The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed

The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed The Tome Of Drow Lore.pdf - RoseRed


232 can before slaying those who resist. Incapacitated foes are taken by the shangu to their homes, where they are used as food and hosts for shangu in their worm stage. Paralyse (Su): Three times per day, a shangu can attempt to paralyse any one living creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Will save or be affected by this ability. A paralysed target remains conscious but unable to act physically in any way. This effect lasts for 1d10+10 rounds and may be removed with a remove curse or freedom of movement spell. The save DC is Charisma-based. Terrify (Su): Meeting the gaze of a shangu is a terrifying ordeal. Any creature that locks eyes with a shangu must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or become panicked for 1d6 rounds. This is a vision-based mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. Society The shangu were once no more intelligent than animals, living in the Underdeep and confined to simple beasts like the hulurn for use as hosts for their worm stage. However, as more intelligent creatures came to inhabit the Underdeep, they too became hosts for the animalistic shangu, and the first intelligent devourers emerged from their hosts. The transition from a mere predator race to a race of empire builders was astonishingly swift, so that at the time of the Sundering, when the drow first encountered the shangu, they had already become a highly structured, strictly ordered society. The shangu now live in large cities deep in the Underdeep, venturing forth in large bands to capture more potential hosts for their young. They maintain large stocks of slaves and captives to act as potential hosts and raw material for their flesh crafting, and force aggressive breeding programmes on these captives to produce the most intelligent vessels for their offspring. Shangu eggs are commonly kept in wellprotected gestation tanks in the centre of the city. The fact that their intelligence is not an innate trait of their race is something they have never forgotten, and the thought of returning to an animal-like existence is anathema to the shangu. Maintaining the acquired intellect they now possess is central to the shangu mindset, a goal that informs every action taken by the race. They can certainly still use animals as the hosts for their young, but most shangu would rather see the worm die than force the stupidity of an animal upon one of their own. Therefore, the shangu actively seek out the most intelligent races to use as hosts. The drow, with their innate intellect, are considered a nearly perfect host for shangu worms, and the devourers hunt the dark elves endlessly for this reason, though the innate spell resistance and other traits of the drow make them exceedingly difficult and dangerous quarry. For their part, the drow return the enmity of the shangu in full measure, and hunt them just as mercilessly, though never for capture. The shangu have a natural gift for sorcery, and many members of the race have embraced the arcane arts to supplement their innate supernatural gifts. The great strength of shangu also makes them excellent warriors, and fighter is one of the most common classes to be found

among the devourers. Rising up as they did from animals, the shangu have no god, and no clerics are to be found in their society. Shangu are fond of keeping ogres as servants, either trained from birth to serve the devourers, or kept loyal through magical control. Shangu is correct for referring to either an individual or the race as a whole. Removing a Worm A shangu in its worm phase can only enter a host body if that host is completely helpless (for example, a potential host must be bound, sleeping or paralysed). It takes the worm 1d4+2 rounds to work its way completely into the body, and an additional 2d10 rounds to find its way to the host’s nervous system and attach itself, a process which causes one hit point of damage every round to the potential host. Once it is in position, it is extremely difficult to remove a shangu worm. It is only possible to remove the worm without killing the host during the first week of the worm’s residence in the host body. After that, the worm has subsumed too many of the body’s basic functions, and replaced too much of the body’s nervous system, for the host to survive without the worm. Spells such as cure disease, remove curse and even heal have no effect on an imbedded worm, though limited wish or similar more powerful spells will certainly get rid of it. It is, however, possible to remove a worm through mundane means. Again, this must be done within the first week after the worm has entered the body, and requires a Heal check (DC 25) to remove the worm without killing the host. Even so, the host will take 3d8 damage from the process. Shangu as Characters Most shangu with character levels are either sorcerers or fighters. � +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +6 Charisma � A shangu’s base land speed is 40 feet � Darkvision out to 120 feet � Racial Hit Dice: A shangu begins with eight levels of aberration, giving it a 8d8 Hit Dice, a base attack of +6 and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +2, Ref +2 and Will +6 � Racial Skills: A shangu’s aberration levels give it skill points equal to 11 x (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot and Survival. � Racial Feats: A shangu’s aberration levels give it three feats. � +5 natural armour bonus � Natural weapons: Claws (1d8) and bite (1d6) � Weapon Proficiencies: A shangu is automatically proficient in the glaive, greataxe and sling. � Special Attacks: Paralyse, terrify (see above for details) � Special Qualities: Spell resistance equal to 12 + class levels � Automatic Languages: Shangu, Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome � Favoured Class: Fighter or sorcerer. � Level adjustment: +7 233

among the devourers. Rising up as they did from animals,<br />

the shangu have no god, and no clerics are to be found in<br />

their society.<br />

Shangu are fond of keeping ogres as servants, either trained<br />

from birth to serve the devourers, or kept loyal through<br />

magical control. Shangu is correct for referring to either<br />

an individual or the race as a whole.<br />

Removing a Worm<br />

A shangu in its worm phase can only enter a host body if<br />

that host is completely helpless (for example, a potential<br />

host must be bound, sleeping or paralysed). It takes the<br />

worm 1d4+2 rounds to work its way completely into the<br />

body, and an additional 2d10 rounds to find its way to the<br />

host’s nervous system and attach itself, a process which<br />

causes one hit point of damage every round to the potential<br />

host. Once it is in position, it is extremely difficult to<br />

remove a shangu worm.<br />

It is only possible to remove the worm without killing the<br />

host during the first week of the worm’s residence in the<br />

host body. After that, the worm has subsumed too many<br />

of the body’s basic functions, and replaced too much of the<br />

body’s nervous system, for the host to survive without the<br />

worm. Spells such as cure disease, remove curse and even<br />

heal have no effect on an imbedded worm, though limited<br />

wish or similar more powerful spells will certainly get rid<br />

of it. It is, however, possible to remove a worm through<br />

mundane means. Again, this must be done within the first<br />

week after the worm has entered the body, and requires a<br />

Heal check (DC 25) to remove the worm without killing<br />

the host. Even so, the host will take 3d8 damage from the<br />

process.<br />

Shangu as Characters<br />

Most shangu with character levels are either sorcerers or<br />

fighters.<br />

� +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +6<br />

Charisma<br />

� A shangu’s base land speed is 40 feet<br />

� Darkvision out to 120 feet<br />

� Racial Hit Dice: A shangu begins with eight levels of<br />

aberration, giving it a 8d8 Hit Dice, a base attack of +6<br />

and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +2, Ref +2 and<br />

Will +6<br />

� Racial Skills: A shangu’s aberration levels give it skill<br />

points equal to 11 x (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills<br />

are Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently,<br />

Search, Spot and Survival.<br />

� Racial Feats: A shangu’s aberration levels give it three<br />

feats.<br />

� +5 natural armour bonus<br />

� Natural weapons: Claws (1d8) and bite (1d6)<br />

� Weapon Proficiencies: A shangu is automatically<br />

proficient in the glaive, greataxe and sling.<br />

� Special Attacks: Paralyse, terrify (see above for<br />

details)<br />

� Special Qualities: Spell resistance equal to 12 + class<br />

levels<br />

� Automatic Languages: Shangu, Undercommon. Bonus<br />

Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome<br />

� Favoured Class: Fighter or sorcerer.<br />

� Level adjustment: +7<br />


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