br />

any other drow god.<br />

Belishtim is the epitome of carnal lust,<br />

of thoughtless desire and of the driving<br />

ambition that spurs the drow to control and dominate one<br />

another and all those other races around them. She is most<br />

often portrayed as a lithe drow female, her face obscured<br />

and her body clad in little but shadow.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dark Seducer occupies an unusual place in the drow<br />

pantheon, as there are few concrete aspects of drow society<br />

that falls under her direct control. However, her influence<br />

is felt everywhere, from the wanton lusts displayed in the<br />

slave flesh pits of a drow city to the ruthless ambition that<br />

drives the Game of Bones or Sheathed War. To hear her<br />

clergy tell it, all drow worship Belishtim, even those who<br />

do not know it.<br />

Religious Observances<br />

Though she is not merely the goddess of lust and desire,<br />

these aspects are most predominant in ceremonies<br />

worshipping Belishtim. Dozens, even hundreds of priests,<br />

priestesses and selected worshippers engage in drug-fuelled<br />

orgies that can last for days on end. Each moment of that<br />

act is considered a sacrifice to the Dark Seducer. It is not<br />

uncommon for a drow to die of exhaustion, privation or<br />

even overdose during these orgies and those deaths too are<br />

considered sacred to Belishtim.<br />

<strong>Of</strong> course, since lust unfulfilled is also part of the worship<br />

of the Dark Seducer, this too must be included. One male<br />

and one female worshipper are chosen arbitrarily by the<br />

clergy and taken into the temple’s sanctuary where the orgy<br />

is to take place. <strong>The</strong>re, they are secured to a pair of pillars<br />

within a few feet of one another with ties of looped wire.<br />

Once securely in place, the two worshippers are fed a diet<br />

of drugs, alcohol and aphrodisiacs and forced to watch as<br />

the orgy rages on in front of them. Some drow, maddened<br />

beyond tolerance, have literally torn themselves apart<br />

trying to break free of the wire ties.<br />

Aside from these elaborate and lengthy orgies, there are no<br />

formal religious observances for Belishtim. However, her<br />

temples are frequented often by drow<br />

coming in search of a prayer or something<br />

more powerful to satisfy a certain lust or<br />

obsession, be it for a person, a substance or<br />

even something intangible.<br />

Temples<br />

<strong>The</strong> temples of Belishtim the Dark Seducer are<br />

graceful, flowing structures built of red marble or<br />

granite, their angles and corners carefully softened to<br />


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